Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 14, 1897, Image 3

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    Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying the Blood.
" A very severe pain came in my lelt
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke oat above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief i I am
-stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, ascents.
offer the following
The Gazette can
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
.1 N. V, Tribune, $1.00 2,7 i
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.00
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World. $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50o , 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Eural Spirit, $'2.00. 3.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00....'. 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00.. , J.30
Yearly subscribers to tha Gaztte can
get clubbing rate -with any paper on
'In every life there must be sorrow ;
If not today, then tomorrow ;
But of all sorrows there's no other
Like the loss of mother."
. v. . - -... ggfiY IfJKH,
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bri e say. Come."
The pastor may be fonnd at tbe paraonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any who may deeire to consult him on
religious, social, civic, philoeophio, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLUSHED, minister.
- Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Here and There.
Nell Magnnsen is op from Lexington.
' Sea M. Liclttentbal k Go. for shoes, a.
J. O. Kinaai4 fas up from lone Sat
urday; Jaok Romjti ia back from s trip Boroei
tbe trail.
Wm. Barrett waa tip from LeziDgtoo
Ralph Dlttenhoefer was in town Sun
day end yesterday.
Ranous is still on the tart doing lit
tle carpenter business. tf
Oaaa Matlock was in Sunday from tbe
McDonald osoyon ranob.
Submit jour plana to Ranoua before
giving ont your oontraot. . tf
To trade A Rood beating stove, (or
cord wood. Call at office. tf.
D. EL McOarty is up from tbe Lionton
borse batobering establishment.
P. C. Bowman was np from tbe Al
pine neighborhood jeiterday.
Batba down at the Jones' barber ibop,
25 eeots. Orville Jones manager, tf
Bob Eites, a cousin of the Malbewa
brothers, ia over from Pendleton on
E. B. BUoIod and wife were Eight
Mile's repreaentativee at tbe metropolis
Dairy Bartholomew waa op from bis
beep ranob in the Alpine section, on
last Holiday.
Lew Keed came ia Sunday from
Atbeoa where be reports lively time for
the past fall.
Mrs. William Rasmus U convalescing
from an atlaok of appeodioitis, at ber
borne io Portland.
"Co'n jo ice" ia all right but Low Til
lard bas a brand of 14-year old K0"ds
that la bard to beat. 6o3-tf.
O. 0. B Mine, of Lriiogton. bae gone
up to Milton to spend a brief period
with friends and relatives.
Painless remedy tor ttraotiog Ueth.
If not as alated, do charges Try Dr.
Vanghaa'a Dew plan. C0-f.
Sheriff Matlock got boms Sunday
morning from the Wscblin trial at
Hillsboro, on wbicb bs wse a witness.
Best accommodation and courteous
IrealiBSol at tbs Imperial Hotel, Sevsntb
and Wean. Sis., Portland, Oregon.
Fall Bimisuo got Id Saturday from tbe
Jobo Day, where be reports so inch of
"lbs beautiful", while tbe summit of the
Woes are oobUmI with a tall of from 6 to
15 leobes.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Boddell's, III., snf
frred fur eight years from dyspepsia sod
cbronie eoostipelioa sod was finally
ured by using D Witt's Little Early
Risers, tbe fsmous little piile for all
atomacb and liver trouble. Comer h
- Dan Stalter showed a representative
of the Gazette some rook yesterday,
taken from bis claim, the Golden Eagle,
on Zollinger oreek, wbioh Bessys 827 60
per too. Tbe olaim is located on Jobn
Zollinger's ranob, the letter's house be
ing located on a ledge, of which tbe
owner was in blissful igooranoe until re
cently. Dan bas another claim in tbe
neighborhood wbioh he considers very
good. The Gazette . believes that next
epriog will bring a big mining boom to
Morrow county.
Hon. Henry Blaokman, - collector of
internal revenue for the dirtriot com
prising Oregon, Washington and Alaska,
is at borne for a day or two, having
arrived on last Sunday. Mr. Blaokman
lutended to go on to Ontario, but ascer
taining that he would not meet the party
with whom be bad a business engage
ment, be ooncluded to visit . tbe home
folks before going baok to bis duties.
The Matquam Grand, on Morrison
street in the Marquam building, is under
excellent management and tbe publio
will be royally entertained this winter.
New companies and new faces will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-class theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some of tbe flee dramas that
will be presented. , . tt
J. D. Kirk arrived yesterday from Bit
ter on foot, having walked over tbe
mountains a diBtanoe of 55 to 60 miles.
He took three days tor the trip. He
found 15 inches of snow on the summit,
but beyond getting lost for a brief
period and falling into a creek, be met
with no serious mishaps.
