TO THB gives TUB OBOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake DENVER Omaha Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. ' Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokoboma and Book Kong; via. Tbe Northern Paoifio Htesmsbip Oo. in cod. section with O. R. & N. For (all details oall on 0. B. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pobtland. Oregon. $2000- in prizes to make twice as many people ask their grocers for Schillings Best baking powder and tea. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are because they are money-back. LOCAL SQUIBS. J. H. Allen is oyer from tbe John Day ooQDtry. One Minute Cough Care care quickly. That's what you want! Conser & Brock . What is the missing: word? not SAFE, although Sihilling's Best baking powder and tea art safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00 ; if several find H, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in tbe last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. ton ORE YOU GOP EAST? If bo, be snre and see that yonr tioket reads via tub uum Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY . THIS IS THH Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULDTH, St. PAUL, CI1ICA.G0 AND ALL VOINT8 EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnlfleent Track, Peerless Vestlhuled CAMERAS. At a merely nominal prioe, the New Tobk Ledger is making one of tbe most remarkable Camera offers of the season. They are sending oat an im mense number of oameras to all parts of the United States. It is in reality but .. .. Fifty Cents .. .. for the Camera, with complete outfit for photographing and develop ing. Send today for full particulars regarding tbis remarkable offer, as it is extremely limited. The Camera is thoroughly higb grade Bod first disss ineveiy respect, fitted with all mod ern improvements, and is guaranteed as represented. Address .... Camera Department, Tne Hew YotR Ledger. Ledger Building, N.Y. City Boys should tend at once forfipeclal rreniium just issued, WHtrlll'S. Print. m iiiR Presses, Air Killea anil many f 1 1 Y I C H null R' ! r 1, I. A (II V. EN AWAY. New York Ledger, Ledger Building. New York, 6(1 -603 M Dining anil Weeping Car Train!, ana Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME hai Riven tlili road a national reputation. All ulasMis of rasoiiiera rarrlud on tlie viintllinlixl tralni without extra charge. Hhlp your frelxlit anil travel over mil minimi una. ah agouti nave ucseis. W. H.'MKAl), T. 0. BaVAQlt, Ueu. Aiinnt Trav. F. & I'. Agt, in naniiuistou ni., roriiaini, ur. OIIIOAGO muwaukee & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famons blook system; Light its trains by eleotriolty through out; Use the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Kan speedily equipped paesenger train VKrv day and niifhl between Ht. l'aiil and Chioago, and Omnha and Ctiioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Worth its weight in gold to every farmer anil breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: M.OO PER YEAR. (Sample oopie free.) Ultra: Spirit anil Gazette both for 1.1.00, oasb, at this office. & Also operate steam-heated veatihuled Iraioa, carrying the lattt private compartment ear, library buffet amok In it rara, anil palace drawing room lee pert. I'arlur car, free reclining chair ear. sod tu very beet dining chair oar ear vice. for lowest rates to any point in the United HInIi or Canada, apply to agent or s.IJree J. W. CAHET, Trav. I'm. Agent, C. J. EDDY, Oeneral Agent, Portland, Or, TIIROI'OII CAUrl- TO Hf. PAUL M1NNKAPOLI8 Ul'I.UTU FAHOO hitttk HELENA Tuket leaned to all polt.1 in the United HUte and Canada. QUICK TIME TO. Cmkaoo All other f OsUHa VYaanisuToii I point I Kakiai City Haltimo 1 tL i Hr. Jor Nse Toss I East and j Ht. Lm?ts llvrraU) J Kontbeett lUieToS I'bloa IV pot coOBoottiio at Ht. Paul, MiBpli, Kiu City, Omaha, Ml. Lottie and other promt Debt point IWaf a eberkl through to destitution ol tiraste. Through ttikali