Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 31, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, Dec. 31, 1897.
An attempt is being made by
those greatly interested to bring
the two factions of the republican
party together down at Portland.
It is to be hoped that the effort
will prove successful as it means a
great deal to the future welfare of
the party in Oregon. In times
past these two factions have been
bitterly opposed to each other and
as a result many good men nomi
nated on the republican ticket have
been defeated. The Gazette
heartily endorses the move and
hopes that all existing differences
may be buried out of sight aud the
republican forces of the metrop
olis brought together so that they
will present a united front to the
attacks of the enemy at the com
ing elections.
We wish our readers, one and
all, a happy and prosperous New
Secretary Alger is quite seri
ously ill at his residence iii Wash
ington City. Overwork is given as
the cause of his illness.
PbObFERITX seems to be strik
ing the East, judging from what
this paper can learn. Well, we can
all stand some more of it
The American Monthly Re.
view of Reviews for January pub
lishes two remarkable letters of
Count Tolstoi on the land theories
of Henry George. 0v& of these
letters was addressed to a Siberian
peasant and the other to a German
disciple of George.
The issue of the New York
Tribune of Deo. 22d contains
large supplement, entitled "Fifty
Years Improvement in Farming."
It is a splendid issue and contains
a very large amount of interesting
and instructive matter relative to
the advancement made in farming
methods and labor saving machin
ery. The Gazette offers its read
ers splendid clubbing rates with
the Tribune and our farming
friends should come in and sub
scribe for the two papers which
we give at about the price charged
for one if taken separately. The
farm department of the Tribune
is a feature that is maintained
throughout the entire year.
Portland's Board of Trade has
informed Secretary Alger that it
stands ready to guarantee the safe
delivery of all goods sent to the
relief of the Klondike sufferers,
Portland is still forging ahead in
this matter and will yet be able to
capture the bulk of the Alaska
Aa Apparent Cm of Cold-Blooded Harder
roller Particular! About the Traced y.
Bubns, Or., Deo. 27. Peter French,
the cattle kioe of Eastern Oregon, was
assassinated on the afternoon of Sunday,
the 26tb, in bis own field near what ia
known aa the Hod House ranob, by a
man of the name of Edward L. Oliver.
French and his men were working
some oat tie, when this man Oliver osme
into the field where tbey were at work,
and Mr. Freooh rode out to where be
was, and after talking with him two or
three minuted, turned to ride away, when
Oliver drew hie pistol, whiob snapped
the first time, but tbe aeoond time be
shot French just above the right ear,
the bullet coming oat in the left eje.
Bart French, tbe mardored man's
brother, was within 30 feet of him when
be fell off bis borge, and picked bim op,
bat be never spoke, and only groaned
onoe. There weie eight of bis men there
at work and allowed ibe assassin to
The sheriff has gone from here to tbe
soeDe of the murder, and will probably
get tbe murderer. His men stretched a
tent over him and left bim just where be
fell until tbe arrival of thf; coroner to
hold an inquest. Tbe sad ooourrenoe casts
a deep gloom over tbe entire oommnnity.
Horace u. hurt, third vice
president of the Chicago & North
western, has been selected for the
presidency of tbe Union Pacific
Mr. Burt is a western man of much
experience in railroading and his
appointment appears to give great
satisfaction to men in railroad
The belief of Chairman Dingley
and the officials of the treasury
department that tbe new revenue
law is going to be sufficient to meet
the expenditures or the govern
ment is reinforced by similar ex
pressions on the part of the senate
finance committee, whose mem
bers helped to frame the law. The
vigorous efforts of the republicans
to reduce expenditures all along
the line, coupled with the rapid
increase ic revenues under the new
law, make it apparent that there
is going to be no necessity for fur
ther legislation on that subject In
this session of congress and prob
ably not for many years to come,
The season for the spring trade
will Boon open up. Now is a good
time for Heppner merchants and
tradesmen to get before the people
in a substantial way. The Gazette
is the leading advertising medium
of the county and our rates are
reasonable, considering the service
Peter Frenob was president of tbe
Freuoh OIrnn Live Stork Co., which
owns tbousKcds of acres of land in Har
ney county, one ranch alone, on Blitzen
river, being forty-five miles long, and
extending from tbe month of Blitzen
river to its sou roe in tbe Stein moun
tains. The deceased was divorced from
his wife, who was a daughter of tbe late
Dr. Glenn, of California, who was also
killed, and has one obild, a son about 10
years of ape. The remains were shipped
to Bed Bluff, Cel., tbe borne of the mur
dered man's mother. The death of
Frenoh was not altogether a surprise to
residents of that section, as be had been
red upon a number of times when be
least expected trouble. The slayer has
been attested nnd lodged in tbe Harney
ooanty jail at Burns.
