Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 10, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, Dec. 10, 1897.
is Marshal ilousers choice for
chief deputy,
H. A. Faxton, who was Marshal
It is refreshing after reading Houser's deputy while the latter
the numerous iiDeo schemes ad- wa8 Bnerm 01 , Umatilla county,
vanced inst now to find the follow. haf been appointed sheriff to sue
inrr aanoihU 1onnn.no in tr.a on 066(1 Mr. HoUSef,
nual report of the secretary of the
navy: "Additions to our fleet may A. A. Roberts, for many years
be hereafter necessary to bring a citizen' of 1 eppner, has been ap-
it up, in case of an emergency, pointed field deputy by U.' 8,
to an extent commensurate wun warsnai uouser. rue place is
the growing necessities of the coun- one of the best in that department,
try, especially in view of the de- aside from that of the chief. The
valopment of Alaska, which is a I Gazette congratulates Al on his
continent in itself, and of the pos- good luck,
Bible annexation of islands in the
racinc. un tne otner nana, it is a The tin-plate manufacturers of
mistake not to recognize that our the United States will, it is be
natal power has more than doubled iieve(J, Boon be actively competing
within the last few years, that the jn the European markets with the
case of any emergency beyond our tin-plate makers of Wales, who
present resources is the very rare less than a decade aco were bud-
case; that until it comes ships will plyiDg not only all of Europe but
do graauany lanen oui or commis- aU of tne United States,
sion and put into reserve in order
to reduce running expenses; and
that a due regard is necessary to
the relation of the national expendi
tures to the national revenues.
The department therefore recom
mends that the authorization of
new ships by the coming congress,
be limited to one battleship for the
Pacific coast, where, after the five
now under construction, are com
pleted, there will be only two,
while on the Atlantic there will be
seven; and also to a few torpedo
boats and torpedo boat destroyers,
jj; A Noted English Writer Discusses ;
:U .... an Old Subject.'. .... !
Many are the beautiful tributes
paid to President McEinley in his
hour of sorrow by the papers of
the nation. His voluntary sacri
fice in leaving the bedside of his
dying mother at the call of public
duty, certainly commands the re
spect and sympathy of every Amer
can citizen.
C, B. Irvine has begun the pub
lication of an independent paper,
The Salem Sentinel, at the state
both of which are comparatively of capitol. Mr. Irvine was formerly
little cost, and more of which are edltor 01 tQe Statesman of the
desirable in order to bring this 8ame Cltyi 10 whlCQ capacity he
swift, mobile, and handily effective po doubt gained much practical
arm of the service up to its place knowledge in the newspaper busi-
in the general scheme for coast de- neBB- l ho initial number of Ihe
fpnqn SentiDel has been received at this
office and presents a good appear
It is not known positively who nce and we wish the paper sue
will succeed Collector Blackman, cess,
but there are plenty of people who
"can tell you all about it" It is
known as a fact that Mr. Black
man will not be disturbed until
his term of office is completed,
which is generally accepted to
mean four years. Ileppner has
been generously represented in
The regular biennial meeting of
the Republican League of Oregon,
will be held in Portland the first
Tuesday in February. This is
somewhat previous, perhaps, to
make announcements, but time is
thus given all the republicans of
ti. i i i iu i
the ranks of both parties in the l" " a v"
past, and under this adannistra- elJdBlegato. to represent them
nnn Vina nnr noan fnrrrnttnn I hnaA 0
I Ti - l.lil., tl i 11 a
who know, or claim to know, think ' -
that Ileppner or any other part of ue" M "B w.u,u liyJiy
Eastern Oreeoo- cannot win the
one and it is not too early for" re
publicans to be organizing their
r-dana nnuf fillatl Ytv fr TllaAlrrrinn
The Gazette thinks that this is the f.orce8and Rtting-ready for the
adoa I Inn Dava Tlnnna rt Pnrt- I "Y1
WIB871 h-SVU AMVW M S-S 'f Vr M, W -
land, is undoubtedly in the lead of
all other candidates. He is an
unoompromismg republican and
deserves any destinction that bis
parly can bostow upon him.
A Now Yrer a (lift llrralilrtl.
