Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 28, 1897, Image 1

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The Heppner Semi-Weekly
Gazette from now until
March 1,1898, for
The Heppner Semi-Weekly
Gazette from now until
March 1st, 1898, for
-N25 Cts.i-
-nn25 Cts.!-
Yearly Subscription Reduced-to $2.00
Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00
NO. 6C9
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At 1 3.0J per year, $1.00 for six months, SO ote.
ior three rnoutns, strictly In advanoe.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake'S
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchant!
Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where cou
racta for advertising oan be made for it.
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, Ban Franoisoo, Is our authorized agent
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD.
m. oaily except
8:30 a, m. and ar-
Train leaves Hummer 9.30 D.
Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 121)5 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction
rivoM nf. HniinnAr AfMt A. m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner jnnotion coo p. m,
nttH TlmAtiltu Q.fill n. tTI.
Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla IMIUa, m. ana neppne
m. init Rrriven nt Portland 12:!:
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmati'la 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a. m.
For further information inquire of J. 0. Hart,
Agent O.Hi. N., Heppner, Ore.
East? Hotel IIip jprL Jt?
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS..L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage-
FIRST-Go via. St Paul be- mf Qft- H-hr Fircf f ace
cause the lines to that noint will J
- -
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
I BaT"A first-class feed barn run in connection.
, lHlllD--tor information, call Und from all trains. We solicit your patronage.
on your neighbor ana friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Rates, $i.oo Per Day and Upwards.
Free 'Bus run to
Jas. C. Pond,
.Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
. Portland Or.
United States Officials.
P.eeident. . William McKinley
Vuie-Preeldent UarretA. Hotwrt
Secretary of State John Sherman
bHorebtry of Treasury Lyman J, Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Hliss
Secretary of War Russell A. Alger
Sooretary of Navy John 1). Long
PnMt,nMMtAr.f4nnerAl James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary t Agrioolture James Wilson
Ktuta nf Onvon,
,i.. W. P. Lord
Beoretaryot Btate .n. . tvinoaiu
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
enpt. Publio Instruction W. M. Irwin
Attorney General ..C. M. Idleman
1 G, W. MoHnde
Senators Ij, H. Mitchell
(Ringer Hermann
Congressmen W. K. Ellis
Printer "ii-OV1, Leed'
( R. H. Bean,
taprem Judges ... jF. A
Sixth Judicial District.
Cimiit Judge Btephen
t'rowuting Attorney "
Morrow County Officials.
loint Senator -
I'.iontl Judge A.
'' Oommlasioners.
J. W. Beckett.
" Sheriff
" Birrveyor...
Boliool Bup't
' Coroner
u ajvww nvnntRI.
M-. Tlioe. Morgan
Gilliam, Arthur minor, a. d"--".
Uichtnnthal ana i. a. oiinou-
K iporder
Marshal '
a .1. . aMM W. K. Kinhardson
i .riTwi" .v::.........N. . wheutn.
Catted States Land Officer.
Til DALLAS), Ok.
i. t. Moor
A.S. Bine
. . una na.
q v wiii Hegtoar
J. H. Kubbins
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & I
Q., C. M. & Bt. P., C & A., P. Kt. W. Sl C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t.,
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine Bod let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition ot the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are out of order.
There is oomfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part ot the urinary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up mnny times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands , the
highest for its wonderful on res ot the
most distressing oases. If yon need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by drnggists, price fifty Oeots and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-
bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
Ad OreKonlan Correspondent Counts Hepp
ner One of the Four Towns of Eastern
An Oregonian correspondent writing
from Boise, in the oourse ot his remarks,
Eastern Oregon supports tour very
good towns Heppner, Pendleton, La
Grande and Baker City. Heppner is
much smaller than the other three;
nevertheless it is a lively burg, and is
the county seat of Morrow, one of the
richest and most productive oounties in
the state.
One evening, not long ago, Fditor
Patterson and myself were sitting in the
office of Heppner's leading hotel, dis
oaeaing matters in general, when b
called my attention to six men silting
around the stove. At a glanoe a stranger
would have placed the valuation of their
possessions at say 81,000 eaob, but Mr.
Patterson informed me that the six men,
as a whole, held property and stock val
ued at $750,000. The poorest ot the six,
Absolutely Pure
A Splendid Gathering of Heppner's
Ladles and Chlvalrlo Gents.
