Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 31, 1897, Image 3

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A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Tells ell about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
M At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on bis right
cheek. We need all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
side of his face. "We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now fouryearsold,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. S. S. Weoten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
u j. rt'tt are prompt, efficient and
flood S PUIS easy in effect 26 cents.
The Gazette can offer the following
oinbbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 13.00
" 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.25
' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2,7 5
" Inter-Ocean, 1.00 2.50
" 8. F. Chronicle, U-50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 4 50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall'i Magazine $1.00 ... 1.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates with any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ' Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and i at 12:11) p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
xrayer meeting, rnurRday, B p. m.
'The Spibit and the brie say, Come."
The DaHtor mav be fonnd at the careonaare ad.
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult nlin on
religious, social, civic, philosophic educational.
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLUSTER. Minister,
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs,
x. J. uatiock.
Don't be persuaded into baying lini
ments witboat reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters as the
following, from L. Q. Bagloy, Hoeneme,
Gal., are constantly being received: "The
bast remedy for pain I have ever used is
Chamberlain's Palo Balm, and I say so
after having need it in my family for
several years." It cures rheumatism,
lame baok, sprains and swellings. "For
sale by Conser & Brook.
M. B. Morgan, one of the Gazette's
substantial friends of tbe lone neighbor
hood, has been in Heppner a few days Ibis
week. He stntes that a very pleasant
time was bad at the close of tbe Fair
view sobool and all are well satisfied
with Miss Ella Meson, the teacher. Miss
iMason has tbe reputation of being one
of tbe best teachers in Morrow county
and her success proves that sue is justly
entitled to it.
In answer to a telegram from 8 8.
Hornor, W. L. Baling departed on last
night's train for Sumpter, Baker Co. , to
take charge of the school there on a
salary of $75 per month. He has been
teaching tbe Sand Hollow sobool this
winter and had a ooaple of weeks more
before the term was finished, bat gave
up the school at onoe to accept the
better position.
The Gazette's job department is be
ing pushed to its utmost oapaoity at
present. However, if the present toroe
oannot get away with wbat comes in,
more belp will be oalled in. Bring on
yonr printing end it will be done for
you In urst class style at reasonable
rates. Tbe Gazette meets all competi
tion either in work or prices.
From a late issue of the Washington
Post, this papnr learns that A. W. Pat
terson assisted in oarrying off the hon
ors in a debate by the students of Co
lumbian law sohool on the qaestion,
Resolved, That oongress should enaot
a general anti trust law." This makes
A. W. contestant tor tbe prize debate.
Clans Johnson was in from Goose
berry on Wednesday. He reports that
bis brother, Obas. Chester, who resides
at Weieer, Idaho, was recently pretty
badly hurt by falling 80 feet from a
bnok baildiog. Fortunately no bones
were broken. Clans departed on Wed nes
day night to visit bis brother.
A Haas of Vegetation That Can Scarcely
Be Penetrated.
The vegetation of the Guianae is a
devouring mass of green, which stead
ily encroaches, and is kept down only
by the ceaseless warfare of one plant
upon another. A tree springs up, says
W. Nephew King In Century, and
rinds its w ay to the top by its energy. It
is no sooner established than a parasite
begins to climb its trunk and lace it
self around the tree, until finally the
grip of the' parasite kills the tree, and
both fall to ruin and decay, leaving a
space, which is immediately occupied
by new forms.
To penetrate such a jungle is impos
sible without tbe use. of a machete and
ax. To keep a path open requires coiv
stant cutting. If you shoot a bird or
nn animal, it falls perhaps not more
than 3C0 feet away; but it may re
quire a half hour or an hour to reach it,
and unless you can shoot from a canoe,
and can drop the bird into the water,
as a rule you cannot find your game
after it is killed. Words cannot a
scribe the beauty of this mass of green,
vigorous vegetation, nor can one com
prehend the difficulty of conquering
such a wilderness unless one has actual
ly grappled with it.
Attempt at
Take Notice.
Explaining- an Old Habit of
Male Wrens.
