Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 24, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Fbiday, Dec. 24, 1897.
Drop into the push and help
build up your section. Be brave;
troubles come but let ua meet
them. In time Morrow will be
in the lead.
Speaking of the Oregon senator
ial situation, the Statesman has
never believed that Mr. Corbett
would receive the seat to which he
was appointed, says our excellent
Salem exchange. The United
senate would not so stultify itself
as to disregard every safeguard
thrown around the election of its
members and establish a precedent
calculated to thwart the intention
of the law in its preservation to
the people of their right to elect
their own representatives in the
national legislature in the manner
nearest to direct individual expres
sion. Believing thus, the States
man has seen no hopes for the
gratification of Mr. Corbett's am
bition. The question of ability,
wealth or respectability does not
enter. Mr. Corbett has all three
and would make an excellent sen
ator, but his title is faulty aDd he
must be denied the "rignt of pos
session." That the statesman is correct in
its view has been proven by a very
high authority within a few days.
A republican in this city received
a letter not long ago from a lead
ing and one of the oldest repub
licans in the senate a man who
has been there nearly thirty years
witn wnom tne Halem man was
well acquainted years ago, and rel
ative to the question in hand, the
veteran senator wrote:
"As to the question of seating
Senator Corbett, I think it is not
an easy thing to accomplish, as I
am satisfied that every democrat
will be against him, and most, if
not all, of the populists, so that
there will be a majority against
him in the senate. The matter is
in the hands of the judiciary com
mittee ot tne senate, wnicli is
strongly republican, and from
what I learn they are likely to
recommend that he be seated, but
I feel sure he will not be for the
reason stated by me, and also bp
cause the question is a doubtful
one, there beiDg several precedents
against seating him. Senator Cor
bett is an able and faithful man,
and would be a valuable senator."
When it is known that the fore.
going was written in answer to a
friendly appeal in behalf of Mr,
Corbett, its force will be fully
Chairman Dinoley's emphatic
statement in the house about the
prospective revenues and ex pond i
tnroB of the government, deposed
of the whole batch of misrepreBon
tationa as to republicans seriously
considering legislation to furnish
Additional revenue ut course,
everybody iu Washington knew
that these storrios were purely
imaginary and that the only object
in circulating them was to discredit
the administration and the repub
lican party. Dr. Dingley did not
simply make the assertion that the
revenues of the government would
exceed its expenditures by at least
$10,000,000 during the next fisca
year, but backed his assortiona
with figures which had the un
qualified endorsement of President
McKiuley and Secretary Gage,
Ao legislation providing mors
revenue is coutoinplaled by the
republicans in congress, for the
simple reason that none is needed
the Dingley law is steadily in
At I ll
crossing win revenuo ana will pro
vide all the money necessary to
economically administer tho gov
Pohtland ought to have a dry
dock. She is now agitating that
It is ft mean thing to any, but
t I - A II? t
onu'ixHiy ni HAHUingion iirut
trottod out the fact that the circa
latum ol money in the I'titod
State since tho day of Mr. Uryan'i
nomination uss increased more
than double the eitire amount
tho money of the republic of Mex
ieo, which is just now welcoming
William J. as the greatimt fiuan
cier of lh age, anys ft eorremud
cut. It wilt be remembered that
Mr. Dry an in his sikhh-Ihui at the
Chicago convention arid during the
campaign iuitod that the cur
rency of the country could not in
crenee without the adoption of free
coinagn of silver, yet it bat in
created in the 17 months since
nomination by a sum doubl tht
entire money of the couutry in
which Le is now being received
with such honors. Certain) free
roiuagft f silter will not f urn all
of our III
Tbe Gazette hears talk of an
other paper for Heppner. What's
tho matter with those that are
already here?
A few good healthy backbiters
make a man know that be is living.
All have enemies; newspaper men
are angels if they don't have them
by the score.
The November earnings of 104
railroads whose reports have been
presented are more than twenty
per cent, in excess of their Novem
ber earnings last year.
The appointments of Hon. B.
. Bruce and J. N. Leger to the
offices, respectively, of register of
the treasury and minister to Hayti,
have given general satisfaction.
