Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 04, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1898. .
overtures of peace.
The Mitchell republicans, so
called, of Multnomah county, have
made a proposition of compromise
of tne proposal is to bring about
peace between these two factions
down at the metropolis, and the
Mitchell faction seem to be fair in
their endeavor to meet the opposi
tion half way. This struggle be
tween the two factions has been in
existence for a long time and has
been the cause of much regret
among republicans all over the
state. J net how the proposition is
going to take with the Simon men,
is yet a matter of conjecture, and
it is thought by many that the
"little man" will be slow in ac
cepting the terms
It is proposed that Hon. George
II. Williams, ex-attorney genera),
and a republican in whom there is
no guile, shall act as arbiter. He
ia the man who acted in that
world, and thn amnnnr. oywI LBXINWTON POINTERS.
1 - - e- i
Al. t Ml til i . I
mai win result to our state can j81Beg Cyper, is talkins very etiongly
only be estimated in the future, of going to Klondike.
Ihe Oregonian is indeed a great John Piper and family visited the
paper, and this New Year's num- family of J. T. McMillan Sunday.
ber the greatest edition it has ever K- A.Niobole and family are this week
vi-itiDg U. A. Hales and family, ol Band
E. J. Muir and family, of Heppner, !
are visiting ths family of George Mair,
in this place.
W. B. MoAliater, road supervisor, baa
been working a large force of men in
patting the road in good shape.
W. . Leaob, ooe of Lexington's car
penters, bas this week finished a tool
the Breast.
and by virtue of an execution and order
Belief Are Rapidly
uroona in n. I , u i.L r rinlr. rvinrt nf the
some say in ales tnai n a mare a state ol Ore:on.for the County of Morrow ana
shoe is nailed to the lintel of the door,
Begin the new year by encour
aging home enterprises. Help to
with the Simon forces. The object . . j" . .
. . , . . . . . . build up your town and county by
patronizing the home merchants.
liy this method you will help
"HOW to Leave a Dining Room" chest which the writer considers a fine
is the subject of an article in one P'eoe of work-
of our magazines. "How to Work
up a Chance to Get Ioto One"
would sound better to many a
"Weary Waggles."
It is said that Frank G. Baker
has a "hankering" to be state I
T. Nichols, a lively yoang fellow of
this place, thinking it would help his I
looks to shave bis mustache off, fonnd
ont be bad made a mistake when it was
too late.
Ella Mason, one of Morrow county's
teachers, left on Saturday night's train
for Forest Drove to attend sohool. Miss
Mnann haa Inal olnaarl a anrtnoaofnt btrm
-- L 1 L 'I ' I I. I I
printer again, oui 11 is our numDie of gohool near Khea oreek.
S i. I L
opinion inai ne sianas a poor r. Keaney( (o,merly of Lexington, but
show. Ibe present incumbent is now a resident of Eureka, Wash, is Id
certainly the man for another term town, visiting with his son and family,
no witch can ever enter the house, and
that if one of them happens to go into
a neighbor s bouse a broom placet!
across the threshold by a member of
the family will prevent her leaving.
Somebody has said that two straws
laid crosswise on the threshold will
serve the purpose quite effectually. A
neighbor's wife heard one of them
mumbling something to herself, and
believed that she was saying the Lord's
Prayer backward. Somebody has also
soon pronounced said that thev can all be sent after
her incurable. A Pharaoh nn(i liischnriotsint.-ithpilpnt.htf
, 1 A 1 T.T F 1 I I
ccicuraicu new iuii nt t.hP t-a . rppnr!1p 1,P ,nl to an
- 1 .' -1 ll 1 1. '
(npuuiuco irai. exnert. hllt thf thn !nttr m,lst. h-
skilled in arithmetic, algebra, Hebrew.
i judgment
i on the 7th
Mr. A. H. Crausbv. of 158 Kerr St,
Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife
paid no attention to small lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment ol
the best physicians, it continued to
spread and grow rapidly, eating two
holea in her breast. The doctors
ed her, but she con-
ir,nA tr. o r HKUieil in iir
and when informed 0reek- Latin- ail1 a11 the 0'eina,
that bnth bpr onntl (pwreiddiol) tonrrues before he cau
and grandmother had compass this mighty feat.
and is no doubt the man that will
get it.