The London Field tells of many cases
where wrens have built several nests,
only one of which has been occupied,
and casts about for on explanation.
appears from what T. M. Ward, of Sib
ton, Yoxf ord, Suffolk, says, that it 1b
the malo bird that builds these unused
nests. He also observed that the
builder of a nest which was never used
paused after each bit of nest material
was put in place to sing in a loud voice,
The odd nests are completely finished to
all outward appearance. Sundry ex
planations of this remarkable habit
have been offered, one being that the
odd nests are put up for the purpose of
fooling the parasitical cuckoo, which
depends on other birds to raise its
young; but there is a poetical idea that
it is the inaie bird's loncsomeness that
urges him to build; A few American
birds build duplicate nests, but the mat
ter has not been so thoroughly studied
by field ornithologists yet to admit of
uu accurate explanation of the cause.
A full and complete line of the cele-
brated Kuh, Nathan & Fisher goods
just received from Chicago.
Suits and Prices Guaran
teed to Fit.
Blankets! Blankets!
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Minor &
Cotton Blankets 90c a pair.
Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25.
have a line of Eastern blankets
called wool, at $3.00.
An elegant line of Gent's Neckwear, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps. You can surely be suited
in any of these lines.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
Bat tbe Only Blanket
On Earth is the
We are sole agents for those, having bought our
entire line in Jane, it enables us to sell those
oelebrated goods at tbe same prioes asked for
inferior brands. Gall and examine.
If you use too much of
Frank McFariand, resident aKent of Schillings Best baking powder
e Equitable Life Ins. Co., presented I , .. , .
In it for
this o'ffioe with
a very
respect," lists of wedding presents and donora, thanks. Mr. MoFarland is doing a good
ana ODiiuary nonoea, otuer mau mum mo vuiir
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices oi special meetings tor wnaiever purpura.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cent a Une. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
'Here and There.
E. F. Hynd visited several outside sections
of Morrow county this week.
Messrs. Gerklng and (Jerking were down
from Parker's mill Wednesday last.
Geo. Bhlpley's family have the measles, some
of the younger children being down with the
Frank Roberts daparted last night (or Alaska,
and will probably locate in that locality
probably at Skagway.
Mrs. E. B. Baling, of Band Hollow, has gone to
Walla Wills where she will remain for some
time visiting relative.
Miss Josle Hastings, one of the efficient teach
ers of the Heppner schools, is spending the va
cation with her parents who reside at Westou.
Mrs. I. L. Vsn Winkle and children returned
from Rhea's siding, where they speut Christ
mas, on Wednesday morning. '
C. 0. Fuqua was re-elected commander of
Rawlins Post at their last meeting U. W. Unilth,
adjutant, also succeeding himself.
If Morrow county people think that the Oa
sette Is misrepresenting Mr. S. B. Njre they
should write the postmaster at Lost Valley, Or. ,
for information in that direction.
The supposed drowning of Jim Jackson,
cousin of Editor Jackson, of the E. O., has been
reported, up oa the Yukon, near Dawson City.
The report lacks confirmation, however.
A. Abrahamslck, tbe champion whistler of
Morrow county, has challenged the champion
lady whistler of the PaclDo coast, stakes 1100 a
Ida. The Gasette has not learned of the young
lady's acceptance.
Pendleton's recent Bre destroyed some wood
en buildings and did some damage, but on the
whole It will be better for Pendleton that these
rattletraps are gone. Better structures will be
erected in the place of those burned.
Word comes over from Canyon City that the
body of Pete French, who was killed recently
over In Harney county, passed through there
yesterday nrouta to Red Bluff, Calif., where
the Interment will occur. Sentiment 1 pretty
veuly divided over the killing. It la learned
that French struck Oliver before the latur shot.
Oliver came Into Burns and gave himself up.
DrveaTelly Nervosa.
Oeals: I was dreadfully nervous, end
for relief took yonr Karl's Clover Root
Tea. It quisled my oervrs and strength
coed my whole nervous system. I was
troubled with emistipetioD, kidney and
business for this splendid oompaoy and
is proving himself to be a rustling- in
surance agent.
