Mbs. Nancy Allison McKinley' mother of the president, suffered a stroke of paralysis yesterday morn ing, and her physicians state that her death is only a matter of a short time. The Gazette. Friday, Dec. 3, 1897. the next senate. TT Ml . 1 novrever me case may etana Through the efforts of Mrs. with Senators Hanna and Gorman jrd, of Salem, wife of the gov- wnose lates now seem to De solv- ernor. Bufficient caoital has been able only by the official counts in Beoureci to start a linen factory at 4-V V n n rvn V rt 11r-l 4-K n I . m . . UDU " M "oijr iU tliat piace, , xnis snows what a the present situation in the Benate, woman can do when she sets her with independents holding the bal- head. anoe of power, will be materially changed as far as those two seats It is reported that the president are concerned, says the Evening has offered the attorney-general Star, of Washington City. That ship to Judge Day, of Ohio, a man body now consists of eighty-nine eminently fitted for the position. members, there being one vacancy Judge McEenna will succeed Jus in Oregon, owing to the failure of tice Field as a member of the su the legislature to elect a successor preme court. His resignation as to Mr. Mitchell. The governor attorney-general was sent in has appointed a republican, but he I Wednesday has not been seated nor is it thought likely that he will be. Of The president is considering the these eighty-nine senators 43 are best method of bringing before now straight republicans, 34 are the American people an appeal for democrats and 12 are independ- fod for the starving in Cuba. ents. The indepsndents thus The distress caused by the long classified are Allen, Butler, Harris, struggle of the Cubans for liberty Heitfield, Kyle, Stewart, Jones, is said to be something terrible and Turner, populists, and Cannon, and we are sure the president's ap peals to aid these people will not be heard in vain. ADVICE TQ THE till rlpal Culture Lecturer Endorses Faroes Celery Compound. CITATION. J IK THE COUNTY -OURT OF T8E 8TATK nf Ore-Yin. for tha f!nnntv nf Morrow. In the matter of the estate of Elisha Sperry, de- To Huida Edwardi, and all onkaown heirs and devisees, and any and all person! interest ed, greeting : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the state of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof at Heppner, la the County of Morrow, on Tuesday the 4th day of January, 1898, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any exist, wny an order for the sale of the following described property to-wit: Beginning at a stake 4x6x10 inches at a point 5.68 chains west of the south east corner of the donation land claim of Charles Rice, Notification No. 2109 and claim No. 49, in Township 13, South of Range 3 three, WaiUI th. lIIU.,U.l.n onA .unntn- thence North and parallel with the East line of said claim 47 forty-seven chains to a stake 9x10. 14 inches, thence East 2.84 chains to the place of beginning, containing 13.34 acres, more or less, situated in the countv of Linn and State of Oreeon. be not made. Witness, the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew, judge of the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for tne uounty ot Morrow, witn tne seal oi saia court affixed, this 27th day of November, A. 1). 1897. Attest: J. W. MORROW, 601-610 Clerk. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER Shaving. ana Dy virtue ot an execution ana oraer -j . pt(.; of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the Xiair OUUlng, btate of Oregon lor the county oi Morrow ana Mantle, Fettigrew and Teller, sil ver republicans. Of these four Mantle is nearer the republican organization than any other, and The prospective attitude of on some party questions he has President McKinley on the Cuban voted with the plurality, although question is now a matter of much he is a pronounced free silver man. interest. This anxiety is doubtleas Should both Hanna and Qorman due to the fact that a war cloud be defeated the situation will re- would check, if not absolutely de. main exactly unchanged, the par- stroy, the business improvement ties merely swapping seats. If. among farmers, manufacturers. however, Hanna should lose and and merchants, which has been ap Qorman win, the republican party parent since the republican sue strength would fall to 42 aDd the cess of 1896. democratic rise to 35. If Hanna should win and Gorman lose the Reports of great suffering in Mi88 Lnc.y K mtoho leotJ"er-de; repubUcans would have 44 votes the Klondike and other sections of iTZZl TePmpe.SoeUuioc, Vermel! auu mo uoLuourais oo. ui 11 Alaska are coming in daily. The wrote on May 16, last: votes are not sufficient to give the government will doubtless take "It affords me pleasure to add my tea- republicans even a tie vote on the steps at once to relieve, as far as timony with others regarding the heal incomplete senate as it now stands, m its power, the distress of the iD8 effe0"' of PaiD6', oelery comPQDd ftnrl m annnrA n nntitrnl nf 4h m I -.---.I- t l :.. 1. ufu" u m " ' ojoi-uj. . uouuio uu worn ou iuuubu bh m) .., , 1u07 i, .. ua. . ...i I ganization some other accession rush into that country just at the do not endorse medicines, but I believe would oe necessary. As regards beginning of the long winter, with- Paine's oelery is of a different order the immediate present no such ac- out a sufficient supply of those ,rom the ordinary medioines. Facts cession seems probable, though thi.gs needful in the maintenance 0Hnnot be Aivated- I bave derived so certain changes are imminent for of life. " , , . . , BU"uuu;,7 41 f I ll ill. I mmmh I iu Kinu u iinnnw ouuiuiucuu it, in., uity-eiiiu uu.gr8 mn may . " . boping others similarly afflicted may be materially aid the republicans. iortlanp. is steadily pusning relieved. Any medioine that will re- New Jersey has chosen g I to the front in her efforts to get 1 lieva suffering humauity ia a blessing to legislature with a republican ma- the AlaBka trade. The action of jority of 21 on joint ballot Part the Chamber of Commerce in uo- of these republicans will hold over Ijoiting government aid for the to participate in the elootion of a Klondikers is a move in the right successor to Senator Smith a year direction and if heeded by con- mo, whose christian work is earnestly hence. Mr. Hanna's successor will grPBfS Ba it likely will be, it will direoted toward the betterment of others, and whose eminenoe in the W . O. T. U. makes ber advice of great value, Dlaiolv indorses raine'a oelery com pound, The amount of poor health on evey hand is something ehookioff to everyone who stops to think. Ilnudreds of men and women in every neighborhood are today oarryiug about with them a need- lees load ot ailments that a thorough re- to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on tne orn day of October, 1897, in favor of W. P. Lord, U K. Kincaid. mm Metschan. as a Doara oi com missioners for the sale of school and university lands and for the Investment of funds arisin therefrom, niaintills. and against Henrietta E Decker, O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes, de fendants for the sum of Six hundred ninety dollars with interest thereon from the 6th day of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum ,,,4 Aff.. ArHaa .(tn.HQ.'l f- DTtH the further sum of twenty-three and 60-100 dol lars costs which Judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 5th day of October, 1897, and wnereas it was lurtner oriierea ana aecreea oy the court that the mortgaged property to-wit: The north-east quarter of section twelve (12) n township one (1) north range twenty-five (251 East W. M.. ill Morrow county. Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs, i win, on neanesaay, me isi uy i of December, 1897, at 2 o'clock, p m.. of said day. at the front door of the court house in Heppner. Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said Heurietta E. Decker, u. w. Decker ana k. f. nugnes in I and to the above described property at public I auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in nana, tne proceeds to De appiiea to tne satis faction of said execution and all costs and costs shat may accrue. ,. Li. LiU-H. Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon. Dated 28th day of Oct., 1897. 92-601 the world." A blestiing to the world!" Falne'a celery oom pound ' bas been proven to be the one great remedy that makes people well. This estimable wo- be elected at once after the meot- make Tortland the base of supplies incof the legislature chosen re- and" give the city a great advant- cently and he will assume his seat 8K? il ,Be,curjn8 antl holding this i ii i i voiuaiuo utui. iu tuo Buuaie iuib wiuior. Dir. Gorman's successor, however will not enter the senate until March, And bow they are going to manu 180D, togothor with tho senators facture gold. A man by the ucceediug MesBrB. Smith, Murphy, Damo ' ,ria has erected a facto- laulknor, Mitchell, lloacb, Turpie ry " Chicago and put in the ma- freshing of their nerves, a purifying of and White, democrats on whose cuinory lor this purpose, claiming bir blood, more sleep and more regu o tl.o :-.. I thn nronions motftl ia nnlv . nnm. I,,7 n ,ue wiany vious eyoB. Ibination of lead and antimony and The above coming fron an inde- lt can Da producod by bringing pondout paper, elves the predio- hhso two elements together in tion groator weight than it would Ppor proportions, if the tboory Lave from a partisan standpoint ProB lo m. .correci, l"e m"D7 in the bodily funotions would oompletely do away with. Paine's oelery compound ill do all thia tor aick and ailing men and women . A ''bear-say" reputation may do tor other remedies; Faine'a oelery oompound is best known from tbe mouths ot men and women it has made well tbey are in every city, town and village in tbe country. No one oan pass the newspaper bulle tins without being reminded by bow slight a thread the best of men bold on to life. The slight ups and downs in health from whioh people recover make them forget .that there ia a limit to tbe body's elasticity and eoduranoe. Tbe habitually exhausted nervous system at last loses its power of reoovery and offers no resistance to disease. "Prevent disease," is tbe watohword of tbe best medioal thought ot today. Care fol men and women do not wait until tbey are flat on their backs as peopl once did. The more intelligent partot every ootomftnity baa found out the in estimable benefit to be derived from Paioe's oelery oompouod, when one Is worn out, nerve-tired and "out-of sorts.' The utile ills, tne beginning ot neu ralgia and rheumatism, the "all-gone" and tired feelings show the immediate need ot purifying tbe blood and refresh' ing tbe nerves. Tbe direct and energetic way Paine'a celery oompouod overcomes sick and nervous headaches, dyspepst and beart troubles, as it does all other nervous disorders, has compelled tbe admiration of tbe medioal world from tbe start. Headaobes, rhenmatism, neuralgia life less feeliDgs, and debility oannot persist when intelligently met and oorreoted by this greatest of nerve and brain strengthened. No remedy ever kept the oonfldenos ot so large a body of inquir ing men and women. Try it. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles) . . . 