Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 17, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Fbiday, Dec. 17, 1897.
McEwan, the hypnotist, over-
looked Heppner. He passed a
good thing.
Democratic opposition to the
annexation of Hawaii, which has
become so pronounced since the
reassembling of congress, is folly
explained by a story that is being
told among the knowing ones in
"Washington. According to this
storv. the democratic party has
4 w -
been sold by its leaders in con
gress to the sugar truBt, which all
the world knows is willing to
spend an enormous amount of
money to prevent the annexation
of Hawaii. The sugar trust has
agreed to furnish a corruption
fund which the democratic leaders
believe to be large enough to en
able them to elect a democratic
majority of the house next year
and a democratic president in
1900, if the democratic leaders can
succeed in preventing the annexa
tion of Hawaii, either through the
ratification of the treaty or by di
rect legislation. That is the way
the democratic senators, with two
exceptions, are all working against
the ratification of the treaty, and
why the democrats of the bouse
will this week, in caucus, declare
against annexation. But this dis
graceful deal cannot be carried
out, because the democrats cannot
prevent the annexation of Hawaii
La Gbaxde proposes to have a
sugar factory, and is raising a
subscription for $80,000 for that
PEOPLEhave been rushing into
the Yukon, and a great many of
them are rushing out again to pre
vent starvation.
Mb. Cobbett has been notified
that his case has been postponed
till after the holidays. It will
then be in order for another post
Hon. F. N. Jokes, member of
the late defunct legislature, is in
from Shearer's Bridge, says the T.'.
M. Mr. Jones is just as dead as
the legislature that he assisted
to kill.
The Potnmpos, the German
bark that went ashore near Long
Beach, has toppled over and is
supposed to be a total loss. It
had been sold for quite a sum to
parties who had hopes of saving
As THE June election draws
apace, county ana state politics
begin to simmer, The fight now
being arranged for the next repub
lican convention seems to over
shadow everything. It will be "a
hot old time."
Remarkable Compound
that Really Cures.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Dis
tressing Nervous Diseases.
Theodobe Dcbbakt was resen
tenced to be hanged January 7
for the murder of Blanche La
mont, on last Tuesday. His fight
seems to be in the last ditch and
be can hardly escape this last
sentence. It is said that both he
and mother are much downcast
The fact that 72 republican
members of the house of repre
sentatives participated in a con
ference called after they had
each signed a paper stating that
the conference should consist "of
such republican members as favor over the prospect
the modification of the civil service
law, or a more honest enforcement
of its provisions, or a more certain
definition of the extent of its appli
cation," convinced even the most
doubting that there is serious re
publican opposition to a continn
ance ot the present civil service
situation. These republicans be
lieve in real civil service reform,
but not in the sham article for
which Mr. Cleveland is responsible,
which covered with the protecting
cloak of civil service reform, thous
ands of democrats who entered the
public service by the dismissal of
republicans, for no other cause
than their republicanism. Re
duced to what they consider its
legitimate function, every one of
those republican representatives
would vote for a continuance of
the civil service law, but rather
than see it continued in its prosont
sliapo, they will work lor its re
peal or crippling in any manner
within their power, and they will
not lack for stanch supporters
among the rank and file of the
party throughout the country.
A Mew Year a Gift Heraldtd. '
The meaaareleM popularity of Hostet-
ter Btomacb liittera ha betta tne
growth ot more tban third ot oen-
tory. As in tbe past, tbe oomlnK new
year will be ushered in by tbe appear
ance of a freeb almanac), clearly aeltiDg
tortb tbe nature, usee and operation ot
tbia medioioe ot world wide tame. It it
ell worth perusal. Absolute aoonraoy
in tbe Mtronomioal calculation and
calendar will, aa before, be valuable
characteristics, while tbe reading matter
will include itatiatioi, burner and geoer
al information, accompanied by admir
ably exeonted illuotratiooa. Tbe alma
nao ii leitie'l from tbe publishing depart
me tit ot Ibe lloatetter company at
I'ltlatmrg, and will be printed on their
pre i in tMiirlian, Uermno, French,
Welih, Norwegian, swedieh, Holland,
Bohemian and Hiiauiah. All drauBlata
and country dealer! furnish it without
Mr. Vernie Hteeves, a brnther i i-law
of the Tlllard brothers, and who went
down to California recently for hii
health, arrived elrday morning via the
(Southern l'eoiilo from Fun FraneiHOo to
I'nrtlaiid. The climHte of Cilifurnia
did out agree with Mr, Htoevea and he
felt compelled to return to E intern Ore
Heppner Druggists Say that It has
a Steadily Increasing Sale.