Through the push of T. A, Rhea, it col
lection wan raised this week for the
family of It A. Ford, amounting in oasb
and provisions to aboot 880. This
family are in very needy oiroumstanoes
and this gift on the part of our oitizens
is no doubt greatly appreciated by them.
On Bocount or the prevalence of
measles in onr city, and io order lo les
sen tbe possibility of the disease spread
ing any farther, the different Sunday
schools of the town bave deoided to
abandon their meetings for at least two
Sundays, and longer if neoessary.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red
light," ever on tbe alert for something
oew, oan tarnish you the finest cock
tails in the land Manhattan, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
tbe business. Drop in and take the
taste out of your mouth. If
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, III., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia and
obronio constipation and was dually
oared by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, tbe famous little piils for all
stomach and liver troubles. Conser &
Lost On Wednesday morning, the
15tb lost., on tbe Heppnet car, a pair of
gold-framed glasses. Finder will please
leave them at tbe Fiiat National Book,
where be will bs liberally rewarded. 10 2
Dyspepsia cored. Hbilob's Vital izer
immediately relieves soar stomtcb, oom
iog np of food distress, and is tbe great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con
ser k Brock. y
flu to Ibe Matlock corner sod try
Armstrong k Cooper's whiskey and
cigars. If yon like tbe sample buy
some. 6tf
Detipner Candy Feotory for fresh
ereame and tafflee. W. U. Van Dayn,
Prop., with E. J. 8locnm. 6J8-1.
"Oo'o Jaioe" is all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand of 14-year-old goods
that Is bard lo beat. Co3 If.
Painless remedy for eitrseting teeth.
If Dot as slated, do charges. Try Dr.
Vsngbeo's oew plan. 604-tt.
UIBKUWU 1 . t 11 1
I If Ann't crril thm ralr
pretty calendar " '
But why not make your
money go as far as it will by I
using just enough of Schilling's
Best baking powder one-third
less than of the brand you are
used to ?
A Schilling It Company
Baa Francisco
Common and select slock of tomatoes
" I . i 1 n n i .
bowel trouble. loor Tea souo cleansed csiineu u 4. u.
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. 8.
A. Bweel, Hartford, Coon. Sold by
Conaer k Vroek. I
Ws are having Srx weather.
Uwk out for a boom la Morrow county next
A anod stand of wheat Is reported on fall
sow a grata.
turinm Is s hnndred p ! better now In
Lsstngtoa than It was one year ago.
O. I. Prase Is this k erecting a neat
Utile bars on i. U. Brown s property.
J W. Marshal, general roll"-tor tnrChea H.
TvVia a co., of I'ortlaawi, M stopping la our City
this week.
Llcbtenthal k Co. forsboea. Eiolusiv
shoe store. TlsodUs tbe beet. fcltf
Ooioassas's famous old "Dublin
Stoat," imported, at Chris Rorebsrs
A Discussion That WU1 Arise on the Ques
tion or Renewing the Charter.
The subject of renewing the priv
ilege of tbe Bank of Franco will short
ly come up for discussion In. the cham
ber, after having been in abeyance
since 1892, when the senate approved a
bill for tbe purpose.
That bill, eftys the Ed: burgh Scobs
man, has not since been modified, and
the provktona included in it will, it is
thought, be adopted without material
alteration. One of them, which was
to empower the bank to increase its
note ieue from 3,500,OO",uwi. to
000,000,000f., was passed aa far back
as 1603. The charter expires on De
cember 31, 1895, and the iwoponal la U
extend it for a further period ot 20
years front that date, In consideration
of the Iniik making certain concessions
to the state.
Among these oonwealona ia one by
which the benk U to fore jro all future
Interest on the government debt,
nmountinp; to 140,000,000f., and not
to di-i: anil rvpaymrnt of the cupital an
long a tU charter ia In force. The
bank is to undertake Or; service of the
national debt and transact other bual-
was for the treanury, both at the head
ofllee and branches, free of charge, and
make an nninipl j aymrnt to the latter
tf 2,iW.CC!.f. during the fust ytu
of the currency of the new chattel,
and 2,500,OOOf. per annum auuapiuet:i
ly. It la to ojien several new brauches,
and make advances to agricultural co
operative aocletlea.
