Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 14, 1897, Image 1

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P AP Ell
Tha Heppner Semi-Weakly
Gaxatta from now until
March 1,1898, for
-25 Cts.ii-
Yearly ubscrlptlon Reduced to $1.00
Tha Heppner Semi-Weekly
Gazette from how until -March
1tt, 1898, for
-25 Cts.M-
Yearly Subscription Reduced to $2.00
NO. 605
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and .Bus.: Man.
At $8.0 ) per year, $1.00 for m months, to ots.
tor three monuis, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the PostofHce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THI8 PAPER is kept on file at- E. C. Date's
Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchants
Exohangt, Ban Francisco, California, where oou
racta for advertising can be made for it.
' ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, Ban Franoisoo, Is our authorised agent
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
daily except
on 121)5 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junoiioa 8:30 a, m. and ar-
Trnin leaves HeDDner 9:30 p.
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m,
n... at. HArtnnnr Arfk I ft. m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:60 p. m.
and Umaiilla 8:60 p. m.
Portland Exoress No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:00 a m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Tfnot. Mail Nn. 2 leave Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 ieave Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at eppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a.m. . .
For further information inquire of J. O. Hart,
Agent O. R N., Heppner. Ore.
Hotel Hejppiniej?
Three Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St.. Paul reads .via. the
Wisconsin Ceutral because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental, lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is nrst-class in every
THIRD -For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
.(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New. Manage
ment Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per Day ... and Upwards;
US" A first-class feed barn run in connection.
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage.
Free ' Bus . run to
Jas. C Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or.
United States Officials.
Piesident. . . . William McKinley
Vice-President. Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of Btate John Sherman
cworetaryof Treasury ...Lyman J. Wage
Secretary of interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Uary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Beoretary f Agriculture James Wilson
Btate of Oregon.
Unvarnur W. P. Lord
Secretary of Btate
Bnpt. Publio instruction
Attorney General
Senators ,
Supreme Judges.
Sixth Jadlolal District.
Cirou.it Judge...... ....... Stephen
Proseouting Attorney H
Morrow Connty Officials.
Joint Senator... ...
Representative. '.
Connty Judge
' Commiseionere....
'. J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk
" Surveyor
Hchool Sup't
" Coroner
H. K. Kinoaid
....Phil. Metsohan
G. M. Irwin
.CM. ldleman
W, MoBride
H. Mitchell
;er Hermann
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 I
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., V. Kt. w. dt U.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
CSIXC.a.3-, ZZiXi.
SR. S.
F. A.
C. E.
I Blnae
)W. R. Ellis
,W. H. Leeds
B. Bean,
J. Bean
A. W. Gowan
...J. N. Brown
G. Bartholomew
... J. U. Howard
...J. W. Morrow
..E. L. Matlock
.. Frank Gilliam
,...A. C. Petteys
,.. J. W. Hornor
.Jay W. Shipley
,..B. F. Vaugliau
Thos. Morgan
riuM.' :::V.'.''. '.V... ..Geo. Oonser. Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocum, at
biohtaatnal ana J. a. ounou-.
H .,mlur W. A;
T eaenrer..
Precinct Offleer",
.k. . W. E. Richardson
rrs.r.:. ........ :...n. s.
United States Land Officer.
n .... w nm.
"0D"-0- filter
i ' a' u..kKin ". .".".'.".'''.".. Receiver
.L. W.Briggs
.A. A. Robert
G.A. R.
Or., tha last Baturday
eeh month. All veteraas are 'nvitea tn h.m.
O. W. Smith. CO. FrOA.
Adjutant, tf
Dr. P. B. McSw'ords
Office fa the Ciy , Drag . Store, near
City Hotel. "
D. J. McFaul, M. D
flffinahnnra. 8 to 10 a. m.. and 12 to
l n m at residence. W. A. Kirk'e prop
erty, rait of M. E chores, Sooth, end 10
to VI, a. ta , to i to 0 p. m., as owoa
the rear ot Borg'e jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield
Attorney! at Law,
nniM in tha First Natiooal Bank
tba Firal Natiooal
fjirrma, : : Obsoqw.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
arriet av
council CMAMiiae
(tells and buys real estate, rents hniiM. pay
Hinmiiu'lni and alii serve ou li
any way ta his Una. at reasonable Ruree.