Cordray, the pioneer theatre man of
Portland in tbe line of "popular prices,"
bas refitted tbe Wastingtoo St. theatre,
formerly known as the "New Park."
Cordray always has something new, and
our people, when below, can spend a
pleasant evening at his place. tt
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red
light," ever on tbe alert for something
new, oau furnish you the finest cock
tails in tbe land Manhattan, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
the business. Drop in and take the
taste out of your mouth. tt
Press Thompson, one ot Morrow coun
ty's prominent citizens, and who bas
been identified with this locality from
its early history, is dangerously ill with
kidoey and stomach difficulty, at bis
home twelve miles east of town on
Hinton oreek,
K.C.Wills is carrjiog all kinds of
notions, fancy groceries, vegetables.
green goods, candies, etc, besides a good
stock ot merchandise. At tbe Dew
stand, City hotel building. Don't miss
Bob. 604-5.
P. O. Borg bas tbe largest stock of
watobes, docks, jewelry, silverware and
musioal instruments ever shown io tbe
couoty. Call and examine the complete
stock before seleotiog your holiday gifts.
605 6.
Conductor Bryant, of the Heppner
branch, intends to move bis family up
from Portland 10 tbe spring, if be should
conolude to take Ibis "run as a perma
Dent thing.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, f ir Constipa
tion It's the beet and it after using it
you don t say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conger k
Brook. x
Those decorated lamps at P. C.
Thompaon Co's. are the prettiest ia
Heppner; tbey are made with patent
collar, warranted Dot to leak or get
loose. 604 2.
Minor k Co. are preparing tbe old
Blaokman store building, recently ocou
pied by R. 0. Wills, for the reception of
tbeir stock of goods about Jan. 1st
Joe Dnbois, a relative of tbe fltalter
brothers, is now living at Kelso, Oowlilc
oouoty, Wash. Joe formerly kept a
shoe shop 00 May street, Heppner.
Miss Mabel Glsssoook olosed sno
oessful term of school at tbe Mason
sobool boose on Rbea creek, with sppro
prists exercises, 00 rndsy last.
Jas. Cornell and wife arrived Friday
from Newberg, Yamhill county, and will
locate bere.
Geo. Robinson, ot Hardman, Is in town today.
See the "belled" delivery waton.No. 4. when
you want work done for 10 cents and up.
Bkagway" is the official spelling decided
upon by the postomce department for the new
posiomce in Aiasaa, six miles irom uyea.
Grant Co. News: The Heppner staee line oc
casionally has to resort to the old-time custom
of a pack saddle for the transmission of. mails.
The Holly Club held their initial oartv at-the
opera house last evening. Nearly all the mem-
Ders were present ana the evening wa spent in
a most delightful manner in dancing and at
Grant Co. News: Jack Vincent, the pioneer
stage driver, known all over Eastern Oregon,
was stabbed with a pocket knife by a French
cook in Baker City the other day. The wounds
received were not serious, however.
Lafe Penland was down from the mountains
today. He says that another panther inhabits
that region and he thinks that it can be cap
tured Lanes Penland and Geo. Sperry will go
gunning for the animal in the very near future.
The members of the M. E. church,' South,
have decided to have a public Christmas tree
on the evening of Dec. 24th. On the same even
ing, the Christian church and the M. . church
wiil each have Christinas exercises, given by
the respective Sunday schools, to which the
public are invited.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
The banner was again awarded to Miss
Barker's room, as the pupils in that
room were perfect in attendance.
On Friday next, at 330, p. m., the
high school will render a literary
program to which tbe public are cor
dially invited.
A new feature of tbe program is tbe
organization of the Heppner High
Sohool Herald, a paper which bids fair
to out-rival tbe Heppner Gazette. Chief
editress. Miss Ethel Walbridge; as
sistant, Mies Anna MoBride: lecal re
porter and advertising agent, Miss
Jennie Kirk. --
Backlen's. Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or do
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Conser k Brook.
Eastern Star Election.
Oo last Friday night the Chapter of I
Eastern Star mode tbe following seleo
tions for the ensuing year: Mrs. Geo,
Cocser, Worthy Matron; Frank Gilliam,
Worthy Patron; Mrs. J. W. Morrow,
Associate Matron; Mrs. Frank Gilliem,
Conductress; Mrs Will Spenoer, Aseo-
oiate Conductress; Mabel Leezir, Seo'y.;
Mrs P. O. Borg, Trees.
My Entire Stock Mast Go. .