Portland's merchants report
tbe most profitable Christmas
business ia years, if not in tbe his
tory of the city. Indeed, the tes
timony all along the lino, so far as
heard from, is that throughout tbe
active buying season of Dcoembor
"people had plouty of money, and
were cheerful in spending it"
While it may be feared that ex
penditures were not at all times
entirely judicious, and that in
very many instances they trenched
upon extravagance, it is gratify
ing to note the return of the cheer
ful spirit which has bo long been
overshadowed by the stalkiug
specter of hard times. Oregonian.
Portland's police have been
ordered to stop all Salvation Army
meetings on the streets of that
city. As the worship of these
people is inoffensive and does not
disturb anybody, it would seem
that this order from Portland's
police headquarters is pretty much
out of place.
Freight cars made of steel in
Bteadof wood are a lata departure in
railroading. Eustern companies
are already placing large orders
for tbe new style of cars and tbey
are sam to possoris many superior
qualities in the way of strength
durability and increased light
noes and carrying capacity.
Thn Discovery of the Day.
Ang. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of
Sbreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New
Discovery is tbe only tbing tbat cures
my ooogfc, and it is tbe best seller I
have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New
Disoovery is all tbat is olaimed for it; it
never fails, and is a sureiours for con
sumption, coughs and oolds. I oannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, coughs
and colds is not sn experiment. It baa
been tried tor a quarter of a century and
today stands at tbe bead. It never dis
appoints. Free trial bottles as Slooum
Drug Co., E. J. Slooam, manager.
There is no better Christmas
news than that from Anderson,
Ind., where the window glass fac
tories call their locked out em
ployes back to work at an advance
of 13 to 17 per cent over last year'i
wages. Santa Claus is at his best
when he brings the American
laborer a good job, stys the Ore,
lit .
v. Jii. uladhtone, the "grand
old mau" of England, celebrated
The beet sugar factory at L. J!t
at in n-iiiru vimd mr. uiniiniiiun I
mind is as vigorous as ever, but
Grande is now assured. The
ifcSO.OOO subsidy, promised the new
enterprise by the La Grande Com
mercial club has boon taisnd and
work on the buildings necessary
will be lingua as soon m the frost
is out of tho ground. It will take
at leant tlx mouths
factory ia running
when it is completed
employment to 200 pooplo during
tho busy season. This new in
dustry will benefit the entire state
of Oregon and we congratulate La
Grande upon her entorpriso and
push manifest in consummating
this great undertaking.
to have the
order, and
it will give
lUrriiLlCANa should remember
the rail issued for a meeting at
the court house in this city on
Saturday, Jan. 15th, at 2 p. m
Ixt svery republican turn out and
assist in the work of preliminary
organization for the coining cam.
paign. Nothing short of a united
effort is going to be able to over
come theso-cftllisl reform elemeuU
that are now rreparing to uuita
their forces for the purposo of
carrying the state and county elec
FtuiiTART Ai.oiii informs tho
city of Portland that she will got
no governmental aid in her proposed
Klondike relief expedition. How.
ever, Portland will be given an pp
poitubity, along with othsr cities,
to bid on th contract of furnish
ing supplies to the government for
tha turiHWt)f rrlievicir ihsille
tress is thai frvatf! region.' ''
the house in which it dwells is
beginning to weaken here and
there aud it seems to be but
short time until one of the gram
est characters of the 19th century
will be laid to rrct with others.
great liko hiaiself, who have gone
Tue populists and democrats
are beginning to arrango the fusion
racket for the coming state cam
paign. It seems that the pop
have forgotten that old fable of
good dog Tray." The amouutof
the spoils they will receive, should
their efforts carry the state elec
tion, will be pretty small, and
when tbe time for the "divy"
comes the populists are apt to be
wondering "where they are at
A Few of tbe ralthfnl After the Places
Getting Heady for the Fray.