Both are colored men who are rep
resentatives of their race.
Portland is said to have in
prospect another first class daily
paper. That's all right, but why
not make the Tribune a better pa
per, then with two in the field per
haps the Tribune can live. Portland
has been very unlucky in the mat
ter of daily newspapers.
Rev. II. L. Barkley, the Ma
rion county silver champion, will
in all probability be the nominee
for congress on the union party
ticket in the coming campaign.
lev. Barkley was in Morrow
county recently to attend the dedi
cation of the U. B. church at
sideration, and he asked Senator
Boar, as a member of the commit
tee on foreign relations, to present
it Every day senators present
petitions with which they have no
sympathy, and nothing is said
about it, but in this case the paid
lobbyists lied in order to impress
their employers with the idea that
they were earning their pay.
A New Year Gift Heralded.
Tbe measureless popularity of Hostet
ter'a Btomacb Bitters ha been tbe
growth of more than a third of a cen
tury. As io tbe past, tbe oominu new
year will be nebered in by tbe appear
ance of a fresh almauao, clearly setting
forth tbe nature, uses aDd operation of
tbie medicine of world wide fame. It is
well worth perusal. Absolute aocaraoy
in the astronomical calculations ai'd
calendar will, as before, be valuable
characteristics, while tbe readme matter
will include statistics, humor and gener
al information, aooompnnied by admir
ably executed illustrations. Tbe &!ma
uao is issued from tbe publisb'ng depart
ment of tbe Hostetter company at
Pittsburg, and will be printed on their
presses in English, German, franco,
Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland,
Bohemian and Spanish. All droegists
and oountry dealers furnish it without
For week Ending Thursday, Dee 16, 1897.
Geo Greenwood, city J Inn, city
J C Keithly A wf, 8 Mile Emerson Keithly, 8 Mile
D A Greenwood, LKock Low Tlllard, city
Dr. Paul Grant, Mri Paul Grant,
Miss Ruth Grant, Clare Evans,
Mabel Maltland, Louis Patricola,
Isabel Patricola, Cliff B Fulton,
trot Frank Komlnger, Chas Evans,
Dr. Grant's Royal Entertainers.
C W Lawton, Eugene A W Miller, Spokane
Henry Wade, city J W Stafford, Arlington
J Colatock, city R S Clark and wife
Wm Myers,C!eveland,0 8 Thompson, Butter C'k
H Easterly Baker City W S McKimmey, 8 Mile
1 D Kirk, Ritter W H Herman, Portland
JA Blevlns.PlperOapVa F A Jones, Gossan, Va
L Baugh, Baker City G W Denhara, lone
J Bpicknal. 8 Mile E Watkins. G Forks. N D
B F Swaggart, Growlers I M Hum, Growlers
Knob Knob
R J Wilkin, city J M Hatten, city
Chas Ingraham, city W P Snyder, Gooseberry
Al Denny, citv, I Romjue, city
C Berkley, 8 Mile Luther Hamilton, city
C F Williams. lone E D Graham, The Dalles
H C Caldwell, Hunting- w G Blddle, San Fran
ton, Ark H Wade and Son, city
M C Fuqua, 8 Mile E Ashbaugh 8 Mile
A J Duran. city A C Fox, Excelsior D. Co
B P Aldrich, Chicago C M Credson, St Louis
A L Benton, San Fran J N Fordyce, Portland
ELManning, The Dalles J T King. lone
B F King, lone J W Vaughan city
J C Keithly, 8 Mile Oscar Keithly, 8 Mile
8 A Wells, City L P Davidson and wife,
A Ashbaugh 8 Mile Davidson, Or
J Knighton, 8 Mile J P Belleubrook, Lone
W K Leathers, city Rock
A Aard, Baker City A D Swan, Chicago
H Bucholy, A thena W D Ingram, 8 Mile
Mrs N Wade and sods, J F Reddish, Pendleton
Butter Creek D H McKenzie. city
John Depuy, city E C Ashbaugh and wife,
Tom Brennan, city Eight Mile.
1 Light Water Company will hold their
annual meeting ior election oi unto""
other business on tbe fourtn Monaay oi '"un
ary, A. D., 1098. T. W. AYERS,
6-15 Secretary.