The measureless popularity o( llostot-
ter e fitorasob Bitten has been tbe
growth (if more than s third of cen
turjr. At n the punt, the oomiug new
year will m ushered lu by the appear
and Af e fresh almiinafv elaarlv aattino
rrt If ! I I n il I " -
IHE rvnignis oi lyuuas, 01 jor(h lb nature, rises and operation of
Oregon, through their lodges, are this tnsdioine of world wide fame, II i
making generous donations to the wel1 woMb P"neal. Absoluts aoonraoy
lUthhonfl monnmnntfund. Th ,n b sstronomlonl oalctilntion and
, i i f it i ! calendar will, aa before, be valaHlile
who are outs.de of the order will LhMlMittl0i whiU th, rAiog m.Uar
remember, on reiloction, that Jus- m include atatistios, humor and geoer-
tu II. IUthbone was the founder I al information, aooompauied by admlr-
of Pythianism, and that his death bl "-onled illutrallona. The aim
occurred onlv a few voara . tie.i from me pnun.hing ti.pari
: "Z " V . '""",ru " IHlaburf, and will be prinfe.1 on their
Ulica, . 1., anuil IS me purpOHO pr,iBi n Kngliab, Herman, Frenoh,
of the Knights of Pythias to erect WtUh, Norwegian, Hwedixh, Holland,
at his crave a monument costinc Bohemian and Hpaniah. All drunglata
(By Lady Cook, nee Tennessee C. Claln.l
The happy eeaion of Cbristmaaia onoe
more oloee npon ne, destined to bring
joyfnlDesa and mirth to milliona of
bearta, but bitter gRdneee and a aenae of
ntter loneliness to tbe forlorn. Heaven
pity those who at this festive period have
no smiling faces of dear ones at their
board, or, worse still, possess neither
home nor means nor friends. When
most families are annually gathered to
gether in Joying oommunion, it ia meet
that tbe common sympathies of humani
ty should be most strongly stirred on
behalf of tbe wretched and the outoast.
It is unquestionable that our Cbrist
maet festival is of Pagan origin; that it
is tbe survival of sun-worship one form
of that great and universal phallic oreed
which would seem to be as old, and at
ubiquitous as mankind. Who can say
how many thousands of scores of thous
ands of years tbe souls of men were
moved to hope and joy by tbe return of
tbe son to vivify and bless the earth?
The end of the wintrr solttjcn was a
period of xtejtanoy and promlee, oele'
brated by joyful feasting, ourious ous
toms, and appropriate worship, and the
first day of every week was dedicated by
our Anglo-Saxon ancestors to the solar
deity. Christianity appropriated tbe
Pagan festivals to its own oolt with as
few innovations as possible, so as not to
shock too rndely tbe conservative sus
ceptibilities of its converts. And thus
the time of year of tbe universal Sa
turnalia was fixed npon as the 'precise
period of tbe birth of Christ, tbe spirit
ual Sun, "the Sun of righteousness.''
Wbo was to bring gladness and healing
beneath His wings. Tbe Soriptural
phrase ie a plain allusion to tbe Solar
serpent worship whiob prevailed in
Syria, as in this country and throughout
the world. An ancient hierogram of its
divinity was a oirole, egg, or sun, with
hovering wings.
Tbe Yule olog or log was emblematic
of tbe same Baored fire. Tbe sun's name
in Welsh was Haul; in Breton, Heol.
The Anglo-Saxon name for Christmas
was geol or iule; Danish and Swedish,
jul; Icelandic, iol or jol; and English,
Yale. Thus Yule plainly mant tbe fes
tival of the Sun. A year was often
oalled a sun by tbe anoients, and Yule
was the time when tbe old sun died and
tbe new one was born. Thus tbe birtb
of Christ coincides with the birtb of tbe
Warmestry, in bis "Vindication of the
Solemnity of tbs Nativity of Christ,"
1648, says: "If it doth appear that the
time of this Festival dotb oomply with
tbe time of tbe Heathens' Saturnalia,
this leaves no oharge of impiety npon it;
tor, siooe things are best cured by their
oontrariea, it was both wisdom and piety
in the ancient Christians (whose work it
was to oonvert the Heathens from sucb,
as well as other anperstitions and mis
oarriages) to vicdioate auob times from
the service of tbe Devil, by appointing
tbem to tbe more solemn and especial
aervioe of God. Tbe Blazes are foolish
and vaine, aud not countenanced by the
"Cbriatmaste Kariles, if they be snob
as are fit for the time, and of holy and
sober composure, and Deed with Chris
tian aobriety and piety, they are not un
lawful, and may be profitable, if they bs
Moebeim informs as that Gregory Thau-
maturgos "allowed tbe Christians to
dance, sport, and feast, at the tombs of
tbe martyrs upon their respective festi
vals, and to do everything tbat the
Pagans ware accustomed to do in their
temples daring the feasts."
