OFFICIAL PAPER SAMPLE SUBSCRIPTION The Heppner Semi-Weekly Gazette from now until Msroh 1,1898, for -25 Cts- Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00 FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 17. 1897. NO. 60G TRIAL' SUBSCRIPTION - The Heppnar Semi-Weekly Gazette from new until March 1st, 1898, for -m2S Gts.!- Yearly Subscription Reduced to $2.00 .1 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. fCBLISHXD Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At $8.0 J per year, $1.00 for nx months, 60 ota. tor throe mon ens, strictly in advance. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poitofflce at Heppner, Oregon, a second-class matter... THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E.C. Dake'e Advertising- Agency,, M and 65 Merchants Exohangs, Ban I ranoiaoo, California, where oou raota tor advertising can be made tor it. L; P. FISHER, NEWSPAPEB ADVERTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban Franoiaoo, la our authorized agent. This pap is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m. Leaves Heppner Juuotioa 3:30 a. m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m Bpokane Express Nu. i leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. ana arrives at neppner jnnouou itou p. m, nd TTma illH H:SU n. m. Portland lixriress tto. , rrom bpokhdb, arrives Going (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) , IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET mint at Umatilla ollOa m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 . ,m. and arrives at Portland U:SU a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Keoimer Junction 8:ii5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaver Umati'la 11:10 p.m. and arrives at ;eppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7:20 a. m. . For further information Inquire of J. Ij. Hart, Agent O. K N., Heppner, Ore. OFFICIAIi BIEECTOET. United States Officials. President William McKiuley v..Pm.lHnt Garret A. Hobart Beoretaryof State John Sherman decretory of Treasury ...Lyman J. Gage a.rv nf Interior Cornelius N. Bliss u r wi- Kniwell . Alirer rtacretarv of Navy. -John I). Long Dnat.iustAi.-ftAnaml James A. Uary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Seoretary i f Agrioulture James Wilson Governor..... -.-W. P. Lord Beoretaryof State .H. R. Kinoaid Treasurer Phil. Metaohan Supt. Publio Instruction ....G. M Irwin annul C. M. Idleman " ' CG. W.MoBride Senators 1 t h, Mitchell FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupoD beyond St Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lmeB en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt, Milwaukee, Wis. HEPPNER, OREGON. MBS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Glass." Rates; $r.oo Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OB MONTH. 8j?A. fust-class feed barn run in connection. and from all trains. " We solicit your patronage. Free 'Bus run to 687-nov.l2 or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark Bt. Portland Or. H, W. Fail; PROPRIETOR 01 the Old Reliable GaultHouse, CHICAGO,' ILL,. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 41 q., u. m. & Bt. r., u. sc a., r. f t. w. ot u., and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads. KATES SB.OO PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ta., C2XXCA.O-0, ZX.I4. KOltN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841; Congressmen , Printer Supreme Judges. (G. W. Mo ' 3. H. Mi I Binger Her 1W. R. .....VI ( R. 8. . i F. A. ?C. E. For more than fifty-six yedrs it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. I Binger Hermann W.8. Ellis a. jjeeus Bean. Moore, Wolverton WEEKLY The MONTHLY Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen Prosecuting Attorney " Morrow County Officials, Joint Senator Representative. County Judge.... ...... " Commissioners, J. W. BeoketU " Clerk. " Hlieriff ' Treasurer Assessor. . Lowell J. Bean A. W. Gowan ...J. N. Brown d. Bartholomew ... J.B. Howard Surveyor... School Sup't... Coroner ..J. W. Morrow ,E. L. Matlock . Frank Gilliam ...A. C. Petteys .. J. W. Horlior Jay W. Shipley ..B. F. Vaughan Outlook Published Every Saturday lr prosperity and happiness, for tha improvement 01 their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and trim nnmanhnnH IT HAStoldat the fireside, Interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation ana states. IT HA8 advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and Isrveitlng hll s pertaining to the w a century has held their confidence aud esteem, crops, and the proper time to convert them Into the largest possible amount ol money. ertaimng to tne wettare 01 tanners auu villagers, ana ror over a n IT HAS led In all matters 1 alf HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill B bottle or oommon glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indioatei an un healthy eoudition of the kidneys. When urioe stains linen it is evidenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the back, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to bold urine and eo aid ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, aud overcomes that unpleasant neoessity ot being compelled to get up many times daring the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful on res of the most distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet . both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness ot this offer. PRESS COMMENT. IONE ITEMS. The men who are posing as leaders ot the populist party in Oregon at the pres-' ent time are a "sell-out crowd." There was a time when the populist leaders were entitled to respeot and consider ation, but that time appears to be past Last year several ot these so-called lead ers were " seduced " by Joe Simon and his gang and several others went over to the "Mitchell push." However, Joe Si mon captured the greater number of tbem, as he was more liberal with bis "dough," as he had would-be-senator Oorbett to draw on, East Oregonian. The "only republican paper published in Pendleton" does not appear to be re ceiving the patronage ot the republican administration, as it should do it it really is what it olaims to be, "the only repub lican paper in Pendleton." The fact is, for the present at least, the Pendleton Republican, edited by Mr. J', P. Mo- Manas, has oaptured the "persimmons" falling regularly from the La Grande land offioe tree. East Oregonian. ' We doubt it Mr. Oorbett will ever be seated in the senate as senator from Ore' gon. But if, in the uncertainty of events, he should be, it can never be said he is t be choice of the people of Oregon. It left to a popular vote, Oor bett Would not have been within tele soopio view of an eleotion. The Dalles Obroolole. POWDER Absolutely Pure IT 18 TII33. Attend the ohuroh meetings. It will do you good and oost yon nothing. The snow is all gone, and rain tails almost daily. Who says we will not get a crop during the coming season? lone will oelebrate Christmas. The lone 8unday sohool bas undertaken the work and all citizens will lend a helping hand, Albert Lough leaves for the valley, where he makes his borne. He bas been at work in this neighborhood for some time. Born To the wife of Lee Padberg, a daughter. Lee feels very proud and re oeives the congratulations ot all in the community. Have our directors visited our soboolT The law says : "The directors shall visit A PRIZE ESSAY. 13 Astor Place New York IVTowr "Vfivlr: W"fflrlv TIP' landinspeot their sobools from time to 11 v x uiiv x 1 luunt, , Th tfoMol , btrt. And we furnish It with the GAZETTE, one year for $2.76, eaah in edvence. Address all Orders to THE GAZETTE. w Thos. Morgan Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Sloouin, : -v . . u .. 1 1 T u Hirnnnn. oau . ----- . Richard ?ThT ........ A. A. Hubert Preeinet Offlcerr. !.: 1 .v.. W. E. Hioherdson 7ZZ':::r.::::..K b. wheutone Halted 8UtM Land Officers. THK DALLES, OB. J. t. Moore A. H. Bimrs LA UBAKUa, Mm. j Register Heoeiver B.F. Wilson.. J.H. Robbins.. ..Heoeiver JEOR3BT SOCIgXXES. BAWLIN8 POST, NO. IL G. A. B. w ml Luxinirton. Or., th last Saturday of 1 All inni ara invited to loin 11 ur u.ui, C. G. Frjul'. "Adjutant. tf Commandar. Dr.' P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City Drug Store, Office in the City Hotel, near tt D. J. McFaiil, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offlo hours. 