Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 28, 1897, Image 4

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    TO THK
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hods Kong: via, Tbe
Northern Paoiflo Htearasbip Go. In coo
section with O. It. & N.
For (all details call on O. R.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
& N
Gen. Pass. Agt.
says " It is worth a great deal to us to have
you try Schillings Best baking powder
and tea.
. Money-back says "We have a great
deal of confidence in your good faith and
in Schillings Best baking powder and tea."
Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are
because they are money-back.
not SAFE, although Schilling's Btst baking
Al Emmer eon's little too is sick with
the measles.
A. F. Banney was down from Hard
man on Christmas.
Heppie Blackmao is erjj.iyiag his holi
days down at Portland.
Mrs. Q. W. Smith, of Social Ridge,
spent Christmai in Heppner with friends.
One Minute Cough Care cares quiokiy.
That's what yoa want! Conser & Brock
What is the missing word?
powder and tea are safe.
Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tha
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the
tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one
word for every ticket
If only one person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00; if several find
K, f 3000.00 will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in
the last contest.
Better cut these rules out.
Vf V
If so, be snre and see that your
ticket reads via
tub NotifiwGsietn Lin
Great Short LiQe
Their MuRnlflreut Tr!k, Poorles Veitlbuled
inning anil Weening Car
Train, and Motto:
Anyone Rending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention la
prohahly patentable. Communications strictly
ooiitltlunttal. Oldest agency for securing patent
In America. We have a Washington oRlce.
Patents taken through Muiiu A Co. receive
pedal notice In tha
beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of
II. OU six mm
iloukw OM 1'ATK.NTB sent free.
iirual. weekly, terms SII.WI a year.
npanniien copies and 11AM
six months.
301 Broadway, New York.
had Riven this road a national reputation. All
ulassn ol passenger! rarrleil on tne vcstlhnlixl
trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight
ami travel nvor tit la famous Hue. All audit
nave ucmit.
(Jen. Agent. Trav. t. V I', Ant.
2l Washington Bt., I'ortlnml, Or,
RlilwauRBB & St. Paul B'y
This Hallway Co.
Operates its trains on tbe famous block
LigbU its trains by electricity through
Use ths oolobratfil eleolrio berth read
lug lump;
Hons speedily equipped passenger trains
evrv day and niirht between Ht. l'aal
and Chiongo, aud Ouiahe and Chicago
Chicago. A.Hwaukcc
St. Paul
Also operate eleam-heatad veatibtiled
trams, carrying lb laleat private
ootnparluieaf oars, library bullet amok
Ins cars, sod palace drawing room
Tartar oars, (rea reclining chair oars,
and lb wry best dining obalr oar
Fur lowest rates to auy point in tha
United HI ales or Canada, apply to
agent or addree
0. J. EPDY,
J. W. CASET, General Agent.
Trav. l'ata, Agent, l'ortland, Or.
It'llllfi o
Nr. FAt'l.
KAU( )()
Tickets Issued to all r-ili.ls In tha United
mate and Canada.
Niw Yuri
Ail other
lo the
Real and
Kool beast
Rural Spirit
'ublishcd Weekly
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth its weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
Hiimple copies free.
liarnl Hpirit and Gazette both for
i'1.00, oasb, at litis i 111 ph.
Ask your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Calm
contains no cocn'no,
mercury nor any other
Injurious drug.
It Is quickly Absorbed.
Gives Keilef at once.
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the
Menses of Taste and rSmell. Full Size 6uc. ; Triul
Bize 10c. ; at Drin'iriet or ly mall.
ELY BBOTHKKH, 58 Warreo Street, New York,
1 of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
In the matter of the estate of Hellen M. Allyn,
To Vesta Allyn. Cora Allyn. Miama Kirk and
all unknown heirs and devisees, and any and
all persons Interested.
in the name ot the state ot Oregon, You are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
county Court of the Htate of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow, at the court room thereof, in
Heppner In the County of Morrow on Tuesday,
the 11 h clsy of January, IH'.ih, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of that day, then and there to show
cause, if any exist, why an order be not made
lor tne sale ol the following aescrlbed real prop,
erty to-wlt: North-east quarter of section thirty.
one, in township one, south of range twenty-Ave
east, and tiortn-cast quarter of section thirty'
five, township one. south of range twenty-six
east W. M. all in Morrow county, Oregon. Also
tbe south-east quarter of section thirty In town
ship one, south of range twenty-five, east W. M
in Morrow county. Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. A. 6. Bartholomew, Judge
of the County Courty of the Htate of Oregon, tor
the County of Morrow with the seal of said
court affixed, this 27th day of November. A. D.