Physicians prescribe It !
That is one of the several remarkable
things about Faioe's celery compound
that distinguishes it from other adver
tised remedies.
Another noteworthy point about this
compound is tbat it was discovered by
Prof. Pbelps, LL. D., of Dartbmooth
College, one of tbe ablest physicians and
surgeons of tbe oouotry.
Prof. Pbel(is was aided in bis work by
Col. M. K. Paine, the well-known com
pounding chemist, and Price's oelery
compound took its name from the latter.
Tbe result of their labors was a scien
tific, oommon sense remedy for those
diseases ai d troubles tbat result from
weakened nerves and overstrained mind.
It is not a Barsaparilla, bitters, or mere
stimulent, but a true food for tbe nerves
and brain, and is rightly regarded by
both tbe medio al profession and tbe pub
lic as an noequaled system regulator.
Bat perhaps tbe most remarkable fea
ture in correction w.tb this compound
is thbt its formula is freely famished to
reputable physicians, and for that rea
son, perhaps, they bave speoial oodB
dence in prescribing it, knowing it to be
barmlees as well as useful.
Hucb men aa Dr. J. . Hanaford, tbe
ell known medical authority and in-
veatigator, Abm. Livezey, M. D., who is
editor ot several medical journals, and
Dr. A. W. K. Newton, tbe skilful surgeon,
endorse Paine'a oelery oom pound with
ords of most positive praiee, and pre
scribe it for rheumatism, neuralgia, and
all diseases tbat result from a weakened
and impoverished oondition of tbe
nerves and blood.
Inquiries among tbe local drug trade
elicit tbe information tbat this com
pound is meeting with an increasing
sale and tbat those ot their customers
bo bave used it, are highly pleased
ith the results and iovariably speak of
it in the highest terms.
It is particularly pleasing at this time
to know tbat there is a remedy tbat
onres rheumatism, when tbe sufferer is
within reach of human aid. In two or
three instances, as tbe Gazette man
learned from those who bad used tbe
oompound, tbe results were almost
miraculous, restoring to health men and
women who bad been confined to tbe
house for months, and enabling them to
walk without tbe aid of orutohes.
Several Additions Made to tbe Naaber ot
lamstes to tbe Four Hoax, Temporarily
at Least.
For some time past Martin Messenger
baa been tbe only female ot tbe county
poor hoose, now in charge of Mr. and
Mrs. Wo, Barton. Yesterday, however,
tbe comber of charge was augmented,
temporarily, at least, by Mrs. . B. Nye
and children. The destitution of tbe
Nye family has been tbe subject of dis
cussion is tbe columns of this paper be
fore, at which time tbe general worth
lessnesa of tbe father was also men
tioned. Tbe mother is in poor health
and ore of the ohildren is also ill, and
Judge Bartholomew was very wise in
taking them in. However, the judge is
not certain tbat tbe ohildren should not
go to the Boys' and Girls' Aid sooiety.
He will look op tbe character ot tbe
mother, in whose charge the ohildren
are at present, and if deemed necessary
he will take them to a better home.
Tbe paterfamilia is supposed to be
off at work, but it be had a spark of
humanity about him it is strange that
be wonld not provide for his family
before leaving. It is. likely, however,
that be has deserted bis family, as be
was told some time ago tbat not a mouth
ful of tbe county's "grub" should go
down his worthless throat.
It is reported that this family were
charges of Gilliam county last winter,
and tbat tbey have also been on charity
for subsistence elsewhere. If tbia is
true Judge Bartholomew will take care
ot tbe children and let the parents
Thousands aro Trylatj It,
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely'a Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cento to
ELY B20S., 50 Warren SL, N. Y. City.
I suFered from catarrh of the worst kind
vrar ninea a bov. end I never hoped for
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
evon that. Many acquaintances have ttsed
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, III
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure lor catarrn ana eouuuna uu ciwuuo,
mercury nor any injurious drag. Price,
CO cents. At druggists or by mail.
Light & Water Company will hold their
annual meeting for election of directors and
other business on the fourth Monday of Janu
ary, A. D., 1898. T. W. AVERS,
6-15 Secretary.
will be a meeting of the stockholders of I
me First national Bank oi Heppner, ai ineir
office on the 2nd Tuesday of January, 1898, be
tween the hours ot lu o ciock a, m. ana , o ciocx
D. m.. of aaid dav. for the Dunxise of electing;
directors and for the transaction of such other
business aa may appear.
