Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 07, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
The Heppner Semi-Weekly
Gazette from now until
March 1st, 1898, for
-m25 Cts.l-
The Heppner Semi-Weekly
Gnzettn from now until
March 1,1898, for
-25 Cts.MN-
Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00
Yearly Subscription reduced to $2.00
NO. 603
Tuesdays and Fridays
-BY- -
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.0) per year, 11.00 for six months, SO ota.
Cor three monens, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake'a
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exehanga, San Francisco, California, where cou
raots for advertising can be made for it.
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' ExohanRi Build
ing, San iraucinoo, Is our aalhorized agent.
This papsr is kept on file at bis office.
0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at ileppner Junction 121)5 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Janotioa 8:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m
Hpokane Express No. 4 leavee Portland at 2.-00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma' ilia 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 .110
ra. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 925 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at neppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a. m.
For further information inquire of J. G. Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
United Statei Officials.
P:eaident William McKinley
Vme-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
becrntury of Treasury Lyman J, ftage
Seerntary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary t Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. R. Kinoald
Treasurer Phil. Meteohan
Hupt. Publio Instruction 6. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idlemau
. I G. W. MoBride
Senators It u uiui
IG. W.!
1j. h. :
I Binger B
I Binger Hermann
I W. B.
( R. S. 1
. 1 F. A.
Jc E. '
. Ellis
Supreme Judges
..W. H. Leeds
R. S. Hean
, Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Btephen . Lowell
I'rowwuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow Count Officials.
Joint Senator A. W. Gowan
Representative. J- Brown
Comity Judge A. G. Bartholomew
" (kmmlssioners J. R. Howard
I. W. Beckett. .
" Dlerk. .J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E. I Matlock
" Treaanrer Frank Gilliam
Assessor A. C. Fetteys
" Surveyor J. W. Hornor
Hohool Sup't Jay W. Shipley
Coroner 11. F. Vaoghan
hepmeb Town orrioiBS.
Mjol Thos. Morgan
ti mnnilmen Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, 11.
LiohUrathal and J. R. Simons.
K loonier.... W. A. Richardson
Treasurer ; W. 'Iriggs
Marshal A. A. Roberta
Precinct Oflloerp.
Justioe of the Peace W. K. Richardson
foustable N. 8. Whetotone
United States Land Officer.
J. . Moore Register
A. 8. Biggs Reoeiver
B. F .Wilson Register
;.n. Bobbin. Reoeiver
G. A. B.
MaaU at Lexington, Or., the but Saturday of
ai-h month. All veterans are Invited to Join.
G. W. Smith, C. G. FoytM.
Adjutant, tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Office In (be City Drug Store, near
City Hotel tf
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office bon it, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop,
arty, east ot M. E cbnrrb, Booth, and 10
to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m., at offloe In
tba rear o( Borg's Jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offloe In tba First National Dank
Hirriua, : : Obboon.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
met at
Hells end burs real eaute, rents konw. part
bm doaa ennarenrtig and will sare you In
auf way In his Hue, at reasonable Bgurea. If
First National Bank
C.A. Rmia,
T. A. Rhea.
OCO. W. CO Nat,
Via PreeHeM
Aaa't Caahlar
Truti i Genera! Buling Basinea.
On all pans of the wot 14
Bought and Sold.
Cotlertlone ta4e an all putnta aa
reasonable leraia.
tarvlttS end BiwllTldad froSta. IJl.OUO 00.
Tba Osteite will lake potato, a( plea,
eggs of batter on eohaeriptkn necoonta.
Aey oas owing this offloe ran art tie their
nceonote ta this meaner id ean'l do it
too soot) to sail as.
Going East?
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best Bervice.
SECO'ND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD -For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address -
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
Geueral Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or,
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. ft. W. & C.