It was not until tbe fourth century
tbat Christ's Mass wss instituted, and
tbe Eastern Christians oelebrated it,
then as now, on the sixth of January,
and oalled it tbe Epiphany, while the
Westerns pitobed on tbe 25th of Decem
ber. We hope some day to give and account
of tbe oarols, lor these form interesting
pictures of the habits and thoughts of
oar ancestors . There was tbat strange
one sung by tbe sewer while bearing tbe
boar's bead, as he was followed by tbe
stately prooession of nooles, knights,
and ladies, into tbe banqueting hall in
tbe good old days when open house was
kept for all oomers by tbs great for
weeks together. It begins
"Caput apri defarto,
Reddens laudes Donino.
The boar's head in hand bring I
With garlands gay and rosemary ;
I pray you all sing merrily.
Qui estis iu convivio."
Tben there is tbat beginning:
"God rest yon, mery gentlemen,
- Let nothing you dismay ,
For Jesus Christ our Bavior,
Was born upon this day.
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray."
Economy: save 10 cents on
a package of "cheap" baking
powder and eat the cake.
You couldn't do better for
your doctor.
Schillings Best money-back
baking powder is at your
k SchUlhif Company
Baa rraoriaco
The Old Shop!
MEN ! be",
can i
If von suffer from anv of th I
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast,
10SI Market SL Est d 1 861 1
Y'onna; men and Middle i
ajrea men who aresunenna
from the effects of Youthful indiscretions or ex- i
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
aeiiiity,irapoineytarf-B nsssinooa
in all its complications; MDermatorrhoea,
roiaMrriiira, uuiinrrDira, wires, i
Frenarnef of IT ri statin sr. . By a '
combination of remedies,of great curativepbw" .
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment
that it will not only afford immediate relief but (
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i
e Physician and burgeon, pr
in his specialty-Diseases! Of M
Kyphllla thoroughly eradicated
VAtpm withnntiminir M,wiipr.
KVEBT MAN applying; to OS Will re-1
Ceive onr honest opinion of his complaint.
H' will Guarantee a POSITIVE VVBB in I
every cae we undertake, or Jorjeit One
inwassDa voiiars.
Consultation FREE and strictly private.
ment personally or bv letter. Send for book.
Th Philiunnhv ni Muriinll
free. (A valuable book for men.)
Great Museum of Anatomy
the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the
world. Come and iearn how wonderfully vou
are made; how to avoid sickness and disease.
? we are continually adding new specimens.
v VsijsiLUULU ii.JS. uaii or write.
tOSt Market Street, San Francisco, Cat.
J. of Oregon, for the County ol Morrow.
ballad linger, oommeooei :
the possibilities of modern geography:
beauty ia tbat whioh Bishop Taylor
oalled "tbe earliest Christmas Carol:"
Is the place to go to get
your fine pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon.
Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old
style. Highest cash price paid for
fat stock.
Mathews 8c Gentry,
5 vi8.
Shop two doors South of Fostoffice.
f; QEOQILVIE P'Petor..
Fossil (60 miles)... 5 00 Round trip 19 00
May ville (53 miles). 4 00. ..... .Round trip ' 700
Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 600
Clem (28 tulles).... 2 00 ..Round trip 8 50
Olez (19 miles) 1 50. Bound trip 8 50
Stage leaves Arlington every morning
(Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock; is doe
at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos
sil at 7 p. m.
Comfortable covered coaches and eare
f al, experienced drivers.
General Collector
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and get your money out of
them. Makes a specialty of hard
Office in J ' N. Brown's Building.
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
Hair Cutting,
Joe is keeping up the reputation of this shop
for first-class work and would be pleased to
have you call.
An old one, chanted iu oar youth by Ed tMntmi
Frank Ranev and Wm Rudio. Defendants.
To Frank Raney, one of the above named de
i . ai ... , , . lenaanr.
. e .. I" the name of the state of Oregon: You are
vnnsimaa uay, on innsima aay. required to appear and answer the complaint
I nf nlftlnHrT filpri In thfl ahnvA entitled court
It appears "Our Savior Christ and His and suit on or before the first day of the next
Tjtt , m . . . . regular term Ul BH1U cuurb, wj-wii.. vu mp.
