V LOCAL BQCIB8. MOEKOW CODNTT SCHOOL LAND3. THE WONDERS OF. S.CIENCE IM1 TO THB QIVE8 THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA! Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha mn Attn Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland , Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hone Eons; via. Tbe Northern Pacific Hteamsbip Oo. In con. nection with O. R. & N. For (all details oall on O. R. Agent at Heppner, cr address & N. W. H. HURLBTJRT, Qen. Pbhb. Agt. POBTLAND. ORBOON, Schillings Best baking powder goes a third farther than any, other; gets to work quicker ; makes sweeter cake. Schilling's Best tea makes good cake taste better. Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are . because they are money rback. The merchant twore by all the gods beneath the etarry skies That, though he lived a thousand yean, he'd never advertise. But ere a year, deaplte the boast he confidently flaunted, He ran an ad. beneath the head of "Situation Wanted." Denver Pott What ig the missing; word? not SAFE, although Schilling' t Best baking powder and tea art safe. Tom Howard has a big stock of both lined and nnlined gloves in all grades. Prices 'way down. tf It yon need something (or yonr system oall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. . t( , Mrs. W. A. Johnston, of The Dalles, writes friends In Heppner that ber hus band bad been quite ill for some time, bat is now improving. Salem is pretty much agitated at pres ent over tbe establishment of a linen factory Tbe materials can be raised near at band and it is believed tbe in Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the U . ,a to be g ood ,hin(f m;; sona a ucjcei wun acn woru 10 auurcais uciow uciure ucwmun 31. financially right from the Btart. . , . . ' I In last issue the Gazette failed to no- w. every ,u tioe the public school entertainment at 11 oniy one person nnas me wora, mat person gets 92000.00 ; several mm it, 2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. 3011 SUE YOD GOING ERST? If so, be sare and see that yonr ticket reads via Ttiii Httwesteni Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TB1S IB THB Great Short Liie BETWEEN DULDTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Magnificent Truck, Peerloss Veatltmled DIiiIiik aim mAuiK i;ar Trains, and Moltoi ' "always on time' hu alvan this mad a national reputation. All uie vesiifiuion All agents CAMERAS. At a merely nominal prioe, the New York Lkdobb is making one of the most remarkable Camera offers of the season. Tbey are sending ont an im mense number of cameras to all parts of tbe United States. It is in reality but Fifty Cents .. .. for tbe Camera, with oomplete outfit for photographing and develop ing. Bend today for full particulars regarding this remarkable offer, as it is eitremely limited. Tbe Camera is thoronghly bigb grsde and first olass in eveiy reaped, fitted with all mod ern improvements, and is guaranteed as represented. Address .. .. . Camera Department, Itie Hew I oineflpf. Ledger Building, N.Y. City Boys should iond at once forBpeclal Premium I, Int. Just Issued. Watches, Print ing Presses, Air KiHva and many Valualtle Article! are to lie (11 V KN AWAY. New York Led iter. Leduor Building. New York. noi-nw Girls classes of uassoiiKers rarrlod on trains without extra cliarne. Hhlp your frelxtit ami travel over una lamotit line. have llukets. W. II. MRAD. F. 0. BAVAGK. Uou. Aanut, Trav. V. A P. Agt. ilia vi Mill niton Ml., roruauil, or. CHICAGO iwtt&St.Paol;B'y NOHTII l'ACIl10 Rural Spirit (KHTABLIHUF.D IN 1W.9.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. CATARRH Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain) no cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious drag. It la quickly Absorbed. Olves Kelicf at cr.co. It opens and cleanses the Nana! Pn9ap;r. Alltiva Intliimiiiiillon. Iloala and Protect the Membrane. Hestores the Senses of Taite and h'mell. Full Size Sua ; Trial Bi.e 10c ; at Drnuirlstaor liymnll. tLY BliOTIl Kits, 66 warren street, jxew lorir. COLO N HEAD Timber Culture Final Proof. TJnitkd Status Land Orrtcs, The Dalles, Oresron, Sept. 13th. 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES H. Allen has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oresron, on Wed nesday, the Kth day of December. 