Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder f ul Results of Purifying the Blood. " A. very severe pain came ia my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain lrom my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered in this way for years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she advised me to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this relief I I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moons, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Hood's sPaX, Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cents, K GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE S'i.OO and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, S1.50 8.25 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 , 2.50 " B. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " B. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Rural 6plrlt, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'i Magazine $1.00. 1.80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazatte can get clubbing rates with any paper on earth. . METH. EPISC. CHURCH. 8ERTI0XS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No, 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bne say. Come." The pastor may be found at tne parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult hiin on reliaious, social, civio, philoeophio, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. FLEHHER, Minister. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. Take Notice. L. The sum of five cents iter line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter, of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. w PALACE HOTEL CHANGES HANDS Thompson & Binns Step Out Today and J. C. Borchers Succeeds Them. Mrs. Von Cadow, Manager. The Palace hotel, the large brick edi fice of wbioh all Morrow onnoty people are proud, has been leased by J. C Borobers, Thompson 4 Binns giving np tbe place today. Mr. Borobers has se cured the senioes of Mrs. Margaret Von Cadow as manager of the caravansary. Sbe will go to Portland tbis evening, bnt will return in a few days, socom panied by her family, and will then take charge. It is hoped that the hotel will be made a success under the new management. Mrs. Yon Cadow bad charge of tbe plaoe onoe before, bat times were very bard then and, considering all, she made a epleodid showing. As times bave im proved wonderfully there should be some money made in the venture. At leatt this is the wish of the Gazette. Here and There. Mai Ohurob is up from "the sand." W. E. Pruyn is back from Hillsboro, Miss Lydia Psdberg is on the siok list. Tilden, the boss painter. Signs a specialty. 11-tf Jack Murray was down from the sheep raoob Saturday. - K. of. P. installatioa tonight.- All brethren should attend. J. B. Matter is rapidly recovering from bis attaok of pneumonia. Tom Oilfilleo was in from the'isud Hollow ranob yesterday. Wm. Abrabamslok is bere from Pott land to visit bis parents, Tba Telephone saloon it embellished with tome new colored lights. Heppner took 175 on pies of tbe New Tear's edition of the Oregoniao. The Holly 01 ub enjoyed a pleasant evening at tba opera bouse last oiht. Miss May Smith is reported as improv ing tome, though still ia a oriMoal con dition. Low Tillard is sporting a floe gold watch, a preeeot from 11 E. Warren 00 Mew Tear's day. 'Oo'o juioe" Li all right but Low Til lard baa a brand of 14-rear old goods tbat la bard to beat. 603 If. Heppner Candy Factory far fresb cresms and taffies. W. H. Tan Duyn, Prop., witb E. J. Blocam. 608 t Harry Philips bas diseoversd a ledge of qaerti down 00, the Columbia. It looks like gold bearing rock. Mrs. Margaret Tod Oadow arrived from Portland this morning witb a view of taking charge of tba Palaoe butel. Messrs. Norman anl Oscar Myers are at work 00 tbe well at lbs power boon and will eoDtlnus until Its completion. Oo to Ibe Matlock corner and try Armstrong t Cooper's whiskey and eigars. II you like the sample boy Some. 6tf J. L. Ttager bae bo doing an Im mense bosineae ia furniture Ibis fall. Jee. is poshing bis business aoJ he d. serve bis saocsse. Every aew eubeeriber of Ibe Uacetts from this date, May 25, 1337, will recrive as a premium a book worth alone the prke of tbe subscription. tf Cbrle. Borctiers, tbe aew lessee of tbe Talaee, will eoWrlela b Elk friends at a banquet ia tbe very aesr (mere. Of coarse Ibe bo s w ill bavs a good time. Tbe (Ifi'tle would like la sttle ap Ibis month, but it cse'l be done with out mosey. Tbee owiej ibe cffl.s ess ever better aeooomudate it Ibao at preecet. Mat Ungbse was dowa jreeWrJef am org bis frtt!s He reports eppr Willow arses: all right. Hie old frteed. Artber Daly, btr known ae "Colore kee bee allies' thie eloUr, bat Is better