President McKinley has ar-
A. Reaney. He is well pleased with tbe
oountry where he Is located.
The yoang people of this place were
invited to a birthday pirty last Sator-
died from cancer he
gave the case up as
Someone then re
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
beean it. and an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign 01
r. -
the disease haa ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy
The belief in theee things is rapidly
gaining ground nowadays, according to
the author of Keminiscenes in Cymr:
It has already crossed the new bridge at
Cilgwyn Mill, and lias crept up from
Cam Ingli, past Morfa, along the Ben-
shore as far as Llechy-cirybedd. It 1:
also making its way eastward, having
by this time almost reached that fa
mous old stone called "Arthur's Quoits,''
and, if its progress is not checked, il
will soon arrive at the Seren office in
Carmarthan, then on to the Diwygiwr
(Llanelly), thence to the Gwron (Ab-
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable erdare,) mid Seren Corner so
to me directed and delivered, upon a
rendered and entered in aald court on
day of September, 1897, In favor of Ed Rood
v lamtitr, ana against w. u eating, r.. n. no
and C. E. Redtield Defendants, for the sum of
two hundred twentv-six and 62-100 dollars wun
Interest thereon from the 2nd day of August,
1X97. at the rate ol eleht oer cent oer annum,
and twnntv-flvfi dollars attorney's lee and the
further sum of ten dollars costs; which Judg
ment was enrolled and docketed in the uiern
office of said court in said county
on the 7th day of September, 1897;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed by the court that the following described
real property, town: tne soutn nail 01 me
outwest quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine in township
one south of range twenty-seven east W. M. in
Morrow County. Oregon, be sold to satlsty saia
judgment, costs and accruing costs. . I will, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow
county Oregon, sell all the right, title and in
terest of the said W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Redfield in and to the above described
property at public auction to tne nignest ana
best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
ill costs, and coBts that may accrue.
E. L. Matlock. Sheriff of Morrow CO., or.
Dated Dec. 10, 1897. 604-614.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offici at Th Dallm, Omoow.
December 2, 1897.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 15, 1898, viz:
H. E. No. 4405 for the EH NWK and NEU
Of Sec 26, Tp. 8 8., K. 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Charles W. Cradick and
Lewis Farrant, of Heppner, Oregon; Jonn w.
radlck ana u r. uaviason, 01 cignt mue, ur.
603-614. Register.
Sealed bids requested for tbe delivery
at my ranch, on the bead of Rhea oreek,
of one hundred oords of pine, four-foot
wood, said wood to be delivered not
later than middle of August, 1898, bids
opened tbe 15th day of January, 1898.
Reserve tbe right to rejeot any and all
J. W. Moebow.
602 Janl5.
capacity down at Portland during Lftned to maka wefltM.n trin day evening at the home of Mis. Nellie
,h1t.Ute nnnvntinn Whn tb ? f d " !. . Reaney, in honor of ber eighteenth b.rtb-
Vw . " nnrinn rna mnnTn rr a nrnar arti f 1 a ...
j 1 j6 uavuvu v auguot ouu aay, A program ooDBistiog 01 loetra
contending Multnomah county del- it jB eTpected that he wiU vi(jlt the menla, aolo. reoitatlon8 8cd Beleol read.
cBanuuo woio luicwuiug iu uio- pacifj0 coftSt fitatAa Whfithfir hn logs was rendered, after wbioh a nice
rupt the party organization and LomeB thig far weBi or ot d supper was given, prepared by Mrs.
split the convention wide open, pend on what time he has to give A'ter TP6- T"" f?k'
on rvhinh notmn na nnlw nra. V .. . . K Ped games and enjoyed themselves
until a late hour. Miss Reaney re-
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to enre Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Our books
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
ana wnicn acuon was oniy pre- jQ & jrjp
ventea dv ine wise counsel ana
guidance of the venerable Judge Many democratic and populist
Williams. Ihe general outlines naoers have Mark Hanna defeated
oeived a number of nice presents.
