Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 28, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1897.
Wheat is on the upward grade
again. It is likely to reach a high
figure, judging from the tone of
speculators in the east and the
foreign market
Word comes back from Cuba
that it is not certain that Gen.
Ruiz has been executed. It is
denied that he made tne visit for
political purposes.
Indian Ter. braves talk about
war. Better exterminate the whole
outfit They have been costly
wards and are as unappreciative
as they are expensive.
Senator Hanna has gone to
Ohio, to remain until the legisla
ture elects his successor. . Just be
fore leaving Washington, he said:
"The stories sent from Ohio that
a number of the republican mem
bers of the general assembly will
desert me if I am not successful
on the first ballot Beems to me
absurd. Every republican county
but four has instructed its legis
lators for me; the party is pledged
to me through the action of the
republican state convention at
Toledo, and I am unable to see
what can Btand in the way of my
The fact that the senate did not
act upon Attorney General Mc-
Kenna's nomination to the bench
of the supremo court before the
recess hasn't the significance some
persons are trying to give it; in
fact, in has no significance. The
nomination did not go to the sen
ate until two days before the re
cess and there was no time for the
judiciary committee, which never
acts hurriedly upon nominations
of the supreme court, to consider
it The nomination will be con
firmed, and the smallness of the
vote against confirmation will be
another proof of how poorly in
formed some newspapers are about
sentiments entertained by sen
ators. Fuehident McKinlev will, ac
cording to trustworthy though un
official information, shortly meet
the objections that exist, in and
out of cougress, against present
conditions iu the civil service, by
issuing an executive order making
mnterial modifications in the
blanket extensions of the civil
service rules made by Mr. Cleve
land during his last year in office.
While tho opposition on the part
of republicans in congress doubt
Iobu whs a factor in this matter, it
is well known that tho president
has had it in mind ever siuce his
election. It will bo retnemborod
that ha said in Lis annual tnes
SHge: "l'here Bra places now in
the claHHifiod service which ought
to be exempt and others not clas
sified, may be properly included. I
hall not hesitate to exempt cases
which I think have boon improp
erly iucludd iu the classified
scrvioo." J tint when this order
will bo issued or tho full extent of
the modification has not boon fully
dctor'nined, but it will not be ur
lirising should the order bo issued
before the reaHHeiubliug of con
grcts, ou Jan. S.
Th Unlltx) Htt hmI rnimili.
luting iu cbarg id c ot i Hutor
('iiilwtl, b mute ixriMtfDl Milloa
linn la "briNik Into th oU'' m
rirefnttiv of th l of (regno,
but iKxIponnl oonaiileratma of tb
tuonii f Hi em until fter th boll.
. Tb niii Bllll III MIHMIM of
tli i nlor Iu oountotioa iiti iht
matter r quit ruim,lrlU and
Dul kooaa wbiob of thta ctuww biui
lb mot mutt j, K.mI Ortgooian.
And so Hartley It lo U candidal
for PoBgfiHMi In b fircl dialrut. Nolb
Id could t Bar Oiling. Harkler b
mor Ability tli Vttlrbrg sod ooa
eiiolly would b letter ll (o de
fend bw lrMoHtd rl la lb laal
legisUiar. 11 t means 11 lb mm
of Ulh Hartley and tl'lUo )ir on
lb llil ticket Tb would Oltmgti
rrtil lbif fiillowing nd b i
would htv rbe la til in judgm!
