the international character of the prob lem and In the desire of reaching some wise and practical solution of it. The British government has published a resume of the steps taken jointly by the French embassador in London and the special envoys of the United States, with whom our ambassador in London actively co-oporated In the presentation of this eubjec-t to her majesty's government. This will be laid before congress. Our special envoys have not made their final report, as further necotiations between the rep resentatives of this government and the governments of other countries are pend ing and In contemplation. They believe that the doubts which have been raised In certain quarters respecting the possi bility of maintaining the stability of the parity between the metals and kindred questions may yet be solved by further negotiations. Meanwhile, It gives me satisfaction to state that the special envoys have al ready demonstrated their ability and fit ness to deal with the subject, and it is to bo earnestly hoped that their labors may result In an International agreement which will bring about recognition of both gold and silver as money upon such terms and with Buch safeguards as will secure the use of both metals upon a basis which shall work no injuries to liny class of citizens. RECIPROCITY. Negotlntlona Fending With Enro pcnii nnd American Governments. In order to execute as early as possible the provisions of the third and fourth sec tions of the revenue act approved July , 21, ISO". , I appointed the Hon. John A. Kasson, of Iowa, a special commissioner plenipotentiary to undertake the requi site negotiations with foreign countries desiring to avail themselves of these pro visions. The negotiations are now proceed ing with several governments, both Euro pean and American. It is believed that by a careful exercise of the powers con ferred by that act, some grievances of our own and of other countries in our mutual trade relations may be either re moved or largely alleviated, and that the volume of our commercial exchanges may be enlarged with advantage to both con tracting parties. THE MERCHANT MARINE. Government Should Foster Thi LnnKuiNliinK Industry. Most desirable from every standpoint of national interest and patriotism is the effort to extend our foreign commerce. To this end our merchant marine should be Improved and enlarged. We should do our full share of the carrying trade of the world. Wo -do not do it now. We should not be laggard any longer. The Inferi ority of our merchant marine Is Justly hu miliating to the national pride. The gov ernment, by every proper constitutional means, should aid In making our ships familiar visitors at every commercial port of the world, thus opening up new und valuable markets to the surplus products of tha farm and factory. armored cruisers to torpedo-boats. There are under construction five Dattle-ships of the first class, 16 torpedo-boats and one submarine boat. No provision has yet been made for the armor of three of the five battle-ships, as it has been impossible to obtain it at the price fixed by congress. It is of treat importance that congress provide this armor, as until then the ships are of no fighting value. The pres ent naval force, especially in view of its Increase by ships now under construc tion, while not as large as that of a few other powers, Is a formidable force; Its vessels are the very best of each type and with the increase that should be made to It from time to time In the future and careful attention to keeping it In a high state of efficiency and repair, it Is-well adapted to the necessities of the country. The great Increase of the navy which has taken place in recent years was justi fied by the requirements of the naval de fense and has received public approba tion. The time has now arrived, how ever, when this Increase to which, the country is committed should for a time take the form of increased facilities com mensurate with the increase of our naval vessels. It is an unfortunate fact that there is only one dock on the Pacific coast capable of docking our largest ships, and only one on the Atlantic coast, und the latter has for the last six or seven months been under repair and therefore incapable of use. Immediate steps should be taken to provide three or four docks of this capacity on the Atlantic coast, at least one on the Pacific coast, and a float ing dock on the Gulf. This is the recom mendation of a very competent board ap pointed to investigate the subject. There should also bo ample provision made for powder and projectiles and other munitions of war and for an increased number of officers and enlisted men. Some additions are also necessary to our navy yards for the repair and care of the larger number of vessels. As there are now on the stocks five battle-ships of the largest class, which canpot be completed for a year or two. I concur with the recom mendation of the secretary of the navy for an appropriation authorizing, the con struction of one