Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1897)
JOLJ UP UU TO THE QITS8 THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental Good Baking Powder cannot be sold for 25 cents or 30 cents a pound. Cream of tartar is expensive and cream of tartar is .necessary to good baking powder. "Cheap" baking powder either contains alum (which is bad for the insides) or is badly made (does not do the work) or is weak. Really cheap baking powder cannot be sold for these prices; but the cheapest of all is Schillings Best your money back if you dont like it at erocer's. LOCAL BQU1BS. One Minute Cough Care cures quickly. That's what yoo want! Conser k Brock . a your 2251 GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE VIA VIAI Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AMD A I'D Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Learn Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hook Kong; via, Tbe Northern Paoiflo (Steamship Co. in con nection with O. R. & N. For fall details oall on 0. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, , Oen.Pass. Agt. POHTLAND. OBEOON. CAMERAS. At a merely nominal prioe, the New York Ledger is making one of the most remarkable Camera offers of the BeBsoo. They are sending oat an im mense number of oameras to all parts of tbe United States. It is in reality but .. .. Fifty Cents .. .. tor tbe Camera, with oomplete outfit for photographing and develop ing. Send today for full particulars regarding this remarkable offer, as it is extremely limited. Tbe Camera is thoroughly high grade and first olass ineveiy respeot, fitted with all mod ern improvements, and is guaranteed as represented. Address . . Camera Department, Tne Hev; York Ledger. Ledger Building, N.Y.City for rcRtw".r(t.-:.:;' ELY'S CREAM BAT.M Is a positive core. Annlv into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cant at Drnseists or by ninil : samples 10c. by mail. RI.Y BROTHKH8. 66 Warren St.. New York ClUr. Boys ! should lend at once (or Special premium ut. Juki issued. Htchcs. print Iuk Presses, Air Rifles and many Valuable Articles are to be GIV EN AWAY. New York Ledger, Ledger Building, Girls New York. 601-603 SHE YOG OQIftK ERST ? If so, be sore and see that your tioket reads via He doiiiwesietn Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULDTIT, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH'. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vostibuled NOHTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 16G9.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. Timber Culture Final Proof. United Status Land Office, The Dalles. Oreeon. 8eDt. 13th. 1897, OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES H. Allen has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oregon, on Wed nesday, thPSth dav of December 1897, on timber culture application No. 2978, for the NES4 of sec tion No. 23, In township No. 4 south, range No, 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Kelthley, oscar Keitniey, bi moreiann, ana Jesse M Hogne, all of Hardman, Oregon. MS. F. MOORE, 93-604 Register. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. November 8th. 1897. VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN drew Carlson has filed notice of intention to make flnel proof before J. W. Morrow. Coun ty clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th day of December. 1897. on timber culture application No. 2606, for the north-east quarter of section No. 7, in township mo. 3 sontn range no. m east w. m. Ha names as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell Andrew Anderson, Olof Bergstrom and John Jottnson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. 895-606 Register. at Timber Culture Final Proof. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon. Nov. 12, 1897. KTOUCK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FRED erick P. Cavlness has filed notice of lnten DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth ita wuight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. tion to make final proof before County clerk, at his office, J. W. Morrow. In Heppner. Oreiron. on Wednesday, the 22d day of December. 