Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 21, 1897, Image 3

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    Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appetite-Now Better In
Every Way -A Delicate Child.
"8ome time since I took a sadden cold
mnd could not get rid of It. Being subject
tocatarrhand bronchial trouble I cougbed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I Blept well, had a good appetite
nd I was better in every way. last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor whicli trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J.
Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
HOOCl'S SapraSrma
Is the One True BlooU Purifier.' All druggists. $1.
Hnnr1' Pi lie a the best after-dinner
11UUU S fills piiu, aUi digestion. 260.
The Gazette can offer the following
clubbing rates: '
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50.... 13.00
' 8. F. Examiner, $1.50.. . 8.25
' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00.........;... 2,75
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00.. ...... 2.50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50. 8.25
' 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 3.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World,1.00.. ...... 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c. 2.00
Leslies Weekly, $4.00. 4 50
Rural Spirit, $2.00. 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall'i Magazine $1.00 ' 1.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get olubbing rates with any paper on
arth. , .
anday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m, Clae8 No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Ep worth League Devotional meeting at T p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
"The Bpikit and the bn te say. Come."
The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad
joining the eharch, where he will be glad to
meet Bny wo may" desire to consult niin on
religious, social, oivio, philosophio, eduoational,
or any other subjects.
, J, W. FLUHHEB, Minister.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions oi
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself rive as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
i. notices 01 cnurcn ana society ana anoumr
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
Upon application.
Here and There.
See M. Lichtentbal k Co. tor shoes, a
Osmer Shaner is down from Hardman.
Milt Maxwell is down from Hardman
on business.
Peter Brenner is over from his Goose
berry ranoh.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
arth.' Bee ad. elsewhere.
Sam Wilkenson spent Sunday and yes
terday with relatives in Her pner.
Felt boots and robbers, BDd Arotio
overshoes at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf.
Born To the wife of Garrett Akers,
- of Gooseberry, ods day lsst week. son.
Gaiooesee's famous old "Dublin
Stoat," imported, at Obris Borohers
Ben Swaggart left last night for Wes
ton to spend the holidays with bis
H. M. Bryant leaves for Albina to
morrow night to spend Christmas with
bis family.
Fins home-made taffy at the Orange
Front. A olean, fresh stock of goods-
leave yoar orders. If.
"Oo'n jnioe" is all right but fxw Til
lard has brand of 14 year old goods
that is bard to beat. 603 If.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vangbao'i new plan. 604-tf.
Bee Dr. Grant's company tonight at
the opera house. Bis show is a good
one. 80 say everybody.
T. W. Morgan, tbe Gooseberry peda
gogue, sod Nels Johnson, sheepman of
tbat locality, earns in yesterday.
Best eooommodatioo sod courteous
treatment tttbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
aod Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
Go to the Matlock corner and try
Armstrong k Cooper' whiskey and
aigars. If yon like the sample bay
some. . . 6tf
F. M. Courier end wife were in from
light Mile yesterday. Mr. Conner is
. M f tba most anocessful farmers of
tbat section.
Tba "boxing eon left" down at Port
land last Friday night between Fred
fuller and Bobbr Barns aaaavlottry
for tba former.
Asa Thompson waa in Betsrday on
busies oonneed with tba recralary-
sblp of tba Morrow County Wool Grow
er1 Association.
Mrs. M.B.Ford, Roddell'i, III., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia and
chronio constipation and waa finally
enrad by using De Witt's Little Early
Rtaers, lbs famooa little pills for all
atoinacb and liver trouble. Cosier A
Jsa.Joaosoa brought in aom cattle
for shipment on last Fndsy. A contest
over tba ownership of a steer gav ria
to tb rumor tbat Mr. Johnson bad beea
arrested. Tbi Is not Una, In aoy sens.
Tba etsr in qnntioa waa shipped b
low, Mr. Jobason giving bonds for
Sam. Tba nadaf of ownership will be
tried latter on.
R. O. Wills departed Wednesday for
Portland and while below will aeoare
the servioes of a first-class auctioneer.
On Wednesday of next week be will be
gin the auction sale of hia entire atook
of goods and will oontinne same, until it
is olosed out. This is a rare chance for
the people of Morrow oounty to secure
great bargains, and all should attend
who can possibly do so. These goods
must be sold regardless of cost don't
forget tbat feature of the sale. Remem
ber the date, Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1897.
606 7.
John Depuy was dowo from the
"reservation" yesterday, laying . in sup.
plies. Be reports some fan in prospect
for Christmas, np in bis neighborhood.