battle-ship for the Pa cific coast, where, there is at present only one in commission and one under con struction, while on the Atlantic there are threo in commission and four under con struction, and also several torpedo-boats authorized in connection with our general system of coast defense. SEALING QIESTION. Negotiation In Prosreas for Preser vation of the Herds. The efforts which have been made dur ing the two previous administrations by my predecessors to secure better protec tion to the fur seals In the North Pa cific ocean and Behring sea were renewed at an early date by this administration, and have been pursued with earnestness. Upon my Invitation, the governments of Kussla and Japan sent delegates to Wash ington, and an International conference was held during the months of October and November luHt, wherein It was unani mously agreed that under the existing regulations this species of useful animals was threatened with extinction and that an International agreement . of all Inter ested powers was neaessary for their adequate protection. The government of Great Britain did not see proper to be represented at this conference, but subsequently sent to Washington as delegates the expert com missioners of Great Britain and Canada, who had during the past two years visited the Pribyloff Islands, and who met In con ference similar commissioners on the part of the United States. The result of this conference was an agreement on the Im portant facts connected, with the condi tion of the seal herd neretoiore in ois pute, which should plnce beyond contro versy the duty of tne governments con cerned to adopt measures without delay for the preservation and restoration of the herds. Negotiations to this end are now In progress, the result of which I hop to be able to report to congress at tin early day. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION. Recent Event (Mrenuthen the Presi dent's Views. International arbitration rnnnot be omitted from the list of subjrts clnlmin: our consideration. Events have recently served to strengthen the general views on this question expressed In my Inaugural address. The best sentiment of the civil ised world Is moving toward the settle ment of differences between the nations without resorting to the horrors of wr. Treaties embodying ,these humane prin ciples on broad lines without In any way Imperiling our Interests or our honor shall have my constant encouragement. NEEDS OF ALASKA, Existing Conditions IJemnnd B Change in the Laws. The territory of Alaska requires the prompt and early attention of congress. The conditions now existing demand a material change in the laws relating to the territory. The great Inilux of popula tion during the past summer and fall and the prospect of a still larger immigra tion In the spring will not permit us to longer neglect the extension of civil au thority within the territory or istpone the establishment of a more thorough government. A general system of public surveys has not yet been extended to Alaska, and all entries thus far made In that district are upon speciul surveys. The act of congress extending to Alaska the mining laws of the United States con tained the' reservation that It should not be construed to put in force the general land laws of the country. By an act approved March 3, 1S91, au thority was given for entry of lands for townslle purposes, and nlso for the pur chase of not exceeding ISO acres then or thereafter occupied for purposes of trade and manufacture. The pur nose of congress, as thus far expressed, has been that only such rights should apply to the territory as should be specifically named. It will be seen how much remains to be done for that vast, remote, and yet promising por tion of our country. Special authority was given to the pres ident by the act approved July S!4. 1897. to divide that territory into two land dis tricts, and to designate the boundaries thereof, nnd to appoint registers and re ceivers o(,sald land offices, and the presi dent was also authorized to appoint a surveyor-general for 'the entire district. Pursuant to this authority, a surveyor general and receiver have been appoint ed, with olllces at Sitka. If In the ensu ing year the conditions Justify It, the addi tional land district authorized by law will be established with an office at some point In the Yukon valley. No appropria tion, however, was m'vle for this pur pose, and that Is now necessury to bo done. The Military Post. I concur with the secretary of war In his suggestions as to the necessity for a military force In the territory of Alaska for the protection of persons and prop erty. Already a sma'1 force consisting of 25 men and two officers, under com mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Randall, of the Klithth Infantry, has been sent to St. Michaels to establish a military post. As It Is to the Interest of the government to encourage the development of the coun try and Its duty to follow up Its citizens there with the benefits of legal