It la expected that tbe successor to Hon. Hen
ry Blackman, present collector ot internal reve
nue for Oregon, Washington and Alaska, wiU
be chosen early in tbe coming- year, though it
li not supposed that Mr. Blackman will be
asked to atep down and out until bit term of
(our yean la ended. ; Aa yet Mr. Blackman baa
received no word from Washington asking for bit
resignation, but thia waa expected. It ia tbe
policy of the incoming administration to allow
present Incumbents who are faithful in the
performance of their dutiea to aerve out their
respective terms. Mr. Cleveland followed thia
plan and one good turn deaervea another.
Thoae who ought to know have not changed
their mlnda as to Mr. Blackman'a successor.
Dave Dunne will win it in a walk.
Mr. Black, a collector of customs, seems to
have a "cinch" on bis place. He will doubt
less be displaced, however, by a republican in
a short time.
Tbe appointment of John Fox as collector of
customs at Astoria is expected very aoon'
John'a friends have met all objections to his
Aa the time approaches for a change in The
Dalles land office, some interest is being mani
fested in that direction. The Gazette has heard
mentioned in connection with the regtstership
the names of Hon. John Mlchell, Jay P. Lucas,
Capt. John W. Lewis, and E. M. Bhutt, formerly
of Antelope, but now a resident of Heppner.
Mr. Bhutt was considered a very prominent
candidate, down in Wasco county where he is
much appreciated as a hardworking republi
can, but Mr. Shutt decided for business reasons
to withdraw from tbe contest when he came
to Heppner. All are good men and it would
take a prophet to pick out the winner.
Hon. W. H. H Dufur and "Farmer" Cooper
seem to be the leading candidates for receiver
of The Dalles land office. But there are others
in the field and the contest will be very warm.
The Corbett case ia attracting very little at
tention in Oregon at present for the reaaon that
nothing ia being done at Washington. It ia a
foregone conclusion that Mr. Corbett will not
be seated. Hi success would establish a
dangerous precedent, and it is this more than
anything else which has decided Mr. Corbett's
case. It ia to be regretted that one who haa
aerved hla state so well ahould, in hia old days'
become tbe dupe of designing politicians. Mr'
Corbett ia deserving of a better fate.
A New Year s Gift Heralded.
Tbe measureless popularity of Hob tet
ter's 8tomaob Bitters haa been tbe
growth of more than a third ot a oen
tnry. As in tbe. past, the coming new
year wilt be ushered in by the appear
anoe of a fresb-almanao, clearly setting
forth tbe nature, uses and operation of
this medicine of world wide feme. It is
well worth perusal. Absolute aoouraoy
in tbe astronomical calculations BDd
calendar will, as before, be valuable
cbaraoteristios, while tbe reading matter
will inolude statistios, bnmor and gener
al information, accompanied by admir
ably exeouted illustrations. Tbe alma
nao is issued from the publishing depart
ment ot tbe Hostetter company at
Pittsburg, and will be printed on tbeir
presses in English, German, Frenob,
Welsh, Norwegian. Swedish. Holland.
uonemian ana Spanish. AH druggists
and oounlry dealers furnish it without
MoCIure's Magazine for January
yields perhaps its first attractions in its
piotnrea. As an example ot general ex
cellence in magBzine illustration it is,
indeed, an extraordinary number.
Every picture but one a beautiful re
production of Borne-Jones' painting
"Vespertina Quies" has relation to tbe
reading-matter is strictly illustrative,
in other words; but snob is the intrinsio
interest of them and the vividness of
their execution, one derives from simply
running through tbe number and look
ing at them tbat mental satisfaction
which is usually to be bad only from
reading. Tbey are, in other words, each
and all, a good story in themselves.
Bnt then this is what tbe.'piotures natur
ally would be in MoCInie's, which lives
to the rule of never failing, whatever else
happens, to tell a good story.
In this particular number the good
story is told also in most of tbe articles
not merely in those whioh are stories
by oonfession, but in tbe others as well
For example, Mr. Hamblen's acoount of
his own personal experienos as a rail
road brakemao, with its almost daily
episodes of daring and disaster, is as ab
sorbing as any of tbe Cot ion. No less is
true of Mr. Dana's chapter of reoolleo
tioos of life in tbe trenobes at Vicks-
burg, with its olose, living view of
Grant, Sherman, aid tbe otber generals
there. Cy Warman's aocount of his so
journ at Karlsbad is a bit of humorous,
attractive description; Robert Barr's
obaraoter sketch of Mark Twain, from
bis own intimate acquaintance, offers a
distinctly new view of tbe great bnmor
is t; and Norman Hapgood's study of
Boutet, de Monvel, with tbe fine repro
duotions from De Monvel's work, gives
one an exoellent idea of tbe leading artist
of our time in tbe portrayal of ohildren.