A Christmas tree will be one feature, rip
at the Rhea oreek sobool house, after
which a dance will be given at Jack
MoEenzie's plaoe.
Rev. C. R. Howard left tor Pendleton
last right to spend the holiday with
relatives. He was joined at Heppner
Junction by Mrs. Howard whom the
Gazette is pleased to say baa. almost
entirely recovered.
Sbilob'a Consumption Care cures
where others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no borne should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Cousnr &
Brook. x
Lost Last Wednesday morning, the
15th inst, on the Heppner oar, a pair of
gold-framed glasses. Finder will please
leave them at The First National Bank,
where he will be liberally rewarded. ' It.
The Gazette oarries a full stock of
mourning note, correspondence style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
snob stationery can have their wants
supplied at this office. tt,
Mrs. Win, Rasmus recently underwent
an operation for appendioitus, at Port
land, and is said to be in a critical con
dition. Her relatives and friends hope
for the beet.
Late reports from Skagway report
that the big brewery belonging to W. F,
Matlock, of Pendleton, and Bob Smith,
of Portland, is about completed.
O. A. Rhea reports very little snow
down at his lower ranch, near Rhea's
siding. His sheep are doing well and
feeding has not yet oommenoed.
Oscar Sobafler was in town bn last
Saturday to attend Masonic lodge. He
is in exoellent health, having fully re
covered from his reoent illness.'
The Gazette job offioe has lately ad.
ded a number of brand new faoes of late
design. This branob of the business
mast keep up with the times.
E. W. Rhea k Co. are pushing a lot of
25 cent lined gloves.. These are genuine
bargains. Just think of it; a pair of
lined gloves for 25 oents. 6-7
I. L. Van Winkle has been very busy
for some time repairing one of the
M.0.L4T. Oa's houses in their ad
dition near the depot.
Prinoe Richardson, of Pendleton, is
minus a goodly part of ooe foot from the
accidental discharge of a shotgun in the
bands of a oompanioo.
Mrs. H. 0. Rasmus, mother of John
and Jake Rasmus, is suffering from an
attaok of rheumatism, at ber borne in
Walla Walla.
A. B. Niles, representing The Niles-
Vinson Marble Works, oame in Sooday
morning on business connected with bis
Frank Gentry and sons, John Barton,
Barney Doberty and other Black Horse
people are sojourning with ns today
Statements tor the Famon Simple
Aooount File printed at the Gazette of
fioe. tf,
Common and select stook of tomatoes
and canned oorn at T. R. Howard's.
Liobtenthal k Co. for shoes. Exolusive
sboa store. Handle the best. 831 f
Walter Van Doyn is getting Id bis
oonfeotionary stook.
Frank Vf ugbn was in from Eight Mil
It Is Com lit; Bight Along Over th Mona-
taias Frou Yaqalaa Bay.
From the E. O.
Article of incorporation of the Ore
gon Central and Eastern Railroad were
filed at Oorvallis Wednesday nnder the
new name of fie Oorvallis k Eastern
Railroad. The capital stook is $2 500,
000, with its aeneral offioe at Albany,
Or. The obj -ct - is to secure funds to
proseoute the fxtension of the road to
Snake river. The money is all promised
by Hammond, who retains control, and
states tbat construction will commence
on the completion of the Astoria road
probably in January. Supplementary
artioles are being prepared to cover the
line to Prineville and on to Pendleton.
This road, when completed, will open
up a large tract of oouutry hitherto al
most inaooeesible on account of dis
tance from railroad transportation.
Prineville ia the oenter of one of the
richest farming and grazing districts in
tbe state. The line from Prineville to
Pendleton will pass through a produc
tive country, now comparatively undeveloped.
' Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaotioo or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Slocum, manager.
Long Allea is Chastised by Allen Bardwlck
for Beating Him Out of an X.
A man called "Locg Allen," who has
no other name apparently, is in very bad
ndor with the sporting fraternity at
Pendleti n, says the E. O. It appears
that sports trust one another, and tbat
"Long Allen," so named because of his
elongated appearanoe, abused Ibis con
fidence about 880 worth. Tbe money
was loaned him by different persons be
cause he asked for it, and when be had
accumulated all the capital possible in
this manner be left between two sons.
He reoeived some chastisement, how
ever, at the bands ot Al Haidwiok, who
is over from Walla Walla. Hardwiok
loaned Alleu $20, and when it became
apparent that Allen intended Vo leave
town without repaying anybody, Hard
wick gave him about twenty dollars'
worth of experience in fisticuffs, so that
e departed with bia h ad damaged and
bis eyes in mourning. Nobody seems to
know whither he has gone.