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
CIIIC.&.3-0. XXiZj.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has
been during eaoh of iti twenty-eeven
years, a History of Oar Own Times. In
its various editorial departments The
Outlook gives a oompaot review of the
world's progress; it follows with care
all tbe important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements of the day; baa a
complete department of religious news;
devotes muoh space to tbe interests of
tbe home; reviews current literature;
tarnishes cbeerfal table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to Rive
freeb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty flifth volume,
tbe paper will aaaume tbe regnlar mag
sine else, wbiob will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook ia published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. Tba first issue
In eaob month is an Illustrated Magasins
Number, containing about twice as many
pages aa tbe ordinary issue, together
with a large number of pictures.
Tba price of Tbe Outlook ia three
dollars year in advance, or less than
cent a day.
Bend for a specimen oopy and illustrat
es prospeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plana, New Toik Oltv.
While roe aaep roar Mbeerlptioa paid Bp rra
saakeep roar brand ia free of chart.
Br, P. O., Hoppnar, Or. Honae, P B b left
soobumti eaiue, sane aa un alp.
Conk. A. JuLana.Or'Rnresa. 9Doe riht Aonl
dar; samaon Hphthipi ear mrnik square
pvp uu ana tui IB ngDh
Omuilaaa. W. M . Oallcrwar. Or. Cattle. IDn
Haht iila.ewailow-furk to eaeh ear) auraaa. It L
eo nn nip.
Via Q n.lu Cm ti t . -J .1
oa Urt ennaklar, eottle Saaoe oa lafthlp. ooie
m nan. aw.
Ploraaea, L. A., Ifeprmer. Or. (UJ, LP n
riaht hip; honae P with bar anilar oa risbt
Jooaa, Harry, HappiM, tlr Honae brudad
n i a U urt ahiml'lw: eattto braadl J
naiit hip. alaH aodartal la laft ear. Kane la
urrvw eoaaijr.
inhnia. fallx. Leo. Or. Honae. eirxlaT na
laft etina; aatlla, ami aa, rifht kip, Bade half
erup la n ami euiit !a Ufl ear
Ranar. Mika. HtfDnr. ft ITiir.aa hwiAMl
IH1 on laft kip oatUe same aad eroy oel left
art aaaar epe oa we rtarti
Laahat. J. W. HantHiar la.-Knwii K.anH I
I. an4 A aa Mt atwatblari eattla same oa lft
kip, wauteevar rbl are, three atite ta tight
tiayar, Oanar, nappewr Or alUa, H 0 oa
naat aipi tuna oa mi aaoojkar.
Norma. ). H- Hipejar. Or. Hnraas, M )
oa Ban tonmumi eatua aaase oa an atp.
Oahor. i. t, Dxaalaa. Or.i hnraaa UhW
ahoal4tari cattle same aa rtabt kip.
. Ptrtar Ulaaaoa. Hardaua.Or.-Horwa IP oa
ln atMjoldar.
Plp-r. i. H., ttlnr1m. Ilr.-Knraa, JR
aartad ar.laft ahoalWi amuKsaaMoa lef
uaW k4l la ah aar.
HaH.a, t. W.. Havpaar. Or.-Hnnaa. 10 as
haft ahoolilar. ( alUa. (laa rbral hih
irrr. K. . Hannnae. Of. Tarda
Wt bip. era vf nM H andartnt la Ml faar,
avwiavt aiii.wi m . rm awl caciquaar,
Taooipai. i. A, Happaar, il xloe
laft atMailaVrt eMila. I aa Uft aaiMa.
Tama. H. W- H-ttmm Or.- email aap4taj t
laft avnkW. Uaai aaWie eaaM oa laft hip
W" apit. ia wmmm
Watlaabaraar. W. I.. fUllmru. Or.i hnnaa
Oaasiar atr.a J W oa rtftil skua Wars rwlja
aaarlar nn-im J w a rttit fci .art nM av-a,
-"f awl a.. la laft au, har(. la atvrrvw aaa
L is.au.
Hotel Heppner
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per
B2T"A first-class feed barn run in connection. Free 'Bus run to
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. 587-nov.l2
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A New Life of erant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins In December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with-this series
V; .1; i"""'u "J puonrn special Diograpnicai studies under tne general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN
talent lor mystery and Ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Qaboriau.
