Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 10, 1897, Image 3

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A Grateful Mother Writea thla Letter
Telia all about Her Troublea when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sorea.
M At the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We UBed all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to so avail. The sores spread all over one
aide of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
. the sore was gone. Bat to my surprise in
, two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Barsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sareaparilla, and before the first bottle
.was finished, the sores were well and have
' never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign ot those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Barsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mbs. S. 8. Weotbn, Farming
ton, Delaware. . . Get only Hood's.
u.Aii nsilc Prompt, efficient and
nOOQ S rlllS easy in effect 26 cents.
The Gazette can offer the following
olobbine rates:
The GAZETTE (2.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan.t 1.50... .... 3.00
' " B. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2,7.
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.00
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" . . 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75
f hrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall'a Hagaiine $1.00 1,30
Yearly subscriber to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates with any paper on
SERYT.0E3 ' '
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p, m.
Epworth LesKne Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
-The Spibit and the bri e gay. Come."
The paator may be fonnd at the parsonage ad
joining the ohnreh, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult hiin on
religious, social, oivic, philosophic eduoational,
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLK8HKR, Minister.
Take Notice.
L The sum of five cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of
respect," lists 01 weacung presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
uuuw ui Biwiai meetings ior wnaiever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Here and There.
Fat Eelehar is in from the range. ;
Bee M. Liclitentbal & Co. for ehoee. a.
The Curette oarriea a (nil line ot legal
Bob Willi is in his new quarters, o"zj
as one conld wish.
G. P. Montgomery, of Chioago, was io
our town Wednesday.
Julias J. Paul came in from Prineville
on Wednesday last
Ranons U still on the tort doing t lit
tle oarpenter business. tf
To trade & Rood heating stove, for
cord wood. Call at offloe. tf.
A. L. Walker and wife came down
from Hardman yesterday. - .
Barry Jonas and family were visitors
to Heppoer yesterday.
Frank and Ed Moreland, ot Hardman,
were in town on last Wednesday, ,
Geo. 8. Blake, of Blake Bros., Rock
Creek sheepmen, was in town today.
Batba down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 cents. Orville Jones manager, tf
J.N. Fordyos and 0. O. McDonald,
traveling men, were in Heppoer yester
day. M. A. Olden, one ot oar E igbt Mile
farmers, was in Heppoer Wedoesday
Look oul for Dr. Grant who will ar
rive bare about Deo. 20th with a rattling
W. V. Crawford .for.mae of this oflloe,
baa moved Into bis nsw reeideooe, near
the Christian eborcb,
"Oo'o juice" is all right bat Low Til
lard baa a braod of 14-yeer old goods
that Is bard lo beat. 6o3-tt.
Painless remedy for sitraotiog teeth.
If Dot as stated, do obergee. Try Dr.
Vaogbao's new plao. COe-tf.
Beet aooomroodatioo sod eoarteons
treatment al tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
ad Wash. Hts., Portlaod, Oregoo.
Arlbof C. Lawreoee and Roeooe F.
Oakes, kolgbte ot lbs grip, are interview
log the Heppoer trade today.
Nat Boot! aod Jubo Maidmeot, ltork
Creek ebeepmea, ware io town on laet
Wedoeeday aod T. oraday.
(leo. V. Iluberte, representing Zao
Bros., of Portland, talked to Ueppoer's
bosioees mo on Wedoeeday laet.
Be sot dtoeivedl A cough, boartseee
or croup are Dot to be trifled wltb. A
doee ta tiros of Hbilob's Core will savs
tea mo b t rouble. Hold by Gun A
Brock. J
Mrs. M. B. ford, Rnddoll's, til., sat
frred far eight years from dtspepais sod
bronlo osatipatioo aod was fleetly
sori by ostng D. Will's Utile Karlv
Itteera, lbs famoes little pliU for all
etnmarb aod liver trool.W OeerA
' uif c ttiri.ly, cure m!n' lo furvivt.
w. U CUC. fail, r-ii4 rwliurfanwry
IUv. Howard relaraed home fmcs
Pxrtleod (lie sb ruUig etl repne bis
wife as tatprof int. aad will be able lo
ret art boest la a short time.
l f fc !. LTL imS. I I
A Candle Flncla It Hard Work to Keep
Warm in the Arctics.
Cold is merely a relative term. The
resident of the semi-tropical countries
shivers when the thermometer falls to
50-degrees, while the Laplander and
Eskimo think it is comfortable at zero.