to Jap and Cblua, TiMni aad Mart bar a pari ft 8tm sbls Uompeaj'a Una. For fall Information, tin card, map. lirkeU, etc., ell tifl or writ W. 0. Au., A. I. Ct.TO, Art N. l".Hy. AwLOen. I'. Agl TUDalSee.Of. Mtl.od,Or at NORTH l'ACIPIO Rural Spirit (E8TABUBHED IN 1SI9.) . ublishcd Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTKD TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. CATARRH r.t Ak your " Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Calm contain! no cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It la quickly Absorbed. Gives Kellcf at once. It opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. AlliLva I nflnrnmRtion. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and rmell. Full Size 60c. ; Trial Bb.o 10c ; at pni-zlstaor hymall. ELY BROTH EKS, 6H Warren Street, New York. COLD 'N HEAD Timber Culture--Final Proof. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon, Sent. 13th. 1897. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES 11 H.Allen has Hied notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Cleric, at his ofHce in Heppner, Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 8th day of December. 1I7, on timber culture application No. 2978, for the NKH of sec tion No. in township No. 4 south, range No, 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Kelthley, Oscar Kelthley, Ed Moreland, and JeBse M. Hogne, all of Hardmau, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 93-S04 Register. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Office at The Dalles, Okkuon. November 8th, 1897. VrOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1, drow Carlson hiis filed notice of tiitj.nt1nn to make flnel proof before J. W. Morrow, Coun ty clerk, at his olllce In Heppner, Oregon, oo Thursday, the Kith day of December, 1897, on timber culture application No. 5MS06, for the north-east quarter of section No. 7, in township nu. n Boiiin rangu no. it east nr. m. Ha names as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell. Andrew Anderson, Olof Bergstrom and John Johnson, all 01 Gooseberry, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. M5-606 Register, yM4 BO YEARS' -EXPERIENCE T Tnadc Mark r'rtft1 Cop-vmoHTa Ac. Timber CultureFinal Proof. United States Land Office, M01ICE IS IlKKKHY GIVEN THAT Vrk'd- il erlrk P. Cavlness has filed notice of inten tion to make nnal proof before J. W. Morrow. County clerk, at his ollice, In Heppner, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Wd day of December. 1WI7. nn timber culture application No, SllW, for the HEVt (iiuarter) of section No 4, In township No. 1 South Range No. 24 E. W. M. He names aa witnesses: John T. King, Benjamin V. King. Thomas J. Wlllhelin and Joseph Hughea, all of nine, Oregon. J as, Jf. Moore, SMti. Register. Notice of Intention. Land Offic at LaUeande, Obehon, Nov. 17, 18.I7. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE followlng named settler has Died notice of his Intention to make flnal proof in support of nisciaim, ano ina sain pruoi win he made be- lure i;ouniy clerk, Morrow county, Oregon ai tieppner, uregon, on Dec. ,-iuin, 1'J7, via: JOSEPH LI'CKMAN, Hd. E. No. M15 for the W NEU and WU SEU SecS'iTn'iH RE W M. He namea the following wltnewea to prove us couiiiiiiniis resilience upon ami cultivation of said laud, vis: Andrew J. Cook. Arthur Smith, John A Waddell and George Hays, all of iiepiuier, uregon. B. F. WILSOM, MMI7 Register Anyone aenitlng askefrh and itiwrtnltnn aiay tlnnssirtollyeiiiiailenilsl. )Un,lh.Wkin Paimile Qiilrkiy astwriaiit otir upininit fraa lnvenlli ether aa Oimmanlra. mn Is prohahtr pitieiitehli rtotlr eminilenllsl. IIkii.1I (ill trmm. IMdeat aaency for Mmni. patents. ratetiia lalien thrnuah Muita A to. rvoelv IfrrUti n-Ht, without cberita, in tbe Scientific Jltticricatie nilitlnn of iit hiitiid( I'liinitaL 'rmB. A rmr ntontb. il 0uM by All nflWMlMltm, Co sii.ra,,. New York Hrauca ifSm, Ok t "t, Washluioa, D. U Keep m ana Eel Ricn. TI1K