IAN M ACLAREN, All the Action that he wi"U
. v .UI1.HUUUUIH w auvMivr uuuuuauuu
appear in Medusa's Maqazinr.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCUjas's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE TRANET is preparing for the Magazinb a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete In itself.
Anthony Hop Brat Hart Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaall
will all have stories In McCmjm's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McOloxs's Maoaiini tor
..- 1KM7, the subscriptlcp priee of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. MoClure Co., New York.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
summate skill.
Buck a paper la a great popular
The subscription price of Lealle'a Is it pe nnura.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50. i
Ko surh offer was ever mads before. Ho such oner will ever be made
again. These two papers make s most enoeptable Christmas or birthday
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's klnduaaa.
Remit by postal order or check to the ;
Heppner, Oretron.
Tbe old reliable liter stable man
Jnet North of tbe Osotts offloe, where be won) J be
pleased to see all bis old friends and make sew ooee.
AUo rentt Ilugyien, Hack, Tenmi and iyvhlle Jlortrt.
RemereW Willie when yoo enrse to Iowa. Old steed formerly rxyjnpied by
Billy Oordoo, Hrppoer, Oregon.
frank Roetns
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors aod DuiUcrs.
Plans and Estimates
All Kinds of Repair Work
0FFICE HOUKS-Day and Ni2ht
tn 1 ii I : -ii
itaic ana MJjr. or jim win
Day and Upwards.
the editor's direction. 1
DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
writo during the coming year, with the exception
woicn were engaged xrom nira long ago. will
To be educated one must rrad
the beat literature.
Tbe beat literature la expensive.
Lealle'a Illustrated
Published at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of tbe best things
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
storlea charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with eon-
It should be In every
of Heppner, bat moved into tbe
i. i. ROtfOTi
Given on Short Notice.
Leave your orders -Any 011
et'i em. o o o 0. o o o
Fill a bottle or oommon glass with
nrioe and let it stand tweoty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an on
healthy oondition of the kidneys. When
urioe stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the baok, is also oonvino
ing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are oat of order.
There is comfort in tbe knowledge eo
often expressed, that Dr. Kilter's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
folflls every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It oor
reots inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get np many times
daring tbe night to urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realised. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of tbe
most distressing oases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oents and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and eend
your address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bing
hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot this
The Dads Meet and Transact an Immense
Amount of Business.
City council met in regular session on
Monday evening at oounoil chambers.
Present at roll cull, Mayor Morgan,
Ooanoilmen Conser, Gilliam, Simons
aod Minor; Recorder Richardson, Treas
urer Briggs and Marshal Hager. Conn
oilmen Mat Liohtenthal and E. J. Blo
oum came in later.
Reoords of special session read aod
Petition of Mrs. Oora Crawford to
purchase a strip off ot the norti aide of
oity property, read and referred to oom
mittee on streets and poblio properly.
Communication from Portland Cham
ber of Commerce, in respeot to Klondike
sufferers, read and disoassed, bat do
definite aotion taken on same.
Bills presented and ordered paid:
A. M. Blocum, lumber for hose rack... 4 80
Gilliam & Blsbee, lumber and hardware M7 It
John Hager, marshal salary .' to 00
W, A. Richardson, recorder's salary 18
Heppner Light and Water Co 70 00
Add Matteson, witness fees 160
Krank Calloway, witness fees 1 60
Heppner Transfer Co., drayage S 60
Win. Cowlns, police duty 14 60
E. L. Matlock, boarding prisoners . .1 . . . 3 76
lieppner Light and Water Co 70 00
W. A. Richardson, salary 16 6
John Hager, salary 60 00
A. T. McNay, drayage 6 40
8. C. Smith, labor 1 50
Heppner Uazette j 7j
John Hager, salary 80 00
W. A. Richardson, salary ., 16 63
Heppner Light and Water Co 70 0U
Heppner Transfer Co., drayage. ft 75
8peoial oommittee made favorable re
port on tbe repairing of sidewalks.
Bond ot John Hager, as Hiatal, with
J. M. nger aod S. P. Garrigoes as
sureties, resd aod aooeptnd.
