Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 21, 1897, Image 1

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The Hepner Sml-Weekly
Gazette from now until
March 1st, 1898, for
-25 Cts.-
( Yearly Subscription Reduce to $1.00
Tho Happnor Semi-Weekly
Gazette from now until
March 1,1898, for
i . -25 Cts.NN-
; Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00
NO. 607
Tuesdays and Fridays
Going East? Hot1 wp
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man.
Ac, (2.0 1 per rear, $1.00 (or in months,
tor three mnncns, stnotly in aavanoe,
Three I
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the PoetolHce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THI8PAPKBUk.pt on Hie at E.C. Uake's
Advertising Alienor. M and 05 Merchants
Exchange, Ban Francisoo, California, -where oou
facte (or advertising can be made tor it. .
I i t a at Un.k..faf V.nka)in flniM.
in, Ban Franoisco, le our Bathtt1 agent. teriDg the UUIOU Depot tberd, aud
rttJ. .. -. its service is first-class in every
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coudod
beyond St. Paul reads via. - the
ITT i-t 1 1 J
Wisconsin ueoirai Decause inai
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en-
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per' Day and Upwards.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
THIRD For iuformation, call
on your neighbor and friend the
l i:-t--l. 1. J
at Rannnar K-UI a. m I neBreSl IlOKBl BBBUl BUU HSK. JLOr O
p.Kve rieia.diDg -Jhe WisCODSiD
miu uiuwiunoMfu, mi i vcuvtai uuddi vi puuivdq
Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p.
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Jn
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30
daily ezoept
nnotiou iza
2116 a. m.
and ar-
CA first-class feed barn run in connection.
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage.
Free 'Bus run to
at Cmatilla 600 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
,m. ar;d arrives at rortlaoa iz:,iua. m.
Faat Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9.21 a. m. and
arrive, at Hsppner Janotion 8:ST a. m. and at
Umatilla 40 a. m.
Vaat Mail No. 1 leave! Gmatilla 11:10 d. m. and
arrive at iteppner Jnnotiun a, m, and at
Portland 7 :2t a.m. . ;
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. B JN, iteppner, tire.
United Btatei Officials.
Pmaidant William McKinley
Vice-President....- Garret A. Hobart
Hanratannf Htata John Sherman
aeo rotary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage
Bjoretary of Interior..... Cornelius N. Bliss
Manralur nf War HnSHell A. Alger
Beoretary of Navy .John D. Long I
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph MoKenna
Secretary ..f Agrioulture ...James Wilson
Stilt, nf lipoma.
,in..nu ; .....W. P.tiord
Secretary of Stat H. K. Kinoaid
Treasurer Phil. Metaohan
9upt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
iibrn... Oanarnl C. M. Idleman
td W M.iHrirlA
oenators li. H. MitcheU
Jaa. C. Pond,
uen. fas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
H. W. Fall,
01 the Old Reliable
Gault House J
Fill a bottle or common glass with
nrine and let it stand twenty -four hours;
a sediment or settling indioates an an-1
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
nrine stains linen it is evidence cf kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are oat of order.
- There is oomtort ia the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. -Kilmer's
Swamp. Root, the great,, kidney remedy
fnlfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It ' oor
reots inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many ' times
daring the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. . It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing oases. It yoa need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty dents and one
dollar. You may have sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Sing-
hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
Q., C. M. 4 St. P., C & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
ana tne u. St. u s r. uaiiroaas.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St..,
Why Not All be Republican. Says a Kin ton
ureek correspondent.
A little over a year ago the windy
nvnnhat nl iliA frilatna B.M Htaf. 'Matin!
For mnrp than fifYv-si VVParS it has never failed should not be oruoifled on the cross of
Supreme Judges..
jG. W.
J. H.
I Binger
W. B
f B. B.
1 F- f
?C. E.