WOOL ItKCOltU Tails Yy Hew to D It. Notice Of Intention. Land Offic at La Obande. Obeoon, Hnw II IMU7 XTOTICE IS HFIilBY GIVEN THAT TH il lollnwlng namwl settler has filed notice m his Ititentloii to make dual proof In eupport nf his rutin, and that an Id proof will be made iieiore county t lera, Morrow County, Oragou a iivppnvr, urraon, nn nee. mnn. lKJi. via; GKOHliK R. II A V KM. lid. E. No. t'7 for the lota 1 and I and SEU NK'.Keo 1 Tp8R X K W Hand Lot4SeeTp i S K w K W M. He namea the following witnesses to prove his roiiiiniioua reaiiieui-e upon ami cultivation of aid land, vis: Jacob II. Pearson, Andrew J. CiHik, Joe.'ph Luckinan and James A. Pearson all ol Heppner, Oregon, B. t. WII-SON, 4J Register. KILLED ON THE PILK-DHIVEB. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE CITATION. O. E. Faroe worth came in from bis ranch Saturday and reports bia aueeD doiDg well. O. B. Loomis, repreaentioK the Even ing Telegram, of Portland, was in Hepp ner over Saturday. Revival servioei began io tbe M. E. oh arch on Sunday evening and will be continued for bo me time. If yon need something for yonr system oall at tbe 'Phone The Telephone Sa loon, City hotel bnilding. tt O. A. Rhea was in town over Satnr ay. He reports bia stook as doing well down on the lower ranches. John M. Spenoer went oat to Asa Thompson's ranch yesterday where be will work daring tbe winter. For isle residence property. Barn and good outhouses. Will seil obeap on easy terms. Oall at offioe. 83-tf . Baker City Republican : Miss Minnie Adams, of Morrow county, is visiting at tbe borne of J. H. Smith in tbis oity. Q. A. Taylor, representing Glass & Prudhomme, was in Heppner Saturday pioking up a little business for bis firm. Frank M. Branob, general agent of tbe Lancashire InB. Co., with bead offioe at San Franoisco, was in Heppner Sat urday. Qeo, Stegs arrived from Hamilton Sunday on bis way to HUlsboro and Salem to visit relatives. Mr. Stege is a nephew of John Durham, of this oity, and bas not seen bis folks for the past 12 years. Vinoe Kelly got io yesterday from Long Greek and will take out a load of news print for tbe Eagle along with some other freight for tbe Long Greek merchants, He says the roads are simply horrible. A young horse, bitohed to a oart, oansed some little excitement down at Gordon's stable Saturday afternoon. He seemed to be pretty green BDd in bis awkwardness be suoceeded in breaking a shaft out of a brand new cart, A genuide cbinook bas taken off all tbe snow at and about Heppner, and moderated tbe weather greatly. At present tbe bills around town are putting on a cost of green whiob is very inviting to sheep BDd oattle. Prosperity comes quickest to the men whose liver is in good condition. De- Witt's Little Early; Risers are famous little pills for ooostipation, billioosness, indigestion and all Btomaoh and liver troubles. Conser & Brock. Prof. J. D. Brown bas returned from tour of the Northwest. Mr. Brown travels in the interests of tbe Northwest School Furniture Co., of Portland, and bas been absent from Heppner several months, traveling in Oregon, Washing ton and Idabo. It is easy to catob a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you oommenoe early to nee One Minute dough Cure. It cures oonghs, oolds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to oura Oonsei A Brook Press Oresswell was up from Ella Sat urday and reports that bis neighborhood bas been baying soma pretty toonh winter weather of late. Stock were suffer ing pretty badly but we presume tbe cbinook has reached that seotion by Ibis time and feed ia much more plentiful After bearing some friends oontinually praising Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleok, of Anaheim, Cal., purchased a bottle of it for bis own use and is now an enthusis tat oyer its wonderful work as anyone oan be. Tba 25 and 50. cent sizes for bbIs by Cosser dc Brock. Tbe Dalle Chronicle: Tba man who stole W. II. Wilson's typewriter, sold the same to the Northern furniture