GEO. CONSER, Cashier.
Heppner, Or., Dec. 10, 1897. 4-13
The Old Shop!
la the place to go to get
your fine pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
Fine sugar-cnred hams and bacon.
Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old
style. Highest cash price paid for
fat stock.
H. REED p .
Mathews & Gentry,
Cril vrl er n
Shop two doors South of Postoffice.
Don't bolt yonr food, it irritates yonr
stomach. Choose digestible food and
chew it. Indigestion is a dangerous
siokoeee. Pre per care prevents it.
Hhaker Digestive Cordial cores it.
Now, the question is: Have you got in
digestion? Yes, if yon bave pain or
discomfort after eating, beadaohe, dizzi
ness, nensea, offensive breath, heart,
barn, langor, weakness, fever, jaundice,
flatalence, loss of appetite, irritability,
oonstipation, etc Yes, yon have indi
gestion. To care it, take Hhaker Di
gestive Cordiul. Tbe medicinal herbs
and plants of which Sbaker Digestive
Cordial is oomposed, help to digest tbe
food in yonr stomach. When your
stomaob is strong, care will keep it so.
Shaker Digeetive Cordial is for sale by
druggists, prioe 10c to SI per bottle,
The Ilet Halve in the world for Cats,
liruiaes, Mores, Ulner, Halt Ithenm,
r'evr Hon', Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkio hr op
tions, ami positively cures riles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
lierfeot satisfaction or money refumlttd
I'rioe 25 runts bar Ixn. ror sale by
Conner brock.
The more conservative element
in congreHs is strongly in favor of
making this Bessiun aa short aa
K)Hail)lo, This aeutimeut waa
voicod by Representative HeaU
wole, of Minn., when he said: "In
my opinion, this congress should
got through its routine work by
May 1, and adjourn. TIia smallest
amount of legislation will be of
the greatest benefit to the country,
and if we can finish and go home
by that date, a good many millions
of our countrymen will rise up and
call os blessed." Speaker Uoed
says he sees no excuse at present
for making the session a long one.
No oue wants a long session; cr.
taiuly not the taipaying element
Long sessions mean great expense.
"Keonomy" ahould bo the watch
word at present
Cert. J. M. llernartl, of Nampa, Idaho,
arrived yesterday morning, eoxMimpaiiiml
by his wife, lis was in Ilia hotel IiiinI
neas at Nampa for some IS' rs and is
looking lor a location to engage in simi
lar Imsimaa. lie di parted on last
oight'a Iraio, well pleased Willi what he
saw 10 Heppner.
P. O. Horg Las the largest Stock of
atohes, clocks, iwelry, silverware and
musical instrument ever shown in tbe
ronnly. Call and eiaimna IherompMe
stork before selecting yonr bolidsv gifts.
1KB o.
J n. Natter is eonQoeJ to his boms
from an attack id r ban to attain.
S(htis lUit baking pow
dcr is mich baking powder as
vou would ak us to nuke if
you knew the facts.
gome Clippings Collected from Papers at tbe
.Capitol-Would-be Senator Corbett.
A bitter fight has been began by tbe
A. P. A. against David M. Donne, a
prominent candidats for collector of in
ternal revenue (or the Oregon distriot,
says the Washington Times of Deo. 1st.
Mr. Dunne Is said to be stroogly in
dorsed by the republicans of his state
and is in a fair way to get tbe oflloe.
Affidavits have been filed at the treasury
department against him, bat beyond the
fact tbat it is alleged Mr. Dunne was a
deserter from the army, tbe treasnry
officials decline to state what tbe affi
davits contain.
This oase also revives the story thai
tbe same organization is preparing its
cHe against Jodtte nloKenna for tbe
fiybt, it is said it intends to make against
him when he is nominated to be asso
ciate justice of the supreme oonrt. It
was stated a few days ago that Hen a tor
Hoar was opposed to Jadge Ko Keens
(or this place on tbe grounds ot bis
Henator Hoar, chairman of the com
mittee to which tbe nomination wonld
be referred, is not in tbe oity, bat one of
bis closest friends told a Times repre
sentative yesterday that there was abso
lutely no foundation for tbia report.
While tbe senator is a firm believer in
the tenets of bis own faith, be is one of
tbe most liberal of nieo on this sahject.
In this particular ease It may be stated
that Senator Hoar is a warm friend of
the attorney general, admires him (or bis
many estimable qualities, and has fre
quently spoken in terms of highest es
teem with respect to his character.
