TO THE 0IVB8 THK OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry- SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland - to Yokohoma and Hook Kong; via, Tbe Northern Paoiflo Htenmsbip Oo. in cod. nection with O. R. & N. For full details call on 0. B. & N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. a HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obboon. HRE YOU G01HG ERST ? If so, be sure and see tbat your tioket reads via W HorinvBstern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS 18 THB Great Short Uqc ' BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining ana weening car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" has given this road a national reputation. All classes of passengers parried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Klilp your freight aim iravui over inis laiuous line, have tickets. All fttfuuU W. II. MEAD, F. C. 8 WAGE, Uen. Agent Trav. K. & P. Agt. za naaniugion hi., roriiaini, or. CIIIOAQO milvvaukea k St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famom blook system; Lights lis trains by eleotrlolty through out; Usee the celebrated aleotrio berth read lug lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains every day and night between Ht. Pan I and Chicago, and Omaha and Chioago; lbs Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operates stattn-beetad veetiboled trains, carrying the laleet private compartment ears, library bullet antuk ing care, and palace drafting room elerpera. ranor eara. free reclining chair cars. ana tbe very txst aimug chair oar eemoe. For loweet rates to any point in the United Hlatoe or OauaJa, apply to agent or ajdreea O. J. EDDY, J. W, OAHET, Oenoral Agent. Trav. rase. Agent. 1'ortlaaJ, Or. o 11 I)V I v x I TIIHOUUll CAB. fHr. PAUL MINNKAPOLIH TO MHOO Itl'TIT. lUKLKNA Tickets lstoa.1 to all rxdt.ts in the roiled mates ami lausla. griCiCTlMRTO. Cmk K) WisHINilTil KaLnaoka Naw Yai llvrrsuo All oilier points in the F.aat ami ho Qt beast Oan ias 1-iTt Ht. Jtwiri ht. Loris IkMTUM Talon 1VhI rnoaeetiuns lht,rstl, WiiDesp..)., Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Ixiols and otbtr promt neat point , , ilaa-if e becked tb rough to deetlnatloB ol iM ieU. Thront h tickets to Jsbssj and Cblaa, via Taooms and Northern 1'ariCo Cteaw ship Ootjipsoy's Una, For toll Ufotroatlon. time ear J a, ma pa, tickets, tM-, eall mi or wrtlo W. 0. A l.i wT, A. D CanaLTwsi. AtN.IMly. Asst. Uao.l'aaa. Aft. ThsDsliesiOri I'ortlaad.Or Can't be done! Try to make some baking powder yourself. Buy the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the right proportions. Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer at such a price that he can make a profit too. Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar tar, see what it costs, and see if you can make pure good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound. It can't be done. Schillings Best at your grocer's is the best of the right-price baking powders. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARK8, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyone sending1 a sketch and description may quickly uncertain, free, whether an invention Is probably patentable. C'ouimunicatlons strictly confidential. Oldest agency forsecuring patent In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelva special notice In tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of viiv Buiuuiiuu journal, weeaiy, terms S.1.0U a yei tl.50glx months. Hpeclmnn copies and Ha, ear; nuu un jtatentb sent iree. Adores MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway. Mew York. north PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1S69.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in guld to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. (Hum pie oopies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, cash, at tbis office. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DCtlQNt CORYRIOHTt AC. Anronft Arn11n.f ft ukatrh nA ripanrlnHnn rrmv quickl a-timrtntii our nininu fro whether an liiTtiiitlnii ( proftahly PAlenlfthle. Cnninninlrn tlntiiiPtrUttlr ciinntlintlal, llruilronk on Paitmtt ftttnt free. Mi1Nt munnvj fur trurltiir unlnlii. i'ntHiitji (itkmi thnmifh Munn A Co. reoolr wpecuu tvKK, wiinoul tinnrue, mine Scientific JItitericatt A hunrtiHimoIr llfiiotrMml wvklr. I.snrest dr. Terms, fta a mint ton if ftnr M'lttntidn lituriiAl, four months, IL Holdbyatl newii1ilni. &Co.31Bfwd"'-New York Uraut'D UflliKt, tea r HU Washtutuii, I). C K6BH 8E6PJ Get BitH. Tin; wool itKCouu Tells You How to Do It. By a ept'Oiitl nrrar.geuiHut we to our readers The Wool Record and Henil-Weekly Osteite, one year for 3 00. Tbe Wool lUoor.l is the only nHtional wool organ and oovera the wool iuJuslrj from (be raising of the sheep to ths sell ing nt the mannfaotnred article. It is published wrcklv al New York end Ihr regnlar prio iw f'2(X) a year. Its market reports sre lull and eomplele and Us Sheep HipederV Talks alone are worth 11) lime tbe price ol Hie paper. rtampie eopir on spplicalinn. We heartily recommend this combi nation to our subscribers. smkane fails i northern NKLSON 4 KURT SHF4TARD KKJ) MOCNTAIX RAILWAYS The Only AIMUil limit Without Change of Cars Between Npokaue. Ilossland and Nelson. Also between Nslaoa an I KMslsnd, daily except Huoday : laea. Arrlv. i I' M l f. M u r. m. ' A M ll.ti A M . It.NBlWu! , NeUa .. in A M t It mm SirtllMWt.MlS kt SalnJt ltk ml aal.s ami all K,,i-nl Lta i.iul. I MMiigms t,4'hils hlnr a.l PHirilary I e.iect at Marces ilh dail. Bl ( a-nis, awl I r.l-U.ks obiaiwd ami all i ai nl , , Meaiaavt Mia, OuaOmcl laOeveatTi o, a. atsat O'nei 4 ... i41hs ku Has Umm iud-L fl'aa eV4 4ik aVrrt V a-I'M, tf Mlrnl..., a a4. htm ul luff m-A 4m Inl Mtvni A fssiailT. H" r..i4." will. rwt l aaM w I We J, g, a4 twra twmmum mm imm. A4W-a, C.A.SNOWCO. LOmm. svtT Omt. WiimasTss. 0 O. I Tba earn, a fall sWk of tMOraing not, oorresiMn,euc styla, lib nali to niali b. 1 li.d.-tirib ooh stationery ea bsy ,eir wants sopplie.1 al this offl,", if Aay oee diiiif In tuiij elibsr bouM of bare will make Mtuaey by sail le oo the (iaavtie offlan, t7i 1 -x. "A 1 A T 1 -X. i VMM CoXoffVaV M ET.Y'S CKFAM B i a Apply into the nostrils. Ills quickly absorbed. 50 cents at Drnirglsts or by mail : samples 10c. by mull. RT,Y BHOTHKV. Warrnn Hi,. Nmv Vo'c C'i'y, Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Offick at The Dalles, Oregon. November 8th, 1897. VTOTTOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN- il drew Carlson has pied notice of intention to make flnpl proof before J. W. Morrow, Coun tv clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oretron, on Thursday, the 16th day of December, 1897, on timber culture application No. 'MM. for the north-east quarter of section No. 7, in township no. s sonui range no. iA east w. m. Ha names as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell. Andrew Anderson, Olof Bergstrom and John jonnBon, ail oi uooseberry, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE. 595-606 Register. Timber CultureFinal Proof. United States Lakd Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. VI, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FRED erlck P. Caviness has filed notice of Inten tion to make filial proof before J. W. Morrow, County clerk, at bis office, in Heppner, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22d day of December, 1897, on timber culture application No. 8193, for the HKU (quarter) of section No 4. In townshio No. 2 South Range No. 24 E. W. M. He names as witnesses: John T. King, Benjamin F. King. Thomas J. Wlllhelm and Joseph Hughes, all oi lone, Oregon. jas. jr. moorb, 597-608. Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaQbande, Obeoon, Nov. 17. 1897. Nc OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at ueppner, Oregon, on ieo. sum, 18JV, viz: JOSEPH LUCKMAN, Hd. E. No. 5.115 for the Wtf NES4 and W 8Efc Sec 35 Tp 2 8 R 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Andrew J. Cook, Arthur Hmlth, John A Waddell and George Hays, all of iieppnor, Oregon. B. F. WILSON. 