The splendidly advertised masque ball,
at the opera bouse, on last Friday even-
a man barely 30 years old, was rated at ing Christmas eve was well attended.
not only by Heppner people, but by
. Lowell
, J. Bean
A, W. Gowan
.... J. J, brown
G. Bartholomew
.... J.H. Howard
,...J. W. Morrow
...E. L. Mnt.ock
... Frank Gilliam
.... A. C. Petteys
... J. W. Hornor
,.Jay W. Shipley
...B. F. Vauglian
.W. A. Richardson
L. W. Hriggs
A. A. Robert
.. Receiver
G. A.R.
at Uzinjrbwi. Or., the last rWuntof oi
All vetamui ar uvium w ya.
mrh month,
U. W. Smith,
C. a. From.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offlne in the
City Hotel.
Drug Store, near
D.J. McFaul, M. D
f iffla hour. 8 to 10 . m.. and 12 to
9 n m et reeldenr. W. k. Kirk'a prop-
arty, east ot M. K char. b. Booth, and 10
m 12. a. m . to 2 lo 5 p. m.. at offioe to
lb rear of Berg's Jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield
Attorneys at Law.
th Kirat jutiooal
HirraM, i : Omooh
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
amet T
council CNAMStas
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
rosperity and happiness, for the improvement of their
or education, ior ine elevation oi American inaiinooa ana
Published Every Saturday.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their p
ousiness ana noine interests, to
true womaunooa.
IT HAS told at the fireside, Interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of th world, the
nation ana states.
IT HAS advised the farmer ss to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his
a century has hold their confidence and esteem.
croDS. and the Droner time to convert them Into the largest possible amount of money.
IT HAS led In all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a half
3 Astor Place
New York
New York Weekly Tribune,
And w furnlah It with th GAZ ETTE, on year for
$2.75, cash In advane.
Address all Orderi to THE GAZETTE.
The Outlook will be in 1897, ss it has
been dnrlng eaob of Its twenty-seven
years, a History of Oar Owo Times. In
t various editorial departments The
Outlook gives a oompact review ot the
world's progress; it follows with care
all lbs important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements of the day; has
complete department ot religious news;
devotes maoh space to the interests of
the borne; reviews current literature;
famishes cheerful table-talk about men
sod things: and, in short, aims to give
freeb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty flifth volume,
tbs paper will assume tbs regular maga
zine sis, wbiob will add greatly to its I
oonvenionoe and attractiveness. The
Outlook Is published every Saturday
fifty-two issues year. The first Issue I
In eaob month is an Illustrated Magasins
Number, eootatnlng about twice as many
pages as tbs ordinary issue, together I
witb a large Dumber of picture.
Tbs pries of The Outlook is tbres
dollars a year In advance, or lees than a
cent day.
Seod for specimen copy and ill nitrat
ed proepeotus to Tbs Outlook, 13 Astor
riaoe, New Yoik Cltv.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send It to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New
York City, and a sample copy of the Mew York WeeklyT rlbune will be mailed to you.
A Campaign
Of Education
now to Get It CP A CA
For 4)4. JU
The Former Territorial Becretary of Nevada
Dies at Keoknk Iowa.
Orion Clemens, the only brother ot
Mark Twain , died very suddenly tit bis
borne in Keokuk Saturday morning, a
week ago. Deceased was a man ot bril
liant mind and considerable literary at
tainments, although he never attained
the celebrity of bis noted brother. At
one time he was secretary of Nevada ter
ritory and it was with him that Mark
pioked up the experiences delineated In
"Roughing It."
Every reader of Mark Twain's great
book ot Western eoeues and experiences
will remember "the brother." Mark
oame out as assistant secretary, but as
there wasn't enongb work for one man
and but$l,800 a year salary, Mark gave
up the clerical business and went to
mining, bat with very indifferent suo-
Tbs trip from St. Joe, Mo., to Carson
City, Nevada, was an eventful on to the
young man. He and bis brother, Orion,
stopped over at Salt Lake a brief period
to look into Mormondom generally, but
mora particularly to see the great Poo
Bab, Brigham Young. Mark tells bow
Mr. Young related his experiences aod
talked on topics generally, but all the
time directing bis remark to tbe older
brother, ninob to the discomfort of
Mark who interjected a word here and
there, just to let Mr. Young know that
be knew a few things pretty well, even if
bis mustache was just buddiug into de
cent whiskers. Finally tbe great Mor
man leader turned to Mark, and beam
ing down opoo him with a smile patted
him upon tbe bead in a fatherly way
witb tba remark: "fine ohlld; boy or
girl." Mark didu't take a great deal of
interest in tbe rest of tbe talk.
