( V FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Groat Agony From a Tsrrlbls Sore Hor Story of ths Case, and Hor Cure. "For many years I waa afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago it broke out in a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would burn and itch all the time and discharge t great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Someone sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mbs. Anna E, Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio. Yon can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Hwl'e Dillc are the tavorite tom"y I1UUU a f-llls cathartie. Price 25c. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE t'i.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 13.00 ." 8. F. Examiner, $1.50..... 8.2a ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2,7 i " Inter-Ocean, fl.OOi 8.00 " a F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2. 75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'i Magazine $1.00 1.80 Yearly subscriber to the Gazatte can get olubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EP1SO. CHUKOH. BRRTinxa. Bnnday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Olaseee No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. frayer meeting, Tnursday, 8 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bri 'e say. Come." The paotor may be (onnd at the paraonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad t meet any w-o may desire to consult him on religious, social, civic philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. FLKSuER, Milliliter. 1 Take Notice. 1. The sum ol five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices oi special meetings tor wnaiever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. See it. Lichtentbal 4 Oo. for shoes, a Dr. J. A. Adkina is up from BilUboro. Banous is still on the tort doing a lit tle carpenter business, tf John Sorivner was io from the Goose berry locality Tuesday last. Jake Young and family were over from Eight Mile oo last Wednesday. Submit your plana to Ranous before giving out your oootraot. tf Hi Tasta and wife were in from Hard- man Tuesday to do some trading. Tn trade A ffood heating stove, for eordwood. Gall at office. tf, Baths down at the Jones' barber abop, 23oents. Orville Joota manager, tf Quinnesse's famoas old "Dublin Btout," imported, at Chris Borohers' R. 0. Wills departed Wednesday for Portland and while below will scours the services of a first-class auctioneer. On Wednesday of next week be will be gin the auction sale of bia entire stock of goods and will oontinue same until it is closed out. This is a rare chance for the people of Morrow county to secure great bargains, and all should attend who can possibly do so. These goods must be sold regardless of cost don't forget that feature of the sale. Remem ber the date, Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1897. 606-7. Salem Statesman: Rev. J. M. Shulse, of Brownsville, arrived in Salem yester day for a day or two in tbe Capital City His bod, Ardeo, is now a resident of Albuquerque, New Mezioo, where he is doiog nicely and bis health is improving. Dr. Grant oan ba found at bia office in tbe hotel from 10 to 12, noon, and 1 to 5, p. m. All oases diagnosed without any questions being asked. Advice ab solutely free. Curiosity seekers spotted on sight. Ed. Giltner.of Salem, and Hon. 0. W FultoD, of Astoria, are in Washington, D. C. Charley will return via New York, wbile Mr. Giltner will remain till tbe oloee of tbe present Beesion. Oscar Minor, Dave and Willard Herren have just returned from the Fottamus and Ditob oreeks where they oaptured four antelope, besides having a rattling good time. Cure that cough with Shilob's Cure. Tbe best cough oure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con ser & Brock. y The Ghzetie will withdraw ite offer of trial subscriptions iu the very near future. Better get in at the first oppor tuoity if you wish to tuke advantage of this offer. Our reporter found matters quiet yesterday at tbe court boose. Our jail is empty and has been for a long time. Criminal business makes news. E. W.Rhea & Oo. are pushing a lot of 25 cent lined gloves. These are genuine bargains. Just think of it; a pair of lined gloves for 25 cents. 