For real cold, and plenty of it, one
must go to the polar regions. Think
of living1 where the mercury goes down
to 36 degrees below zero in the house,
in spite of the stove. Of course, in such
a case, fur garments are piled on until
a man looks like a great bundle of skins.
Dr. Moss, of the polar expedition of
1875-76, among other things, tells of
the effect of cold on a wax candle which
he burned there. The temperature was
35 degrees below zero, and the doctor
must have been considerably discour
aged when, looking at his candle, he
discovered that the flame had all it
could do to keep warm.
It was so cold , that the flame could
not melt all the wax of the candle, but
was forced to cut its way down, leav
ing a sort of skeleton of' the candle
There was heat enough, however, to
melt oddly-shaped holes in the thin
walls of wax,, and the result was a beau
tiful lace-like cylinder of white, with a
tongue of yellow flame burning inside
of it and sending out into the darkness
many streaks of light.
Don't be persuaded into baying lini
ments witbont reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Fain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters as the
following, from L. G. Bagloy, Hneneme,
Gal., are constantly being received: "The
best remedy for pain I have ever need is
Chamberlain's Fain Balm, and I say so
after having need it in my family for
several years." It oures rheumatism.
lame baok, epraiiiB nnd swellings. For
sale by Conser & Brook.
PurcuudiuK a Hion.toy,
A dealer in stuffed animals who also
kept a few live creatures for sale, gave
his shop boy, who was permitted to sell
the stuffed specimens, orders to call
him when anyone asked for any of the
living animals, says Youth's Companion.
One day a gentleman called and de
manded a monkey.
"Anyone of these?' asked the boy,
who was in iharge. He pointed to the
stuffed specimens.
-"No I want a live monkey," an
swered the customer.
The boy stepped to the door of the
back shop and called to his master:
"You're wanted, sir."
"Only the Best "
Bbou'd be yoor motto when you need a
medioine. Do not be induced to take
any substitute when you oall for Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Experience bas proved it
to be tbe best. It is an honest medioine,
possessing actual and unequalled merit
tie wise and profit by the experience of
other peoplt.
Hood's Pills are the favorite family
catnartio, easy to take, easy to operate,
a- A Midget" Testament.
A "midget" Testament, three-quar
ters of an inch long and half an inch
wiue, weigning only ze grains, nnd a
"mite" Bible, one and three-quarters of
an inch high by one and one-eighth
wide, containing 936 pages and weigh
Ing 180 grains, have .lust been published
by a Glasgow firm. They are said to be
tbe smallest Bible and Testament in the
Miss Allie Hoghes, Norfolk, Vs., was
frightfully boroed 00 tbe faoe and neck.
Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's
Witob Hazel sulve, wbiob healed tbe in-
ury witbont leaving a soar. It Is tbs
famous pils remedy. Conser A Brook.
The Prior of Spendthrifts.
A London jourruil of society says that
th prince of Wales is the most thrift
's man In the world, as carelem in
money mat ters as a successful gambler.
In 33 years Albert Edward, thia kniraol
asserts, has "run thronph" $.'i0,000,000.
The government has paid him $25,000,-
000, with an additional allowance of
5,000,000 for traveling fxrx-nur. All
this he has spent and yet to-day It Is
estimated he owes various tradespeople
and his rich frml 120 000.000.
Everybody Bays Bo.
r.nrU rn!v Cathartic, the most won
derful mJical discover? of the axe, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, ant gently
and positively on slilneys, liver ana noweia,
cieanslne: the entire avstirn, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, namtuai constipation
and biliousness. I'leeao buy and try a box
of U. C. C. to-day j 1 0, ', mi cenia. boiu ana
guaranteed to cure by ail druggists.
Rev. W, E. Potwlns will coodnot
Episcopal servioes lo tbs Christian
oboreh al Heppner on orxt Toesda?
sveolog, Dec. 14.
Dyspepela cored. Hbilob's Vital ixer
immediately relieves soar stomscb, com
ing op of food distress, aod Is tbs great
kidney aod liver remedy. Bold by Coo
serABrck. 7
J. T. Csulwell briogs back from tbs
moootains specimens ot kaolioe, a vert
excellent quality of slsy which to used
ia Ibe maoofscliire of porotUio.
Care Ibet cogb with Hbitoh'e Core
Tbe bet eoagh ears. Helievee sroap
promptly. Ons mlllioe bottles sold Isel
veer. 40 do for 25cls. Bold by Oo-
r A Brock. y
It. C. Wills is earn leg all kinds of
botkioa, fMe rocris, vgrtbls.
greea goods, caodiee.ete., bide a good
slrk of saercnendtt Al lbs new
stand. UUy bM buildieg. Da'l esiae
Bob. ft &.