1H97. on timber culture application No. 3193, for the HE (quarter) of section No 4, In township No, 2 Houth Kange no. E. w. witnesses: John T. Kin Thomas J. Wlllhelm and lone, Oregon. 697-608. M. He names as K. Benjamin F. Kint. Joseph Hughes, all of JAS. F. MOORE, Register. Dining and Hleopliiii Car Trains, ami Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. the SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample copies free.) Rciral Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at tliia office. All vestlbuled olRMits of naMuiureri carried on trains without extra charge. Hlili your freight anil travel over this famous Hue. All agent have tickets. W. II. MEAD. F. O. RAVAGE. Uen. Agent Trav. K A I'. Agt. 218 Washington hi., roruami, or. bo YEARS' V EXPERIENCE CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y kJ SMBa. 1 i iU3Bm Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGbande, Okeoon, Nov. 17. 1897, OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE followlni-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make flual proof In support of hlsclaim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at tieppner, uregnn, on Dec. autn, ia, vu: JOHEPH HICKMAN, Hd. E. No. 5315 for the Wtf NESi and 8KJ, HccSTn28R28BW M. He names the following witnenscs to prove his continuous rcsldonce upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Andrew J. Cook, Arthur Hmlth, John A Waddcll and George Hays, all of uepimer, uregnn. B. F. WII-SON. 698 07 Register This Railway Co. Operates ita traioa on the famous blook system; Lights ita train by sleotriolly throngb- oat; Usee the celebrated eleotrio berth read lug lamp; Koni spestdily equipped passenger trains very day aud eight between HI. l and Obioago, aud Omaha and Chicago tlia ...O DcSIONe ''Wt CoevniQHTe AC. Anroniiinnfllntf ftftkittrh and rtMMrtnttnn ntr finli'kty .wwum our opinion ft-M whether ma Invention In .irotmhij putfittnhl. Communion Itnimntrltrllr O'l'tt'lt'iitUI. lUn1xok nu .'a fonts flit frM. Oultwil uMMiry for fWM-urlim ptenl, ".limta tk-n tlirmwh Munn A Ci. roolr $perUU ff((c4, without clmrtt, Itttb Scientific American. 1'rnia, 4 a A hundanmoly ,1lntrtitM Mk1y. nlillon uf any im.nn J veitrt four niniitha. IL Bui MUNN & Co "'Brssdw.,, few York Braucn unn, isrsi, nasDiugiou, v. !H to sneeD m Get Ricti. Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also oprata steam-bested veitibuled train, carrying the liiteel private eomDartmeDt ara, library bufTel rank- In u cars, and palace drawiug room sleepers. Farlor ear, tree reclining chair ear. and tba very best dining chslr oar erTk-a. for lowest rale to any point in tha United Htatea or Canada, apply to agent or add res 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET. General Ageol, Trav. l'asa, Agent. Portland, Or. TllK WOOL HECOItl) Talla You How to Do It. Notice Of Intention. Land Office at La Gbanoe. Oreoon NOTICE 18 HKhRBY GIVEN THAT THE follow lng-namel settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that anid proof will lie made lHfore County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, orcKiin. on uec. initn n, vis ur.umtH is. iui r.M, lid. K. No. for tbe lota 1 ami i and Pf" NK'i 8e-1 Tp XH K E W Id and Lot 4 rk'o Tu X H R K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and ciiitlvallon ol aid land, vis: Jacob II. rearaon, Andrew J Conk, Jim'pli Lui kniHii and James A. l'earson all ol Heppner, Oregon. B. F. WIIXON MHUI7 Kcgister, mm o 111 ic 111 S Pjr a api oial arrargeineut wo nfler to our reader The Wool Record and Heiul-Weekly Oazt'tte, one year (or 1.1 0(1. Tho Wool lleoord ia the only national oil orgso and cover tha wool InJuslry from the raising of tb abeep to tho sell ing of the manufaotared artiela. II M pulillalied weekly at New York and the regular prio ia $'2.