Portland Librarj TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION Th Hppnr Sml-Wkly Gazatt from now until March 1st, 1898, for -25 Cts.t- OFFICIAL s PAPER SAMPLE SUBSCRIPTION The Heppnar Saml-Waakly Gaxatta from now until March 1,1898, for -25 Cts.i- Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00 Yearly Subscription Reduced to $2.00 FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 3, 1897. NO. 602 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PDBLI8HID Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At (3.01 per year, tl.00 for six month), (0 ots. tor three moncoa, strictly in advance. Advertising .Rates Made Known on. Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Uake'e Advertising Agency, 84 and 89 Merchants Kzchangs, San Francisoo, California, where oou raete for advertising can be made tor it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Francisoo, is our authorized agent. This pap3r is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner SdO p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 6KX) a. m Spokane Express No, 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Urns' ilia 8:60 p. m. Portland Express No. I, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6110 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7110 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:60 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OPFICIAi BIHEOTOUT. United States Officials. President William McKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Kusaell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postuuuter-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Seoretary f Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor. W. P. Lord Seoretary of State Treasurer Snpt. Publio Instruction Attorney General Senators ....H. K. Kincald ....Phil. Hetschan G. M. Irwin ...C. M. Idleman J G. W. MoBride ? J. H. MitoheU Congre-men Kr" Printer W. H. Leeds !R. 8. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge .....Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Sean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... A, W. Gowan Representative. I'onnty Judge " Commissioners, J. W. Beckett. " I Olerk " ! Sheriff Treasurer ' Assessor , Surveyor.- School Sap't.. " Coroner J. n. brown ..A. G. Bartholomew J. H. Howard J. W. Morrow E. L. Matlock Frank Gilliam A. C. PetteyS , J. W. Hornor Jay W. Shipley ........B. F. Vaughan HZPPNBB TOWII OITIOBI, Mayor Thos. Morgan Ununcilinen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocnm, U. Liohtenthal and J. it. Simons. a. 117 a Dlnk.-liuM. n woraer. " Treasnrer L. W. Hnggs Marshal A. A. Eoberu PreeiBCtOfflom. Jn.t; tha PmMim ....W. E. B'chanlson Constable. N. B.WheUtons L'sited States Land OfHceia. TBB OA1XM, OB. 1. I. Moor... Register Beoeiver A. 8. Biggs .... B. F. Wilson.. LA OBABDB, OB .....Register Receiver J.H. Kobbina., KEOBXT aooxssTxx.a. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G.A.B. MU at Lanncton. Or., the Uet Saturday of err. mrmtA. ail veteraoe ere uiviu-u joiu. G. W. Smith. C. G. FnuCA. Adiotaat. Commander, Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlo in tb City Drag Store, near City Hotel. it D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. t Vfflna hnnra. R la 10 a. m.. antl 12 lo 2 p. m., at reaideooe, W. A. Kirk's prop rty, east of M. IS cbnrch, Booth, nod 10 to 12, a. m , to i to 0 p. m. , at omoi id tbe rear ot borg's jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law. OCB oo Jn tba Firs! Nations! Bank Building. Uippbib, t t Obboow. tf W.A.RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. COUNCIL CMAMSCn Hells and bays real ratal, rents hons-a, pars taias. duas run tTn I'H and will eanre you in ant war labia Una. at raeauaaiil Hsuree. U First National Bank OF HEPTNER C. A. Rhca, T. A. Rhca. GCO. W. CONSCR, . W. SPCNCKR, President Via President Casbler Aae't Cashier Trinsxti I Geoeral Ealing Imm. aEXCETA-alNXKE i all rrs ot the world- Bought and Sold. CollarttoM vada an all tolBta rasannsl Tifni aarplus aa4 aadlrtdad rroflta. M 1.000.00. Tb OaaaM will iaks pntatos. spplea, ft of batter ea solnptWo aecoaota. Any owe owing tble effSnaraa eat tie tbwtr arcoaoU Is tLi CBeaaer "d '! do it luw aoow to ait av Going East? IP YOU ARB, DO NOT FORGET FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Ceotral because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For ; information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a tioket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt, Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or, H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & H., u. m. s st. r., v. S a., e. Ft. w. