The Gazette. Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1897. THE 8HOW. Good House Greets Dr. Grant's Company Ust Night-All Arc More Thai Pleased. Although Dr. Grant's company gave an entertainment on last Saturday even ing, it was fnot generally knewo, and Corral yoar Christmas turkeyB hoo'h ,he "how WM of flrBt class char- for the slaughter. They are ripe. D,e.r' '"er? . . U',T PT 1 nnln. hail nnt iiil.nifarf a., nl. . , . U...n ner (ill Monday, in order to give bis first needs to succeed. FAVORABLE seasons and Good entertainment last night, but owiDg to prices are what. Morrow county De. ,a(VD" UeprD" bM no 8undsy , . , train, be was compelled to come in either on Satnrday or wait till Tuesday. Ibis arrangement necessitated doing HON. JOSEPH McKENNA has been 80metbinK on Saturday, and though it i J A .i ,l "ob uui tcij tjutursriui, lu uurj ar-iiro, r r ' Tfit it had thf rirtnt nf (irtiinu to Henn DU6 uib DumiDMion win not D6 ner'g people that there ia a high grade acted upon until after the holidays, oompany in town, ready to entertain us, and, ooqpled with the fact that their dates . knd hpan widnlv nri vprtiaarl . i t-v . .1 rii!.. .. ' VUAKi,l!JJ U. iAWoUJIi OI Illinois, tl u ., ib .t has been appointed comptroller of had the effect of j imtoing the opera the currency to succeed Eckels, house ohoke full on what .was really and baa been confirmed bv thn their opening niht-Iaul evening. , Everybody laughed till tbeir sides senate. . . . .... , ... . -, uuri at iub uittUK moo amni, uun. I Fvana anil Vi. T.i.b Asmmetion iHlara ivm iuuuux now cnampion fcv8n, .hi8 .11 admired the wonderful middleweight of the world, having contortionist. Miss Maitland, and the defeated Dan Creedon in fifteen magnificent Italian musicians, the Patn- rounds at Lone Island on last colas-father and daughter, the latter, w T . . I T I I 1 I . . I a TTrirlow umie isaoei, oeiog dui iweiYo jearn ui i ny u, uut wuu iau g nuu utauuvju auu icmnuc. o luuwiug ... . . oenfnrT.g eXDeri , . i - up immensely as an exponent ol ence than a mere tot of a girl. She is both the best interests of Salem and bright and winsome and the dazzling surrounding country. Success to b,sck ees l)e,ry,'(1 her love ,or her the Sentinel profession. Her father is also an excel lent musician. Lovers of classical music were also admirably entertained by No Theory Here. The greatest claims for S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) are made by those whom it has EXTENSION Olf O. C. ft E. AtjSUKED. H an moid will Puk the O. C A E. Across Oregon if AUer Lets the Yaqolna Cos tract , v Hammond, the new star in the West ern railroad firmament, made a very im portant statement to Dr. M. M. Davis at Portland last week concerning the 0. 0. & . R. R, asys the Corvallis Gazette: "I will state positively," said Mr. Hammond, "that the O. C. t E. railroad will be extended through to the eastern cured, and after all the most valuable boundary of Oregon and a branch line reputation is one which 11 given by those . . .., . , . who speak from experience. Wi could ran from Pnneville to Heppoer. Thi. publisn a page ot wnat we claim a.S.s. proviuea. oi course, ine goTeruiuoui will do. but the people prefer to read prooeeds with the contemplated im- of what It has done, and Lence we give provemeDt of Yaqoina harbor. And the testimony of reputable, well-known ... . . .... , -.u people in different parts of the country, h" extension will be made with as who gladly tell of how S.S.S. has cured little delay as possible. I will bave no them of blood diseases, after trying trouble in seouring funds." other treatment in vain. T. . - . .u, ft,iam4 No wonder S.S.S. has such staunch .. " friends. The