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
I Dinger Hermann
uongresemeu.. I W. B. EUta ; Unpfcm v
roeperity and happiness, lor tne improvement or tneir
or education, for the elevation oi American mannooa aua
Sixth Judicial District,
fMrnnit Jndm .'...Btephen .Lowell
PmMnnf.inir Attornev......... H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
n..w ... A. W. Gowan
Repreaentative. J- ?nwn
'.mntyjndge A. G. Bartholomew
. Commissioners.. J. B. Howard
1 VJ Ulratt..
" Clerk ; J- WJ Morrow
'" Sheriff E. L. Matlook
, - AesoTr;::::::::::::::::..A. c. 13 Astor Place
Hnmtnr.. J. . non or
School Bnp't Jay W. Hhipley
Coroner B. F. Vaughan
.-.. Thoa. Morawn
lmoilmMi Geo. Censer, rarik
mili.n Arthnr Minor. E. J. Blocain, at.
-l 1 V. .. 1 -.,.1 f 11 Ulmnni
A. Richardeon
Tnwr'".'.'". . '.... ....... -I W. Briggs
wJTha A. A. Robert.
Precinct Offleer".
1 u tk. wna W. K. Richardson
rr.uw;.r.... :..........n. & wh.uton.
1 United States Land Officer.
J mm Register
IT HAS faithfully labored for their p
business ana nome interests, to
trim womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the
nation ana states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his
time to convert i
letters pertaining to the
a century has held their confidence and esteem.
crops, and the proper time to converi
IT UAH led in an matters
them into the largest possible amount oi money.
irtaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, aud tor over shall
Published Every Saturday
A. 8. Biggs,
B.F, Wilson
,, Raoeiver
The Outlook will be ia 1897, as it has
been during eaoh of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. Id
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a oompaot review of the
world's progress; it follows with care
all the important ' philanthropic and in
dustrial movements of the day; has a
complete department of religious news;
devotes mnob space to tbe interests of
tbe home; reviews ourreot literature:
famishes cbeerfal table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga
zine size, wbioh will add greatly to its I
oottvenienoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook ia pnbliehed every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue
In eaob mouth is an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twioe as many I
r i a m r i-- ' - i
U. J. Mcraui, m. u.
with large number of pictnrea.
Tbe prtoeof Tbe Outlook is three
dollars a year in advaooe, or lees tbao a
cent a day.
in I Send for specimen copy and illnstrat-1
e prospeotoe to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
I New York Weekly Tribune,
And wa furnlah It with tha GAZETTE, on yr for
New York $2.75, oash In advanoe.
Address all Orders to THE GAZETTE.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send It to Geo. W. Rest, Tribune Office, New
ior wty, aua a sample copy oi tne new lorn neemyji rioune win ue manea to you.
G. A. B.
Mtm .t ITinvtnn. Or., the last Batnrday of I
aeh monti. All ntwaas ar Invited to Join.
a 117 unl.k 11. G. FuuDA.
Adintant. tf Commandaf.
Dr.' P. B. McSwords,
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
Offioe in the
City Hotel.
Drug Store, near
Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
9 d. m.. at reeidenoe. W. A. Kirk' prop
erty, east of M. E church, Soatb, and 10
to 12, a. m , to i to o p. m. , ai oraoe
tbe rear of Borgs jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law, -
Offloe In tbe First National Bank
Y -PHBR. i : Obboon.
. - - - If
Place, New Yock Oltv.
While yos aaep your snbseriptioa paid ny yre I
eaakeep yoor brand la rraeof eharga.
Bora. P. O.. H.i.pnaT. Or-Bonae. P B c left I
alunlilari sat t la, hibsos wrt alp.
Conk, A. J..LnaOrHoran,90oe rightahoal
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
der. Caul, same on right hi pi
erop oa toft aod eput In right.
ear stark Kjaarel
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature is expensive.
Ualle'a Illustrated .
PubHsned at 110 fifth Avenue,
Mew York, Is full of the best things
Its illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and its literary
departments are edited! with eon- i
summate skill.
Bach a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every
home, Tf
The subscription price of Leelle'a IsWpe nniim. ft
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- V
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
No such offer was ever made before. Mo such offer will ever be made V
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday J
gift, and will be eonsUnt reminders of the giver's kindness. C
Remit by postal order or check to the
jjj" Heppner, Oregon, y
Urawlaes. W. M .Galloway. Or.-atUa. R Don
right l,ewailow4ork ia eaoh ear; hones, B l
a l.rt bip.
Z)r. Bme. TVmglas. Or. Harass brandal ELY
oa left ehoaldar, oat da Bus. ua Uflhlp. hole
is right aw.