Lexington, Or., Jan. 8, 98.
of the plan of compromise provide for re-election as U. S. senator
that only one county convention from Ohio, but reliable reports tell
and one primary election shall be us his opposition is very weak.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for (Jute,
Rrninna. Hnrna TTlnnrn. Rait Tlhnnm.
1 11- lil Ail . llJ .il -r m . .. ... 1 ' '
neia, ana mai me can tor ine same in fact, anti-Uanna republicans Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Carried Her Away from the Street
The Boston Herald tells of a brave po
liceman, who ia especially attentive to
the want of little women who want to
cross the street. It ia seldom that kind
ness makes an error, but in this case the
policeman's good-natured helpfulness
wna mistaken.
The pleasant weather had brought out
that ere lontr they will all be full of
witches and their works.
Much of It Is Simply Obsolete English
A writer in the Chautauquan savf
that many "cracker" idioms of the
south are simply obsolete English
idioms. "Fielding, for instance," he
says, "makes a very neaf approach to
the crackerism 'He allowed he'd do if
in such a passage as this: 'The audi
ence allowed I did your part justice,'
and when Burke complains that 'Eng
land is disfurnished of its forces' he is
using almost the exact phraseology of
my cracker neighbor who has come to
borrow a peck of meal, and politely
hopes that I am not disfurnishing' mv-
self for his accommodation. 'Ill' is still
heard, even among the better class cf
Notice of intention.
JLi Dec. 23. 1897. Notice is herebv riven that c
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Thursday, February 8, 1898, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4580, for the NWJ of Sec 17, Tp. 8 S.,
R. 26 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to orove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Edward Hunt, Edward Dris
kell, George Shlck and Arthur Hunt, all of
Heppner, Morrow county, Or.
jab. i. UUUKK,
608-19. Register.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooount File printed at tbe Gazette of-
J Dec. 10, 1897. Notice is hereby given that
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis ciaim, ana tnat saia prooi win he maae
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 22, 1898, viz
Hd. No. 4256, for the 8 NE and SEU Sec.
22, Tp, 5, 8 of R 28 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Zollinger, Sylvester
W. Floreon, Robert V. Watkins and Louis
Groshens, all of Heppner, Morrow county, Or.
. w. oAKTLKTT, Keglster.
Notice of Final Settlement,
underslened administrator of the es
tate of John W. Dawson, deceased, will
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded,
Price 25 oents per boi. For sale by
Sloonm Drug Co., E. J. Blocum, manager,
Shall be signed by the Chairman Of are hard to find, and there is little Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erap- B crwd ' Pf" em rustics in the piny woods of Georgia
iliA rBn0P.tivA fantionB. Jnrlira K U.,t- tu a,- rr... tions. and Doeitively cures Piles or no Was. a V9 little woman, who seemed and Alabama in its Shakespearean h .day .of January, 1898, at the hour of 10
avwv.w whuiwi VI LA l L lUU I I inn nnilflLIII 1 I Nil lift I - '
Williams is to act as temporary will succeed himself.
chairman of the county convention
L L I I 'mi TT IVn ia mnmfnatinr n nnn
mg of the same number from each ji-i i iu u i
. ? ... ... ... deal of interest in the beet sugar
,Hr, fnn w;ili0,a I oo rennery ftl Ija Urande. lo make Persons who attend tbe Farmers'
wun juage vyiniams, snau pass nfL . nl, atsnnnrt Hh..rin,r...t Rtoi Ainnitn,.i
II J.i:.1 r 11 -r Vv.,v"vr " I fT. J ! 1
upon u -any ouwr the Qtmdfj , fo d . 0olleBe Cfcrwrilfa. beginning January ,Z:ZZ ZS
. 111.1. U. - L - 1 .J 1 - '
to be in terror of moving across the
She stood on the corner and gazed at
the passing throng, unmindful of the
many admiring glances cast at her. A
car passed the crossing and was closely
followed by another. Then she ran into
the street and the policeman saw her
just as she left the sidewalk.
day being the second day of the next regular
term of the county court for Morrow county.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, November 29, 1897.
