Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 28, 1897, Image 3

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    Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In Spite
ot Treatment but Now They are
Healed A Wonderful Work.
'.'For many years I have been a great
Bufferer with varicose veins on one of my
limbs. My foot and limb became dread
1 lily swollen.. When I stood up I could
feel the blood rushing down the veins of
this limb. One day I accidentally hit my
foot against some object and a sore broke
oat which continued to spread and was
exceedingly painful. I concluded I
needed a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
those dreadful sores which had caused
me so much suffering, began to heal. I
kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and the sores gave me
no more pain.' I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, has done for me." Mbs. A. E.
Gilson, Hartland, Vermont.
Istht. best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
n-Sood'S Pill3 cure all liver ills. 26 cents.
The Oazette can offer the following
dabbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 : $3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, fl.50 8.25
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. 2 75
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2 50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00.. ...... 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00... 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00 1,80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan
get clubbing rates with any paper on
Bnnday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Claises No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The H PI hit and the bri e say. ('
1 he pastor may be (onnd at the parsonage ad
joining the chnrch, where he will be glad to
meet any w-o may desire to consult hiin on
religious, social, oivio, philosophic, eduoational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLEBHER, Minister.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., ou the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
T. I. Matlock.
a very pleasant Christmas entertain- WEDDINGS.
meet was eiven on Friday evoninu in
Penland's ball at Lexington by the pnb- WARREN MYERS At the Chris
lie school of tbat city. The oomnleta tisn charch of this plaoe, Monday even-
program is given in another oolnmn by iag' De0- at 630 'olook' waa solem-
the Gazette's Lexington correspondent. n,lz lDe Mr'8B ' "7
Quite a party of yooxir Deonle from wrreB Ma MlM Helen M- Wet
Heppner went down, and .moiu, ,hm danghter ot Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Myers
onr reporter notioed Messrs. Chaa. Van " OI PP. u. novum omc
Winkle, Barney Doberty, Frank Brown. ,8l,ug' ,n ,ne Pe8enoe OI uumrjeroi
and Verna Barton. Tbey reiwrt having rolBllveB BUU "10UU8, Bna B8"'
bad a splendid time and enjoyed the en- eDtered ,he oharcb from tha le0tnr9
room to tue sweet Btrains or a weaaing
tertainment very much.
EC: Fred W. Hendley still wins
honors at bowiing. Last evening be
finished bis one hundredth game at the
Pendleton alley, making 5018 pins, or
an average of over 50. This beats the
average of F. H. Canthorn, of Portland,
march, played by Mrs. Norman Myers,
and was led by the little flower girls,
Misses Eiise aud Fay Bartholomew, fol
lowed by Rev. Howard and ihe brides
maides, Misses Jennie Noble, Lillian
Bisbbe, Addie Jackson and Winaefred
Meyers.sister of the bride ;t he groomsmen,
who held the northwest champ.onsh.p, M
Bnfl la a ram n rfca Kl a .......I Kf . rin.il I -
ley bowled several very high games, and
bis friends yet expect to see him make
the possible 90.