8 to 10 a. ra.. and 12 to a n. m.. at residence. W. A. Klrfc'i prop erty, east of M. E chnrcb. Booth, and 10 tn 12. a. m . to i 10 0 D. m. . ai omos id lbs rear ot Borg's jewelry store. Brown & Redfield Attorneys at Law, Offioe la tb First National Building. Htrpwsft, : : Oaoo, Baok tf The Outlook will be In 1897, as it bas been during each of its twenty-seven years, a History ot Our Own Times. In its various editorial departments The Outlook gives oompaot review ot the world's progress; it follows with oars I .11 the important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of the day; baa a complete department of religious news; I devotes much space to the interests of I the home; reviews current literature;! tarnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aims to give I freeb information, original observation, I and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fliftb volume, tbe paper will assume the regalar maga zine sis, wnion will add greatly to Its I oonveuleuoe and attractiveness. Tbe Outlook Is published every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue I In eaob month is an Illustrated Magazine I N amber, containing about twice as many I pages as lbs ordinary issue, together I with a large number ot pictures. ' Tbe prioeof Tbe Outlook is three dollars a year in advanee, or less than a cent a day. 8end for a specimen copy and illustrate txl prospeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor I Plaoe, New Yoik Ollv. BTOCt BRA SDH, Whll rue ap roar sabaortpdiia paid fr I aa kaap roar brand la fraaof ebar. Bote. F. O.. tUpfawr. Or-Horaa, F B C Uft I booloart call Write your name and address on a postal card, lend It to Goo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York tlty, ana a sample copy 01 tue new lorn weeaiyii rinune wui be nianuu 10 you. A Campaign Of Education How to Get it (T yi rn patron right to demand this and unless direo tors perform all their duties sobools will never be what they ought to be. lone Is to gobble np another sohool district. Tbe distriot below lone bas been short of funds fur some time, and bas beso almost depopulated. Tbe few voters in that district have expressed their desire to join lone and it is only a matter ol a short time, when It is ours A petition is being oiroulated, and all should make beats and sign, so it will be oonoluded before the annual meeting I be third time since last year our soboot district is acquiring new territory, With this extension ot territory lone ill bave tbe foundation oeoeasary tor The Oregonian holds out the hope tbat Mr. Oorbett will be seated when the senate gels around to it. Suoh presumption is not warranted by the (sots, and in a few . weeks Mr. Oorbett will be settling bis hotel bills in Wash too ; and bie himself to bis Portland Dome a plaoe be should never bave left. Suoh a course would be extremely satisfactory to tbe people ot Oregon who do not wIbu to be represented in tbe senate by an antiquated gentleman who would be but the mouthpiece for Joe Simon, tbe diaplaoed boss of tbe re publican party in Oregon. Tbe Dalles Chronicle. The congressmen from Idaho, Wash ington and Oregon should join hands and foroes for an open river. By proper work on their part au open river oan he secured within five years and vast area now uuprodnotlve be mads to sup port in oomfort thousands of people landless nnder present conditions Every cewspaper within the Inland em pire, aa well as those of Astoria and Portland, should raise their voloes for an open river," and will do so nnless their months are shut by some one who controls or influences tbem sgainst tbe best interests ot tbe poople. East Ore gonian. Mttiinuii.. U H P flB RLLELED orrrrisre To be educated on must mtd tha boat literature. Tb beat literature Is expensive. Leslle'e Illustrate. Weekly. rubllsned at 110 rutk Avsno, Hew York. I lull of the Ust things. It Illustration are superb; It stories charming; and It literary department are edited with coo- It should b la every 1 eatlla, aato oa left blp. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Kelts and buys rl !. ints bousrs, pays Use, dnas nmrsyanrlna and will srv you In any way In bis Hue, at reaaouanie nguma. i Coos, A. JLna.Or.-Huraa. KJusi rUM afcnal dar, I attla, samauo nghl hipt ear Mjoar crop oil left and split ID right. Dowalaaa. W. M . riallowar. Or. Cattle. Dm riaht anla.ewailuw-furk la eack aart brsa, H II kit hi p. Kir. Rrne.Dnaclaa.Or. Hmas hraodad FLY oa Mt ahooidar, eatUsi aaaM oa lafUiip. kuls ts nahl aar. Florwoa. L. A., flat' !, Or-Tattla, LF n riaht hloi bona. V with bar aadar oa riiU abooidaT. Jonaa, Harry, flanpaar. Or Horaat taraadatl ri i an taa laft atMwIdart oaMla brsodad J oa nahl blp. alau asxWUt la laft ear, Uo la Humrw enanty. Jntinana, Falls. Ijb, Or. Iliraaa, oirelaTaa -a. I ai I Ty I I nfinanw. rails, ipna, ipv. n First National B a n k I r,r: r..,,j;,,'p OP I1EIT5ER C. A. Rhca, T. A. RHCA. OfO. W. CONeCR, 8. W. SFCNCCP), a President Vlee President Cashier Aee't Cashier Ranaf. Nika. Uavona. Or. Hnraa braedad tKI m laft hie aaitia aama u4 fan off Urt sart ajxta aku oa Ux rlbt LaabM. J. W, Hannnae Ur Hnraii a hraiuta I. aad A on Mt alxnilaWi ean ta saota oa laft hip, wattle star riaht era, Ibraa aiiia ta right TnasaeU General E4ckin Basinest EXCHANGE Ob all pan el tb world Bought and Sold. Minor. riaht hip; - ai Mt alwajdal OatUa , nsppear nr. arue, k It IM I HI Cnllartion mat e all point an raonU Tenu. aurplus and andlrtded FroflU. s.W 00. H D M iafisfcualaor, flanMMW, Or H irsaa. aa laft a in. Oahnaa. 1. W.. Dola. (Sr.) kofMI O laf bwtal aaltla aaIM oa rltt hip. Parka Olaaaoa. HardaMa.Or.-itonaa IF oa lart aaMioav. Fipar.J.H,. Laslnataa, Or.-K.itaaa, It n. eaMa4 m.laft ahpainWi aatOa, saaM e laf kip. na ait ia an aar. Harar 1. W . Haw". Or W. was. 10 m laft aauaJoar, CaiUa, O nM kta Plnarry. K. Ii- Mar-txw. fir. ('aula W C (aft kip, em u n.Ht a.1 aart.ii la aft taar Alaai I IIH W C CIS) laft aaoaWW. TVmtwio. J A- Hama.. Or H nam. S a r. .. :,i i. , - - I I Taraav H, W- Hiaa v.- aaiail oartal 1 tv umais w iti mi . -I V'. Wf aaWW. Uramt aattla suaa oa kaft bi eajge o boiler no sabenptte aoroanta. mi . . tki. ..mM..a aatiUtlvair Wana,br-. W. I . fUllf . t. y J vmw vihs " " - gaartav ar-,a I W oa tight .i . aaiti umiiUIi tin aaaanat aJ eaa'l ia tl i"mf,s rihi kip aM nM a. rn an-1 in laft oar. Itea sa at uo eou to eoii ummat skill. Buch a paper I a great popular educator. borne, M TbtiubsrrtpUonprlreoltctlU'a lKp nnum. q We mak th snparalleled otfar of a eopy ol Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- V Weekly one year for only $4.50. $ Kosurh offer we r made befor. Ho sunk of? will vr be mad V again. Tbeaa two papars make a moat anwptabl rbrlslma or birth. Is f . J (lit, and will b ronstant reminders of IM fl'tr's klndnas. y Ram It by puelal erdroreb k u tb ' "jjj Ilopiiiior, Oretron. The Boaebnrg Review is ths most per sistent calamity bowler in ths oonntry. It keeps np an inoeesant yelp about bard times and mo.iels every "prosperty report that is turned loose io southern Oregon. Reoently the Oregonian's ' i -. . ....... good graded school. Our schoolboose Hoeburg correspondent stated that tbe is already crowded to its utmost oapaoity mor,W reoords of Douglas oounty and with ths present growth ot oar cIowed that between Ootober 1, 18'.K, town, a graded school mast necessarily "! Ootober 1 1897, 1C5 mortgages were follow. Our oiticos demand It, and as oanoelled, amounting to f 137,080. Tbe oar booalktion Increase, a larser sohool Uevlew knocks lbs wind out of this moat be provided for. Ws srs not an statement wltn tbe sweeping assertion advoeata of boadioa the distriot. and thai to no Instsnos bas there been S building sn elaborate soboolbonse. with Boalne payment of a mortgage debt twioe s moob room aa ws need for tb K this is troe Dooglas county must be