The notion of tbe number consists of tbe
seoocd installment of Anthony Hope's
New Zenda novel and several good short
stories. Tbe 8. 8. McOlure Co., Ne
York City.
Kroner, in hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution and order
of aale issued out of the Circuit Court of the
Btate of Oregon for the County of Morrow and
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 7th
davof September. 1897. in favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea
and C. E. Redneld Defendants, for the sum of
two hundred twenty-six ana KMW dollars wun
Interest thereon from the 2nd day of August,
1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum,
and twenty-five dollars attorney's fee and the
further aum of ten dollars costa: which Judg
ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's
office of said court in said county
on the 7th day of September. 1897;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed bv the court that the following described
real property, town: tne aoutn nait oi ine
aoutwest Quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine in township
one south oi range twenty-seven east w. si. in
Morrow Countv. Oreiron. be sold to satisfy aaid
judgment, costs and accruing coata. I will, on
Wedneaday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of aald day, at the front
door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow
county Oregon, aell all the right, title and in
terest of the said W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Redneld in and to the above described
property at public auction to the highest and
est bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
ipnea to tne satisfaction oi said execution ana
1 costs, and costs that may accrue.
E. L. Matlock. Sheriff of Morrow Co.. Or.
Dated Deo. 10, 1897. 604-614.
Notice of Intention.
Dec. 23, 1897. Notice ia hereby given that
the following named aettler haa filed notice of
bia intention to make final proof in aupportof
his claim, and that aald nroof will ha made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Thursday, February 8, 1898, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4580, for the NWJi of Bee. 17, Tp. 8 8.,
He names the following witnesses to nrnva
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Edward Hunt, Edward Dris-
kell, lieorge Bhlck and Arthur Hunt, all of
Heppner, Morrow county, Or.
608-19. Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Ornci At Thi Dallss, Obigoh.
December 2, 1897.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 15, 1898, viz:
H. E. No. 4405 for the Etf NW and W
of Sec. 26, Tp. 8 8., B. 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove'
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Charles W. Cradlck and
Lewis Farrant, of Heppner, uregon; jonn w.
radick and U r. Daviason. ot isigni mue, nr.
603-614. Register.
Sealed bids requested for tbe delivery
at my ranch, on the bead of Bbea creek,
ot one hundred oords of pine, four-foot
wood, said wood to be delivered not
later tban middle ot August, 1898, bids
opened tbe 15th day of January, 1898,
Reserve tbe right to reject any and all
J. W. Mobbow.
602 Janl5.
Dec. 10. 1897. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 22, 1898, viz:
TJ A XTa Art' o . U. Ot XI I? w nnJ Viz OT7-1 a
22, Tp, 5, S of R 28 E W M.
lie namea tne louowing witnesses to prove
hia continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Zollinger, Sylvester
W. Floreon, Robert D. Watkins and Louis
Groshens, all of Heppner, Morrow county. Or.
1. W. 15ABTLETT, KeglBter.
. 1
Strangest freak of Mountain llalldlng In
the World.
Alnonp the miiny objects of interest
that have been brotifrht to light by the
Anglo-Venezuelan dispute there is per
haps none that claims so much atteii'
tlon from the scientific world ns the so
rulled mountain of Horainia. Situated
in the southwestern corner of Sir Kob
rrt Si'liomburpk's alleged boundary be
tween (iiuanu and Venezuela, this won
deiful geoprnphienl phenomenon, il-
tliough lonp; known, has elicited but
little interest. In point of fact, how
ever, It in a veritable scientific sphinx
This stupendous mountain, or isolated
tableland, which the native Indians call
liorainin, or the "mysterious," rises
high in solitary grandeur above the uv
minding mountain system, its perpen
dicular roeky Bides rendering It abso
lutely inaccexnihle to the foot of man or
Crowning this impregnable fortress
of nature is a tract of territory estl
mated to contain upward of 140 square
miles, t nlikr other inaccessible nioun
tain summits of the world, this ele
vated region is no mere wilderness of
miow-oimmI ridges. On the contrary,
all the Indications, Including the pool
tive evidence of the teleneoe, point to
It lieing covered with forests, lnter
heeted with rivers fed from lakes, and
to its MWHeK8ing a climate that must.