5 00 Round trip 9 00 May ville (53 miles) . i 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 .Roundtrip 600 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 3 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50. Round trip 3 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock; is due at Condon at a p. m. aud arrives ai cos- ail at 7 d. m. Comfortable covered coaches and care ful, experienced drivers. SHERIFF'S SALE. J. L. GIBSON, At Chas Jones' Old Stand. OtS. 15 35 NEW DEAL! WASH THOMPSON Has lately ereoted a building on the Ayers property, near the corner of Main and Wil - low streets, opposite the Oity hotel, which he is using as a MEAT MARKET Mr. Thompson will overlook , nothing in his line FULL LINE OF MEATS AND SAUSAGES. FISH EVERY FRIDAY.' Jne la kepnlnir ud the reontation of this shop for first-class work and would be pleased to have you call. MEM 17" niLiiiPec jta 1 Special- can cured 1 1 suffer from anv of th I f men. come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Cout, I 1 DR. JORDAN CO.. I IK Market SL Est'd 1862. ' AJfV Young men and middle i aired men who are suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility, Impolency , Lost Manhood j in all its complications; Hper mflktorrheeA, rroalauirrbm.uoiiorrnna, !, rrmorucT ot tTrinaUnar. etc By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow , er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to ' I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair t and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in nis specialty lriseaseH us Jia The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET Ia tbe place to go to get your floe pork and lamb chops, eteaks - and roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest cash price paid for fat stock. RHEA & MATHEWS. ftvi.iiilis thoroughly eradicated from the yfiiem witnou t using nerrur y SHERIFF'S SALE. T Y VIRTUE OP A WARRANT ISSUED OCT X of the County Court of tbe State of Ore gon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, commanding me to levy on the goods and chat tels of the delinquent taxpayers named on the delinquent tax roll for said county for th years iiwi, iiw, iswa, irs, ana iw, inereio attached, and none be found then upon the real property as set forth and described in the said delinquent tax rolls, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the amount 01 taxes charged there in, together with costs and expenses. I have duly levied, having been unable to find any EVERY NAN anplvlne to OS Will re- , cetve our ionel opfntoh of hiscomplnlnt. we utu uuaramee a rvsni vjh vumjs m every case we undertake, or JorfeU One inonnnnu vouars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CIUltGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- I ment personally or by letter. Send for book, " Ttte rniiosopny or Marriage, free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of iu kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I nre made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. I uatalvuuk tutu, call or write. 1051 Market Street. San Francisco, CaL goods or chattels belonging to the respective delinauents hereinafter named, upon the fol- . .. .... . . . i lowing aescriDea pieces or parcels oi una as set forth in said tax lists, lying and being in said Morrow county, State of Oregon, described ana assessea as toiiows: AMT. TAX. Armstrong, Thadens SW of section r, tp 1 north, range 26, east W M; tax 1895 j Shipley, Geo W HE1 of section 10 tp i snutn, range m east w m : tax isn io uu 1895 18 97. total 12 97 Moore, Win M HEU of section 24, tp 1 norm, range n east w m ; tax o su Redington, J W 84 NE and K'A NW ot section a, tp a soutn, range t), aim UK HWU Sec 30 and S'i NWU ol Sec 31. tp 3 south, range 27 east W M: tax I 8 1 Keese, IT and Keilman, J T r NK!4 andSEU and 8WU of section 36. tp 1 nnm.h " ". Y1 . ' Vi . . lUflt 1 1 Art I inn ,11, inline tt cbo, , m , WA .wu. .... .1 uv Rutherford, C P A 8E! and lota 1 and 2 section 8, tp 4 north, range 24 east W M, and lots 2 to lfl block 1, lots 9 to 15 block 2, lots 9 to 14 block 8, lots 5 to 12 block 