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES HB.OO PER DAT Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CIXtC-eV3-0. IZiXb The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be Id 1897, as it has been during eaob of ita twenty-seven year, a History of Oar Own Times. Io its verioue editorial department! The Oatlook gives a oompaot review of the world't progress; it follows witb care all tba important philanthropic and in dastrial movement of the day; baa a complete department ot religion! oewa; devotei mnoh apace to the iotereeti of tbe borne; review ourreot literature; farninbe cheertal table-talk about men and thiogs: aod, in ihort, aim to give freab information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fiiftb volume tbe paper will aninme tba regnlar maga cine iize, wbioh will add greatly to it oonvenienoe aod attractiveoeai. Tbe Ontlook ia pnblUbed every Saturday fifty-two iaaues a year. Tbe Aral iue Id eaob montb ia an Illustrated Magaxin N amber, containing about twice aa maoy page a tba ordinary iseoes, together witb large number ot picture. Tba price of Tba Oatlook ia tbre dollars year in advance, or lee Ibao a cent a day. Send for specimen oopy and lllnstrat eO proapeotos to Tbe Outlook, 13 Aator Place, New York Oltv. STOCK BRAWpg. Walla yoa p roar eabeorlpttaa paid at yra aa kaap yoor brand ia f rat of ebart. Bora. P.O., Happnar, Ur-Hotasa, P Bet left ebooldan oatUa, earn oa Uft hip. Cook. A. J..Lana.Or. Hnre anna i4t, kl imr, Cattlii, samaoa rijihtbipi ear Bark sqoara nip n mt ... apui in nflDi. Doosltyta. W. M GkIIowsv Or. r.if). til, rUht .ids. swwilow-fork la eaob ear; aoraaa, B I) VI. tl . fv . IM - n v. a b, a. ra Urt ahoalder, oaltis Saw m Witup. kula IB ngui sar. Ploranaa, L. a Heppner, Of. Cattle, LF oa rich! hip; kocaea f with bar andar am rtbt SIHIQIIIaW. JiMMa, Harry. H appear. Or Horaae twrnadad H J on us lan shuauiar! aaUa bratidad J ri(ht hip. tlau endarlMt la lafl UmtM ta mtimrw atmB. inane -a. Falls. Lena. Or.-Hnmi. airaUT na (ft atiOai ewtlJw.aaiM ew r1til kl, aadar half arup ia naw ana A iari aa R soar, Mike, Happner, H. Honas tx-andl IM oa Uft hip aaitts same aad eroa pa kafl sari aaoar rntup oa ma riaai laaahay, J. W. Happnar Or. Horaae braadad I. and a oa lft ahimldart eat t la aaisa am lafl hip, watUa avar nht aya, Uraa slits la riant Miaor, Oanar, nappaar Or., aftia, I Dm nahl bip; BurBai, Si oa wt enoMar. Mnrawa, H. 1 Happoar. Or.-Hotaae. M ) n.h.a. J. W.. Drlaa. (r. tvnrsa Oalla) aaaaioart eaiuaaaawoa naU kip. ParBarUUaana.HardM.Or.-Boraastroa (an etaoauiar. Pipar.i. H., tMlnirtaa. Or.-Haraas, J ar-n aaMt onlaft atxaaldar. aaUaa, eaw aa U kip. Kaatar W.. HapVaiar. Or.-Horaaa, tO as art eauuow. I a ua, (; ua tUfi Bla, ai-arrr K. fl. Hmu (W r.uu w r lart kip. arap of naht and andaHrfi hi Uft rear. aVwtayi hiwaas ' t-T atwal.tar. 1 tH-aiia-a, I, A.. Happaav. r-Hnraaa. I aa Inf. enaaktari nllla. 1 m. uA mh.uU, Taraar R. W Hwnar smmAit aaplte T sa-aldar. . Ua, aaUia mm , Wrt kip anth aphl ta bnta aasa. Wrtaahwrar, W. J , fiaJInway, .t bnraaa www ni.1. JW oa r.l,l stx-iildM; aao.a warirla JW na HM kip and nM ata, P M hrta, is laft aw. Kaaca isawnnsnd Important Hotel IIopjpinLOi? (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MBS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment, btnctly. Rates, $i.oo Per SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. BA first-class feed barn run in connection. Free 'Baa run to and from all trains. We solicit your McClure's For SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A, New Life ot 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Lite of Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson'a "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins iu May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years oi me uivn war practically a member Uttad than any other man living to give an recollections and correspondence. Portraits of ereat Americana. Many of them ui porirniui u is mienaea u pumirn special mograpntcal studies under tbe general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Plcturea of Palestine. Specially taken under Storlea of Adventure. A serial by CO NAN Ma sua umstoij euu niKouuiiY wuiuu slave, tu due "DnuriocK tioime noriesi. KlTon Dim a place beside Foe and Qaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from Aim long ago. will appear In McCLUBS's MaoAZiNC. JOEL CHANDLER HAKRIS. A series of new naoDii ana me "iiuie Mr. xntmDiennger" stories. RUDYaRD KIPLTNO. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to'McCMJBa's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year, OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazins a series of short stories In which the same viiaravvers win appear, aunougn eacn win ne complete in Itsell. Anthony Hop Brat Hart Robert Barf Frank R. Stookton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaell will all have stories in MoClqri's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and aow, .ua suuauripuvD pritro oi wnioa is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get (T"v! JTA .-For Mtt0im., DHPSBflLLELED summata skill. Such a paper 1 a treat popular educator. It should be In svsry home. n subscription price of Laalle'a ls$4pe nnnm. W make the unparalleled otter of a eopr of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $4.50. No such offer was aver saade before. Mo sorb offer will ever be mad again. These two papers makes most acceptable Christmas of birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the fiver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to tbe Hoppnor, Oregon. IN NEW QUARTERS WILLIS 8TKWAHT, Tbe old reliable livery stable man 113 r u"ioivx arVir,K Jnst North of tbe Osgaite offiee, woar b woold be pleased to sea all bia old friend aod mas pew ooea. II F. HAS STALLS Alto rcnlt Buggict, Hack$, Teatnt RetnamW Willi wbea loo eoma to Hilly uordoo, FRANK BOeCRS Rogers & Roberts, - Contractors aod BoilJera. Plans and Estimates All Kinds of Retail Work OFFICE HOURS-Dar and Night ITace and Rog. or Jim will r irst Class. Day' and Upwards. patronage,' 587-nov.l2 Magazine 1897 of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better authoritative hlstoiy of this period from his unpublished. In connection with this series the editor's direction. DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary animal stories in the same Held as the "Brer Important features of HcCLCaa's HAaasiaa tor 4)4-. JU To be educated one must read the best literature. Ths best literature Is expensive. Laalle'a llluatrotesl Weekly. PobHsned at 110 ruth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments era edited with ann- of Heppner, hue moved into tie HALED HAY FOR BALK ASti TO LET AT HKASOSAlSLK RATKS. antl Saddle lionet. town. Old stsod formerly ooenpiad by Usppotr, Oregon. i. i. ftOIEATa Given on Short notice. Done- Learc your orders "An Old set em o o o o o o HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill a bottle or oommon glass with uriue and let it stand twenty-four hoars; a sediment or settling indioatei an un healthy oondition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to an nate or pain in the back, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are ont of order. WHAT TO 1)0. There is comfort in tbe knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish io relieving pain in tbe back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ot tbe nrinary passages. It oor- reots inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overoomes that unpleasant, necessity of bejng compelled to get up many times daring the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realised. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful oures ot the most distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oeots and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention tbe Heppner Gazette and eend your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Biog- hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness ot this offer. LITERARY NOTES. - The Basis of Canadian Reciprocity. We need not think the less ot our Oanadian neighbor for trying to drive a bard bargain with us in tbe reciprocity treaty. We gave tbem free lumber under the Wilson Gorman tariff bill, and ihey gave a nothing in return. Tbey prob ably did not tblnk much of out shrewd ness at the time, for tbey would willing ly have made a large concession to our trade tor this very valuable privilege. They have grown somewhat accustomed to getting something for nothing, but tbey now have to deal with an adminis tration at Washington that is not at all disposed to give free aooes to our markets without getting something valuable ill return. If a new reciprocity treaty la made, tbe Canadian must ex- peoi io give a quia pro quo for every thing they get. They want to sell us their mutton, beef, eggs, lumber, bay and barley, and we want to sell them our shoes, olotbing, farm implements, and mining maohloery. Here is certainly good basis for trade. We shall not throw Into the bargain any such inter national qneetlon as tbe preservation of seal life in Bering 8ea From "The New Oanadian Reciprocity Treaty," bv E. V Smalley, ia American Monthly Review of Reviews for Deoember. WHEN GIRLS 178 E 8LAN0 They lose tbe Esteem aad Kepet of Re lard People. "It ia unfortunate tbat alang phrases are to easily dipped into our every-day eonveriatioo, and taking apparently so Died a place in oar talk," write Edward W. Bok Id tbe December Ladies' Home Journal. "And tbe worst of it is tbat so many people are using alang entirely anonDsoion oi to raoi I rial tbey are doing so. It tb common nsag of slang were confined to a particular order of girls, it would, perhaps, serve a an lo dieator of character, and pas uonotioed It would, at least, Dot tooob tbe sen si 1.1:.!-- a a, ... uii'iiee or geniietoii. ilui t I Dot o ooofload. Slang is Invading tb very nicest of circles: it is beginnina to in Queue the talk of oar most csrefally. reared girl. And this I why tb belli! should receive etusar attention. Oirl are forgetllog tbat alang phrases and refinement are absolutely foreign to aob other. A slang phrase mar be mors expressive tbao a term of pohu nsage, bat it is never impressive, eioept to Impress unfavorably. It ia blgh time that oar girls sboatd realise tbat tbey bonld speak Itie English language lo tbelr conversation, and pot tbe dlaleot of tbs raoa track, dot the lingo of tbe baseball field. A girl may eans a smile by tba apt nse of soma slang phrase Bat, Inwardly, those who applaud brr place bar, at tba asms time, id tbair aaliinalioD. No girl ever woo aa oaoee of raspaat by being slangy. On the eon trary, many a girl, nooooeoious of tb cause, baa found herself gradually allp plog out of people' raapeol by lbs far tbat bar talk was dotted witb slang pbraeee. 'Ob, sbs Is elevar,' said woman not long ago, of a girl who o.nlJ seep oompaov constantly anosod by oar api oaa oi siang. -one amuaefl Bis ft sally. Oat I should ont ear to mvits bar to my borne nor bsve my gin know bar.' It is a poor popularity ff a girl blob ha, aa its ooly basis tb ap aa I bell of the JeaUr. "Ths lit of the JsW U aavsr long." What I A. B. Dinar Days. Boffalo, N. Y. Usata ) From ay personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe efftot of your Hbilob's Cora In oaaas of advanced onaomptloa, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remarkable reread Ibal baa ever bmm brungbt lo mr altos tion. It has eerleialy saved maey frotq uMumplioo. IMd by Goer A Drunk. Tb spirit of 76 was -for dUrlr or f,. death." Tbat old branj of Cyrn Noble at Cbri Dorr-bars' I tbe spirit that UOlbee lb spot I baa ttmee. tf THE WHEAT MARKET. The Price Not so Btlff as Last Eeport Local Prices. Portland, Deo. 2. Western receipts are reported large, being 1,373,000 bu. at primary points against 603,000 bu. a year ago. Shipments were 1,446,000 bu., against 664,000 bo. a year ago. North western reoeipts were 715 cars, against 316 a year ago. Chicago reoeipts were 115 cars. Liverpool opened 3 8d higher yester day, and olosed one penny higher for future. Antwerp and Pari wheat were both steady. Today's oables from Liver pool indicate a weaker feeling. Chicago, Deo. 2. The market opened with Deoember wheat at 96, against 963 at the close yesterday. May opened 90, and by 10:15 was quoted at 90, witb December at 96. December fell by 11 :45 to 95 and May slumped 89. At 12:30 Deoember was down 94 , but soon recovered to 95 and olosed at that figure. Curb close for May, 9( . There have been some good sales of beat made at Heppner this week, ag gregating about 10,000 bnsbels, which brought from 64 to 66 oents. 