598 07 Register Notice Of Intention. Land Oftk i it La Gbandr, Orkoon, XT.... it iwyr OTICE 18 HEltEBY GIVEN THAT THE lollowlug'tiamed settler has died notice ol his intention to mnke flnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made heliire County Clerk. Morrow County. Oregon. ai iiuppner, urcenn. mi Dec. sot n 18U7, vis: Ur.UKIIK B. MAY Kn. Hd. E. No. f.'.x.i? for the lots 1 and 2 and SEU NK.'t Hec I Tp 38 R 28 E W M and Lot 4 Boo 6 Tp 8H Ri K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, via: Jacob H. Pearson. Andrew J Cook, Joseph I.ncliiiian and James A. Pearson all ol Heppner, Oregon. B. F. WILSON, fi'.M7 Register. CITATION. f N THE COUNTY COURT Of THB STATE A r In the matter ot the estate of Uollen M. Allyn. m irn'Knn. ior ma t oumv oi Morrow. tT v7 ii. r A.i.n all unknown heirs and devisees, and any and all persons Interested. in tne umneol llic state ot Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In ths countjr Court ol the Htata ol Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the eourt room thereof, la Hnponer In the County of Morrow on Tuesday, the 4th dsy ol January, Imm, at 10 o'elork In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any exist, why an order be not mails or ine sale ot tne 101 low lug described real prop erty to-wlt : North east uuarter of section thirty. one, In township one, south of range twenty five easi, ana norm-east quarter of section thirty- five, township one, south of range twenty-all, east W. M. ail III Morrow county, Oregon. Also the soutli east quarter of section thirty In town ship onn, south ol range twenty flvt, aaat W. M. in Morrow county, Oregon. VYItiicM, the Hon. A. U. Bartholomew, Judge of the County Conrty of the Male of Oregon, for the County of Morrow with the seal of aald court aftl id, thlsHTlh day of November, A. P. iim;. Attest; J, W. MORROW, '0 Cleik. Nolle of Klaal ttettlemeat. OTICK IS IIKHKRY OtVKN il liiidcralgnrd administrator THAT THK of ll.a late of John W. iMn, deceased, will make flnal seltleinent uf his account with aald estate as such administrator, on Tuelay, the tin .lay ot January, I'm, at Ih hour of 10 o clock in me loreuiHin of said day, at that oun t Court nmin of Morrow county. Oregon, aald lay being the second day ol the nest regular term oi ins i oititiy court lor Mormw county. Patvd al llfpiiucr, Uregon, Nnveuilier '4V, UI7. 1IIOMAK K. I.VONK tol f 10 Adialulstmnir. hvmmoss. IS THK CIRCUIT COURT Of THK STATI s oi uregon. tor in county ol Morrow, hd kiwi, i'ialnllfl, vs. frank Nanvy and Wm Rudln. Pefendanta. ksnry, oueol ths ilt named da le ii.iuis. In tbe nam f the state of Oregon; Yon are required In i,-r an, I answer ine complain! ol I'lalnllir tile. I In the ! eniuied eourt ami suit on nt Iwtor the flrat day nl Ih net regular term nf said court, to ll: On the erst Moiulay nl Mr, h. Iw, and If you fall to so answer planum will lake Judgment anil de cree, t.ireel'wliig th mortgKg ilncrllwH In sai l complaint on the Ntav of Hne is. to I n. kela M, ewwol sl,. Nvtw nl ev i. of nee n ip 1 S, M X- t W M. and thai lb same M soi.i thai Hi prnre-ala I applied to II, yiint of the sum uf Ills ti with Inlareat and aiu.fiuis lie m and piatnllff eiausanddl- pursenieni in sun an, I coats ol sal. Ibis summons is published y order ol niepiKU A, LA' well. w. sit, rialnllirs "r. Iat. !. S, iwr. T STUCK HOLDERS' SOTICE. VOTIi-K l HfHrMY tiivr THAT 4 m 1 snevnof ol III abirkaol.tae nl lb Hepp- llef flitll.tllig ad held at their oftli- ln Asama-ialloa will b th National 1'at.k In nei-pnr, tifegon. between tn amies at I p, aim p IB uf lues-lay, Ih ink nay ot Jaim aiv. Iwaa, lor th puiaM of kiltlii( dtrwrlurs iii ia iiunm i ear 0, R. BISHOP. Sw eeter. rwmtt Slh, I;. s M A ware TNIaa fa Tst, A transaction la wbl. ta you.