Report of A. W. Richardson, reoorder,
read aod referred to flnsoos oommittee.
Reportjof oily treeuarer resd and re
ferred to flnanoe committee to be re
ported oo at oeit meeting.
Moved by Coonoilmao Cmaer that
oity treasurer canoel oo tba register tbe
two warrants that oould not be foood.
Ordinance, granting to tba Inland
Telephone acd Telegraph Company a
fraoobiae to construct telephone aod
telegraph Hoes io the eity of Heppner,
resd second time. Roles suspended and
ordinaooe read third time and passed.
IVIilion of i. W. Monow, asking tbe
privilege of tbe oounoil to eoostruol a
sewer from Palace hotel do wo May street
to Willow creek. Moved br Simons
that petition of J. W. Morrow be granted.
8eotioo 8, of ordinsooe 12, io referent
tolloeneeoo balls, opera boueos, etc,
Changed to read 123 per quarter instead
of MX Oo petition of 8. P. Garrigoes.
Movsd and seoouded Ibat reoorder be
Instructed to drew warrants wo the
treasurer for two years latoreet doe on
SlOtlO cote of lbs town of Ueprsr held
by school dialrio No. 1. Carried.
Moved aod carried Ibat treasurer be
loalrooted to pey alt oatelandiag war
feols op to aod ioolaJiog D. I, lh'.r7.
Moved and carried Ibat tbe treasurer's
salary be BxaJ at IKX) per aooam, from
tbe let or Dec., 1W.
GuauoU adjourned.
Tka Greatest Dlaeevory Vat.
W. M. Repine, editor Ti.kllea, III
HCliK,'eais: "We won't keep booae
wtiboot Dr. King's New Discovery for
uouenmption, Uoogbs aod Colds.
perimeotaxl with many Gibers, but never
gi lbs iroe remedy aolil we need Dr.
King's Nsw Dlaoovary. Ko other reme
dy eaa take Its piece Io oar borne, ae ic
it we bave oertete and sere ear f.,i
Ooeghs, Colds, Wbuopiog Ooqgb, eie '
It is idle to si periisr tit with ether rente
dies, eveo if tbey are orgad oa yoa si
lost ss good ae Dr. Klea'e New Discov
ery. Tbey are ot as g d, beeeeee Ibis
remeay bee s record of tares sod beei
io f nsraotead. It aster fells to Mite
Trial tMtle free at G.oeef A firm
diug slore.
Hat mil your plane to Rauone before
givmf oat your eoolraei tf
Is Bryan a democrat or populist? that
is the question. If both parties olaim
him be oertainly has a tremendous load
to oarry. II oannot be disputed, how
ever, that Mr. Bryan oon come as near
being both at the same time as any
other man whose name is before the
public. He oan afford to be both so
long ss each party contributes so liber
ally to his rapidly increasing bank ac
count. Oregon City Enterprise.
Tbe thought that congress oonvenes
next Monday calls attentioa to tbe faot
that Mr. H. W. Corbett's right Io a seat
in the senate will be decided either for
or against tbe appointee during the next
tew weeks. Tbe question in this case
involves a great prinoiple whioh should
settled, and settled right, onoe and
forever. The question as to whether
Mr. Corbett did or did not furnish the
sinews ot war in the bold-up last winter
gives rise to some diversity of opinion,
though it is generally believed that he
did furnish the money that paid for hold
outs at the minimum rate of 880 per
head. This in itself, if true, should for
ever prevent his oooupying a seat in the
highest legislative branch of tbe govern
ment, or any other position of trust.
But let us put aside the personal
oharaoter ot Mr. Corbett and take a
lance at the great underlying Driooiole
involved in tbe case. Mr. Corbett was
appointed immediately after tbe close ot
the legislative session upon tbe earnest
recommendations of men who bad taken
an active part in preventing an organiz
ation of the legislature and oonseqently
the eleotion of a senator, and as a direot
result of tbe greatest scandal tbe state
ever knew, in which a minority nra.