store for 13.00. It must bava been stolen bout supper time Wednesday evening as he Bold it at 7 o'olock. From tbe time tbal be sold tba machine notll tbe robbery wee reported to Ilia authorities yeeterdey noon, he bed obanc to get out on a number of trains, and there Is little nope that b will b captured for his crime. H. A. Baker Fell Five Feet aad Was Killed Instantly. From The Dalles Chronicle: AI 1 o'olock yesterday a remarkable and fatal aooident ooourred to one of tbe men wbo worked on tbe O. R. A N. pile driver in Mill creek basin. Tbe man, whose name was H. A. Baker, was standing on one ot the cribs on whiob tbe pile-driver is plaoed, when the foreman told bim to step aside, as they were going to move the maoliine ahead. In getting out of tbe way be stepped over tbe edge ot tbe crib and fell a distanoe of about five feet, strik ing on his head and receiving injuries from wbiob be died almost instantly. Dr. Logan was called, but when be ar rived tbe man was beyond all aid. His body wbb taken to Crandall A Burgett's undertaking parlors, where an inquest will be held. The strangest part of tbe matter was that be fell in tbe soft mud, and there seemed to be nothing on which he oonld have struck that would have injured bim . In all probability be broke bis neck when be struok tbe ground heed foremost. Tbe deceased is a widower abont 66 years old, and, so far as oould be found out, has a daughter in Portland, who was immediately telegraphed for. He was a civil engineer, and was engaged in that position when tbe aooident oo-curred. LUNG TU0UBLK3 AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any osse of Catarrh tbal cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cbeeney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cbeeney for the last 15 years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Welding, Eionan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dlreotly upon tbe blood and mn. ooub surfaces ot the system. Testimo nials sent free. Price, 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Hake a Free Offer to Our Headers. Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo- cum, or flew xork City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and obest troubles, stubborn coughs, oatarrbal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send 'mKJfiK BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any amictea reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" bas oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers It a simple professional duty to suffering humanity -to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results aa beneficial to humanity aa can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oared in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooam, M. 0., Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bia generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 r. FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's - Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, tbis shop is now prepared to taoklu anything in any line and will meet prioea of any person ' nnder Ibe sun in the line ot druggists ' supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a obarity concern but if yon will give as a ohanoe we will see that you are satisfied in ' every particular. , Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Linooln said that when one bought-goods away from borne tbe foreigner got tbe money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe goods were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When tbe printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 660-tf lie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. .STEAKEBS. GRANT COUNTY NEWS. From the Eagle. W. M. Rudio, of this city , one of tbe largest dealers io oattle in Grant oounty, sold to Niok Hall, of Monument, Satur day last, twenty bead of oows and calves, reoeiving for each cow and calf $24 00. A fine band of deer is reported having