6-7 Billy Brenner, wbo went East with sheep last spring, arrived from Kansas City yesterday, haviug made the trip in excellent shape. Ike Bin d bird, representing Otto Bei man, of Sao Franoiaoo, was in Heppner yesterday, looking op the clothing and sbirt trade. Go to tbe Matlook corner and try Armstrong & Cooper's whiskey and cigars. It you like the sample Duy some. 6tt Andrew Carlson, of Gooseberry, made proof yesterday with Olat Bergstrom and Andrew Anderson as witnesses. Tom Barnett was in Heppner last week, makiDg bis usual delivery of portraits for bis Cbioago firm. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A clean, treab stock of goods- leave your orders. ' tf. Heppnur's advertisers should get in and Iniake tbe "fur fly" on Christmas goods. Common and seleot stook of tomatoes and canned oorn at T. R. Howard's. 605 tr. Lichtentbal k Oo. for shoes. Exoluaive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Felt boots and rubbers, and Arotio overshoes at T. R. Howard's. . 605 tf. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on tartb. Wee ad. elsewhere. Dan Rine Is down from Hardman. Free From Rheumatis If the people generally knew the true cause of Rheumatism, there would be no such thing as liniments and lotions for this painful and disabling disease. The fact is, Rheumatism is a disordered state of the blood it can be reached, therefore, only through the blood. But all blood remedies cannot cure Rheuma tism, for it is an obstinate disease, one which requires a real blood remedy something more than a mere tonic. Swift's Specific is the only real blood remedy and promptly goes to the very bottom of even the most obstinate case. Like all other blood diseases, the doctors ate totally nnableto cure Rheu matism. In fact, the only remedies which thev prescribe are potash and mercury, and though temporary relief tnay result, these remedies produce a stiffness of joints and only intensify the disease. Those who have had experience with Rheumatism know that it becomes more severe each year. COMING! Garrigues Hall, One Week, COMMENCING Monday, Dec. 20th. ... DR. GRANT'S.... Ml Blankets! Blankets! 51 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. :nienaners Dr. PAUL' GRANT, Lecturer and Manager. CLARE EVANS E006""100""0106'"'"1, waoi-xneurpneanDwuivo. ATTGCS lt A UTT M A TTT AMfi Premier Contortion Dancer. Acknowledged by MlDo lVlArJUiJ iVlAll.LAlI.U, press aud public to be the very essence ol grace and motion. .Late of The Orphean Stars Co. THE PATRICOLOS, Louis and Isabell, ZlXieT artist. In her wonderful and clever Character Impersonations. PIT TTT,r,T)'n CTTT TrM Phenomenal Singing Tenor, Introducing and sinking all ULilr J? JXxU r UIjIVJXN, ;ate and popular ballads. Late of Calhoun Opera Co. CHARLES EVANS Dc,crlPtive Vocalist and Shouting Coon Singing Comedian. PROF. FRANK ROMINGER, Leader of Orchestra. PROF. WERMANN'S (lately deceased)- rXl WVZl body suspended in mid air with no visible means of support This Illusion was purchased by Dr. Grant from the estate of the late Prof. Werinann, at a cost of $300.00. GEHEBAL ADMISSION tf 8now tell yesterday in sufficient quan titles to oast mantle over our big. grand bills. Mrs. Ssrab Hays and ber daughter, Mrs. Andrew Neal, are over from Lone Rock on a visit. "Oo'd juioe" i all right but Low Til lard baa a brand of 14-yaar old fronds that Is bard to beat. 603 tf. Painless remedy for eitreoting teeth, If Dot as stated, no obarges. Try Dr, Vaugbao's new plan. 604-tf. Best accommodation and oourteoai treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Bta., Portland. Oregon. Mrs. E. E. Hewett returned Wednes day from a visit to ber sister, Mrs. A. C. Bice, wbo resides fiftesa miles below The Dalles. Heppner's merchants should not pro crastinate 10 the matter of pushing their Christmas goods. "Mass bay wbile the sun thinss. Press Thompson's condition is much nor favorable. Yesterday be returned to ooosoiousoeso and bia relative and friends have hope tbat be will recover speedily. Karl's Clover Ilwt Tea Is a pleasant laxativt. UgtSiats tbe bowels, purities lb blood. Clears tbe eompleiioo. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 eta. Bold by Oonser k Brock. y Mrs. M. B. Ford, Rnddell's, III., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia aod chronie constipation and was easily eared by using DsWitt's Liltl Early Risers, lb famoos little pill for all etomecb and liver troubles. CooserA Brock. Elias Friend, while In Heppner Wsdnss. t. ahawsd a representative of tbe Osteite soros Oresnbors quart! which assyi 8' Of. of gold and 80 pi. of sliver, aod 8 ei of gold aod 100 oi. of silver to tbe too. reepeetJfely. He ba a ledge of this a feet wide which be oalls the "rJottetfly." Extensive prsparatiooo art being mad for big emp out year, it aors age eoooU for aoytblog. Mom Ash baagb Informed reporter of tbi pP that b and partner baj jt ". pitted sowisg 700 awe of wheat. This ems to be II. M'lt of I farmers ell over tbe snooty. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jonea of the drug firm ol Jones & Son.Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Dixoovery, says tbat last winter bis wife was attacked with la grippe, and ber case grew so serious tbat physicians at Cowden and Pane oould do nothing for ber. It seemed to develop into haty consumption. Hav ing Dr, King's Now Discovery in store and selling lots of it, be took a Tbe case of Mrs. James Kell, of 6n Ninth Street. S. E.. Washington, D. C. should convince everyone that it is useless to expect doctors to cure Rheu matism. Under recent date she writes : "A few months ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheumatism in its worst form. The pain was so intense that my ner vous system was prostrated, and I was for a long time perfectly helpless. The attack was an unusually severe one, and my condition was regarded as being very dangerous. "I was attended by one of the moat able doctors of Washington City, who is also a member of the faculty of the leading college here. He told me to continue his prescription and I would get well. After Having it refilled twelve timea and receiving not the least bene fit, I declined to take it longer. "Having heard S.S.S. (Swift's Spe cific) recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, almost in despair, to give it a trial. After taking a few bot tles I waa able to bobble around on crutches, and very aoon had no need at all for them, for S.S.S. cured me sound and well. All the distressing Dains have left me, my appetite has returned, and I am happy to be again restored to perfect health." S.S.S. never disppoints, for it la made to cure these deep-rooted diseases which are beyond the reach of all other reme- jti t. Hi U1CB. IbVIUCI UCIUIBUCUIY AUCUlUBLIOUi, Catarrh, Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, and all other blood diseasea. It is tbe only mod remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, potash, arsenic or other dangerous mineral. Books will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific. Co., Atlanta, Ga. MIL.UNKBY BELOW COST. Mrs. L. J. Estis proposes to sell off ber winter stock of millinery regardless of cost. This stock inoludei many ohoioe pattern bats, walkers, sailors,! "tarns," etc, of the very latest styles. These goods must be sold before Feb. 1st, so come aod get a floe bat at your 1 own prioe. 605 6. , 25 CTS. CH1LDBEH T 15 CTS, GRAND CHRISTMAS MATINEE . . . AT 2:30 ... . Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. We also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. Bat the Only Blanket On Earth is the We are sole agents for those, having bought our entire line in June, it enables us to sell those oelebrated goods at tbe same prices asked tor inferior brands. Call and examine. MINOR & CO. PENDLETON BLANKET PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS BY PURCHASING ONE OF THOSE ELEGANT SUITS OF E.W.Rhea & Co. A full and complete line of the cele brated Kuh, Nathan 4 Fisher goods just received from Chicago. Suits and Prices Guaran teed to Fit. An elegant line of Gent's Neckwear, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. You can surely be suited in any of these lines. E. W. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, ORECON. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B TJT IOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what von want at T. R. Howard's. . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I IT. E. Howard Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOKD And now the entire world Knows this verect product As the Star Brewery beer..... On draught at all popular saloons borne, and to the surprise of all she Be gan to get better from first dose, and halt doieo dollar bottles cured ber sound and well. Dr. King's Maw Dis cover for eonsumption, eonghs and oolJs is guaranteed lo do this good work. Try. it. Free trial bittles at Ouoaer k brock's drug store. J. M. Hoy cams in on Tuesday last! for supplies, leaving Wednesday f ir borne, but was unfortunate io breaking a wbeel ont oo Rbea oreek, oeceal- tsting bis return to town. Mr. lloy says IliNt bis son waa not so badly io hoMt jured Id tbe mine accident up io the Oreenborn as was first suppoeed, aa be will sate oos eye, and perhaps both. Notice U the Pablle. Iseeo Eonea, eolleotor for the Ilepp. or Light k Water Co, having severed all oonneotions with tbe company, W. E. Pruyn baa been appointed bia soo- eesaor aod is hereby autborizsd to per form tbe duties of superintendent aod collector. 