In the- nature of things, be temperate
that Is, neither wintry, despite its alti
tude, nor tropical, despite its equatorial
A Had Lot.
The Turin Figaro tells a story of the
famous horse-breeder Lupin, to whom
friend otw day showed lint of horses
mat were u rotn-te for a prize, ask
ing nm opinion as to which he should
bet on. Lupin scanned the list tare-
iiiuy ami r-xoinimed with an air of
vletl.Hi: "Among all the home I ,1
not se on tbat la able
flmt "
A Deserving Officer Presented With a Badge
of Recognition.
On last Saturday Rawlins Corps No. 28 met
in Heppner and selected the following officers
for the ensuing year: Mary Bartholomew,
Pres.. Mattle Bmeadi Seo.; Mary Smith. Treat.:
Jennie Driskell, Ben. Vie; Bell Lalande, Jun
Vice; Emily Kelly. Conductor; Nellie Willis,
Asst. Cond.; Ssrah Grossman, Guard; Eliza
Willis, Asst. Guard; delegates, Mary Smith and
Ma.tie Bmead, to meet in The Dallea next June
at the aame time aa the Q. A. R. encampment
The corps haa invited the G. A. R. members to
Join with them In an open installation lu Hepp
ner the first meeting night in January. Emily
Kelly haa been chosen aa the installing officer
On this occasion Mary Smith was presented
with a gold "recognition" pin, in honor of her
having served continuously aa treaaurer of the
corps alnce its organization.
A Bar Thine for Ton.
A transaction inwhicbyoucaunotlosetsa
sure tlilug. Biliousness, Hick headache, fur
red tongue, fever, piles aud a thousand other
His are caused by ooustinutlou aud sluirtfiah
liver. Cawarots Candy Cathartic, the won-
dorful new liver stimulant and In textual
tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. C C. C. are a sure
thing. Trv a bos to-duv: lUc.. Sue.. 6U0.
biuiu'le aud booklet free, boe our big
Excelsior Dranatle Compasy,
The Excelsior Dramatic Co. gave several per
formanrea In Heppner this week and were lib
erally patronised by Heppner's theatre goers.
The playa were quits well presented and ths
company exhibited soma good talent, but the
Oatetts ia frank to aay that the performances
were not altogether what our people bad been
led to expect. Tbla was owing to ths fact, per
haps, that soma players had left the company
before reaching there which mads a reorganiza
tion necessary and many ot tbe players were
compelled to learn new parts, thereby making
them appear to a disadvantage before the pub.
lie. However, the company la t mprovlng, and
will yet be able to present ths playa tbey adver.
ties in Drat class ahaps.
to fft there
lr lit rrporUvl tbat the Jap
anese minuter baa maJa known to
Hccrctar BlicrmaD, that Japan no
longer protests against the anuuex-
atioo of Hawaii; and) that iU pur.
pofA is only to aeour spooifio as-
urancca thai Japanese Interests
will t protectrnl ty the United
States in case ot aonesation. This
will I gtxxl mews to the uervous
HHp1e who have opposed annei.
atiou because they feared Japan
wuuld declare war should the
treaty be confirmed.
Vrscf sdy Sy
rsru (amt CsUiartle, ths ssnst wss-
rf'il mHl-l riisxovsrv of tl so, paa
ami ami r(psliin l.t ths t', a't fully
an. I isi!irly on kl Inevs, liver and howela,
t i. ans n tlx vntitw st"m, dlsiwl mills,
rur ha.sli, l"r, lieMtitsI xnstlpUoa
and bi tinisiws. I'U-aso buy and try a bi
l C C C Uxitr ; 10, aw, iwnta. rtiid and
f uaMtawe to curs 1 U itrf isWi
jaSj. fsVamAA sViskakask &TsAstAiUsa:
1 Children
taaaaalBt lu
Backlea's Antra Sal vs.
Tbe Best Salvs in ths world for Cuts,
Braises, Mores, TJloers, 8alt Rbeom,
Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkio Er op
tions, ana positively cares riles or do
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perieot astiefaotioo or money refunded.