experience of those who Das oeen maae concerning tne oom- take it to-day will be the same as of pletion of the road, and is so direot and those who twenty years ago touna it tne pitg M to Jegve D0 r00m for quib- onlv cure. Blood diseases are obstinate, ana cannot be cured by one medicine in a dozen which claims to cure them; so when S.S.S. is taken with satisfactory results, after a disappointing experi ence with other remedies, it is not strange that it has grateful friends by the score. If Morrow county proves to be Clifford B. Fulton, the elegant tenor, u;.,; wno sang two spienaia seieouons. ine ,u au impciuB it - , , . bripf erio(j th- Will give to business in every part time with e lecture on the human sys of our locality I tem, acd at the same time offered to the auilienoe a constitutional remedy which ha FA(nmmAnila in Vie limt Ihn thinv. And rr 1. j i t "-i - iiifi r-agie m&D, aa interim was 8tBnds ready to baok it or no pay. The called down for an apology the Gazette could say a great deal more other day. lie called the other about Dr. Grant's excellent leoture, fellow down in tarn and rflfnspd WM "Bte,ned to ""entively ,0f,,,t nA T?i throughout, but space forbids bII who call oo him at the Hotel Hepp- bling. Those few woids are ot the greatest importance to the producers and business men ot the state. The above is from the Eugene Guard, and shows that it is Mr. Hammond's intention to make Heppner the termi nous of his Eastern Oregon branch, in stead of Pendleton, as heretofore given out. If this road ia built as .contem plated, it will give ns direot transporta tion to tide water, and will also secure to this seotion great advantages in the way of reduoed freight rates. This paper is not prepared, however, to st this time enter into a discussion of the merits and , This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cosh or stamps, a penerous sample will be mailed of the most populnr Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St., Kew York City. Bev. John Eeid, Jr.. of Great Falla, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his atntenit nt, '"It ia a posi tive enre for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor CentralPrea. Church, Helena, Mont Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. THE 8TO0KHOtDEM"OF THE HEPPNER Light & Water Company will hold their annual meeting for election of directors and other business on the fourth Monday of Janu ary, A. D., 1898. T. W. AYERS, 6- la :. secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET (llls the place to go to" get your nne pork and lamb chops, steaks and roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest cash price paid for fat stock. RHEA & MATHEWS. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGjf LINE t H. REED A 1 p-,..,. A. Q. OQILVIE ProPetor- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..(SOO. ......Bound trip 1900 May vllle (53 miles) . 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00. ......Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles).... 200 Round trip 3 SO Olex (19 miles) 160. ...... RoiHid trip 850 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches and care ful, experienced drivers. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a meetine of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Heonner. at their omce on tne 2im Tuesday or January, l&w, Be tween the hours of lu o clock a. m. and 4 o clock p. m.. of said day. for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may appear. GEO. CONSER, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Dec. 10, 1897. 