First National Ban
C. A. Hue A.
T. A. Ruga.
Vie Preelaeat
Am I Ceehler
Traasads I General Buking Bdnra
- On all pane of the world
Bought and Sol
CuikTtlun ssada ea all potate am
reaaonable Ternia
lurvlus and andlvbled rmflta, HS.IXiO OtJ.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
ault House,
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
, in. its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for the Improvement of their
Diismess ana nome interests, lor education, lor me eievaiiou ui Ainencau lumnuoou sua
true womanhood.
IT BAS told at the fireside, .interesting and instructive stories ot the doings ot the world, the
nation ana states.
IT HAS advised the fanner as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his
a century has held their confidence and esteem.
irons, and the nroner time to convert them into the largest possible amount ef money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and lor over a half
Fill a bottle or common glaea with
nrine and let it etand twenty-four hoare;
Bedimeot or settling indicates an on
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to an
nate or pain in the baok, is also oonvino-
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are oot of order.
There is oomfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part ot the nrinary passages. It cor
rects inability to hold nrine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing nse of liquor, wioe or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get np many times
daring the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands the
highest fur its wonderful cares of the
most distressing oases. It you need a
medicine you should have the best. Bold
by druggists, price fifty oeDts and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Etlmer & Go., Bing-
hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness ot this
Published Every Saturday
3 Astor Place
New York
New -York Weekly Tribune,
And wa furnish It with the GAZETTE, one year for
$2.75, eash n advance.
Address .11 Orde to ; THE GAZETTE.
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has
been during eaoh of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Onr Own Times. Id
its various editorial departments The
Outlook gives a compact review ot the
world's progress; it follows with care
all the important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements ot the day; nas a
complete department of religious news;
devotes much space to tba interests of
the home; reviews onrreot literature;!
tarnishes cheerful table-talk about men
aod things: and, in short, aims to give I
fresh information, original observation,!
aod reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty fiifth volume,!
the paper will assume tba regular maga
zine sis, wbiob will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. The
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two iasuea a year. Tba first issus
In each month is an Illustrated Magaiine I
Number, containing about twice as many
pages aa the ordinary issues, together!
witb a large number of pictures.
Tba price of Tha Outlook is three
dollars a year in advanoe, or leas tbao a
cent a doy.
Send for a specimen onpy and illustrat
ed proapeotoa to The Outlook, 13 Astor I
Plana, New York Oitv.
Write your name and address on a postal rant, tend It to Goo. W. Best, Trlbnne Office, New
l ora city, ana a sample copy oi uie new iota netsiyn nouns win ue niaueo. u jou.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get it (ta rn
To be educated ons must read
tha beat literature.
The best lltersturs la eipensive.
Laalie'e Illustrated
rubtUned at 110 fifth Avanua,
New York, ta lull ol the best thins
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming ; and Its literary
departmebtaava edited with aoa-
summate skill. . .
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It thou Id be la every
home, , S
Tha subscription pries of Laelle'a I P nnutn. ft
We maka tha uaparallalad offer ot a copy ol s.
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- V
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
Ke surb offnr was aver asade bslora. No sunk offer will ever be made A
attain. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday ,j
Heppner. Ore? iron. x
lit. and will be sonstsnt reminders ol the elver's kindness.
BTOCa It RAW PH. I W Kemlt by postal nrdef or check lo the
Willi, yea aaee) root sabeoriptioo paid at yra
aaa keep roar brand la free of abaraa.
Bora. P. O.. Heppnar. Or. H nraaa. P Bib left
sootutMTi ewua, eame ea irt tup.
Cook. A. J..Ioa.Ur. Hnraaa. SDoa riirhtuhanl
am, I atua, saineoa rishthip: ear auk sqnaral
crop on nn aaa spin in nasi.
Donalaaa. W . M . Oalluwav. Or.-4'Ula. R Dm
rtsht awia. ewailnwork la eaoh ear) kurssa, H It
ea left hip.
Klv. Hrra. TVkuum. O.-IIorM. branded ELV
oa lft shoulder, eaUie same on leftbip, bois
u riabl ear.