machin ery, I earnestly urge upon congress the establishment of a system of government of such flexibility ns will enable It to ad Just Itself In the future to the needs at tendant upon a greater population. Relief for Htarvlng Klnnrllkrra. The startling though possibly exag gerated reports from the Yukon river country of the probable shortage of food for the large number of people who are wintering there without the means of lenv lug the country, are confirmed In such measure as to Justify bringing the mutter to the attention of congress. Access to that country this winter csn be had only by the pusses from Pyea and vicinity, which la a most difficult and perhaps Im IHisslble task. Ilowewr. should lhee re ports of the suffering of our fellow-rill-ens be further verified, every effort at any cost should be made to carry them relief. education they get is by private contribu tion. No provision for the protection of the life or property of these white citi zens is made by the tribal governments and courts. The secretary of the Interior reports that leading Indians have ab sorbed great tracts of land to the exclu sion of the common people, and govern ment by an Indian aristocracy has been practically established, to the detriment of the people. It has been found impos sible for the United States to keep its citizens out of the territory, and the con ditions contained In the treaties with the nations hve for the most part become Impossible of execution. Friends of the Indians have long believed that the best interests of the Indians of the five civil ized tribes would be found in American citizenship with all the rights and privi leges which belong to that condition. The Duvi'ea Commission. By section 16 of the act of March 3, 1S93, the president was authorized to ap point three commissioners to enter into negotiations with the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Muskogee (or Cretk) and Semi nole nations, commonly known as the five civilized tribes In the Indian territory. Briefly, the purpose of the negotiations was the extinguishment of the tribal title to any land within that territory, now held by any and all such nations or tribes, either by cession of the same or some part thereof to the United States, or by allotment or by division of the same in severalty among the Indians of such na tions or tribes respectively as may be tn titied to the same, or by such other method as may be agreed upon between the several nations and tribes aforesaid or each of them with the United States, with a view to such an adjustment upon the ba-sis f justice and equity as may, with the consent of the said nations of Indians jso far as may be necessary, requisite and suitable, enable the ultimate creation of a state or states of the Union which shall embrace the lands within said Indian ter ritory. The commission met much oppo sition from the beginning. The Indians were very slow to act and those in con trol manifested a decided disinclination to meet with favor the propositions sub mitted to them. More than three years ago the commission affected an agreement with the Choctaw nation alone. The Chickasaws have refused to agree to its terms, and, as they have a common Inter est w-ith the Choctaws in the lands of said nations, the agreement with the latter nation could not have been made with out the consent of the former. April 23, 1S97, the commission effected an agree ment with both tribes the Choctaws and Chickasaws. This agreement, It is under stood, has been ratified by the constituted authorities of the respective tribes or na tions or parties thereto, and only requires ratification by congress to make it bind ing. On the 27th of September, 1S97, an agreement was effected with the Cree,k nation, but it is understood that the na tional council refused to ratify the same. Negotiations are yet to be had with the Cherokees, the most populous of the five civilized tribes, and with the Semlnoles, the smallest In point of numbers and ter ritory. The provision of the Indian approprla tlon act approved June 10, lb'JO. makes It the duty of the commission to investigate and determine the rights of applicants for citizenship in the live civilized -tribes. The commission is at present engaged In this work among the tribes, and has made arrangements for taking the census of these people up to and Including the 30th of the present month. Should the agreement between the Choc taws and Chickasaws be ratified by con gress and Bhould the other tribes fail to make an agreement with the commission, then eome legislation must be had by con gress which, while Just and honorable to the Indians, shall be equitable to the white people who have settled upon these lands by Invitation of the tribal nations. Hon. Henry L. Dawes, chairman of the commission, In a letter to the secretary or the Interior under date of October II, ltSW, says: "Individual ownership Is not In their (the commission s) opinion absolutely ea sential to any permanent Improvement In conditions, and