4-13 15 Cki irlttt T 1.1 . VVII.I V vv Shop two doors South of Postofflce. CITATION. The Maiquam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marquam building, is under excellent management and the public ill be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faoes will ap- tt i - .. . .. . ... i TN THE COUNTY JOCRT OF THE 8TATE pear Hom time io lime at mis popular, L of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. I flratola thaatra nt Pnrtlanrl anrl whan Tn ttia mattup nf tha astatA nt ti'linViti Bnavvv Aa- I ceased. id Portland our denizens should not fail To Hulda Edwards, and all unknown heirs . ,i , . .l. u nrt rlBviee. Rnrt m nrt nil nennn. Intermit. t takJU SOmS Of the fir.e dram SB that ed, greeting : ..... . will be presented. von arfl hfirpbv nit fid and reanired tn r I . t 1 r t ft i i il t. I rlnw a S-Ia flnnaltA r fS l A snrl A at room tnereor (it Heppner, in tne uounty oi , . . . n.:nraj Morrow, on Tuesday tne 4th day of January, aeceDt lot of envelops printed 1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, Government envelops look cheap, and Inpn RTU1 Ihpni ti ahniv ianui iirtiv OTi.t vhf an order for the sale of the following described besides you cannot get your business property 10-wu: Beginning ai a siaice 4xaxiu i . .:. j ,l. inches at a point 5.68 chains west of the south- cam printed tDereon, east corner of the donation land claim of Charles Rice, Notification No. 2109 and claim No. 49, in Township 13, South of Range 3 three. oity, and the above is given simply as an item of news. GRANT COUNTY MATTERS. From the Eagle. . D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Fendleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, .- Its Cents Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them. Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office ia J N. Brown's Building. t( J.yL GIBSON, AI Chas Jones' Old Stand. Shaving. - - 15 Cts. Hair Cutting, - 25 " Joe is keeping up the reputation of this shop for flrst-claM work and would be pleased to have you call. , Emil Kcharff of Monument, naased .. , . m j m West of the Willamette Meridian, and running through town luesday from Canyon thence North and parallel with the East line of flit wlmr Via anont a nnnnln nf rluva 8ald claim 47 forty-seven chains to a Stake uity, wnere ne speni a ooupie oi oays 9xl0vi4 inches' thence East 2.84 chains to the on business. .' place of beginning, containing 13.34 acres, more ' or less, situated in tne county ot Lion ana btate Jeff Htarmer. ttiA nhenaant fancier of of Oregon, be not made. Waldo bills, shipped last Wednesday, of the coiiuty court of the state of Oregon, for unma. n n....i tne county ot Morrow, with tne seal ot saia "" court affixed, this 27th dav of November. A. D. Mr. William Sowers, of Bradford,Ohio, tne iNew Kern Jonrnai, a pair or wnite A A e e c - . I , . ... . Airesi wo tmcu uy o.o.o. ku yci n i pneasaois. ine niras are a oroBs ce- 601-610 severe blooa poison, and writes tnat 10 iri:.v. , - . . . . m, a . I B. VV WZWZ MM 1.1 FT UUKIIOU UUCDODUL Illlll IrUD thisday no sign ot tne dreadful disease M .... NOTICE OF INTENTION, nas ever returned, tie says: i " iudouv. " - 'I bad a terrible blood disease wnicn rreak ot nature. r and office at la grande. Oregon. is considered incurable, and was treated M. M B ' m..-fc.. hactn naaA .S&J&li.!i&.'!2T.P". ausuv iuiii; ss. v u ssu v suw vswu i wv luiiu W lllg-litlllieu BCtUCf JIM liltJU UUllCt) UI "When you hear dem bells!" 