Evideotly this is the "Shorty" Allen
who was in Heppner recently, and who
had some trouble with A. Weinberger
over a balanoe due on a suit of clothes.
What Dr. A. E. Baiter Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effeot of your Shilob's Cure in oases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it ia the most remarkable remedy
that has ever been brongbt to mv atten
tion. It has oertainly saved many from
consumption. Sold by Oonser k Brook.
The banner tor tbe best attendanoe
was awarded to Miss Sohoflald'a room
this week.
The literary program on last, Friday
was well rendered. Tbe most entertain
ing feature was Ibe oration by P. M
Tbe Higb School Herald made it
first appearanoe before the publio and
was quite entertaining a well as in
etruoti ve.
The debate, "Resolved, Tbat Ibe ability
to save money is more to be desired
than tbe ability to maka it," was ieoided
n favor of tbe affirmative. Judges, Rev.
C. R. Howard, Miss Lutie Farnswortb
and Miss Biabee. Visitors, Mr. Henry
Blackman, Miss Lntia Farnswortb, Mis
Lillie Bisbee, Rev. 0. R. Howard, P. M.
Howard and J. J. Adkioa. Esoh gentle
man apoka a tew enoonragiog words to
tbe scholars which ended tba program.
Frank McFarland baa been appointed
special agent of The Equitable Life As
soranoe Co., ot New York, tbe atrongeat
in tbe world. Caab surplus to policy
helder of over 43 millio: dollar. Don't
take insurance without seeing the new
plsos'ot th Equitable. Insure both
sues at same rates. 77lf
Hit jrk T
lit inm
rrspt TmMt
Tame rartrlrtgos Killed by the Prince
WilM-tlamr for William II.
The prince of Wales Is a great hnntri
of partridgte, the hand raised bird
thut have to be clubbed up and stoiu-rl t
limUe them fly from men. The way tb-
prince bang over tbe ttoft bird
aution, nays the New lork Sun. II
ux cvr rul gun anil a couple of turn li
1 blind with him to load tin wcnioni
hooting in this faxliion Ibe inc
Mils KFveral hundred birds before luxm
tlrt-cntly he snd a party of friend our
reeded In bagging In a single iinrniii
L'.immi of the partridge, and in the aft
ernoon they got I.WjO more.
Like the prince, the (iernien emrx-ro'
does nothing in a balf ay. Will.nn
tl. has better opportubitim than th
prince of Wales. Instead of shooting
a thousand or ao of little birds the rrn
ix-ror goes on a grand hunt afbrr big
.fame, and. shoot bird between the
runhe of the deer and like bata. Tbe
rrnperor baa tb game laid out In lines
between which he may wai ana in
i.ft the rar"-, and tbe line are
numerou. Three hundred or o of rw
deer, doen of wild boar and aT,
rnd hundred of birds make a rrpwt
cble bag.
Cll lor Ttk t llllac.
It l not gorrttlly umlenHood that
there are arlrntifir resnons forlbeemH
nloviyent of fold In filling teeth. Gold
ran - weldid Into a solid nm while
rold. It ran alwi ! rewwd Into Ihe
mnllet cavities and deirion. he
one the eeiy la properly clan1 and
the gold carefully put In. raw twin
taken thst itfl!leery pat tlele of space
the uniyn of teeth and filing I as near
lv perfect as is lmiMe w ithotit Hie ne
tion of licM. A g"ld fllpfg may he
built tip to lliKt any or hapr re
quired. None of th acid e retiun of
tbe mouth or stomach bit any effect
Consumption Positively Cured.
Mr. li. B. Greevr, merchant, ot Coil
bowie, Va., certifies tbat he bad Oju
umptioo, wm given np to die, souiihl
all mrdioal treatment that money oould
procure, tried all eough remedies b
could bear of, bat got no relief; (pent
many night sitting np In a ebair; waa
induoed to try Dr. King'a New Dioov
sry, aud wm oared by tba nsa of two
bottles. For past three year btt been
tteoding to busioes, and say Dr
King' New Duooverr I tb grandest
remedy ever made, a it baa duna ao
much for bim and also for other in Li
aommaoity. Dr. King's New DUo ivery
ia gaaranteed for ooagha, e ilds and cm
somption. It don't fall. Trial bottle
free at Slocum Drug Co., E. J. Hluoum
Albert Hart.