the lack of It Is the root of nearly, all the evils which have so grievously altlicted these people. Allot ment by agreement is the only possible method, unless the' United States courts are clothed with the authority to apportion the lands among the citizen Indians lor whose use it was originally granted. I concur with the secretary of the In terior that there can be no cure for the evils engendi red by the perversion of these great trims xcept by their resumption by the government which created them. If no other or better bid Is made, this aum Is all that the government will re ceive on its claim of nearly $13.1XVA. The government has no .information ns to whether there will be OLher bidders or another bid th:n the maximum amount herein stated. The question presented, therefore, is whether the government shall, under the authority given it by the act of March 23, lfiM, purchase or redeem the road in the event that a bid is not made by private parties covering the en tire government claim. To enable the government to bid at the sale will require a deposit of S'JUfl.Ot'O, as follows: In the government cause, $500,000, and in each of the first mortgage causes, $200,000, and in the latter, the deposit must be in cash. Payments at the sale are to be as follows: Upon acceptance of the bid a sum which, with the amount already deposited, shall equal 15 per cent of the bid, the balance In installments of 25 per cent, 30, 40 and 50 days after the confirmation of the sale. The lien on the Kansas ruclflc, prior to that of the government on July 30, IStrf, prinoipal and Interest, amounted to $7,421,0S8 11. The government, therefore, should it become the highest bidder, will have to pay the amount of the first-mortgage lien. I believe that under the act of 1SS7 it has authority to do this, and in the absence of any action by con gress I shall direct the secretary of the treasury to make the necessary deposit, as required by the court's decree, to qualify as a bidder and to bid at the sale a sum which will at least equal the prin cipal of the debt due to the government, but suggest, in order to remove all con troversy, that an amendment to the law be immediately passed explieiily giving such powers and appropriating in general terms whatever sum Is sufficient therefor. In so important a matter as the govern ment becoming the probable owner of the railroad property, which it perforce must conduct and operate, I feel constrained to lay before congress these facts for its consideration and action before the con summation of the sale. It is clear to my mind that the government should not permit the property to be sold at a pnea which will yield less than one-half .the principal of Its debt and less than one- fifth of its debt, principal and interest. The government, rather than accept less than its claim, should become a bidder and thereby the owner of the property, and I submit this to congress for action. LOST IN A UVE CRATER. The Horrible Experience of Doctoi Guppy in Mauna Lou Talk about solitary eonttneent behind prison bill's and its horrors! What of a twenty-three days' solitary vigil on a lonely mountain top, 13,000 foot above, sea level, with the yawning, seething A TEXAS HtRMIT. The Peculiar Life Led by Jacob Tom HtiHon. Old Jacob Tonilinson, the hermit of Mission Valley, Texas, is looking for a wife. lie has insetted the following ia several country newspapers: "Wanted To form the acquaintance crater of one of the world's greatest 0f a young lady; object, matrimony. I volcanoes at your feet? ,m 7'8 yenr8 0( age nmi wm give the That was the experience of Dr. II. B. ' young i!Uiy wuo meets my approval O tippy, the noted English scientist, and Sj.oOO casli on our wedding day. She If any living man has formed an Idea ; must be a brunette, handsome and not of what the sulphurous hades of tne j over 19 yeiu.s of ag-0. All applications orthodox looks like, feels like and is like, it should be this same Dr. Guppy, for he spent twenty-three days right down in the very crater of that famous old belcher of lire, smoke and lava Mauna Loa, Hawaii. must be accompanied by photograph. Address Jacob Tomlinsou, San An tonio, Texas." Tomlinsou is a peculiar character. He hits one of the most beautiful homes In Mission Valley, a rich section of He began the descent Into the crater ' country northwest of San Antonio. Ho on the morning of Aug. 2. Everywhere ; , , . , t nlm...u.linoe iu Missouri the lava crust cracks crisply underfoot, nnd this very cracking seems to warn one not to proceed farther. Iu many Valley fifty years ago and settled upon 100 acres of land. He built a comfort able log cabin home nnd lived all alone. places large lava bubbles blister the ( Ue lm(1 a nuullH1. of Kingi0-handed en- surface, and to step on one of these and have it break beneath the foot Is enough to unnerve the bravest men. is feci the crust suddenly sink beneath one In the bed of a crater is not one of the most pleasing sensations in the world. counters with Indians, nnd the slaugh