111. WILLIAM SOWERS. YOU 8HOULD KNOW THAT THE J. W. MORROW, Clerk. , , .. . , . i. . i v !,. alias aiiuy Drouuieiie nas peeii caueu MB. COBBETT Will bave to wait " f" ZL .VoTYhV dis7..e o the pulpit of the Congregational awhile. The people ot Oregon , . . . seemed to get a firmer hold on me, and ohuroh at Ontario, Oregon. Miss Brou- before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, I have worn this subject of the seat- Z 'Zl .m.. BZ,,r ."S JT' wd,c" "ho in 9' know " william warren. I UlUKi niu mil w uudukdu uiuij. i ngic WU lull VI v iiv uivvi o I . , . . . . lL . f, . I vt tnra t .1 o,; viiyt, ..J nn. , n I iDK of Mr. Corbett. . very thread- with the eiceotinn of the dances. . On "I changed doctor, several times, and "- " tp". 8 oi R 28 E WM. ""u 1 .1 1 . . . , -.. . , afterwards took nearlv every blood rem- spoke before the Jfress Association at I He names the following witnesses to prove oare, anu mey nope lor an early namraay nigni me aoc.or w enueavor . on the market wl'thont the slightest Baker Oitv this vear. Althonoh barelv hJ residence upon and cultivation action. o Pent Hermann", my.teroos Hlu- benefit . After five year, of treatment ,OR. ' . , ... . . ' w. TioreoTRoa" WatkinK.erknS. I which did me no good whatever, 1 was I " Oroshens, ail of Heppner, Morrow county, Or. . . . ... iniliixivl tn tra h.m.h. This ttmedt Kraotiui, isu Buwrwreu lueain, is. w. babilstt. Register. . . ii in M pi, lav nifini ri u nnmnanw mil . . - J i - i IrFNFlEAT. ItOMFH tit I nhAn Fa ma ' ---- r r.A Ito.U .nn.1 tn tn. nu for in a 1 , . .. r, ' bow in lone and on Satnrday afternoon ., mnflth. T waaeniirelv cored and inv lias lBBuea an oruor mat an opan- will add to the regular program a mat- .kin was perfectly clear and smooth. Measles are plentiful in Heppner, but ish commg into his camp under linee. I could hardly believe that the enre was prof. Howard wishes the. Gazette to say a nag of truce, for the purpose of trying to briDg about the surrender of Cuban troops shall be put to death. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING! 805-18. SHERIFFS SALE. a. A. K. Election. On Deo. 25, 1W)7, lUwlins Tost, O. A. R., of Lexiugton, will bold tbeir elec tion of ofDoers bnsioess ot impnrtacoe will be trans acted. All members ot the Fust are re- . . 3 ' i uuir 10 ntttifli uiYiin inAl ipytn permanent, Dut ten years nave eiapsea ,b(lt bjj expoge(j oa8ea j,een el. 11 and by virtue of an execution and order and no siea 01 tne disease nasyeiap- , , , . , , 01 saie issued out of the circuit court of tne ... 0 I Mnnari r rn m nnp innnnl all nar.tyar I . 1 1 .... ,u. c ... t .. . . a rjeareu I w w . . ... - whuw. . nww ui ,ickuii iu, .110 iiuihj , huiiuh k 11 vj o col.. , r.n... r.. ia nasi to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment S.S.S. is a sure core tor Lancer, ca- is paci. Kn,u..i ...h an0H n nn,t An it., hi, tarrh. Contaeious Blood Poison, Scrof-1 . . .. day of September, lsw, in favor of Ed Rood nla Rheumatism. Eczema, and all Otner . n. jjiub iuu . a. uur rmcu ruimm, inn iRiinn w. u mihih, i,. , nnei The Klondike expedition should outfit in Fortland, as a reward for qaeeted to be present, if possible, their valuable and unceasing labors in favor of this projoct The half. broken and nearly starved miners will not soon forget our Webfoot metropolis. At the same time other blood diseases, which other remedies Sunday morning from Carroll oonnty, ohunrtreS " " Virainiaj The editor has numerous re- I Interest I hereon from the 2nd day of August, latives .in . that OOlinty well known to I aiid'tweut'y live dollars attorney's fee and thi .1 1 mriiicr all 111 01 win uiuiHri uupu; wnicn U"K' tucBo yuuun iubu. ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's ioltice of said court In said county on the 7th day of September, 1M7; - .wl WK.... I. ... f,..tV... ..