. in
vented tbe rule of the majority by tbe
most shady transaotions on reoorj. oon
eidenng all Ihe oiroumslances. Should
Mr, Corbett be seated it would establish
preoedeot whereby 11 men in tbe sen
ate or 21 fin the house oould at any
time defeat the will of the majority and
by conniving with tbe governor, who has
the appointing power, prevent an elec
tion and seoure the appointment of any
man Ihey might agree upon for senator.
It would be virtually saying to tbs gov
ernor and one mora than nna-thirdnf
either house that in you Is vested the
authority to seleot whom yoa please for
that high offloe, and tbe opportunity
might be taken advantage of at any ses
sion of tbe legis'ative assembly. It
would establish a prscsdsnt that would
forever be a menaoe to good government
and pave tbe way for biennial repetitions
of the soenes of last winter at Salem.
The great principle involved in the
Corbett esse means much to Oreiron and
the sooner the stamp ot eoodemalion ia
plsosd upon suob methods as were en
acted that be should be appointed sen
ator, the sooner the stenob oast over
Ibis greet State bv those nrncaadlnaa
will bs removed. We believe tbe people
ot tbe state, with the exoeption of a
very few, bave bad enough of tbe hold
up, and tbe failure to seal Mr. Gerbett
would go a long way in preventing snob
oondoot oo tbe pert of unsoropnlons and
dishonest legist store.-Oregon City En
Tbs Oregoniaa is worried lest Ihe
goveromeot should adopt tbe postal
savings bsok system and ultimately find
itself onable Io pey the io teres t prom
ised depositors. Tbs establishment ot
postal savings banks does not neoeasiar-
ily mean Ihe payment of lolerest on
deposits. It ia not Interest oo the
ssvings of tbe poor Ibat is to be oon.
sidsrsd so much as s pises of safe de
posit that tba people want and will
Insist opoo having. Tbe Oregooiao
says a oountry with do permaneot
national debt oannot safely ioveet postal
savings bsok deposits. If Ibis be true,
bow oao depositors eiprot safe invest
men! ot tbair savlnge by the beads of
ssvings bsnks, many of whom koow
nothing whatever about banking? Be-
eidee II looks very much aa It tbs time
wsrs sitremely remote when there will
be no national debt City, eoaoly, and
slsts bonds aod railroad securities might
be found reasonably safe investment
for Ihe deposits of lbs postal ssvings
bsnks. Psodleloo Republican.
J. A. Psrkios, of Antiquity, O , was for
thirty years oeedleealy tortured by pby
elolsos for Ibe core of eosema. Us was
quickly cured by osiog DeWilt's Wilob
Usiel salve, the famous bealiog salve
for piles aod skio dteeesee. Conser ft
Brook. e
After meals yoa should bsvs simply a
feellog ot comfort aod setlafeetlos. Yoa
should not feel any special indications
ILe! digestion is folof ea. It yoa do,
yoa Lavs iadlgeation, which means not
digestion. This may be the Uglsnitjg
of eo meoy daogerone die a sea, thai it U
best to taks it Io band at oaee sad traal
II with Hbaker Digestive Cordial. rf
yoa know Ibat Indigestion makes poleon,
wbioh eeoaeai pain aad alekaeee. Asd
that Hbaker Ibgealiva Cordial helps di
lstJo aod cores lodigettiue. Hbaker
Digestive Cordial does Ibis by providing
tbs digestive materials Io wbU b lbs sick
stomas h Is wsoting. It also tones op
aad strengthens the digestive orgens snd
makes them par family healthy. This is
tbe rationale of its method of eora, as
the dortore would say. H-.IJ by drag
gists, price 10 eeols le II (XI per bottle.
Absolutely Pure
City Treasurer Briggs Makes His Quarterly
On last evening Treasurer Briggs pre
sented bis quartorly report to the citv
oounoil and that body was well pleased
with tbe showing made. This report is
Interesting from the faot that it shows
Dp a lot of oity warrants that bad,
through some oversight, gone astray,
and which bad oaused the oounoil and
other city offioers no little trouble sod
worry. Mr. Briggs, with the assistance
of Reoorder Riohsrdson, worked bard
for several days to gel t bis matter stright
ened op, and he was highly oommended
by the oity fathers for his efficient work.