ter which he invariably made on those occasions gave him a reputation for bravery in that neighborhood. He has continued to live the life of a recluse ever since. He makes occasional visits to San Each day was one of peril; but aside AnI..,,,n ,,.,, nm1 Kllimiios. mt from the every-day experiences of life tWg ,g the fnrtheat he lms bl?eu vom CONCHtES.KlOVAL L1UHARY'. Recommends That Congress Con tinue to Develop It, The congressional library, provided for by the act of congress approved April 17, 1896, has been completed and opened to the public. It should be a matter of con gratulation that through the foresight and munificence of congress the nation pos sesses this noble treasure-house of knowl edge. It Is earnestly to be hoped that, having done so much toward the cause of education, congress will contlhue to de velop the library in every phase of re search, to the end that it may not only be one of the most magnificent, but among the richest and most beautiful l.branes in the world. TUB CIVIL SERVICE. Room TUB I'Allls KXI'OMTIO. Arcaneata for m Liberal Appropri ation tr lonatress. The acceptance by this government of the Invitation of the republic of Krunee to participate In the universal exposition of 1J at I'arls was Immediately followed I by the appointment of a eiierliil commis sioner to represent the t'nlfed tllules III the proposed exposition with special ref erence to the securing of spnee for an ad equate exhibit on behalf of the Untied Stales. The special commissioner delayed his departure for I'arls long enough lo ascer tain the probnbie demand for spare by American exhibitors. Ills Inquiries d. veloped an almost unprecedented Interest In the proposed exposition, and the Infor mation thus secured enabled him lo Justi fy an application for a much larger al lotment of space for tha American section than hd been reserved by the exposition authorities. The result was particularly gratifying In view of the fact that tha I'nlied Unite ski oti of the lust coun tries to mpt the Invitation of Ki.inn- The reception accorded nur special com missioner whs most, mid he wus Iven every reasons! te essiiriinre tl.nt the I'nlted Hastes Would receive a otisld- erstlnn cnmmr-nMitat with the propor tlnrs of our exhibit. The report or me special commissioner i .,,., tA,.,,tntl.,n Is timlo at from as lo the mn.nltiid of the coming expo- j .,, to j,,,,,, , ,,!. h, by permission of altlnn and Ihe d.-mand for spare for Amrr- ; h ,n !lnn government, ha settled In the Irnn exhibits supplies nw argumrnts f..r , ,,rrry -j be ,,r. nt area of the Indian a liberal and Judl. loin apptopriaium by trruory t, :-. ,, : ., , i ... mu.h ..f wht.h congress to the end that an I ilrly j yt tf f( ,,, T(l, t'nited Htate re,re.e.tiv. of the. Inquiries and re- t,.,umk In the t.rrlf.rv. mt of outcs of our country nmy be m...le In , whm hBV, unr o-re l.y Invitation or n exposition hl. h UI Illustrate the !,, u,. ,.. r,t of the authorities. orlds progress durln the l:h rentury. j hiV. m. rm(,n,.t hom.. ,r ,h,m. fc,The exposition Is Intended to b- the m.t . Numerous towns he l. n built. IMIII1 Alltlll New nraolatlnaa for lit Civilised Are Imperative. Ft a number of y-ar It has been ap parent that the condition of the five civil Ix.d irllM-s In the Indian territory under trusty provisions with the I'mt.-d Htut.-s. w'.th the right of self government and the nrlimlun of all white perx.ns from within their borders, have undergone it ' rornplete a rhang as lo rnd-r the contin uance of the system thus Inaugurated j pi ui tlriilly lmi'!l'le. T he total of the live ivllixe.l tribes, as shown by j the last rMiiita. Is Ci-i. and this nunilr I lms not ml rlaily Ini r.iis.d. whll the U AH ATIE LAW 8. Appointment of a Hacterlnloalcal t'ommlaalon Alao Iteeiiiiiinenilerl. The recent prevalence of the yellow fever In a number of cities and towns through out the Mouth has resulted In much dis turbance of commerce and demonstrated the necessity of such amendments to our quarantine laws as will make the regula tions of the national quarantine author. ties paramount. The secretary of the treasury. In that portion of his report relating to the opera tion of the marine hospital service, calls attention to the defects In the present quarantine laws, and recommr-nds amend ments thereto which will give the treas ury department the reqjjn.e authority to prevent the Invasion of epidemic diseases from countrlts, and In times of emergency, like that of the past summer. Will add to the elllc.enry of the sanitary m.asure for the protection of the people and at the same time prevent unnecessary resirlctlons of rommrrce. 