601-610 Administrator.
matters of detail are contained in
the communication, and the over
tures of peaoe are presented in
very strong language. The Ga
zette hopos to be able to publish
al 111 II
me letter in mil ana give our
readers an opportunity to judge
for themselves of its fairness,
were short $4,000. and leadinc lltb' may hHve the benefU of B redo" hnd and seized the little woman
sense of 'danfferona' nr 'wiolfpd ' na 'thn o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at theCoun
nrtmnAwt nnA , . . . , . T , I ,f vuui, rwui ui inurruff uuuiity, ureKUll, BrtHl
is a very ill' that is. naughty 'bov
this morning.' I am told by a friend
from Kentucky that the same usage,
though rare, is not unknown among
the same class in that state. To 'favor,'
meaning to resemble, as 'he favors his
father,' was good English in the days of
Addison and Shakespeare, and its de
rivative, 'ill-favored, is still current."
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 oents. Orville Jones manager, tf
Any . one desiring to build either
house or barn will make money by call
ing on the Gazette office. 67tf
Best accommodation and oourteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Come to tbe Gazette office and set a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look cheap, and
besides you cannot get your business
card printed tbereon. tf
Oliver Snyder bas taken charge of tbe
Hotel Heppner feed barn and will fur
nish stall room, grain or hay at reason
able figures. Span over night, fed at 75
oents. Will also do dray work and
hauling. 'Bus to and from trains, tf
Oordray, tbe pioneer theatre man of
Portland in tbe line of "popular prioes,"
has refitted the Wastington St. theatre,
formerly known as tbe "New Park."
Cordray always has something new, and
onr people, when below, can spend a
pleasant evening at bis plaoe. tl
Frank MoFarland.has been appointed
special agent of Tbe Equitable Life As
surance Co., of New York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Cash surplus to policy
holders of over 43 mil Hoc dollars. Don't
take insuranoe without seeing tbe new
plans of the Equitable, Insures both
seies at same rates. 77tf
:.. ... : i .a t .u - 1 1 n I
i . a -n ii j I "uu Au rnuruau mres1 uvar iuo iiuov ui l
u OI ioruana propose tbe 8 R R R io 0fe(f0Ili A tboge
io raise tnis amount lor tnem. who attend must nek for a receipt from
Outside capitalists will put be- the station agent for fall fare going.
twoen $450,000 and $500,000 into Thi wl" be countersigned by tbe
this entornriHo president ot tne college ana on presents
L I . .. i : : i u a ii n 1 1 : : 1 1
tauuu i ejiuer aiusu ur vjurvauis win
entitle the holder to a return tioket at
by the arm. She was so slight that he
almost lifted her out of the way of the
car, and dashed in front of a team on
the other side, landing her safely on the
opposite sidewalk.
"There you're all right," he said, as
she stepped up on the sidewalk and
turned her face to him.
She shook out her skirts, straightened
Tempest Tossed Mariner Wanted to Bear I
from the Game.
It was during the terrific December
gales of o year ago that a Yankee
schooner flying signals of distress
"When you hear dem bells T
SENATOR TELLER says he is in 1 009 'b'ra 'ftre Pro'dea 'eft8t 25 Per-1 ucr llflt and smiled sweetly at him as she la friend, put off from the Calpe Rowing
Hon. II. Clay Evans, commis-
sont use these lines in going to Corvallis
or Albany, Tuos. M. Gatcb,
President and Direotor,
favor of the annexation of Hawaii
Western senator) cnnnrallv favor
sioner of pensions, eays on a much this scheme and there apneara to
i lunnnuail onhi f I lit mum f I ..... .