It la not Improbable mat an rnort
will be made to convert th bank Into
a state Institution, but such a project
does not command support either in
financial or ministerial crrrlea, and Is
not in the. leaat degree likely to meet
with aiineesta. '
TwosanJs are Trylsj It.
In order to prove lbs great merit of
Ely's Cream Moiia, tbe mt eBoetlve ers
for tatarrn ana t ow in iimu, "' r,wm
pnred a grisrnti trial six for 10 eents.
Ut it of your droRgu.1 or send 10 rents to
ELY BltOS., CO Warrca BL, . I. Uiy.
I soJsreJ from eaUrrh of the wont kind
ever since a boy. and I Dtr hoped lot
curs, but Lly's Cream Ilalm aostns to do
even that May eoqneiuUnoea have ad
it with eieollenl result. ooer Osirum,
43 Warren Ave., CLlnago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
enr t eatarrls and eon tains no sonatas,
mercury a or any Injurious drug ' Trios,
(0 eeula. At druggists or by Eoai.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
At prices as low as they can be sold in
this market.
D. A- Hen-en Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
For your "Knlck Knacks"
for the Holiday festivities,
At the same Old Stand.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As tfie Star Brewery beer
HEI'PNER, OR., Nov. 12, ltW.
Ururt. Coiurr A Brock, Utppner, Or.
flsHTLim:-1 was recently taken with a severs cold
which made me very hoarse and rendered me unlit to
attend to business. A friend of mine called my attention
to your Dr. Barthlow's cough syrup and I bought a bottle,
costing ms M cents, which relieved me stones end com
pletely cured me. I am suliject to throat dlfftaultv and I
have found nothing that gave me so much relief as this
cough cure,
I am Informed that it Is sseelletit lor colds, bronchitis,
whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles.
I beg to remain, most truly yours,
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
The Best Bargains-
At 6has Jones' Old Bland.
Bhavintf. - - IS Ct.
Hair CuttinK. HZ
Joe Is kwplng op the reputation of thta shop
tor aret rl"" work and would bs pleased to
have lou call.
Mathews & Gentry,
T Core FomiIswIIm Wnnrt,
Tske Caw-arete 'imI ceUiertta le or A.
II C. C. C tail to cure. Orviasmle retuaU sauoey
A meeting- ef Ibe repal.liese elnb of
Morrow efleoty la celled for Hatnrtlsy.
Janosry 15tb, 1, at Ibe eonrt boose Is
Flopi-oer. at 2 p. m., for tbe purpose ef
The Christian K od-avor sof Wr are prrring electing dMegatee lo Ibe state meeting:
S htlval lor New Veare eve. ttjlf Sip Sid . . . u i-
al rs and pie are bvtng prepared lor toe of repoblioao elul, wblett eocveoee la
supper. tbe city of PoHlsod na the U Tae1sy
Kd and fat UeM-. pr.-t-ro.is ,hpmi nt . ..j .1, . .l-ct offleers for
Mor mm toonlf. were In UB wtier i"V "
enftiitaa. I .y lrl -mirH"i I SDSQIDg year. All r)mi'
Ska ah Mows Make a4 reL
Tbe tjovel rrU('le of a si'smer's
furnarrs brlnsT M with bank no Ira was
recently wltwseH at a MIitrraesn
port. Forty earks of tbe apiiarenlly
valuable J'Sjr were toaaed Into tbe fur
nace umlrr tbe lonfiof eye of tbe
atohera, vl.o stood rrsUvrly by wHb an
evlilrntly IHirolhir lslre to poaja
Ihrmclvrw of at lt a bamlful of that
w birb tbry aomrwlist lnrlrrnntly styled
' rum fuel." The notrs wrre ranrrM
notrw of lb tnk of Algiers, whoM
tnarutsTrr saperlcteodrd tbe oirslln
of tbrir abeolute combustion. -' .