Plnemea. L. A Hftmm. Or. 4'eUle. LP on
riaht hip: bars t with bar madm oa riabt
ioaaa, ftanv, Hfpee. Or- Wnrssa kraadad
It J oa tba Uft h.ml,tr: ea'tia brandd J aa
riabt kip, ala aadertnt la Mt ear. tUu( la
Mfirruw auaatr.
i'tfifiwrti. f.lit. Or. Wnreee. eirxlaT ne
left snHei eatt la. mimos nht kip, aadac half
amp ta n ann mil a lan ear
Renar, Mike, Heppner, .-Horsaa bfanded
KM I aa let kip euie earn, and anp od Ml
aart aadar akpa oa Urn rtaht
lmmi. Si w. nirim ur.-nuiwi nwmnwm I . . ... ... . . ...
Lead k oa U h'lW: Mia sua. aa Mi A LBO TVnll ISuamrt. llVk. I Ciimt (1th I yUUlW llOT$r$.
Some Little Reminders Una Up by an Ex
change. It Makes a Difference Whose Ox,
The Oregonian is fathering one of
these "moral wave" spasms just, now,
Bat will appeal from Phillip drank to
Phillip sober that is, from the Oregon
ian as a newspapsr to the Oregonian aa
a mortgaged organ, saya the Portland
On June 16, 1891, after a city eleotion
in which the Oregonian'a present bosom
friend aod political partner, Mr. Simon,
was playing bis little "sore thing" gams,
just the same as he is now, it aaid edi
It was not a call to arma, but a flood
ot ballots, and tba result marks the end
of tnnnloipal misrule and the defeat ot
bossism the sack, insolent policemen and
noodinm nretnen.
Understand, this wen when Mr. 81
mo a bad been complete aod absolute
"lord of this city," bat when be had not
yet "arranged" for tha Oregonian to
stand in" with bim. The eame editor
ial in tba Oregonian oontiuuee:
It wss a contest of. deoeooy and hon
esty against boodle sod the alums; and
nonesiy ana aeoenoy won.
This is literally and historically trus.
The present friends, agents , supporters
and politioal allies and partners of the
Oregonisn were beaten on thatocoasion
Sinoe that the Oregonian baa aold out to
tnem;iney Dave naa too alioog a
pnll;" it wants its chief proprietor and
silent partner to be seated in the senate.
Bat ws will prooeed to convict this
newspaper villain out of its own mouth.
It ooctiones:
The consolidation ticket bad to oon
test against the republican ring, which
has summoned to its aid all tha dlsrepn
table elements ot tba oity.
Now this is tha same old republican
ring that now ones "reform;" aod the
Oregonian, oo its own testimony, is tbs
mouthpiece today of thieves, liars, and
Tbs Oregnoian, when it bad tba boo
est or blackmailing spasm, eonlinoed:
Tbs ring stroniclioM was tha sack.
which contained about 1 15,000, aod was
distributed with a liberal hand. Voles
were bought right and left, not by tbs
manipulators of the ruaobioe, hut by the
Hirelings and tln-norn gamblers, va
irranla and Invera of prostitutes, npoo
bom tha polios lev) blackmail Sf'A days
ta tha year, aod utilise tba polls lbs
other dsy.
This wss tha virtuous Oregoolao,
cberanterlng the vrrr same, identical
exact "crowd" which il la now so xel
ocaly and virtuoosly sopporttng, aod
trying to foist opon a patient public.
Tbey are ila pets and political friends
and partnera as "reformers I" .
Oat of yoorown month; ttuu wblted
sepulober, will we show tha pablio thy
Borne Leaves From the . History of the Past
Discovered by aa Exchange.
The last number of the Long Creek
Eagle tells ot a brntal assnnlt oommitted
recently, near Monument, Grnnt oounty,
by a sheepberder, whom the Eagle
names Jack Donald, on a Chinaman who
was herding on an adjoining range.
Donald, who has been arrested to await
the result of the Chinaman's injuries, is
desoribed by the Eagle as a man of
vicious, brutal appearance, about 60
years of age, of Irish descent and one
who had served a term in the penitent
iary tor shooting a man in Prineville.
