to the; CUVKS THS 0HOIC1 Qf Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND AXn Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Tokoboma and Hong Kong; vis, The Northern Paoiflo Hteamsbip Go. in con. nection with O. R & N. For fall detail call on 0. B. ft N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBUET, Oen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. ObBOOK. Bad! It is news to you, perhaps, that baking powder can Tom Howard baa a big atook of botb lined and no lined gloves in all grade. Prices 'way down. tt K Wl X- ;cA. r A ,A "Jon nsd something for your system uaU nu ...a.u..a. vjuuu uaaiiig pwuw, ""-Joallatthe 'Phone-Th Telephone ea ever, is not bad lor the insidcs. True, it costs more than baking powder at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound; but it does better work, and more work for the money, than "cheap" baking pow der does, and it does no harm. Of the right-price baking powders Schillings Best Oregon. eomPumeDta ot Harrison r ,1 , . . . 1 .r , 1.1 . Kioosid, secretary ot state, tbia week. 1C ThP hpcr rriM m rr HiMr r,-v.i Hah r lib- it it "wi. ;Uu. uiv vxwn . .r.v .. p. J. Bowerman has purchased the your grocer s. LOCAL SQUIBS. loon, City hotel bailding. ' tt Pendlttoo Tribune: The Rev. Charles Howard, of Heppner, is visiting bis sis ter and brother, Mrs. N. E. De Spain and James A, Howard. The Qaaette acknowledges receipt of a copy ot the election laws of the State of tm CAMERAS. At a merely nominal prioe, the New Tobk Ledger is making one of the most remarkable Camera offers of the season. They are sending oat an im mense number of cameras to all parts of the United States. It is in reality but .... Fifty Cents ,. ..for the Camera, with complete outfit for photographing and develop ing. Send today for full particulars regarding this remarkable offer, as it is extremely limited. The Camera is thoroughly high grade and first olass ineveiy respeot, fitted with all mod ern improvements, and is guaranteed as represented. Address .. .. Camera Department, Tne Nev; York Leager. Ledger Building, N. Y. City HUE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see tbat your ticket reads via lis Horifiwesiem Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lire BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND AIA POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Mtgninnent Truck, Peerless Vestlbuled r should end at once for Special KOVs Premium Ust. Just Issued. fcrfwJ' Watches, Print- "J.-l Ing Presses, Air KIHes and many I 1 1 r I C Valuable Article! are to be G1V- 1 1 ,? EN AWAY. New York Ledger, Ledger Building, New York. 601-603 NORTH I'ACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. for ELY'S CREAM BALM la a positive core. Apply Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cento at Druzglsts or by nail : samples 10c by mail. KLY BROTHKK8, 60 Warren Bu. fiew York Citjf. Timber Culture Final Proof. Unitfd Status Land Orrics, The Dalles, Oregon, Sept, 13th, 1097. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES H. Allen has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 8th day of December 1897. on timber culture application No. 2978, for the NKS of sec tion no. m, in lownsmp no. soutn. range No, 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Keithley, Oscar Keithley, Ed Moreland, and Jesse M. ilogne, all oi tiardman, Uregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 93-604 Register. GUARDIANSHIP SALE. N' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and D7 virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon. as guar. Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Dining and Sleeping Car Trams, ana noiio: "ALWAYS ON TIME tilaaeea of passengers carried on the has given this road a national reputation. trains without oxtra charge. Ship your freight All veatlhiiled and travel over this famous Hue, All agents nave tickets. W. n.MKAl), F. C BWAQK. Oen. AginL Trav. F. At P. Agt. naamngton hi., i-oriiaini, ur CHICAGO WlmM & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbs famous block system; Light Its trains by electricity through out; Uses ths celebrated eleotrio berth read tog lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger Iralns every day and sight between HI. Paul and Cbioago, and Omaha and Chicago; ths) Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Also operates steam-heaUd vsstibnlsd Iralns, carrying the latest private compartment ears, library buffet smok Ing cars, sod palacs drawing room sleepers. Tartar ears, free reclining chair ears. and tbs vary beet dining obalr oar service. For lowest rales to any point in the Uoltad Hiatus or Canada, apply to agent or address O. J. EDDY, J. W. CARET. Osnersl Agent, Trav. rase. Agent. Portland, Or. Q n u x s p TUHOIMII VkUA. TO Mr. PAtTI. atlNNKAPOLIS lll.Ulll KAIUM) UKLK.NA Tk-kets Issued to all points la IhsTsiled Hi ales and Canada. Cjt'ICK TIME TO. All other points ia tbe r.ael ami rwiotbeael Cmrscw WaaNiailTtiN Haiti mobs Nsw loss liimut OklaNA Kaiseas CiTt nr. Jnetra LlU'IS ItxarvS I'stoS tVpot rnDSMlioOS at Ml. ran), Mtaeeepolis, Kassas City, Omaha, Ml. Loots and other promt neat p a Is Dagtfass sberked tbrowgb to deotlnalloa ol iK kela, Ttrooab tit lets to Jaoas aed Cblaa, vis Taoosna and Northern rarlM Hleam. sbtf Oooipsay's line. For foil iafnrnaUnB.Uwe rarda,iaap. lickeu, t, sail na or write W. C. Aur, A. 1 Cmakrus, Aift X I'. Ily. AeekUeu. I m. Agt 11s Ualiee, Or. I'urUaad, Or at DEVOTED TO Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR, (Sample oopies free.) Rural Spirit and Oazette botb for 13.00) oasb, at this offloe, HI Caveats, and Trade-Marke obtained and all ftu-j ent butinciaconductcd for Mookratc fits, i OueOrricsisoeeoeiTg u. a. Patent Orrict 4nd wecaiitrt utfl patent ia lus blue Hum tliuac rcmgte fnim VYaihingtoo. i bawl mujfl, drawing or photo.. With descrip tion. i t ailviM. if patentalil or But. Ire ot f charg. Our Ice not due till patent Is secured. A Pampmict, "" to Obtain l atent, with mat vt aaiua In the V. B. and iuratga GounUiM Mnt bee. Add re at, C.A.SNOW&CO. a aKaSk A WaW a StSA lsJA.MII ft S Keep SDeep anil Get iti. TI1K WOOL HKCOltU Tells You How to Do It. By a special arrangement wo ( fler to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Qstette, ono year fur MOO. The Wool Reoord is tbs only national wool organ and overs tbe wool indtiatry from tbe raising of lbs sheep to ths sell ing of ths manufaolur-d article. It published weekly at New York and lbs regular prios la i.UI a year. 1 la market reporta are fall and complete and Ita Sheep itieedera' Talks slons ars worth 1U times tbs price ot Hie paper. nampis oopteo on sppliealmo. Ws heartily reoommend Ibia combi nation to oar sqbsertbera. Wd, Bfallory property in tbe western part of tbe city and be and bis family bare become permanent residents ot onr city. In the match race at Pnneville last week between Pin Ear and and Steam' boat Bill, tbe latter was an easy winner, Fin Ear being too lame to ran ss be should StoD that coach! Take warning. It may lead to oonsomption. A 26c bot tie of Shilob'a Care may save your life Sold by Oonser A Brook. z Rev. RobW Wsrosr, E. P., will be in Heppner tomorrow and will oondnot tbs 1st quarterly oonfereooe at tbe M. E. ohurob, beginning on Saturday evening and oonticuiDg over Sunday, For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures headaches. Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe faoe, and makes tbe head as oleat as a bell. Sold by Oonser A Brook. ' z Revival services are announoed to begin at the M. E. church on next Son- day. Evangelist Thomas E. Boyd is expected to arrive shortly after tbe be ginning of the meeting and will conduot speoial servioes. C. E. Fell is now postmaster st Pen dleton, having taken charge of tbe offloe on Deo. 1. Mr. Johnson, the retiring postmaster, baa left Pendleton for Boze- man, Mont., where be expects to reside for a time at least Heppner Light and Water Co. have been very busy the past week or more making extensive repairs to tbeir well and increasing tbe water supply which will be much needed wbeo tbe dry season reaches us again. Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition. De- Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, billioDsnees, indigestion and all stomaob and liver troubles. Oonser A Brock. E. O.: Fred Bruoe, indioted by tbe United States grand Jury for selling liquor to Indians, was arrested by City Marshal Campbell at Milton and is now in ths oonnty jail, of wbiob be has been an inmate seversl times before, T. M.: Mrs. W. F. Helm, of this oity, attended tbe whitman anniversary In Walla Walla last Monday. Mrs. Helm is one ot tbe survivors ot the Whitman massaore, and was only a little obild wbsn that terrible butchery ooourred Tbe Catbolio oburoh of Tbe Dallea gave a lair last week wbiob proved a great suooess financially, tbs amount realize! being $1)000. A ohurob was reoently completed there at a cost of $15,000, and tbe fair was given to assist in psying for it. It is easy to catob a oold and just as easy to get rid ot it if you oommsnoe early to ass On Minute Cough Cure. It oures Ooucds. ooltls. bronahitia. nnen. t1 n I BU BTATII Li.D IIFF ri. I ,.. . .. Ti,. i.ii... ,.... mooia ana an tnroai ana lana trooo ea MOTICK is hkkkbVoivkj that Vkkd- n it pleasant to take, safe to use and 11 erlck I. Cavlness has filed notice of lnten- ; ' . . tion to mate Dual proof before J. W. Marrow, voiiiiiv riurs, at n Ths Sweetest Girts of Love. What shall t give her-mj little girl With the soft dark eyes and the silken net Of tresses, with many a sun-bright curl? What shall I give her my love, my pet? , What shall I give her of beauty and bliss To match the bright curls that she gives me to Idas? My love! I have given her that! 'tis old- Old as her life, though her face ii young; I have given my darling my heart to hold, With the sweetest songs that my heart has sungl There 1 nothing to give her save only this The kiss on the curls that she gives me to kiss! She Is climbing np to my arms I see The light of heaven In her lovely eyes; Over the face and the life of me Cur) on curl In Its splendor lies! Nothing to give her save only this The kiss on the curls that she gives me to kissl- Frank L. Stanton in Christmas Ladies' Home Journal. for Morrow County, the undersigned dlan of Winnlfred Gilliam, Archer M. Gilliam and Lester E. Gilliam, minors, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1897, proceed to sell at private sale for cash in hand an ine nunc, title ana interest of the above- named minors In and to the following de- i' r I Vi.i.t rnu 1 a.tata alltiatjuf In Uaaw ......... Oregon, to-wlt: The east half of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter of see'lon thirteen, in township four, south of range 25 east W. M., together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan ces thereunto belonging. Dated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 1897. 93-602 ANNIE GILLIAM, Guardian of the above named minors. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orrics at Tub Dalms, Orroon, October 21, 1897, XT OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THR followlng.named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nrool In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before 1. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at. xiupyuer, uregon, on t'ecemoer tt, I8U7, viz unp.rn w, eiKinu&it, Hd K No. 4277 for the NE Bee 15 Tp 1 8 R He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sa'd land, vis: Francis H. Wilson, Frank Kmrlamall hnth nf Tnnn ll.n.n J ........ lj ...... . n .......... .r..w, Wdvl., , cjci and Beymour P. Wilson, both of Douglas, Ore- guu. JAS. F. MOORE, M0.6O2 Register. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oor Headers. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any esse of Catarrh tbat cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cbeaney A Co, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheeney for tbe last 15 yesrs, and be lieve him perfeotly honorable in all business transactions and fioanoially able to carry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Welding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting dlreotly upon tbe blood and mu cous surfaces of the system- Testimo nials sent free. Prioe, 75o. per bottle. Hold by all druggists. lONK ITEMS. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Orrics at Ths Dalles, OMtooM, November 8th. 1897. VTOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN- A! drew Carlson has Hied notice of intention to make tlnnl proof before J. W. Morrow, Coun ty clerk, at his otllce In Heppner, Oregon, on Thursday, the Kith day of liecemlier. 1HU7. on timber culture application No. 2)4)6, for the north-east quarter of section No. 7, in township No. 8 south range No. 24 east W. M. Ha names as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell, Andrew And.-rsnn, Olol Bergstrnm and John jouiiion, ail oi uooseberry, Oregon. JAM. F. MOORE. MM06 Register, Timber Culture Final Proof. otllce. In lletmner. Orea-on. on Wednesday, the 22rt day of December, Ih97. on tlmlier culture application No. HUM, for the nr.s miiarterj oi section no 4, in township No. i Houtli Range No. 24 E. W. M. He names as witnesses: John T. King, Thomas J. Wlllhelm aud J lone, Oregon, W7-u. Henjamiii V. King. oseph Hughes, allot JAS. r. Mooaa, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at LaUbandb, Oksooh, Nov. 17. 1897. NOTICE IK HEREBY OIVEN THAT THB followlnc-named settler has (11 is I notice of his Intention to make filial proof In support of bis claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, ai neppuer, uregon, on ueo. auin, lis7, via; JOHKI'll Ll'CKMAN, Hd. E No. Ml for the Wu NEk snd 4 BEU Hec SSTn 'IH R1K M. He names the ("Mowing witnesses to prove his roollimotis residence upon ami cultivation of aald land, vis: Andrew J. Cook, Arthur rtnilth. John A Waddetl and Oeorge liars, all of nepuiier, urcgnn. B. F. WHJtOrt. 508 07 ' Register aors to cure Coosei k Brock J. M. Humphrey, of Eight Mile, sat fered tbe loss oa last Friday night of bis oelebrated imported sbirs stallion "Wag ner.1 It is supposed tbe animal died of oolio as be was foond dead in tbs morn ing when Mr. Humphrey went to tbe stable. Wben first brought to this ooontry, this horss cost 11250. Us was a floe animal and weighed 2200 pounds, A Bare Thing for Jam. A transaction In which yoti cannot lose Is a sureUilug. iilllouineaa, alck headache, tur. red tongue, (ever, piles aud a tliouwiuU other Ilia are caused oy conaupuiion ana aiuggtsu liver. uascarvU (Jaudy caiiiarur, the wou derful new liver stimulant and iutnaiiual touio are by all tlruggiaU guaranteed to cure or inotioy refundod. C. V. C. are a sure thins. Try a boa to-dayi 0c, .. 60a Biuni'le aud booklet free, bos our big aU. sidkane falls i korthhis M1S0S FORT SllrTPARD FiKD MOL'MAIN' RAILWAYS The Only AII1U1I llouU Without Cbaoge of Cars Itetween HiMikans. lU.eslaoJ and Nelson. Aleo betweea Nslaon sal Koeelend, daily ttcept Stinday : Arrive, ' A V Mksne , ,. isi p. M. t K4 w , M l A.M tmU,m 1 41 I'. M. ha al Smlmm with alaamart f, Ial.s aiid all Korfanal lSa inia. I'M" Hai lS rtHatlla l,lw ....I ...Um I'rwk euuiwrt at tni witi ataara dwlv. vtAur y lAriniiKci BO a. 1 i VMM Tnaot Manas Ot atana Covsimt Aft. tt,,, a,i, aiM.iahla 4 .... l.MMlrt4lf .4.e(IUi Ha.ttMWia e la ,i.aat a,f ?. air,a m I lux Ik atai.e S ( u. ralva) ssaai MHa. la im aevMaain a alra a4 taaiMMi wf h-a. vm I'MantS) Scientific Jlr.crican. A taW4kM4T VtstrVs f vywajt . 1 SMtS4 t 9 r af L BajU afla.Jl t'MM Co New York T.-M.: This morniog Sheriff Driver left for Salem baring in charge E. Sim mooa, wbo was ssntsooea to ronr years In the penitentiary, having been oon vioted of highway robbery. Simmons pro tea lad to tbs last tbat be was Inoo- oeot, aad before leaving Tbs Dallas told tbs authorities tbst befors bis term rx- He iiames the following wllnrasee In prove his OS WBS Dot Conoeoled With UroWD BOil Notice Of Intention. Lasb orru a at La Obamos, Ossook. Nov. 17. 17. XTOTICB IS HKhlBY (I1VK1 THAT TBI ll following named settler has filed nolle of nis lutriitlon to make Bnal prool In support ol his claim, and that aald proof will bemads iN-fiire ( oiiuljr Clerk, Mormw County, Oregou, ai neppuer, wregon, na iw, s'tn lay;, vis urumia f.. it A I H.K. HI. K. No. S'7 lor the lots I and 1 and SRV A oold wave bas struck ns and snow falls almost daily, A show was held in one of the halls tbe other evening and was well patron ized. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at tbe Congregational cburob of lone. A Thanksgiving dance was held at tbe lone ball and a large nnmber were present. Seeding is not finished. A number of farmers are waiting for tbe weather to open to finish. John Coobran has opened np a new restaurant, Jobn deserves your patron age. Call and see him. Miss Hattie Scbofield and Louis Bal siger arrived tor Thanksgiving from Heppner and left again Sunday. A. W. Balsiger, after seeding over 400 sores of grsin, and providing for his stook through the winter, again leaves to enter upon the duties ot a pedagogue. How about a Christmas oelebration at IoneT To bave a good program, tbe sooner we begin tbe better. A meeting should be called and oommittees appointed. Our new livery barn ia doing quite a business. Bodd Haney runs botb hotel and barn. There is tbe plaoe to put np your team, and see whether town lots are worth investing in. They ars selling like bot oakes. We have an average attendance of over 40 at school and still more families expect to move in. Our teacher bas ber bsnds full and the patrons wbo are prone to oriticise should keep this in mind. Oor teacher is tesobing good sobool and doing bard work tor less wages than many others woold. Wednesday evening ot this week oom- meaoes a series ot revival meetings at tbs Congregational ohurob of lone, wbiob will be beld every evening for severs! weeks. All S" invited to allend, as tbe meetings will be exceedingly in teresting. Rev. Parker, ot Pendleton, who was present on dedication, will soon bs here to assist. At lbs resideooe of the bride's father, Mr, Dormsn, of Bbea creek, Mr. Bndd Nolan and Miss Ivy Dormsn, botb of that neighborhood, were married on Wedoesdsy evening before Tboksk giv ing. Rev. B. F. King performed the osremeny. Tbs groom's attendant being E, J. Keller, of tbis plaoe, and Miss Delia Reed, onr tesohsr, attended the bride. A wedding supper wis served, to wbiob were invited only a few of tbe most lotimats friends and relatives. Mr. Nolsn la an Industrious young msn, tbs bride aa sstimsbls young lady and uoosssful teacher ot Ibia county. Many costly sod nsef ol presents wsrt received Tbey bave tbe good wiabes of all for long and bappy life. Nov. 29, V7. A CmxKN. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oom, of New York City, demonstrating bia dieoovery of a reliable oure for Oon somption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and oh est troubles, stubborn oongbs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot tbis paper writing for tbem. His "New ScibDtifio Treatment" bss onred thoneands permanently by its timely use, end he considers it a simple professional dnty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results aa beneficial to humanity aa can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bia Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New Tork, giving post office and express address, and the fres medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis gsnerons proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOKYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment baa tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, tbia shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices ot any person under tbe sun in the line of druggists -supplies, blank books, baok work oonnty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork tbat yon bave heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a charity concern bnt it yon will give us a ohanoa we will see tbat yon are satisfied in every particular. Buy yonr goods at home.. Remember tbat Abe Linooln said that wben one bought (roods away from borne tbe foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But wben tbe goods were bought at borne we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf "The Regulator line" The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co. "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Soma Mews from Alba. The snow Is melting fast here and making the ground bare in plaoes. People in tbis locality bave been kept pretty busy ot late feeding oattle, horses and other atook, bat now they can get good feed in tbe pastures. There are about 100 head of good beef oattle in tbe valley about Alba yet, about half of which are 3-year-old steers. These oattle are now ready for market and only waiting for some buyer to come along and take tbem away. H. T, O. Alba., Umatilla Go. Or., Deo. 1, '97. Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 7:30 a.m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. Wben you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbe Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. O. ALIA WAT, Oeneral Agent. QUICK TIMS I Beantr Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. Hon. Thos. H. Tongue, congressman from the first district, aooompanied by Tom, jr., Miss Bertha and bis stenog rapher, departed on last Tuesday for Washington, D. 0., where Mr. Tongue will take up bts omoisl residenoe tor tew months. And all points in California, via ths Mt Bhasta route or toe Southern Pacific Co The sjreat highway throturh California to all points East and South. Grand Bosnia Route ot the Paoiflo Coaet. . Pullman Buffet . Sleepers. Beoond-olaae Bleepen Attaohed to express trains, affording superior accommodations for seoond-olase passenger. : For rate, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, sto,. oall upon or addreee R. KOEhLeR, Manager, O. H. MARKHAH, Oen. F. & P. Agt, Portland, Oregon Those who desire to buiid should not forget tbat 0. E. Ranons, tbe con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. 60tf Every new subsoriber of tbe Gszette from this dste, May 26, 1897, will receive as a premium a book worth alone the price of tbe subscription. tt Come in and snbsoribe for the "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. Yon don't want to For sals residence property. Barn ' misB bole lot of good, bard reading and good ootbonses. Will seil obeap on i that now being published in our easy terms. Gall at offlos. 83-tf. "Only." Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN """"" Located on the O. R. A N. Rsilwsy midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School (or Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mosio taught by oom peter t Instructors. A grsdn ats of tbs Boston Conservatory baa charge ot tbe Instrumental department. Tlio ladles' Boarding; Hall Is thoroughly rqoipped end offers ex cellent accommodations at ressonsblo rstes. Bend for catalogue. Asdsess M. G. ROYAL. President ef Faculty or P. A. WORTHING. TON, Secretary Beard ef Regente, Weeten, Ore rnitllniioiis rral.lrm'e uixtli anil cultivation ol aald lau.l. via: Jaoli II. I'reraon, Ali'traw J loos, j.wh i.ik kman and James A an oi urpi'iier, urvgon. a. w. i win. MS 01 W later. Wilson ia the robbery I'ranun I eonvlotsJ. for whioh be was CITATION. H THst COfNTY COfaT tif Tilt STATE ol tirveon. for the t'miniv ol Morrow. la the metier of the estate ol liellea M. Allrn, To Vrala alive. Cora allvn. Illama Kirk sad all unknown hntra an4 ilr !, aud any anj all iM-none Inter!,!. la Hi nameol Ilia elate nl (rvon. You are hervltv rllr. and reuntrvd to l l-r In the eoiiiiir I'ourt ol the eute nl On-con, lor the on n I r ol Morrow, at the court timm thrreot. In iirpi'iiar hi in i oniiii im w,,rrow on luavin. th aih tlar ol January. ! , at lilorl.x k In th ornmn el thai ilav, lha sn.l there) laiaUnw ran, II snr lt, whvaii onlar not ma.1 lor Iheeale ol th follow Ins niavrliaMl real frun- eriyin wu itorin veal nuarier of anllon thirty one. In townahlB one, eolith of reus twenty Ste !. aim norm mi unartvr of eat lion thirty ate. lowiMiiin sua euuin ol ran twenty all. aal W. M ell In Mormw enunty. drva-on. Alee Iheentith eaal quartern! eartion thirty In town' hi a on, eoula of reuse twenty Ste. eael W. M. lit Morrow eoiinty. Urnroftv W 1 1 lira. Hi ua. A. M. Bartholomew, )u1re of th I outitf t oorty of h eteie of nrrfon, for the t iMinly of Morrow will, the aval of sai l eoort Si4, this i;th day ol hovewuer, A. l. Atleal: J. W. eUiHBOW. I IS l int. Katie af Ileal