( lblr pl record. Or;n. fit
A MMliB (if lb iiltif boltl p
ctknt M livid l Mo1ioiII lul Hl
rdty. It wm lb rali( of lb Ul
rtrt otnaltte of lb potalit. dt-
Or fill J SB loo bl lllll rti
lb parti lbl rtd lb
urgMtMlloa of lb ll U-giUlr-lh
nl'H bi ( form roaliiloa f lb
purpe of (i(arlng lb tfflo l lb
UI tin lin. I'aob of tb or
tiii(liB rtnd-l la rtrt.
illy, Srs pntrtipl, I
4 r
oU lbe tPM cj J ..l loci tartr
organizations be maintained? Tbe En
terprise has bII along oonleoded that all
there was to populism was for tbe lead
ers to hold offloe, and tbe contention has
never been more clearly proven than in
this inatanoe where the three parties
have laid aside their respective princi
ples and banded themselves together
with one objeot in view, namely, to de
velop strength in tbe elections. Their
prinoiplee'oount fur nothing; it is votes
tbey want. These three elements have
no principles to oarry ont after they are
elected, as was shown by them in tbe
last legislature. Tbey promised the
people all things before eleotion, just as
they are now doing, bnt after eleotion
did they attempt to have enaoted any of
the remedial legislation advooated in
tbe oampaign? Not only did they refuse
to make good their promises but they
also refused to allow any other party to
enaot legislation for the benefit of tbe
taxpayers. Tbey refused absolutely to
even take the oath of offioe duriog the
forty days session, and why? Beoause
they represented no prinoiple save that
of delivering themselves after the pur
chase price had been paid. Their objeot
first, last aDd all tbe time is to howl
oalamity and bold office. Principles
ont no figure. Oregon City Enterprise.
Itacklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bruises, Mores, doers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Rkin Erup
tions, and positively cures Files or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price '25 cents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager.
The Excelsior Dramatic Co. In Town. Play
Tbe Excelsior Dramatic Co., just from
southern California, arrived here this
morning and will appear at tbe opera
bouse tonight in the beautiful and ever
popular drama, "Hnzel Kirke". This is
a play replete with sparkling oomedy,
driimatio situations and heart-stirring
domestio interest.
The present ecru pa oy, this paper
learns, hat made a most favoruble im
pression in their representation of this
drama wherever they have performed it,
notably iu Los Angeles at the Bur batik
theatre where tbey pliijed it by speoial
request for a period of two weeks, so in
view of tbese faots a very large auilieDOe
will no doubt be present this evening to
witness tbe performance. Already the
reserved seats are nearly all disposed of.
The company will also give a matinee
tomorrow afternoon, tbe play chosen for
representation being Tom Taylor's mas
terpiece "The Tioket-of-Leave Man." To
morrow night will be seen in Ibeir last
performance here the favorite drama,
"Tbe Octoroon."
It if not often a company with such a
repertoire reputation visits our town and
we have no doubt aooordiugly that tbey
will be well received .
tihilub's Coimnraptioo Cure ourea
where others fail. It is tbe leading
Cough Cure, and no home should be
without it. l'leasaut to take a'ud goes
right to the spot. Hold by Cotiser &
Brook. x
Tin City Nut Overlooked la Thin Matter-,
lloyal Ooud Time.
The K'hkI people of I'lne City, or Galloway, as
It li sometimes known, enjoyed (lie plvuure ol
a ChrlitiiiM tree on the eve of that iUy. The
people Ix-iran to arrive vprjr early at the V. H.
eliiirrh, mitl ly A ,tu tho Iioiims m vrowiletl to
Ha iitmoul rHarlly.
'I he program aa fullowi:
I'rayer, hy Krv. J. T. Iloaahia.
Hook. "ChrUliiiaa lllee," tiy iheetwilr.
h.)x h ol lnlrHhirtioii, by Ktv. Ilnaklna.
KiIIkIIuii, "( linatmaa I'rayer," ly Minnie
hM.'h, lijr Maalor Pml lloaktni.
"Miiiipllilns Knntiy ," y Arthur Mathewa.
Hm llatloii, "Urncl'i C'hrlatinaa," l.y Ina
Knllalloii, "The Flower Mlaalon," Llxle
Hn'Hatlon, "Onol Chrlal'i tittle Onea," l.y
Ma VIihm'iii.
Km-llallon, 'l,atita."l Cliaa lloaklna.
kio ltailoii, "Two l.llUa tttia klniia," by Cora
hung, "I'alrlnllo Oli," by cliotr.