1 concur In his recommendation. In further effect lo prevent the Invasion of the I'nlted Hiales by yellow fever, the Importance of the discovery of the exact cause of the disease, which up lo the present lime has U-en undetermined, has be. n obvious, and to this end a systematic barterlologlenl Investigation should be made. I therefore recommend that con gress authorise the appointment of a commlaelon by the president to consist ot four exiM-rt bacteriologists, to be selected from the medical corps of the marine hos pital service, one to I appolnte! from tlvll life, one from the medical corps of the army and on from the navy, for Further Improvement. Which Will lie IHude, The Important branch of our govern ment known as the civil service, the prac tical Improvement of which has long been a subject or earnest discussion, has of late years received Increased legislative and executive approval. During the past few months, the service hag been placed on a still flimer basis of business meth ods and personal merit. While the right of our veteran soldiers to reinstatement in deserving cases hns been asserted, dis missals for merely political reasons have been carefully guarded against, the exam inations for admittance to the enlarged nnd ut the same time rendered less technical and mora practical, und a distinct advance has been made by giving a before dismissal upon all cuses where Incompetency ia charged or a do mand Is made for removal of olllclals In any of the departments. This order has been m title to give the ac cused hl right to be heard without In any way Impairing the power of removal, which should always be exercised In cases of Inefficiency or Incompetency, and which is one of the safeguards of the civil ser vice reform system, preventing stagna tion und deadwood and keeping every employe keenly alive to the fact that se curity of tenure depends not on favor, but on his own tested and raivfully watched record of service. Much, of course, still remains to be accomplished before the system can be made reasonably perfect for our needs. There are places now In tho classified service which ought to be exempted and others unclassified may properly be Included. 1 shall not hes itate to exempt cases which I think have been Improperly Included In the classified acrvlceor Include those which, In my Judg ment, will best piomote the public ser vice. The system has the approval of tho people and It will bu my endeavor lo up hold and extend It, I am forced by the length of this met sage lo omit many Important referenda to affairs of the government with which congress will have to deal at the pres-nt session. They are fully dlscusaed In the dcartm ntnl reports, to all of which 1 Invito your earnest attention. The. rstlmates of the expenses of tho government by the several departments should huve your careful scrutiny. W illie congress may find It an easy task to re duce the expemus of tho government. It should not encourage their Increase These expenses will. In my Judgment, ad mlt of a decrease In rniny brunches of the government without Injury to the pub lie service. It Is a oiniiniiiilliig duty to keep the appropriations wlihln the re relpis of the government anil thus prevent WILLIAM MrKINLLY. Kxecutlve Mansion, lire. t. 1WJ, in a crater, Doctor Guppy had two ex traordinary adventures, neither of which he will soon forget. On 7 a section of rock 1,200 feet by 300 feet in area started from the cliff at tlie top of the crater and came tumbling down. It came with a crash which under or dinary circumstances would have been terrific, but iu the solitude and awe some surroundings of Mauna Loa's crater was something quite beyond de scription. The resounds within the crater were as though all the pent-up forces in the earth had found voice and were calling back and forth for help. The landslide continued for seven hours, during which time Doctor Gup py could do naught else but stand and contemplate the possibilities of what would happen next. And the possibili ties of events out of the ordinary hap pening within a volcano's crater are al most anything an imaginative mind can conceive. Great rocks filling from great heights would strike the tloor of the crater and rebound again and again in their seeming desire to break through to the regions below. If ever a man had an opportunity to Judge of wliat the awful crisis of the last day will be, Doctor Guppy experienced It them. The other occasion on which the scientist had a chance to contemplate the uncertainty of things In general and craters In particular was the day he was lost iu the crater. This was short ly after the landslide, and his nerves had scarcely recovered their usual composure. He had startetl early In the morning to make an exploration of an unvlslted iKirtloit of the floor of the crater. He had gone alamt three miles from his camping place when the steam and vapor began to settle thick ly all over the crater. Ills landmarks were soon shut out from view and he started to return to his little camp. The vaHir clouds settled In more and more thickly until the mist became so heavy lie could not dlsceru objects ahead of him. If ever he felt the want of compan ionship It was then. He had lifetime confused In his efforts to reach camp, ami until he could again see his land marks could not for the life of him tell which way to go, even If it were sale to venture further. The most