This gentleman says tbat Henator Hoar
ill be aotnated by bis sense of doty In
determining the tltneas of tbe nominee
lor the position to which be may be
named, and that religious predileoliooa
ill do! enter Into bM consideration of
tbeae questions.
It is ooforlnnats Indeed tbat any ap
position of tbe kind should be orged
against Dave Dunne. He is a good rs
publican and Is tbe choice, lbs Osteite
believes, ot the majority of Oregon's
influential party men on his aide of Ibe
political fence. As to the story Ibat be
is a deserter, toe listelle win believe
nothing ot (he sort.
The fight against Judge McKenoa will
not avail aoylhlog. It is being made oo
narrow lines sod this tort of thing
e an not win.
See Bob Wills' big ad. in this issue.
W. F. Barnett is up from Lexington today.
Jeff Evans was up from Lexington this morn
A. Andrews came np from Alpine last even
ing. Fred Ashbaugh took out a big load of supplies
Andrew Neal came in yesterday from Lone
Jimmle Johnson Is over from Butter creek
Fine fresh salmon at Rhea Si Mathews', cheap
as dirt.
One solitary ilnsle of a slelehbeU was heard
this morn.
Born To the wife of Robert Dexter, on Dec.
11, 1IW7, a daughter.
Mr. Nicholson and sister arrived from Goose
berry today about nooa.
Waldo Watklns was down from the "I
vatiou" the first of the week.
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
In the matter of the estate of Klisha Sperry, de
ceased. To Hulda Edwards, and all unknown heirs
and deviseea, and any and all persons interest
ed, greeting :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the state of Ore
gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court
room thereof at Heppner, in the County of
Morrow, on Tuesday the 4th day of January,
1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
then and there to show cause, if any exist, why
an order for the sale of the following described
property to-wit: Beginning at a stake 4x5x10
inches at a Mint 5 68 chains west of the south
east corner of the donation land claim of
Charles Kice, Notification No. 2109 and claim
No. 49, in Township 13, South of Range 3 three,
West of the Willamette Meridian, and running
thence North and parallel with the East line of
said claim 47 forty-seven chains to a stake
9x 10 14 inches, thence East 2.S4 chains to the
place of beginning, containing 13.34 acres, more
or less, situated in the county of Linn and State
of Oregon, be not made.
Witness, the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew, iudge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, with the seal of aaid
court affixed, this 27th day of November, A. D.
Attest: J. W. MORROW,
601-610 Clerk.
The Matqaam Grand, on Morrison
street in the Marqnam bnilding, is tinder
excellent management and tbe pnblio
will be royally entertained this winter
New companies and new faces will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-olass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some ot the fine dramas tbat
will be presented. tt
Come to the
decent lot
besides you
card printed
Fossil (60 miles)... 5 00 Round trip 19 00
MayvUle (53 miles) . (00 Round trip 7 00
Condon (39 milea) . . 8 00 Round trip 6 00
Clem (28 miles).... 200 Round trip ' 8 50
Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50
Stage leaves Arlington every morning
(Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is dne
at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives ai roe
eil at 7 p. m.
Comfortable covered ooaones ana care
ful, experienced drivers. .
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Hair Cutting,
Shop, Matlock Corner,
15 Cents
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
General Collector
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and get your money out of
them. Makes a specialty of hard
Office in J N. Brown's Building.
Gazette offioe and get a
of envelops printed
envelops look cheap, and
cannot get yonr business
tbereon. tt
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
Shaviner. - - 15
Hair Cutting, - 25 "
Joe is keeping up the reputation of this shop
for first-clans work and would be pleased to
have you call,
Joe Gibson has taken the agency for the White
bicycle. It la a pretty machine.
Lexington will have a fine Christmas tree in
Peulaud's hall on Christmas eve.
Measrs. Templeton and Prophet were in from
Wagner this week for merchandise.
A. Roderick Grant,
nisuer-r rank lrug Co,
representing The
, ism
tow n.
"When you hear dm bella" you know tbat
the Heppner Transfer Co'.s delivery is coming.
John McCartr. representing the Union Meat
town lo take out a car oi cattle
Co., is lu
Tom LeForge, accompanied by several of the
Morrow county buys, pulled out for the Jumbo
mine on Weduesday last.
I.ce Cantwell is assistant over at the flouring
null, while 'Kaa Mulr oiliclates as head miller,
'Ibey are turulug out excellent Hour.
Dr. Hunlock reports several cases of "rothlln,'"
or Ourman Dieailea, at his house, or, at least,
what appears lo be that complaint at this time.