FlonRioa, L. A., Happner, Or. ettl, LF oa
riaht aipi her. as f with bar enda oa rtaht
t u 11 " k.JJ
ri J ob the left .hmlitor: eatUa bra-idad J oa
nght bip. atou aadartnt ta toft ear. hUnge ia
orvvw aoaaty,
- - . i s rm nm.. r.ni. una. ui.-nin "m-i. i nv
kirCT Natinnal HH nU eu .aaulaameea right hip, aader bait
li wfc muiiwiiui ii i jropiari'
ernes t
council cm Mat as 1
Balls and buvs real atU'e. rents honare, pays
toses. do conveyancing and will wrve you In
auv war in his Hue. at rreaonable figures. U
Tbe old reliable liter table man of Heppner, baa moved into tbe
Just North ef the Oaatte fffloe, where be would be
pleased to see all tie old frieade aod nake tew ones.
gold." Labor baa not suffered from tbe
single gold standard, but has increased
ia opportunity tea told. Tberepublioao
party has saved tbe oouotry more tban
once In twenty-four years. Peace and
pientr abided with us. Then came
Demooraoy with her poverty and patohea.
When sbe had full away sbe showed aa of
old ber total waot of capaoity to rule
In ber blindness sbe strikes a death
blow at tbe borne and family interests
through her free raw material. ' Olve
tbe producer a price for bis product
then all men are equal,
, Proteotioo is strictly Amerioan. By
It we Ret a high class of citizenship,
wages, etc Uuder free trade oar wages
were out In two; from $10 per mouth to
20. We are baok to (30, with pros
peots good for more, Tbe pookets of
our best citizens were emptied by this
monster, aod, like stook on the range,
tbe "Stuffed Fropbet" branded tbe peo
ple with patches. When through with
tbissway of power, betook himself away
to Buzzard bay.
In tbe name of Ood, may be there for
ever stay.
New Demooracy tried to take the
-I., .i .. ...i.iw.. ir... .ii"
is their ory but silver had to die.
Webster on mooey says, "Money is
rated by its bullion value." Tbis would
oertainlr mean a oheaper dollar. Tbia
onght to ooodimo tbe plan. Certainly
silver is dead, jael as dead as Napoleon,
L "Now they cry effereon, lam sim
plicity." In Jeff's time a man who cut
or o red died a tea acre lot of wheat, bad
two pigs aod a oow, we. prosperous
sitremely ao. There waa little or no
oommeroe and a statesman's duty was
light, com pared with oar times. I had
some ef the sweets of simplicity. My
wardrobe until I was fourteen years of
age ooosiated of a single tow ablrt. I
ate corn bread seven days in tba week
Haoday morning, mother Ood bless
ber gave as wheat bisouita for break
gome of oar beet eitiaeos on tbe money
question are populists. I aa sure If
times keep good Ibey will yet eome
home to tbe republican party, tbe suo-
eeeafal manager of tbia nation'! affairs.
What a delnawo is government owner
eblp of railroads, telegraph and tele
phone lioee! Incladiag postoflloea, It
would teke two million of employee
A party one In, alwaye in. Besides it
woold onel a fabulous amoaol of money,
bleb would mean more debt, more
bonds. Men, tbiok over this matter,
and wLlle people throughout Ibeetatis
are lifting debt by the million dollars,
let's follow cloe apnn the heel of good
Iblng. To be a
Bills Now Before Committees of Congress
Attract much Attention.
The Chicago Reoord's postal savings
bank bill was introduced in the bouse of
representatives on the opening day of
the congressional session by Represen
tative Lorimer, the Chicago member of
the bouse committee on postoffioes and
poatroade. Tbe bill was referred at once
to the post offloe oommittee, eocording
to tbe usual custom. It was introduced
in the senate a day or two later by Sen
ator Mason, who is a member of the
senate posk-ffloe oommittee. It is upon
these committees that attention must
oenter for the preeent of those interested
in the passage of a law for tbe establish
ment of tbe poetal savings-bank system.