I deeire to olose out my entire Btook
ot millinery by January 1st, 1893. This
is a good opportunity, also, for anyone
desiring to go into tbe millinery busi
ness io Heppner. My line is very large
and everything goes at cost. Call early
and secure bargaius before the stock
is broken. All those owing me please
settle at once.
4tt Miss Altha Lbaoh.
O. A. E. Election.
Oo Deo. 25, 1897, Rawlins Post, G. A.
R., of Lexington, will hold tbeir elec
tion of offioers. At tbe same time other
business of importance will be trans-1
soted. All members of tbe Post are re
quested to be present, if possible.
Mrs. L. J. Eetts proposes to sell off
ber winter stock ot millinery regardless
of oost. This stook inolo.de 1 many
ohoioe pattern bats, walkers, sailors.
"tarns," eto , of ths very latest styles.
These goods must be sold before Feb.
1st, so coma and get a floe bat at your
own piioe. COS 6
Iks Kebekah Elect.
On Isat Saturday evening tbe Re
be sab lodge ot Heppner oboee the fol
lowing officers: Mrs. D. A. Hsrreo, N.
Mrs. Cornell is a daughter -S Mi, Ad 3ont V- u ;J-L. leager,
Any pat roe of tbe Heppner Light k
Water Co. will notice ss improvement
ia tbs quality of lights furnished of late.
This Is due to Wore regular tnotioa of
tbe iocaedeeoaot eslo Tbe work
of Inoreaaicf tbe water supply is being
I J Bart uatk e,r. Tpu
1 hi Itm H Amf
of Mrs. P. J. Bowermao.
Tbe firm of Thompson k Gentry, who
lately start! a bntoher shop opposits
tbe City botel building, have sold out to
Rbea k Matbews.
Five oars of horses were shipped be
low last night, bound for Linuton to be
butchered. Tbey were in charge of D.
U. MoCsrty.
Al Roberts was at Arlington Saturday
last 00 Boras C'fllOlal business, sod was
eslled tq Pendleton yesterday oo a simi
lar mission.
Miss Laib Matlock departed tr
Portland Haturday last, after a brief
visit with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. J
W. Matlock.
O. W. Conger, uf Long Creek, arrived
this morning 00 bis way boms from
California, and is stopping at tbe Hotel
Mike Motiuire, one of our festive
slieepberders, Is enjoying a brief san
of rest witbia tbe eon flues ot our little
Ths Heppusr Floorlog Mills see la
active operation sgaio, turniog out floor,
tbe Osteite believes, equal Io tbe best.
Common snd srleet stook of tomatoes
sod canned eorn at T. R. Uowsrd's.
COS tf
Wm. Penland is d wn from bis big
ranob today. Hoow is all gone Dp there
and sheep are doing well.
Fine boms-sisde rsffy al the Cranga
Front. A eleao, freeb stock ot goods
Wave year orders. tf.
Licbtonthal Co. fr shoes. Eie!ntve
shoe store. Handle lbs beet. H3if
Felt boots snd robbers, sod A "tie
overshoes at T. U, Howard's. & tf.
Flossie Fsrtiswortb is able to sit op,
after a eevere illness.
Welter Van Dnya returned Ibis mora.
ing from t'urtlasil.
Mrs. Hail, of Cpoer Butler creek, is
reported ill.
Healed bids nqieeted for tbe delivery
st my ranch, e the bead of Rbea creek.
of one bODdfsd Birds ol pine, fcn Tool
wood, said wood to be delivered i
later than middle of Ane-net, IKm, bids
and all
Sto. ; Mrs. Andy StsvensoD, Tress.
F.d urate Toar Bowels With Cecerete,
Canity C athartic, sure ronstlpaiioa foreter.
wo. uuuu, tall, aruirgiats riluud money.
Tut Bom Fieo Yard WiHlsrn Oor
don bas moved bis feed yard from its
former location to Jouee' old slsod
bers Is will be pleased to have all bi
friends aod patrooa to eall oo him. Mr.
GordoD Is anoummodaitog, has good
yard and abnodaot facilities to tak
esrs of stock ta first class s lisps. His
pi ices art very reasonable. Us bas bay
sod grain for sale. Has lately adJexi a
ear Unut of balrtt timothy. tf.
ELEGANT SUITS OF . . ! . . .
E.W.Rhea & Co.
A full and complete line of the cele
brated Kuh, Nathan & Fisher goods
just received from Chicago.
Suits and Prices Guaran
teed to Fit.
Blankets ! Blankets !
TRET n ABJ3g3E3Tl?,S 2
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Minor & Co.
But the Only Blanket
On Earth ia the
An elegant line of Gent's Neckwear, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps. You can surely be suited
in any of these lines.