-ujW.. j w be but hule oppoB,tion to it at Morrow ooonty is bound to be notori-
pension irauus uas Docome nnwawft, hn th mnt. ous. W. W. Bmead is tbe discoverer of
common of late that the people do tnr nnma . nna;Aarannn a kaolin deposit, the kind of olay that i.
not regard it seriously. It was for h(lforn onntrnaa ':nrna ftBnn.i.
the purpose of proving the fallacy tion mfty arise to retard eedy
of this charge that I rocommendod ftction( but it win ba the endeavor
vo cuug.cHH, n n, wi. urga in B on,, nf the Ramini8tration prevent
Hiit-r vuu uuuuuyH, mo puuncauon ftnv .!, if nnull-Ma
-f 1-1- -1 . I ' "I
ui it cumpiuio list snowing eacn
nenHionnr. Ii it ndilrnttn. dinnhilitv
and amount of nonsion rflflAivMl. FllANCE Germany, Russia and
which would do m0ratoBlonthiJothorEuroIORnPwcr8 re busily
Idle chatter than anvthinff this dJouf!ft8oJ n lookDg their in-
" " I i A fll.f Ti I 1 1-t at
part-nent can say. The possibili- ,u U1D- " ,001" 11Ke lue
ties of disabilitios arA nri .nii dismemberment of that empire,
AvnrvonA Lnnw mn .r,n.nii. before it is done there will be
in the best of health, attending to trouble Breater thRU WR8 ever ex
his daily duties, may have a dis- PorieuooJ iu the ul8tory ot tbe
ability which t.utitles him to a orw- AUe Kre(H,y oI
pension. This is hard for some EuroP cannot agree upon the
poople to boo. rerhBps, if they BUCe8' ,lonce tul impftliinen. may
l,o,l .n.r.ii.nn.l... .ill, l,nm 1 SftVO UllDa.
there would bo no ilillloultv. Tina
list would show what wm thn VIEWING the situatiou at this
matter with such men and why Jl8tftUC0. 8 C-hhI PJ b oor people, a
thev receive ,-n.ionL Ttnf reason wby the Multnomah county Ptaf . i"od lime.
of all, it would bring to light the fHctiwl" canDot unita o Me prop.
nsed in the mnuufaotnre of China ware,
This is very rare, there Oeing but few
deposits ot tbe kind in the world, and
Wallace lees a fortune io sight.
This I Your Opportunity
On rocoipt of tun cents, catih or stauiris
a ccoerou SHintilo will bt mailed of the
tnoKt populitr Clulin rh and Hay Fever Cure
(ttly s t ri'Mii lialml sntlieieni to acuion-
trate the grent irrrits ri tne roinotiy.
ELY unoTiir.its,
60 Wtirriiu t-t., Kcw York City.
Kev. John Ttoid, Jr.. if r.r.nt Falls, Jfont,
reconiroeuilod Klv'd Cremu Palm to me. 1
can eimliioze lus stntciui'iit, ''Itisapoai
tive cure for oalarrh If ued m ilireotea."
Her. Franois V. I'ihJo, 1'antor Central Proa.
Church, llulvua, II out.
F.lr' Cream Palm is the acknowledged
cure for rninrrh and contains no nittrcury
nor any injurious drug. Pnoe, 50 cent.
A public daooe wat nien at Ibe opera
houne on Friday oigbt Mosio wai
famished by Profs. Cbas. IaKrahsm
and llirsiu Henry and the.danoewM
E.O.: Ei-Henator Msllock, wbo re-
frauds which do exist, and we all 0H'luD8 by the Mitchell side, oenily arri?d at Portland from 8kg
know there ro some. Hut I say fw0 ' the Portland papers, issued Alaska, where he it Interested io a
- .1 a . , k . - - :- .- i
again tin January 7.
E. D. Nye. tbe geotlrman wboae
family II at present living at tbe eoooly
poor boo, iu io Utppoer FriJuy.
without fear of contradiction that from the "ame ofllcP' toem 10 look I""'" n,"P'i". bome
i -...-i lii7rllvnnnntha.nl.Am- Knt Molnorfo- Mr. Mailock goee to Alaska
iu no inner uubiupho nniornriaA --o--- -t ,
where so larce an amount of nionev thy wiI1 cll8DB8 their till
u disbursed, are there so few mis- 101,0 ana UM ,uoir 8,X)J otlioc
takoa. " luttlier, rather than retard, a move
that is certainly in the right direo-
of Walla WalU and very promL UhoM enoourage those who have IjGIlGrclI UGDllllVh
rtntit in tttat aiKi ilil f 4 a I lak nil tlifl tniliialjirw htaii.i in tti.r 1 I m
day's illness with pneumonia on mg about this couciliaU
- i
last Fridav mornincr. monL
"Yes, I'm all right; but I ran out to
take that first oar. I didn't want to
come over here. Now, will you please
e3cort me acrossl"
Promenade Without Hats and Walk Upon
the Wet Urns Barefoot.