Tbe earnest agitation among tbe people
hag foroed upon all tbe members of
congress consideration of tbis snbjeot,
with tbe result that it is diaoussed in
Washington to an extent that it never
has been before. The chairman of tbe
boose committee ia an opponent of the
postal bank idea, but other leading mem
bers are friendly to tbe plan. Tbe first
and, indeed, tbe severest test of strength,
therefore, must come in the poetofBoe
oommittee. If a postal savings bank
bill is reported favorably by that oom
mittee and brought to a vote in tbe
boaee, there can be bat little doubt of
the oatoome oa the floor. Fortunately,
as the -result of popular agitation, and
beoaose of tbe aggressive spirit which
tbe friends of tbe measure in oongress
are manifesting, the subject is one that
oannot be ignored or pigeonholed. Never
before has tbe number of members ac
tively interested in tbe euooess of this
projeot been so great.
Sentiment in favor of postal savings
banks seems to be even stronger in tbe
the senate tban among the members of
tbe bouse. It ia expected that a bill will
be reported from tbe senate committee
without great difficulty, with tbe obanoee
good for its paeeage through tbe senate
Tbe more that members of congress,
and especially of the postoffloe commit
tees, can be made to feel Individually
tbe deep interest of tbe publio in tbis
matter, tbe mora likely will tbey be to
take early aotlon looking to tba estab
lishment of tbe postal 'aavlogs bank
system. Chicago Reoord.
Absolutely Pure
Kvervbody Bays Bo.
riMcareta Handy Cathartic, the most won-
deiful meuloal discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing, to tne taste, act genuy
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
clnanaliiir tha entire system, dispel colds,
cure hoadaolie, lever, nuoiiuui consunauon
and biliousness. I'lease Duy ana try a dm
of O. C. G. to-dnv. II). a.v !H) cent, bold
guaranteed to cure ny an uruggisw,
Tbe following resolutions were adopted
by Heppner Lodge No. 69. A. F. & A. M.
at their meeting, December 18th:
Whkbeab, Ii has pleased tbe Grand
Architect of the universe to take from
our midst our beloved brother. W. J.
Leezer, and
Whereas, in bis demise the lodge
losea a worthy member, the craftsmen a
worthy brother and bis family a loving
husband and father, be it -
Reiolved, That we deeply deplore bis
loss ; that we extend to bis wife and
obildren our sympathy in their bereave
ment; that the lodge be draped in
mourning tor thirty days and a oopy of
these resolutions be presented to tbe be
reaved family, a oopy to tbe Heppner
papers and spread upon the minutes of
tbe lodge. . .
Ed U. Bishop,
Geo. Consib,
T. W. Ayerb.
At tbe same meeting, resolutions were
also adopted as follows: '
Whebbab, It has pleased Almighty
God to take from oar terrestial to his
celestial lodge above our beloved
brother, A, B. Florenc, and
Wuereas, Tbis lodge baa lost a
worthy brother, tha community a good
oilizen aod bis family a kind husband
and father,
Resolved, That tbe heartfelt sympathy
of tbia lodge be ex tended to bis family
in tbelr sflliotloo; that a copy of these
reeolutioos be transmitted to tbe family
of tbe deceased brother and to each ot
tbe newspapers of Heppner, and be
spread upon the minutes ot this lodge.
T. W. Ayskb,
Ed R. BisHor,
Geo Conbeb.
old and
From the Portland Tribe no.
Tbe Roaebnrg Review (Jem.) alludes
to Chairman Touog and his associates
aa "Hsona populists." This may not
be true, bat it Is wortb a smile, anyway,
Talking about reformers well go and
see "Senator" Uorbett ana Honorable
Jonathan Boorne.
If President Dole ia able to oetob
Speaker Heed's e) e during this session,
we rosy say How ah ye? to a new sum
mer sister.
Better than Klondike Gold
Is health and strength gained by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla,' the great blood
purifier. It fortifies tbe whole system
end gives you euoh strength that nerv
ous troubles cease, aod work wbioh
seemed wearing and laborious, becomes
easy and is cheerfully performed. It bas
done tbis for others, it will for yon.
Hood's Pilla are tbe beet family cathar
tic end liver tonic Gentle, reliable, sure.
Dou't be persaaded into buying lini
ments without repotation or merit
Chamberlain's Tain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters aa tbe
following, from L. G. Bagloy, Hueoeme,
Cel., are constantly being received: "The
lies I remedy tor pain I have ever need Is
Chamberlain's Tain Balm, and I say ao
after having need it in my family for
several years." It cores rheumatism,
lams baok, a oral us and swelling. For
sal by Conser k Brook.