vlvlg Im agination could scarcely conceive what a man's thoughts would la under such cli'ctimstaiices. Alone and at n home since he began his hermit life, in the early days he was a hunter and trapper and made considerable money out of the sale of furs and hides. When the wild game became scarce he de voted himself to stock raising and agri culture. He laid up money each yen and added to his landed possessions m til he now has a farm of 0,000 acre, one-half of which Is under cultivation Several years ago he built a uei house, It Is situated on a hill in thb center of his tract of land and is unique In construction nnd arrangement. It Is built with bamboo rods, Intertwined so as to make many kinds of pretty fig ures. These rods are nailed to the framework of the house. The roof is thatched with reeds. It has seven large rooms, all handsomely furnished. The floors are of hard wood, stnln.d and covered with furs and rugs of great vale. One of tlje rooms Is used as a library, and Is filled with several hundred vol umes of choice books and the latest magazines. "Uncli;" Jacob Is a great reader and spends much of his time In his library. He a.ways has performed all of his household duties, even cook ing his own meals. There are few persons who ever crossed the threshold of his home. He keeps a number of men employed on his farm, but they occupy houses nt the farther end of the large tract of land nnd are never per mitted to visit their employer's home. "Uncle" Jacob aim never told the secret of his early life. It Is believed that he came from the New England States.--Chlcago Chronicle. important and comprehensive "f lh" long -rs of Intetna'lonsl exhibitions oj whl' h our own at ''l.i nin .is a brilliant dimple and It la deolral'le that I tie l'mto-1 Kt!t should make a Worthf r Mblt of Amrrlian frmtia and skill, and their ur.rtv il. d a. hl. vrments In every brinr-h of Industry. THK. 1All. i:t.u lHtr..T. in hlih from h't to l.lte pipl liow reside. Vahiab'a rlden and buslnrx houses list v ! rrstd In many of Item and lrs trtjunesa enterprises are rrtd n In hlh vaet sums of tnony are em pluyed, and yt these people, who have Invested their capital In the development of the proilmtive resource of the coun try, are without title to the land tby or cupy and have no voir whatever In the I govern nvsnl of the na'tons or 1Mb", Th'iussriili of their rhl trsn who r born In tha territory are of s hol s, but tha door of the b'.l of the swe- irsisr r m Warship aa4 Mr tlrMaefca eelr4. The prevent imrrMlwis effeetive forre of the aavf consists of four batile-shlpa of ha, fjfat cltiaa- fata nt the aerond lilts U. ether vessels, ranging from ou Mli't th. aa4 what j sf B (ruf t,,,ri..,, T.n Mluo Hwliidlo. Probably one of the greatest steals on record In the mining history of the IUack Hills Is that of the Harvey I'eak Tin Mining and Manufacturing Com pany. For an Investment of some two and one half millions of dollars which were furnished by Kngllsh capitalists, there remains to show for the Invest ment only some out-of-tlnte machinery, several large buildings and Some land.' A few years ago tin bearing or was discovered near Harvey IVitU. Home of the most Influential business, men In -the hills, together with capitalism from New York, plotted a scheme which wn worked, which sung thousands of En ullsh money and gave the I. lack llllli country a ten-years' setback. A large mill was first built, then filled with ex- sjMit where no man would venture to j ,,,.,,,,1, machinery for the puritose of rescue; surrounded with a vajsir bear- i Illlill .i... i. was commonly said that lug In It a tinge of poison; the oppres sive silence broken only by the escni Ing steam, generated not at the will of man, but from the unsolved mysteries of the very laiwels of the earth, he waited for six long hours. there was enough tin In the mine to "roof the whole vault of heaven." Hut one run was made by the mill, when it was closed down. Enough tin was milled to mpe In the buyers, mill tho transaction was made. The mine liim At hist the clouds la-gun to lift and a ,.,. , ,,,,. ,.V),r H,.,.. I'Uvrt' whs little later Doctor Guppy could get Ills hearings and return to his headquarters. Holcnce on llralna. The following extract la from Have lock Ellis' lsHik, ".Man and Woman:" "Again, until quite recent times It lias over and over again Ih-cii emphat ically stated by hnilu aiiiitomlHts that the frontal region la relatively larger In iiii-n, the pnrleiiil In women. This con cIiihIuii Is liow la-giniilng lo be rcgard i as the rcverne of the truth, but we an attempt made to reorgaul.e the com. puny and begin oH-ratloiis again, hut the general rcMirt Is that the ileal has fallen through. There was a time when Eastern capital was anxious to make Investments n lllack Hills mill ing prnioi'ty, when almost any amount of liioin-y could be obtained simply llt Iiu a fair represeiiliitloii of the resource of the mine. Since this Harvey IViik swindle, however, the Eastern men have withdrawn their money, ninl as a consequence ninny valuable claims have remained uinli-veliipi'd. The lllack THK noMI-AIDI I) HO Ml. To Trnteel the l.averament'a Inter est In the Kanaaa I'arlfle. The t'nlon Purine rail ay, main lln was sold under drr.e of the t'nlted Htates court for the district of Nebraska on Novemtser I and J, this year. Th amount due the government ror.slst.d of the of the subsidy bonds, ? v. f,u nnd th" a.rried interest thereon, HI 211 Til milking the total lnd Ute.lni as The bid at the sale covered the first mortfua-e lien arid the entire morlgiise (latm of the government lb Interest I The side of the subsidised portion nlli Kansas purine line, iiin whl.