Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1897)
mm TO THB GIVES TBI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry- SHORT LINE VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha a wn Ann Chicago Kansas City LO W BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Horn? Kong; vis. The Northern Paoi8o Steamship Co. in con nection with 0. II. & N. For (all details oall on 0. R. A N Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, OeD. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon, says "Try S20()()o,! V 1 It " Look at me. Money-back says. me. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are ' because they are money-back LOCAL 8QUIB9. What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tha ticket (brown ticket In every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only ona word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets f 2000.00; if several find it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. Thest creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. H. V. Gates left Saturday for Hilla boro. J. P. Rbea was in town Saturday last on business. John Foster is having a tussle with liver difficulty. Joe Banister was down from Hard man last Saturday. Joe Ensley, of Hardman, has just re turned from a trip to Idaho. Ralph Benga was op from bis ranoh near Lexington on last Saturday. Jas. Oarty, of the Garty & Kilkenny ranoh, wag in town Saturday last. J. O, Williams was over from bis Spring Hollow ranob on last Saturday. One Minute Cough Care cures quickly. That's what yon want! Conser A Brock. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. sou BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS. COPVRICHTS See. Anyone sending a nit etch and description mar quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention it probably patentable. Communications gtrictly confidential. Oldest aeeucy for securing patent In America, We have a WaahliiKtou office. Patenta taken throuKU M nun & Co. receive ipeeial notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any aclentltlo Journal, weekly, ternia fil.UI a yeari tl.aonlx months. Hpeclinen copies and ILvnd fcoou. OH JAaTKNTa sent free. Address MUNN A CO., 301 Broadway, Dew York. SHE YOU GOING EgST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Tile Honnwestern Lin ....THE.,., OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULDTH, St. PAUL, CUICAGO AND AIA POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tliulr MaKntnVenl Track, Peerless Vestlbulod Uliilnrc anil Hinenliia; Car Tralm, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" has given thli road a national reputation, All itlasaea of iiassmiiinrs carried on the vxatlhuled trains without extra charge. Khlp your freight ami travel over this famoiil Una. All agent have tickets. W. H. MEAD. f.C. BiVAaK. lien. Agent Trv. P. I'. Agt. !iUi WanhliiRtou M., rortlainl, Or. OIIIOAQO llwauKee & St. Paul fi'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the fatnons block system; Lights Its trains by eleotrloity through oat; the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons spemiily eqnipped pattener train nnr rlav and aiifht between hi. 1'au and Obioago, aud Omaha and Chleag the NOHTFI PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Gr. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. CATARRH Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain) no cocaine, mercury nor any otuer injurious drug. It la quickly Absorbed. Gives Itelicf at once. It opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Alluv. TnAntrimntion Tlnala and Protects the Memhrane. Kestorcs tht) Senses of Taste and bmell. Full Size 6uc. ; Tria UI..A IAa ft Itpiurcrifltai fit liV TYltllk ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren Street, New York. i COLD 'N HEAD Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, November 8th, 1897, OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN drew Carlson has filed notice of Intention to make flnsl proof before J. W. Morrow. Coun tv clerk, at his office In Heppner. Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th day of December, 1897, on timber culture application no. lor tne north-east quarter of section No. 7, in township no. h sontn range no. ii east w. m. Ha names as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell Andrew Anderson, Olof Bergatrom and John Johnson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. 595-606 Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 12, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FRKD erlck P. Cavlness has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof before J. County clerk, at his office, In Heppner, Oregi on Wednesday, the 22d day oi December, 1897, on timber culture application No. 8193, for the HE4 (quarter) of section No 4, In township No. '2 Hon th Range No. 24 E. W. M. He names as witnesses: John T. King, Benjamin F. King, Thomas J. Wlllhelm and Joseph Hughes, all of Jar. If. MOORE, lone, Oregon, IW7-4SUH. Register. Worth lis weight in gold to every termer I and breeder in Oregon. 8UB8CIUPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. (Bnmple copies free.) Raral Spirit sod Gazette both f r tll.OO, cash, at this ollloe. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Mil aJ Tainv Manas t Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGrande, Oreoon, Nov. 17. 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hialtiteiitlon to make final proof In support of Disclaim, and that sain proof win be mane be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Uva. auth, l'J7, vu: JOHEt'tl LUCK MAN, Hd. K. No. Mlft for the WU NEJ, and WU HKH Sec 85 TP 1 8 R 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aatd laml, vis: Andrew J. Cook, Arthur Hnilth, John A Waddull aud George Hays, all of iiuppner, urcgon, B. F. WIIXON, .VJH 07 Register Truer. Marks Dtaioita Copyrights Ac. Anvnnasenrilne a sketch and deacrliitlnn eiar quickly ascertain mir opinion frewh4hr aa InvDiiiInn Is prohahly paiintHlile. C'.mimunlf-a tlimaatrlPllyeiiiiBilMillal. llMidbmmi i'atunt vol frra, OhliMt aamii'V fur M-urlli palvnla. I'aiouia lk..n l tin xiwli Munn Co. nealv (wti4 ixilka, wllh.iul charge, la the Scientific American. rulmi'-n of mnf wuhmiiIk kurtinL 1rmi, W tola ur an nvwsnrNiivni. A huntlMimftly illnfltrMMl wiltlf. Hr four month. II. MUNN & Co.e,B New York llraiiib tilllce, K F HI, Waahlualim, I. C. Keep stieep ana Get flit Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Alao oprtt sUwro-besUd veiittbn1el Irsios, carrying lb Uteat private compartment ears, library bittlel Irani in a rare, and palace drawing room leriwrs. Tarlnr ears, frea reclining ehalr ears, aod tba fry bait tliDioc obalr oar aerfica. Fr 1owm rales to any txiiol in United 8!atf or Catiala. atiily to Btfaut or addreas C. 3. EPDY, J. W. CAHET, Uaneral Agent, TIIK WOOL HKCOHU Talla You How to Do It. Notice Of Intention. Land Orm a at La Gbandr, Oreoon, Mnu in turn NOTICE I HKI,f RY OIVEN T1IAT THE following. named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before t'nuntf Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at llcppuer, Oregon, on Dee. noth 1I7, vis: UI-.IIKMK K. MAI KM. lid. E. No. W for the lots 1 and 2 aud HF.U N K'.i Hee I Tp88 K E AH and Lot 4 Heo e Tp :)K K i K V. M. He namea the following wltneaaeatn prove his coniiiiiious resilience nimn and cultivation oi aid land, vis: Jacob II. Pearson, Andrew J Ci, Juaeph Luesmaii and James A. I'earsou all of Heppner, Oregon, B. V. WIIXON, Mttt Keg later, Trav. l'aaa. Agent. l'urtlaad, Or. NOKIBEBM o Py sproial arrargf inant wo i fjer to our readers The Wool Pecord aod Hemi Weesly (Inietie, one year for 1.1 00. The Wool lleoord is the only national wool organ auJ oovera tba wool Industry from tba raising of tlis slieep to tht sell i lot of tht mannfaetured arllela. Ilia published waeklf at New York aod tbt regular firlot ia IKJ t year. 1 la market reports are full and oomplett and