K llallnn, ' I'nilili-a." bv M llllr lloaklna
Hot'lutliiu, "CI, rial ma everywhere," by t'ora
Hm iutluii, -Uwl Hymn," by Mr. Klla Vin
cent. Kwltallon, "(lirlalmaa Tree," by Mlaa M.I.
Hm llallon, Mra. Uroiiicliia " by Jaa. Ilimklna.
hn-itailiiii. ( barge ol lb Light Btigaile," by
Millie llmk Ilia.
Kn llallnn, 'Onrrountr,"by WaMo Vincent
Hniiatlon, "hung ol Mblnighl," by Iravla
Hi'inatkaby Frank Hlnan
lableaiik, ''N.'arrr My U.hI In The."
iMairllMilliiu ol pn'aeuta.
Ali. r lha prcariita au etretletil aoper waa
aprMil wbli h waaimti h enjuymt. I'luel Ity baa
the name In-tng an eirrllpnt lot nl eiHika
ami lli la mm h ilrx-rtnl r piilailun aullereU lint
una w lilt on thla I hiiatmaa evu.
nr Irlliiw low Hainan. W. f. Una k, breaent
iMallr.1 riilorol lleppiiar Ixvlga No .1 H. I'. O.
K waa hmioml will, a plain on the m-ei'tlnn
roinmlOe to I'hlrtlaiil tuatnt Knallisl Killer
One of Amcr!c's most tu
rnout phyiidiru layit "Scrof
u!a It extern! oonsumption."
Scrofulova cKiUrcn art often
beautiful children, but thef
Lick nerve force, itrong bonei,
tout itiukIcj kri power to
rcilit diseAie. For d licit e
chiUren there U no remedy
equal to
Scott's Emulsion
of Cxi- liver Oil with Hypo
photphitcs of Lime ni SoJju
It filU out the kln by putting
food fltkh beneath It. ItmAkca
the cheeks rci by rruklnj rich
blood. It ere U J An Aprctitc
for food and give the body
power enough to dlentlt. Be
ure you get SCOTFS Emul
tion. yn. a4 wi afl aVijiaa,
a ! , ' I I a 1'i.i.r i imbina rrm , n
i ft4fe-Ht4r
Catarrh invariably leads to consump
tion. Growing worse and worse each,
winter, those who rely upon the usual
treatment of sprays, washes and inhal
ing mixtures find that it is impossible
to check the disease with these local
applications which only reach the sur
face. The offensive discharge increases
all the while, and gets deeper until it is
only a question of a short time when
the lungs are affected.
The importance of the proper treat
ment can therefore be readily appre
ciated. But no good whatever can be
expected from local applications, as
such treatment never did cure Catarrh,
and never will. Being a blood disease
of the most obstinate nature, Swift's
Specific (S.S.S.) is the only temedy
which can have the slightest effect upon
Catarrh. It is the only blood remedy
that goes down to the bottom of all stub
born diseases which other remedies
i'.annot reach.
Mrs. Josephine Polhill, of Due West,
S. C, writes :
"I had such a severe case oi
Catarrh that I lost mv hearing in one
ear, and part of the bone in my nose
sloughed off. I waa constantly treated
ltn spraya ana
washes, but each
winter the disease
seemed to have a
firmer hold on me,
I had finally been
declared incurable
when I decided to
try S. S. S. It
seemed to get right
at the seat of the
disease, and cured
me permanently,
for I have bad no touch of Catarrh
for seven years."
The experience of Mr. Chas. A. Parr,
of Athens, Ga.( was like that of all
others who vainly seek a cure in local
treatment. He says:
"For years I suffered from a eevero
case of Catarrh, the many offensive
symptoms being; ac
companied by severe
pains in the head. I
took several kinds of
medicines recom
mended for Catarrh,
ind used various local
r,nl1.atlAtia Kilt tliAir
bad no effect whatev- jtz.
it. I was induced to'T.