4, lots 5 to 16 block 5, lots 2 to 13 block 6. lots 1 to 16 block 7, lots 3 to 16 block 8, lots 8 to 18 block 11, all of blocks 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, all In Castle Rock; tax 1H95 s Sweazea, J W 8WU section 82, tp 2 north, range 27 east w M ; tax Wx Willis, Henry C 8WU section 28 tp 4 north, range 23 east W M : tax 1893 17 20 1W1 4 06 WX $t 84 total 16 10 Kinnuge, nuzabetn v section 20, tp 1 north, range 25 east W M; tax 1K95 McKlnzlo, Khoderich E NW4 and lota 1 and 2 section 81), tp 2 south, range 23 east W M ; tax 1895 Markain, A M NE and W HEi sxctlon 14, tp 3 south, range 25 east W M; tax 1895 Gondy, John 8Wt and W'4 NWand HWii 8Ki Section 27. tp II north, range 23 east W M; tax 1M.5 Kirk. M N NE4 stHtlon 84, tp 1 south, range 26 east W M ; tax l95 n ..... xi i i... a ,.,.. i . t. ........ nf Lexington; tax 1mu5 1 62 pi u nan, uiiinie lot a Mock o la the town of Lexlngkin: tax 1895 Brown, J N loU 1 and 2 block 1. Kins man addition to Heppner; tax 189., ... Francis, L lot 14 blix k 19, Mt Vernon addition to Heppner: tax 1S9A Blevln, C t, Trustee, HV.'i section TJ. tp 2 north, range 27 east W M ; tax 1895 . . Mallnry, Casslus M NKi and htiu Miction u tp 2 south, range 25 east W M:tax 1895 Lefevae, Henry H ftWVXK'iand K48W section 17 and NWNKi, swtlon 20 all In tp t south, range 26 east U; tax 1H95 Colin, l'hll lot a block H, town of Hepp ner; lax l Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS Shaving TV 15 Cents. TT Shop two doors South of Postofflce. D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Pendleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 16 Canta 25 " Heppner, Oregon. Statements for the Famooi Simple Aooonot File printed at tbe Gazette of floe. If. They Are The "Mustard!' MEADOWS & HATTEN, - THe Pioneer Blacksmitlis Have made some elegant improvements in their establishment and added a large stock of iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repairs to their wagons, puggies or macmnery. ineir specialty is noreesnoeing. Meadows Batten are the Boys to do Your Work Right, and do it Quick, too. m ft t a til ine Mar ta no iDUueuiiai iA,or itutl a cIoho observer of affairi at tbe national capital, and as rogartlo national politic it in oonsiJeretl aploudid authority. Tbe republi cans will have a good working ma jority in tbe annate by lS'JO. Tbe Canadian proposition io fa vor of closer relations between tbe United States and Canada is an. otber evidence that the protests against our tariff were merely a "bloff." When and wby is it that our ei- Koms riae Hork. Word hM oome over from rJparj'isb Oukb tbat iom J Udtfes of gold-betring anirli hve been ilieooTered ia that Tloinity. Tbey bftye not been protpeot. portations to practioally all of the H stwly bal the cropping, sr. countries which protested against rtViZk me new law, insieati oi suotunR od wbioh Mn ,r,oej tbroagh the out our goods in retaliating for the conolry near Perker't mill and oo over passaee of this act. actually in- be eoeoeot the Ute dieooveriee. Bow to I'rfveit Pola. AI tbit time of the year a eold is very eaeily ottntraoted, end It left lo ran its NOTICE. Sealed bids requested for tbe delivery at my ranoh, oo tbe bead ot 1th et creek, ot one baotlred eorde of pine, fuar-foot wood, laid wood lo be delivered not later than middle ot Aagaet, im, bids opened tbe 15th dey ot Jenuery, 1898. Iltteerve tbe right to rejeol sny end all bidt. J. W. M.bbow. 003 JeolS. After bearing eotae friendi eontionally prewiog Cbamberlain'e Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, ot W . a a creasea iiieir purcnases from us io August and September nearly 125,000,000, as compared with the .1 SI wl.P.l,.m..uK uiuutus josi BOirae wllhont Ibe eld of S me reliable Anah.im. Cl.. nnrrhaal a bottle of it Under tbe IISOO law 7 Here is a no.h me.lielne la liable lo reeo.lt io that r.ir hia own ns. and Ls now an anthnalaa. l m i . i . I conunurum lor inose democrats .ir.j jiMM. uueuraon ia. We ktow or i.t ,.., iu w.mJarfnl work as anvona who insisted that a llicD tariff L h-iu, remedv to core S eonab or Cold' ... Ka Tha a and M enl bIim for meant Uwtruction Of our market than Chamtierlain'eCnaiib remedy. We sale by Coseer A Brook - , t. - n.l it .tulle fitanalval and it ' 1 ri..n entire eatiafaclion ,r belo male lo organise a w 1 I ft I . St . 