The iale students have adopted a
new fad this year. It Is promenading
up and down Chapel street and about
the different New Haven thoroughfares
without hats or head covering of any
kind. It is the upper class men and so
ciety men chiefly who are making them'
Helve thus conspicuous,
It is a common occurrence on a pleas
ant morning to meet five or six men
walking together through the shop
ping district of the town, to all appear
ances perfectly unconscioiMi that they
ere attracting attention. Last year tbe
students, with the first blush of sum'
mer, conceived the Idea of wearing
tremendous farmerlike straw hata. It
became such a fad that the shopkeep
ers had a special supply vent to them
from the manufacturers. They were
hata of the kind usually kept by the
country grocer, and until the students
took them up were never found in the
in ell shop.
Another recently adopted fad of thl
season among the students ia that of
tnking off their shoes and stocking
after a rain storm, and, with their
trousers turned up above the enkles,
radios; about In tbe grass back of the
churches on the preen In the venter of
Lard thief Jut lee Erie Gently Slta Dwa
a the Coaaeal.
Lord Chief Justice F.rle was prone to
interrupt counsel when it waa found
that the judges bad already made up
their minds against him. On oue occa
sion Mr. Itovill, Q. C, soon afurward
made a Judge, was stopped with: "Here
we stand, four men, and we have all
firmly (emphasizing the adverb) made
up our minds that there muit be a nwt
rial; but if you think it worth your
hile going on after that (playfully),
why, of court, we'll keep on hearing
hrreuion the Q. C. laughing-
Almost immediately, says Youth's Com-
pomon, the American vice consul, witn i
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, .10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
ulUu flnfl I nvw ill rieSII ly aat down. On another occasion he
lnirruptm wun: "I Kejr w iniorm ine
America to.Uv t. . m. e'ery man at whl. n be let. tiown me
...:.i.i. . :. i T tnJM ftmcar IOf ntarif a fltMxlgalea of his undemtandlng and al
rui.T" lin o Quarur of A ntury. PhyiidaXU low. not one more drop to enUr;' and
llinn I -. k.t Kw nkt irt mm- I thai llm In m mini! hu full v arrived.
u' lulu from It that thr CAnnot t . ""
mm tn n hff lth.lnnnln ImI. tarrTinir a
.v.. . 1'" im irnimhil L. -1.1.1.
l k,M a man nh tfMna-l. ' . r " "
...,' . 1 ... I .. - ... I uuna wi uisiMt "tiolng to arhixiir'
coman for year, past to cot out r i . ; . i i ' ' '1 to flo whit "Yr. .h.
" - lAUItlU AJ BUI I CUllfC Kl ! IlfWI. sBIltl I I a v ...
i yon MUily II Ihn' UVmT
St Mb; tU'f' tny ltrii1lrrV IW
s latlMMHl l .... I a I I- at.
aiaM da m s. ao aa sa. a cam saa I- 'i II t Mlllta WW U Ii. la Tl VI I IP Dm
butorical niatttT iottaiuing to tbe mHC" ,nore "hy adiniration ELtViULxtiUiJ I ,K""- You Jri orter w d.t nijrgrr
i ntrg-rrin . lie none fn an clnhrml
daet, but thCT f Ail to perform It. ' through a.ld;tion. artitlon. aub-
TtlEbia NewWi Litton nf
I e t im aa at Hkwa afawaw
tuo uronian is out n u a ,ia .vn. nf ,,.:. ..u
banileoma number, ami indooi! a Senator Woloott uf Cofora.U
great credit to tbo entcrpriee of i Arm advocato of silver, aleo a jf
thoea bo iublish tbe paiMr. It "ru-Mcan ' pronouncod viewa,
baa Iod tb custom of tbe Ore- )Ut. .whon, b6 , fo,UDj x)?9 inoi- U
Roman for yeara past to got out fuwj ,urreuj hu viewa, and
an annual eiiiuoD tbe Ure. or eacli tver.Hi hie connection with tbe
year, Cited with descriptive aud aity. lie ia conaiatent, and ia
historical matter pottaiuintr to tbe mac" ,nore worlny ' admiration
tate of Urrgno and tbe Northwest T uob men1 M lh n
i,. i, . . ... , , atir of Oregon who sacrificed bis
Lcb aeoeeJiog clitioo bas been own princiide. for the t.riociole.