Nobody here remembers a man who
answers the Eagle's description in fall,
says the Prineville Journal. But Prine
ville, several years ago bad the destine
tion ot being acquainted with one Jack
MoDonald, whoBe age, and personal ap
pearanoe answers tbe Eagle's descrip
tion very-. well. But be was not sent
from here, to tba penitentiary, although
be probably , should , have been. He
fired a pistol at tbe oily marshal, O.
M. Charlton, as that officer was con
ducting bim a prisoner to tbe oooler.
No damage was done and Jaok's claim
that tbe pistol went off by accident was
allowed. But Ireland has enough sins
to answer for without that of giving
birth to Jack MoDonald. For, alas, that
il should be said, Jack drew his first
breath in the Laud o' Cakes, and bis
social standing in Crook oounty will be
understood when it is said that be was
a member ot tbe "Four Hundred" of
which the ..late, , departed, detune ted
Bendy Fiodlsysoa was tbe .Ward Mc
Alister. There is no doubt that the
Jaok McDonald who shot, tbs Prineville
marshal is tha Jaok ' MoDonald who has
half-killed the Grant oounty Chinaman.
Sinoe tbe above , was written we learn
that MoDonald baa been bound over in
the sum of $2,000 and tailing to aeon ra
bonds is oonflned in the Canyon City
jail. Tbe doctoc aays tba Chinaman
oannot live. ,
Absolutely Pura
From the Eaule.
The Baker-Canyon Telephone oom-
pany now has tbe long-distanoe line
between: Baker Oily and tbe Grant
oounty towns in working order.
, Mrs. Ida E. Pieison, of Susanville, be
came insane a week ago on last Satur
day and walked into Long Creek almost
barefooted, armed with a case knife and
a rook. Her hallucination is that she
U about to be killed by ber husband.
Last Mondsy Bert Eeeney, of this -city,
prooured a license from County
Plerk Powell to marry . Miss Maggie
Wolob, the daughter , ot Mrs. Ella
Hughes, ot this place, aud returned here
Tuesday. Relatives of Miss Welch were
notified of the procuring ot the lioense,
and being opposed to the marriage, on
Mr, Keeney's arrival, he was induoed by
them to give up the license, bat the fol
lowing morning tbey were returned to
bim on the departure of Miss Welch tor
Baker City, aocompanied by ber brother
and T. P. Williams. They went by way
of Susanvillp, intending to spend tha
night at that plaoe. . Mr. Eeeney left
some time during tbe day tor tbe same
plaoe, and whether or hot be and Miss
Welob will saooeed in getting married
at that plaoe, is a matter ot ooojeotura
Tbs olJ reliable liver atabld man of llVppoer, Lai movoj into the
Jnat North of tba Osteite ofQoa, wbars be woqlj be
pleased to te all hia old (needs aod make sw ooea.
Miaor, Oaa, neppe rr tiu, O ea
rieMhJp; koraa H oa Hwt eaoolder.
nrm, M. N, Heppa. Or.-H'ma, M )
ea ten eexmbtai eauie eaossoa anus,
nahnra, J. W., Dxaalea. Or.t hoeaae O a lef
ekoalderi eaitla ana a r)at kip.
paHuw a Wlsasiia. Heniataa.Or.- Ban IT oa
left aboaldar.
Pipe, i. H , Letlnatna. Or.H
ewad fMiWt anliWi eeU2a,aa
Muta. btl I. MoS mmr.
Hwtur, t. W , ltppaaf, Oo -Hafaaa. JO aa
(Ilia, Oea rVMklt
: Remrorr Willis wbae
Hilly Uordoe,
yuo come to tow a. Old
staad formerly ooenptad by
Ueppoer, Oron.
What Dr. A- K. Halter Says.
Boffalo, n. x. Uents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effeot ot your Sbiloh's Cure In oases
ot advanced oonsnmption, I am prepared
to say it is tbe most remarkable remedy
tbat has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It hat certainly aavsd many from
consumption. Sold by Oonser & Brook,
Hope Abandoned.
"For 15 yeara I suffered with oatarrh
and indigestion and my whole system
was broken down. I almost abandoned
hope of reoovery. I took Hood's Ssrsa
parillaaod its efleots were, marvelous.
I am now able to sleep well, have a good
appetite and bava gained iu weight."
James Wilder, Oroville, Washington.