(X) a yasr. Ita market reports are full and complete and it Hheep Hieeders' Talk alona aro worth IU time tb price ol the paper. Hatnpl Co pie on apphcalioo. W'o heartily recommend ttito combl- oation to our ubionbera. TI1UOUQ1I CAKS TO fHr. PAl'I. MINNKAI-OLI8 PUI.UTU KAIli IO ULLKNA Ticket Issued to all tHiint In the United Htatea and Canatla QUICKTIME TO f smase falls i northern KELSON 4 FORT SIILTPARD HLD MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tbo Duly All lUil Itouto Without Cbang of Cars Iktweeo Hpokana, Itosalaod and Neleoo. Also between Nelatin aol Hoeslsod, daily eicept Pooday: 1m?. Hi VITATJOX. IN THE COUNTY CO!!RT OF THE STATE A ol Oreson. lor III County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of llollen M. Allyn, nereHaMi . To Veata Allyn.Cnra Allyn, Mlama Kirk and all unknown heirs and dovlaees, and any aud all lnions luiereaieo. In the name ol the state of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear In the pouiity Court of the Hutte of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof, In lleniuier In the t iinnty of Morrow on Tuesdav Ihn uh day of January, Ifeet, at HI o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause. If any eilst, why an order lie not made lor the aale of the following rtearnhed real prop erly to wit: iorin oi nnarier nisn tion thirty one, In township one, sou I hoi range twenty five east, and nortn-east aiiarur Ol aectlon thirty Hve, township oue south ol range twenty-els, nun w. t. all in siorniw rounty, Oregon, aim the south-rant iiiarterof section thirty In town' ship one, south ol range twenty In, east W. M, III .worrow roomy, uregon. Wltneps, lb Hun. A. G. fjtarthnlnmew, )ndg of the County Courty of the Hlate of Orvgon, for the County of Morrow with the seal ol aald court ertuod, this JUh day uf November, A. 1). 117, Attest: J.W.MORROW, 1 10 clerk. Notice of flsal Itettleateat. XJ0TICB Ift IIRRERY GIVE! THAT Till 11 Mtidpratgnrd adinlnl.lrator of th es tate of John W. lwson, sleeeueil. will make final settlement of his aerouut with said mate as such administrator, on Tuelajr, the 4 h day of January, l, ai tk kmir of 10 e'clm k In the loreuiMin ol said day, at the! oon- v t oon room 01 Morntw county, uregon, aettl day being the second dav of the nrsl regular term ol the utility I ourt tor Morrow eminiy. lau. at Heppner, umtmi Nov nilx-r f. lav;, 1 HOU AM K t.Yt)SH. , sill ma Administrator. eon A. M Mm A. M 10 A . nk see . Il.wlatl Nela, .. Arrlt I'. M I w . H n r. m Oni.'Acx) WabhimutoH lULTiKoaa Naw Ta llvr'Ato All other polot lo tb F.eet and Koulbeest Omaha Kansas Citv ttT. JoeaPR Ht. Louta 'lae eeneHiia at Nelaxi with .learner, fur RaebL and all K.MrfeiiMl lka iMiiuta. I wmum l.t'KHHa iiuer aoa Hoandart I reek emieej al Waives Willi a4ae itoilt. I'eWia iVpot roooeetliio a I HI. I'aiil, Mioneapolie, Kaoea City, Otnaba, Ht. linla and other pMrcl asat immbU D engage eherksd tbrotigb lo deatloatioa of tuseU. Tlirongb lb ket to J spaa auJ China, via Taoowia and Norther a racillo Hleaut hip Uompaay't Una. ft full Information, time cards, map, ticket, eUv, oail mi or writo W. C. Autvif, A. I) Ca.aLTug, Agt N I'.liy. Aset,Un tMI- lulJri,(jr, I'ortlsiJ.Or 'avMia, aa4 1 ra.lM.ra ttt4 ea4 all l at e4 keMHMereiew4 ( sjeeseavt Vita. OoaOmcSiSOeeoaiM U, a favsevoreiei 4 tu m tMS tewe taee. UejJ i.eMea tnea w sis, . . aeaJ n.eL eraxaj ef eiwwn- woa ewer U. V. i-', U iMirm.i w ev a-4. I", ei Wt. Vvt Im m i" t il pleat tseemrj A ..Mil, - ll'V lflV'"im I . i hm ia lle W. I. ee4 kni snwsiw. ej lra. k.l.hs o.A.sr20w&.co. Ve. Parte 0nt. w.aeieevea 0 1 IN Tilt Ctll'NTY .t)CRT OF THt RTATI of tiregiin, lor the Coimtv of i.rmw. Ill the matter ol th estate ol fc.ll.lie (perry, de ceaee,. To Itulda Rdwarla, an I all unknown heir and sev Iseee, sod any end ail persons Interval. nl ireetlita: ! Hi ine name ol ine mete er Oregon, you are betebr elted end re-iulrwl to lear in the I ounry t mm i.l ma of Ore gon, lor the CiHiaty of Morrow, al the court loom thereof at llapnoer, In the Comity of Morrow, on Tuesday llie 4 1 It day ol January, ls,ll mocKirk In the roreneoa al lhal lv, llien aud there to .how eauae, tf any e.iel, w hy an order lot the sale ol the folio log dearrtheA ropertv to wll PealiiHtng at s slake 4,l oi'liaa at a plut A w chalrMi we.t ol llieaoulh' ea.1 ooriter the d.mattow teid ctatm nl I haflee hiea, NiMinmiloe No ti'S) and claim tin, il. In lown.hlp I J. e-xilh