TrTTP is ttfbfbv flfVF.N THAT THERE
IN will be a meeting of the stockholders of
the First National Bank of Heppner, at their
office on the 2nd Tuesday of January, 1898, be
tween the hours of in o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock
p. m., of said day, for the purpose of electing
directors and for the transaction of such other
s t
business as may appear.
Heppner, Or., Dec. 10, 1897.
CONSER, Cashier.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
riAA oi 1 nan
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Feb. 3rd, 1MJ, viz:
Hd. No. 5,339, for the WH of NW4 and WV4 of
8WK of Sec. 12. Tp. 6, 8. R. 28, E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: William Warren, Victor Gil
bert, Charley Boudrey and Peter uung, an oi
Heppner, Morrow county, uregon.
608-19. Register.
s0pera House,
A Splendid Project.
Holiday, who is largely
The interstate commerce com
mission reports that it has been
robbed of its power by interference
of the courts, and that though
many reforms are necessary, it
feels loath to commence them and
get turned down. This is all in
favor of trusts and corporations.
We have too many laws that are
inactive. Fewer laws and better
ones mean bettor government.
Someone predicts that Mr. Oorbett
will be seated beoaua the republicans
need his' vote. This would bj more of a
likelihood it the democrats aod popu
lists needed it. They have a majority
in the npper bouse of congress. Statesman.
When your stomach begins to trouble
you, it needs help. Tbe help it Deeds,
is to digest your food, and, until it gets
it, you won't have any peace. Stomaob
trouble is very distressing, very obsti
nate, very dangerous. Many of tbe most
dangerous diseases begin with simple in
digestion. Tbe reason is that indiges
tion (nofdigestion, nof-nonnsbment) unole, and it is more than
Notice of Intention.
iuioi- jlj Dec. 23, 1897. Notice is hereby given mat
l.l 1L. U..l. : - -1. : the fnllnwtncr named settler has filed notice OI
ea.euiu too aueepouemiuK uiauumc lur - : :- ----- -pnnftn .nDDOrtof
wbioh Mr. D. A. Herren IS agent, will his claim, and that said proof will be made
. . . E,1 . . ,.. . 1 before J, W. Morrow, County uiera, at ueupner,
u" ""'""J " Oregon, on Thursday, February a, viz:
organize a company in this vicinity for JOHN B. hunt,
tbe purpose of puttiug io a plant. It is SS for the NW of Se0, Tp '
I K. 2n K. W . M .
a great success, saving tbe fibre in better He names the following witnesses to prove
j... . . . , . I nis continuous reBiaence upon aim uuiiivanuu i
condition, yet giving employment to tbe "r".L.H ,anrt vw, Edward Hunt. Edward ons-
hfiP rerun lh nma old nrinAH. kell, George Shick ana Arthur Hunt, all oi
, - r " I Unnnnav Mnrvniir nAlintv Mr
Mr. Holiday is a nephew of "old Ben ' ' Jas. f. moore,
WEDNESDAY, Matte, TiGKet-Ol-
Leave Man."
Reserved Seats, 75 Cts.
General Admission, 50 Cts.
Holiday" who put on the first overland
stnge' between SI. Joe, Mo., and San
Francisco. He was also the father of
the pony express route. Show tbe
writer the man who, as a boy, bad ex
perience with Ben's overland enterprises
and didn't grow to admire tbe man, and
we will point out a human oddity. Tbe
young nephew has many traits of bis
likely that
his projoot for tbe Heppner section will
meet with endorsement.
weakens tbe eytem and allows disease
germs to aUuok it. The autidote is
Shaker Digestive Cordial, strengthening,
nourishing, curative. It cures indiges
tion and renews strength and health. It
does this by strengthening the stomach,
by helping it to digest your food. It
nourishes you. Shaker Digestive Cor-
.1 . l : , .1 v .
urn. io maul u. yure ueru", p.BUlB BDO. lh(, . nnn nf IhB lAflaint, !,:.
wine, is perfectly harmless and will cer- ze of tha, bu We wifjh them muoh
. 1 1 1 : i i lit I "
lainiy uuro .u genuine smmaon trouoie. joy and pro,perity(
ooiu ny arnggists, price iu cents rovi.uu
per bottle.