Hood's Pills aot easily and promptly
Ion tbe liver and bowels. Cure sick
For tbe first time in tbe history of tbe
Oregon Prrss Association il will bold a
meeting outside tbe boundaries of this
state, when it will oonveos neit year at
Spokane, in connection with the Press
Associations of Washington, Idaho and
British Columbia. The Press Aisooia-
lioo embraoes all classes and kinds of
periodicals of reputable character, and
wa were much pleased when lbs decision
aa reaobed to go to Spokane, We hope
tbat a large delegation will attend so
tbat the nvmbere from all the states
Dd From Obesity,
Word osme to Ibis office yesterday
stating tbat Mr. Walker, who is known
as "tbs Morrow county tat boy," bad
died early that morula. He was a ion
of A. U Walker, ot Eight Mile, and
though not mors than five test tall
weighed about 400 pounds. Although
Mr. Walker bad taken a great many
anti-fat remedies, be was not auooessful
in reducing bis flesh. On the contrary,
be grew flesbisr, aod ot late this burden
ay get better acquainted with oh of flesh has been Impeding tbe eotion of
. 1 .1 . L
cner, nave a goou time, ana epeaa
softer, it after tbat event they should be
called upon to abuaa each other in print.
Tbe sentinel baa not muob in common
witb tba association, eioept membership,
but does possess a large fund ot good
wishes for tba welfare, oot only of the
Oregon association, bat also tor all its
sister bodies. Medical Sentinel.
vital organs and lifs became a burden.
Ilia death wsa not unexpected.
The 6urprlse of All.
Mr. James Jones of the drug firm of
Jones A 8on,Cowder., III., In speaking
ot Dr. Kiog's New Discovery, says tbat
laat winter his wife was attacked witb
la grippe, and ber case grew so serious
tbat physicians at Cowdeo and Pan a
oould do nothing (or ber. It seemed to
develop ioto hasty consumption. Hsv
Ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
aod telling lota of it, be took m bottle
bwe, and to tbe surprise of all aba oa
ga o get better from first does, and
halt , doiea dollar bottles cured ber
sound and well. Dr. King's New Die
eovery for consumption, coughs and
oolils is guaranteed to do this good
work. Try. it. Frse trial b)ttls at
Oooaer k Brock's drag store.
Dou't be persasded into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years, fiach letters ss the
following, from L. Q. Bagloy, Hoeneme,
Cel., are constantly being received: "The
beat remedy for pain I have ever used is
Chamberlain's Palo Balm, and I tay so
after having used it in my family for
several years." It enree rheumatism.
lams baok, spralua and swellings. For
sale by Consor k Brook.
Free fills.
Hand your eddrasa to 11 . E Bucklea
A Ok, Cbieago, aod C free earn pis
boi of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial
will eoovlooe yon tf their mar) la. These
pills ars easy in aolioa and are p-rtioo-
larly effective la the sure of coestlpa
tloo aad aick headache. For malaria
aod liver troubles they bava been proved
invaluable. They are giarantesd ! be
perfeetlr free from every deleterious
snbelaoee and to ba partly vgetebls.
They do aot weaken by tbelr aotlon, bnt
by giving tone It stomach and bowels
greatly Invigorate tba eyetarn, IUgolar
site Z'x) par boi, Hold by Goostr A
Brock, druggists.
Jas. Curran, who Is In (be employ ef
Carty A Kilkenny, oame In Saturday to
meat bis tlster, Mrs, II Farley, of Chi
eago, who bad arrived on tbe train that
morning. Mrs. Farley bee bean making
bar borne (or a brief period with ber
brother, a Catholic divine, of Iowa.
Kxpreasloa ef Thanks.
At a regolar meeting ot tba Deppner
Lodge, No. 8M, B. P. O. E , held on las
evening at tbsir ball in Hepposr, oa
motion a vote of tbankl was si landed ta
the Isdira who assisted Id tha memorial
services, to llro. O. W. I'belps, of Css
cade Lodge, ot Tbe Dallas, for bis sin.
quant addreas, and to llev, 0. It.
