PAPER TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION Thn Heppner Semi-Weekly Gaxette from new until March 1st, 1898, for OFFICIAL SAMPLE SUBSCRIPTION Tho Heppner Semi-Weekly Gazette from now until March 1,1898, for 25 Cts.i- n25 Cts.i- Yearly Subscription Reduced to $2.00 Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00 FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 24, 1897. NO. 608 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FUBLISHSD Tuesdays arid Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At 2.0 1 per year. $1.00 for iix months, 80 cts. lor three moncns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at tbe Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THI8 PAPJfiB is kept on file at E. C. Duke's Advertising Agency, 64 and 66 Merchants Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where oou raeta for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEW8PAPEB ADVEBTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exohangs llutld ing, Ban Franoisoo, 1b our authorized agent. This papw is kept on file at Mb office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves HeDDner 9:30 D . Bandar arnviDg at Heppner J nnction Vim a. m Leaves Heppner Junouou rives at Heppner Dills, m m. dally exoept as a. m. 3:30 a, m. and ar- Bpokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2KX) p. m and arrives at Heppner junction isw p. m. and Uma'illa 8:50 p. in. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6J0 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.-00 m- ard arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:26 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:i5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 Ieave3 Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a.m. r For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B & N., Heppner, Ore. Going ro Hotel (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) if you are, do not forget tee Important Points. FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best Bervice. ' SECOND See that the coupon beyond Bt. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lineB, or address HEPPNER, OREGON. MBS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods, New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $i.oo Per Day and ,: Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. 83? A first-class feed barn run in connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free Bub run to 587-nov.l2 Jas. 0. Pond, Uen. Fas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St.. Portland Or. United States Officials. Pi nairient. William McKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Hanrnt&rvnf Htatn John Sherman fcaorotary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Becrelary of Interior. Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War. Buasell A. Alger Secretary of Navy ..John D. Long PriMt.miuttar.ftAnArRl. flames A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph MoKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor ...W. P. Lord Secretary of State. H. R. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Metaohan Hupt. Putilio Instruction O. M Irwin Attorney General - C. M. Hleman . ( G. W. MoBnde Senators It, h. Mitchell J Binger Hermann Congressmen W. B. Ellis Printer ;yJvDU- Leed" ( B. B. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A- Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Btephen . Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Ban Borrow County Officials. Joint Renator .....A, W. Go wan liepresentativa. (Nmnty Judge '.' Commissioners. J. W. Beokett. " Clerk. " Sheriff , ' Treasurer Assessor " Surveyor Bohool Sup't... ". 'Coroner.. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., C. B. & AC L. Ss P. Railroads. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. HOW 10 FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass witb mine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an on- healthy condition ot the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri Bate or pain in tbe baok, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneye and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO 1)0. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, thai Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ot the urinary passages. It oor reots inability to bold urine and so aid ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overoomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many' times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp root is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing oases. If you need a medicine yon should have tbe best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bing hampton, N. Y. Tbe proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness ot this offer. ' ' LITEHARY NOTEB. AN ELEGANT SAMPLE. Col. Bedincton Discusses the Skunk Ques tion In a Personal Letter. Ool. Redington, who is so well known to all of tbe old-timers here in the Heppner hills, writes a personal letter to tbe editor ot this paper in wbioh he digs up some new data on the skunk family. However, be does this without any intention to malign any member of tbe tribe, and without malice afore thought whatever. The oolonel has had considerable ex perience with skunks. As early as 1878 be was wont to toy witb great chunks ot atmospherio skunk, up on tbe Clear water In Idaho, when he was leading Gen. Howard up to where he oould get a peep at Chief Joseph through a pair of fieldglasses presented the general at tbe oloee of the late war by a body of BoBton ladies. Col. Redington brought baok with him a large assortment of this atmospherio phenomena in an old soldier coat which Dave Herren pro nouooed genuine. The oolonel atterwaras too up a ranch near Heppner some years after ward and here be was compelled to make affidavit to the then commissioner ot the general land office, Mr, Sparks, that great big American skunks were MM POWDER Absolutely Pure HAZEL K1HKE. Half block west of the Union Depot of O.. C. M. & St. P., V. & A., r. Ft. w and the C. St, KATKS &0.OO PRH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Stt., CHICA.3C. XXjXj. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. WEEKLY The MONTHLY .A. G. J. N. Brown Bartholomew J. B. Howard I J. W. Morrow E. L. Matlock Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteys J. W, Hornor Jay W. Shipley B. If., Vaughan Outlook Published Every Saturday Ir prosperity alia Happiness, lor m improvement oi meir business and home Interests, for education, for the elevation ol American manhood anq rpnn iuntniiiiKiAil IT B AS told at the fireside, Interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. . . .. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved metnoas oi cuiuvaung ana narvemug nis crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money, led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over a half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE. 13 Astor Place New York . ... .wan mviwm nWUlBRS. w Thos. Morgan .rnnilVnMi"'."' Oeo. Conner, Frank fiiiii. ArtW Minor. E. J. Blooum, & : v 1 T U Himnna "Snu "m - ' " "W. A. Richardson Precinct Offleers. i....: v,. tn W. E. Binhardson r.s,i..r:.:.:..." . -... b. whew Caited States Land Officer. ma IMT 1 WM OR. J . Mnnra Register A. B. Biggs B.F. Wilson ,?2ri!i I K. Khhin. lieosiver B-3CREX BOCIBTIEB. KAWL1NB POST, NO. II. G. A. B. MeU at Lexington. Or., the lt Baturday ot act month. All veterans are mviww i jum. G. W. Bmltn, Adjutant, 1 The Outlook will be in 1897, as it has been during eaoh of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives oompaot review ot tbe world's progress; it follows witb care all tbe important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of the day; bas a complete department ot religious news; devotes much space to tbe interests of the home; reviews current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. New York Weekly Tribune, And we furniah it with the GAZETTE, on year for ( $2.75, eash In advance. . v Address all Order, to THE GAZETTE. Write your name and address on a postal card, send It to Goo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy oi the New York