The First National bank, of Heppner, has
given an order to the Gazette Job otllce for
Ai.im i-heoks. This nret-vlaie lustllullou pat-
rouUes borne Industries.
The Booster's association have the following
notice lu the various place of public retort:
".Notice nun Hiickley barred from all games
in this bouse." what the matter with
Elder J. W. Jenkins, of Hood River, will
preach at the Christian church inthlaclty, bun
day, lw. 2, both luiirulnf and evening. Ihs
ineinliers ol the congregation will please bear
this announcement lu uilnd and be In attend
auce. Did you know that the Gazette ran furniik
you blank books aa cheap as any Arm In the
world 7 Leave the profit on Ihew things at
home. Kvery time you buy from traveling men
you par their expensxt coming lu here. They
launoi uo wore lor uuwuug.
A young man this morning asked permission
to blk b his team to the big dag pole, uear the
bank that It If Ihs horse wouldn't pull the
pole down. Ihs obliging merchant said that
its won I J aatuiue ail responsibility. Ihs pole
In quettluu It set tea feet lu tlit ground.
Metdamet Wilkinson and Johnson, of The
Ialle. daughters of W. O. Ueiitry, of Heppner,
ire visiting intir relatives lu una city. Mrs.
Johnson, whose husband was killed on the
railroad recently, baa Just returned from a trip
to Portland wbers the went to negotiate a
settlement for damsge agalntt the u H. N
l o Mis did not accept their terms, however,
ml will Instruct ber attorneys lo bring suit
against tht company at once
LJ Dec. 10, im. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of I
his intention to make final Drool in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on January u, io'js, viz:
Hd. No. 4256, for the 8V4 NE and Eft 8E Sec.
22. Td. 5. 8 of KEW M.
He names tne toiiowicg witness's to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation I
of said land, viz: John Zollinger, Hylvesterl
W. Floreon, Robert D. Watkins and Louis
Groshena, all of Heppner, Morrow county. Or.
t. w. iSs-BTLETT, negister.
and by virtue of an execution and order I
ot sale issued out oi tne circuit court oi tne
State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in aaid court on the 7th
day of Heptember. 1K97. In favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Haling, E. . Rhea
and C. E. Redueld Defendants, for the sum of
two hundred twenty-six and 62-100 dollars with
interest thereon from the '2nd day of August,
1K97. at the rate of eiitht per cent per annum.
and twenty-tive dollars attorney's tee and the
further turn of ten dollars costs; which Juilg
ment was enrolled aud docketed In the Clerk i
otllce of said court in said county
on the 7th day of September, 1S97;
and whereas, It was further ordered and de
creed by the court that the following deacrlbed
real property, tow It: the south half of the
soutweat quarter and south half of the south
east quarter of section twenty-nine in township
one south of range twenty-seven eastW. M. in
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will, on
Wedneaday, the 12th day of January, 1898.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow
county Oregon, sell all the right, title and In
terest of the said W. L. Haling, E. W. Khea and
C. E. Kedfleld in and to the above described
'When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Masquerade Ball!
At the
December 24th, 1897
property at public auction to tbe highest ana
best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of talc! execution and
all costs, and costs that may accrue.
K. L. Matlock. Sheritl of Morrow Co., Or.
Dated Dec. 10, 1MT7. 604-614,
Admission $l.oo; Masked Ladies
Lady Spectators, Fifty Cents.
lor week
TuE ktir being
Uod KKinet tlio TcnDoyer nil ruin
Utratinu U but tb IxiuDing of
latter fi'lt Tlio Oronouiiirj would
in ilftoco koop if I'etiuoypr brul
ftCiiaiwrntl in U10 HaIccd ltoMup
lit winter. Thie U i'Uto enotih
Are ll'.(n tul tlm other Simon
pot im'iog Ulktsl ftbout M the
meruit of "nound monfyf' Well,
tho (Iaftt gurMMMMi not
mrttlii in Port. H - f
Consumption fj&&
I $ dael ( (iMI boanj
Til Eli c ftwmt to tit no ol'jfctioo
on t!i irt of tr uiilirun to ih
rcnomiuittiuD uf lion. W. II. Iam
fur tit to printer. Il Im talrti
w of lie bunincM of tb tt in
a tufjufr crcsliUliU tliko to Litu-
elf iul tbi jwip!f, ; lb Kakrf
IlrMiutilicao. Tbwa tr Lam fuel.
Tbe p.p!j ttttit limit ftgio.