-I 1 . Walla, put Up monument at the grave creed by the 'court that the following described situ- Writfbt Halins is over from Mile on business. Homer IVptiy hns ncoepled ation at the I'aWe. Gon Mc()oniall in over from (lonae berry to get snpi'lips. have no effect whatever upon. Purely Vegetable 60S Dei 24 .. .. .... ' , ... -TL-.. WLUm IS IUB UUIJ U1WU ACUACUJ is guaranteed to contain no mercury, Eight potash or other harmful mineral. S.S.S. is sold by l druggists. Books on Blood anaakiu diseases win be mailed fr to all who address Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Masquerade Ball ! tiA nf Fnuland real property, towtt: the south halt of the soutwest quarter and south hall of the south east quarter of section twenty-nine In township I ... , . 1 .rue Minn ... inn.c ,n.iui-p;,rii triui . . m, m WO' umens monument Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said Tbe I5ryanite press does not 4atrA Irinjlltt f 41A A nvnliArt S.9 J " """" I llull IliirnttP PA turn a1 Ihla nutm nn mo populist commiueo w mainiaio irom a visit to I'urtland. it ; i- 1 t I ub party orgamzauon anu mane Waohlin, the Washington county mnr- the campaign on principle, Bays derer, has been denied a new tiial. ine ItOHcUurg l'lainaealer. 1 be I J. . Carmiohael aud family are in democrats love the populists as ffom ,,l,,ir homeeaslot Leiington today. Frank Kuberts, Hick Mathews and Os who died recently at tbe home of Wm Lord. It is a and will be unveiled with appropriate hutment, cosu and arcrulni eosu. I will, on ceremoniei io tho very near future. II At the OPERA HOUSE December 24th, 1897 LKXINUTON FOIMTKIW. the hawk loves the sparrow. rienty of snow! Cold weather! John 1'iper and wife were in town yes terday. Cbas. Harnett is ripeoted bom in a lew days from Burns. Tom Boothby and T. 1j. Nichols spent Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1898. at two o'clock D. m.. of said day. at the front is a atilandiil trihntn to the memorv of door of the court house In Heppner. Morrow ... I CIIUU17 'reKiii, iru Mis riHiii., lino auu ill- kuo urccnBiru, 1 property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash tn hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satlafacilon of said execution and all coats, and cosu that msjr accrue. K. U Mituh , nherlfro! Morrow Co., Or. The big paper of the metropolis is devoting a great deal of atten tiou jutit now to Portland's inter. csts. This also means something for tho state. Tho move of Port- serving papers in the foreclosure I . 1 m . oasf, Liord et slH vs. Ailalius Uostell. iiiuii tnn-uiiui vi 1; v 1 1 1 luri i o iu M I - IT I . 1M . . I secure a jiionume renet party, 10 Rev. K. 1. Greene preaohe.l an ricel 1)0 sent out by the government to I""' ermon at the M. K. rhnroh. Month it 1 . 11 on nunusy moruing, ami iiiiiowmi w that far away country, was ably Ln , t,lllr on, HanJi, ..! l- 11 - , I uppuriou uy me urogonian. Mr, Mol, jhnin. of ti Heppner I schools, Is unable to attend to her duties lowinato illness. Mrs, Jar W. nlilnlev 1 0HTLAM) Cllorts for a relief has charge of (lis room for the presvot Wells bagged some birds up 00 lliuton u.,orJ.y in Heonner. creek yesterday. n .,, Austin Yoonra was lu from lilies oreek oil ' j,vi'uBl met,k. today distributing some very elegant n . . . . u , ... .' . . Oeorge P. Mulr Is in from bis Hand Christmas turkeys aruong our cit'K me. .... . , . . II4UIIUW ihiiiiu 1111 1 r W III. Wi V.... ft.L.. VI..U. Mil.'. ... expedition to the Klondike have been rewarded by the pannago of a A Hnra Thlna fnr Hon. A trmSA'lion tn wliU li voin minot loela 11.MILI..J .1. Ir k,..uiliu ki.. It.l bill throuizh congress appropriat- rmi iuhk-m. ieer, .iumuu.iaiiiouiiiioti,er ii,in ruji t 11 k 1 i 1 ii,a bio anti uv tiiiiiniuiMii iui pniriH tllg fJUU.tXHI to that euil. ,vcr Ca.rsii'UCaiulv t utiiai ilc, the won- i m . :i i .. d.