:ake S.S.S. (Swift's 3'
Specific) and after four months I was
perfectly well, and have never felt any
tHects ol tne disease since."
Those who have had the first
touchof Catarrh will save endless suf
fering by taking the right remedy at the
outset. Others who have lor years
sought relief and found only disappoint
ment in local treatment will find it wise
to waste no further time on sprays,
washes, inhaling mixtures, etc., which
are only temporary, and cannot save
them from dreaded Consumption,
They should take a remedy which will
cure them because it can reach their
trouble. S.S.S. is the only blood reme
dy which can reach Catarrh; it promptly
gets at the very bottom, of the diseaae,
and cures it permanently.
S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) is a real blood
remedy, and cures the most obstinate
cases of Catarrh, Rheumatism, Conta
gious Blood Poison, Cancer, Scrofula
and Eczema, which other so-called blood
remedies have no effect upon whatever.
S.S.S. is the only blood remedy guaran
teed Purely Vegetable
and coutalns no mercury, potash or
other dangerous mineral.
Books will be mailed free by Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
From the Eagle.
Mrs. V. O. Kelley, who has been an
invalid so long. Is improving, and pby
aicians hope for a complete recovery
from ber ailment.
FraukT MoParland, of lieppner, came
over last Friday in tbe interest ot the
Kquitable Life Insurance Co. lie re
ports the roads between here and there
as being almost impassable. lis left
Monday on bis return boms after doing
considerable business in this neigh
borhood. 8. ft. I'arriab cams over from Canyon
City Wednesday by private oouvejuooe
aoooiiipaoied by Mrs. Newt Livingston,
who oanie over to see ber husband wbo
Is at the Monumental lintel, in this
oily, euflerlng with a very severs attack
ot rheumatism. Mr. Parrisli returned
home TbarsJay.
LastHuuday as John Mock well, wbo
reside a couple of miles east of town ,
was eomiiig In lb rity, bis two On
greyhound which iters with him,
caught and killed a large ooyots joat
iuaid tb oily limit. It was hot
eb, but tbe IWt foolod dogs soon bad
Mr. Coyota's life Mood dyeiog lbs mow.
A Knew Thins Vow.
A truntih'tiim In wliit li yom aiinnt loaelaa
sine iiilnat. HlliiMianoaa. al k In tul.k he, fur
real loniit, lei er, plica anil a IIioiimiihI older
li'a aid i an Mil liv innatipatinii and ahiKKiall
liver. CaivU Cum)? I alliaitlc, tlio won
il.Tfni new livi-r aiimulant anil Inu-a lnal
tonic are lT all ilrtiiorieU iriiiiniiitreo tocuro
or money refuinliHt. I'. C. 1'. am a an raj
tliinif. Try a Ian tnilay; luc.. HV. c
bauni'lo ami booklet f rvo. bus our big aU.
Safety la Ha JIM HeeUa.
Tier is no fiber way to masars lbs
Talus of seed than by tb vslu ot lb
crop. A good rrop simply can not oom
from poor seed. Heooml-ral etl will
eat good laud, good ferlilurr. and good
labor, aoj lb crop won't pay ripen.
Now, a b practical farmer cannot
afford lu aat tiro leeting seeds to floj
out whether tbey ar tru to nam,
mi o.l and clean, II iKmli lo reason tbal
lb olily if way to buy Mnl I to seek
lb pr.ilectinu of a Sam tbal ha stood
fur reliability In lb pt. Tb greal
d boua of 1). M. Ferry k Co., Dt
troit, Mlohtba sold aiU all over tli
Tnitwit Hi ale sad Canada for tb laal
forty lo year, and tb steady growth
of tb busine is a ur Indication that
t'rr' eril btv give alla(etioa.
I'm)' NeeJ Aunnal for l', a standard
gold for farmer and gardener, soo
lainiog Km'b valtiabl lufortnatioo. I
ul free to persons writing for It.