Attest: J. W. MORROW,
1-10 Clerk.
Notice of Final Settlement.
. tiaa J .
4A Trade Marks
rO Dibionb
Anrnnmwndlng nktHrh m1 dmHTtntinn nmf
f)n1'kif Kniwiesiu fnr oiHtitnn frM wnithir mi
(ttTHiitton In pri-hnhlf puiflnlsal.tfi, ronintunlriw
.i.tiirMly NtiiftlriitlU. IlKiidhtwikon rntitt4
tMt Irtm. Oliltwt mumuvf for tMNvrtiiK ImMhiIh,
rn.thtt ljUtin tltnmtih Munn t Cu. rotr
IpetUti nt4tet without vliirtfa, Ul tb
Scientific American.
A tinntlwimpt? HlnatrMH wltlf.
mint Ion of nr frtrnilll'i JourtmL
(k.ia l7 mil
1rntB, ,t
VKftr: four mot i (lis, tL
MUNN & Co.""' New York
Uraufe lRIw, arm. Wulilulua, u. u
sroKVNK fills s northern
Tlia Duly All lUit Hoiila Wilhuat
Cban.e of Car between Hpokane,
IUisalaotl and Nelsoo. Alto bftweeo
Nelsou ani KosslauJ, daily ricrpt
ai A. M Hia.kane
li undersigned administrator
of the es
tate of John W. Dawson, deceased, will
make final settlement of his account with said
estate as such administrator, on Tuesday, the
lib day of January, imw, at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the( oun-
tr i ourt room ol Morrow county, Oregon, said
day being the second day of the next regular
term ol the on nt y court tor Morrow county.
uauxi at tjcppuur, uregon, NnveiniMtr , 18SI7.
KM 010 Administrator.
Born To tbe wife of Elza Vinson, on
Little Butter creek, Monday, Dec. 27,
1897, aeon. '
Jaa. McHaley oame over Saturday
from the John Day to spend Christmas
with Mrs. "Mo."
Hon. Henry Blaokman spent Christ
mas with "tbe folks." He returned to
Portland on last evening.
If yoa need something for your system
oall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tf
Bob Watkins was down from "tbe
Saddle" over Sunday to enjoy a email
part ot the Christmas doings.
For sale residence property. - Barn
and good outhouses.' Will seil obeap on
easy terms. Call at offloe. 83-tf
Phil Cobu is paying tbe highest price
for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry,
turo, elo. Don't forget Phil. bit
Jaa. Brown, of Hinton oreek, drifted
in yesterday. "Jeeme" seems to think
that Christmas was quite dull up his
Wm. Driscoll's family are reported
down with measles. This ailment seems
to be taking Heppner at tbe present
May Smith is very ill, her eondition
being quite critical. Pneumonia has
set in wbioh oomplioates ber oomplaints
very muoh.
Mr. Frank MoFarland returned on
Friday lust from tbe interior where be
bad been in the interest of tbe Equit
able Ins. Co.
Young Mr. Eneeland was in yesterday
from tbe Penland ranch. He now sports
a lot ot wbiekers that are the envy of
all bis young friends.
Stop that oougbl ' Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save jour life.
Sold by Conser & Brook. x
Tom Matlock is in from tbe Hinton
creek stock ranch. He is ezpeoting his
brother, W. F. Matlock, who has just
returned from Skagway, this week.
Elder J. W. Jenkins arrived from
Hood Biver on Sunday morning and
held services at the Christian oburob.
He will return home cn Thursday night.
A. B. Stanley and wire, nee Miss Susie
Terbune, sister of Mis. Wm. Warren,
oame over from their Eobo borne Sun
day to attend tbe Warren-Myers nuptials.