Tries 'io ceote pr boi. For sals bv
Noeum Prog Co., b. J. Sloe urn, manager,
Strategic Bearing of tbe Hawaiian Qnestlon
The political and strategical bearings
of the annexation question may bs men
tioned together. Oar government has
believed for a loner while tbat we ongbt
to bave a naval and coaling station in
tbe Paoifin ; and Pearl harbor, wbioh bas
been granted to ns by Hawaii, ia by far
tbe best available looation. If, now,
we should reject the Hawaiian over
tares for annexation, there is no resson
why ths Hawaiian government should
not look to England, And there i
every reason why tbe acquisition of
Hawaii would be highly gratifying to tbe
energetic statesmen who are losing no
opportunity to link together more firmly
those imperial possessions upon which
tbe son never sets. The Hawaiian
islands lie in tbe line of desired cable
communication between Vancouver and
Australia, and In the line ot transit be
tween Hong Kong and the American
isthmus. If England shonld aoqnire
Hawaii upon onr refusal to do so, there
would seem to be no possible reason
by we should insist upon the retention
of Pearl harbor; and England wonld
unquestionably proceed to make Hawaii
tbe best fortified naval station in the
world. On oar part, if we annexed tbe
islands, we shonld not need to be In any
haste about fortifications. The Amerl
can poiioy is so notably a paoino one
that oar ownership of Hawaii would
be universally acquiesced in. It ia
almost inconceivable that we should
ever have to fight to retain a control
onoe assumed. Furthermore, tbe Amer
can oontrol of Hawaii ia in some sense a
duty tbat this oonutry owes Japan and
China. Those anoient Oriental sttaa
are seriously menaoed by ths aggressive
attitude ot ths land-grabbing European
powers; and it England or Gen
should ottaio Hawaii, tbe sort ot pi
f al development of tbe Oriental ns
whiob Is most to be desired by us
bs further endangered. Again, from the
political sod strategic point ot view
tns position of Uawsit ougbt to De re
garded by ns as closely nlsled to other
policies overwhelmingly favored by the
people of tbe United Btatea. Ws refer
to ths Americau oontrol ot ths N tears
gua canul, and to the acquisition of ons
or mors satisfactory naval stations to
tbe West Indies, From "The Progress
ot tbs World." to American Monthly
Rsview ot Reviews for Jaooary.
Notice of Final Settlement,
undersigned administrator of the es
tate of John W. Dawson, deceased, will
make final settlement of his account with aaid
estate as such administrator, on Tuesday, the
4th day of January, 1898, at tbe hour of 10
o clock in the forenoon of said day, at the( oun
ty Court room of Morrow county. Oregon, said
day being the second day of the next regular
term ot tne (Jounty (;ourt tor Morrow county.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, November 29, 1897.
601-610 Administrator.
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 oents. Orville Jones manager, tt
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooount File printed at tbe Gazette of
fioe. tf.
Any one desiring to build either a
bouse or barn will make money by call
ing on tbe Gazette office. 67tf
Best aooommodation and oourteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts Portland, Oregon.
Come to tbe Gazette office and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look obeap, and
besides you cannot get your business
card printed thereon. tf
Oliver Snyder has taken charge of tbe
Hotel Heppner feed barn and will fur
nish stall room, grain or hay at reason
able figures. Span over night, fed at 75
oents. Will also do dray work and
hauling. 'Bus to and from trains, tt
Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot
Portland in the line of "popular prioea,"
has refitted tbe Wastiogton St. theatre,
formerly known as the "New Park."
Cordray always has something new, and
our people, when below, can spend a
pleasant evening at his plaoe. tt
Frank MoFarland has been appointed,
speoial agent ot The Equitable Lite As
suranoe Co., ot New York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Casb surplus to poiioy
holders of over 43 millioi dollars. Don't
take insurance without seeing tbe new
plans of the Equitable. Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77tf
When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
1 U1"lriC
Who would prescribe only
tonics And bitters for a weak
puny child ? Its muscles And
il . L I
nerves arc so murwigiuy
hsuited that they cannot be
sniAnrW Into activlrr. The
child needs food a blood-
making nerre-ttrcnolhenlne;
and muscle-building food.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this,
and you still have a tonic in
the nypophosphites of lime
and soda to act with the food,
For thin And delicate children
there is no remedy superior
to It la the world. It meant
growth, strength, plumpness
And comfort to them. Be sure
you get SCOTT'S Emulsion,
J . mi f i am, sit nt.