The M Biquam Grand, on Morrison
groom. The pulpit bad been oonverted
ioto an arched vestibule, with dainty
evergreen gates, an immense wedding
be'.l in tho center of the decorations ot
street in the Msrquam building, is under hollv aud othe. 6Veraen8. aaet which
excellent management and the public the ooople Btood while Rev.Howard pro-
will be royally entertained this winter
New companies and new faoes will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-class theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some of the flee dramas that
will be presented. tf
nooDoed those words wbiob made them
on J. The other deoorations were tastily
arranged and in keeping with the oc
casion. The bride wore cream satin
and orange blossonns, while the brides
maids were attired two in pink and two
in white. The gentlemen all wore the
bi. O. : 0. M. Pierce, cashier of the conventional black. After the oaremony
Weston bank, was here today on his re- the large number of friends and rela
torn from La (Jranda, where be is con- lives extended their congratulations, A
nected with the Pansey Pierce Co. Mr. wedding snpper at the home of the
Pieroe states that the sugar beet factory bride was partaken of by tbe relatives
now an assured fact, and La Qrande and a very few friends, after whioh it
has bright prospects. Tests of Grande was the iutention of the newly married
Ronde valley soil show tbat it is es- couple to leave for Portland bat by an
peoially adapted for sugar beet culture, nnfortnnate mistake they did nut reach
M. B. Calloway's pioture of tbe city tbe train in time to take their departure
of Heppner, sent to the Oregooian to be 88 inteuded. They leave this evening
reproduced in the New Years' edition of 'or 8 brief wedding trip, however,
that paper, arrived too late to be given The following is a list of the presents: Dr,
a Dlace. This Daner recreta tils verv ana MrB- weicn, roruana, teaspoons; Mrs
much as tbe pioinre is the best ever
Take Notice.
1. The turn of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of chu rch and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adber
el to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
made of the' town and wonld have ap
peered to great advantage in tbe big
Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man of
Portland in tbe lioe of "popular prioes,"
has refitted the Wastiogton St. theatre,
formerly known as the "New Park."
Cordray Always has something new, and
our peopie, wnen Deiow, can spend a
pleasant evening at bis plaoe. tt
Miss Alhe Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully burned on the face and neok.
Knight, Butte, Mont., band-painted doilies;
Robert F. Hynd, piano lamp; Mr. and Mrs.
Warren, silver cake stand and butter dish;
Mr. and Mrs. Myers, silver cake stand; Kev.
and Mrs. Howard, picture; Mr. and Mrs. Shutt,
silver crumb knife; Arthur Hodson, pie knife;
Mr. aud Mrs. Conser, China tea set; Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. J. Adkins, silver napkin ring; Mrs.
Annie Mathews, China tea set; Judge and Mrs.
Bartholomew, silver tea spoons; Elsie Lacy,
silver sugar spoon and butter knife; Mary
McBwords, China bread and butter plates; Dr.
and Mrs. McSwords, China salad and vegetable
dishes; Mr. and Mrs. Hewett. berry set; Ellse
and Fay Bartholomew, China vase; Mr. and
Mrs. Will Spencer, silver coffee spoous; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Gilliam, berry set; Lutie Farns-
Pflin was instantly relieved by JJeWitt's worth' chlua ollve di8h! Cora nd ViraHart,
Witoh Hazel sulve, wbioh healed tbe in
jury without leaving a soar. It is tbe
famous pile remedy. Conser & Brook.
Oliver Snyder has taken charge of tbe
Hotel Heppner feed barn and will fur
Dish stall room, grain or hay at reason
able figures,
cents. Will
Here and There.
Bee M. Liclitentbal & Co. for shoes. . a
Ed. Asbbaogh is over from Eight
Submit your plans to Ranous before
giving out your oontraot. tf
To trade A good heating stove, for
eordwood. C11 at office. tt.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
arth. Bee ad. elsewhere.
Capt. J. M. Bernard, ot Nampa, Ida
bo, arrived this morning, ou business.
Felt boots and rubbers, and Arctic
overshoes at T. K. Howard's. 605-tf.
Fine home-made tally at tbe Orange
Front. A clrau, fresh stook of goods
leave your orders. If.
E. M. Shutt aoJ family attended the
Christmas doiiige at Lexington on Fri
day evening.
Any oo e desiring to build either a
bouse or barn will make money by call
ing oo tbe Osteite offloe. 67 tf
"Oo'o juloe" la all right bat Low Til
lard has a brand of Itear old goods
tb at la bard to beat. 6o3-lf.
rainless remedy tor eitractiog teeth.
It not as slated, do elarges. Try Dr.
Vaogban's new p!ao. 604-If.
IJeel Moommodation and oourteous
treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel. Seventh
aod Wash. 8t., Portland, Oregoo.