at present. E 11 Tilt Warren was arrested on last Sat urday by Geo. Gray, at a party on Eight Mile, and brought to town, oharged with assault and battery on tbe person of 'Gene Oilman about two weeks ago. C. A. Rhea went on the bonds of the young man, and yesterday be was tried before Judge Richardson who fined him on his own statement, in all amounting to $20 TboB. Beaney, formerly a resident of Lexington, but now of Eureka, Wash., a town on tbe Colville reservation, is down to attend to some business. He and his son, Frank, are running a livery stable and lumber yard in that plaoe.. They also do a general freighting and packing business and are doing well. Messrs. J. W. Morrow and Ed. B. Bishop bave bongbt out tbe firm of Minor & Co., and will at onoe take charge. Both aro old residents of Heppner, and bave bad a great deal of experience in tbe mercantile business, and, in addition, are capital fellows. Of course tbe Gazette wishes them success. Violet, one of tbe unfortunates of tbe red oartain diatriot, was arrested yester day for being drunk and disorderly and was 00 m pel led to pay $10 tor tbe fun. At first she decided to lay out the fine in the oounty baatile but an hour's confine ment obsnged her mind. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red- light," ever on tbe alert for something new, can furnish you tbe finest cock tails in the land Manhat ten, Jersey, Vermouth or Um -made by an artist in the business. Drop in and take the taste out of your mouth. tt Grant County News: By the latest telephonic connection we are enabled to oonverse direot with Portland. We are, of course, attaining a more perfect civ ilizstion every year, in Grant eounty next Ibingr we will be sporting eleotrio lights. Lost On Wednesday morning, tbe 15tb loBt., on tbe Heppner car, a pair of gold-framed glasses. Finder will please leave them at the First National Bank, where he will be liberally rewarded. 10-2 A. N. Foster, who was badly burt by a traotion engine not loDg ago, is over from Haistsok. Bis. right arm is quite stiff at the elbow, but it is a pretty good atm yet Come in and subscribe tor tbe "Gazoo." Now ia the time. Tou dou't want to miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that is now being pnbliabed in our "Only." 1 J SMS ft?. ? . Css A Mare Thing for Ton. A transaction In which youc-aunot lose Is sine tijlug. Biliousness, sick huiaciie, fur- red lougue, lever, piles una a luouimuu outer Hit are causou by consupulion and sluggiso aver, uascafets uunav lauiariic, mo won dorful new liver stimulant and iutesiiual tonic ore by all uruprgists guurauteeU to cure or uioney refuudoil. C. C C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c., Zc.. 600. bunitile aua booklet free, bue our big ad. DOWN FROM ALASKA. 1 Hun. W. P. Matlock Tells of Boms Interest lag Experience in That Far Off Beglon. Hon. W. F. Matlock arrived here Son- day morning from Alaska, via Portland where he remained a few days, leaving last night tor Pendleton where be will remain a few daye, departing for Alaska about Jan. 7th. Tbe story of bis experiences np there would fill a book. At present he ia in terested in a brewery enterprise witb Bob Smith, of Portland, at Skagway, which is in course ot completion. II will doobtleas prove to be a mint. He is also bnildiDg an inn at Lake Bennett, near the place where tbeDyea and Skag way trails meet. Tbis structure is being ooist'ucted of logs, oovered witb wbip sawed lumber, and will aocommodate quite a number of guests. Mr. Matlock carried forty pounds over both trails and bad qnite an experience. Leaving Skagway ss one of a party of four, they pushed on to a stopping place about eleven miles from town. Early next morning tbe party left be hind a pack train, which made travel ing tolerably easy, bat snow near tbe summit impeded further progress and tbe pack train had to return. It was snow ing bard and the labor ot traveling was very great. One would go ahead and find tbe trail stake, then the remainder ot tbe party would move up. It waa slow but sure. Once tbe party was lost, one member given out entirely, and Bill says that it was tbe first time in his experience that he felt like "writ ing something," to let the folks know how it happened . After being out two days and una night a camp of Canadian polioe was reached and their troubles were ended. Tbe return trip over Ghil- oat pass waa made without difficulty It is very steep on bath sides. A bnoket tramway is being built on tbe Dyea side of tbe pass. Tbe sleel rope is now used by wayfarers in going down the moan tain. All one bas to do is to grasp tbe rope, sit down and gravity will do the rest. m.r. mntiock says that no- person should go to Alaska without plenty of provisions, tor no one can get work or do anything