been seen on tbe side ot tbe mountain within a few miles of town tbe latter part ot last week. They have been driven down by tbe heavy snows in the mountains. Neil Jackson, a miner wbo has been working in tbe old Prinoess mine above Susanville, bas struok a ledge of very rich ore, wbioh be estimates will average $G0 per ton. Quite a lot ot ore has been taken out, and will be haulded to tbe Sloan stamp mill and crushed, from which ore great returns are expected. James Lindsey, a prominent borse- buyer of Pendleton, who bas been in tbis valley tor tbe past week buying horses suooeeded in purobaslng abont thirty head ot flue large animals from farmers in Fox Valley, paying 825 per bead for ame. These borsea were unbroken and Ibe prioe puid was considerably more than could have been obtained for them one year ago. Jack Donald, tbe party wbo so bru tally beat np a Chinese sbeepberder near Monument several days ago, men tion of whiob was made in the Eagle last week, bad bia preliminary ex ami nation before Justice Bowman at Monu ment last Friday and wbb held to appear at tbe next term ot court io tbe aam of $500, and not being able to give a bond be was taksn to Canyon City and turned over to Sheriff Liviogstoo. The China man is still very low and not expected to live, and in oase be die, Donald will have a more aerioue eherge to answer for. Home From Klondike, From The Dalles T.-M. E. P. Ash, ot Cascade Locks, arrived home a few days sinoe from Dawson City. Mr. Ash went up on tbe first trip the Elder made lest summer, and suo ceeded in forming a partnership with two old Alaska miners. He brought borne with bim some Klondike gold, and expeote to return in the spring. He osme out on snow shoes over the Dalton trail, was 28 days making tbe trip from Dawson to Dyea, and 55 days from Daw son to Casoade Looks. Dawson, Mr. Ash says, is a lively plaoe of 6,000 to 8,000 inhabitants, with a bank, opera bouse and numerooa stores and saloons. Cost ot liviog there is very high, a email cup ot beans being worth one dollar, and all other articles of food command proportionately high prioea. Py a special arrargement we i fler to our readers The Wool Record and Heml- Weekly Gate tie, one year tor 300. The Wool Record I the only national wol organ auJ over the wool industry from tb raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the mannfaotured article. it puilleliel weekly at New York and Ibe regular price it i 00 a year, lie market report are full and complete and It Hheep Bleeders' Tails sloe are worth 10 time tb price ol Hi paper. Marnpl onpie on rphralioa . W heartily recommend takes conihi- Dation to our itil'eonlter. In tii r rot-sty rot'RT or rm state ol Orrttm, Inr Hit County ol Morrow. In the mailer of Iht estate ol llnlluu It. Allyn, ( 1 fH 'fittest t To Vrata Allyn. for Allyn. Mlama Kirk an. I all unknown heirs am) deilaeea, anil any auJ all nrraoua luU'mtiM. In Uie name ol the slate ol Ornn. Ynn ara hernhy 'll1 ami nomlreat Io aoiwar In Ihe county ( onrl ol the Hlale ol On(on, lor Ihe County ( Morrow, at the court room thereof, In neppner in Ihe ounty ol Morrow on TncUv, the 4th ilav ol January, !., at 10 n'elork In Ihe lorrnoon ol thai itay, then amt there to show iaiiH, II any etltl. any an or.lcr he not mule lor lilt sale ol the lollow In ilwrttied real prop erly to wll: North east iiuarlvrnltwtlon thirty on. In township one, south ol rant twenty Ave east, ami norili eaat quarter ol awtlon thirty Ave, low nahln ono south ol ranae twenty sta. east W. M. all In Morrow county, orrfon. Alto the soulh -easl ulterior of Miction thirty In to in I ihlp one. tooth ot reim twenty-five, eaat W. M. it Morrow eotmly, Oregon. nimxaa, me linn, a. u. parinotnmew, juiiae ol Hi ( on my Courty ol the etele ol Orrftiu, lor the Comity ol Morrew with the Ml ol eaht rourt aSiaail, title l th day ol tioveiuber, A. l. lev? Alteat: J. W. MOKROW, I 10 Clark. Notice el Heal Hetlleaaeai. YOT1CK IS HIRKItV OIVIM iv iiti'trnliiel almlMttlralf sruKANE nm 4 noutukrn i