club piors to visit her. As they clam'
beral up the ship'sJanltlor (fluty were
welcomed by the captain, a jolly ran
kee from Plymouth, and by his rather
cloomv crew. "Contain, are you in
trouble? What can I do for you?'
ticked the vice consul, at the same time
remarking that his friend hnd that
inorniiifr arrived from New York on the
Fuerst Hismarck. "Wal, slrl The Lord
knows we've hed our trouble, bean'
f'4 days out o' London, an' no nearer
Xew York than this. Two of ihe lads
went over the side in that last blow,
nn' our tonsils went when them spars
did. This pesky cariro o' chalk hes
Mirainnd her so she's takin' water this
minute. Thor's b sight o' thing we
nettla done, an' we'll be obleegcd for
your help, o' course, sir. lint If this
bwe jounp mnn has juxt come from
Xew i ork he enn U'll us what wc want
to know nfore he doea anything else."
The sailors crowded around their cap-
Join mid 1'Ktuied Intently a he con
tinued: "Wlwt. wc wunt to know is
'mow did that there Hnrard-Yale foot
II ri-rre c rpl In N'cvrmbcr?'
i ure an iiTrr ins, nuuilis- Miaw
nrst, brnlarh. tour (torn- I I f
ach, Inrtlitrstlon. eonstlia- li III
tlon. Thr art sail If. with- I I W
ul sain or srtpa. Hold by all dramrirta. ranta.
TU soif rills to Wks Uh aood s oanaparllla.
V. a. Land Ornrs. La Osakdi. Oss..
December I.Uh. IN97.
Complaint havlnc ben mail al this omra by
ths dul jr vrlfld and corroborated attldavlt ol
John B. Manning allralnf that Ksta Kmsell
who mad Timber Culture. Entry No. I.v) at
ths I', a Und Offlco al la Grand. Orefnn,
Jannarr St, lieio. lor tha W U ol oW and i
ol KWte and ol SK4 of (Dec. . Tp S K
n. R. W. U. has whcilly lalled to eomuly with
tht Timber Cnltura Law; that she did during
Ihe year 1W4 wholly abandon said trart nl land,
that ever sine haa ooulliiued to abandon lha
am me and haa male no ImproTsaieut apoa
said trart or any pert thereol.
Therelora, with the view ol tha cancellation
ol Ui said entry the aald partlea are hereby
summoned and required to tm ana apt-ear be
loraj. W Morrow, County Clerk ol Morrow
County. Oregon, al hta ernr at Heppner, Ore
gon, on th 1Mb day ol rebroary. imm, at the
Dour ni iu o rim i a m., 01 aaia nay, inea end
there to prrwl ore turn testimony as they may
have concerning aald atlegatlona. final hear
I lug to he hal at the oSlc l th reenter and
receiver at la lirand, Oreguo, March llh lsun,
allOo'ciwk, a. m
l.nnunr.11 segietar,
10-21 1. H. koSIIINS, Mwelrer.
will he a meeting ol the etorkbuMer of
the 1ral National Hank of Heppner, at thrlr
olhr nn the ind TnenUy ol January, be.
tweea Ihe hours ol 1110 rl.a k a. m. and I o rlo, k
t hi . nt aald nay. lor lh pumwe ol electing
il Inrlora ami lor in irauaaclloa ut sura inner
husiueea aa may apr
iKt iv.iiia, iwnirr.