6-8 IIsprNia Lkiht k Watbb (Jo. Dreadfully Nrrroas. Qents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clovrr Hoot Tea. It quieted my oerves and streoglb tned my whole nervous system. I was troubled with eonslipetioo, kidney aod bowel trouble. Your Tra soon eleanard my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health aod strength. Mrs. 8. k. Hweet, II art ford, Coon. Hold by I Oonser k brock. y In it for Business- The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY ButaretboMolraatMtvlnln proportion u oral If you want to it your mailer's worth ol boncat gooila tu o J. M. HAGER.B NOTICE. Sealed bids requested for tbs delivery at my ranch, oo the bead of Ithee oreck, of one hundred cords of pine, four-fool wood, said wood to be delivered not later than middle of August, lH'SH, bids ODoed lbs l')lb dev of January. 1KM Rnaorvs the right to reject soy sod sll bids. J. W. Mobsow C02 JsoW. Frank McFarland baa bess sppoloUd speeial sveol ol The Oiaitabls Li's As soraocs Co, of New York, tbs atroogeal ia tbe world. Cb surplus to policy holders of over 43 ttillkn. dollars. Doo I take luanraoes without siog tbs new nlaos of tbs Equitable. Insures both aexss at sarus rates. mr Tbs wedding of Mias Amelia Mete cbso and Mr. B. Frank Meredith took placs at tbsreaiJetioeof Htate Treasurer I'bll Metsobao, oo l'itb aod Hiatal strsets, Hnlem, oo Wednesday svsoing. Tbs esremosy wss witoessed by tbs I osar relatives aod friends of ths blgbly popular coo pis. GENERAL MERCHANDISE $ WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Xtart Inr Howel V4'Hh fuMNta, Caadv Catbartlr. aura eonailDatlon forovar. wo. u U U v. fall. aru(KtM rt tuna bkibcv. Dock Ilaamua, ot lbs Ib-dilgbl, w compsllsd to ssod bis grsmopbous swsy tor repairs recently, bat It is Dow bark lo good order. Ell Keeuey sod Wilson Brock bars sacb pnrcbsaed graph pboos wbiob grinds ont music st flvs cants per grind. What metiers ys Ilepp- osr sopls are ! Depepsis enrsd. Hbilob'c Vital tasr I)r. John W. Raamos. of tbs "Red tails' Is IliS Uod-Manbatuo, Jersey, log op of IWJ distress, sod Is lbs great Vermouth or Clio mule by so srtiat io ktdosy sod liver remedy. Hold by Go- tbs business. Drop lo and taks k Br J taeie out of your mourn. V Groceries. Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Mats, Caps, Notions. Etc.. &'t X tf At prices as low as they can be sold in "J- mis marKci. r , A V 1 i D. A-Herren Building. HCPPNLR, OREGON. STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. Confectionery , Tinware, 0R MACHINERY, CALL ON- . O. TTiiOAiriSor . Co,, Ws are locraaalng our stork for fall anil winter. Call and ens ua. That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, 'Cohen's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT ISS) HAHIO noonsj Nsw SlaaJ, City Hotel BullJiog, JOW 'nrTVIJD. Prop, tf 1 1 Sna rr T"t va M Ths lk rn Yaao WiHUw Oor d"0 baa ruovxi Ills fod yard from its fofmf locatkos lo Jnnvs' !') stasd whera ts will bs (ilaaawl lo dsvs all his fnende ao I patrons lo asll oo Mrs. Mr. Oofdos Is acimntodstisg. has a good yard and ebnoilaut fasililies U laka ea'S nf stork Is fl' daaa ahap. Hie ... .... . i ' . ti. t. .... II U C- C t'l si. uru'w r.fus.-i tavm I etf Ixfl uj fxif" Hm,thy. If. Crdray, tbs pinnsr Ibnstrs man of Portland tn lbs liss of "papntsr prices bss rflltd lbs Wsatinftos Ml. theatre, frmrlv koos as tbs -Sew Park ' KJordray alsays bas srMsMblog osw, sad ont tMKitil. whso helow, ran Spetil S !.) an I svso t at bis placs. It V. AI311A.I-T.AM.SIOK, Merchant Tailoring! Kino Suit Malo to OnlT and Hatiifartion Guarant'0. IU'pairinir, Clfaningond l)yv ing Cloth;t a M-cialty. CALL AND Hi:il Mi:. ON MAY HTHUKT. J. L. YEAGER, Heppner's Leading Furniture Dealer it... i if. ..:.. r...... Ati rui .... i-i iviiiii i;iiiivi 1 1 mil g 11,1 III). i (I.mkI, l)roiIf TalJc, Ui-' Dwutiiui Line ol Christmas Goods now Open. Y era fatlted to rail iM IbmcI mf m k B 00TS AND SHOES'. . TMI a(.ACK TO OIT TMIM It Of AI. IICIITICXTIII Xj CO. Tkey kaa esrtalnf Is Mils tins ttial mar 1m aM tnn ess 4peM sa II yns st a S.w4 arthia ! tfc.f uamnlas II. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Olsl Ctsss, MoU Slef st Ptssslrlng Gssslstty i