Ir. Jba YY. Kaamu. of lb "tied
light." er tb Wt fur aoraettiing
a, ean furniaU on lb fine! ca k
laila la lb lauj WanliallfO, Jrraey,
ennoolti or Ois-ttail ty a attiat In
lb buaiaea. lrop la and tak tli
laal out J )eor luoutb. if
Tbe ohinook arrived yesterday and
left plenty of mad.
The school at this plsoe. Miss Ella
Mason, teacher, will oloee in one more
week. Miss Mason is an excellent
There was floe entertainment at
Fairview sohoolbouse on Christmas eve.
An oyster supper was eerved the first
part ot tbe evening and was followed by
recitations, dialogues and songs by tbe
school children. All seemed well pleas
ed and happy, judging from the length
of time some ot them remained at the
There was a Sweedish Christmas tree
at tbe new Lutheran ohuroh. Old
country customs were revived and the
services held at half past four in the
morning. These good people are fond
of getting up early. Mr. B. E. Simpson
made the oburob a present of a beautiful
Hanging lamp, and tbe tree contained
many nioe and acceptable gifts. Tbere
will be another tree at the church on the
evening of the 28th. Rev. L. Grey, ot
The Dalles, will oondnot regular Christ
mas praise services. Every body invited.
Faibvikw, Or., Deo. 25, '97.
Tho Discovery of tho Day.
Aug. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New
Discovery is tbe only thing that cures
my cough, and it is the best seller I
have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Safford, Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed for it; It
never fails, and is a sure oura for con
sumption, ooughs and colds. I cannot
say enongb for its merits." Dr. Kinn's
New Dieoovery for consumption, coughs
and colds is not an experiment. It has
been tried tor a quarter of a oentury and
today stands at the bead. It never dis
appoints. Free trial bpttles as Slooum
Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager.
Bnowgonel Plenty of mud.
Al Evans and wife spent the holidays in this
Mr. Bhutt and wife, ot Heppner, were present
at the Christmas tree.
Mlu Lillle McNay, of Heppner, is visiting
with friends in this city.
D. E. Oilman, of Heppner, was in this city
doing business this week.
Mrs. Hale and family spent Christmas with
ber daughter, Mrs. R. A, Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilmot and H. Ely, of
Douglas, spent Christmas in our city.
Chas. Barnett has returned from a trip to
Burns, where he has been delivering pictures
for the Chicago Portrait Co.
James Cypert and family are moving from
Barnett Bros., on East street, to Mr. Cypert's
property near the school house.
The entertainment at the hall Christmas eve,
given by the school, was a grand success. The
following program was rendered:
Bcene 1 King Winter's court.
Song, "Hail the Happy Day," by the school.
Solo, "Tell the Glorious Tale of Old," by
Walter Hill.
Song, "Yes, Yes, Yes," by Uttle folks.
Quartette, " 'Twas a Olorlous Hour," by Mrs.
L. McAlister, lona White, Delia Wilmot and
Lou McMillan.
Song, "Hall, Hail, Hall," by little folks.
Solo, "To the Ear of Morn," by lona White.
Duot, "E'er the Morn when Beraph Choirs,"
by Delia Wilmot and Lou McMillan.
Solo, "Your Christmas Day Would Soon De
cay," by Mrs. L. McAlister.
Song, "Come, Come, Come," by the school.
Dialogue, by Santa Claus and King Winter,
Song, "Sleigh Bell Glee," by the school.
8cene II Queen of Blumberland's court.
Dialogue, by six small children.
Solo, "Father, 0 Hear Us," by Trannle Bar
nett. Bong, "Father, All Holy," by Delia Wilmot,
Mrs. W. E. Leach, Mrs. R. A. Nichols, Mrs. N. A.
Leach. Mlaa Ada Gentry, Dona Bajuett, Minnie
and Lou McMillan.
Dialogue, by Queen of Blumberland and Santa
Bong, "0, Blumberland," by Blumberland
Been III.
Bong, "Merrily Round the Christmas Tree,"
by the school.