-i fui new liver siiiniiiani ami nius inai iuajur oiimuu, j-ri mucin 01 1011- t(,lU, llJf , ,nwBu ,(uraiiteed locur. Aland's hall, Friday evening, Dec. 34, land's chamber of commerce, rep. .TTrE y th. sob.K.l, sd aiM th. resenting the true business element Hit'iaunj booklet fnw. tk mr ug s4. public CbrHtmas tr, Hatardy, Deo liV EvsrybtJy invited citizens, was io our city today. T. L. Harnett just returned from Hard in an wbers bs has been delivering pictures for the Chicago Portrait Co. Prof. Adams, principal of the Leiing ton school, with bis asaiatant. Miss Ada Uentry, la teaching a very successful school. farmers are io good spirts over th prospect for a bountiful harvest neit year, and it lbs prioi for wheat and wool keep up we may bnps for better times. loo't forget Hit eotertaiomeat at I'senting of the city, has wired the thanks of Portland to each representative in (tigrrsM. As exchange says that (Ion. Keep-ofT-llie-graMi lxey made a guod thiug by imuf to llanna to run for governor of Ohio, aa he iMini'lit a lari'A al.u'V ranli a awtn . .. , ,, chtarxr," U a ititcment lomftirnei a. u.e .Mccuon waa over. ik. by ,hc dfu . . whfn j, Johnt. loung, of Oregon, must Emulsion U ull i for. Thlnhowi also lave a farm in view, says the lhat thtdrvggiitithtmKlvtmgiril Hoscburg Uevii'w. Now that the 'flour! Flout! flour! F. R. Reach, proprietor. wers snrpriseil in looking over the Times In Ami that E II Heaeh is proprielor of the Islington ll Hiring mills., W tbink bs would make beilrr mnaid teacher than miller. HutMicrilta for th tUmi-Wsrkl f)a t Scott's and WC nil it mveh Iftl and keep .ta as towbalUgoiag ob io tlis 0'xioly. Justlhiok! Two pspers a week, of general and boms Just as Good OSSTt. Hltl'll. jKipulieU raunot longer be usih! as catspaws for another patty they are not the "dear fellows" they ore taut year. Trie Orrgonian calls attention to the fact that Presideut Grant in 1S70 advocated the aubexation f Kao iKmiingo, which proiHai. tion, however, a a rejrH'teJ by ctingn. It is ititd out that this waa a great n istake oo tLe part of our government, at that ialaoJ would now furbish this country a much-needed, coaling stalion, if the task of building the Nicaragua canal is ever undertaken by us, (iraiit aasnghL lie was nsaally right. Scott'G Emulsion of Gxl-Lvcr Oil with Hypophoa- phitti ol Lin and doda at the Leuogtoo, Dr., Ve. Ifl. "J"!. To f ar l'tH(.iiail tmtfr. Tk I'umitii I 4iiii 4 .is.rile 1' or tas. If C I'. C tail lu curt-, tlriu..u rrfuuit holies t Itellef Corf. tleelHNl lUallos liellef CorS Na 33 will bol l a meeting In I. U. O. T. boll. llettor ttanaard, and the purxhAMr who tl SoVU k, oo HattmUy, Iv i for dcilrtt to procure the " standard "I ihs i orp. of tb anouol eieetu.o of ixcauie he knowi it hat tn oll0iiWr ami rtie(aiM. A foil ttod untoU rvnrlit. lhoulJ not for on I aneo Is deir. instant tKlnfc cA takinc th rUk el k WmiB rs H. sit iAft 41AsrwVa unl s A sVavt nl. af .' B Tt ' . U,V ;" Olive Hoi Ur bo tsk.a eb.rg t tbe rtivui a iw lywutvumi i ii .s.i ii... t.i k... asii i. . . - 1 " 1 a a v- .vi sFg "Hi iar Ol lorrxlhinff laid to t?C eih sioll roam, arsis r bsy at reo. iuit aj rood lor a stand abl Ogore. Will also lt itra work ard rwparation twenty mJ "l,- 'Hos to end fr, I:-.- . . L - L . 1 ii. s years vn "in 11111111,1 " should not be ec rmittcdbv I. Joha W. kssmo. of a ') the Intelligent purchaser. ""' "7"'"" r aw. eao fornlsb )on the (Ineot mrk- ,1. lata r-t MITTI Fmul.lA M i. ll,. I. l U.K.n.. 1.... 1HI nm Wmm Hit HMI . ' W Ni I WI'WT I 1- ,. , . . . . . ... 1 i.iiii'i.tam , " wwi. VM H a iitrilimi u n ... t.i "'- "' " " io -" 1 - . w ,-,. f.. MB... .L . 