Ijady , were aboard, and in violation of Monday of March, 1898, and if you fail to so
answer, plain till' will take judgment and de
cree, foreclosing the mortgage described in
0 they sailed Into Bethlehem R 26 E W M, 8WH of NWU and NW of 8W)4
On Christmas day, on Christmas day." of Sec. 27, tp 1 8, K 25 E W M, and that the same
be sold that the nrnceeds be aDDlied to the
But which among them all and many payment of the sum of 418.62 with interest and
of them are very quaint excels for bursements of suit and costs of sale.
inis summons is puDiisnea oj oruer ui
Stephen A. Lowell.
ti. w, KA, riaiuuu s
Oliver Snyder has taken charge of tbe
Hotel Heppoer feed barn and will fur
nish stall room, grain or bay at reason
able figures. Will also do dray work
and hauling. 'Bus to end from trains.
Has lately ereoted a building
on the Ayers property, near
tbe corner of Main and Wil
low streets, opposite tbe City .
. hotel, which be is using as
Mr. Thompson will overlook
nothing in his line
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaving, - 15 Cents
Hair Cutting, 25 "
Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon.
Dated Dec. 10, 1897.
"Qlorla in Excelsls!"
. A sixteenth century one, quoting tbe
refrain, begins thus:
"When Christ was born of Mary free
In Bethlehem, that fair citie,
Angels sang there with mirth and glee,
In Excelsls Gloria!
Herdsmen beheld these angels bright,
To them appearing with great light.
Who said, 'God's Son Is born this night,'
In Excelsls Gloria 1"
and bv virtue of an execution and order
I of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and
to me airecteo ana aeuverea, upon a juagmeiu
rendered and entered in said court on the 7th
day of September, 1897. in favor of Ed Rood
Plaintiff, and against W. L. Saling, E. W. Rhea
and C. E, Red U eld Defendants, for the sum of
two hundred twenty-six and 62-100 dollars with
intereHt tnereon trom tne zna aay oi august,
Masquerade Ball!
At the
December 24th, 1897
1897. at the rate of eight per cent per annum,
and twenty-nve dollars attorney's ft
fee and the
Formerly the festivities partook too
much of the nature of the classic Satur
nalia. It was a period of license and de-
further sum of ten dollars costs; which judg-
Admission $l.oo; Masked Ladies Free
Spectators, Fifty Cents.
not loan than r,uut. I ha pros-
cut Supremo Chancellor, Philip 8.
Colgrove, ia making great hoad
way in soliciting means to the end
desired, and tho fund is now al
most complete.
Mum Alts Liaca.
and country dealers furnish it without
My Katlra Stork Mast (in.
1 d ire to olose out my entire stock
of millinery by January 1st, IK'.iH. This
is a good opportunity, also, for anyone
desiring to go into tbs millinery buai
na In Uiioer. My line is very large
and avertthiua uoea at coat. Call earlv
ALTHOVon Hon. John lox, of Lnj ircur, Urgeiue before the stock
Astoria, has the endorsement of tho Is brvkes. All those owing me pleass
Oregon delegation for the position ,MI ooe
of collector of customs for Astoria,
yet there has been some delay
over the appointment owing to the
Actiou of Tot's enemies, who have
been busy Cling charges in a back
biting way. As a matter of fact,
do better fellow than John Fox
ever trod tho soil of Oregon, lie
is better than any would-be an-
t agonist who stabs It 1 tn in the
dark, and will win his place, as he
richly deserves. Mr. Fox has
served his country in tbe state
legislature and is a promtueut
business man oi Aatona.
. a m
that are not vcrr robust need
warmine, buiUin? and fat-formini
(ood totrtfthJnf to be used for two
or three months la the fall that
they may not suffer from cold
fW . Wa 1 S a W B I
inirenaieton irtuune is angry o Cod-Llr Oil with HvoooW
because all republicans would not phites of Lime and Soda supplies
make a political contest out of a eiactlr what they want. They
mnnlomai fWl.t Who earns alx.nt will thrive, ffOW Stron and be
silver in the adii)ioitratin of the
mayor's ortice of lYndletoo? The
lxat man should win for such an
o 111 ce. Of course, the Gazelle does
not belong to lYodleton, but Uma
tilla county is joined with Morrow
in judicial district, and if the
solectiou of a mayor for I'endleton
is going to force the silver owm.
tion, Yed-hot, upon us, probably
resulting in tl defeat of the next
republicsn candidate for prsid-Dt,
why, tbe (lasette wants to know IL
well all winter on this splendid food
tonic Nearly all of them become
very fond of It, For adults who
arc not very strong,
course of treatment with
the Emulsion for a couple
ol months in the ull will
put them throufh the
winter In lint -cuts con
ditioru Ask your doctor
about this.
k m $t sroTT F it.rik tKt i
Ma a4 Sa wa IH faffw.