$30 000, and one ot the older men bad
9250,000 to oonsole bia declining years;
and these men were but six of many. I
was subsequently introduced to all of
them, and spent a very pleasant and
profitable boar listening to a history of
tbe vicissitudes of tbe early pioneers of
tnat seotion.
It was a pleasure to talk to these un
assuming men. Th increase in price of
sheep and wool has swelled the profits
of Morrow county over $1,000,000 aboye
last year, to say nothing of tbe inorease
in the price of wheat and otber pro
ducts, it is needless to add that Hepp
ner is a MoKinley town.
While tbe editor of this paper cannot
reoall to mind having made the state.
meni, attributed to him, yet be bas no
doubt that Morrow oounty has six men,
interested In property here, inoluding
residents and non residents, who are here
frequently, whose possessions will easily
foot up tbe sum mentioned. Take men
like Hugh Fields, Nat Webb, Wm. Pen
land, etc, their possessions run up into
tbe hundred thousands. All the Gazette
regrets is that Heppner is not as good a
town as it might be.
Regarded as a Duty.
"I lost my appetite and became weak.
At last I was takea very sick. My at
tention was oalled to Hood's Barea
parilla sad I took a bottle and it made
me feel better. I have taken five bot
ties and am now well. I feel it my duty
those from neighboring seotinns. It
was oonduoted in a manner oredltable
to the management, and all were unani
mous in saying that it was one ot tbe
most enjoyable occasions ot the kind
ever held in our town. Tbh is encour
aging to those wbo spent both time and
money to make tbe ball one of real
pleasure, and tbey are well pleased at
the result.
Tbe musio, wbiob was first olasc, was
furnished as follows: First violin, O.
W. Ingrabm; clarionet, Prof. H. Henry;
piano, Miss Cora Hart; drum, Prof.
Tbe names of many characters and
those representing tbem may be omitted
from these columns because of neglect
in giving names at tbe door. As far as
known they are as follows:
J. W. Willingham, "Mask"; Lanus Pen-
land, "Lawyer Marks"; Bad Sperry,
Negro Preacher"; Q. H. Tillard, "New
Woman": John Cooper. ,,Prinoe": F.Q.
Hart, "Soott's Emulsion ot Cod Liver
Oil"; Jas. E. Kinney, "Sheepherder":
Niok Willingham, "Summer"; Dot War.
moth, "Fortune-teller"; Mrs. E. W.
Rhea, "Summer Girl"; R. Thompson,
rUnon'- AAilia ttrnlth KTnAlknlnWl.
rm vaj B y ULU al W MUIH aUWU;iVaT.W f
Addie Brown, "Nurse"; Glenn
Buyer, "Sheepherder"; . Mrs. Lanus
Penland, "North Pole"; Mrs, Frenoh
Burroughs, Mask"; Mrs. Wm. Roes,
to tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla baa
done." Mrs. A. Everson. Wedderburn. nia,.u r.nnai.1". m.. n
Oregon. ' "Domino": Lnln Siimmara. ."Mosl.".
Hood's Pills are tbe favorite family
cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate
25 oents.
Myrtle Sevey, "Little Girl"; Dock Mat-
look, "Minister"; Mr. Stickler, "Noth
ing"; Mra. Frank Elder, "Mask"; Qer
trade Javne, "Mask": Bud Shipley.
'Nothing"; Mr. Leyde, "Commanoba
Chief"; Mrs. Ben Mathews, "Craze
patch"; Kate Barton, "Flower"; Mrs.
McDowell, "Chrysanthemum"; Frank
Hale, "Sailor"; 'Oeoe Jones, "Hoi Coon";
M. B. Galloway, "Klondike"; Julias
Paul, "Jookey"; A. D. MoAtee, "Mask";
Lena Iibea, "Tissue Paper"; John
Noble, "Nothing"; Glenn Burroughs,
The Christmas! tree exeroises at tbe
M, E. ohuroh, South, passed off very
pleasantly, the bouse being crowded.