Beilieaieal. VOTH'lt IS tttBMY OIVIN THAT THS II uii.lrisu! etmt!atrakir nf ths ae tata of Jthn V. Imwann, rlaraaaa.1, will lnal "illel ol hi errwnni with eshl alal as sin k e.lmiMlliafcr, on T nee-lay, th Ik. nay ot January, latav, at the hour of IS a rln. k la the smmns of alt Say at ihel one it t i.ori rooin ol Morrow rntitttv. trcon. aal.l Mrs. Mary Bird, Hamsbarg, Pa., says, 'My child is worth millions to ma, yet I would bars lost ber by croup bad I not Invested twenty five cents In e bottle of One Miouls Cough Care." It enrre oongbs, colds snd ell tbroal end long troubles. Conser A Brook. Tetter, Balf-Hheum end Koafrna. Tbe Intense Itching end smarting. Incl duetto these dlaxaa. la instantly allayed bv applying Chamberlain's Eye end 8kln Ointment. Many very bad ceeee bave been prreunently cured by tt. It Is equally etnetent lor Itching piles ana e favorite remedy for eore nippies. chapped hamls. chilbUins, frost bit end chronla eore eyes. K cte. per box. Dr. Cedy! Ceadltloe rewdrn, ere just what a horse nred when In bad condition. Tunic, blood purifier end vermifuge. They ere not food but medicine end the brat In use to nut a hone In prime condition. Price &5 cents pr pa-kage. r t" pi ps v Attornovs at Law, All busioese attended to in e prompt end satisfactory manner. Notaries Peblw end Collectors. BEPPXER. OFFICE IN ! t NATTER t BUILDING:. OREGON Golumbi (ration ft MtlVII UV Fossil Journal: James Parker, of Ooatieo, fstber ef tbe laULucise Parker, ol Fossil, was la tbe Eogeas Oeard oltlce Tnaajsy telling ebout bis big hog, whioh he sipecte to drees 730 pounds wbeo bs kills bita In e few weeks. A few weks ege Mr. Parker bekbsred one tbat weighed MJ ponoJs. fhe tsrd from ths hog broegbt $44. kites Alii Uogbse, NocfoU.Vs was frlgblfally baresd oe tbe fsss end beck. Pain was loetaolly relieved by Ls Will's Witoh Usisl adve, whioh healed tbe to Jury witboot leaving e scar. It Is tbs famons ml reeneJf. Pa Bee A Rfock. A young Isdy la Milton had rather a startliog eiprleess Ibsoiber tnoruirg with e pistol e yonsg brotbsr bad left lyieg ie his roota.ssys IbsMiltna Eagle. le order to sstwfy bereelf as to wbetbor or aot it wss losded, she torsed ths mnssle to tbe wall, abut botb es end polled tbe trigger. A defetilng report aad e blaelened bole In tbe wall eetle- fied ber euritisity, eod also npeel ber awves for e few esosaeote. Tbe yoaeg IsJy's rottbod le eonsi.lered eonewb safer tbae lkisg dows tbe msstla. WHITE COLLAR LINE, iv in in i it a Kiln i'iicrpTkniinn tavi $mm THXTDONE, BAILET GATZBT 1XD OCEAN WITH Leering Alder fltreet Dock, Portlaad, for Astoria. Ilwaeo. Loog Beaeh, Oceee Park eod Nahcoita. Ihrect eomeotfoo wilb Ilwsoo steamers end rail road; also et Tooog's Bey with Pearl, ore Railroad. T2fJZjiX9zxxord'jrj Leaves Portland I AH, bally, etcept iuclay. Leaves Attorla t P. M. Dally. iop ,D1a X3A.ZrsX3r OATZBIIT Leaves ortlai4 If. tilr. esrwot Suiulaf. Datarday BIM. II f M. laaivee Astoria fi ats s A. esreot Sunday and Momlay. awauay aiht, 1 1. M OODAIST WAVB Leaves fortlaM aad ran dlrart to llween. Tuawlsy and ThnrwUr at S A M S.i.Ma, ai t s at Leaves ilaera eaaedaj aad frtday atl.KA. M. Oa kaLiL, M I f. k " hmt Cltclei t. Mmi IVstluijoi Evli Irvln Frtt ef EiptL for Satety, Swe4, Com (oft, Meaevrs, Travel ee tte Tlrbona. Bailey Oatwrt sad Oeaa Wsv B K. Cue, brother ot Mrs. A. U Bartbolomew, was le tbs city e fsw days this week Viaitine Lis IrelaUves. He n V I.. 1.... . ... Ill) . II- I laua al ll,ul., o,,. k.,w . iwrr U " amuawsi " M- i uuasa n. litis. inesuaf. tlaf Iwins Ih Imiaii ilav l4 Ihe lit raeulsf I Irrta ol ilia i m,iy iE.ttr t. Morrow eouutv I Sulais Adaaluketrauet. Tve Vllllwae e Year. Wtaa r"l'ls I'Xv, try. snd r asa it mesne the 're eatiefifd. The v'-e ot the I nilrd Male are now tmyins laaiarvla Canity ( alhaiiir at Ihe rate ol o nu, oora a rar and it will h thtr mi'Iiori -r fir rm Year a. It means rm-nt ftoe. that tea. arrta are ike tma4 itriifhlluj vwisi r'niot (or th r roan.l jtU df u4 t 0, 'ite, iu lUi, cur fuaraatewd. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOIlOmCIlSa Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.