-annot Inaetaa suiaUilug k lie. lur rwl tnS' tr, plloa aod a laouawtul other IH at i by iHiaUimlliMi anil aiuggiah liver I'tasirU l andf t alhartb', tbw wa ll ul I ul aawr ivr auinulant and Ititeo liial louki are by all timet w f iwrauaa tarurs or mutter 1, w 1'. are a ur filing. irv s mn.u w i' mm? . puu t4 wuk.wt trass. bm aa. IOCAL 8QTJ1BS. See A. Abrabamsiok's ad. in tbis issue. R. C. Wills is down to tbe metropolis oa business.' S. W. Cox was down from Hardman 00 last Wedoeeday. Norman Kelley ia able to be about again, after a short illness. Hank Schereinger was in from bis sheep ranob on last Thursday. W.J. Wattenberger was over from tbe Galloway seotion Wednesday. Epta Eskelson and family were in from Social Ridge Wednesday. Don't procrastinate in ooming around with yonr Christmas advertisiug. Judge Jones and Ed . Rood were in fiom Eight Mile on last Wednesday. Advertise 1 Yes, if not in the Gazette, in some other paper. Do business. Mrs. Harriet H alloc k is visiting ber son, Mr. a. u. Hallock, at fendleton. One Minute Cough Cure cures quiokly. That's what you want! Conser & Brock. Billy Corson and Chas. Robinson were np from Iotie Tuesday and Wednesday John Foster is able to attend to bis usual duties again, after a severe illness. Mrs. L. J. Estes for millinery. See ber adv. looel elsewhere. Selling out at cost. This kind of winter weather is eating up wood and teed. It is worse tban oold weather. ' Andrew' M. Peterson was over from Gooseberry Tuesday and made this offioe a pleasant call. Baker Oity Republican: Hon. H. V. Gates oame on the train from Heppner to La Grande Sunday. If yon Deed something for your system oall at tbe 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tf For sale residence property. Barn and good outhouses. Will seil cheap on easy terms. Oall at offioe. 83-tf. A Captain Maboney, a Cuban soldier, is touring tbe Western ooast in tbe in terest of bis country. Phil Cohn is paying tbe highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tf Dr. Hunlock bus prooured a nioe little tree for Christmas, Hile Corbin bring ing it in from tbe mountains yesterday. Free Green, ot the reservation, is muoh exeroised over the tbeft of a cord of goodwood. Wood is wood these days. Walter Van Dnyn bas deoided to em bark in the candy business, and will looate bia stand in E. J. Blooum's drug store. J. W. Craddiok pulled out for bis Eight Mile borne this morning witb floe load of farming implements and furniture. Geo. Thornton returned Tuesdsy from a tour ol tne western portion or. tne county, where be has been rustling for the Times. 8. A. D. Gurley , an attorney of Ar lington, was in Heppner Tuesday last. Mr. Gurley was very well pleased witb our little oity. Died On Tuesday, Deo. 7, 1897, at Clarno's Ferry, Gilliam oounty , Oregon, Mrs. Olarno, wife of Andrew Clarno, aged 70 years. Eugene Guard: Blind Johnny Keeney returned last night from bis Gilliam oonuty farm. He will remain in Lane oonnty during ths winter. ' On Wednesday last tbe telephone line was down aomewnere oeyona it. a. Allen's, but it was speedily repaired and is in good working order again. .. . . Uaniweil ana Miiiera r reoon returned from their mountain trip. I There WBS too much SHOW to prospeot I , ,, . ..,(nl In knnL "" uvt ' no Aootber invoioa ot New Homo and Climai aewiog machines just reoeitsd by F. G Thompson Oo. Too oould sot make your wife a handsomer Christmas preeenl. 004 21, Lee Matlock and wit are viaiting tbe mines op ia tbe mountains this week. Before returning tbey will spend a tew days with Mrs. Matlook't relatives In tbat vicinity. Ladies, take tba beet, It yon are troubled with constipation, sallow akin and tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it ia pleasant to lake. 8old by Conner A Brook. y Q. W. Montague, ot Arlington, repre senting tbo Hioger Hewing Msobioe Co. accompanied by D. II. Frenkheoeer, a caoerel agent ot tbo oompaoy, came in Tueaday and are still id town. Tbsy report tbo roads very bad. Prosperity comes, quickest to tbo man whose liver is in good condition. lo W'ltt's LiUls Early Riser are famous little pills for oooatipation, bllliooao Indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Conser A Brock. Jobs Depay aod liile Corbin were In from the "reservation" yeeterdsy. Uile bsa Just been re-oleeted chief fur the so suing year ana eesooa aa lb wen sets art disltlbnted will doo a new toga, fresh from Tberoa Fell' woolen mills It is easy to celeb oold and Just as asy to gsl rid ( il u yon eooamsooe ssily to os One Mlooie Cough Car. Il ores ooagb, otilds, broooblti. pea tnool and all throat sad long troable It is pleasant to tak. aaf to tta aod or to euro Cooeei A Urock M arris d Is lieppaar, on Tue-Jay sveowg. IVsc. It lT. at tb boas of tb rootu' motber, I lleppaef, Kev, 8. 