4 OTT A BOWfct, Onsss. Hr YfJ.
K. U T. M. Klwtlos.
Hrppner Tnt, Ho. S3, K. 0. T. M.. hsld their
'ulsr dsrllon ot offlcsrs on ths STsnlni ot
Dee. 17, I)?. This bsnsflclary orJsr baa trow a
womlrrlully ths post frw years and now has a
vary larss membership. It Is ons oi ths on I
ami safest Insurance ortanUattona la siUUuss
tmlsy. Ths officers chosen are as follows: O.
W. Shlplsy, p. Con.; Ottt Frt1rtoh, Com.; Jay
Pevta, UeuL Cora.; A J. Uesor. A. K ; M
M . Uchlenlhai. F K.: J.J. Adklna. ebaoUIn : Dr.
Taul, phyalrlan; Oeo. Alasn, aerteant; B. B.
kelley, mulsr alarm; rhllllp Blahn. 1st
M. of 0.; Oeo. W. Swasiart, JJst.olU.il). O.
Justus, sent.; A C. Smith, picket.
PrsSlrtoa's Firs.
Tbs big 6rs id Peodleloo oo last Moo-
day destroyed futir frams buildings oo
alaio st rest sod caused a loss ot aboot
$13,000, a largs portion ot wbicb was
oovered by iosuraDOS. II took bar J
work on lbs psrl of ths firemen to savs
sons valushls bricks adisoenl to lbs
buildings destroyed, but tbey soocssdsd
is oooQuiog tbs firs sod tbos saved a
largs portion of tbe eily from destruc
tion. Tbe enrol distriot will be rebuilt
sbortly sod anbatantial brlos structures
will late lbs plaoe ot tbe buildings de
r cr i saw i a iA u 1 1 i t m in
1 m tf M m BJK Vet TXTT&ssl . Ti srsJt -ja
1 II III t II i I L 'J . e tfWTlTT!j.:rprniv
alias Alhe 11 tmbee, Norfolk, Vs., wa1
frightfully boroed on Ibe faos and seek.
Tain as Inatiolly relieved by IV Wilt's
Wileb Hssel sJve, which healed tbe in
jury wllboot leaving a sear. Il la tbe
famous pits remedy. Cosset k Brock,
Allra.pl In fewes Sheep.
Tins Pevldsoa lost twelve bead of sheep, out
I om the rant Bear bis boms la the Oouseberry
nelhborhuol, the Irst ot this wees, troi
poteuaed heat Ms also li a d( trosa polsoa
sbout the saate Urns. Sons of the trmia wss
brmifkl la tteppetes'. and aa analysis showed
the presence et strychnin.
Karl's Clover Kk! Tea is a pUasaal
laialivs. Keg al alee tbe bowels, rurtflee
lbs blood. Clears Ibe compleiWa. Easy
to sosis ai.d pleasant to take. 83 eta.
old ft (Wet A brwek.
Al bis eiamloalioa before Jadgs Rich
ardson on Tuesday, Fred Bock proved
tbat bs was not guilty ot lbs ebsree
broogbt sgainst bim and bis esse was
Carp otero are busy tskisg down Its
lack bouse ia tbe reer of the Faleee
botel, wbicb te now ot no farther nee.
This move gives more roots back ot lbs
buildiog, a eooveulenee mark needed.
"All's fair In love and war," quoted
tbe Sweet Girl, and Ibea ad Jed. "I can't
sew wby two such opposite shoold be
linked." "Love and war," said tbe
kteaa Man, "is bnt another term
courtship and marriage."
fure wk brskku-be.
tte la the mniik, euaieel
t-i(ne, ts la the stntnarli.
. StotreM ea4 Is en. tat. -a. I
i a f. se toae eeeet. B) eerie.
1 the ea.f ruts te taM MesSs Sesmpatuia.
Are The "Mustard"
. , sTlie Pioneer BlacKsittis
Have msde antns eleranl Improvements In their establishment and added a lanre atork of
Iron, hnrsrehoes snd other materials nvnlkl in the hstinineaa nf th,aa akn n4 ,.,.t..k
to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Tbelr specialty U hurseshoelug.
Meadows I HiittB art the Boys to do Tour Work Bijjht, tad do it Quirk, too.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Qucenswarc At
Gilliam Bisbee s
And by the way they hsrs snythlnf rott raa rail for lu the line M
Hardware, Stoves snd Tinware.
Merchant Tailoring!
Fine Suits Made to Order ami Satisfaction
Guaranteoo. Hepairin Cleaning anl Dye
ing Clothes a jK-cialty.