WeeklyjT rlbune will be mailed to you. A character sketch of Mark Twain by Robert Barr is an attractive announce ment made (or tbe January number of I McClore's Magazine. Mr, Barr is a man who himself possesses the seoret of de vising humorous grotesque tales, and as be has, been the close personal friend of Mack Twain for a long time, he is sure to give us an interesting stndy of him. To make The Ladies' Home Journal for 1898 "tbe beet ot all tbe years; tbe most obeerful and helpful magazine that a woman can possibly have in ber home," is the purpose ot its editors, as variety found here, but it was not disclose by a prospectus outlining a known previous to this that tbe genuine few ot tbe projeoted features tor tbe alkali skunk existed west of tbe mnnn coming year. While the Journal will be tftiue Owing to the uncertainty of tbe more useful and practical than ever be- oiimate tbe. oolonel waa unable to pre fore, it is made apparent that its liter- "rve h ipecimen naught, but tbe dog ary features will be strengthened, and ""l has bis share of It, and it any ot the Diotorially it will be more attractive and old-timers don't believe bis story be will plentiful near bis oabin, at which be bad thrown a good many thousand rocks. And even then Mr.' Sparks would not give him a good title to bis land, cast ing some implied insinuations that tbe gnlob was too poor to produce snob livestock. Tbe out wbioh appears in this oolumn is taken from a good specimen wbiob Col. Redington's setter dog oaught out in tbe woods near Taooma. It is tbe Splendid Treat In Store For Onr Theatre ' Going People. The Exoelsior Dramatic Co., whose advent to this oity is heralded by Mr. A, 0. Fox, edvanoe representative of tbe organization, bids fair to be warmly wel comed by tbe theatre-goers of Heppner." Tbe company is beaded by Mr. P.1 J. Duggan, stage direotor ot tbe Grand Opera House, San Francisoo, and, this paper is informed, has surrounded him self witb a highly competent oompany wbioh gives admirable representations of ' the pieoes selected for their repertoire. The beautiful play, "Hazel Kirke," is the piece selected for tbe opening night here.' This play has stood the test ot time and proves oonolusively that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." Tbe charming leading lady of tbe oompany, Miss Moray, bas received tbe highest oommendation from the press ot South ern California for ber admirable rendi. tion of tbe title-role. Mr. Duggan, as Dunston Kirke, renders this difficult part to perfection. To those who have seen the play be fore, a visit to the theatre will be like renewing the acquaintance of an old friend, and for those who have never seen it, a veritable treat is in store. c. G. Fuuua. Commander. Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume, the paper will assume tbe regular maga zine sise, which will add greatly to its P - D. D M-QiArrHc convenience and attractiveness. Tbe PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office In the City Drug Store, City Hotel. A Campaign Of Education how to Get it r a rrn .For J). JU near tt D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a.m., and 12 to 1 n m at rtaidence. W. A. Kirk's prop erty, east of M. E cbnrcb, Suotb, and 10 n 11 a. m . to '2 lo O D. m . ai oinoe id tbe rear of Borg's jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, nfflna In thft First National Bank tbft First National Building. HirrMiA, : : OBitaoM tt W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. COUNCIL CHAMICM Bells and btivt real atate, rents house, pars am m,nireanrln and will serve you In any way in bis Una. at reasouanle Bgurea. First National Bank HF.rrsER- C. A. Rhca, T. A. RHCA. GCO. W. CONttft, S. W. SPCNCtn, . President Vlee President - , CaeMar Asa't CasMar Outlook is published every Saturday I fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue In eaoh month is an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many I pages as tbe ordinary issues, together I witb a large number ot pictures. Tbe prloeof Tbe Outlook is three! dollars a year in advanoe, or less than a I cent a day. Send for a speoimeo onpy aod illustrat ed pro peotus to The Outlook, 13 Astor I Place, New Toik Citv. BTOCa BRANDS. While yon ap your eubaeription paid op yr I eaa keep yoar brand la free of chart. Bora. P. O.. Haitnr. Or.Horae. P B o Ufl sboolderi eattla, sain on left hip. Cook. A. J..Lna.Or.