FOHT SIIUTARD HKD M0LNTA1S RAILWAYS Tbe Duly All Hail lUiute Without Cbani of Car lWtweee Hpokans, RoeleJ auJ Neleoo. Alea bet wee NUuej sat Koelal, dally etepl under! t .. Am, A. M Mf.kaoe or' II A M ... l .kU , t A. Is SMUena 4S f M. I la it-i ki NtHi with elMattra tut !, atxl ail B.j lmk taaai. U'r- ewtewt a) Hmwws with ataa Aailt. THAT TBI ol the re late ol John W. Iiawtun, il-ert, will mast Snel ltlmnlol hit account with ealil mat at fit h .lmlnl,truf , on Tualay. th 4 1 tt ilay nf January. at the hour ol IB o'elia k In the Inranuon of takl day. at thai oitn i I ouri room h Morrow count,, Oregon, aald day bH tli ecHl day ol the nasi riilar term ol the County court lor Morrow county i laird at Urppnvr, Uw'n. Noranthvr f, latf7. Iiiuaia" lb Ll", ant SIB Adtttlntatrafa. Notlct of Intention. Li B OvriiS at Tmb Pause, Obboam lirmrthxr A l? VOTtct i HRsrnr giybm that thi il follow in nam.! altlr hat Bled nolle hit lnlntlon o anat Sual pnl Intuppurtol bis claim, and thai Mid pnod will he made b lore J M. Morrow. Count v t'lre, at Mappwer, uran, oa January ia, im. vis. FRANCIS M. WILKINSON. e Htiief. N t No. t lot the www sad MUM ol a ja, Tb I a. H t. w. at. He nam the Inllaetiif w ilmm s to amr ait eonUniHMtt rvtld.- upon anI cultivation ol Ml.l iau.1, vii I narlr l t.!n k ao lwtt rrrnt, id Mcplir, OrsHn. John W t la in k and U I". Kit.Wn, ol iahl Mil., (,. J A", r MiwNK. llt ft.itir. A Mare Thin far Totv. A transaction In which you can not tnaelse hid UiliiK. lllliousneaa, alck lioaUuclie, lur red Wiikuo, fever, plleaaudaUiouaaudouier a are cauau oy consultation and eiUL-Klsn liver. UMoaroU Uandy l ulnar it-, tiie won dorlul new liver etiinulaui and lutnsilual tonic are by all urttrgiaU guaranteed to cur or mouey reiumlod. C C. IX era a aura thin. Try a box Uvday; lUc, 8.V . 6uo bauiple and booklet free, boe our big ad. Tha tlemenla ot sueeea ia merosotlU lit seem to be Ibe; First, have some thing tbal people want; second, stand ready to sell your goods at reasonable prices; and third, and most important of all, let the general pabtie know what you bare tor sale and tbe prioe. merchant may have tbe beet goods In Ibe world aod Bland ready to sell prices actually below eoet, and If bo one knows aboot It bia goocia msy grow fast to lb eoanters. Newspaper edvrttiBg ia tb best method ot conmuBtoalioa be- teeea merchant aad Cos Wnnef, Hart ford Ulobe. air. Mary Bird, lUrrisburg, fa , Bays "Mr child U worth Billions Io me, yet would have lost ber by croup bad I no I loveiet twenty flee cent lot bottle of One Mlnule Ouogh Care." It rare tough, cold end all throat and Inn trout)!. C neer A Brook. The Cbrialiaa 8ooJay ecbeel of this eity will give t CLilttiaa tree eoteelaie seel for lb ebilJree of tbe tchool oa Cbrieimae eve. A very Bppropriale pre gram elll be reder4 ea thi oocasioa Ban a toe menu m ibe bcimiuI are earnestly invited to be preeeol tad en j7 Ibe tieretere. Beanty I Blood Deep, Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, oy stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- urities trora the body, ueein to-aay to ianish Dimnles. boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, aatisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Brownsville Times: Dr. Adkios, tbe dentist, has arrived from Billsboro with bis household effects. He will reside in tbe residence just north of the M. E oburob, South. "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Leave The Dalles daily (exoept Sunday .4 n.'Jn . T rV -i-i at i w n. iii. jubbvb jruriiaou at wu a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. O. ALL A WAT, Oeneral Agent QTJZOH1 TIMES t TO San Ionoisoo And all point in California, via the Mt. Bhaat route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hiathway through California to all point Eaat and Sooth. Grand Boenie Route of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepera, Beoond-olaa Sleeper Attached to express trains, affording tnperior aocommodationa for aeeond-olase passenger. For