Dialogue, by children and Santa Claus.
Bong, "Welcome." by the school.
Dialogue, Santa Claus and King Winter,
Bong, "Klud Father Who Hath Blest Us," by
the tuhool.
Closing, tableau and Instrumental solo, by
Dona Barnett, -
The Christmas tree at th hall Christmas
nlirht was enjoyed by all. Many nice preaents
wei distributed, and each boy and girl under
th ag of 21 received a sack of candy and nuts,
and also an apple and orange.
Luixotoh, Or., Dee. 27, 07.
School vacation last week.
Snow all gone and th hills ar green; birds
are singing all the aame aa spring.
Wm. Penland has moved a band of sheep
dnwn on his range above town. They are pre
sided over by on of his McraUrtes, Geo. Cop
lanil Grass Is good and ahaep ought to do
well now.
On laat Friday evening th school performed
"King Winter's Couit" In Penland's hall which
hail been decorated with bunting and ever
greens very appioprlalely for th occasion. Th
performance lasted an hour and twenty min
ute and was In three scene. Th house waa
full and th beat of ordr prevailed. Great
credit I due Prof. Adams In having the echolars
to well trained.
On Chrletmaa night Iher was a free Chruit
maa tree al th hall. Th program was a
InatrumenUI muslr by Mra. White,
Prayer, by Kcv. U. M. ilrak.
Kong, by S. H. pupils.
Recitation, by Edgar Mulr.
Hons. "Hang Up th Btocklngi," by Edna
KeiitaUnn, bf three boys,
Muale by the Sunday k-hool.
Recitation, by throe girts.
Tableau, "The Attack and iirreoder."
Recitation, by Nrttla Maaoa.
Music, by Mlaa Don Barnett.
Ri llatlon. by Dell Holland.
Rerllatlon, by Null Whit.
Anthem, b a. i. puplla.
Recitation, by V. V. Uarh.
Solo, (ami chorus) by Prof. J. E. Adams.
Recitation, by Bert I'm k.
Comic aong, by B. R. Hoar.
The twat nl order at bad tb entire evening.
X. Poena.
Lsiinutok, Or , Dec ti, 7.
Ar miH'h la Mile; ainaja
a litl; aiajt faajax
rnt, satlala- I (J . I I jaa
laeoMnr fever, C
r Ilia. ek kaV U I II W
ready, efficient.
lory . prevent
em all Ilia, aark k4
aa4w, awaoaattaav Ha yw s aaaMa.
Ik eaiy Mlat aa lake ent Maul Sanaavtlla.
It or . law, , l7.
Hra.ln.1.1, W r Wnf.l.aj. r O
(nni, L J Wilih.nl. Aualln
Whan railing h Ibaaw laxuwa iaa aa f
d?ruel. t. t. W iuiisa r. M.
This la Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Halm) sufficient to demon
strate the gre.it merits of the remedy.
6(J Warren St., New York City.
Eev. John Eeid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his stnteuient, "It is a posi
tive cure for cntarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Office at La Gbands, Oregon,
Iliii Ol IUOT
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Feb. 3rd. 1898, viz:
Hd. No. 5.339. for the WW ofNWMandWUof
8W4 of Sec. 12. Tp. 6, S. R. 28, E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence opon and cultivation of
woo iana. viz: wmiam warren, victor Hu
bert, Charley Boudrcy and Peter Hung, all of
Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon.
608-19. Register.
Notice oj Intention.
Dec. 23, 1897. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Thursday, February 8, 1898, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4580, for the NW)4 of Sec. 17, Tp. 3 8.,
R. 26 E. W. M. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Edward Hunt, Edward Dris
kell, George Shick and Arthur Hunt, all of
ueppner, morrow county, or.
608-19. .- Register.
J Dec. 10, 1897. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
oeiore j. w. morrow, bounty uiera, at Heppner,
uregou, un January zz, low, viz:
Hd. No. 42.56, for the 8V4 NEjf and EW SEU Sec.