5000 bushels of this were sold by T. J. David son, one of tbe most extensive wheat raisers ot the oounty. Today ths market dull, 63 cents being tbe highest offered and no sales are reported. His Hands Were Tied. "Oar little boy broke oat with eczema. We were obliged to tie bis bands to keep him from scratching and be suffered everything. We began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a short time bis face healed. He took five or six bot tles and has not bad a slok day since." Olney Souoie, Piooeervllle, Idabo. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take 1th Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efDoient. , HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Prises Offered to Btadents for Kesays on tbe American Revolution. Tbe Oregon 8oolety of Sons of tbe Ameriosn Revolution is an organization composed of descendants ot anoestors wbo assisted in establiabing Amerioan indepencence. Any mala desdendant ot inch ancestor is eligible to admission into tbe society, lis objeots srs purely patriotic aod historical. One of them is to stimulate interest in tba history of tbe Amerioan Revolution and loyalty to ita principles. For this purpose tbs society offers three prizes of 925, $15 and iu respectively, for tbs best essay written by any student under 21 years of sge, in any publio sohool in Oreaon on any ot tbs following four sobieots: 1. lbs Continental Congress tbe in fluences wbioh oaosed it to assemole; its cbarscter and rank as a deliberative body; what it accomplished. 2. Tbe oause wbioh led to armed re sistanca In Massachusetts, inoludlnu tbs oontest of LexiDgtoa and Couoord, 8. Tba Trenton-Prineeton campaign 4. Tbs surrender ot Oorowallis and tbe causes leading op to it. . Esssys are limited In length to twen ty-flve bnndred words; must be written on legal eap on one aids of ths paper in tba student's owo handwriting and must be aooompanied by tba certificate of tbe prinolpal of the school attended by tba author, to the effect that tbe author la a bona file slaieol in tb school and baa been in attendance therein Dot less tbao sis weeks during tbs sohool year ot 1897 8. Essays mnsl ba forwarded to tbs cbairmao ot ths committee In chares. Wallace Ma tv.ii... if - Camaot, 84 Coocord Building, Portland so as to reach bits not later tbao Fab. 1 1898. Ia awarding tb prizes the com mllU will be governed by these (brae consideration I 1. Historical accuracy. X Manner ot treatment. 8. Orthography, greromer, syntsi and punctustioo. A ., ..I l;i!.l 1 I 1 1 -!,!- nimiiuHi iwiurwaiiun raia.ivetoi tb com pel it ion which may be desired, Malting will be ebeerfolly furnished by ebairmao of tbe erumittes. Tbe essay wbioh is awsrded tb first priss will lbs published ia fall, with tb Dams of lbs antbor, In the poblie prase W Alison M "Cam a st, Cbairmao. H. II. Noariiir, Philip H. Malcolm. Portland, Oregon, Nov. IA, 17. J. A Perkins, of Anliniilr. O . was fr thirty years needlMsly tortured by pby Biotas for lbs core of enema, II was qaickly eared by oslag DaWiu's Wileb Hsiel salvs, tha famous healing salve for pll aod skin diseases. Conser A Brock. Among I be replies to sa advertlsemset of a mosical eommiltae for a saaJiJsU a organist, mnalo Weobaf, elo., was the following: "Uetttlemaa, I aotleed year sdreM learned for an or gee tat or masts Useher, either lady or geollaman. Has log beo both fur several years, I oflVr yoa my servioes." Hersld sod Presbyter. Ctarrkwdy Dare S. f eaara ( endf Cathartln, tbe sanat wra d at ful inili.i dano try of Ua ate, ant aad ralrahins: ta tkva taala, ai t fiUy and p-iatllvply rra kl-lnae, llvar aad Iwwala, rl.