-h the gov. emrrient holds a - nd-mrtgag lien, has In-en postponed St the Install' e of the government to eenil-.r 14. I".. Th debt of, this dUIlon of the t'nlon Pa cific rallrond lo the governni. nl, Nov. m lr Jl. IkT, wa the prim losl of the sub sidy bonds, y. and the iin. I and m . rin d Interest. I.C. ''." 53. mulling a total of !2 V ) ii The sue of this road was orisirmlly advertised for November . Tor the purpose of securing th most public notice of the event. It was post poned until Iteremlwr 14, and a serohd advertisement of the sal was made. Hy the le r. of the court, th up t prt at the kale Of th Kansas I'm m must vte'id to the "jernmerit lh sum of Prof. Walter T. Pchoele, scientist of Itiihtvny. N. J., lms iinuled what ho claims Is the death km II of the mos quito, and It l lo be hopeil for the sske of a long suffering poo,i. that his claim Is correct. Living ns lis do-a In New Jersey, famed Iu the f tinny pij er4 aa the home of tha Inrgeat inn) tin.s: warlike members of tli inosqtilti tribe, he hns lirtd ample optrort unity lo study the Insert, and at th sinie time p en ly of Incentive, In the s!iiim of attacks from the prats, to work toward their destruction. It Is wi ll known Hint uiov-ijiiltm-a bni-d on the surface of the wa ter In iwampy placi . and the profea sor's Idi-a It In kill the vkx wlide- stt.l on tha water and la-fore lin y are hnfrli cd. To do tlila he throws Into Hie wa ter a attmll qii'in'lt;- -.f H-rnuingritiata of Hiinati, and when thla dissolve It Instantly O'-siroy the f In all the i ftt lying on the docloree) witter. II ha made experiment la lil UWnto-y and found that with on small pinch of eritiB tigs tm te ha an kill all tli mosquitoes In a !,' gnlloa tank of water. On this In , he ). two or threav ounces will te" t,f?retit In treat a ten acr area. If the professor know what ha Is talking about, tha eiter nilnatlon of the annoying Insectashou'.d "ot 1st a very difficult matter. A movM b'abr-l leij hU wlfa h her own way. eveii when ti know M la levt good for bar. Imve to recoglll.e thill It was Inevita ble. It was firmly la lleved that the , Hills la Just i merging from the slumm frontal region la the seat of nil the of this deal. Ibll'llig the pnal t''W highest mid most Illmtniet llltelleciml priM-oaai-M, and If on examining a or tnii brains nit iiiiiiIoiiiIkI found him self landed III the iMirianil Dint the frontal region Is relatively larger III women the probability la (hut he would the hills. -Minneapolis Times liiiiulha more Eastern capltcl hits coino this way ami found lux -I un til- than fur liny like pel'lial for sulne lllnc, ('oll- fideuro Is gradually Is-lng restored mid cHtiltnl la oine more tiirnlii,' loniud fori Hint he had reil.'hed a cotielllalon that wn nbaurd. Il may, Indeed, tie ailld, that It l "Illy slnre It has lai-ollet known Hint the frontal region of the brnlll la of greater relative extent In the ape than It la In man and ha no special roliln-rlloii with the higher lll I ! Ii-. t il)i I pr"N-eea Hint II hits la-come oaallie lo rerogtilr.e I In- flirt thill that p-glotl Is rehlthely Inure l-XteiHlY(f In women." Iniporliint If 'I rue, "Yea," sllld the hicI, "the renter . Illlin la-collies, the lnore ph-aMlle he id1 rive from 'tail lo Hie mi ii.-h of Ida childhood." "Humph!" retorted the i-yiile, "do yon know why? lie Just waul lo hear tlm old folks iiroiiinl tin re any they iilny knew he had emiictliltig iinoe tlnin com mon stuff In lil in." 1 1 1 r Hope, 'I n ar inc." i-xrliiliiii-d M.ilbl, who hud At Hit Hide li.H.r, Hiiillh leik nl Hint groin Hilri-mi-u ovi-r tln-re on 4'i. li 1 111 smile lirown No. They say I,.-Is very in ti- otitofat)!.-. V lint lias iiia'-ii ns loin i im'ou-ii 1,1 he, other: Old yom-ter '!"-'' " l'l"'r- I,,. yenr's eha-iiic-un lit lliig l,a g itie w holly tlotia and lo w r da It when any iiui I around. I.ltemrv I brorlrs, "Nnpoli-ou's autograph I alsstit a bad a Hlink iir.-'s." "Ye; I'll wagi-r Unit Huron wrote lailh of thelll."- Ilflroll I'n-e I'reaa, Mamie, "I don't know. Ilul I ho;.c It's a M cycle."- Washington Htar. . I.I moloptlriil- "Unw Jove, I have heard that Jou said I w na a inoiioiiintiliie." "Jli-y Never. A liiolMilimlil'ie I Ala.ut the only dlffiri uf latwi-eii a ! man of one idea. If yon art- an) thing an loon and a tafa la the price tUrged ( you must be a Uoiiouiunlit."Iudlaiiar fur drink. I -la JvuiuaL.