Its Hlieep liiee.lera' Talks aloat art worth 10 timet Ilia prloa tA the papor. Hamplt Oopiet on afplinalloo. Wa beartily reootnniend this rorohi Batmo to onr snbaoribera. CITATJOX. f N THB rOt'NTY COl'RT OT THE STATE I ril Oregon, for the County of Morrow, In the matter of the estate of llelleti M. Allyn, l-eeMi. To Veau Allvn. Cora Allvn. Mlama Kirk and ail iinkmiwn heirs and devisee, and any aud an penMins uneresiiNt, in ine name at the state of Oregon, you are herel.y elted and required to appear III the county Court of the Mete ol Oregon, Cor th I oiiniy ol Morrow, at the court room thereof, lu Heppner In the County of Morrow on Tuesday the tin day of January, nm, at ID o'clock In th renoon oi mat nay, men and mere lu snow rauae, If any ealst, why an enter he not made for the sale of the folio log derrth4 reel PMi erty In wit: North east uuarter ol S.1II0B thirty one, In tnwnshlp one, amith of range twentv Sve eaat. aim norm east quarter of eertlon thirty Sve. Uiwuahlp one eotilh ol range twenty all. eeat W. M, all III Morrow county. Oregon, Also the eolith east quarter of section thirty In town hlii one, south ol raose twenty Bv. east W. II In Morrow county, Ureiou. w Hneaa, the Hon. A. tl. Bartholomew. Judge nf the County Courty ol the nut ol Oregon, lr the County el Morrew with the seal ol said court amxMl, this J7th day ol November, A. V. Attest: J. W. MORROW. I t tetk A U X S m in. TH KUrOH OARf. TO Hr. PAt'I. MINNKAI'ULIll MLUTU rAittto litTIK IlKLKNA Tii kftt Issue.) tii all points la th Uaitml tttatet and griCKnaETo. MASE FiLU 4 NORTHF.RN ' NELSON 4 WIT SHffPARD RtD MNTAIX RAILWAYS Tbt Duly AIMUII Itoutt Witlumt Cbanit of Cart Ittlwaeo Hpokant, ItoMlaad aud Nalaot. Alao ttrt Nalaoo ttl Itotalaod, dally tirtpt Una. lay ! Uw Arrive A. M Hi.kaee II Hi A. M ... . li. . I lil A M hl ... Cmh iK 1 AH other Omaha WAettiMUTO point K A as ClTl lAl.nliiR It tbt HT, Jiiesp Ntw Yoat Ct and Mr. Lotto ItvrtAU) J Roatbeaat BoaTva I'atot tVpot eoaaeatloitt atrH. F-il, MtnMpeli KaaM City, Umaaa, m. tnki and ulnar pmar Ktat imiatt.,, IW-asa rhecked tbrongh to dettlaaliut ol tM kaU. Tbrntilll th lets to Jarta aod falat, fit Taina and flortbetii I'trtOa ixaam tbip Uuwpaay's llot r M S W f. M ms r m (1aas eta"a at !tebHt Willi el ea awes f. and all ItwHmmt imk iMHlUa l am ee is 1.4 'R.4iUi Hirer al fiMteilart ( rwS aeMrt a ManMM wilh ) deilv for full lafwatlne), lima erda,knta tirkata, tt., tall no of wmt W. O. A ti mt, A. l Ci.i), Aft N. I', lit. AaaMten, mm Act TbafntlOr, l ttl4( t Htm Xutlc ef risal HellleMeat. xvoTicr 1 niRKar oim tht th 11 underainel a.linlnlstrahr ol th late ol Joint Vt. ison. deeeaae1, wll mat Siwl ariuemeitl id fcat aceonot Willi aeld relate as snrh a.lnilnn!rl.,r, on Tnea,lay. th th day e4 Jani.aiy, l s at the hour ef 10 o rl.a t in the htrenoon nl aald day, al the t null iv 1 .Hirt root ot Morrow eMimr. oreenn, aald dav badiif the aeennd ta? of the neil rrtular tei 01 ol iii ottttty I ourt b Morrow eoootv I ia let al Heppner, OmnM Nsvewiher ft. laV7, 1IUI4A4 K. I Vlis. 'l etO Adwlnlaltauir. Dan 8 1 alter ia busy gettiDg read; to opeo bis mine, near John Zollinger's place. Isaac Earns will go over tbe Heppner Canyon telephone line : before leaving for Hillsboro . Word cornea over from Snmpter that Newt. Jones is doing an immense busi ness in the livery line. It you need something for yonr system oall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. . tt Billy Hale oame in Sunday from Ed. Day's ranoh on Butter oreek, and left yesterday tor tbe John Day. For sale residence property. Barn and good outhouses. Will seil obeap on easy terms. Gall at offloe. 