Thi sacred spectacular pleoe, "Tin
Open Door," wai well rendered aod well
received by tbe aadienos. Tbe tree was
aid oy many to be tus noesi ever seen
in Heppner. Besides many valuable uh.,..". w t iTaiian n.,n. ni...
I iwww i . s m. S JWi' f VUM
ana cosily presents, one Dandrea and Bartholomew. "Nothinn": Mr. Duncan .
seventy-five pounds of oandy, nuts and
pop-ooru were distributed to tbe child
ren, no one present being overlooked.
eo immenss stooking weighing about
forty pounds, oontsing oesrly every
thing Imagioanable, was given to the
pastor, Rey. Howard.
Through tbs efforts of Mr. George
To b educated on must read
th best literature.
Th best literature Is ipensiv.
Lsli'a Illustrated
rubUined at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of tbe best things.
Its Illustrations ar superb; Its
storlos charming; and It literary
departments ar edited with con
summate skill.
Buch a paper U a great popular educator. It should be In every
Th subscription prlne of Leslie's M p nnuro.
We mak the unparalleled oner of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
No surb offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be mad
again. These two paper mak a most acceptable Christinas or blrthdsy
gift, and wilt be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to th
Everybody Bay So.
rn.nnrnts f'aml v Cutlinrtic. the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to tne taaie, art gunny
and positively on kl.lueys, liver and bowel,
cloanslng the entire vtpm, dlsK'l cold,
cure Imndaolie, Iovit, namiuai constipation
Mid hliinimnnaa. I'lcnso buv and trv a bos
of C. C. C. to-dny ; 10, J5, 50 cent. Bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggist.
ak.na .nA bars m1 Ma. rents hntlM. fas
Ulaa r.il.vtt-4ii an will are fou In
uy war In ti lln. a 8. U
First National Bank
Or HF.ITNEll -
C.A. RmCA.
T. A. Rhca.
Oto. W. Con.cn,
B. W. SfKNCtft.
VI Prldn
Aas'l CaMr
Ceadnctor Alvord Take th Life of Coad ac
tor Farley at T ko.
from th E. .
At Tekoa, eboat 10 o'clock last night,
Oondnotor Frank Farly was shot to
death by Oondnotor Alvord.
Particulars of the affair are meager, and
are being "bashed up" for some reason.
It is supposed that tbe two railroad men
became Involved lo qnarrel la a
loon, and tbis lml to tbs shooting. An
otber version is that it we accidental.
All tbat is definitely known is that
Farley was shot by Alvord, tbe bullet
entering tbe breast and causing instant
death . Tbe victim fell in bis track,
and did not otter a word.
For time recently Frank Farley ran
WILLIS 8TEWAKT. into Pendleton as conductor of the
Tbe old reliable livery stable roan of Ileppoer, Lag moved into tba ll '''nht bstwemi ber and Walla
nana, nconing --jioniue wioc,
Truwti I Gffifn! Eiditg Bantta
On ail parts ot to world
Bought and Sold.
Wall fo Ma ror abMripUua paid sp re
a kaa roar btaaS la frMtrf ohar.
Bnra. P. O., Hupnnar, Cr. Hnnm, P Be Uft
shuoaitarj entile, sum oq laft blp.
Cook. A. J.,Lena.(r. Hrnaa,;)na rictitshnal
mr. l alikWMM Hahthip: r aura fejuar
n9 ofl laft and stlit i riant.
IkmtlwM. W. M .(inllnwnr. Or.-CWU. R Dm
riaht .i.U. ewmilinr-furk la eaek aari buras. R V
tm laft hip.
fir. Rrm. rnolM, Or.-Hnraaal orMdad ELY
n laft ahfamlilar, MtU ao om lafthip. koi
to nbl ar.
Pbaranaa, L. A rlatipnar. Or. 'aula, LP a
rtht bip; borsae f witA bar andar on rtM
Jma, Hmtv, Hapfmar. ttr Hnrna brmadad I
H i tm Urn Uafl vmlfWl eattla brmidM i os
rat. I hip, nlan swWbil ta Uft ant. Kan la
Miarrow amct.
inltpan. falls. Or. Rwaa, alra-leTm
laft attnai anil la. ai rWM kip, nadaf ball
I ft awl ntit 'M laft aar
Ranaf, Mba, Rapimae, r, H iraaa brnndad
ISf mi baft bip aatita awna t4 rof ofl Ml
art alar siuv on laa riaht
UAFWf. a, w . n -ITH-T T n mi a oranraa f . . ... ..a . ...