Beppnaf , Or, Dee. 10, Uw7. U
an improvement over tbo last, nutl of bis nartr. or ralber
tbe jiresent nuujlHr is no excetv. biinaelf luto otliot. T.-M. I fully blcndcJ with the Hfpophot-
tioo to tbe rule. Oregon and tbe Tbia all soantls very nice, but it Pttl ol Ume And 5odi which
ortbwest, with all their varied strikes us that Kenator Woloott is
resource are not overlooked, and taking tbis step to get back to tbe
tbe detailed description ot tbe senate from a state hopelessly
Klondike and tbe routes by which committed to tbe silver standard.
tbe rkh gold fields of Alaska are It's Woloott fiiat, tbe country
principles The pure Norweg-Un Cod-liver Oil !"0,,on' d''""". shomlnaUon, Ju-
to boost rrudlntoadbghUulcrArn,ikiU. X wntio r
. .i i ..
reacueti, mane (be paper very
valuable. Many thousand of
copies are twioji sent raat, north
and south, ia fact all over tbe
r4aeete Tear MaweU With Caere ret.
l a'' t'atbartte, eure eoietiatlRa fi.reief.
Wa U C C.U, laii Siusgtaie tviiuulaMMM jr.
I'WMtltattMBj Rhetarte.
art luch aluablt tonlct. 'he rhetoric of tbe I'taa ronttitu-
tmku thli preparation AO M1"""! conenlloa la aaid by the New
L4al one anJ rr,fV. tK I York Tribune to be ofua amu.inir. Tor
leear. a4 ka " ueira.c aatu IB
V .aw. IIWIV Ul 1 .1- - ,
ptwi( atmai uiunwuatc- -There I. aa Insurance company do- i
iy COmmtnCt IO pUT, OO In t.uJnr here that haa a buildlnij
I If In aVfld gaiO ft Itrtnfla that rot more than ll.ooo.ooo. and baa
which Surprises them. that much more In laarta. Aixl there
re .... ea , STOTTt f-.hl.ia tee (hat St " ,h, iwn who pabt thai
1 aa aea sr a w wrapper. I coiupany 0rr fa.ooo. Who baa beef
li o. sa euW I dead fur more than two year, and that
KOTT SowhS, UteaHM. Hr Ywk. ' wan Uo't able U culUel Ui Ibauranae." 1
!Caeaxa4 lra-Mra sluaiaed 4 att t'at
eilmilW tstaT rna. .
Oue Oreiet ia OeeeiTt U , a. paeaae Orext
wa mean f"i m ba UM taaa laaar
aaad !, aVaerng e , wit aWrI
iW, a aJna at pejeaiaia r 4,M
rr. Uat M M lul peMea erarea,
a Be)LT, " 1"W ta t,fteja rwwa,' wtk
aeaa ta wm v e. aw wmwm
Mm 9mm9 Aeevee. WMeMerea a.
I 1UI1 lL.fi vHs? TOTOffl
in r iiiiiiuiiji)ilj' ttzuiumnirm. "sii-ctjrv
o- -r vr Htr,X-tiit rttii.V.5.htif
iiii j. j Til :nn r ti !'T "I k iiTiin
vfii ;Tnntr Miii imiMii T'... runt a
. VatltUtilillilUiuUuiiliiuLi: Lil
" 'C-ea.
They Are The "Mustard"
-TiiB Pioneer Blacksmlttis
Bava aiail anm aleeanl Imnmeeiaenta In their aahltahmatii a.t.t4 i. M k -a
Iron, horarehne and other materials essential to the happlnaa of thiae who Bead quick repairs
to tbli wagona, buggies or aiarhtnery. Their specialty la horveahoelnf.
Mfiiuti Biitci in the Boyi k do Tour Work Eigtit, ui do it Qui. k, loo.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Quecnsware At
Gilliam I Bisbee s
Ao4byU way they kar anything yq eaa rail lr la the Una of
Bardwar. to u4 Tlnwara.
Merchant Tailoring!
Fine Suit Made to Order aixl Satinfaction
Guarantcco. Hepairing, Clt aninpanl Dye
ing Clothe a jK-cialty.