0, Hmlth Mil lira. Charity W. War re, lie. Flearber porfof mlaf lb or mooy. Tb bappy opl Mt at one tr tbair nw bom al 1'aaeo, Wash-, ber Mr. Besith bas cherf for tb sosuiog year. Mr. Mary Ittrd, Hamsonrg, l'a, says. "Uf child t worth BtllloB t a, y4 woold hav lit oer by oroup bad I kul tBvete4 twenty D tVtiU to buttl ol On liioute Ooogb Car." Il car euagbs, cuid sod all Ibroat aad laag trwoble. C . k Itrook. a MORROW COUNTY BOY. One of tbe Greatest Football Players 6a tbe Coast In a late issue of tbe Corvallis Gazette appears a little poem, written by a Philomath ' college correspondent, con cerning a Morrow connty boy, tbe oldest son of Mr. and Mis. W. B. McAlister, of Lexington. He is one of tbe best foot ball players on tbe coast, and could go to tbe Oorvallis institution as he lived, even if be badn't a cent Mr. MoAliater is a good student, however, as well as an athlete. Tbe boys, bis friends, call bim "Pappy Hayseed," or "Pap" McAlister, and tbe little effusion goes like tbiB : Hurrah! for Pappy Hayseed, He knows where he "Is at;" The chap who said he'd beat him, Was conversing through his hat. Shake, shake, old Pappy Hayseed, The man with ribs of steel And whalebone constitution, Give us a grip we feel. How to Prevent Pneumonia. At tbis time ot the year a oold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its course without the aid of seme reliable cough medicine ia liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a oongh or cold tban Chamberlain's Cough remedy. We have need it quite extensively and it bas always given entire satisfaction.' Olagab, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy tbat is known to be a certain preventative of pneu monia. Among tbe many thousands wbo have need it for colds and la grippe, we bave never yet learned of a single oase having resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak luogs or bave reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep the remedy at hand. Tbe 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Uocser & Brook. Oar Telephone Line. . Ike Eones will go over the Heppner- Canyon Telephone Co.'s ' line before leaving for Hillsboro and will put in Bell instruments, in aooordance witb an agreement witb tbe Inland Telephone Co., and will otherwise repair' the line. It has been reported tbat tbis interior line waa poorly erected, etc, but it is a fact tbat it works as well as tbe Inland line, and is rarely ever out of order. Tbe interior country can give Heppner full oredit for plaoicg them in a position to communicate witb ' Heppner and : tbe outer world in the best manner known to the oivillzed world. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any oase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cbeeney & Co, Toledo, O. ; We, the undersigned, bave known F. J. Cbeeney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve bim perfectly bonorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truer, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. ; Walding, Einnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally aoticg directly upon tbe blood and ma oous surfaces ot the system. Testimo- iala sent free. Prioe, 75o. per bottle, Sold by all drnggieta. Deatb of Gov. Lord's rather. Edward Lord, ot Camden, Kent coun ty, Delaware, tbe father of Governor W. P. Lord, of tbis state, died on Friday of last week, of infirmities incident to bis extreme age, be being on of tbe o'dest citizen of tbat oommonwealtb. Tbe Oovernor received tbe aad intelligence Friday, but will not undertake to go East on account ol it, owing to a prea sure ol matters ber aod tb time in