Evidently Mr. Corbett will not be
given that senatorial eeat for a holiday
present. Portland Tribune.
Would be Senator Gorbeit mast sit
ob tba ragged edge for awhile yet, a bis
eia bas beta postponed uotil after tbe
holidays. Baker Republican.
Tbia latest Haa Fraoolsco marder ia
oae that frenzy or diabolism might per
petrata in aoy lend or time. Ia tbe
beppy. proeueroae Deo- treatment of it In tbe press and by the
ace. w. coNtcft.
b. w. srtNCCN.
Vie Preeiaent
- Cashier
Aaa't Caehler
Trtsarii I Central BuIid; Bweca
nafct aad Mllt la toft ear
Ranar. Mik. Reppner. Or. Htir.es branded
1ST aa tort hie aautosamaa4 enit) ot tor)
eart aavtor Mop oa u right
Laahe. J. w. naonnar ur.-nonn areao i . . ... . . r -.
Land t oatort atvaihtori rtiie am oa Irft MUO miff liungu't, JlrtCKK, J mini atiU iyVldlC llOTtrt
bin. sratUe over right eye. Urn .lite ia right I
Remerobar Willi wbea yut) com ta Iowa. Uld stead formerly eeenpiad
Billy Gordon, Heppner, OreioB.
M Da
Miar, nana, riappaae nr. 4 attla,
right hipi bursa M oa tof t anoaida.
Mnraaa. ). N- Happnar. Or. Koreas, M )
aa ton eaoaMSM eawie m oa aan aia.
IVriTT A "N.T T 7 I Omtmtm. J. W Dnogla. Or.t horaat O aa tof
.IljV. V AJlXJk. -UN VJT -IJJ aitolatttoa-.aarlgl.thip.
Parker a UtoaM. Henlman.Uv. Hones ire
I all parts ot the world-
Bought and Sold.
Coltartlnns aud on all point on
raaannebl Term.
urplo and undivided Proflia. iH.OOO UQ.
-S. it ,
a tof hip. I
10 at
Tb Oaaett will lake potatoaa, tple,
fga or batter oa saberiptk aeroanta.
Aoy oee ewing this cfSoacan aaltU their
eceoaote la this mar J esa'l do it
too anew to " a.
Ptoar. i ll., Islngtna. Or. -H.
Mmal at, toft WHiol'Uri aula, aaa
aaW a.1 la aao mr.
u . , ii r. u
ii"" . . ' -t'i " -. . -tort
eboaktor. Cattle. O aa light hia.
MfMrry. If. O. Ripaar. Or. - CaUl W t'
toft hin. emei aff rl.l an-f 4rtit In toft year.
lav auraa w t aa ton animl.tar.
n"lJi. J. A- Uapaaar Or-H irsai,
tot ahnalaWri awtto. I ua toft aaaalitor.
Taraar H. W. Uxvaar Ov. Hotaii eapMal T
toft atoialaar. turi m eaiil aaiae aa toft hip
vita aolit ia auk
VattaaUtraar, W. ., riaJinvar. Or.) hnraas
ananar nrrm I w na ri.i,t mmutr
qaanar nr.to J W aa nu hip aa4 nM a-1
t m.a an4 W-a is toll ami. hara as BWrivw aaa
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractore tod Baildere.-
z Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Dune
I. i. hot CRTS I look, If your sloruarh b disordered yoa
have dyepeptio m.k; If your kidney
be sff-etod, yon bare a plohl look
Harare good licallh, auj yoa will surely
have fxiil liMik. "Kl.otrie Biit.r" I
a go! alieraativ aad toeio. Act dl
rarity on the elomai h, liver aed kidneys
CnriSre lb
bloleba aod
entnplrllnn, Kvary tx'ttl gnaraataad.
Hold by HI-"om Drag Co , K. J. rlloeaui,
maoagrr. W eaeie par bottle.
pabllo and tbe eourla, tbe eommailty
caDdaUced by it will be Judged. Home
bettor reemd shoo id be made for dignity,
self restraint and orderly jastloe tbso
tbe Iliirraot ease bae give as. Ore
gon I ao .