1 be report ooveriog tbe quarter end
ing Nov. 30, whioh we give in a con
densed form, is as follows.
Bal on hand as per treasurer's Item
ized report 1446 64
Reserve fund, Interest on bonds due in
February, '98 796 84
Errors in register of city warrants
'und 696 M
Warrants found and errors corrected. . 654 8S
Warrants not found but reported paid
on treasurer's cash book and not
cancelled on register 41 71
The last named oonsists ot two war
rants, as follows : No. 136, Issued Maroh
4tb, 1895, to N. 8. Whetstone for $39.00,
registered Maroh 4th, 1895, and paid as
per oash book, on May 7th. 1895: No.
142, issued April 15th, 1895, to Gilliam
ft Bisbee for $2 71, registered April 16th,
18U5, and paid ss per cash book, on Mav
7th, 1895. Oanoellioff all of above will
leave 00 the register 17 warrants now
outstanding, amounting, with interest to
date, Deo. 1, to $305.60.
My thanks ars due Reoorder Riobard-
soo for sssistanoo io finding Ihe unoan.
celled wsrrsnts.
Respectfully submitted,
L. W. Brioos, City Treas.
What Dr. A. E. Halter 8ays.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : From mv
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effeot of yoor Sbiloh's Cure Id oases
ot advanced oonsomption, I am prepared
to sav it is tbs most remarkable remedy
iubi uss ever oeen orougut to my atten
tion. It has certainly iav.,1 m.na rn
- -J . I'll,
oonsomption. Sold by Conser ft Brook.
Tba bsnner was awarded to Miaa
Barker's room, it being tbe room having
tba least number ot absences and tsrdi
oees daring tbe last wsek.
One dsw scholar, Miss Birdie Gilliam,
was enrolled as a member of tbe ninth
grade tbe first Mondsy of this month.
J. J. MoOee, oounty survsyor, Is down
from Hsrdmso today.
Caee Fuqns aod Bill Ingram came io
from Eight Mils yesterday.
What ia Uop Gold? Beet beer r-n
earth. Bee ad. elsewhere. s
M. Liohtenthal for shoes. Exclusive
shoe stors. Handles the best. Kitf
Frank A. Hsllabaugb, who now travels
(or n 8L Psol wholesale bonee, is io
Heppner todsy.
Floe boms-made taffy at tbe Orange
Front. A oleso, frrsb stock of goods
leavn yoor orders. if.
Born -Near Lexington, on Thursday,
Deo. 2, Io Ihe wife of Lee I'atberg, aa
8 poood daughter.
L. W. Rivera, ot Rivers Ilros., whole
sale wall paper dealers of Portleod, is
io town todey gelling bnaloess for bis
Milt Maiwsll earns dowo from Hard
man yesterday aod reports tbe roade la
a horrible ooodilloo between that plane
and Heppner.
A social dub Is being orgaoliaj by
some of Heppoav's society ladle for Inn
purpose of giving n few slecl parties
duriog the winter.
fclop tbslooogbf Take warning. It
msy lead to oonsumptkm. A 23o bot
tle of Hhllub's Com msy save yoor life.
Mold by Conser ft Uruck. 1
Come Io tbe Osteite effloe aad get n
decent lot of envelope) prioUd.
Goveromeot envelope look ohaap, and
besides yoa esoool gel yoor ba si oaee
eerd printed ibereon. If
Laws Donivan asms over from Wagner
yeetordsy. Tbie is bis first trip to town
siaee Ibe painful aoeident be met with
several weeks eg. Me bee entirely re
oovered from Ihe Injiriee received el
Ibat lime.
Mrs. (Hark, i'Ueeatit Ridge, says:
"After I wo doctors gave np nay boy to
die, I saved bint from rronp by nsieg
One Misots t'jogh Cure." It in ll.e
qukkaat sad oaoal certain I remedy for
ou.rva, col ls and all Ibroet aallung
try u bleS. Oneer ft Brock. e