83-tf. Dr. Paul Grant's eioellent company here on tbe 20th for two weeks. Admis sion 25 cents; ohildren 15 oents. Pbil Oohn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, eto. Don't forget Pbil. 5tt If you want fraternal insurance, yoo Knights of Pythias, patronize your own lodge. The Endowment Bank is all right. Nels Jones was over from Butter oreek last week. His etook are doing well, although range did not start to grow until late. Low Tillard bad quite a tuBsle with tiokness last week, but be has recovered and is at bis post during daytime at The Telephone. J. W. Ocborn, of Douglas, was in town early last week on business. During bis sojourn bere he called on the borne ranch of "tbe Oozoo." Dr. C. J. Smith, who recently won tbt mayorship of Pendleton, bas a great many friends in . Heppner who are pleased over his suooess. Mrs. 0. A. Rbea returned home Sun day from Sumpter where she bad been visiting ber daughters, Mesdames Newt Jones and Cbas. Curtis. Dr. Paul Grant, the ardent advooate of tbe wonders of Congo Oil, will reach Heppner on the 20th init. He will give a fine show at tbe opear bouse. It it reported in Heppner that Tom StubbleSeld bas gone to Alaska's mines. Tbe Gazette was under the impression that Tom was still in Monument. Ed. Ashbaugb reports an excellent dance at bit borne in Eight Mile, on last Thursday night. Tbe muaio was fur niabed by William and Mit Leathers. Mike Kenny aod Tboa, Gilfillen were in town Saturday and Sunday laai It it reported tbal Tom Is oonstruoting a new boost. What does this mean, Tom? Catarrh cured. A clear bead and sweet breath aecured with Sbilob t Catarrh Remedy; sold on guarantee Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser A Brook. x Another invoioe of New Homa and Climax aewing machines just reoeived by P. C. Thompson Co. You could not make your witt a handtomtr Christmas present. 604-21. H. L. Anderson waa down from tbe Jumbo mint laat week. Tbt tuunel it completed mora than fifty feet into tbe mountain and rook ooottnuea to show op fairly well. Prosperity comet quickest to tbt man wbott liver it ia good condition. Dt- Witt't Litllt Early Risers art famoua little pills for ooostlpation, billioosoeet, indigestion and ail stomach tod liver troubles. Conser A Brock. Pat Cartv ia ia from tht ranob of Carly A Kilkenny wbtrt bt baa been working tbia Mason. Mr. Carty oamt oat from tbt "old country" last spring and it very favorably impressed with this teotion. It it easy to catob gold tad Jatt at tay to get rid oi H u yoo ooountaat early to us On Mloott Cough Curt. It our oooghs, eolda, bronobltit, poeu- monla aod all throat and lung troubles It it cleeaant to takt. taft to oat and tort to ear Cbntti A Brock List Of Patent Granted to Pacifio States inventors, this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C: C W. Bemisb, Tscoma, Wash., auto matio high-pressure slarm; B. R- Bum- bam, Pullman, Wash., band-outter; E. A. Cbamberlaio, . Wooda, Or., submarine buoy , O. F. Cook. San Joee, Cat., thrust bearing for propeller shafts; W. H. Cox, Red Bluff, Cel., lemon squeezer; A. W. Duok, Oakland, Cel.. bioyole bundle- carrier j B. H. Fowls, Spokane, Wash expansive bit; W. F. Hewlett, Pomona, Cel., bicyole support; A. J. Kellogg, Portland, Or., advertising device; O Kustel, Sao Francisco, UaL, manners compass; E. G. Laotz, Albany, Or. syrup pitcher; E. L. R. Mack, Los Angles, Gal., movable ladder for musi oal instruction ; A. Paul, San Franoieoo, Cal., pulverizing machinery; J. Sbulte, jr., Monterey, Cel., dock. For copy of any of the above patents send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of tbia paper to 0. A. Snow & Co., Washing ton, D. C THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOCBLKS AMD COhSDUFTION CAN BE CUBED. How to Prevent Pneumonia. At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its oourse without tbe aid of seme reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a oough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough remedy. We have used it quite extensively and bas always given entire satisfaction. Olagah, lad. Ter. Chief. This is tbe only remedy that is known to be a certain preventative of pneu monia. Among the many thousands who have used it for colds and la grippe, we have never yet learned of a single case having resulted in pneumonia. Person b who have weak lungs or bave reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep tbe remedy at hand. Tbe 25 aod 50 cent eizee for sale by, Oonser & Brook. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist,T. A. Slo- cum, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary .Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn oougbs, oatarrbal affeolions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THKEJ2 J'HUiS BUT TLES (all different) of his New Dis oovenes to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to sofferiDg humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results aa beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro- i peBU laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world . The dread Consumption, . uninter rupted, means1 speedy aod certain death. Simply write toT. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this' in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon . J u ly 9-7-1 y r. FORYOU! Now Prepared . to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates . Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than -plain printing. However, this shop it now prepared to tack la anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in the line of drnggista -supplies, - blank books, bank - work -oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore aent " away to get done. Tbe Gazette shot is not a charity ; concern but it you will give us a ohanoe - we will see that yon art-satisfied in every particular. - Buy your goods at borne. Remember ? that Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from "home tbe foreigner got the money, and we got tbe. . goods. But when the goods were f bought at home we had both money ; and goods. : This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer pomes to town, rt- member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf "The Regulator The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STEA1BS "DALLES CITY" AND ,. ''REGULATOR" Depending on Circumstances. The Elgin Recorder, and a splendid paper too, sails at its masthead it gives the news up to tbe very moment of going to press. That is compliment ary to tbe Recorder and is of benefit to its readers, tbe degree of value depend ing altogether on the time it takes to do tbe presswork. Now on last Friday tbe Gazette should bave been just two hours in : printing both aides of its "porous plaster,", but , an unfortunate accident rendered the machinery worse than use less for quite a period, and tbe whole afternoon was absorbed in a not over pleasing task. ' Thomas LaForge returned to Heppner Saturday from atrip up through Mon tana, and on through tbe East as far as Washington City. Mr. LaForge says that there ia capital in the East for mining purposes, bat investments for any other purpose are slow at present. He will resume oharge of the Blue Mountain Milling & Mining Co.'s prop erties up at tbe bead of Willow oreek and push development work. Two Million a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying CaBcarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel reeulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any oase of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cbeeney A Co Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have knowo F. J. Cbeeney for tbe laat 15 years, aud be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions aod fioanoially able to oarry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. W aiding, Einnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting dlreotly upon tbe blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimo nials sent free. Price, 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Heavy rains aud strong winds are noticeable features ot tbe winter thus far. Yesterday the wind blew a gale from the Southwest, and Sunday nigbt one ot tba heaviest rains of the season visited this locality. Leave Tbe Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 