1 1 1 l!o(dl, ITZ'AWlnar $l.oo; Masked Ladies Free; Lady Spectators, Fifty Cents. Dated Dec 10, lw7. eotoii. Kestore full, regular action of ths nowels, do not Irri tate or Inflame, but trare all th dvllrals dlirMtlre or- aanlim la scrf-rt eenillUon. Try Uieav IS rant. rnparcd only by U. L HooS Co., Laws 11, Mas. Pills!.' 1 fVS a pualul oa th rscihe ll I aX'OOl ISartwt t ut 1 I soesi sad a tnm liriJIYou can llll.ll i be cured If voa sugar from an of tit i ills of sin, etxn la ih oldt i CO. IBBZ. ' slddlo i Rxr ssiesi ttho ar miSotiii iihatnVtsat yraiinf il imlucntiMnar i m Mlnw vr.- pivrvniii snH Phniril ltblllM.laiSMiai'.lrfwt lubM4 1 Inalliitrmp4iin; sspraMatrrhro, yrMlalarrlwa. SirrlMa. lilel. . rr mt IrlaMiai. ! lira' OHKlnnMiuanf mnl,iif grai otralivvpow . m, itn imgi am sn amngvd tis IrwiiMnl iiui ii wm mA oolr afl vil ihumiIum rlwf but ( IwiMiwnl run. T)m lnil d. aot claiai to ' prfia ircWs. but la ll4nulo b a faw , ami tqiiai. I'hywciaa ana wfiiin r-ak w nn ..ii t- I n or sie. Mi rial 1 1 ihnmifhiii arwilrall ftuol th Sy.i. m iiiia.tniis slriry iiihi m ),-' i, wm r Ovll otir 4frtfk tf hit rmil.lnL HaarWI u mvsiun If LSI Tl la Ll A a to I er ea rt an.lTlrt, er urn Omm t m.iiluii. fHtK nt Mrtrth atlvaia. CHAUUUI VMtr HtimjSAHLS. ln.f f " Th. fhllBhy of MmlUf; In. (A lual km l awa.j Vioit dbl. jstMstaati flreat Mitouni of Anatomy ( h fitmt snd larts M iwraaiuf H k.iJ la ltv voiU. lata ml laara hnm MaJarnalty yn i myJUi m ail MtaM amt Imm. "i rm f"Kf"r aaVu... - ii ibi,. tOSt Hnt tL Urn ftworiw. Cot. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y VIRTVB OF A WARRANT 1WI ED OCT of th County Court of the mate of Ore n lor Ilia County of Morrow, to m directed. commainlliiR me to levy on the (oods aud chat Ola ol Ilia delinquent taxnayers nameii on the delinquent tax roll for said county for th years inm, wn, inrn, ana ir.n, inereio stuu hed, and none he found then upon th rl nroi il'Hnluiiit tax rolls, or an much thereof as shall sallufy the amount of laxea rharseii there in, tog-ether witn eoaia and eipeuae. I ha duly levied, bavins bean unable to find any oods or chattels belonging to Ih reierllv GOOD MUSIC SUITABLE PRIZES AWRADED They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, wine Pioneer Blacksmlttis If av mail some eleaant lmirovementa In their establishment and added a lant stork of Iron, horaeabor and other materials essential to the haiMilneai of those who nead ulllek simxIi dfllnunenta bertHnafter named, npoo th fob I to tlielr agon, buggies or machinery. 1 heir specially la horseshoeing, win described niece or narrels nf land aa Mt&uows t UitttB ire the Boys to do 1 oar n ork Right, ind do it Quick, too. IJt7 I M I 11 00 I AnvkKTinKD Lrrrtaa. I rrriM advihtikko at Htrrkta ti tr., imr. a i, lav;. May. Mrs fault no II Alar, l-aut ln, Har4) t .-.HI. tdl Adams, Will A lania. I barlrf IkUrren. Job a I r A 11 Meaai rtrldli.g.U H When calling luf these letters fileaa a wiT.rMWii. 4. f. UMASI, r. ite to Ik raklt. act forth In said tax Hat, h int and belli In said Morrow countv, Xtat of Oregon, described and assessed aa loilows: amt. Tax Armstrnns. Tnailens v.u nf section 'A tp I north, ranae eaal w ; lax lw.n g 11 m aiupiey, ban n ea oi section ill tp 1 aoiitn, rang naut w , lax lH f uu lf H iff. total RiHlngbin. J W rtii NIU and I'i NWU ol set tlon V. tp I south, range an, and ' St k hec at snd N H N V u ol ec SI. tliSanuth. tinnrrut W M; tax ! Rcee, IT and Knlman. 1 T f'S NKa aiidriKt and hvyw, of section , tp I north, ranee a eaal W M : tax lM .... Rutherford. C P , T. and iota I and 1 action a, in , norm, rang J4 eaal w M, and lota I la II block I. lota tn l block J. lata la II hi k X, lolailoli block, tola ft to I block h. Iota 2 In It block S. lota I In la Mo k 7, l.rta t In l blmk a. lots S to IS block 11, all ot blocka. lo. 12. IX. 14. I la, H, la, all In laall Kock : Us !