I J Dec. 10, 1897. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of I
his claim, and that saia proof will ue maae
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 'U, 1898, viz:
Hd. No. 4256. for the NE! and EW 8E) Sec.
22. Td. 5. 8 ol R 28 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Zollinger, Sylvester
W. Floreon. Robert D. Watkins and Louis
Groshens, all of Heppner, Morrow county, Or.
and by virtue of an execution and order
If this isn't the short, business
session of congress that it ought
to be, tho republican leaders of the
house are fully determined that no
blamo shall be laid at their doors.
Since the first day of the session
they have been hustling. Last
week the pension aporonriation
bill was reported and passed, and
this week the legislative, executive
and judicial appropriation bill will
be put through. The disposal of
two of the regular appropriation
bills before the Christmas recess
will be a lecord of which the re
publicans of the house may well
feel proud.
The Gazette Doesn't Retract this Time The
Whole Trnth Not Told.
Tbe Gazette reoectly made a state.
ment in reference to the condition of the
family of E. B. Nye, and at the same
time commented on the general worth.
leesncss.of tbe husband aud father,
Tbe information that tbe wife and
children were iu a starving condition
came from our Judge Bartholomew,
This, however, was a matter will known
to many people in Morrow ooanty, long
before tbey were brought to tbe county
poor bouse, but the general, all round
onsseduess of Nye is so well understood
that it was really not neoeesary for tbe
Gazette to mention it. It is no news.
This morning the editor of tbi paper
received a communication from Nye,
so filthy and profane that it will not
bear printing, abusing the editor aud
demanding a retraction. This paper
bas nothing to retraot and will never do
so. These "long distance" abusings
through telephone and by letter hurt
no one, but tbey stamp upon the author
tha brand ot a cowardly being, muoh
akin to the cur family.
Fossil Journal: Mr. Frank Shurte
and Miss Effie From were married at
Arlington last Sunday. The bride is
one of Arlington's best esteemed young
ladies, and the groom is known all over f "ale issued out of the Circuit Court of the
' - I utntj. nf Oiwffnn fnr t.hA fniintv nf Mnrrnw inn
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
renaerea ana entereo in saw court on tne 7tn
day of September. 1897. in favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Saling. E. W. Rhea
and C. E. Redfleld Defendants, for the sum of 1
two nunrtred twenty-six and (-UK) dollars witn
interest thereon from the 2nd day of August,
1897. at the rate of eight oer cent ner annum.
and twenty-nve dollars attorney's fee and the
further sum of ten dollars cocts; which Judg
ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk s
ollice of said court in said county
on the 7th nay of September, 1897;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed by the court that the following described
real property, towit: tne soutn nan oi tne
(outwent quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine In township
one soutn oi range twenty-seven east w. m. in
Morrow County. Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow
county Oregon, sell all the right, title and in
terest of the said W. L. baling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Redtleld in and to the above described
When you hear dem bells !"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
ne&i to taxe alter dinner; HHk
prevent distress, aid diges- 13 I I t
tlon, cure constipation. III
Purely vegetable; do not gripe sr
or cause pain. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.
Mathews 8c Gentry,
8hop two doors South of Postoffice.
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
nrooerty at public auction to the highest and
I best bidder for rash in hand, the proceeds to be I
I applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
an costs, ano costs tnmimay accrue.
u. matlock, ouerin oi 31 or row to.,or.
Dated Dec. 10, 1M97. 604-614,
Shaving, -Hair
Shop, Matlock Corner,
15 Cants
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
It nf the County Court of tbe mate of Ore
gon for the County ol Morrow, to me directed,
commanding me to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the del!uo,uent taxpayers named on the
delinquent tax rou ior said county ior in
years ircr.t, invt, mro, ana jnim, inereto i m tiA
attached, and none i lounn men upon tne real i AUlllloaiUlA iDl.UU;
iroixrtv as at forth and described In the said I ' '
delinquent tax rolls, or so much thereof as
Masquerade Ball !