volved in snob a Journey. Edward Lord leave widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Lord aged 82 )ear, five sons and two daugh ter. II was a highly respeoted eitiz ot bis stat and leave moderate oom potency. Tettr, Balt-Hheam and Ecsem. Tbe intense Itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed bv apply inir Chamberlain' Eve and Skin Ointment. Many very bad case bave been permanently cored by it. It is equally efficient for Itching pile ana a lavorlto remedy for sore nipples. chapped hands, chilblains, frost bite and cnronic sore eye, xa cts. per box Dr. Cady Condition Powder, are just what a hora needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Tbey are not food but medicln and tbe best In as to pnt bone In prime condition. Price 33 cent per package. aa Orrcs Girl December' M nosey Aootaina good portrait ot Mis Msod Hoffman, tb Oregon aolreee, wbo bas gained national renown as leading lady la Mr. WUIerd's great assembly of talent. Mis Hoff man is Corvalll girl, per feet lady nd a living denial of tb oft repealed boleealolm potation against tb char acter of tiioe who follow lb stag, Willard will soon pal Del! Cain' Christian" on tb board witb M Unffmaa as "Glory." It Is to be bnpd tbat Oregon will be permitted to reeeiv th treat afforded by thi eoolemvlalsd Fief. Haar I !. (Vis M.wl mean a clean skin. N twautr without it. t awarvl. I andy t atlisr tie clean rour blmxl and kerp it iltsn, ! stirring on the Usy liver and driving all im uritir mni th hmir. IWam to-ly to wnwh pimi'lea, Ixnla, hra, black ! la. and that ait kly lulioua cimileiiHk I T Ukina laaiarrta.- tuty ir tea mita. All drug fiata, aataalertio f uaranlrrd, iuv, Zx, Mr. I. N Unbi a4 Kant llt broth, bar ba on lb siek list tbis ek. WsmUti of Mr. I. N. Uaghe family bav also been e lb list of tbose ailiog, lb pal wek. J. A Pwkls,of Aollqnily. O, for thirty year neodlaly tortarvd by pby sieiea lor la rare ol ersana. Il we qakekly eared by asing UeWiti's Wtic Us 11 salve, th fsnwma tcaliaf aj fnf piW and ski d . Vusawe A ttrocfe. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TK0DBLK3 AND -CON8DUPTION CAN BE CUBED. An Eminent New fork Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished obemist, T. A. Slo- cum, of New York Oity, demonstrating bia discovery ot a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn oougbs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions ot wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ScifeDtiflo Treatment" has oared thousands : permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are onrable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from tbose oared in all parts of tbe world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy end oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direot from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generons proposition. f lease tell tne uootor tbat yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, uregon. J uly a-7-l yr. W. H. Smith, representing H. E. Buoklen & Co.'s well known remedies, was in Heppner Tuesday and renewed tbe old contract for another year's ad vertising. Mr. Smith bas been a yearly visitor to Heppner since 1888. Two Million a Year. When Deople buv. trv. and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buvinit Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Caacarets are the most deliahtful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. The Dalles Chronicle : F. 8. Gunning, secretary of seotion 1857. Endowment Rank, K. of P., tbis morning reoeived a obeck for $2,000 in favor of Mra. Carrie Johnson, widow ot Cbas. W. Johnaon, bo was killed on the O. R. A N. in November last. Section 1857 has been in enetenoe tor about four years, and tbis la tbe first death amongst tbe Tbe Dalles knights sinos that aeotion bas been introduced. ' Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O.) ssys; "After two dootors gave np my boy to die, I saved bim from cronp by asmg On Minute Cough Cure." II is the quickeet and moat oertain remedy for coughs, colds end all throat anl lung troubles. Conser A Brook. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon only statc school in eastern oregon Located on th O. R. A N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Student admitted at all time of th year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocsl and Instrnmental Mnaio taught by competent Instructors. A grsdo at ot tb Boston Conservatory has charg of tb instrumental depart ment. Tli readies Boarding Hall I thoroughly eqnioped and offer ei oellent acoommodaliona al reasoosbl rates. Bend for catalogue. Add M. G. ROYAL, President f Facility or P. A. WO PITHING. TON, Secretary Board AttornovN at Law, All busioee slUnded to in prompt and atisfaotory mannsr. Notaries Public and Collector. OrPICK IN NATTER BCILDINQ. OErrNER, i I WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pu Stfiatn TUniONE, E.IIUT Lsvtng AUIer Htrt lkek. Portland, fif Astoria, Ilwaoo, Ltf Desen, Oot Park aad Nahcotte, ltrl ooneeiKa with llwaoo steamer and rail road; ale nl Young' Hay with Naebor Railroad. UTa rortland T a. at. Ully. ePt sti4y. Uara Astwia I T. M. Dallv. iept aad haxxjBv ojk.Tmmxxrc ImtS rrUaM 1 P. M ltlr. "Tl Stitula. SalnMat elht. II I , Aatnrl tta stS a. Mse(iidaraa4 Muster. ei., aiM, I K M mwmm OOBAN' WAVJ3 ta rvniaiwl a4 ran atiwt S llvan, Ttw1r 4 Tf1ar at i 1. kt SUtaMtas yn a Ua llaac .oli sa4 frWay slls.H. Oa Am t.M al I r. fc. Ivpj CVflwi U Eiibii hiki'M M htAn fm 6 Erprtst P BaMy, Seawd, CWfofV. rtMra, Tr4 M ta TSko, lalley (laUwrt and Oraa Wav THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOIIOIIIDS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. FOICYOU! Now Prepared- to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates , Heretofore the Gazette's job depart-' -1 ment bas tried to do no work other th'air plain printing.' However, this shop Is'1 now prepared to tackle anything fn ony"' line and will -meet prioea of any: person ',7"' under the sun in the line of druggists .. supplies, blank " books, bank work I oonnty work,' or any sort of book bind- -J ing work tbat yon bave heretofore sent "' away to get done. , ' Tbe GBzette shop is not a charity I ooncern but it yon will give us a chance'1 ' we 'will see that :yoa are Batisfled'in"11 every particular.- Buy your goods at home, Remember "' that Abe Linooln said that when one - bought goods away from home the foreigner got the money and we got tbe H goods. But when tbe goods wera bought at home we had both money and goods. Tbis is good doctrine. We sre willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town,' re-' member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tt "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co. STSAlIiS,',.. "DALLES ' CITY" AND - "REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (ezoept Sunday) at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a, m. When yon go to Portland, atop off at The Dalles aod take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and Bave ' money. W. C. ALLAWAY,' General Agent ' TO San ITrotxoisoo - And all points in California, via the Mt. Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The crraat highway through California to all point East and Sooth. Grand Hoenie Boats Of the Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepera. Beoond-olaes Sleeper Attached to express trains, atlording anpenor accommodations for aeeond-elass passengers. For rates, ticket, sleeping ear reset-rations, eto oall upon or address B. K.OEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. 4 P. Agt. Portland, Oregon Those who desire to build should not forget that O. E. Ranous, tbe con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. 60tf Every new subscriber of tbe Gazett from thia date, May 25,1897, will receiv aa a premium a book worth alone th price of tbe subscription. tf io Rod iab8oribe for the "aszoo." Now iB lh8 tjrae Ton don,t WB0 io miM , wbole lot o ,, hd that is now being published in oar "Only." f Regents, Wssten, Or. i j i OREQON GITZERT iXD OCLLN' WiVL get Sound NavigatioQ Co