of lueg 1 11 Uiree. ISeet id the Wtllamelie yert.ll.a, and miming then North and parallel with tea fast tine .4 said claim IT ny srean i h.ln to a etaka 10 . H lii-be. Ihenre Kail J M rhaliw m tha nlai-eol heainnlng, meiatulng ta at aerea. wtore or H-a altitaie.1 la Iheeounty ol Una and Slata el 'ea.n. t ant awl.. witiwaa. the Hon. A l. ffarthnlneiaw, ludf ef the t oimttr mirt oltheetaleel treww. tr thetiniinty ol Morrow, wlirt tha seal ..I said rirt aAlsrd, this rui day tit Keranhei, A. it. lavl. A Ileal; J. W. MORROW. SOI ate Clerk Billy Rosa has returned from a visit to Pendleton wbere bo says times are good. Sam B. 8 toy, of Portland, was in Heppner Thursday last, looking up basi nesa. Oar old subscriber, who are yet in arrears, should find it convenient to pay np this fall. Arthur 0. Thornton, special agent of tbe Firemen's Fond, was in town Wed nesday last. Lee Eilbourne, Mr. Wilkerson and J, H. Inskeep were in from Eight Mile on last Tuesday. Born To tbe wife of Chan. Miller, on Rhea oreek last night, tbe 9th inst., a 9 pound boy. Aea Thompson, an old friend of the Gazette ranobe, was in town yesterday and, today on business. If you need something for your system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tt For sale residence property. Barn and good outhouses. Will soil oheap on easy terms. Call at offloe. 83-tf. COreen Mathews and family were in town on last Tuesday and Wednesday Tbey like ranch life immensely. Those who can bring the shop some wood now will find it sooeptable. Don't put us off till spring we need it now. Those who have holiday goods ought to be up and doing, now that tbe time approacheth for tbe sale of tbe pretty things. 0. 8. Van Dnyn has returned from trip to North Yakima and Ellensburgb lie is Very much impressed with that oouDtry, J. H. Allen, of Eight Mile, made final proof upon bis timber culture on last Wednesday, with J. C- and Oaoar Keith ley as witnesses. rV. M, Butler, who has been in Hepp ner numerous times during tbe past two years, oame in this morning from Mon tana te bur range stock. A oall has been made for a meeting of tbe republioan clubs of Oregon, to be bold in Portland tbe first Tuesday in February, the 1st, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Another invoice of New Home and Climax sewing machines just reoeived by P. 0. Thompson Co. You oould not make your wife a baodaomer Christmas present. ' 604-21, On Toesday night last a big danoe was given out at Johnny Wad Jell's, on Little Butter oreek. Quite a number were present and a most enjoyable time was bad. Messrs. J. T. Cantwell and Millard French departed for tbo mountains this morning, with pack horses loaded down with grub and prospector's implements. They will be absent several days. A. Mueller, representing the "Hop Oold beer," made at Vanoouver, was in Heppner yesterday. Tbe Gazette ac knowledges a pleasant oall from tbe gentleman, accompanied by bis friend, F. 8. Buobtel. Prosperity cornea quickest to tbe man whose liver is in good condition. De- Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, billioosoesa, indigestion aud all atomaoh and liver troubles. Conser A Brock Tbe lats W. J. Leezer held a polioy in the New York Life- for 91,000. Indeed tbia will come in aa a genuine blessing to the family. Lure ioauranoe ta a business proposition and no man or a family should be without it. A mestiog of tbe towo council waa held last evening to consider tbe ques tion of cbangiog the syatem of aro light ing to that of locandeseeot. After aom discussion, it waa deoided to drop tbe new plan and cling to tbo old one wbtcb tba Oar.ette thinks waa wise It Is easy tocatob a oold and Just as easy to get rid of it if you oommeooo early to nso Ono Miouta Cough Cure. II eures oougbs, colds, bronobitis, poeu moaie and all throat and lung troobl It is plessaut to take, safe to ose and sure to our Oonsei A Brook Oar lt issue with tbo president's nesssge reached oar ubeenbers oon idersbly in advanoo of tba metropolitan papera ol Oregon. Tbo weekly Oregon Ian, will not rsaob tbo people of tbo oouotry till lata ia tbo week, and before Ita arrival tba Osteite patrons