-HufM. Won right shoal dart tattle, samooo right hipt ear aura sgnars I emp on lart ana split la right. Dona-!. W, H . Galloway. Or.-Cettl. R Dm right tide, swailuw-tork ia eaob eari bursas, it 1) on left Dip. Fir. Bra. Dnnglaa. Or. Horses branded KLY oa left shooldar, eattU Sam on Ufthip, bols ir right ear. Florenea, L. A., Happnar, Or. Caul. LF oa right hipi boraaa f with bar aadar oa right sbooUar. Jonas, Harry, Happnar, Or Horaae branded K J oa the lft alvMililer; eattla bra nld J no right hip. alau andarbit la tafl ear. Kane Is Morrow euanty. J ntinena. Lena. Or. Hnmi. oirrlaT an laft euni naltla, a no oa right bip, aadar ball arup la nt aad (till I M lart af Kanay, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hnwas braniM EN If on laft hip eattia awn aad arp oS lafl ari andW alnpe oa the right Lathey. J. W. Happnar Ur. Huraa brand4 I, mud 4 oa left ahm!dar; eattl mm oa lafl hip, wattle ovar right ay, thra sliU la right AN UNPARALLELED OFFER stun, To be educated on must read the best literature. Tbe best literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. rub'isned at 110 Kllth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming: and Its literary departments are cdlfcd with con- y fummate skill. p. Buoh a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every y borne, Tlf The subscription prloeof Leslie's is ftps nnnm. Q , W maka the unparalleled offer of a copy of 4r, Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $4.50. No such oiler was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made 9y again. Tbrs two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birth. lay .j flit, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kludimu. C Kemlt by Doaul order or check to the & g Iloppncr, Oroiron. rj artistio than ever. A notable feature, "Tbe loner Ex perienoes of a Cabinet Member's Wife," series of letters from the wife of a Uabioet member to ber sister, will, it is said, reveal some startling and grapbio pen-pioturee of Washington sooial and official life. Tbey are eo realistio that tbe letters will be published anooymons ly and are likely to attraot National at tention. clinch bis remarks by shipping the dog over by express, not prepaid. Better than Klondike Gold Is bealtb and strength gained by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. It fortifies tbe whole system aod gives you snob strength that nerv ous troubles oease, and work wbioh seemed wearing and laborious, becomes Tbe biographies ot Preeident nd is obeerfully performed. It bas How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy oondition of all the vital organs. It tbe liver be ioactive, you bave a billions look, if your stomaob be disordered you have a dyspeptio look; if your kidneys be sffeotod, you bave a pinched look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Eleotrio Bitters" is a good alternative and tonic. Aols di rectly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies tbe blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good oomplexinn. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold by Slnnnm Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager. 50 oents per bottle. McKinley, Mrs. Cleveland. Mark Twain, Thomas A. Edison, and Joseph Jefferson ill be presented in a novel wsy by a series of ancodolee, giving tbe vital obaraoleristios of eaob. Rev. John Wet- son, 11. V. ( Isn Msclareu "), will coo tribute a series ot articles oo matters olnse to tbe interest of every man and woman; Edward YV. Bok will bave a special pegs for young men, io addition to bis osnal editorial rliionssions; Lilian OH a ill continue ber bright, crisp let ters from Europe's cnpitsls; Mrs. Burton Harrison will describe society at tbe be ginning of tbe oenlory, and ex Presi dent Harrison is to write on "Tbe Flag Id the Home." Two fiotion issues, lo all over