All 6fwHt , v 4 It ia
SCOTT S '.. (Iwhi, Vw.
ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's
otllce ;of said court In said county
on the 7th day of September, 1897;
and whereas, it was further ordered and de
creed bv the court that the following described
banob. Old Father CHritmas had to real. property, towit: the south halt ot the
. , ;" . M I soutwest quarter and south half of the south-
vinunjaie an ouaraoier,. wulua wu aoue I east quarier oi secuou twemy-uiue 111 uiwubuip
by deputy in a tract of 1661, called
"Twelve Yeares Observation on the
Times."' Half a century afterwards, an
other tract, named "Butt npon Batt,"
"Our Batt can dance, play at high jinks with
At any primitive orthodoxal vice,
Shoeing the wild mare, tumbling the young
Drinking all night, and sleeping on the
The merry-making tbat continued from
oor Christmas day to Twelfth-day ("old
Christmas day") ia noted in a ballad
of 1630:
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of January, 1893.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow
county Oregon, sell all the right, title and in
terest of the said W. L. Haling, E. W. Rhea and
C. E. Redtleld in and to the above described
property at public auction to tbe highest and
best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
all costs, and costs that may accrue.
. L. Matlock. Hlierltt ol Morrow Co., or.
Dated Dec. 10, Ufl.
ung with graoe in tbe heart.
"New Yeares Gifts, if performed with
out superstition, may be harmless provoc
ations to Christian love, and rautael
testimonies thereof to good purpose, and
never tbe worse because the Heathens
have tbem at Ihe like times."
All vi ry sensible, bnt at tbe same time
a clever example of special pleading, not
unknown in our time, in wbioh Heathen
priority is ignored. The "Blazes," or
Yule-logs, however, were difficult for
Warmestry to acoouot for or to olalm
as Christian emblems. We can soarcely
suppose bim ignorant of their meaning
or ot that of tbe other, bnt be doubtless
ly thought it wonld not be wise to en
lighten the vnlgar. Uerriok tells us
that the Yule-lug ot the new Christmas
used to be lit "with last year's brand."
In some places this was kept nnder Ihe
bed during tbe Interval as a preventive
against thornier and fir. Il was ssid to
ours cattle diseases, and ita ashes freed
Ihe corn from blight.
Tbe Cbriatmaa caDdlt s used to bs of
enormous site, and made to illuminate
the whole touse. Tbey were alwaya lit
OA Christmas Eve, and tbns Christmas,
says Wood I, was called "The Feast of
Lights," in the. Latin Uhurrb.
CbrMtmas is the seseoo of oarols
Iursndus derives this word from can-
tare, to sing, and role, a Joyful interjec
tion. Talbot, however, derives it from
the llreiiin, eoroll, to dsnoe; sod Uioh
srds from lbs French Carolle, a perttoo
lar kind of dance. From its similarity
ot stroeturs and meaning in many
tongues, w may bo sure tbat it meant
dancing accompanied with mns to and
song, like that around lb altars of the
Hon God, lUt, or tbat practiced by tbe
HaecLaoUe of Ihe Han Ood, Uaerhue,
or by tbe i:tnrlenlaa, the 11111 of
C)bl or He a, the Later deity and eon
sort of th & lar.