neit 10 years, as soma ot oar neiuhbor. popalsUd with a thriftless olass of log towns Lev done, bat will oppoee people. Pendleton Tribune. sod flsbt tbe bonding of ths distriot no der sny consideration. We believe io Maoy good items ot nsws ars lost to paying as ws go along sod not bavs ths tb nswspapers by tbs modesty ot the folore generation pay the dsbU wblob P"pl. o Lasilale io tell tbs reporter ws bare cootraoled. Aoolber school- of mattsrs coooernlng tbemsalvas. Not bouse from tbs oouutry will probably be tbat tbey do not want it published, bat moved in, sod a prinoipal and aitsot tbey ars afraid they woulj be potting employed sell year. This will not ma- Ibemselree forward, ibis Is s wrong Alaska, as Been by One of the Paplls of tbe Heppner Schools. Tbe following prize essay wag written by Miss Mary MoS words, aged li years, one, of Heppner's pupils. Tbe reward for this meritorious effort is the publi cation of the same in the Heppner Os teite., Tbie paper is pleased to be able to do its part and delights in assisting in any educational work. It is pub lished verbatim: ALASKA. Alaska was purchased by the United States in 186? for $7,200,000, It is sepa rated from tbe United States by the Dominion bt Canada. Alaska is 1,100 miles In length, northwest to southeast, and 800 miles in width. It bas many bays, fiords and inlets- It is very mountainous, three ot its highest peaks being Ml. 81. Elian, which is 18,000 feet, Mt. Wrangel, 18,000, and Mt. Fair weather, 16,000, and many others 12, 000 feet. . . The Yukon, one ot , the largest rivers on tbe globe, rises in tbe Dominion of Canada flews north and then southwest , and empties into the Behring sea. The mountains of Alaska are covered with ' thousands of glaoiers that push their slow-moving masses into tbe bays, fiords and inlets. Tbe reeonroes ot Alaska are flab, tbat , swarm In tbe bays and fiords. The fur bearing animals are tbe seal, ermine, marten, bear and beaver. Tbe climate of Alaska is very oold. In winter tbe cold Is intense, the ther . mometer falling to 70 degrees below aero. In the southern part it rains 260 days but of tbe year. At Bitks, du.'ing ths long summer days, there la no darkness , st midnigot; tbs sun just dips below the horizon and then rises again. Along the Yukon river tbe fish are so plentiful tbat many canneries have al ready been established. Tbe gold fields of Alaska ars very ex tensive and of moob promise. Tbe prinoiple mines are situated at tbe metropolis, which is Jaoeau, and on Douglas island. It is often called tbe Island of gold. (Sitka is tbe capital in the southeast ern part on Bsranof Island. Alaska bas no counties or politioal divisions. Tbe principal cities ars, Sitka, Eadiak, Juneaa and Uoalaska. flop Abandoned. "For 15 years I suffered with oatarrb and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I almost abandoned bop ot recovery. I took Hood's 8 ars a penile and its sflsots were marvelous. I era now able to sleep well, bavs good appetite and bavs gaioed iu weight." James Wilder, Orovllle, Wssblogton. Hood's Pills sot easily and promptly on tits liver aud bowels. Uurs sick beadsobs. lerially loorcaae onr entente as far a building i tooorol, and will be amply sufficient fur a no rubor of years. Tbeo biro s good principal and oursebool will ides. Krom e rrportorial standpoint, I ths mao wbo will stop e newspaper re porter on the street and inform blm tbat be has been in Chicago or sums other be sqoal to any Iu the oouuty and wllb a I city, tbat Lis wif entertained friends few mors srops aud prioee, we will be able Io nsw school build- ling. ACrriZka. Dee. 11.1W7. IN NEW QUARTERS VIL,L,IH BTKWAJIT. Tbe old reliabU livery stable man of HepjtDfT, bas movej Icto the wl" '' "fiie. Three iuia or ay in aciioa ana ar priina FRONT ttTJVIlIIS free Pllle. Hand year ad dree to U.E. But kiss A Co , Cbloo, and c free sampl btn of Ir. King's New Life Pill. A trisl from e dialanoe, Is tbs best mao alive. May Lis likenees inorsaee on earth. If you bave done anything mean and dis reputable It Isn't ooary to tell it, tor