Lnn4 A an laft ahonldwi eilla aama no M Al$0 mill liQQU', UfWkn, letltM (IWl .Vl'I'lW llOTtPS.
Rip. Vtm, fjraw nan .J wrvaa aaiia la ris.n I
IUnimlMar Willi when yvo corns to town. Old staod formerly occupied
Billy Gordon, Heppner, Oregon.
"Nothing"; Clyde Wells. . "Mamma's
Boy"; Curtis Rhea,' Clown"; Mrs. Rome,
"Mask";Stella Matteson, "Negro Nurse";
Lena Behme, "Old Fashion"; 0. A. Via
Duyn, "Mask"; Mrs. E. J. Ksnny,
"Cigarette Girl"; Miss Floreon, "Crazy
Patchwork"; Lydia Pad berg, "Huntress.''
Tbs prizes were awarded as follows:
Conser, a purse containing $30 was also beg, dreiM gent, John Cooper, priae,
presented mr. uowara.
Santa Claus was impersonated
Jadgs Bartholomew to the delight of
the children and amusement of the
older people, wbile "Whispering" Geo.
Conser's feeble voioe penetrated every
nook aud corner of the churob, as caller,
elegant pioture In frame; best dressed
lady, Leua Rhea, prize, toilet oase; beat
sastained gent obareoter, Jas. E. Kin
ney, prize, smoking sel; best sustained
lady ebaracter, Lydia Pad berg, prize,
two beaulital vases; most oomical obar-
eater lu tbs bouse, Mrs. E. W. Rhea.
and no one bad any opportunity to mak. prlM( e,a(ln pM,B, ptllDtlDO
Cllrtlnn 1U.UH all poanl a
fa Minabt Tana,
urptv and aaduwtad PmSUk HLonooo.
Mm.ar. namr, natn-r rr l aftja.
rtatit bip, buna M aw Ml sa.ml.HW.
Skim, a. Kftm. Or.-H.
a WTt awanl.la atla aaaaaoa laft hip.
.), J. W.. IVtaa. flr.i K'Waaal U oa laf
ekonbtari eMtla Sana mm rkt bip.
Parfcaw t fllans, H ard -H.iraaw IF o
tmt ekonbta.
Iim J. M . lailnitns. tr,tt mm. 1 enn.
mMmt aalaflaavml'Wi eallia, aaa an kaf blp.
-W tKI la - aaf.
KM t- W , llaptatae. Ot,Hanm JO
laft eavMUa. (aimuM rtbt bip.
Jot North of the Ohf-fte offloe, whar bs would be
pld to see all bis old friends snd mak new ones.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors tod Duilderi.-
a,.T K. . Hi xmar. t. - alUa W II a
aa-fl kip. n av-1 inaWHI
U4.1 laM W I lan ft StMaOM
' TWaM.J.1. Hanaia.. IH
. al afca.l4ri aaMJa, an tan a aula .
. , , ... i I Tvrnaw H. W., HnM. Or, anil aaflt T
TVsOnSMtS Will UkepnUtnM .rp'-i'l",w-. La., aaaaa mi laft bi
eg gs of batter obwiptwo aerwaaia. i "
Kiz Hans and Estimates Given on snort Notice.
AH Kinds of Repair Work Done
Any om oitg til t.e rn ati
reoaat is Ibis ? il '! so l
to eaita lo eail -
nr. JW an t gt,i AnliWl aawlla
nwM' 'Ula ri4l i bip a. .4 nt.l a,
r- f 1 Wua la Waft an. Iar ta Morvuw aa4
W a.ttla aMjaai, (Maa
OFFICE H0URS-I)ay and Night Leave your orders "Any 011
llace" and Rojj. or Jim will cd 'era. o o o o o o o
wbo was transferred to another ruo. II
left her Deeerhber 7th last, being stio
ceedwl by Condai'tor Downer, snj then
rsa oat of Htarbnck. fl was a young
man, sad well liked by bis fellow rail
roader but was addicted to diluking
occasionally. lie bat a fl.'ht one in
a Peodletoo saloon.
Ho far a Cu be learu 1, the doceaaad
left do family.