70B. m. Leave Portland, at 7:00 a. m. Wben you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles aod take a trip down tbe Columbia; you will enjoy it, an J save money. W. 0. ALL A WAY, , General Agent.' QUICK TIME I TO San Franoisoo And all points in California, via the Mt Shasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hiohwar through California to all ' points East and 8outn. Grand Boenio Boot of the Pacifio Coast. Pullman Bnffet Bleepers. Beoond-elass Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior . accommodations for seoond-olaea passengers. .. i or raws, noun, sleeping oar reaerrauona, , eto oall npon or address er, C. H. MARKHAM, and, Oregon eto,, oall npon or address R. KOEHLKR, Manage Gen. F. P. Agt., Portia Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, 0., ssys; "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved bim from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." Tt is tbe Those who desire to build should not forget that 0. E. Ranous, tht con tractor, is ready to make estimates al any time. 60tf Every new subscriber oi tbe Gaiettt . from this date; May 26, 1897, will receiva r as a premium a book worth alona the price of tbe subscription. tf Coma in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to quickest and most oertain remedy for ' miM a whoie lot of gooAt hard Mjj0g . coughs, colds and all throat an J lung that is now being published in pur troubles. Conser A Brook. "Only." New Location. That suburban villa, so well known to our old citizens as Andersonville, bas been removed. Martin Anderson, tbe 1 proprietor thereof, does not propose to pine away beoauae of the lost of his ftvoritt, but will at ooct oommenot tbe boilding of a mora substantial aod ele gant borne on higher ground, tbat from the lawn of tba new grounds bt ma? look over his neighbors, and on down tbe valley of tbe Willow oreek, oyer tht lofty Cascadea, mantled with anow they lift their hoary ptakt beyond tbt valley ot tbt Yakima. Martin will bave better sosnery from bit ntw location and fawer motquitoet in tbt warmer Masons. Tetter, galt-Itheam and Edema Tht intense itchinir and smarting. Incl dent to these disease, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It it equally emclent tor ttcning plies ana a favorite remedy for tore nipples. chapped bands, chilblains, frost bites ana chronic sore eyes. 23 eta. per dox. Dr. CaoVi Condition Powder, are I just what ft horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, Dloou punner ana vermifuge. They art not food but m4ictnt and tht beet in nae to put a borne in prime condition. Price 23 centa pet packag. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL EASTERN OREGON IN Located on tbe O. R. A N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all timet of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Musio taught by oo in pe tent inetrnctors. A gradu ate of tbt Boston Conservatory bat charge ot tbt instrumental department 1lio landless9 Boarding: Hall It thoroughly equipped and offers ex eellenl aconmmodationa at reasonable ratea. Send for catalogue. Aatdttst M. G. ROYAL, President of Ftoulty or P. A. WORTHING TON, Storttary Board of Regents, Wttton, Ort. Attornevs at Law, All butineaa attended to in a prompt and tatiafactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. (.eni aod 1 M m4 e4 ail 1 at H na tlllHil rst. 1 Ov t I Oewaextt U, fa0ees r-t as se Mf 9mmm vmmt . ve . M !- ae , jMnf lltlrihwt"sH J l aaaU m U. kV a4 M saaai mm tne. A 4m o.AtSriow&co. a - ...... Ciinuna at e n Tin nun it rm at or trk btatb nl lttrm, lor tttel ewnli el Mmruv. M Hot, riainnft, a frai.t Kanef auJ tta HaAln tMeititaftta. t.i fmnk kaaer. we ol the ahtne iiaas4 if a la la la lha eame ol the stale e4 Itnwnsit ! ae rvtiiire. In aMfar al imaw ur e4alil H I'taitiiiw sw in the a ante enutim mn en! anil m m Iwlnre lha Srat tar il mat rveuier inn el xt. ...n, melt. itaitieSrsi Mou.Uy ol Nana, a II rittt fell In ae autarr. f llltlf it ak iilatinMil ni 4. rree, l.