& gweatea, lMW aerttoo tl. tp t aorlh, nnnAHilWll; Ui M NT 1 1 1 1. Henry I! M north, ranre n eaal lH II wt li Si m total Rldrtdge, klltabrlh W seetlon J. IP I north, ranee w, nut n . tax Imha Mr Kind. Khmlertch kH NWt and bits I and 1 section . tp I aouia. range tl mm W M: las lwa (ioudy, John e and t Nand e u r asctton n, tp i uorui, raug JXeaal AM; Ut lw Sr. 1. N C lot him k 4 lo th town ol lllmt.HI: lei t" Hunan. Innle lot S l.l. k I to th bio 4 lilntvm: tax Km a. J N boat and t block I, kins man addltliMi tn Heppner ; lax . . fnim t. r I. lot II 1. 1.. k I. Mt Vernon uMlllnii Wi Het.pnr: tal ! ,. R lev in, I' tr. Trueiee, S ' , ae. tl.4i n. tp north, ranee g: rut W M . las lam Mallory, (mih M 1' t and rlk ear Uoei l ip anuto, rang A nal m , It. section tp I il W M ; tax two V M ABEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam i Bisbee's And by ths way tbey bsv snythlng yon can call for In th tin of Hardaar. Stove and Tiutaara. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET -WHAT YOU WANT. serlbm IT and K vs l.0e. Hon M ait . tax la tp S a.Hith, rang ssal M , C..I.I1. l b It Ut t block a, biaaof Hepp- n- lax i" A u l on tSe.tnea.tay, Ih T day at Keren, ItoMlCaae. Solleotor for tb Hepp. - I f i4 ; .lav l ihe court bonae l aald eonnly aed state. tf Ltgul water Oo, balng vr4 I iu u tb .i...e .i rr.t I m,i mum at .11 nn.ul,A.. .iik ik. yf ' P't'-ite aui lioa t Ik hlsbeaA htd-ter bar mate. all eoriBoelloaa with ths mpay, w. 1,.w, u. r.i"piu. m saitafy id erraai. E. Tfttya b ta apx.H4 bss soe- " ii.g c-t eeof ao4 Io koroby antbiist to pr- furm bo datieo of sap loWottoot soj 1 llef lor. ft a Hsrrsia Imt Wstialai. R. L. M ATI or a". Sberlfat MMfu la , (irvs-ra kurirK. Mot let of Inttntlon. Lass Owns at Tns Pn. Oaa- v'oftt'R ia ntMir oiT"'tii,,7 fc 1 lolbrala oareed eelef be Het MW 4 ! hla Ihlullua Im Sivai mrmit la mbmrt nl rWlJ btil teqiwtev (of b ijlltt I br claim a4 Ibal sal I pr. III t - We- . ' . . , ... loeaj Morenn, I wMi I lek. al ttvppaer. e. mmy mini, wm aeJar reeaia m sa) preen, ol on baa ir1 of Ja of plna, , r foot o.l. sahl vnrnl hi bo dalirerxt ejo later Ibao t.l tlo of Aagnag, lKt tw-U oto.l lb I'.lh Jo nf Jaauar. luin II tie ,b,k I. teiejl ... . .!! Ml eontln featdear aeM a-4 e It.aiem Iteaearv lb llflil o lJn sof 4 ail ,M M14 Uw , j,..,. r ,4 i. W. Mi ao , l '!. I Sw4 t r. I ). ol l j tl "He . OMti As etef. Oraa-S Ml iaaaary IS Inev U fRAin IS M. WIIJlll"". mt Meppaw II I t IM teib fH ( anda- r oi aee a,ts lt,k HI . M He n.MM lb ..lw.eln ailnm a lei pn.c VTi-Jsall 4 W is m 4 to rXereeHearaeeewv '" t s I' sa n I Ua i nirrxrR, or.. Nov.uifm. Mritn. IW 4 Brmrt, Htppmtt, Or. - Osstliobs:-! wis recently ukn with a sever e14 which mml si vary hoara and rodr4 m unfit to allend to buatneaa. A friend ot oiln called niy attanUoa to yoat Dr. Barthlon s cough syrup and 1 bought a bottls. enstln( mUcsdIi, nhtch relieved ta al one sod Com pletely eured a. I sax subject to throat difficulty and I bsv lound aothlnf that (av so avoca rlll as this eongh ear. I am Informed that It bj excellent lor cold, hroochltt. buuplng rough sad all throat and lung trouble. I beg Io rnvAln. moat truly yours. OTIS rATTt RrX!l, Id. eVeeeeeaieeeeiseVr)ieeeVScw I. Oasetta. S eeVMxiAAAeO Do You Waint a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All theaa caa t procar! at Thnmpaoo A Binoi, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. TVen tvallentea are net! arnaain erlth Oranl. Harney, fav, OliHaa and other esoatlao a4 ran maraef ae-4 lime Mkiag tbeae ax Uon Ilk traveling men, , rrVen I leepleg nllk lb 11 alee. THOM PSON & I3TNNS,