Tboee decorated I sinus at P. C.
Tboo)pea Co's. are the pfettlwet I
Beppaef; tbef are rnsd wilb patent
oollsr, warrant tot to leak or gal
lone 4 2.
HIJ IhI Mqt4 I't tbe deliver;
at tuf ranch, oa Ifim bsd of Uhe nrswk.
of ooe baadred enls til ptni rar root
wo.nl. eaid wm4 to be dllrt ftot
Ulr Iban tot.l ll f Aee is. I. bMs
(td IM 1Mb dst of Jsonsry. lM
ItMwrve tbe rigbt to rJet aof aod all
J. W. M aaow
Plans to Improve Their
Physical Condition.
Mrs. E, A. Buck's Recovery from
Severe Nervous Prostration.
The Simple Method Which Wrought a Per
manent Cure m Her use.
There has been more or less talk ot
late about the benefits ot evmnastio
work for girls and women.
There is no doubt that their pbysioal
condition oan be greatly improved by
systematic exeroise. And it is certain
that many stand in sore need of such
Tbe great weariness, nervousness, poor
sleep, inability to walk far witbont tir
ing, bearing down feelings, headaohe,
and backache, oold feet, and spinal ten
dernessall these are symptoms that
affeot a large proportion of women.
"Tbe sense ot exhaustion is a remark
able one; tbe woman is Always tired; she
passes the day . tired, she goes to bed
tired, and she wakes np tired, often, in
deed, mor tired than when she fell
asleep.-- She sighs a great deal, and her
arms and legs tremble or 'fall asleep'
so frequently that she fears palsy or
paralysis." .
Bui few have opportunities for physi
cal culture, and they give up hope and
suffer silently and sadly. Into the dark
ness of their sorrow comes a gleam of
brightness from the experience of Mrs.
E. A. Book, of Lynn, Mass. She writes :
"For a long time I was on the verge of
nervous prostration and general debility.
I was so I oonld not walk any distanoe
without a terrible palpitation of the
heart and a dizzy, faint feeling. Noth
ing helped me until I need Paine's oelery
compound. A few bottles of that re
markable medioine made me feel like
another woman. I now do my own
housework, sleep well, have a good
appetite, and can walk a long distanoe
withont having to rest at all. I only
hope this testimony of mine will induce
some poor, nervous, worn-out friend to
use this compound and be oured."
Why should there be suffering and
sickness among women when there is a
soientiflo, oommon-sense remedy, Paine's
oelery compound that cures. If you do
not need it yourself, speak of it to some
weak sod nervous woman, and tell her
that at last there is relief tor nervous
A Woman's Cleverness.
A good story is told of the cleverness
of a woman in a transaction with an in
surance adjuster. The parlor curtains
took fire, and before the blaze was ex
tinguished the carpet was badly
scorched. After looking over the dam
age the representative of the company
said Bhe was entitled to the value of a
newcarpct $100. "We will allow you
that sum," continued the man, "and we
will take your old carpet." "Why,
what can you do with it?" "Oh, we'll
sell it second-hand aud get back $10 or
$12 at least," was the careless reply, in
tended to make the company's attitude
as generous as possible. "In that case,",
promptly put in the owner of the car
pet, "sell it to me. I'll give you $12 for
it." The adjuster could only comply,
with tbe result that this quick-witted
chatelaine got n new parlor carpet with
a handsome moquette floor covering aa
well for an upper room that needed it
for $12.
Backlea's Aralra Halve.
Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts,
Braises, Hores, Uloeri, Bait Rhenm,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skio Erup
tions, and positively cares Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price !2S cents per box. For sale by
Conser A Brook.
It bas been rumored thai tbe Natiooal
bank bnilding, 00 lower Main street,
will be moved to a more advantageous
position on Main atreet Tbe bnilding
ia constructed of brick bat this will not
intsrfere with sacb a plan, if deemed
A Clever Trlok.
Ilcerlaioly looks like it, bat there ie
really do trick about il. Anybody can
try it who baa lams baok snd week kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. Ws
meso bsoao oars biinswlf right awsy by
taking Elsotrio Bi iters. This medicine
tones op lbs whole system, acts as a
stimoleotlo tbe liver and kidoevs, is a
blood purifier snd neive tonic. Il cares
oonstipetioo beederbf, faintiog spells,
sleeplessness aod melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild Isislive, aod
restores lbs system lo its aatoral vigor.