-I.Miiia la e..tffme tlrr)ht In aM eomi-aini ms Ine M t It. I a. 11 H. PH an.t W Ma 17, ta 1 a m i m M, a4 that th saaw M Kil l that tit rsmli 4 ai ,t. a j,e rtnal M Ikeauol liiaat HI latanaa m ii.ita.ti m $w aa.l f laietit e.ats iM tia tawima .M s ill a ii. I eua aate 1 enienaoe ts iiuMtetwl ty eeJef til siie. iavetl W, MA, fialntirs tt uaii vm, ?. Jadgt Bartboiomtw, our tttimablt manager of tonnty affalra, bat coo I r act td with tbia offlot to print tbt attett- tuMl blanks for aeil year. Tbia ofllot tvrioUd tbt assessment blaakt tor Oraot aod Murrcw tnacttet last year, and taro4 out jobs vbiob were considered first elaet. OBlPers Eleelet. Whitmort Lodge No. .', A. 0. U. W., tlectod offlctft recently at follows: J. L Ttage. II. W.; D. B. Btalter, F.j Jeff Jooee, O ; E. l Freeland, R ; J. J. Roberts, Fioaooier; Geo. Coeeer, Rt- oalvtr; John Kirk, O j IX 0. Joslua, I. W.j Joeepo Potter, 0. W.; & P. (lerii- goet, trnslet lor term of three years. HEPPNER, OFFICE IN i t NATTER BUILDING, t ; OREOON WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Paget Sound Navigation Co A tare Tet re turn. A IntaaaMlHiH It what yMlramt I nee lea tniK tiilut mi louaneaa, ali a haaaeilie, lur rl taiMBi(e, ttvtr.vUet aod a UiattaaoJ oUiev INf II STOCKtlOLDttur SOTtCS. v'Tti i t maiar otv tt 4 i V tnMliig ef lb iwllcHia ol ta Hrfp aef HiMtl al Ua imuim am M al Mwlt mr la lae kattwal rank la Sf, fv,B Ik awn o4 la a, al aa W I las. taa lita af aaa art ! the aniyive e4 a Uaf dinalur hit 1st saai4 nat fWesmt '.k t'. r " ' fleaalr ta It load Deep. C1eaa lVnl mean a eVean akin. So l.nlv wnli.iut it. I aaiarrta. 1 antlv (.allmr- tie rlran your IiUmhI and keeti it clean, It) atirrim wrt the laiy liver and uriving all im tunlire Inim the two. IWin today to amah tiimrlre, hoila, blotrhee, blat kheacla. and tbat aa kly bilaua rompleaio by taking Mir... ifrv boa trvdavt Up.. IV , auo. laa.rela,twauty lor Wa AU rtnig ai buahH Ire, ass tw w ad, I gu, MtuIactiuB guranleU, lor, ic, v. ll art vauaed by onoeVpa'Mie) and alUffiali ilver CavHmU Candy t alliartic, tin woo aeelul aew live aumttiwit ami tntaevlnal trtaie art by alt Unvwista (Mmissd lorura moafV r(timi(M. V. w. K ara aura Oo. W. Kmilo, ol tbt Lrtiugtoa tnttttry, vat it tawa rW tar Jay last, tit Uforne let Oaaettt tbat thtrt It tettintent la favor ot aaoviBf tbt O. A 1C Met ap to lleppaer. Cbat, Morgat, ot Hand Hollow, weo went btlo recently to attend IluJmee Hosioeat College, vat cororlled tort lora botst laat veek on aoooant of ill test. lit will dotUlevs re torn at toot at bit beahb will txwtuit. Sluaxn TELETBONE, BAILET GITZET AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Aider Street tV-ck, Portland, for Astoria, Ilvato, Long Beach, Oceat Park and naneotta. inrect oonneeiioo who livaeo learners tad rail road ; alto at Toaog'a Bay vitb gtarbora Bailroad. THIiHPnONI Uaras Portland I A. K. Daily, axeepl Sunday. Uares Astoria 7 P. M. Daily, tieept Ha ad a XIA-IIjU-V OATBSBITT Learef rrtland t P. M . Ially, eieent annday, fatnrrlay vtlerhl, II p M . Um Astoria Da lll lli. at., except tuaday and MB4ay. Suauai aicht, J f. M OOBAN WAVB Leaves Portland and nine rllrarl to Itan, Toaariay and Tbarvtar at i, M. PataMaT at 1 P af m. .. - - - . nmi a mm as e f, al. Eurt Ckir. ii Baibti Dtitiulioi Bull Itvla Ym tf Exproa j Par IkaJety. tpevd. Comfort, Pleasura, Travel oa Ite TelephoM. Bailey Oauert and Ureava Wat lira. Mary Dirt, llamtbarg. Pa, tays, "My (bttd worth tntllkms to ma, yet I weald htvt trtd bar by erottB bad I an luteal! tvtaly fivt tvt.U ta a botilt of Oat Uiaatt Couth Cart,' It corvt tuagba, tolJt and all tkroal ttd laag 3. A. Pefkitt.of Aatiniiy, O , wat thirty yaart eee-ileealy orlnrl by phy tieiaa fur tbt cart of e feme. Ha vat qalekly eared by aaiag UtWitia Wlleh Usial talvt, tht fansont healing talvt fttr pibf q fdlq. 4ttvea, (ta k f r THE PiVLACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BORCHKRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Uquor m Cigars,