ratea, tiokete, aleeping car reservations, eta,, oall npon or address EL KOEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MAF.KHAM, Gen. F. 4s P. Agt, Portland, Oregon Those who desire to build should not forget that O. E. Banous, tbe con tractor, is ready to make estimates tt any time. 60tf Every new subscriber of tbe Gasette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive as a premium a book worth alone Ihe price of the subscription. tt Corns in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to miss a whole lot of good, bard reading that is now being published in our "Ouly." Eastern Oregon I State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Tetter, Halt-Ilheum end Gciemk. The intense Itching and smarting, incl dent to these dispose, Is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for Itching pile and I a favorite remedy for tore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, froat bites and chronic sore eyes. 21 eta. per box. Pr. Cadyt Condition renders, are Just what a horse needs when In bad I condition. Tonic, blood runner sua vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and tbe best In nee to pnt a borse in prime condition. Price U cent per package. Located on tbe O. B. k 8. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted tt til timet of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mualo taught by eompetent instructors. A gradu ate ot tbe Boetou Conservatory baa eharge ol the Instrumental department. AJMio. Iaclics.9 Boarding Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Bend for ealalogne. Add M. G. ROYAL, Preeldent of Fatuity or P. A. WORTHING. TON, SeereUry Board of Regent, Wetton, Ore. i A Very fWeaaal Kvtalag. On Friday evening Mia Mabel Her ren entertained t tomber of beryooogl friends tt Iht residence of ber father, IX A. Herret. Boo 11 games and mnsio were indulged In and an excellent lunoh waBteryed tad much eehyed by tb gaeet ot the tveolng. Tboe preeeol were Mi sees Lnti Faro worth, Cora Urt, Lent Ret tnd Bertha Cat; Meet re. Jeff Neel, Jts, Thompson, Jres Stewart and Lloyd Tboroa. Attornovs at Law, All bnsineee attended to in t prompt tnd satisfactory manner. Nolariee Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATTER BUILDING. BEPPNER, t l t OBEOON WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co Tw Tear. Millies When people buy, try, and liy sain. II means liirv're aatialml. The people ( tlie I nitrd htatee are now purine t'ai srrt ( Catliartie at Ihe rate l I wo nhIImhi htxre veer and it will i three million lure New Year'. It mean merit proved, that (Wareta are the mat drlihlful twwH moiUtor nr evrrvlxxly tlie year mni. ittl dni(ubte lite, ZV, &0c bus, Qir (uarantred. Tbe Dalle Ubroelole: Depniy I'eiud tilatee Marshal Bealley arrived la Tort land from Pendleton Monday tight. bavleg la eeelody Jim Barnbrt aad Little Balojoe, Ilio ander lo1wt- tseel for Stealing talll nn the t'malill reeervatiaa. Tb erime, hWb eonietd of ppiopriliog abotl forty bel of ealtl belonging to other leJitB, I tlktgetl Io have been eommilted eOt two week ago. Ne time baa tt for I heir trial. Stoatn TELETDONE, BAILEY GiTZEET 1XD OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder Rlreel ft-ck, Portland, for Aalorle, Ilwaeo, Long Beach. ( l'trk tnd Nabeotl. Dtreet aonneelMt with Ilwaeo steamers and rail road; tleo tt Toang'e Bay with ftearbore Railroed. Uvm rortlan4 7 A. at. tally, eaeept tuaday. Lmtm wi 1 p. kj. Dailv, leapt Bda leavt tertian 4 If.H lally, esoriH atmd.v. SaluMar lht ll P t.- . n at a 4. at., airH day aod alond. uw, n, f. n OOBAN WAtTTl Uaee FtmiaM ist rane Slrert to lle. Tneariaf ant Tharanay at A M P.i.Mmt ,n Uevat U.are Wedaeadaf rHOay at 7 a A. at. Oo Jihi 2 1, M 1 K " Ut CWW U Rilbt4 Drstiutioi M hxckt Prrt if tmrn Pet tafrty, Speed. Corehwt, riearar. Travel e tb Telephon. BeJIey Oetaert aad Oreaa War ; TIIE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOnomCRS, Prop. ye,bee.CCpS tlc pincst VincS( Liquors and Cigars.