without an outfit. He thinks that is a oountry ot great poesi bilities, and that tbese are not bait known. To Cur Constipation Foravnr. Take Cascarets Caudy Cutharlio. lUe or 250. II U. V. C fall to oure, druggists refund money. NOT AH REPRESENTED. Word Frost Bsrary Cos sty Itrprtsrnt Oli ver as Jastlflsble la the Killing of Freer k. More particulars have been received concerning tbe killing ot French by Oliver, over in Harney eounty. II ia said tbat tbe newspapers bave misrepresented the case. Word from Canyon Oily today gives tbe Information tbat Frenob bad been beating Oliver with a heavy "quirt" when tbe latter, to protect himself, abot Freooh tbroogh the side of tbe bead, and not through tbe b ck of tbe bead as represented. Judge Webster, of Portlsod, baa been retained in defense of Oliver. It is tbe opinion over ia Harney oounty tbat be will be eleared at the examination. Warraate lUeeeBtd. All outstanding Ueppneroity warrants registered prior to January 1st., l8'J8, will be paid on preeeolalioo at offloe of city treasurer. Interest on those war rente will cease witb date of this notice. L. W. Uaiooa, Trees. Heppoer, Or, Jan, 4, 18U8. ATlENTION RETCBLICANH. A meeliog ot Ibe repoblicaa club of Morrow enaoty is called for Halnrdsy. January 1Mb, 1H, at the coort boose in Oeppoer , at 2 p. tn., for Ibe purpose of elretiog delegalee to Ibe elate meeliot of republican elude, wbioh eooveoee Id tbe city of Portland on the 21 Taeedsy of Febreary, sod also to el'doffloers for tbe ensuing year. All repoblieaos are argent!? rrqiesleJ tn etleod. W. W. 8 at bad, Pres. J. W. IIoanoB, fWy . Tbe Ma qusm Grand, on Morrison street in tbe Msrqaam building, is under excellent management and tbe puMio will be royally entertained tbis winter New oompauips and new faoea will ap pear from time to time at tbis popular, first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizena should not fall to lake in some nf tbe flee dramas tbat will be presented. tf JUNGLES A Mas of OF GUIANA. Vsgstatlon That Can Scarcely lie Penatratsd. The vegetation of the Guiana is devouring' mas of gTeen, which stead ily encroaches, and is kept down only by the ceawleas warfare of one plant upon another. A tree springe up, says W. elhew King in Century, ami rlnda its way to the top by its energy. It la no sooner estnbllHiied than a parasite begins to climb it trunk and lace It self around the tree, until finally the KTlp of the rmnmltc kills the tree, and lioth full to ruin and decay, leaving a Kpiu-F, which Is immediately occupied by new forma. To xnrtrate such a Jungle is Initio iblc without the uae of a machete and ax. To keep a path oen requires eon slant cutting. If you ahoot a bird or an animal, It falls perhaps not more then 3')0 feet away; but It may quire a half hour or an hour to reach It, end unlive you ran shoot from a canoe ami can drop the bird Into the watrr, aa a rule you cannot find your frame afu-r It hi killed. Won In cannot cWv eoril Uie beauty of this mass of grwn vigorous) vegetation, nor can one com prebend Ui difficulty of conquering such a wihlerneiui unlrae one has actual y (frappled with It. Whose a Who? Did you say that the old firm of.... MS Co. WERE JUST DIGGING FOR BUSI NESS THE SAME AS EVER ? IF YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. HARD FACTS COUNT. Winter is fairly on and bargains in winter goods can be had at the store of E. W. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, 'OREGON. Fro pertly enme q airiest to tbe maa boe lim is in f ood condition. Ito fitt's Little Early Uirt are fsnont ttle pills f r fnntipatin, bill) ir. iJia-aeiioe aod all elomsoh sal reublte. Cvneer a Crock. Tbe New York Recorder gies a story of a young- lawyer who rf idently did not consider tbe well-known leartln of (lie juile-a sufficient reion for omit tii g evidence of his own attainments, The Juiljre wsa rotuM-Urd to listen to a rase that bad been appealed from one of tbe pollr court. The young nrae tltioner who apjieare! for the arllant waa long and tedious 1 be brought in all of tbe elementary text booka and quoted the fundamental propositions of the law. At last the judge thought It waa time to make an effort to clone the argument "tan we not assume, be said, pom poualy, "that the court knows a little about law ltelf V "There the very mistake I made In liter' tb other court," answered the young s j orator, "and I don't want to let itdefeat ' tue twice." vi v. vi it i) vl J t) v, vl it) vi vl vJ vt it) vl vl vl vl vl The Leader Of Course ! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. ! (0 !1 good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at R. HOWARD'S ' Heppner. Oregon. Ml j M HEPPNER, OR., Nov. 12, 1897. ifuiri. Coiutr & Brock, Heppner, Or. OiMTL(HtM:-I was recently taken with a serers cold which made ins very hoarse and rendered me unlit to attend to buslnsss. A friend ol mine called my attention to your Dr. Bsrthlow's cough syrup and I bought a bottle, costing me so cents, which relieved me at once and com pletely cured me. I am subject to throat difficulty and t have found nothing that gave me so much relief ss this cough cure. I am Informed that It Is excellent for colds, bronchitis, whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles. I beg to remain, most truly yours, OTI8 PATTERSON, Kd. Gazette. THE ART OF BREWING. J. L. GIBSON, At diss Jones' Old Stand. 15 CtH. Shaving. -Hair Outtinc. Joe Is keeping np the reputation of this shop for flrst-elsM work and would be pleased to bavs you call. ftRLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGJELINE !: SfSSi vieJ1'- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (AO miles).. $100 Round trip 1900 MsyvlllalU miles). 4 00 Round trip 700 Condon ( miles).. 100 Round trip too Clem miles).... 3 00 Round trip S Olei (1 miles) 1 60 Round trip ISO fitas leevee Arlington every morning (Sunday eieepted) at ft eclork; ia doe al Oondoo at 3 p. m. and arrives at Foe eil al 7 p. to. Comfortable covered oo so lies aod ere fnl, eiperleooed drivers. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-nanwl his fstand the old Jones livery stable ITlio Central, Bled hy lor sale. Chergee rasnnsll. Call od bin and have your bursas well eared for. Mathews & Gentry BARBERS Shaving 15 Cents. Hhop two doors South ot Postofflce. D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Pendleton Tonsorial Artist Shaving, . IS Cents Hair Cutting, 28 " Shop, Mstlotk Corner, Heppner, Oregon D. E. GILMAN, General CoIIccto Hut your old Innkssnd notes In his hands and get your money out of H'm"1'.! M"ke I"''! ol hard wssm.bvusj. Office ia J N. Brown't noilding, The Old Shop LIBERTY MARKET e-KSTl - It tbe place to go to got your tloe pork anJ zt chopa, a teak dJ roaala. Ellis 8c Phelps. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All bintneas stlendMl la In a prompt and sttl.fvlory Bunuer. MoUrlr fublle sud Col wlurs. Office la Hatter kelieinf. Heppaer, Of. FISH EVERY FRIDAY fine lurs'enrd hsms snd bsenn. Pure ImI lrd. kettta rendered, old so.k!,h,, " vrU "1 r RHEA A MATIIEW8. t j J J IUST AS WE GO TO PRESS d A t I word comes telephone P J J? h that the oId firm of Minor A J?: H & Co. had sold out to Messrs. sj W j O J. W. MORROW and ED. R. W J O BISHOP. Therefore the Ga- V J J zette will not set up their live, Ah A new adv., but will reserve the S f space for the new firm. Look V ? out for next issue. w I 4 l Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOI GOI;B And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer..... On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value tn proportion to cost. If you want to get your mouey's worth of honest goods In Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON"" Oe THOMPSON OO., We are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and so us. That 14-Year Old Stuff, Cohen's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT IS HAHID QOODI New Stand, City Hotel Boildiog, r,OW TUvXvA.!!, Prop. - - - - - - w-. m m-. m-m w w rw r-m rM rM W rf-f SJ IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! I I L Yoagcr 1 Bought several car loads furniture last fall, but s all gone now. New orders have replenished the stock, however, and he Is In It yet. Low Prices and Good Quality all count. Seo him at tho old stand. Undertaking a Specialty. iotauKmaiotiiiiotouiuiyxi(it B 00TS AND SHOES a THC PLACE TO OCT THCM IS or ax. ivioii'rjsiv'riirv xs co. Ther bavs anything In this llnsthst von may ilmtre snt von raa dspsnd on It yon grt a good artkis wlivu Uisf gusraiilse It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Olsl Stenel. Main Street Repairing m Epeelelty THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. J30HOI-I3CRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Itanons Is still os I tie aerpeater I as u. se tt WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Kivcr and Pugct Sound Navigation Co Stuaen THJTDONE, BAILET GiTZHiT AND OCLIX WiVL Leaelof Alder Htreel iX-ck, PortlsaJ, for Astoria. Ileaeo. Loot Beaeb. ()rss I'ark aod Nsbeolla. lirel onneetina wilb lla-aoo sUarosrs aa4 rail road; alee at Yooog's liay attb Reaahora ttailroa.1. Lsevss Portiaad T A. M. DaWr, sirH Susdsf. tsavss AstuvtaT P. at. DsIIt. sin.pl SssiH Uevss rorllsoa P. M iiiy, r.M s.iwtsf. e.i.M.f ait, u p h. mm istorto Ha S4( tt 4. M , iimiit Suixi.; and Mntsr. Swwiaf aisbt, 1 1. M OOHAM' WAVn fortlsM sad runs dlrt U llvn, TuM1r and ttrnwUv al B A. M "tf1sr at t P M Uavss li.aep vs.li.U ...d l,U.t at J m A. M. uB SLi, V4l,, p. . E&ot Cbrxicd It Ixhd Dtstkillfei B4 Fiti if hyzx