Karl's Clover Boot Tea, f.ir Constipa
tion It's the beat and it after using it
you don't say so. return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser &
Brock. x
It was tbe pleasure of one of tbe
Gazette force to gaze npon Cbas. Tefft's
exoellent Christmas eve supper after it
was arranged npon the table. It was
well worth seeing.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
lea, tbe great Blood runner, cures
headaohea, Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbe face, and makes tha head as olear aa
a bell. Sold by Conser & Brook. x
I. B. Esteb came in from Gooseberry
Browing With tha Country.
Tbe Condon Globe is just growing
right and left. It says in a recent issue:
Tbe Globe's wonderful popularity
with the masses is due largely to tbe
faot that the paper and its publisher ii
not controlled and owned, body and
soul, by rings and cliques, and is there
fore at liberty to give all tbe news, looal
and general, that is of interest to tbe
pablio, without 'tear or favor. The
Globe, in order to exist, does not have to
become a lickspittle, apologist and
booster for ringleaders. It is a free and
independent newspaper, and that is tbe
kind tbe public wants, judging from our
subscription list, which is inoreaeing
every day.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a oold is very
easily contracted, and it left to run its
oourse without tbe aid of seme reliable
oough medicine is liable to result in that
dread disease, pneumonia. We know of
no better remedy to cure a oough or cold
than Chamberlain's Cough remedy. We
have used it quite extensively and it
has always given entire satisfaction.
Olagah, lad. Tor. Chief.
This is the only remedy that is known
to be a certain preventative ot pneo
monia. Among tbe many thousands
who have used it tor colds and la grippe,
we have never yet learned of a single
oase having resulted in pneumonia
Persons who have weak lungs or have
reason to fear an attack of pneumonia,
ehould keep tbe remedy at hand. Tbe
25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Conser
& Brook.
A Curious Pazzle.
Tbe following is b very onrious puzzle:
Open a book at random and select a
word witbin the first ten lioes, and with
in tbe tenth word from the end ot the
I line. Mark tbe word. Now double tbe
number of tbe page and multiply tbe
sum by five. Then add twenty. Then
add the number of the line you have
selected. Then add five. Multiply the
sum by ten. Add the number of the
word in the line. From this sum sub
tract 250, and tbe remainder will indi
pate in the unit oolumn the number of
tbe word ; in tbe ten oolumn tbe number
ot the line,, and the remaining figures
tbe number ot t e page.
An Eminent New York Chemist and scientist
Makes a Free Offer to Onr Headers.
Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo-
oom, of flew xork City, demonstrating
bis discovery of a reliable cure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
bronchial, long and cheat troubles,
stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections,
general deoline and weakness, loss of
fleBb, and all conditions of wasting
away, will send THREE FBEE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them.
His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has
oured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and he considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible cure.
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con-
sumptiob are onrable in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in his American and Euro
pean laboratories io thousands from
those oured in all parts of the world.
The dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and oertain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0.,
98 Pine street, New Tork, giving post-
office and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direct
from bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of his generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Uregoo. J uly v-i-i jr.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart,
meat baa tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to tackle anything in any
line and will meet prioes of any person
under the sun in the line ot druggists
supplies, blank books, bank work
county work, or any sort of book bind
ingwork that yoa have heretofore sent
away to get done.
The Gazette abop is not obarity
ooncern but it yoa will give us a ohanoe
we will see that yoa are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at borne. Remember
that Abe Liooolo said that when one
bought goods away from home tbe
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
goods. But when tbe goods were
bonght at borne we had both money
and goodB. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
"Tie Rfilak Line"
The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co.
Hon. J. W. Ivey, oolleotor ot customs
for Alaska, arrived at Portland on Sat
urday from the north country. He
will return shortly to his post of duty
and will take bis family with bim.
I of oreirtm, for the County of Morrow,
Kd KimhI, t lHliitilt,
Frank Rhiiuv ftlid Wm Rnriln. I).fini1antM.
To Krsiik luney, one of the above iietnrd (le-fi'iuUnt.