At the
December 24th. 1897
A LITTLE thing like a fact never
bothers those who 1 io through
choice. When Senator Hoar pre-
Bented the petition of some native
llawaiiana, ngainHt annexation, to
the sciiato, the lints all rutihed a
atateinent ofT that Senator Hoar
was the champion of tbe petition
ers and intended to fight annexa
tion. Now, where do you suppose
Senator Hoar et that petition?
From Secretary Shorman, one of
the statiche(t advocates of annexa
tion. It was taken to the state de
partment by the Hawaiian, and
Mr. Sherman told them he would
have it laid before the senate,
which had the treaty nuder con-
A oough which teems to hu
on in spite of all the remedies mm
you rave applied certilnly net?
energetic and sensible treatmeL
For twenty-fire years that st5
ari preparation ol cod-liver oil,
has proved its effectiveness In cur
log the trying affections of the
throat and longs, and this it the
reason why t the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
r vitalizes the whole sys
s temt the hvoochosohitct
act at a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heaU the Irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation to effective at this?
K. y i ftt'OTTI ImilMwt. Sot ttul ih
Sm Sad lull M th, tnl.
M. 4 Si , i
retr a so!, v
Tut your old hooks and notes In his
hands and get your money out of
them. Makes a specialty of hard
shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged there
in, together with costs and expenses. I have
duly levied, having been unable to And any
gooui or cnaiuue belonging to tni
delinquents hereinafter named, ur
Masked Ladies Free;
Lady Spectators, Fifty Cents.
roods or chattels belonging to the respective
inon the loi-
lowing described pieces or parcels of land as
nd being In
said Morrow county, Htate of Oregon, described
set forth in said tax lists,
said Morrow county, Hti
and assessed as follows
Consumption Po.ltiv.ly Cur.d
Mr. II B. Greev. merohnDi, ot Coil
bowie, Vs., certifies that b. bad con.
omptioo, was given op to die, songbl
all mtdioal Ireatoieot tlitt money ooulj
procure, tried" all ooiigh remedies be
coulJ bear ot, bat got do relief; spent Rhaving.
tunny r.lms sitting tip lo ohsir; wss 1 jjajr CuttiniT
m.iuoru io ir, vx. .in s mow iisooT- Jot ,, kroplng ,lp ,he reputation of this shop
ery, Slid Otired by tho US. ot two 'r flrst-ilass work and would be pleased to
bottles. For past three year, bas been
tleoiliuu to busioess, and fays Dr.
Klog'i New Duoovery la tb. grandest!
remedy ever made, a it lias dno. so
moob lor Lira and also lor others in bia
ootutiinuity. Dr. Kiog'a New Discovery
ia guaranteed for oongba, o ilds sod con
sumption. It dou't fall. Trial bottles
free at Hlocum Drug Cj , E. J. Hlooum,
Office in J N. Brown's Building.
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
15 Ctf.
ittintf, - 25
g up the reputation of t
work and would be Dli
have you vail.
The Old Shop!
Is the place to go to get
your fiue pork and lamb
chops, steaks ami roasts.
Fossil Journal ; A sort of colored
person giving th. name of Thomas Hen
dersoo, who clairaa to be an Australian,
as arrested at Arlington last Saturday FISH EVERY FRIDAY
by Marshal Carlisle for selling ablskey
to Indiaoa, at.d taken before U. 8. Com
missloner Oorley, wbo bouod him over
to appear in tbe U. 8- conrt In Portland.
Itegarding this culprit Wednesday's
Uregontan had th. following: "Deputy
United Wales Marshal ltoherla yester-
day brought down from Arllugtoo aort II D I IMATAM PflQQII
of colored man, wbo, from bia talent aa L llJ I Ul V I UOOIL f",',"'
a jig ilanoer, seems io os strung en
wire. Ue baa been supplying liquor lo
Indiana, bat claims that be did not
know be waa violating tb. law in ao
Pine sugar eureit hams and baron.
Pure lint lard, kettle rendered, old
style. Highest eastt price paid for
fat stork.