Tba Portland chamber of osminerr
ba pellllnd eoagreas regarding tba
bulldiog of tba Nioaragaa eanal but not
a word bas It to say for "aa open river."
Tl I Is Dot anrprisieg, hot tbe act loo of
the Astoria ehambar of comtnaro is, a
It also la, slUot emoerning "aa open
river" whirb would aeaomplieb more for
Astoria than one mill km "boom article''
ia KasUra pir daeenbing and calling
attention to Astoria's tutor grina
Kl Orrgooiea.
Kpeaker IU4 will oe ble power le
I.IimmI. erne piojpla, I the bona to prevent tbe senate from
bull, and give a cod twelliei ai-proprUtloa Mlla and other-
ia wasting lb paopl's moeey, Gied
fo( Ciar 1W1.-E.O.
pie, with liberty aad freedom, we meet
...14 J-k ..4 !.,). Ik. al I
avvij uvu., Villi wuii. iu. umi
ia going by, oo which ta psiolsd in big
letters "Prosperity," give a good Iblng
pesb. Hbove bar along.
Uarrab for Mt Klolry and g'od lime.
1. li. (ilLk.
Uioloo Creek, Or , Dee. 15, T7.
He le Leek Cee.
Oool look are really more tbao skin
deep, d'paftdlbf entirely no a bealthy
ood It In a of all I he vital org -pa. If the
liver be Uadlva, ynq bave a billion
OFFICE H0URSI)ay and Night Leave your orders "Any 011
liace anJ Kntr, or Jim will cct em. oooouoo
Asy oe daaning to bnllJ eltbar e
koue or bare will Disk rootisy by eall
lag ea Ibe Ossett effl. 67if
Hlop Ibal eoogbl Tk warning. It
oiay lead to eonaoaBplkia. A but
llorHbilobGarw assy save tour lif
I Hgd by Cuer k ktrvek.
J.J. MoGee waa in from Hardman
over Sunday.
Ranous is still oa the turf doing a lit
tle carpenter business. ' tf
"Doole" Billi Gilliam, of Rhea orerk,
til in town yesterday.
Submit 'your plana to Ranous before
giving out your oontraot. tf
Henry Padberg waa op from Lexing
ton yesterday on busineee.
Harrison Commings was down from
Hardmao oo last Saturday.
To trade A good beatiog stove, for
cord wood. Call at offloe. tf.
J. C. Thomson was up from bis ranob
near Lexington on Betarday last.
Baths down at tbe Jo nee' barber shop,
23 oente. OrvilleJonra manager, tt
A. J. Cook aod wife were io from
Little Butter creek last Saturday and
Mrs. 2 ielh Hoiieer, of Pendleloo, who
baa bee a seriously ill for some week, is
reported eorne better.
L. W. Roberts arrived from Walla
Walla on last Sunday, representing bis
msrlle work at Ibal place.
It. M. Turner, ooa of the substantial
ranchers of the Hand Hollow eection,
waa a visitor to Heppner Saturday.
J. P. Ilayden, one of the olj guard io
the line of drummer, waa io town Sat
urday, doing a little business as nual.
Rev. F. P. Gieen maJe a special trip
to the mountain yeiterday to bring
dowo evergreen for Hcppoar's Cbrist
ma display.
Ella Friend oontemplalr goiuglotb
Klondike In tb spring. No doubt Mor.
row eonoly will aad e nomler of golJ.
aeekf to that region,
R. Air lander, who la below at preeent,
I a red-hol candidate for elata traea
orer. Well, Alec i a good fellow, ana
tbe Osteite would like to eee bun wia it,
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, fir CoMtipa
tioo It's tb brsl ami if after oaiog II
you diiti'l aay so, reluro parkag aod
get yoar money. Hold by Oonssr k
Brock. I
John EJ arils was in front bis Hod
llullow ranob Saturday. U I teoover
iuf yry aloaly from tb lejurie be re
oelvsd reeeally by falling off bo us oa
wbicb be was working.
MiieAllie liogbee, Norfolk, Va., wa
frightfully baraed no the fee aud oeck.
Cain we Instantly relieved by DaWitl'g
Wltoh 1111 ul, wbiob healed lb In
jury without leaviug a aeaf. It le tb
(snoot ptl rsaiiJ. Cotf Break.