In the imine of the list ot Oregon: You ere
ri'iiitrHl to si'"'r etui answer the complaint
ot iilslnlirr llli-tl in the eUive eutltkit court
ml suit on or Iwfore the flint 1y of the next
ri'unUr term of sslil court, to-wlt: On the first
MoiiiIhv of Mitn li, 1ik, end If you full to so
answer, riiniutin will take iinlKiueiit simile
err?, fort-clnatiiK the mortgage cieeprilxKl In
sal.l rninnlnliit oil the NVV of rV 'ii. In 1 H
K 1 K W M, KM! of NWK end NVYI of HWV
ol Hrc 77, tp in, Ktil W N, end that the same
he sold that the proreils he applied lo th
payment of the sum of K 62 with Interval and
attorneys irv $10 ami plalutln costs and dis
biirsenictits of suit and posts of sale.
This summons la published by onlor of
tHvphen A. Lowell.
ii. W. REA, rialntlfTl Ally.
Dated Deo. . 1mi7. 1 17
How's ThUl
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any onse of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheeney & Co., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have known F
J. Obeeney for tbe last 15 years, and be
lieve bim perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and firjaooially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Einnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting dlreotly npon the blood and mu
oous surfaces ot the system. Teitimo
nials sent free. Price. 75o. per bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
Two Million a Year.
When DeoDle buy. try. and buy again, it
means they're satisfied. The people of the
United States are now buying Cascareta
Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million
boxes a year and it will be three million be
fore New Year s. It means merit proven,
that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
Cbas. Boyse is in from Gooseberry
He has oompleted bis sobool and has
been rustling oattle lately. He aotici
pated that be would be in time for tbe
Masooio installation, yesterday being
St. John's Day. Suoh events must
occur on or before that day, but as the
lodge installed the evening of eleotion
over a week ago Chas. was too late for
tbe festivities. Charley baa growo an
immeore crop of Elondikera which be
says are immense this winter weather,
Leave The Dalles daily (except Sunday)
hiiiui.111, ueave jroruanu at 7x10
a. m.
When you go to Portland, stop off at
The uaiies and take a trip down the
Columbia; yoa will enjoy it, and save
General Agent
' TO
JSojn Francisco
And all point In California, via the Mt. Bbaata
route ol to
Southern Pacific Co
The greet hiahway thronah California to all
point Eaat and South. Grand boenio Rout
of the Faoifie Coaat. Pullman Bnffet
Bleepera. Seoond-olaae Bleepera
Attached to ezDraea train a. aflorriins anrierinr
accommodations for aeoond-claea passenger.
For rates, ticket, elenpiug oar reservations,
to,, oall upon or addresa
R. koEHLEK, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM,
Gen. r. A P. agt., Portland, Oregon
Those who desire to build should not
forget that 0. E. Banoas, tbe con
tractor, is ready to make estimates at
any time. 60tf
Released and Re-Arrested.
Hugh Medlook, aentenoed from this
oounty to three and one-half years in
tbe penitentiary, at Salem, for larceny.
waa released on Saturday, but was im
mediately rearreated on a warrant in tbe
bands of a deputy sheriff from Union
county, where be is wanted for stealing
a team and a buggy. He is now in tbe
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says;
'After two dootors gave up my boy to
die, I saved bim from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is tbe
Quickest and most oertain remedy for
coughs, colds and all throat an 3 lung
troubles. Conser A Brook.
Every new subscriber of the Gazette
from this date, May 26, 1897, will receive
aa a premium a book worth alone the
price of the subscription. tf
Come in aod subscribe for tbe"Gszoo."
Now is the time. You don't want to
miss a whole lot ot good, hard reading
that is now being published in oar
Union ooanty jtil awaiting trial, East
on last Saturday after Ins son, Sam, who Ore gonian
has been attending sobool here tbis
i meeting ol the stockholder of the Hepp
ner HulhlluH and Irnn Ass.x'latlon will )
held at their orllre In (he National Hank lu
Hi'iipucr, Oregon, between the hour of in. m.
and 4 p. m. of lueolay, the 11th day of Janu
ary, Ikim, for the purpose of electing director
lor th ensuing year.
KD. R. Blrllior, Secretary.
IVremlwr 6th, imi7. a ll)
II hi A M
.iu A M
. II. laud
in I'. M.
Ml r. M
i t r. m.
Moae etinnecl'otit at Nebam with stouner for
Renin, and all Knotnnal lk point.