Mutt. MtKiNirr. tli luotlmrof
the) proaiJ.'ut, ptMMv povful!y
way rnrly HuDUy morning, tt Lr
linmn in Coton. Obia A bU
nation tayurui ittt the cLUf
curt consumption Yea and
no Will It cure every cue ?
No. What UK will It cure
then Those la their earlier
stages, especially in young;
people. We nuke no eiaj-
gcratci claims, but we have
positive evidence that the
early wsc ol
? Scott's Emulsion
of Gxf-Uver oil with Hvpo
phos phltes of Lime and Soda
In these casea results In
positive curt to large num
ber. In advanced cases, how
ever, where 4 cure Is Impossi
ble this well-known remedy
should be rtled upon to pro
long tic surprisingly.
A K0TT4Vt,Ctt,tl,Ya.
Wool,! I Senator Orbrlt, lb whit-
txard,l Miirbl for MiioheH'a vacant
coulenlaJ Lima.ll
Iba avoal
hop baa
baruse on or
to rotIIOBne tiavt) Intimated thai b
tna? I aealej l'i fortonatly. Ilia ra
pabitotBa ar n la maj rity la Iba
eenaU, anil vblla they nay bai trofoea
la nrttoee of ajmpalhjr they lack
VuIm. Mr. (Wb.lt trill doI h admit
t.i b aanelt) Ihia mrrk. Waahluf too
Poal, IVo. 7.
tadiaf Tkaratlaj, D
hot si. aarrasa.
I W MwaMs, I'ortl d John Kim. Inn
l hltmorv, t ho
1 1. Hiiy.l.r. I... b
M A Verl, Hutt Mout
K A MullKan.cltr
K K.lton, Mutant Ilia
lleiir Wail, rltjr
k J M Hklti.rltr
II Komjii, city
N SMlrllf
Ira l.y.lit. rlty
ft Hin.lt. iWtMnn
Chat torkrlrT. a Mil
II Murray, Arllnftna
t H nation, C.irlltn.l
J K rahl, Arllnfton
A Morris Th lila
J ft L"r, I. t'rsvk
M C Viiuua, a Mile
1, 1R97
ft I' an viler, UiKia.herrv
A (' Walla,', Hlllalmro
t W.lit, city
A W fnrtw, Tha Pallee
H M Chat ix)kati.
B H AmlertiMi, rlty
It A (irrrnwowi, I. Rock
T H ftllllama. rlt.
H.ktrOty J Colsfc a, city
M A atrt. Ainany
IW ol dec.!.'!! A Coaub, boartoe
or rrtiap ara l lo ba Iritlad with. A
Jaa la lima of Hhitoh'a Cura will tat
nn rotii b nablx Mold br Ctiaar M
ltrok. t
Tht a heel snarkM la Hrrr-nM kmtay tlaats
alwut Ik tarn aa last nH!latK-s to at rtinia
tur t'kkai rxrl 4 Iht tnaikrt ylrttay
atitthclHUai la airwsraaln, lilt at
hml rull dull 4.nln th a'Mtat (art o(
lk.SM.il th 'Mr k'li. wllhla 1 fphI
all II" l-H" iIki iI a. rath Iria
al Ik mwoln a lata ol S " In II,.
Mat an l r, la I'M "l o-'H ! laM alghlt
ri. a-ii's I'-'i" A't-xtln aa, rain rn
tin. a a.l II,. a kMl mh.ntin It o.iltal stl
r, ,..i,r w nsMOl a. sala tkat tli.. It
! im mm. a heal t.iuiiBl tn I l,kau al amtai
s fi., lha k,rtlkat
t 1 u. al . tiluatl'M la aa4 la k f
sir,.,, I.ul tl m aiall'Mi k. twin
I lr,Ma a-ltawlnf kiwilia tmip9 mn m.
NMatil alth n rara a ,-!;
I at. . )!,., ! raft aaatwat M fn U.
t..iwi.lh.'l.l IsrttMt
lo. y.-.1 aahir. ;isl sy"1 arBB,t
X a... ' ( H s if.' k'aht ar.