Warion ssys of lb Cbriatmaa Carols
printed In 15-."3, by Wyokyo d Word,
tbat "thee were feetal chansons for o
liveoiug to merriment ot lb Christmas
ceUhrtty. ladead br Is soeroely s
custom f any import relating to
C'Ulelinae wbieh was not an socieol on
when Christ was bora. The vergrpess,
mieilelo. Illuminations, eakea, enrol,
feaaiiug, dancing, and diversion ol vari
ooa sorts, point to the earn I anan
oatc, s do so saany other of
sm-lst snJ religion suatom
ttiabop's Croat is lb
chief Msike of tbs Komss Asg
1 of the County Court of the mate of Ore
gon for the County of Morrow, to me directed,
commanding me to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the delinquent taxpayers named on the
dvliiiiineiit tax roll for said county for th
years 191, imi, Ihim, h:H, ihuA. and I WW, thereto
attached, ana none oe found men upon me real
property as set forth and described in the said
delinquent tax rolls, or so much thereof as
shall satlsfv the amount of taxes charged there
in, together with costs and expenses. I have
duly levied, having been unable to And any
goods or chattels belonging to the respective
dellnauenta hereinafter named, upon the fol
lowing described piece or parcels oi tana as
''When Christmas-tide comes In like a bride,
With holly and ivy clad,
Twelve days in the year, much mirth and good
In every household is had."
We most not omit to notice tbe eplen-
rlM ah.rilia. nf nnp annnt..m.. V..
...I forth In ul.l t. li.f l.ln. anri hin
bslf of the Unfortunate, and especially said Morrow county, State of Oregon, descrl
at Christmas. The aubeoriptions which
annually pour ia for the poo; ri. . oee. M.tSjns
id point, ana on wmon reneois me shtpiey, ueo w r. of section io tp i
highest oredit on all oonosroed. rfcSTtlf W Mi UxlmhM
For alter all. wh.l doe. il matter ".'SS1?:.!
whether the legends ot Christmas srs Redtngton, J w NKvt and ku NWU
4.. i. . ol swtlon 2S. tp i south, range 26, and
tru or false, whether its customs ars sh sec rfand kww oiiiesi,
Pasan or Christian so that the aeaaon P sooth, range 27 east W M: Ux istfi
xaganor vnnsnao, so mai toe season R(WieiiT,Ild iiman. 1 T NEW
brings "Peace on earth and good will and hew and kwi of section X tp I
. . . . . , , , north, range 23 east W M ; tax 1HM
towards man"T . Joseph of Arimetbea Rmherord, c r '. me and lou t and I
may never bavs visited Glaetoobory,
nor bit dry walking stick have become
tbat "Holy Thorn" whioh miraonlonsly
blossomed annually oo lb fifth of Jan
uary, yet there srs saints as good as bs
a IL SI a a aaa 1
no win ma stir in inri niivari ....-- 1
sod trait of bumaa kindness f.ire, tb.a rr,VHr:n5ea.Uru.nSs;Jo
any inai ever nourished oo Weary-sll-
Hill. May tbs coming Christmas b like
tbs "three ships" ot tbs old Carol
freighted with lovs snd mercy, so that
all may sing as of old:
12 97
5 SO
s w
11 00
section 8, tp 4 north, range 24 east W M.
and lota If to 1A block 1, lots S to 14
Mock J, loU (to 14 blork , lots to li
blork4, lots 5 to 16 blork S, lots 2 to 1:4
blo'k S. lots 1 to ID block 7, lots t to !
block 8, lots 8 to 1 blork 11, all of
bloc ks 9, 10. 12, IS, 14, 1 17, IK, all
In Castle Kork: tax lniih
Bweaiea, i W W section 82. tp 2 north,
1 H H
They Are The "Mustard"
Tiie Pioneer Biacksmlttis
Have made some elegant Improvements in their establishment and added a large stork of
iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repairs
io ineir wagons, ouggies or macninery. i neir specialty is nurkesnueing.
Meadows & Ratten art the Boys to do Your Work Right, and do it Quick, too.
Ux ms
lwn t ua 1HM It M4 total
lldridge, Kllialwth NU section 20,
tp I north, range 'B east w M ; ux lwn
lleKinsla, Khoiierlrh NWk and lota
I and 2
east VV U;
Hon m. tp 2 south, range a
ux imn
"Without the door let sorrow lie.
And II for cold It hap to dis
We'll bury It tn a Christmas pie,
And evermore be merry!"