1'vMu.n fur 'held liliev and Poundary
I'rvek oMinect al Marcus witti ttM dail.
Kan Cm
Ht. J km
Ht. !h'is
t'eloa tWot ennaaetioaa
alHuraul, Miaeaapolia,
Kaoiss City, Omaha, Ht.
lioakt and other promi
nent points
Iltfg cheokaJ through to destination
ol Ik k eta.
Thrnngb ll fcete to Jepea end China, via
lafli.ma ami Northern l'a Iflo Raem.
ship Company's Una.
for full Information, tlen card, maps,
ticket, tie., call on or writ
W. 0. A 1.1 AW. T, A. D. CMtaLTo,
Agt N T. Ily. AMt.tUa.IW Agt
Tbe lelMi(r I'artlaml, Or
If ye tiiflsf fnu et'V of I
II .4 m, oaiw la ll ol.l.M
rKialil d tlx I'mUm luul. I
DR. JOftOAN a ra.
lOtl M4M. ttlIRSll
Vsssi nsrn and swlddltt ,
aard snesi tw i.(UMirt
In tffttts m vHI,l .1 mv. ...' ,
I mtir ... smI 'liv.t.l
IMMIII, iHtsalssri mt ttainl.m.4 ,
n .1. , . n,, . , kerrwaurrsw,
frM.l.rrka lw..r,i,ra. tlr-l.
r.arsft f Moating. lira
,... .4 r.nw-itM,,! M,tativu-
IK H.l.f tvu to .....i. hit livsim '
IS. I 4 ii ,.i,lr alt t,l tiH. 1 .1 r"f tail
MwaMnn, I ! I K. i. ri o cU.i In
a,,,.. ,, a.,M..aU(, ,
sod - r-Tin --H tail nt ii 1 1- i l - f f inuaiia '
wh.la..,iil.itrM mt Mrs,
S.MII lhor.awl.1. .r!'--l.llrvl l
. al. , a 'h-'l I. .a S.r.., . .
IM t J ii-i.l. an IWm r I
a .wif ,nkm .f I. . r..ajttlNlt.L
M ') l.a.,ral IVI if I ( I A K H I
" n aa. i li.u ta- uvril t
vivaivainai s.aiiinra.
I ... a. rat P. n4 atrl.-1'r Btlaaap,
ri(4Ai.M Mf AIl.MJ.V4M K. 1e.-
v I " v !' , ri pv smij a
1ka rkllaaankv af k.nl.. I
In. (A .l. 4a aA s )
Viaif aa jsnBAKfJ
i.rfat si tiMiMitii r Anatomy
Ik nil wl asriaal Mw.aJ Ha kul talh
-a Li. 1 '-wits eawl paat .- .Mwtfiv y
..-U; b" l a.ktHi a. I dwa.
w a a.. 'V .4.1. a ' nti aim
UNIMI IU t aTlw arlhk
lOtl tma(. (a wr4e. Nl
of lirenoii. fur the t'niiiitv of Morrow.
In the matter ul Hi estate ol Klltlia Hperry, d-
To Hold Kdwards. and all unknown heir
lid devise, and any and all perxai llitereal
l. greeting :
lu th nam ol th Hiat ol nregin,
you are hen-hy rlteil and required in
tpHr In th County t'ourl id the stale of Ore-
I, lor th county ol Morrow, at th court
mi thereof at llcfpner. In th CotiniT of
Morrow, on Tueedav In 4th ilav ol Januarv.
W, at liio'i-lm k In th forenoon of that day,
then and ther to show rente, If any eiiat, w hy
an order lor th sale of th following drrrthd
miwrty In wit: rteglmiliig al a alak imiu
iirhe al lailnt h chains west of the son III
eaat rumor of I he dinialhiti land claim of
t liarle Kie. Notlflratlon .No. Jhsi and claim
No 44, In township I t, Doiilh ol kang 1 1) Hire,
l ol lh V tllanieti Meridian, and riiniitu
Ihrur North and parallel allh lh Kaat llneol
aald claim (I furly M-ien rhalu Ul a slak
!( M Inchr. Iliirn- l ast i 4 chains Ul th
pla.1 of Invlnitlug, containing A 14 a.'re nior
or lea, situated lii th county ol Llun aud Stat
of Oretfon. H"4 mad.