will bo lo poMeaalon of the mtMage After berini aom frisods oootinnallf orataina? Chamberlain's Colla, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Oortia Fleak, of Anaheim. Cel.. purchased ft bottle of tt for bia own ose and ia now aa tlbnsta ist over it wonderful work as anyone csn be, Tb '23 and 60 oeot an for sals by Coaser & Brook. Tba Oregoniaa Is nacb disturbed over tb condition of tho morals of Portland. Tba Osteite know that under maa who wer friendly to tbo Oregoniaa things wore oiuob worse and aotbiogssid about t- A Sara Twin tee Yew. A Uanaeutlon towhivb youannot loeetea erne lulus?. tllUousnraa, al. k heaUarhe, fur. red touiiue, f e er, pliea and a Uiouaand other U s ai t-auaetl ty rtrtiaupwiiou euu aiutniaa liver, Cax-Wl-rU Candy t atuertto, the won derful new liver eliniulaiil ana inweiiuej Ol Boyder Gets 60 for Aa Injured Hand Tbe Honey Attached. Oliver 8oyder, last week, brought ac tion against tbe O. R. A N. Co. for dam ages for injuries reoeived reoently on tbe depot platform. Tbe matter waa referred back to Agent Hart who, in or der to get rid of the matter and save complications with tbe company, agreed to make good tbe damages and settled for $60. Tbe money never reaohed Mr. Snyder's bands, however, for when the latter went to tbe bank to draw same it was attached by sheriff Matlock for parties in Heppner. Snyder was injured about a week ago by falling onto a disc barrow on tbe depot platform. He bad gone to the depot to meet the morning train and ran over tbe implement in the dark. AWARDED DAMAGES. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOUBLKS AMD CONSUMPTION CAM BE CUBED. How's Thisl We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any oase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cbeeney & Co., Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cbeeney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve ' bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to oarry out any obligationa made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Welding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Boting direotly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of tbe Bvstem. Testimo nials sent free. Price, 75o. per bottle. Hold by all druggists. LEXINGTON POINTERS. ioe. Last week we bad snow, sleet, rain, obinook, mud, and more mud. Olin S. Hodsdon and 0. E. Musgrove were in from Sand Hallow Saturday. J. H. Piper is here from Milton look ing after his interests. Mr. Samuel Coe came down with bim. N. A. Leach returned from bis trip to Portland, loaded down to tbe guards with nioe things for Cbriatmas. Prof. Mathers delivered a very inter esting leoture on phrenology last Fri day evening at tbe oburob. Mr. Sayer, of Douglass, passed through town today en route to the capital of Morrow oounty. O. A. Hale is in town after supplies for his sheep camps. 0. A. is one of the rustling business men of Morrow Co. There was conaiderable sleet here last week, and fog so thiok you oould almost cut it. The wires on tbe fences looked like rope stretobed from post to post. Tbe teaobers' local institute wss held at Lexington Saturday, Deo. 4, and was well attended. This institute was char acterized bv tbe earneat desire of tbo teaobers present to impsrt and acquire knowledge. Questions and answers were ready and to tbe point. While a tew teaobers who should have been present were coospiouous by their absence, on tbe who! 6, the people of Lexington bave a deep interest in sobool work. Tbo piogram of the day session as rendered was as follows: Song Amerioa. Number work Misa Ada Gentry. Geography Miss Altos Olasaoook and Edward Tibbets. Recess. Mosio, vocal J. E.Adams, Noon. Examinatiooa Mrs. M, 8. Onsy. Sobool decoration Mabel G I see cock. Language Mr. E. R. Beaob. Reoesa. Penmanship J. E. Adams. Bobool work Supi. Shipley. As it was impossible to get tbo work all into tbe day session, so imprompta program was arranged for tba sveoiog. At 7:30 tbe following program was rendered: 8ong. Recitation Miss Ella Mason. Educational disoussioo Rev. E. R. Beach. Reading Mia Delia Holland. Reoitetioo Miaa Alios Olasaoook. Mental arithmetic J. E. Adams. Reoilstion-Walter Hill. Iostrnmsntal solo Miss Dona Bar- nett. Recitation Mablo Glasscock. Question box. Edaealional diacoaaioo Supt. Ship ley. Song. X Pobtkk. Aa Eminent New York Chemist aad scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar head era. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oured thousands permsnently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, snd this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as benefloial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bia American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy end certain death. Simply write toT. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free msdioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bia generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, tbia shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioea of any person under tbe sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank ' books, bank ' work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork tbat yon bave heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity concern but it yon will give us a ohaooe we will see tbat you are satisfied In every particular. Bur your goods at home. Remetriber tbat Abe Linooln said tbat when one ' bought goods away from home -f be foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But , when tbe i goods 'we're bought at borne we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by ' it. When the printing drummer comes to town,: re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-Jf The. Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. STEAMBS DALLES Qin" AND "REGULATOR" The New Ballroad. Work on the new railroad venture from Vancouver, Wash., to North Yaki ma, via Goldendale, bai already oom menoed. Rails are being laid as fast as the grade and bridges are ready. This will open up a great and productive country. Ita immensity cannot be no derstood unless one should have an op portunity to see tbat seotioo. Success to the venture. Two Millions st Year. When neonle buv. trv. and buy again, it metina they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million i j .i ;n l. - ai :ll: u Doxes a year ana it win ue uiree iiiiuiuii uc fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Caaearets are the moat delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, '2oc, ode a box, cure guaranteed. S. 0. Smith returned last week from Paso, Wash., wbere be bad been sines last September, in obarge of a Methodist oongrsgatlon there. He will return in the near future. ''The Regulator Line Leave Tbe Dalles daily (ezoept Sunday) at V3U a. m. Jbeaye Portland at 7:00 a. m. Wben yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. CALLAWAY, General Agent QCZOS TI3VIDEI t TO arx Franolsco And all points in California, via the Ht Bhasta rent of the Southern Pacific Co The groat hiehwuy through California to all points East and south. Grand taenia Boat of the Psoiflo Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Seoond-claas Sleepers Attached to exDreea trains, affnrriina annarfnr aocommodations tor second-class passengers. tat rates, tickets, sleeping oar reeerrations, KOKHl etc,, call upon or address L.U iv. Manager. dan. r. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon IK, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Those who desire to build should not forget that C. E. Ranous, tbe con tractor, ia ready to make estimates at any time. 60tf Every new subscriber of tbe Qssetto from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive as a premium a book worth alone tho price of the subscription. tf Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says; "After two doctors gave up my boy to rlia. I saved him from crono bv nsina I nn. Minor. Oonah Cure" II is thai Come in and subscribs for the-Gaaoo." quickest and most certain remedy tor',Now ie ,hs time- Tou ' want to onuirha. colda and all throat anl luno 1 ?'" who,e J0' of Bood. hard reading troubles. Conser & Brook. I tbat is now being published in our "Only." Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all timet of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Voeal and Instrumental Mosio taught by competent instructors. A gradu ate of tho Bos tou Conservatory baa ebargo of tbo instrumental depart ment, Tlie Icidicr' Boartllnc Hall I thoroughly equipped and offer i oellsnt acoommodaUons at reasonable rates. Bend for eatalogua. . Addaeaa M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING TON, Secretary Board of Reganta, Weaton, Ore. Tetter, tUlt-Khrnm and Eowms, Tbe Intense itching and smarting, inci dent to the din, ta InaUntly allayed by applying Chamberlain 'a fcyo and Skin Ointment. Many very b4 caaea have brn permanently cured by it. It la equally emchni ror iKiung pue ana m. fsrnrlts remedV for Bore nipple. chapped hands, chilblalna, front btUw HEPPNER, ana caronto sore r-yea. eta. per ouz. Tr. fadf! readltlea PewaVra, are just what a home needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not rood but medkine and tbe beat In use lo put a I horse In prime condition, frit ti cents per package. 3E33LilLi3CS tto 3F3Hr3E33Li2S Attorneys fit Law, All buainees attended to lb a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. . OFFICE IS NATTER ECILDINO. t I I ; i OREGOM WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and hi Sound Navigation Co K. af P. r.tK-tU fa Y.u.J..ei Maalssl UMBMjI I ha tmuoareby aJI dMisi ianwwU tocura v i i -a. er snoov reftiniliai. .', C. U are e sore oleetloa of officer la tbo K. or V. KXlfe, thins. Try a Una Unlays, ioe, a sTwkinjLVKmr .sutick. VTt'!r. 1 MKHkliY llivri THAT IV ttirvllnfollh .wlanl.lal the Vf1 nr mm. iii. an.) m aa-!ail.a a III ha h'M at thvir fflra la the al.,ia fans, la H'l t'liai. ,, halve Ilia ainira 1 a, m. I n of lua.laf. th nth .lay of ana at, l, lor the puras ulkiw llug dirai kira M tbe eiwulaa raar rai.BjHor,4-rutv. I-VtbHta, lVT. ) feMl and bookie free. Ue our w a a big ad. A nimbi error crept into tbe oils trM- nrar's report In last tseoa, and shows tbe Iowa wltb a Utile Um saooey oa Hand tbaa titers should be. Tb report should read i lUasrv foa l, la ! oe bond da In rVhmery, l'o0.UU; avallsbls ear pins, ir.xl H. This sam canant all ne aaed for Ibo payment ef warraats as a eertale per sent, of It goes late tbe siab tog land etiioo nrevtdae ine neit year a ialreet en tbo brmda. for the oalng term. Tbo contest ess not a spirited one, tb boys agreelog on the D officer vo before tbo funnal eWtina was bad. The fallowing is a list of iboaeleetioosi i R. Simon. O Cj Floyd Tnon., V. C ; Jay W. 8bip ley, Prelslei E. I freelasd, K. of 11 A S.; W. T. flatten, M. at A i J. 1. Rob aria. M . of F. W. W. Bmeed. M. ef E, John Hofbes. If. of W.; John Horaor, I. O Was Loellia. 0. O E. 11 Mela bnraa, Troslee, Stftsen TflHTO BAILEY MM! 1ND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder Rlreet lXck. Fortleed, for Astoria, llwaeo. Long Beech. Ooeaa Park and Kahcotta. lhreot aenoenttoa wttb llwaeo steamer aad rail road; also at Tooog's Usy witb Seaehoro Kallroad. Laa rrtlnd 1 i, X. Dally, vscapt Stiaday. Uefa anuria 1 M. failr, tteept skjitda Laaras rerUae4 S P. at Iallr. err nn4ar. aatarrtaf ntaht. II P M. Astnrta tka al M A. Is , aseef? Saadaf aad M4.. -iiar a'ahl. I T. l! OOBAZa' "W-VM LaaraS PnHlaM so4 runs illfart te I! am. Tnaolsf mi4 Tharwtar al 4 M tmimrAmt .us a Uans Ilaare Wednasriaf sM Prt-Ur at J A. M. Bawtar 'iM at P. 4. Pat Setoy, Otawt, Cafort, PUenra, Traeel ae Um Ttlepaaae. Ballav Ostsert ans Oraaa aire. Mary Dlrd, l!amatittrg,l'a,aay, "ill rbllj Is worth ntilltons to me, yet I would have tl Lr by crenp bad I not lovasted twenty fls cento In a bottle of On aliaute Coegb Care," It rnreo Cwogbs, ctJds and all tbroa tang Irovtle. C 'DSet k BlOC t. Na eeetr I Kleed D. Il.a t,l,nd taraaa a rVeaa Wm. IvaHtV withmtt rt. I aararaia, I aalf t alliar tw rlraa r bimi sad keep it ka. ! tirtins b the lay livr and driving il im paniwe (nm tbe txl. wie tolr l ( irn.l, Iwla, LW" !, Wm kkwaU, an thai s k't 1ihs enn(l bv takiea Caaiarela. t-raulr l"t learen'a. All Hta I sta, lisaa (Maiaatted, Iwv, S3f, v THE PALACE HOTEL B Alt, J. C. BOITOHJims. Prop, Kcej)s the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.