Try Elsotrio Kilters sad be oovlooed
Ibet tbey are a miracle worker. Every
bottle goaraoteed. Only 60 oeola
bottle st Conser A Brock's drug store.
Wash Thompson moves today iuto tbs
ridnre properly of lire. TaylorTbomp
eon, while Wall Thompson snd family
til Disks their bonis lo Ibe Welob
property, Istely veeeWd by Waab.
TonHiJi mr Trylag It.
In ordr to prove tits great merit of
r. y s Cran JUliu. the snmt elTsntlve cure
fr Clrrh end CuM In lUwl, we have pre.
t rwt a -tiiron trial sits for 10 enl.
U-t it of yuur dragiot "t snd 10 rents to
riT B W., M Warren St., N. T. City.
I soTersd from caUTh of the wnrt kind
ever si m-e a boy, a i l I aer bpd for
sun, I m Civ's 'rm lialie sanis to do
vsa I list aMny acnainlaaM bate lol
il witli eieetlvtit rwrnlts. -Oacer Oetrua,
4-i OVrtn Ae., (Ittrago, III.
fJr's rrm Balm Is the ailmowl.-ltf-d
eir if eawrt a tn-i ooouuim do eoraina,
ariiry D" any tsalnrtosMl dmg Trlre,
tO niiU. Al drti!ll or I'T md.
.SOTH'K Or HTrx KtlOU'Fkff
N(Ti is ursray oimtmt rural
III has ln ot lh silMrfs i4
lh rirrt K.ii..l t Ht'V. si lhli
UHtlMMsHit.'Ml SmI '
f M nJs.M'Uf l hs tnm erf l-flrf
Iraslms as mf ff'
A full and complete line of the cele
brated Kuh, Nathan & Fisher goods
just received from Chicago.
Suits and Prices Guaran
teed to Fit.
An elegant line of Gent's Neckwear, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps. You can surely be suited
in any of these lines.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
In it for
o J.
Groceries pry ' Ooodsi Ladies', Gents' "and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
an Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
At prices as low as they can be sold in
' this market.
D. A. Herren Building,
; -
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
And by ths wsy they hsrs anything you rsa call for Id th. Itn. of
Hardware, Mures and Tinware.
ii. ' :..:
'-v. ,rf tlilnif...i;;iilnl!!iliii.i;iiiiiljiil p(
Tho GAZETTE, $2.00 A Year for CASH.
HEPI'MKR, OB., Nov. 12, 1897.
M' Vrt. Conner It Brork, Heppner, Or.
nsMTLta(M:-I was recentlj uken with a sorer, cold
which mad. m. vary hoars, and rendered m. unlit to
attend to business. A Mend of mine called mjr attention
ta four Dr. Bartlilow's cough syrup and I bought a bottle,
costing me ISO cents, which relieved m. at ours and com
pletely cured me. I am subject to throat difficulty and I
hav. found nothing that gav. m. so much relief as this
cough cure.
1 am Informed that it Is eicellent lor colds, bronchitis,
whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles,
1 beg to remain, moat truly yours,
amljiil 6t
iv r iiiii 1 1 ill
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Cotton Blankets
Cotton Blankets,
We also have a line
called wool,
Bat the Only Blanket
On Earth is the
We are sole agents for tboae, having bought our
entire line io June, it enables us to sell tboae
oelebrated goods at tbe same prioes asked for
inferior brands. Oall and examine.
to suit tbe times. Yon want fresh
groceries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You osn find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . .
IT. 3. Howard
Main Street,
And now the entire world
TCnnmS this inert ini. rx-rmhiM
As the Star Brewery beer
The Best Baraains
But ar. those of ireatttst ml us In proportion to oost. II you want to set your
mvu.y'i worth ol honest goods In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
w. an lncreasinn our stock (or
That 14-Ycar Old
..... On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
s ir l MAHie oooiaa
Nsw Htsnd, City Uotl UullJmg,
Heppner's Leading Furniture
IUhI Itoom Suites from fll.fK) up. ft.
GooI, I)roir-I af Tahl.-H, 2.'J5 f r
DcautlTul Line ol Gtirlstmas Goods now Open.
Y.a ar. lavIM to
Tby hav aaythlni In this llns that you msy nr.tr and you raa dstMBd .a It oa s.t a
out artli Is bu Uy Mraiil Ik
Ol4 Stasia", Main ttr..t
Minor & Co.
90c a pair. !
Better, $1.25.
of Eastern blankets
at $3.00.
4& CO
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
(all and winter. Call and so. us.
call and Insport ay Stork
VffMf, Of, N. .
R.palrinf a 6.elaUyi