VMtiieas, in lln. A l. parlholomew. Indie
of the I'iMiiily Court of lh il ol tirvgun, lir
Ilia i oiinir of Morrw, with lh rl of aald
curt nitd, thia .Tlh day of hoteiuber, A, 1.
Attest J. W, MOKKOW,
nui eitf Clerk
winter, and who was desirous of visitirjg
the Gooseberry borne for tbe holidays.
Prosperity cornea quickest to the man
whose liver is in good condition. De-
Witt's Little Early Risers are tamoua
little pills for ooostipation, billioosnese,
indigestion and all stomach aud liver
troubles. Conser A Brock.
E. O. : Douglas Belts, ex-representa
tive ot Umatilla oounty, and a soocess
ful sbeepgrower, came in from Pilot
Itook Tuesday evening and reported tbe
loss ot bis dwelling boose by fire. It
waa worth $'2500. Insurauo 1 2 ,000.
It ia easy lo catob a oold and just as
aay to get rid or. II it yoa oommenoe
early to use On Minute Cough Cure. It
oures ooughs, oold, bronohitis, pneu
monia aod all throat and long troubles.
It is pleasant to take, safe to use and
sure to cure Conaei k Brock
Claude and Wlllard Uerreo have been
dawn from D. A. Derren's stock ranob
for several day. They eipeot some ton
pretty aoon aa they will go hunting op
in tbe Willow creek "bat in" where
nomber of Canadian lym art said to be
Uraotr la Blood Deep.
Clean klnod mean a clean akin. No
beauty without it. t'aacarcta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, l
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the hody. iH'gin lo-iuiy to
banish piniplea, boils, blotches, blnckhcadu,
and that aickly hilioua complexion by tokinu
t'aararela, honuty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satiafaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 5' r.
Keeehed HI Heateaee.
Gns Waoblio, the murderer ot John D.
Ledrick, at Cornelius several years ago,
by his attorneys, flled a motion for
new trial before Judge MoBride last
Fnday, but tbe Judge overruled tbe
motion aod sentenced Waobhn to death
by banging. The lime for tbe exeoution
was not sel by tha judge at that time.
bat Wacblln's execution will take plaoe
at Hillsboro within CO daya from last
Saturday. Ht. Helen' Mit
Tetter, Balt-Ilhemm and Fx-tem.
The Intense itching and smarting, inc.
dent to tlieae dii-aitea. ia inatantly allayed
by applying ChamWrluia'a Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many yterj bad caae
have been rtermancntly cared by it. It
Is equally efllclcnt for Itching iitica ana
lavortw renuMir rof aore nipi'ie.
looated. Tills iS also an exoellent dwr -harmed hand. rhllhUlna. froat llt.
and chrouic aor eye, if ) eta. per box
Mr. Mary Bird, llamsliorg, Ta, aays, I
"My child ia worth tnilllout to me, yel I
wonld have lost her by oroup bad I not
iovestad twenty fiv oenti In a bottle of
On Minute Ooiigb Car." II care
Ouughi, cold and all throat and lung
tmrtlilM. n.iniar A Ttmnk.
'pHt ro KHoi.nrka ir tiik Hrprnya
1 ,lht Mater tomnany will hold their
annual meeting lor cln iion ot .lira, lor and
other bn.lnea ua th loiillk Momlav ot Jaliu
arv, A. t., I. T. W.AYVHm,
H rwrvtaiy.
Al Wlllh tnea-llng W th au A holder ol
th ftrrtt.Hial Hank id Heppar, al their
i.m,- i.n tha ;n. f lea.la. Januarv. lw la.
toeau lh hour ol In ,i i l.a-k a in and 4 n rla k
p m . ol Mil ilay. for lh pur) of electing
.lire, tott and lh Iranaa, (to ol tick otl
kntlueat may appear
l.KO CO MS a a, faahler
M pnat, OrM !. lo, lavt. , l
Th Oaiett aeknowledge tha receipt
ot an elegant Cb rial ma preaeot tiom ita
old friend, J. P. Ilaydeo, who baa bao
travellag Ihroach Etro Oregon,
WaabiBgton and Idaho maoy year for
th grocery firm of Lang k Co. Mr.