. . . I, . A.U a t arM. aa tea
,y I .,-, itn,. 1I..1 I ! f'tt tvaalrr sMI
k.i. Aalt.ir I aita. t)'.t
J W Masaall, Uk.yl.tr
T M riilltnly. John lay
(1 H haii.r, I'ortlaud
!ail Als.p, rlty
frank rmlrrl, k Tort' lit
J ft rra.1ilia-k. I'ortland
MrtM B,rr, I k lab Ml
H Van Hlsarll
II ft M,iiiaii.Arlln('a D H 1 rank hanscr. Port'
H M IVtn,in, loattUr J A Mn aulry. John Hay
A I M-rrlll, ft f KB Kothwl. k Pnrtlamt
I) k Mllitr, ftallaWaUa t' t' la.lt A lam, Haiila
Kim. ( al
mil Thnmaa, pity Al tpny. rlty
N tor bin. city
M'll rm
C t'nlfon.l. Cvndoa Ja fttaal. I'oniloa
Hilly Moat, rlty Ik niniwm, i huafO
amiiara. aan rraa F Atiiiianih. a Mil
ai..na, a Mil U A 1kainn. U It A S
I Ulnl.uiti. i-lty l.o Hrtn. rltf
M It llliai.,Uui-i.'rry M (!. city
i ft Vim hn, rlty.
Al ltiiiy. rlty
MrtK VnulprAchlldrva
j a
on I Ik buk h.r trni nl t kumion 4
Sa fcrrt.
tayoiir last Itana It at ttauat lhal r had
km,, III
trtr tttn. kna. thp anil a ynnni k.ll.r,
rai, a small tmmnl al BMat. TD tliop raa
r.ithM km), tuml nor sisualiUr-
ft. pun-bawd Irons Ih.m al tli. mar-
b rt oiwtwil al an I Una.
M. B. Ckarrk, Matb.
1) of the County Court of th mate of O re
tro n for the County of Morrow, to tne directed,
commanding me to levy on the foods and chat
tels of the dUnquetil taxpayers named on the I
drlinquent tax roll for tald county for th I
years 1hI, 1H94, lH'A and 1hw, thereto
attai'hed. and none he fouud then ution the real
property aa let forth and dearrihed In thesaid I
delinqiient tax rolls, or so much thereof at
shall satisfy the amount of taxet chimed there
in, tosjether with emit aim eipensea. i nay
duly levied, htvins; been unable to And any I
(otMlt or chattel! belong-lna; to the res ec live
delinquent hereinafter named, noon th lol
lowlna deacrlbed piece or parcels of land aa
atit forth ln tald tax lists, lying and being in
tald Morrow county, Htat of Oregon, described
and attested at follows:
MT. tax.
Armstrong, Thadens 8ft H of lection 22,
tp I north, range 'v, east W M ; tax 1'J6 13 US
ghlpley, tiro W HhV of tecllon 10 tp S
toulh. rang 'Mcatt W SI : tax im SA 00
IHWS n W, toUl ... 13 7
Moore, ft m M HKV, of aertlon 24. tp I
north, range 24 tail W M ; tat luM .. b 50
Reillngton, J ft' H4 N Kla and E N WVt
H'. lift U Hee'al ind NU. kft Is ol Hee SI.
tp aniith, rarrt tl att W M ; tax mS S 80
Reea. I T and Kedmn. i T E4 NKIa
and HE la and tlftu of section S. tp I
north, range fl east ft' M; tat 1W .... 1100
Rilthrrfnni, C P t'y E and lot I and 1
ecllon A, tp 4 north, raiuj U tatt W M,
and im If to 1(1 blork 1. lou I to 15
blixk i, lots to '.4 Mix k , lots b loll
Mix k 4, lott to I block 5, lull 2 to It
l.lcxk. lot 1 to I Murk 7, lotas lol
Mm k a. lot I lo IS tilork II, all of
blorkt. 10, 12, II, 14. I la, 17, la, aU
In Caatl Km-k; tax ImS 4 40
Draa, i ft' aft la tertton W. tp 2 north,
rang h aatt W M : tax l-tt S 30
Willis. Henry C Hft'ia ertlon tp
north, rang. 23 east W M; tax lmt W
iH S4 M MM4M total 16 10
(lilr1ilge.Kllub.thlA Nft tecllon an,
ti I north, range 15 eaal ft' M ; tax Iftrt 4 40
Mrklnila, Khmlrrli h k NWand lot
I ami i section i. Ip i outh. rang M
mat W M;ta ll 4 4
Uoudy, John eftl and S N'ind
e ft w sr.a serllou jr. tp I north, rang
a eatt ft M ; tax i"a S OS
Brock. H C l4 bl.x k S la th Iowa ol
ltlugion; tax Iwa IM
Hunan, t Innl lol k blork S IB tht town
n4 lllnWn. la I wM (a
Brno a. J H kilt I and 1 blork I, Kilt-
man ullltlun to hVpj.n.r: Ui la ... Ill
rranrla. L lol It bl.x k IK. Ml V.rm.n
al lltlon lo Heppner: tat iM I n
Bl.vln. C r. Trusie. t 1 tertloe V. Ip
t north, ranger ssM W M; tall . 4
Mallory. 1'as.lut M H NKV and
ekia sertlon II ID 2 south, raus Jkaaat
ft sl ut I ... , sn
Lrlevra, H.nry H a W UK', and at$ SWU
taction 17 and X ft H k a tertlon M all
In tp ouia. ratig litat ft M. tat
... . . 4 40
-Turin. I r.ll lol 4 blork a. town of Hrra-
nrr , tax .... . . a 07
And on ftMnetalsy, th Tt day of txw.m
bar, iwl, al th hmrr of 1 a rli. k a w nl said
day. al th mnrt house In said munly and iiatv
I all) sll th alxiv deacribwl mil eataia at
public auction tn th hlh-.t biil.lrr li.r rah.