Howard (or his offer of services wbiob
eoold not be rendered owing to oneroid-
able absenoe, and tbat same be pub
lished in Ueppnsr Osteite,
After bearing soma friends oootinaally
prsiaiug Chamberlains Cullo, Cholera
and IXarrhoaa Remedy, Curtis Fleok.of
Aaaheim. Cel., porrhaead a bottle ol It
for bis owe naa and Is now aa eotboslee
1st over ila wonder ful work as aoyoee
ean be, Tbe '2ft aod 50 eeol aisae for
sale ly Coaeer A Brook.
FRANK Roe roe
i. i. noiroTi
ta U X!L I
trrt . K. O. HappM. Or. f attle W V,
left bim e.p of 'i.iit aM etwWrlnt la left
anim km .us w C loMwablM.
I TnM K. W Mapiwar Or, WmaU aapUal T
r ft ttMM. km
wih apftt la buie
WettaalaaraMr. W. 1.. GSUmr, tH.i W
onarwr etrri jW oa raht etv.at.lari wim
Rogers & Roberts,
-Cuntractori toJ UoiMnrt.
zf: Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
Tbe Osteite will
agge or better ea sobaeriptton aeroaaia.
Aoy oae awing Ible effieeeaa a-ttle Ibair
AI! Kinds of Repair Work Dune
' , fir "4 b.ia ta Mt aw. Marga ta Mrvw aa4
JO tora to f 3t t) j, I et.i-tfiMn
OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave tour orders "Anr 014.
llace ao'I Ko& or im will 2ct cm. o o o o o 0 c
- - m 0 - -
A teller from A. W. i'atleraoo, wbo Is
at prewent atlandlag Oil am hi a Law Col
legs, at WeeUa-ton, D O , elates thai
bs is pmgraaalag nisely al that school.
la tha Jiki if el aaa amleat for iiffleera,
Alvsh was rt(-)a vU-e president, and
alsi bad I be hoaor ol aaming the ane-
easfal eaptrsat tut preaidaat. lie will
speod bis vaeatMifl in Oragoa -his bona.
Joba Edwards osme erlppliog Into
town Batardsy, considerably tbe woras
(or wear. Inquiry revsslad the (art tbat
John bad bead Aori dt tombnt Ut tbs
nasi tbre weeks, bsviog fallen soma
thirteeo feet off u( John Barker l bare,
oa l! utter ereek. badly tnjoripg bis left
foot ia wbiob be thinks soma bonaa ware
broken. Saturday was Lie first trip out.
Ktop ibateoagbt Take warning. It
nay lead to eHonplia. A 25o bt.t
lis of HI. lob's Onra may save I par life
rV,!4 by Bruek. i
Hbilob's Coosamptloa Cnre euros
ibare others (ail. II ia tbe , lea ling
Oongh Care, end bo boms aboald be
nl bout It. rleeeetil to take aod goea
riabl to tbe IPoU Bo 11 by Uotiir A
Bvervbady Says Bo.
Casoareu Candr CaUiarllc, tha most woo
6rf ul lUiKiU-al ilinxiverv of Hie se, pleas
ant and refrxshinff to tba taaia, a- t trently
and poslUvrly on kUliieye, liver and bowels,
cli-anains- Ilia entire svsU-m, dlsiel e"lle,
cure linailaolie, fever, habitual ronatlatloa
and biilousnma. I'ifaaa boy and try a bos
ef U. C. tJ. Wwlavt 10, St., IW centa. bold and
g iarauKx'U to curs by ail lining taia.
Jm. Laabey is tba owner of aa eioel-
tent ledge ia the Oreeobnrn section
which be calls tbe "Irish Uoho." Tbe
ledge ia V (est ia width, all free mill
log ore end aaa ays well, one goiog as
bigb as 1375 per too, This la not tbe
avsraga, however, bnt tbe ore looks
good enongb oo top to pay well from
the grassroots.
Miss A lla liogbee, Norfolk, Va,, waa
frightfully boroed oa the fees and neck.
Fain waa Instantly relieved by DeWill's
Witcb listal salve, wbiob healed tbe in
jury without learlog a soar. Ills tbe
fstuoos pile remedy, Coosm k Brock.
J. W. sJa.wttl, representing Christy
A Wiss'i llsyward Sheep Dip, ie la
town, having arrived yeatarday front bis
borne ia Laksvisw by stags. Mr. M
ffll al rtu.ia a few 4yfft