thirty sbort stories, are promised doring the year. The stories will be by Mark Twain, F. Marino Crawford, Hamlin Garland, Msry E. Wllkios, Julia Ma- grader, Clara Morris, Mrs. A. D. T Whitney aod other well koowo authors. Tbe musical announcements for next year include Ho ana's newest rocopoeltinn, "Tbe Lady ot the WLUe (loose," dell cated by special permUainn to Mrs, McKinley; aacred songe and hymns by Fanny Croeby, tbe blind bjmo-wriler; Ira D Haiikey, and others qnite a prominent ia tbelr respective Balds. "Inside of a Hundred Uomes" will be continued end supplemented by done tbis for others, it will for you. Hood's Pills are tbe beet family eatbar tio aod liver tooio. Gentle, reliable, sure. BTOUM ON TUB COLUMBIA. Dalles HE8OLUT10NS or CONDOLKNCK. At the last meeting ot Ruth Chapter, No. 32, tbe following resolutions were adopted i Wheheab, Our Heavenly Father baa aeen fit to take from our midst onr es teemed brother, W. J. Leeser, Retolvtd, That we humbly submit lo tha will of our Snprerne Ruler who guides aod controls the destinies ot man, aod who doeth all things for tha best, and lietolved, That by the death of Bro. Lerxer Itatb Chapter bas lost a worthy brother, bis family a loving husband aod kiod father, and Jlrmtlvtd, Tbat Ruth Chapter, No. 32, extend to tba family of our deceased brother our heartfelt sympathy in their sad hour of affliction. Also tbat a oopy of these resolutions be spread oo tba minutes of our chapter, our charter draped io morning; also a oopy pub- Boats Have Troabl Betwcea Tbe and Portlasd. Wednesday a severe wind storm vis ited tbe l'soifio ooaat, oausing unusual distress io shipping circles, and par ticularly to the river craft on tbe Columbia. This last is presumed as our ioformsnt was a paasengsr on an O.K. AN. boat between Portland and Tha Dalles, and it waa witb great diffi culty tbat tbe orew prevented a wreck. As it wss all were affrighted almost out lhed in tbs Heppner papers and a oopy ot tbeir wits. The boat groaned aod oreaked aod sprang a leak, and all rushed lo the life preservers. Attempts were made to land, bnt Ibis oould not be dona without great danger, aod so tba boat was beld io mid stream till a plana of safety was readied aod all danger was past. Tba weatber authorities those who know what is eomiug io the shape of climate bad previously warued all boatmen to be prepared for a great storm, aod as these calculations are made oo sclent iila principle, there other should bsve Immo ooos on pre pared for presented to the family of our deceased brother. Errii QtLLUM, Mho J. A. Fimuoi, Jinnii Ni Bi.a, Coratuitt. After bearing some friends eootionally praming Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, Cel., purrbaeed a bottle of it for liis owo use and is now ao eotbtiaias 1st over It wonderful work a aoynoe esn tie. The US aod M cent six -e lor sals by Coer A Brock. Trusits i General Bonl'mj Basinta On all part of th world Bought and Sold. CollerUun mad oa all point on raaannaM Term. Surplus and undivided front. 11 J.OOO OO. Tb Gatette will lake potato, apples, eggs Of better oo sobeeriptloii aoroonts. Adv oee owing Ibis e flic ran settle their ereoaeU io this maooer end aen't do it loo eooe to aojl ua. Minor, Oanar, neppnar nr.-tartia, RDM right hi pi bora. Mas laft shooldar. Morgan, H. N- Happoaf. Or. Harese. M ) en left ahonld. eatOe a oa laft kip. Ohora. J. W.. Doaala. Or.s bnr O oo W abowidar; eattla earn right hip. Parkar A Dlaaaoa. Hardaua.Or, Hamas 1 P oa Ml aboaldar. Piper, J. H.. Laalngtoa. Or. -Hnraas; tt . Mad ot, laft ewmlUri eauia, aaOM aa laf kip. ndar bit la aanb aw. Hartnr. 1. W.. liappear. Or.-Horaaa, JO aa laft shualoar. (aiUa. n oa right hip. M.m K a. Homna. Or. - Cattle W bft hip. emp of right aad andarfat ia laft aWlani boraaa Wtm laft eanaWtar. 1 hnnuaiin, 4. A.. Heppaer, Or. Hiiro. a ar akroliwi aaiUa. 1 aa laft atimBiiar. Tom K. W- Happaae .