22. TD. 5. 8 of R 28 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Zollinger, Sylvester
W. Kloreon, Robert D. Watkins and Louis
urosnens, all oi Heppner, Morrow county, Or.
w. bartlett, Register.
and by virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and
to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment
reuuertsu anu eniereo. in saia court on tne 7tn
dav of Hentember. 1897. In favor nf Ed Rnnrt
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea
and C. E. Red field Defendants, for the sum of
two nunnrea twenty-six ana tra-iuu dollars with
Interest thereon from the 2nd day of August,
1897. at the rate of eleht ner cent ner Annum.
and twenty-five dollars attorney's fee and the
lunnersum oi ten aouars coats: which ludK
ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's
otltce of said court in said county
on the 7th day of September, 1897;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed by the court that the following described
real property, towit: the south half of the
soutwest quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine In township
"ur wiihii m raiiBD twenty-seven east w. m. in
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
Judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
uuur or tne court nouse in Heppner, Morrow
county Oregon, sell all the right, title and In
terest of the said W. L. Baling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Redfleld In and to the above described
property at public auction to the highest and
best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
all costs, and costs that mav accrue.
E. L. Matlock, Hherllfof Morrow Co., Or.
Dated Dec. 10, 1897. 604-614.
of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon tor the County of Morrow, to me directed,
commanding me to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the delinquent taxpavers named on the
delinquent tax roll for said county lor the
years 1893, 1894, 1895, and lwai, thereto
attached, and none tie found then upon the real
property aa set forth and described In the said
delinquent tax rolls, or so much thereof as
shall satlafy the amount of taxes charged there
in, together with costs and expenses. I have
duly levied, having been unable to find any
goods or chattels belonging to the respective
delinquent hereinafter named, upon the fol
lowing described pieces or parcels of land aa
set forth In said tax lists, lying and being in
said Morrow county, State of Oregon, described
and assessed as lollows:
Armstrong, Thadens BW1 of section 2
tp 1 north, range 26, east W M ; tax 1H95 I 1,1 88
Shipley, Geo W HKK4 of section 10 tp g
south, range 26 east W M; tax Ix'M to 00
ltt A 7, total ... 12 07
Redlngton, i W NKU and EU NW
of section 2S, tp 3 south, range 26, and
KU BW). Hec 30 and NH NWU ot Sec 81,
tp 3 south, range 27 east W M; tax INM 8 80
neeae, I Tana Keilman, t T K'i NEW
and SEV and HWV ol section V Id I
north, range 23 cant W M ; tax lKiift 11 00
Kiitnenoni, C V H'4 HK and lota 1 and 2
section S, tp 4 north, range 24 eaat W M,
and lota If to 16 block I, lota 0 to 15
block 2, Iota 9 to 14 block 8, lots 6 to 12
block 4, lota 6 to 16 block 5, lota 2 to 13
block 6, Iota I to 16 block 7, lots 8 to 16
block 8, Iota 8 to IN block II, all of
blocks 9, 10. 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. aU
In Caatle Knck; tax 1895 4 40
Bweaiea, J H 8WU section 32. tp 2 north.