Oo to tbe Matloek corner aod try
Armstrong k Cooper' wblekey and
eigare. K yon like tbe sample bay
tome. 6lf
Roger Montgomery aud Will Allison
departed this morning for their Eight
Mile lands, alter brief sojourn in
Bora To lb wife ot Fr.ak Baird, on
8il Dollar, Cbrtetmea, an 8 poaod boy.
Frank be a Christmas gift tbat will
lake op mall share of Lis attention;,
lor one lime at least
aliases MeoUe aod Lore Braeaet, sis
ters of Mre. C. II. Wall, armed Friday
mora lug from Le Oread on short
riait, Mrs. Wall Is the wife of (bo
preeeol fireman oa tha H( pner oraoch.
A telephone raeeeags from Prod W too
yesterday at out aooa annooneed the
FodUtB Are. Our people are Jist be
ginning to appreciate Ihe blessing that
orb meant of cotcmuoiretioa bring
to oe.
Mr.. M. B. Ford, IUdd.H'e, til., gof
fered for eight years from dyeiiepete aad
cbrooie eoealipaltoo aod wm fleetly
or! by using DeWlU'e Little Early
Iliswra, Ibe famous little piile for ell
tomarb aod liver troobla. Coer A
Mis Mery MeHvords gave a parly lo
mbet of berfneadeo ImI Tbareday
vrtlog. tc XI. KT, it betag b.r lonr
tath birthday. Bhe reivel aaeaf
re pfeenU, aoxHif tbos e aire gold
waleb frooi br parsnt. A asr laeeb
wee eervad and til aaoeb S prreiatd
by Ibe yooeg gwie.
cut glass mustard pot and syrup pitcher; Mr.
and Mrs. O. E. Farnsworth, cut glass salt and
pepper set; Mr. and Mrs Stanley, rocking chair;
Mr. and Mrs. N J. Myers, sofa pillow; Mr. and
Mrs. I. H. Jackson, The Dalles, China lunch
plates; Ueo. Wells, water set; Lena Rhea, China
bread plate; Mr. and Mrs. Bisbee, butter dish
and tea set; Lillian Bisbee, China cake pUte;
Span over night, fed at 75 Mr, and Mrs. Bishop, China salad dish; Mabel
.l.n An ,0- aisn; Mrs. w. J. Leezer, doilie
. .- () , , . , , wain. JMK.I, .UU UUVUjr
"U" ouu iraine. II nlates: Mr. and Mrs. Prank P.rrl.h Hln.
Come lo tha Oazetis nfrlnn anrl Mont- "llver berry a- CnM- Ingraham,
m I nanbtta namn irl.lln 1.I.a Jnlll.
GovemmeDt ecvelops look cheap, and Jennie Noble, doilie; Winnifred Myers, crayon
besides you cannot cut your bnainMB Picture.
wa Fa.uwu luciDuu, i EMERSON HORNOtt Minn Marcriirot 4
Honior and Mr. Horace A. Era era on were united
In murrlunn Kir Da f U7 Vln.k.. . .1
mourning note, oorrespondenoe style, afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the home of the
with envelopes to match. Those desiring bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hornor, in
nob stationery can have their wants thl11 d'y. the presence of the relatives and a
anonlied at this nflW Ir 'ew friends. The bride was attired In a neat-
' . ... . . .. ..
""s MoiiiiK utv wniie tne groom wore ine
uerD Bartholomew is the victim 10 a usual black. The happy couple departed for
case of mistaken identity. However, M-aiiiornia on last night strain where they will
this little incident rii.l nnr l-n hi. 'Vlm laB noneymoon.
appetite and appreciation of a good
wedding (upper.
Mre. Viooe Kelley, a patient of Dr. E.
R. Bwinbnrne, according to the Eagle is
rapidly reooveriog from tuberculosis.
Tbe time was when this was thought to
be inourable.
A. A. Roberta oame io ou Friday lo
sprnd Christmas with ibe home fulks.