-an.inf tlx enbra mi-m, dlil enliia, (tura aaalat'lia, l.r, baliltual r.n.alltloa and lil l')iiaia. I'laaaa buy and try a bo tf ! ('.(! lt-dav; 10. aMr-nta, rkitd aad guNanUad to sure by a4 dniyftata. PS, .MP . Fovozn Absolutely Pure BRIEF MENTION. Frank Kilkenny was jn town Tuesday, O. W. Utt was in the city from lone Wednesday. P. Devin was in from Norman Eellev'a ranoh Wednesday. D. Cox was down from his Hinton creek ranoh Tuesday. Submit your plans to Ranous before giving out your oontraot. tt What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. Hee ad. elsewhere. D. Marx, a traveling man. was in the pity from Portland Wednesday. M. Liohtenthal for shoes. Exolusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. ftttf Eph Eskelaon was in town on Wednes day and mads this offloe a pleasant oall. Ed. Day, tbe extensive sheeD owner of Butter creek, wss in Heppner Toes- lay. Charley Beymer and Jaok Murray . were in tbe city from Eight Mile Wed nesday. Frank Lofton, of Fox valley, is in tba city today and will take out a load ot freight. Sheriff Matlook, wbo has been on tha siok list for several days, is able to ba out again. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Or ansa Front. A clean, fresh etook of gooda leave your orders. tf. Ed. Cox, ot Hardman, returned Wed nesday morning from a trip btdow, going on out boms by stage. Born In this city, on Wednesday. Deo. 14, 1897, to the wife of E. D. Rood, a daughter. Ed is now very happy. Hon. H. Y. Gates, president ot Hcdd- ner Light A Water Co, is up from Hills- boro, looking alter bis interests bere. Mitchell Beamao, one of Ihl sucoess- fol farmers trom tb lower Blsok Horse country, was a visitor to Heppner Tues day. The value of Portland's wheat and floor shipments foreign far September. October and November. 1897. ia SR.. 647,823. Geo. Boone, a direot descendant of Daniel Boone, came in from Lone Rock yesterday witb bis daughter, Mrs, G. E. Kaoous. Arlington Record: Bert Vining. wboaa band was amputated last Monday, la getting along nicely, and will soon ba ont on the streets. f. B. Hoot, who lives on tbe Cunning ham flat, was In Heppner Wedneedsy. He bss been oo tba sick list for soma time, bat is feeling pretty well again, Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion It's lbs best and it after osing it you doo'l say so, return package and get your money. Bold by Conser A Brook. z Mrs. A. Matbiot, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. Alice Lsdd, ot La Grande, daunt)- tar. r ik. i.i. i i , . I . . . " aiurauoa, aa- parted tor Ibeir respective home on Wsdntsdsy evening. Corns to tba Osteite offlo and get a decent lot of envelop prinlad. Uaveromeot envelope look obeap, and beside yoa cannot gel yoor bosioesa osrd priated tbsraon. if Mrs. C. M. Speooer, of Usrdmsa, sr. nvsd rrom tbs Willamette valley Ibis morning after an absence of some weeks lib relatives. Hha waal on oat lo Hard mas by tba stags. Millsrd Frsoob wss in from tba reooa tba first of the week. Us thinks very strongly ot going to Klondike is tba spring wbera there are bright prospects for a man to "dig out" bia for tune in a few mobtbs. W. IL Garrett, wbo sails groceries for Wadbams A Oo, of Portland, interview ed our merchants WedoeeJey. He baa beau andar tbe weather pretty much of lata suffering from an attstk ot sore throat, but ibis ba act fcteveoted blta from talking business. Mrs. btark. Pleasant Ridge, O., says j "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I savsd blm from troop by nsiog On Minots Cough Cure." It is tb 1 Hck eat end ml eerlaJa remedy for sough, colls and all throat eel lung trooblae. Cobeer A Brook. Dr. Julio W. Humus, of lb "Red light," ever ea lb eUl for somelhitg sew, sea furnish yon tb finest cucb lail ta lb laod-MaobatkNi. Jereey Vermooth or Giomade by ao artast l lb business. Drop In and Isks lb tasl oat of yoor baoutb. tt rrank McFarlaod bas be appointed spMiai agsal of Tba PaUabl Life A, sorsoee Co, of New York, tb strong! ia tb wiwlL ('aab snrplu to pojtry balder of over 41 luillioc duilars. Doo'l las ioaaraoa withaqt swing lb new plsos U lb fcH'iileWe, Ins me hfttl Mi ai sam ret, 77 tf