Sheriff Nt Livingston, ol Graa
coonty, bad a narrow esrap from what
might bv proven a aerloo aacident
few day ago. lie, with three or fon
friends, waa oat est of town, tryiog hi
to grevboand s'lar eayote. A eayot
wm started, eod Mr. Living ton e
deavored to kern np with tb dugs. Hi
bors slipped eod Ml, catching bia foot
aeder It, pinioning bim to tb ground
ia wbiob position be was eompelled to
remeia aaiil reeoned by friada. Hi
foot wa badly bralsrd.
E4 ! Vae RmtU With trntmrv
' ' m mw W'W S' iar ifFir
Blankets! Blankets!
m Eiiiiit
Is iQ HePPner and Will Re
main all Weel.
All are invited to call and pay
him a visit. Advice Absolutely
Remedies on Sale!
o o
Office Ho.urs: 10 to 12:30 noon; 1:30 to 5 p.
m. ' Curiosity Seekers keep away.
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Minor & Co.
Cotton Blankets 90c a pair.
Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25.
We also have a line of Eastern blankets
called wool, at $3.00.
But tbe Only Blanket
On Earth ia the
At Garrigues Hall
each Evening.
We are sole agents for tbnse, having bought our
entire line in June, it enables ns to sell those
celebrated goods at tbe same prioea asked for
' inferior brands. Gall and examine.
A full and complete line of the cele
- brated Kuh, Nathan A Fisher goods
just received from hicago. . ,
Suits and Prices Guaran
teed to Fit.
. . t tr C: f. 3f . . .
For your "Knlck Knacks"
for the Holiday festivities,
see mmmmmmmr
At the same Old Stand.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
An elegant lino of Gent's Neckwear, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps. You can surely be suited
in any of these lines.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
Jtnd now the entire world
Knows this perfect vrodact
As Vie Star Brewery beer.,..
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or.
I In it for
The Best Bargains-
Bui ars Mum. of irmUiat l u In proportion to coat If you want to got your
muiiy vurlli ul hoiit'il fotxli In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
....on MtriiiNFDV f ai i rtN....
4 I vii imiiviiiiii..(1 If VllfetMVIl
W. tr locraMlns our stork lor lull an4 winter. Cll suit sm us.
o o J. M. HAGER. I That l4;Year Old Stuff,
Cohen's Best,
y I . . . un iuj uuYvii ui inu . . . .
J m a m m a a) m .
uroccrics, ury uoods, Ladies , ucnts and t;
Children's Furnishing Goods. Boots ,J.
and Shoes. Hats. Cans. V
Vf tUHUIli, L.IU..
I Telephone Saloon
W, IT la XAKiC oooim
Nsw HlsBl, City Hutfl IialMiog,
IOW TirvTVKI39 Prop.
-tj At prices as low as they cm be sold in Ilcppncr's Lending Furniture
this markcl- -r Dealer
A r
Ths 1( m rsso Tao Willi. m (tor
doti baa nuil Ms fl ftti frem lis
U)tut location to Jours' old stsa
nrrs ra win t pij to t,s all Ms
frirtiils ao'l patrnoa to anil oa tiioi. M
()K(la Is araxmmoKistiaf, baa a good
at4 aoj abnn.Uot ImiIiIm U tka
ears of stork la Brt ela (. 11
ptima ara vary raaoalla. lis bs bay
and a rata f"f aala. 11m lataly al lt
rir of txilftl ttwuithg. it.
CtfJray, tba irir tbala ao f
rnrtlant in IW lint oj "pofmlsr c1m,"
lias nfl"t-l lt WllnUrti HI. Ihir,
formal bua m tba "Ne I'k "
Cufdrsy alaaya bsa m,ltnf ttw, sail
oar fopla. ha twlo. t ifnt a
plsBt st bis puaa. tf
n . nrrn n,.tiiinri iirnnwrD turc.rH
U Itoom Siiitftt fniiii ll.(K)ti
(J(fMl, Dr-ofr-Lrur Ttthlt'H, I'-'.LVi
b;:.: Line ol Christmas Goods now open.
You r lafllnl to tail sik! Irn t m) m k
IVlerchant Tailoring ! R00TS ANJ!i?JESHr
Kin Huila Mal to Orlr nti'l HittUfaction
(Juaraiit o. IN pairing', Cl'-aninganil Iyt
lllg Clotln a it tfjiwrUlty.
Tlr k.t. tmf lhln tkl tin IK " ArMim aixl you it.nl tin It )i t
! .f't m tin lliy i.i.i.la t,
Rsaalrl fpsaiaity