Be expects to move his family to Port
laud to reside soma lime during next
Mrs. Til'.ie Crow and daughter, Mia
me, arrived from Portland on Saturday
morning lo spend the bolideyi with Mrs,
Crow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Borg
The following is a list of the presents with
names of respective donors: Mr. and Mrs.
Meadows, pepper and salt shakers; Mr. and Mrs,
Binns, napkins; Miss Ada Jones, towels; Miss
Delia Reed, vase; Miss Jennie Noble, silver
butterdish: Gen Weill wnti.i-.nt' R r Hvn1
lamp; Mr. and Mrs. H 8. hornor, napkins; Mr.
and Mrs. n. W. Hornor, rug and nankins; John
Hornor. picture: Mvrtle Hornor. iHrvlnr wt:
BellUoruor, vase; Nellie Hornor, napkin rings.
Educate Yonr Bowels With Cascarata,
dy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
u v. u. i. lau, aruggiata relund money.
Press Thompson is getting better rapidly.
E. H. Ammerman waa In from I'arker'a mill
If . A. Kelley was In town today, the first time
for some wee
Dock Hliotie was out todar. lnoklns flntrnta
or a man oi nis years.
Clyde Saline leaves tonlcht for Jtinrau
Alaska, to serk his fnrtuna. ThsQaietta wIiIim
Temoletoo came over VMlerrla. t,"nl'UI"1"t t,"xtu'
- - I b. VmI. aI II - . 1. 11 1 J
ami, on isn inursnay,
irom uayetaok lo be treated for facial John Oliver, over soma
paraljsls. Tbn is probably not serious ,"mch ,not tnroh " h8d-
al leael Ibis is so hoped.
Mra. I. L. Van Winkle went down to
Rbea'a aiding on Friday evening to spend
Christmas with ber daughter, Mrs.
Jennie Morgao.
Mr. Jea. Jooee and daughter, Bertha,
spent Christmas with tbe family of Oscar
Mitchell oo Lower libra oreek.
Ueppnee Candy Factory fur freeb
oreame aod tsfuee. W, U. Van Day a
with E. J. Slocam, Prop. Cu8 t,
Btatemenle for tbe Famons Simple
Aceoaol File printed al tbe Osteite of-
nee. si
ExplolU ol Ihe Two Huns of tha
Arrhiluks Karl Lailwlg.
Two young Austrian prince, who, by
the dentil of their father, Archduke
Charles I-ouls, ure brotitrht into the line
of immediateeucc(-jM-Nion,baraK)pular
ill-rcjiut- wlncjj would hate In-4-ii rxcr
aive even In the Munich or Ktuttpnrt of
a generation go, fcays the Saturday He
view. Iloth tire reputed to lx- unulile to
read and w rite correctly any one of the
ltinguoffe in which nn Austrian ruler U
upixjHol to ! proliclrnt.
After the r.uiclde of Archduke l(u
tlolnli. In 1 h.v.i. an effort woa timde to
wuimoo and select slock of tomatoes 1 1 ruin (he mind of the elder of tliew
aod canoed corn at T. It. Howard's. I cousins, Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
fuivif I lie waaaeiiton a tour around then orlil
Llcblenthal k Co. forsho Exola.ive f"'1 t"' t' ,rrl ,J
sboo store. Handle tbe beet. Mlf
UulDoeeees farooos old 'Dublin
Htoal," Imported, at Chrte lWohera'
miij, spring weeiher le npoo oe at I
prrot, bol it is loo warm to last long.
(i arret I Akers aod Dm Fleming
over from Qooeeberry.
T Tar t'lMial lath rarr.
Tsks C wrarsu ( n nthmrt.c. Iw erBe.
iiuuu. lau tecura, aruHts rviune biums.
Tmi lUmmfun Yho William Oor-
d m bae moved tile fd yard from lie
f'ifmf incetkiB to Junva old eteed
ber I will be plsasd lo bate all bis
frirti ls aed patmoe to eall on bim. Mr.