- mall capital t lR al,.mklf. bnraaai aatlia sam aw laft kip with apht in narth aara. Wa'taobrge, W. J., Oailoway, Of. krwa qaartar etn-ta JW Mi right ah.mi.w; Mill aioartar eirrla J W oo rtgiil bip aod nW ,', rnrp and a.4a in loft ar. Uaj g ta Morrow and I' oiaUlas euostiaa. IN NEW QUAltTEltS WILLIS STWAHT. Tbe old reliable livery stable man of Hpppncr, haa moved iuto the Jut North ot the Oaaella offln. wbare be woold be pleased to see all bie old friends aod make new ooee. Iff: HAS DAIFI) HAY ffHt RALK AM) STALLS TO LET AT UKASOSADLK HATES. Alo rrntt liuggu'M, llitcki, Titima ami Hwlllc Jlortrt. yon come to Iowa. Old Remember Willis wbea Billy Gordon, etaod formerly ocenpiad Heppner, Oregon. by FRANK R06ERS I. i. ROtC DTI Rogers & Roberts, atticles opoo fitting, furbishing aod beaatifyibg the borne; aod In addition to the Journal, "Modaraie-Coat lloooa." obnrohea, school, farm building, ele., will be given with detailed plans aod sp-ariflretmns. Mr. H. T. Rorer, It la aanounred, will oootlon to write eiilntively lor tbe Journal. In addition to ber "Cooking Leon" eho will writ of foods, their veins and their bealiLfolorae. Special artirle fur cbildrro oung aod middle grown on needlework, failiiona, borne eotertsinmsnl, ebnrrh work, ile.,sre all pr.diileed. Till . tint a paaalng glaneest thalH'JH faidiea' llmne Journal, birh I aimed to meet lha literary and praetleal need of er-ry member of the boneeboM. By Tbe t'orli I'abllalilnr Company, Pbiladelpbia. Tea oents per enp); one dollar per tear. bad wssther. A HtW IlKKMe) riiH TIN (tMH. -Cob tractors aod 1'uilJera.- nans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Kcwir Work Done OFFICE HOURS Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. llice" and Kog. or Jim will ect 'em. o o o o o o Everybody Say So. Caafnreta Cao lv Catliartlc, tlie moat won derful ilin overv of Uie age, p ea ant and refralnn( to tha Uste, w i gently and p.mlUvi ly on kidneys, liver and bowel, t'b-aiisitig Uia entire vo-m, dial! colds, cutv lifiatlanlt", fevr, haliltuat rnitlpalloo and U. lu'i.ti". I'h-aaa buy and try a tmi of C. CI. C WmIoV. IO, V Mlrenta. Huldaod g lerauteod te cur by all druglaU. MiDoo Eagle: rrof. F. J. Van Wiokle took a eivil eervioe examioatioa at Pen dleton last April for the Kail wsy Mail Herviea, from birth be bee beerd the gratif) Ing news lbl be peed witb a good rarord In all tbetjtta rjnirl, bis grads io arltbmetio being IU0, the highest p-ihl. ira4flly bar?. Ueat: I wae dreelfally oervoo. and fir relief tok yonr Karl'e Clovef Uot Tea. ft qnleted ny aerve and sirengib eaed my whole urrvixie eiaiem. I a lioobled witb e.nii it m, kidney and bowel trooble. four ire eleaneed niy system so thoroughly that I rpl lly ragaloel lieellri aod etrengtb. Mr. K. A. He eel, Ilftfrd, Coee. itld by Coneer k Brock. y Im'l be irsadI Into buying lini ments all boo I repuuiloo or tDril CbamberUln's Paia Balm tete no more, aod lie merit bave been proven by a leal of many years, flurh letters as Ike fullowlbg, from L. (I. Baaloy, H oanetne, Cel., are eoiisiantly belsg rrivd: "The beet remedy for pain I have ever ne4 I Ciierehertain's Palo Balm, and asy so after bsvlng nae-l II In ny family for several ysars." It sire rheumatism, lame beck, spralu ami a welling). For sale by Coor k Brock. 1 A Stlrklssa VYeaiaa Telia Haw Mb Md e Old Urea lk Like New with Ola aiusd lye. fur Oaly lea t'eala. "Lat fall I bad a drees d)e. at a dys shop," writes Mr. A. L. Iron of Ielrtit, Mink., "and paid iS0 for tbe work. I oould os only pari ot tbe good, a they ware not all of the same color. Now, leal wk I bought a package ot Dia mond Diaa for ten cents aod died a bole drees witb it. Tbs dree Is just level aod tli smallest pleoee are as good a the large ooee, every thing being an even oolor." It is not a dlffli-olt teak to dye witb Diamond Dye, for plaio, eunple direc tion oo every package tell bow (he d; re shunld be need. Many colors can be made with ao more trouble tbao it would be lo wash lb goo. I. Do not risk your material with dye that slslm lo on tor both eotloo and wool with tbe Mine dya, for It is iropoeetlile to gel alif4-tory result witb dye of tbat rbaraeur. Ia Diamond Dye, there are dyes for notion aod spot iJ dye fur wod, and tbey are all guaranteed lo give ea'iafeoiion, It n4 aeeordiag to di- fa, tpio. Bathe down at the Job. ajeeala. Of trill Jar m bsiber shop, Bsbsger. tt