Doo't b paraaaded into buying lini
ments without reputatkio or want
Cbamberlalo's Pain Balm nt no more,
aod its BMirils hat 1aa proven by
tee! of many years. Hitch letter as tbe
following, from L. O. Bagloy, liurtjeroa,
Cel., are oonatautly being rnretvad: "The
beat remedy for Pio have ever need I
Chamberlain's Palo Balm, and I say eo
after bating nd It to uy family for
vral yar.N It ore rlmtiniaiiem,
lam beck, spralna ami swelling. For
sal by Conr Brock.
Batb down at the JoftW barbir sbop,
2&seate. OrvtllsJoaM attaaagar. U
a mistake.
A very pleasant aod entertaining
ChrUtmas eieroiss was given on Friday
evening at the Christian ohuroh. It was
made more particularly an occasion for
the oluldren of tba Huuday aohool, tbey
taking an active part in all tbs eieioiaea
of th sveoing. Th entsrtalumeut con
eieted ot recitations, readings, etc, by
the cobool, lulsrspersed by beautiful
Christmas oarols. Two trees were ar
ranged for th occasion and beautifully
decorated witb gilts both useful aod
ornamental, aod oootaloiog treat of
eandr, nuts, aod popcorn for tbe oh II
dreu, each one In the house being re
membered. Th auditorium ot lbs
obarob was Oiled by tbs member sad
frisods ot lb Hand sobool sad all ap
peared lo enjoy themselves Immensely.
Mr. (iorg Thornton offioiated a Haute
Clao and assisUd In making tbs ir
cUes mors allraolivs lo the littl one.
Dr. Hanlock and family aod D. A
MoAtee and family enjoyed a Cbrlatmas
tree at lbs reslJeno of Dr. Uoilot k, on
Cbrialmaa sv. Of oour Ibis was for
tbsouug folks pluolpally aod to say
tbal they wr delighletl is patliog it is
mild term. Both household ar old
neighbors of Ihs Gssslts raoobe, and
thi paper i lends Its wll wlbea, aod
trusts tbat each eurol?e C'hrlslma
may bring additlooal Joys lo ssob boms.
Catarrh eofd. A clsar baad aod
sweat breatb snoured with Hbllob's
Catsrrb lUmdy; sold oa goaraeU.
Nasal loitH-tor free. Hold by Consar k
Brook, i
Kn yder Bros, bsv luoeetvlel Willi
Htsnsrl in Ihs llvrf slabls boslna,
tie il door lo lb (laMtts o(ll. . Th Ua
sett bone tbal tbey Will aareeed Is
every partkalar,
The judges fur the oocaeion were
Messrs. Leelis Matlook, Ben Matbews
aud Davs McAlee.
Robbed th Grav.
A atarlllng incident ot wbiob Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe subject,
is narrated by bim as follows: "1 was in
t rn'iet dresdful condition. My skin wss
almost yellow, eyes snakes, tongas
ooated, pain cmtlauiilly in back and
sulns, do appetits gradually growing
weaker day by day. Tbres physicians
bsd given me op. Fortunately, a friend
advlaad trying 'Kleotrlo Bitters,' sod to
my great joy aud surprise, lbs first
bottle made s derided Improvement. I
continued their uee for three weeks, and
am now a well man, I koow tbey
saved my life, aod robbed Ibe grave of
another victim." Noons should fall lo
try them Only 60 oents per bottle at
Hloenm Drug Co., E. J.HIooum, m'g'r.
Linn Matteson bad a "oireaa" witb
some stranger, down al China Jims
restinrsot, Katurday morning, resulting
lo no parlloolar damage being dons.
further thao tbat Linn earriee badly
marked face. Recorder Richardaoo
flnad Lino ft) yraterday for bia part id
the "aorap." Ihs slrsnger wss not
spprbodd. Homo oilier llttls dlffl
colli wro bard of on Cbrlatmas svs,
bul op to )eterdsy morning nothing
bad beeo dona.
After bearing om friaod eootinaally
prsiaing Cbambarlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, Cords Flsok, of
Anaheim, Cel., pon-haaed a bolt! of It
for bl owe ds sod i now so sotbatiea.
ist or I wonderful work a any on
on b. Tbs XI aod 60 ceo I sissa for
sal by Coar A Brock.
IUv. W. Potwins is ovsr from Po
dletos and will bold services this svsa
ia, la lb U. IS. skar.U,