Markam. A M W, hf and W RRU
section m. ip s soum, range m easi r
m : ux iH'.ij
4 40
5 80
16 10
4 40
8 41
SUmulate tks stemath. B aa
rouas the liver, cure bilious- II I I
esa, heMlarhe, dlrilrtrsa. ! 111
soat slaark, eanallpattoa. Si sf
e. rnr S eaat. a,, 14 r t Sragruta
To asiiy Mils to uks wlU Huv4'i araiarllJa,
Qondy. John W and W NWt,nd
ew er." mriuiti if, ip s norm, range
XI east W M : Ux
Kirk. M N N KV seeltun 84. tp 1 south,
range 28 east W M ; Ux
Brork, N C lot S bl-k 8 In the Iowa of
Lexington: Ux lws
Hunan, I'lnnle lot S hlork 5 In the town
of Lexington: tax la
Brown, i N lots I and 2 blork I, Kins
man addition to Heppner: Ux lW ...
Francis. V L lot 14 tilix k l. Ml Varnon
a.ldlllon to Heppner; Ux !''
Blevtn, C 9, Trustee, KK', an-lloo V, tp
2 north, range 7 east W M ; Ux livA .
aUllorv. taaslus M Ks Na aud K'4
section 14 ip 2 souttt, range Jt east
lax is
Lelevre, Henry H Wy Hf'.and m,
S Hi
8 04
8 88
I 82
S 81
4 88
i m
Tub ltoea faco Taao William Gor
don has moved his feed yard from it
former location to Jones old etsod
where bs will b pleased to have all bis
friends sod patrons to eall oa him. llr.
Oordon Is Bceommodatiog, baa a rood
yard and abaadant facilities to take
ear of slock la first else snap. rji
p tires are very ronbl. II ba bay
sod graia for sal. Das lately add4 s
nir hnt.1 o'hiW timolhp. if.
tton IT and NW Nk1 e.-tlon Mali
In tp 8 south, range lu rut at. tax
lie. . 4 40
Colin, Phil lot 8 block a, tow a of Hepp
ner; tax mm
An.! on MeflnsailsT. th tin dav of tlerena-
brr. I':. at the hour of 1 o'rlnrk p m of said
lav, at the court hnnst In said county and Hale.
I will aril the sbovt dra, rih1 ral saUle al
pulille auction tn the highest tidler for rash,
snl)ert In mtemptlnn. to satisfy said warrants,
eosla and arrruliif costs.
I. t- MATIH-g,
110 Sheriff of Morrow Co., OregiHl.
Goramenclno flbont Dec. 25.
IE DE, GK1I1I mmm CO.,
Of Portland, Oregon and Spokane, Wash.
Under tbs Direct snd Personal Management of
The Eminent Scotch Scientist, Lectnrer and Sit
Write his name; a Light, a landmark on the cliffs of fame.
Tbs Dor tor earrie with bim s Model Company, preaeollng CoUr
Uinmeai of noeanelled merit. Arttata of Merit and Ability. Coated
Una, Tosalists, Uanoer snd Actors.
Notlct of Intention.
LM Or r n s AT TNB ltiss. Oss..n
iwinrwr 1 Ir7
OTIPK n IIIKCSY filVBN Tltt trig
following nainrd seltlvr has Sle.1 notli- ol
his Intrntlon to raise flnai proof la supiit r.l
his rlalm. and thai said proof will be mad ha-
Frank MoFarlaod ba bees appointed uregon. on January" i i. u '
rSANrlSM. w ILK I JO), of llrppner.
N R. No 4 for the ' "W and tW KI'i
el e. ja. Tp 18, 8 S. 8. M.
Dr. Uratit sas bs fonad at bis offle ia tbs Palar tloH d arts t tbs visit nf
tbe company to ibis cite and will gl sdeies to all absolutely tre. Tbs sffllotsd
poblio InTiled. Cnrioeity eeekars keep sway.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 to MKJO noon; 1:?A) to 5 M.
speeial ages I of Tbs Equitable Life As
snrsne Co, of New York, tbs strongest
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
AU the can bs procured at Thorn jmon 4 Riocs, Lower Malo 8tref
Hf ppoer, Oregon. '
onr I M wo,,d- urt,lu 10 P-1' L"U r" i.4. -r a.d u. i. sn., ta tus , '
s. KfSB tbs "w.r W r 13 l01"" IWl ,VeM Vis t oarliT i rVl,rT.3 i sa Is keflM IIS the ttaua.
tdd Lit osa twlrjans ol Ihe Eqsitahl. Insnres hotk rikk a4 U r l.na. U rur,. .ir. X idLVjiM I. oUiN 131 "N NS.
Qr.iiies stssme rat. T7tf a,.,. "L 1 x-rmm xr. matrrvrmm.