In it for
Groceries, Dry, Goods, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
At prices as low as they can be sold in '4
this market.
Cotton Blankets 90c a pair.
Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25.
also have a line of Eastern blankets
called wool, at $3.00.
We are sole agents for those, having bought our
entire line in June,.il enables us to sell those
celebrated goods at tbe eame prioes asked (or
inferior brands. Gall and examine.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and aupplies ; you want tub
atantial gents furnishings. Yon can find
what you want at T. IL Howard's. . . .
Is. R, Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
D. A. Hen-en Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. j
And now tlie entire world
h nows this verfect urodaat
As the Star Brewery beer
HEPI'NER, OR., Nov. 12, 1KJ7.
M'urt. Contfr it llmek, lltifiur, itr.
Okktlrmkn :t wu recently taken with a lererecolil
which made me very hoene ami rendered me unlit to
ttvnd to btiilneM. A friend of mine called tnj attention
to jrnur lr. Bnrthlow't cough (yrup end I bought a bottle,
eottlnf ma M cent, which relieved me at om-e and com
pletely cured me. I am iul,J't to throat difficulty and I
have found nothing that gave me ao much relief at this
cough cure.
I am Informed that It li excellent for eoldi, bronchltla,
hixiplni cough and all throat and Inns trouhlne.
1 brf to remain, moat truly jroiira,
Odd iVIIowa tlertioa.
Willow Lodge. No. 66, 1. O. O. F., beld
their election reoeuily as follows : Tom
Morgan, N. O.; P. Deio. V. O. j J. L. I
Ysager, So ; M. Lit h ton thai, Treas.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinawarc & Quccnsware. At
I Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by the way ey have anything yon raa rail for In the Una of
II an a are, atuvaa ami Tin ear.
The Best Bargains-
But art those of freaUwt value In proportion to coat If you want to gut your
moiiey'i worth ol honeet goods In
II l mi
Hardware, 1 in ware,
We are locreaalng our tori for fall and winter. Call and ane ui.
Frank MoFarlaml baa been appolotad
peoial a-ol of The K-iuitalile Life As
arena Co of New York, tbe Btrgngeal
In tbe world. ("ab earplua Io policy
holders of over 43 mil llo dollars. Ifcm'l I
lake Insurant wit bonl Bering th n
plans of the F.qnlebl. Insure both
eie at aarua rstea. 77 1 f
rt later than nillla ff Angnat, J., w
7i"k", J nt 4 lh l.b, day of Jaooary. 1.
(aTi. I j 1 U-wrv th right to rrjet an? and I
TZt .!.
Olive Holder baa tako ehatg of lb
Hotel ileppoer feed barn and will far
Blah stall room, grain or bay al reason
able flgam, Will aleo An dray work
and haulm; He to tn! fwm trains. I
What it Hop tioldT Deal bft on
aarlh Hea ail. alaewheM.
Pnl your old bnt an4 BntM In hi,
hanoe a" l f ( ymt mmmf fM,t ,4
II, m Matte a prrtetty at Bai4
Oft'ieie ia J N. I'rown'a I'.uiLling.
At t he loW Oi l Btaa4.
Hhavintc. - - 1T CIm.
ll.Ur Cutting. as
J, I Imrlnr as tha r.i.gla'1-rti of IM. n.t.
nmSis'.rtttfeffSkO. this-
I - bbbbbbbb p aT m K e7 A I I - a. 9 i W BB M -war w w m
ft w t-i -rik i ii. -
T . TT I I laT W If
Ml. lik 4 1 l-
r, anoiii;'
M IT. I 1 1 .l 1 1 LI
? . I,rtm:ri,hiK
f 1 I, ! I.. I i 9y
'.'"rp. u.Swi.utiiiiiuui. 1.1.1!. u.iJiu'iii PO nTlAirDl C
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
That 14-Ycar Old Stuff.
'Cohen's Best,"
On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
IT law
i a.i io noona
Nsw BtanJ, City Hotel DailJiog,
JUOW TlIrYl!), Prop.
Leading Furniture
B1 Kixirn SuitcH from $11.00 up. iff
OfKMl, Drojr-Leaf Tuhl. M, T r
Bcautilul Line ol GUrlstmas Goods now Open.
YOB are UiM to call a4 I i,prt my Stor k
ny ka anythlB la Ibis Una that ymi may latr and yon raa daiwnd OB It Too st a
uu4 aitb'ie he tbey uarsoie It
Old ea-.e Male) Strt f1.Balrle SBlslty
Tho GAZETTE, $2,00 A Year for CASH
I t-f ia wotk ad puid W
I kav pn (ail.