there ars always plenty of people wbo will do tbat for yoa. It la tb good ibiogs about yoorself and Bighbor tbat ws waot yoa to tell us about. Ht Ul sos Miat. Just North of the GaS'Ha ofSee, whr bs would be plaaMd to see all bis old frtaed sod make aw oeee. UK UAH BAt.r.It HAY HAIK AM) HTALLS TO U.T AT liKAHOSATiLL HATtS. AUq renti Vuygir$, JIacki, Tmrng and SwllU Jlor$r$. yoa rum to tows. Old Imsm!f Willis wbee Billy Ootdae, steed fcrfmetly nosati4 ilpper, Orrsoe, br lerly effsoily la tbs ear of rosatlpa lion sad sirk bdaflba. Fr malaria ed livrr trunblae lby La bo proved loralualila. Thay srs gasraotaed in ba pwrfreity fre fmro every deUterloti uUlane tor to be psrely vegrtabls Tbey do bol wssisa by tbolr act km, bol by aiviBg ton to sttroteh and bowsls greatly Invigorate tb eystam. IUgalar site 2fe par tx i, rW.M by Qosr A 11 roe k. drnggUl. After bearing sore frieode oontinaally prttaing ubaotDaritin s uoiio, uitoiera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Cortis FItok, ot Anaheim, Cel., purchased a bottle of It for bis owe as and la now bb selhusia. let over IM wonderful work a anyon ean be. Tbe 2A ami M cent alse for sale by CoBr A Brock. . tkhool Doing. Tbs following is tbs program at the eloss of lbs Mason school, on Itbse creek, cm last Filday, Mlas Msbsl Glass- eook, teeotier : "Nellie's Dolls," by Mabel Masoo. "Tbs Little Arm Chair," Earl Rhea. "A Quarrel io tbe Oven," Jos Mason. "A Llttls Visitor," Carl Rbss. "Don't Crowd," Helen Meeon. "Be in Time," Harry Jsyns. "Ths Hquirrel's Arithmetic,'' Esrl Rha. "As His Mother used to do," Helen Mason. ."Mr. Mou," Harry Jans. "Wblvb Oor Jol Mason. "False Kioduess," Carl Rhea. "I Will Paint Yoa a Higti," by tbe tetober. Preaentatioo of school souvenirs to pupils by teacher. 'BANK ftOwFM 1. 1. nosrsTsI Rogers & Roberts, CoutfBcUirs tod DuiMpre. Flans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. Wsb. Allen tame Is Tuaatay fmea lb Job Day If frrigbt. Us stys tb reeds ere fearfully bed, and ot Ibis tbl paper ta Be deeU. Tle Its so suss set'teat of rls whlrb bas failao rearnl- ly bas tbnroeibli arikJ lb rnael. All Kinisof Kewir Work lnc OFFICE HOURS-Djt ani NighL Leaw your orders "Anr 014. tae as 1 'II . ma- aoatcoLror iim win uct cm. ooooooo MlMAllt Uofko. Norf.4, V we ifrigbtfally bersrd os lbs fass a4 nek Fete was leaiaelly relieved by lVWitt't Witeb llstl lva, wbteb Leal.J lb Is- 'jiff wttboet Uefiug B BAar, It I lbs , teevis ptie r4y, O e Drusk. IUv. W. E I'olwios bl4 servioes In Urppnar oo last Toreday evoieg, leaf- ibg the sans sveoieg for Portland. II Ibforms Ibis paper Ibal ths Kplsoopal laxlie) of Feud let i held abataar r0ol ly whiob Betted Ibam VA0, kit of wblob was donaUd Io tb faed that ia brief Bttd Is lbs fotloo of aa l-iXXJ cbarcb at I'endletoe, wLkb It now la coqrs of tieollo. SteervbaSy Say Bo. CNirt ( end 1 CaUiarllr, th moat Wa darfai railMl d.roery of U a, piaaa. i,t aud ra'rbin( to tb !, a. I yatnl aid p.Uv ly oa kl lneys, liver and tmweia, rt""'n tl.a ontira aisUsa. dlll rolda, ,,ir l aa-lamt, le-r, baiiitual constipation an-l bt KHianaaa, I'lraaa txiv aad try B bol oil" ('. C trtisi u, ., Mi.nta. rrulilasd g Afatwera W cur try U Sraylete. Dtb't be persasdsd into baying liol- mente without rspnlstiou or mril Chamberlain's I'alo Dalm Cost no mors, and its merit bavs been proven by a tret of many years. Hticb Utters as tbe following, from I O. llagluy, Uoeneme, Cal .tf eonstantly beieg received: "Tbe bel reruedy for pain I bavs sver nsed Is Cbsmberlaln's Talo Halm, and I say so aiu r bavin; need II In my family tor several years." It sores rbeamatism, (ems baok, sprains sod swellings. For sal by Conser A lirook. Fossil Journal: Judgs Doaaldsoo Ibis week receive J a Isllsr from a sister io rDBsylvoia, whom bs bad not so or beard from elnv 1H.V. when be wal b k from California oa a visit. It la s loeg an J nwy letter containing litllog ot tbslr IriMids of yoolhtul days, and II broke the old tnaa all np. Hot be is ptood of tbe letter all the same, and vow that eaogbl bat deelb ean pat aa led to tbs sorrvepoMilsBoe now begun