Uayden is a vary popular basin man
and ha many frianJa in Heppner.
Dr. Cadi CtmdiUeN rawdera, art
jut what a home neesla when in bad
condition. Tonic, biooa panner ana
vermlfug. They ar not food but
nuMllcine and the btt in nae to rut
home in prime condition. Price 23
cent per package.
Kalker Hard aa Coaaloa.
Con Jo ba no marshal, and th Iowa
i ran wid op. Reeaotty th town
coaocU ordered th marshal to slop all
game of chano end gambling, and clear
lb Iowa of tin born. Th marshal, tint
wishing to depopulate th town, hand!
in bia resignation. Ttinevill Jooroal
3. A. Perkles, of Antiquity, O , we for
thirty year Bdlly tortured by phy
sicians for lb cor ol eotema. 11 wa
qaiokly cared by aiing DeWilt' Witcb
Uail aalv. th famou healing alv
for pile and skin dtaeaea. Cooaer
v On of lb prattieal display of meal
that oar acno baa ia all bis t
periane waa obaervad dewa at lib k
Malbfwa' neat Baikal, oa Cbristma
V. It waa th work ol Prd Bock,
aaattd by hi mployr. Tb Oaaelt
doabia tf tb peopl of Heppner will
vr ) a tea a display agaio. Tart
of it a a made ap of two big aht
weighing Wgt MM apiao.
W hat lr. A. R. Haltef Bay.
BotTalo, ?i. T. Gen ta t r rota taj
personal knowledge, gainej In obaerving
tb effect of yoor Hhiloh' Cur la ci
ol advanced eonsamplroa, I ant prepared
to aay it ia lh mot remark abl remedy
that baa var bewo brooabl lo tnr alt
tlutt. II ba eeftalaly avd Baa frtna
ottamptioa. Sold by CoBaer A linn k
Cb, Baraell aad G A. ralleraoB, of
Portland, tb former rpratlig tb
Chicago Toitrait Co. tb let 14 lb
Mae. Malaal Life, arrived from Bro
and lb Interior ta lal Friday. M
rlteroa ren)e l Portland atd led
for th Intern two sanatte ago, sUrtin
from TbaDall. IKdk report tb read
very bad.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon
Located on tbe O. It. A N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walla. BtodenU admitted at
all timea of Ibe year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Vooal end lnlrnmentel Music tansbt
by competent ioatroctora. A gradu
ate of tbe Boeton Conservatory ba
charge of tbe Instrumental department.
Tlio loneliest' Bofirtlintr IIiill
' Is thoroughly equipped aod offer ex
cellent accommodationa al rcaaonabl
ratea. Bend for eataloga.
Adda M. G. ROYAL, PrldM af faeulty r P. A. WORTHING"
TON, SerUr Board af Rgitta, Wten, Or.
AttornovN t Lcixv,
All busloea attended to id a prompt and aatiafaetory
manaer. Notariea fablic and Collector.
t t
i i
Inmbia l.ivrr and Pucrt Sound Nnvi
a -' aw as m v rv v m aa at ' B pm
Laring Alder HI reel Dkek, rortlaad, for Astoria, llwaeo, Leg Boaeh, Ocwa
1'ark and Kabeotta. lhreot aonneelioB wttb Ilwseo Uatnr aed rail
road; ala at Toong Hay with Sear hot Kailrol.
Leav Portland 7 A. at. tauly, esrt o4y. Lmvm A.Wmi I p. M. Dally, trp4 Ihie4a
Leavs rortlaad I P. M !ily. ie.r. anndy. -inMy nicni, II P Um trior U P
alt M A. M., H(H kuaday and Mos.lay, auiawy aigM. I f. M
Leave Pnrtlaitd M ran ftlrar-t to lwee. TsatUr and Taarwtay ai A. M ttMy ill F M
Ua. 11 vara anawUy mI m.ly at I m A. M. Ua kaatta Bmkl M r. M. 'm
Eirt CbfHf, a) lifad tVtiuiki LWtk Itx&n fret if tsytut
Pet ty. pd, Cota fiirt, r.aar, T ratal mi im Tvlevaeoa, taitoy OaUrt aad taa W
- - 1 - - in,
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.