Armstrong. Thadena BWU of section 'fL
tn l north, range . east W M : Ul 1M t 13 S6
Hhlpley, Ueo w oi section iu tp a
iHf.Ht U 87. total 11 7
Kcoington.j Miu ano I'im it
of section 'B, tp .1 south, range 2ft, ana
H't Hn U Hm. W) and NU NW V ol Her HI.
to X south, ranire 27 east W M: tax InM 1 SO
Keese, ITand Kedman, 1 T K' N K4
and Htta and HWU or section w, tp 1
north, range 23 east W M ; tax Iwtt 11 00 I
Kutherlord, C r H', x. and Iota 1 and 1
section a, t p norm, ranga.it east n m.
and lota II to 1 blork 1. lots to lA
blm k 2, lots" to 14 block S, lots 5 to II
blocks, lots ft to IS block 5, lots 2 toll
bliN k , lots 1 to l blork 7, lota t to IS
him k a. lot I to IS block II, all of
blorksS. 10. 11. IH. H. I l 17. In. all
In t'aatle Rork : 1st lKi. 4 40
Hweatea. J W HWv section . In 2 north.
nge T, east W M ; In Wft I SO
lllis, Henry C HWV section 2 tn 4
ortn. ran if e n east W M ; tax vm 17 w
IH'U H os wM li H4 total 16 10 I
Eldrldge, Rllsabrth NWU section 3),
tp 1 north, range east W M ; tax A 4 40 1
Mi Klimle. Khndrrlch NWIa and lots
l aim I section i. to i souin. ranaei
east W Mi tat 1W 4 40 1
(loniiy, John ewi4 and w NW','ail
er.v swiii, n xi, tps north, ranss
U east W M ; tax lV (Oft
Brix S. N C lot block In the town ol
lxitiKton; tax IM IU
Kiinan, ( Imile lot h bliHk i In the town
ol UxlinfUin; la lv, as
Brown, J S lots 1 and 1 blork I, Kins
man addition t Heppner; tax tt ... I 11
frauds, 1 1, lot It block W, Mt Vernon
addition Ui Heppner: tat W' 14
Blrvlii, V . Trustee, KK1, sra llon Tl. tp
1 north. ran 7 east W M ; tat lvi . 4
Mallory. Caiua M NKa and I",
HKW se. lti.il 14 tp 2 aniilh, ranxt A east
W tl.tot ms Saa
Ulevre, Henry M W W "f'aiid
n tin li 17 ami l SK Hvtlou Mall
In tn 4 south, rants &easl w M : tat
lie. . 4 40
Cohn. I'hll l 4 blork s. town ot HelD-
Her; tat l"A 07
Ami on tselnreday. tbs TtH day o( Herein
ber, IW7, at the hour of I o rlork p tn ol said
day. at th onirt boos In said roulity and atata.
he atM-Ovarritie1 rral estate al
in tn the hishrai biddrr lor rah
iiD-t lo mlrmntlon. to satisfy said ear ran la.
rusts aim atxruina raata,
. U MT1K lt,
1 W Sheriff ol Morrow I'o.. Orn.
They Are The "Mustard"
, TUg Pioneer BlacksniitHs
Have made some elegant Improvements In their establishment and added a tares stork of
Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need Quick noalrs
to their wagons, buRties or machinery. Ibeir specialty is horseshoeing. qutca repairs
Mtadows i Hiilta art the k)i to do Your Work Right, tod do it Quick, too.
Notice of
1xb orrn
A Mare TblasT foe Tats.
A lrnnuiion In wbu ki out annul lose Is a
tllittti.litf I'll oosocsa, alt k llvatl.H lir, ,.S
iv.1 Iimikho, frier, piles and a UiouaaiiU otlitT
H a me laiimxl by itoiatlHttiou and slut-nodi
llvrr t n ii an u t uoii v 4 uiuariM', inn won-
il i'ul new livrr etimtilani and Intra lual
kuik' are by all ilrutu sls gii.truntrwd tot-ure
or nioiiry retoinliHl C. 1'. are a sure
thine Try a u H iluy; tor., i . UK.