range 27 eaat W M : tax 1895 8 80
vt uiia. Henry u section 2 tp 4
north, range 73 eaat W M; tax 1NV3 17 20
IWM t(M ihM It 84 total 16 10
SKinuge, r.utabrtn w mwv aectlon an,
tp I north, range 25 eaat W M ; tax 1HH5 4 40
Mi Kinrie, Knndencn K14 NW and Iota
I and 2 no tion tp 2 south, range 23
eaat W M : tax 1M 4 40
uoiuiy, jnnn n t ana "' iend
annar aecuou xi. ip a norm, range
23eajt W M; tax tr.A g 04
Brock, N C lot block 8 to the town of
Lexington: tax lw" 1 52
Ntinan, t'lnnle lot 5 block 5 In th town
01 Lexington; tax 1"'S fig
Brown, J N Iota I and 2 block 1, Kins
man addition to Heppner; tax lttft ... 8 33
Francis, t L lot 14 block 19, Mt Vernon
addition to Heppner: tax A J 49
Blnvln. C F, Truatee, NK'( eei-tlnn t Ip
2 north, range 27 eaat W M ; tax l.n . 4 (A
Mallory, aaalns M K-4 NK and
8KVa auction 14 tp 2 south, range 25 eut
W M.tax iwift J
Lrfevm, Henry H 8WV 8g and H14
erctlnn 17 and NWV NK1, an tlon JO all
In tp south, rang 85aal U, tax
t. 4
Colin, Phil lot block I, town of Hepp
ner; tax ! M a
And on Welntlay, th 29th day of Un-ora-her,
1 "17. at tbe hour ot 1 o clock n m. nl eald
lay. at the court hoiia In aald county and state,
I will sell Ilia abovoilrarrilieil ml eatata at
public auction to th hlghawt biddi-r lor raah,
ul.Jfct to rwlrmptlnn. to aallsfy aaid warrant,
ciait aud accruing coat.
1-10 Sheriff of Morrow Co.. Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orru at Tms Di.i . Oasoo
Votice i iiggrnr nivix that thi
i 1 billowing namxl aeltler haa Sled nolle ot
hla Intention make Sual priN.I In auppoit of
hia rlalm, and that aald .ro.. will tm mad bw
lorwJ. W. Mormw, t'niintv t lira, at llappnar,
Orvson, on January L Iw. ta:
H. R Wo. 4 for th m X and WU KI't
ol (we. !, Tp. 8 ., H. J k. W. M.
H name lh following witneaans to pmv
hi runUiiuou ml'lciH- upon aiul ealtlratioa
ol aald land, via I harle W t rclti k and
lwla Farmnt, of Hptnr, OWfus; John W,
C rwllck and U P. DaiMaon, ( 8 ihi MO, or.
JAb. r Mixiag.
!! Regiaw.
cWleJ bid rve,tald for tb delivery
at say raoeh, m lh b! of lUie erk,
of on boilril rd of pin, four foot
wood, aid WiJ In h deliveranl ttt
later lha But i nf Auanwl, h, Kt 1
ot.4 lb l.Mb day of J as nary, IX.
lUaanv tb right to rjcl ny oJ ail
I J. W. Mi.aaow.
1 rV2-Jaal3,
WBDNESDfty, Matinee, TicKet-ol-Leave
WEDNESDAY, "The Odaroon;
Reserved Seats, 75 Cts.
General Admission, 50 Cts.
"When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
-or at "Central" telephone office.
r (- A N.U !y
YOi '0.-7i -V rmfm
r unrto
m ir !-"um
ra a i mus iff mmmtgm
XV a. - . II Ml aw -m T1 ' ;44-4nM 14- I UU
r. aarwaflM W HI H E W. IT m m i i ti n-m iitrTiii
They Are The "Mustard"
to their wagons, tafgl."-! "utek
Meadow 4 Hattfo are the Boys lo do Tour Work Bight, md do it Quirk, too.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinawarc & Quccnswarc At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
An by ,h. way t,
Merchant Tailoring!
Fine Suitu Made t Order and Satifaction
Guarantovo. Kopairinp, Cle aning mid Dye
ing Clothe a Specialty.
iUSSsSi' Do You Want a ?
' t)t Don,t Vou Want a Place to
i I'm
AU the can U rrocured t TLomi.o l Itiact, !xwrr Mils Rt,i
llrrrofr, Orrgr.o.
tm mllaaaa ae vail ao1.lnaM H ff,r r. ,,,. . . t
ft4 tm aa.. ay aa.4 Urn I Maaaiag . tt..M . uVZ ,1T M m
rrt(ta laarHM th tlaaaav.
m w
.Opera House,
t '..- rr
"i. njr i uui i c.ini :
Arc You in Need of a Saddle