I B0
rusall ISO mllM).. l-iOp Botindtrlp H
Msyvllle (U miles) l Round trip
Coodoa (M mltea).. 109 .... Round trip
Clem MllM)... 100 Kuuod t(1p
Otes (It Billee) I s9 oia9 Wip
Rtaaelssfse ArliDgtoa every Biortilng
(Randa eteeotedl at e'eloris Is doe
, - w - - - ' - r
si Oondao at 3 p sa. and armew at roe
ell at 7 p. . .
Comfortable covered eoaehse so J ssre
fal, sipsrieaeed drivers.
uUook lot lite soewp oust
will eloee by wishing a Pspl'f Hew Yea to
tothetwsrtie. Mat It be the future as ta
the peal, lot the Interests ot Morrow count,
tstlogtoa. Or., Dee. 9, T7.
orgeotly rrqaeetel lo attend.
W. W. HsttaD, Pres.
J. W. Hoawoa. Bee'y.
Tms h-m Fato Tasd -WllUara Oor
doa bas moved Lie fJ yerd from lie
form loealrof) to J noes' eld steed
wbers be will be pleased to bate all bis
Men Is aad Mtroea to wall o bia. Mr.
Prosperity cornea qetrkeel to the nsaOorda le erenmmodstlec, bee food
rd and sbnsdsot feeililtee so laie
s of slor-i la first elsee ehspe. Ilis
ire are very rweeoeehla, lie baa bay
d gra a for sale, lias lately added a
r bad of UXeJ UmtAKf. tf.
II .
1 Beat i i r ". f m Cee f 1
I 1 Hum. n-HttltrM. r 1 -
fat vet (Mis Wires Away.
We will send to any address by mail
sel of ail eot-oot psper dolls and ai
estre dreseee on reeeipl of foer ate I
sUmpe, These dolle illoelete tbe t
aad rales ef IXsmoal Vm tot e.lof1ng
aartblaf . IromslUs and ribltoae l
bear elosk of f"wa. iMsmood Dyes
come ia all colore and sbeald 1x4
eonfessKl wltb Ibe ebseo if (omlag la
only few eolors, Ibe! Sows deslere try
to sell tot ibe sake ef ritrs profll. WrtU
as et oees for the d -l's bWore they are
all fooe.- Wie, K'cberdeoa A On ,
llnrlicgtott, VI.
e ??
Shop two doors South ot PoeUilrlre).
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist
But are those ol greatest value In proportion to cost 11 you want to get your
money's worth of honest goods In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
0 Tl?riOMi?sOKr CO.,
Ws are Increasing our stock lor tall and winter. Call and ses as.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
"Cohen's Best,"
On Tap Down at The
Half Cuttlna,
Shop, Matlork Corner,
18 Ceela
Heppner, Oregon
Telephone Saloon
Put your old hu
handa end got
llir Mae
flMI mrawr out ol
a epeplallf ol bard
Office) io J. N. Di-owd'b IiuildiDg.
taw IT lea hahu oooisa a
Nsw HtsnJ, City Hotel Baildiog,
LOW rriILWVlI, Prop.
The Old Shop ! Hoppncr's Leading Furniture
Ia tbo plao to go (o get
your Su pork and lamb
clopg, leaks aoJ roaata.
IUkI Hoom SuitCB from f 11-00 up.
(Jwxl, Droir-I af Tallies, $2.25
Deautllul Line ot
f 4
tirlstmas Goods now Open.
Yea are lavlled to call and Inspect ny Itork
ftV4awee twwW Ws4s With
ea-lr kawl, e.ra eaneiipao'x lwav
tee. UU v ied, iaesM Me-w
fine ere'td hame and
rare laM, ketlte mxlwxl old
Tie. Hlflwet esa prtoe) paid kir
let (Ana.
lUanas las' III a Ibe
lis ewrpweWr baeiaeee.
err dv'Sf a lw
Tby have sayUiIng la Ml line that r "ar dlre and roe raa depend oa It you get a
good article wbea Ibey guarautea lb
1 014 Ue Main tree Reaalrlaf ellyi