UordoS) Is aeoomroodatlDg, bae good
yard and aboadaol faeilliiai to take
ear i.f sliK-k la flrsl elaae hap. Hie
pf ire are very rehle. He bae bay
ssdirsiirnflsis. II acutely al !! a
rr Uul of fiW Umolh. tf.
(' ttrm m arr u. yMioMay k.r
tlrny a a OiriiMM al the ls
4m, whlrh worth I Id, J4g KkhsMsoa
tltnuht, fr k. sir hnlrher, (the was
, .......... e4 the Bwtr, will run 4 I
L rLil I'Zi I aj.VX;LIl J j trial al 1 a . h.l.y.
tm. . w. y f vril 4rsrwf from warte( net mn r4llf. Hie
r ""TTT TTTTr: fT' ! ' " e-nt Ui lo fa fr.wt, M la Dm lwri I
U t B-sT ot his lateatlMi. j
Blankets! Blankets!
ELEGANT SUITS OF . . . . . .
E. W.Rhea & Co.
A full and complete line of the cele
brated Kuh, Nathan & Fisher goods
just received from Chicago.
Suits and Prices Guaran
teed to Fit.
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Minor & Co.
An elegant line of Gent's Neckwear, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps. You can surely be suited
in any of these lines.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
Cotton Blankets 90c a pair.
Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25.
We also have a line of Eastern blankets
called wool, at $3.00.
But the Only Blanket
On Earth is the
We are sole agents for those, having bought oar
entire line in Jane, it enables us to sell those
celebrated goods at tbe same prioes asked for
interior brands. Call and examine.
IrriRth tt IhMiirifr record of oWrva
lions which lie wsssuid to have w rlttn
All tbiit he rritllr drrlved from I lie Jour
ik-v v a a malady from which he is now
slow y tiding.
He is Ihe prince who ecuniluliwd
inula in nn you in ur rmlimir a i-n-
nnl f unci nl rocriMiion !i'. li lie tnr
liilrrUi;i:r.iii)d romiTlllrif ihe mourn
rrs lo hold Ihe birr w hilc h" U ajwl his
Home li.'u kwnril am forwiuu oirr the
wiffin. Ill uncle, th rmprnir, llirnHhi d
him wiih a stick for ibl iyi.!ol1. el
Ihonifh In- we al Iho Uin s prow n l.uin
.iri'l en trfU-rr Intlirarniy. ! si rutin-
Mllo i liir In rr if anoUirr rui lml, in
',! a t nl llr Inmili of (In. grim-t
kiml lo his n lf. for liirh Hie Aue
Irians er ili lijrliicil to Irarn that Imi
si i frll til i ni rir's rene.
In ft li'i niion, though hot In de
fcn, of lli-!r tU'lotik worthlcsanrM, It
Is rriiit hi! crc that ihrss vouttp tn-n in
lirrit rt mil; ibe (trt iiinl,t.i-of ilu
il (t in lutnl IUl.iirr tilimil, tint ere
irraniliifms of that rrlniinal lunatic
whom I'.r (rlliin-ri st II iinrtnU r ihs
Nrsxlitan "llnmlie."
The lerjr -iisr Ibrvr has of late
en r.r"r""dcd that all women who
rtil to any eslmt of malt drinks
hae largf fi t! I be women ut Hol
land. Ormany, are ntu,tj aarsni,Ue,
whil l) wfiiiin of the wine rountrlra
-l"rarir, Fln and Italy are, on the
othf r hand, fsmcd for thlr small and
hstvlr iWt. I
In it for
$1. t.
o J. M. HAGER.
For your "Knlck Knacks"
for the Holiday festivities,
see ssasssar
-T. R. HOWflRD
At the same Old Stand.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' end
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
At prices as low as they can be sold in
this market.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
Jnd now the entire world
knows this verfect vroduct
As the Star Brewery beer.....