ttiMart t,i rl.mitlon. to talltfy tatd aarraaut,
rial, auu atTruuut eotta.
t. u MtTi-nt s:.
110 Sheriff of Morrow lo., Oregon.
They Are The "Mustard"
: THe Pioneer Blacksmims
Hive mail torn elegant improvements In their establishment and added a la rye stock ot
Iron, hortethoet aud other materials essential to the happiness ol thote who need quick repair
to their wagont, buggies or machinery. Their specialty is horseshoeing.
Meadows i Batten are the Boys to do Tour (York Right, idJ do it Quick, loa
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam k Bisbee's
And by th war ,hT bay anything you raa rail for la tht Una ol
Hardware, biuret and Tinware.
I'imI tnlca will kaeonductad la Ik. M. K
Chun h nth tv.ll .'Millar. Ilia iMk llwt A
rurillal la Halloa I. lllr'll In all ) aortblp-
ml .isaa a.r to auiv. IB inea. sarv M
t'. . Huwtao
Notlct of Inttntlon.
.4n orrna a? Taa Puts, (),
kt liiiloalii. namrd settler bat t,- aolli
hit Intention to aiak final pn., la tuprit of
kttrlaJm. and Ihsl said pMf will he n.. ba
ll ir t ft Mnrrnw. t'oiiniy I l.rk. at Mepouar.
1 Oregoa. oa January l Imm, l.
BEPPMER, DR.. Not. 12, laV7.
Mitrr. Oaaer t JlrtrS, lltpprr, Or.
OxnTLiaxa:-! waa rwotntly taken with a tevtr enld
whlrh nada nt vtry boars and randerad m aott to
attend lo buttntwa, A friend of mine called any attontloa
to your Dr. Barth low's cough tyrup aod I bought a bottla,
Cottlng ai U eaota, ahlrb rltd m at one and oora
pltltly cured ma. I aa subject lo throat difficulty aod I
bava found nothing that gar xsa to aiiirh rtllaf at thlt
cough enra.
I aa Informed that II la txotllrnt tor eold. broachlUa,
vbooplBf cough and all throat and lang trouble.
I beg lo rtmala. xaott trail yours.
' OTIS PATTIfWOM, Ed. Otsetta. 1
llU ts. list,,,. I Ii f
iM-eUilair 2, m 'Mi r .
oivki ihat in r ! V.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Nced.of a Saddle
Ara inning laW rapturf.
r it.u.s Set aa4 trat.k
k-rt carry tucia la mi
parkM. 41at sxMTf tlw
la par sea. i issksstwit kasa tkasa la
aiiwsit, tttstKtt rt.sasa taa st tin,
f HA MlaH, ftltKIMWlrt.ot nfrwr.
M I "o. 4 fntlh Is at4 ' M'.
I of awe. m. Tp I .. H. J B. W. M.
Pills a
I Ita la aMftaa
H. nasaea Ik In low In s silnm n h
bit rvi.Uuuoul r,'Ui.. I-toon ami eultltatloa
nl said land, fit t hart, ft ( mlu k and
la Farrant, nl H-rfn.r. Hryt,n ikn ft
aduk a ad U P. le.lswa, ol I tbi Vii liy
Jla r auikl
"4iS Sh'.'M.
AU lhc4 crto b procartxl t ThomrD A Bisot, Lower Mio Street,
lleppoer, Orrgon.
TkM. rnt:Mi.a ar well aeaoalntad with Orant, rtrrT. Crock. OlUlaa aad throaUaa
and raa taa saunay ad tutt In Buaslug Um tertlon with trt.lng smb.
Prvwa la ktwpla with th Ua.
UVMTMBir, jatwlJ3TJi.