bui,.l and bookwil Iitw. but our big aL
ruHtl ( mitre) . .... Round trip ) on
Mayl)le (M mile) 4 m Round trip 7 00
t'lilidon (W mlleal . lit) ..... Round trip .00
I tem ( mllrs) ... lis) Round trip t"
Olrs (It miles) I 'D Round Ulp IM
T. M.: I'niied Slates Attorney John
II. Hall, of t'otllaod, aeoompaoied bf
Jodge Moreland and Msjir Neer, of
the U. ft. mil engineering corps, were In
the eity this morning and left by pit
vai. oou) ssBe for tb. Hcufert ess
D.rtss a bos tb. city.
st Taa litttsa, Oasnne
inmlirf J. imr?
lolloKliK namrl srttler has nlwl nnllre c4
his hitrntlon '. snake Snal prod la snptt n
Ms claim, aod that said pfl will h ma-le h
lore J M Morrow, I ounir ( Ink, at Heppner,
t rci"t, on January i ihm, tis
rRAM last. Wtl.KINm)N.ol Heppner
II I. do 4 (ttbe rn xv and ' SIE',
... m 1 1 mm. M rk. it m.
Mag lesres Arungion every morning u...M ,k. i.,ii...in w.tius-a tn arms
Onnda eioebledl al h o clnrS: IS ana his moumxius rrat.lrm iitn and roiuaii
at din. Ion al t n m in.l ip.l.u iir,4.l saia lana. l narias i rxiH aim
ell at 7 P. m.
Comfortable covered coaches sod Sartv
ful, f tperteeoed drlfera.
liailuk sad U P. Pw.lsoo. ol I im wn. or,
era til
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by the wsy they have anything yon ran rail for In the line ol
Hardware, Stores and Tinware.
Hsrrsss, os., Nov. 11, 191.
JTnsra. (Wf i Jrrars, lltppmer, Or.
iiSTlti:-I was recently Uksn Ith a serars cold
whlca snade ate very hoarse and rendered ms anSI to
attend to bnslneaa. A trlsnd ol mine railed my attention
to your Dr. Sarthlow's eouga syrup and I bouihl a botUe,
eostlns at M rents, whlrri rsllersd me at enr and com.
pleiely euM ma. I an sutdect lo thhwl difficulty and I
bats found nothing that ista ms to mocb rellet as this
ton i h ears.
I am Informed Ibal II le sscllenl M eulda, brooch !Ut,
whooptng enof k and all throat and lunf Iroublea.
1 beg lo remain, met truly ymira,
OTU rum), li. GastU.
I'r. John W. Kaeraua. of lb. "Red
light," ever en th. alert fur eixnelhirg
ew, can furnish ott the flneel cork
tails la Ilie lanj Manbettea, Jersey
Vermonlh ol (Itn -made by aa arlml tn
the bueteeee. Drop In and tela th.
last, pat of leaf Bseaisu H
bailee te Ike raalie.
Isaad Cnoaa, .ollrelor for tb. Hepp
ner Ligbl k Water Co , bavinc aevered
all eonnectioos with th. Cumpany, W.
K- Trayn has bees appointed bie so
leeeeor and la bervhy aatboruej lo pr.
form lb. dalle ot anperioteadeal aad
olleclof. b'-
ft-" Kserssa Lmar 4 Waraa Uu. i
Healed bids rvneettd for tb. delivery
at tny ranch, om th. head cl Ur. creek,
of on. bnad red colds of pine, four foot
wmtd. Said wood li he delid no
later than oal.ldla ef Aueo.l, It, hi Is
opeaed th. l.Mh day of J senary,
IUwmt. th. right Iu reject any and all
J. V. M. aavw.
Do You V.int a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are Y ou in Need of a Saddle
1 lorse ?
All Ilea, csn tx) frocoreJ st ThntDpano A Hiboa, Locr Main 8trec,
Heppner, Urcfjpio.
Ta ! are well aroalnM Ortat, Utrwy, Crank. Ollllaas Sad Mhef emaUs.
and ran eae sww a4 time la saaklg the tlotis e Ita Itattllog twa,
rrlrea la Isaplng wtia tke HaMsk,
Mv-sc, astmrwar jaaa,