111 : I a V rv...K T-. Ohi-f . aanomg cmo in neppner, woion win om Thia ia Ihe oulr remedy lhal U known' ot Ibe city's leading amseemento for to be a certain preventativa of poeo-i,,M winter, thoneands Cunuiiemh, when it moeta next week, will find a very gratifying abroad. showing for the first fonr months of the uew tariff law. Itsearnincs Ix THE Cubn mu"r th during the first four months have ministration has gain.nl several iiceeded bv several millions of Sr triutnpbs recently, but dollars the earnings of the corre- withe' president nor any mem- spond uir four months of tbe W - ,,pr ol ,u" u,n- w"i8 mm uw I about ii. or is even mentioning it. eaee having reeuited lbe country is thidioiz out all rereons who nave w i . a a i seiw. isk ihs lawviiv imi ristw v was Is HOSoli of the fiftieth anniver- about it, however. Weyler's re- ' 'B"IBWZ,I: eu.watb and liver trvablee. CooeerA ... ... . . ahonld keen tbe rrmetty a band. Tbe . ary oi ibe ibitmsn massacre, movai, me aoouuoo oi me Daruar. . . . Bl fof ... bf Uinwr thousands n fwople g.tberHl at lous concentration policy and lbe iimok. Walla Walla on TueskUy to attend release of tbe ComtHttitor prisoners ( mnmnrial r !... an.. v!! tl, teveal the eilent vl tbe presaur Nomas Kelley ie rpHtHl as kw . I a . . lK. eaaaS ..n... Mrs. M. B. ford. Ruddell's, IU, sof woo o.v. - " ' ' fprd f()f ( h, yftr, from dyepepaie asd we have never yet learned ofsemgle , . .. . l'u'u'""" I k i IX.tt-..,'. Mill. .!. or Save . ..,. , . . maere, ine lamoae lime piim tor ail Drork. in weak luega wtttcli aalunU)n bason Madrid, belter today. i may I hrouht before long M. t i,i.n.. the eatile buver who ei ilaee where she will be glad ta uk ool n hedtf cetlle Ihle ... it.. t.- I n. I wiiii ii " ... .. . , , Hpaid may l brought lefire long gon. All the buaiuess bouses Ll w,mr. .... wU, u t i i i. i . I . '. r . t)i iub cny were cioewi aumnw uay to aak tue I nittsl btates lo Help WMk ,i word lhal Ibe band woold be tt I rivt lita t at A I J SI ft 1 was generally ouserve u mis was ner let g oi mai nve wire-uuoa. Trt to Tbe le!lee, and iherefore went a fitting observance in memory of a man who was a real Loio and martyr to the cause lo loved. The tmiuutnont to le eroctel over the grave arrivod too late for tbe on- veiling ceremonies to be given Charley V lnyi bold Ihe reeid at "eocka.1 hal,' bating tn'e tbe i re of t,i Krl II kkI left for hie home al llille- toro loJay. Uogh Kields left oo hatarday sight for hie borne si DrowsavUla Itore-Iltbie city, Wedneeday, Dec I, lHy7, lo lbs wife of Weeley W, Bras son, s eoo. MNM , Hbilobs toosomptioa (Jure euree where olbers falL II is the lea J ing dngb Cars, asd ao borne should be without II. lleeeaol lo lake asd goes rtghl to the spot, fold by Ooueer Uroek. . m And on ViliirUr. the 2"'th day of Deiin- ber, 1MW7, at the hour of'l o'clock p m. of said T.st the court house lu said county and state. 1 will sell tha abov.d-arrlbed ml estate all nubile auction to the hlKheat bidder lor rash. subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrant, I cuau and accruing casta. a. i si kh t, 1-10 BherilT of Morrow Co., Oregon. 880 ?kf tV bcf. I Slllf I w S a I U. 1 . l mmnrtBOTLe. .if W f 44 O I I 1AI1 !, i irfZZ S R rmCTrrWS.V TlUi loLi MWtaMl J-'fc- (N'a Sciwlyi s--rr.. 4aM.iHiiTrtin;imini ; in i w PURTWWOlt D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old books and noise In his hands and get your money out o them. Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office in J. N. Brown's Building. Trs BcMfiiD Taao William Oor don baa moved bis feed yard from Its former looatlon lo Joors' old stand where be will be pleased to have sll bie friendt sod pat rone lo eall oa him. Mr. Oordos Is accommodating, bas s good yard and ebnodant faoililiee lo lake ears of stock is flret olaas shape. Ilia prices are very reasonable. lie bae bay ao1 grain for sale. Has lately tdded a car Uxul of batui timothy. it. W. E. Proya. bo bas bees op from Hillaboro for some weeks lo tbe est vice of tbe Ueppnar Light sod Water Co, bas purchased oes foorib of Ibe etock is tbe enterprise sod will remeio hers permaoeatly. Beppaer people will re gret Ibet this cbeoge insane the removel of laaae Essee to UillsSore. Mr. Fo es bae lived bre aloe Ihe completloa ot Ibe plstl si Ibis pleess sod hae saade many warm frieeda. However, Hepp ner bae gained a valneble ci s la tbe pereoa of Mr. 1'roya. along with tbe other eiercises of I fl H 11 Jf the day and tbey were dispensed I I jf. fv W with. Hereafter a Uantifai msr- I (T)) (()) if ) bleoolama will mark the reeting U U d V!wU Pills place of Dr. Whitman and bis a a. ociatoe wbd were maaarreel by Cay u l&d!sr.g Nov. WtU and U0. 1S47. Cute su k mU ha. Ut la the Inmiia. mlr4 " '. In lb stuana. h. efM W41 (ta !h e4 Mtn. k l.a m4, MM the eaif niM M aha Hk Mi lnaf...ii dowo to that polot to meet them. IV1 tie peranaded into bo; log lini- tuetils wltboot repalattoa or eoerit Cbamberlein's l'eis llaltn e.ee oo more, sod tie merits have beea proves by a test of maey years. Huch leilors ea the lollowlog, from L. O. Ilaelov, Hoeoeme, nl ialanll- tla ttfiltfa.l ' Tha best r-medy for pais I b.s ever seed le fos-ssswna se UarJaiaa ss We-1. Cbemberl.io e I'.lo IJ.Im. sod I e.y ee d" ,oJ I h. .i.. . i t .. i... i Ihe wlslr. aiirr saviua M - it w One klienle Coab Care cores qiickly That's what yos waall Caeer k ttrnrk. Nermaa Kelley la reported lo be quite III at bis boas oa Wulow sreek above lleppser. Harry Cummioge was duws from bte several years." It tnrre rhvumatien, lams book, a pre be end swellings. Fur sals by Cote Uroek Oliver Hoydar bee lakes charge of the Hotel Heppner feed bare and will far- elh stall room, greiB or bay at reaeon SMeOgorea. will aieo do dray work sod baullog Bsc to end frtnu traies. If. Tbe Oaartle sarrtsa a fall tkxk ot snttrelng ante, eorrespoe lence elyl, with eevalnpae to metcb. Tbuste doetting BORN SEPTEMBER For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT 11 AS faithfully labnmt for thlr ernsperlty and happltma. for the lmpmt.in.nl M their hualti-s tvl hnta utrata, lr aditraUoa. lor the l.alioa al Amertraa aaabou4 aa4 trti womaiihl IT BAR ld al the timid, Intomllng and tostrurtfVe Mnrteeof Ikedolnitel the eortd, the naunn inq siaira. IT BAS a.l lent the Urn.t as fat the mnat appmTtat awthmls of iltttlni and harMt1n bis rrtr, ao In- prtpr tlma Ul emtvert lhm Into th larfft paallii ammiiit of man DAS lfl In ! nattrts jriii.iii in tha nrol latmn and siliaavre, and lot erar e tentary luu MM wtr couadanca and aauvau alalf IT ZS TUB. New York Weekly Tribune, A eg we fortilsh It with the GAZETTE, year fee $2.78, eeeh In ageanss. AddraaUOrdareto THE GAZETTE. Wrl'a yonr mm and i'l'ln on a fnsial rM, ad II n flo. W. M, Trthona Otnra, Kw t tt t Hy. and a sant y ot ike York Swkly Trtbaoe will t nalM la t m. r t. r-.u,, i.,.w. . elatluoery saa bave their waste MttW.W.Ia4.0reiaie N4iii, SBpplked St UiS offioe. If. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle V V . I 1 nrcr f a aikv. All these) can t procured at Tbornfeu.n k Hinns, Lower tain btrrl, lleppoer, Oregon. T mWtmi ll n!-wd Hk Orant. ttarw-r. Cmk ri!!ll and Mtf taUae aa4 aa aa mmmrf 4 Mw la IIwmwiIwii Itk trataang Mt, rrlrla ktin ia th vm. THOMPSON" Ss IUNNS,