On draught at
all popular saloons
HEPPNER, UR., Mot. 12, ln.
M'ttrt. Conner A Brock, Jlepjmer, Or.
c.snthmsk: I waa recently taken with a serere cold
which made me rery hoarse and rendered ma unlit to
attend to business. A friend ol mine called my attention
to your Dr. Barthlow's cough syrup and I bought a bottle,
costing me M cents, which relieved me at once and com
pletely cured ma. I am suli)oct to throat difficulty and I
have found nothing that gave me so much relief as this
cough cure,
I am Informed that It la excellent for colds, bronchitis,
whooping cough aud all throat and lung troubles.
1 beg to remain, most truly yours,
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
The Best Bargains-
But are those of greatest value In proportion to eost. If you want to gut your
money s Worth of honest goods In
At Chas Jones' Old Htand.
Shaving. - 15 Ct.
HairCuttinK. - !G "
Joe Is keeping op the reputation of this shop
for drst-clsaa work and would be pleased to
have you call.
II. HEED A T,flt)tMott
A. o. OOILVIE f I"'",l0,,
Fossil (Al miles).. H W Round trip Siao
Msyvllle (U miles) . 40U Round trip 700
Condon (3 miles) . . 1 00 Round trip ( 00
Clem (A lelles) ... too Round trip IU
Oles (It miles) 160 Round trip tW
f)are Issvaa Arlington ever m'ring
(Bandar eieepted) at ft o'clock; la doe
al Oondoo al 3 p- m. and srilree al Koe
sll al 7 p. b.
Comfortable entered eoaeliee aoI tare
fol, etperiearwd drlvere.
Hetlee le Ibe raelte.
Isaae Eonea, eolleolor for tbe llepp.
tr Llgbl A Water Co., bavlof eevare4
all enoneetioes with tbe aipany, W.
E. PrO)B bae bees appointed bie aae
eeeeor an-l le bereby aatborlsed to per
form tbe dis ol eopwIntMileot aad
eol lector.
ft 8 Ilarmia Lioaf A Warta Ur.
Freak MeFarlaad bae Use apporlotd
epeetal ateal of Tbe Eeilable Life As
erauee Co of New Tf k, roe el rmtfrnl
a tbe wotUl. Ceeb enrplua lo policy
holders of eer 43 soillkj dollars. IWl
tele Ineareaee) wiiboel etef the M
. plena of the Eqeila' le. Insures holb
Mathews &c Gentry,
e ?
Hhop two doors South of fosUiHIce.
Formerly of PendlrUin
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaving, 18 Cents
Hair Cutting, 28 "
Rhop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon.
We are Increasing our sUick for fall and winter. Call and see us.
That 14-Ycar Old Stuff,
Cohen s Best,
On Tap Down at The
Put your old bnoks snd notes In his
hsiHis and eet ywir money out of
II. fin Makes a specially of hard
Office in J, N. Drown'a IiuUdiofr,
The Old Shop!
It tlia place to go to got
your fio ork and Iamb
c!iohi, atrakg ami roaaU.
Telephone Saloon
New HlsnJ, Clly Hotel Dulldiog,
LOW TiryVII3, Prop.
Hcppncr's Leading Furniture
Room Suites from U.OO up. . ,
Oool, Droir-Uaf TuhlcH, f'-VJ.'. '
Beautltul Line oi tirlstmas Goods now Open.
Yen are Invited to call aad Inspect my stork
seise at seme rale.
fine sissr cured asms and harnn,
tnn leaf ts"1. kU le reiMleeMt, old
eifie. Hlgkest aaaa prh paid M
fat stork.
lUaooe Is still oa IL. toif itA D a lit
tle eer peeler baelMes. Il
Al. XtrlCIlTlSXTlIalVX CO.
They kave anything la this line thsl ymi anay deetra and r eaa depend oa It you get a
good artU le when tliey guarantee Ik
OlsJ Stsaf, Mai Btreet tepalrle, a SeeeleKyi