1897. on timber culture application No. 297K, for the NKH of sec tion No. 23, In township No. 4 south, range No, 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Kelthlev. Oscar Kelthley, Ed Moreland, anO Jesse M. Hogno, all of Hardman, Oregon. . J AH. jr. MOUKB, 93-604 Register. GUARDIANSHIP SALE. tioe tbe public sohool the opera bouse on Wednesday evening. It was a complete success and the net orooeeds amounted to 840.15, wbiob is to be added to tbe sohool library Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition. De Witt's Little Earlv Risers are famous little pills for oonstipation, billiooBness indicestion and all stomaoh and liver troubles. Conser & Brock. The Gazette acknowledges reoeipt of tbe 1898 Columbia Pad Calendar. This calendar is very conveniently arranged and its annual advent at tbis office is always appreciated. It possible tbe cal endar is more convenient this year than ever. Condon Globe: Ed Oopner and D. A. Vance, who bad been running a store at Sampter, have dissolved partnership, Mr. Cooper retiring from tbe business, in order to go on the road again as traveling salesman for Wadbams & Co., of Portland. Rural Spirit: Papers were signed at Prineville last week between the owners of Harry N. and Pin Ear for a match race for three-eights of a pile tor $300 a side. A forfeit of 8100 has been pnt op by eauh side, and tbe match is to oome off on December 3. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you oommenoe early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It oures oongbs, colds, bronobitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to oure Consei & Brock Bute Laud Board Panes aa Order Regarding Dellnqaeat Purchase ra. From Oregonlan of the 25th. Tbe board of state land commission ers Governor .Lord, Seoretary of State Kinosid and State Treasurer Metschan at a meeting in Salem Tuesday, on tbe recommendation of A. G. Bartholomew, representative of the. board in Morrow county, passed an important order re- garding delinquent sohool laod purchas ers in Morrow county. It seems there are many citizens in Morrow oounty, original purchasers of state sohool lands, who are not .only largely in Brrears to the state in pay ment of principal and interest, but who, by reason of tbe forbearance of the board, have absorbed tbe utmost limit prescribed by statute, for deferring these payments (and one, two or three years besides, and are now leasing their lands for a nominal rental per year, per quar-ter-seotion, half-section or seotion, to neighboring cattlemen, as ranges and pastures. Jodge Bartholomew made a formal Bbowiog of these facts to tbe board and suggested that tbe state assume its pre rogative of oauoeling these delinquent certificates of purchase, freeing tbe lands (whioh approximately aggregate 10,000 sores) from the profitless ocon panoy of tbe lessees of the delinquent owners, and put them in snob oondition as to be again salable to bona fide buy ers, or accessible to lease, for periods of not greater than one year, to tbe same or other lessees, with tbe revenue there from Booming direotly to the state, rather than to people already largely in arrears to tbe state school fund, ' Tbe board discussed tbe suggestion fully, and made an order declaring tbe cancellation and forfeiture of alf such lands, the certificate-holders of which bad transcended the statutory require ments of final settlement within six years. As fast as tbe lands are freed trom their present resouroeless attitude, tbey will be plaoed upon the market for sale or lease upon safer and more profit able terms. LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eralneat New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A Slo com, of New York City, demonstrating his' discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of tbis paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely ubb, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial ot his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, baa produaed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and cod- sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt : letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write toT. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. . Sufferers should take instant advan tage ot his generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. F01tYOU! . Now Prepared to 4o Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates - - Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices ot any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, back ;work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ing work that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is. not a oharity ooncern but it you will give us a chanoe we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from home the foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But when tbe goods were bought at borne we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When tbe printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 660-tf "The Reffulator The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STE-lEISS "DALLES CITY" AND 'REGULATOR" at NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and ny virtue of an order of sale, laaned out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow county, the undersigned as guar, dlan of Wtnnlfred Gilliam, Archer M. Qllllam and Lester E. Ullllam, minors, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1W7, proceed to sell at private sale for cash In hand all the right, title and Interest of the above named minora In and to the following de scribed real estate, situated In Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit: The east half of the northeaat quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter of sec-Ion thirteen, in township four, south of range east W. M.. together with all the tenementa, hereditaments and appurtenan I ces thereunto In-longing. Dated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 1897. mm ANN1K OlIXIAM, - Guardian of the amive named minora. GRANT COUNTY MATTKR8. How to Care Bilious Colic I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach oaused by bilious ness and had to take medioine all tbe while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whiob cured me. I have sinoe reoommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairbaven,- Conn. Persons wbo are subject to bilious colio oan ward off tbe attaok by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Conser & Brock. LITERARY NOTED. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IAND OFFICE AT THE DAIXF.B, OREGON, J Oct. , IK'.(7. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler haa tiled notice of his Intention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Novemlwr Vfli. imw, vlt: Al.HKKT T. WOOD, This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights Its trains by eleotrloity through out; Usee the oelebrated eleotrio berth rend ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped pasaenger trains verv day and niiflit twtween Ht. Paul and Chiongn, and Omaha and Chicago; the Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder In Oregon. BUB8CUIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. (Ham pie copies free.) Raral Hpirit and Oanette both for i.1.00, oasb, at this offlce. Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & BBS Also operates tm-heUd veatibnled trains, carrying the latest private oompartment oars, library bunet smok ing rani, and pal are drawing room slaepnrs. Parlor ears, free reclining chair ears,! and the very beat ilioms ouair oar service. For loweat rates to any point in the United Mat. or Canada, apply to agent or addrese O. J. EDDY, J. W. OAHET. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. Caveats, and 1 rade-Marts obtained and all I'at nitbuuiwMcnndacUd lot MoototTf ftta. oua Ornei la OsveaiTt O. a. FaTinvOrrtes iitf ca w. ui micii w iua tuua U4 Uw baud modfi, aiaoius nr pnmm, wua onmp tlna. Hi aJviu. If paimiaUe or a., lira ul Jiarira. l ikK du till rwirnt Is Sfrarrd. i a tianiuT, "ll.ns loiif.iaia rioi," ml rl uai la Iha U. S. aad Ul eiwalnw tot In. A.UIrrta, C.A.SNOW&CO. rx m ..... rt . mi iinikiM. n sanv wsi al Hd. K. No. H.S71, fortheNWla WM, 'u nku NKi NWi Men. ia.Tp. 1 H, R il, E W M. and I Ha names the followlna wltnensea In nrnv his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, via: John Cochran, Edward L. I'adherg. Walter B. Caaaon and Hiram Thnrn toll, all of lone, Oregon, JAB. F. MOORE, m-m. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orrui at Tks DALi.ia, OaiuoN, Oi-lnber J I 1HUT. OTK'E IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE billowing. named aettler haa filed notice of hla Inletitlim Ui tnaka final urn.il In support of his claim, and that aald proof will lie maila In-fore i. VY. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on I'ecemher , la7, via: Jr I'll W. HI RlStiKK, I'd. It. No. 4.T7 for the NEIa, Bee 1STM8R l R W M. He nainea the following w Unease to prove his continuous rcatilcnca upon ami cultivation of said land, vis- Francla II. Wllann. Vrank Ktiaiaman, Ix.lh of lone, Oregon Korwrt Mayer I paving the and Seymour I". Wilson, Uitli of Douglas, Ur- I . o. JAB. r. MOORE, Reflsier. Timber Culture-Final Proof. From the Eagle. Geo. F. Ward, of this city, baa been appointed district deputy grand ohan oellor for Uermion Lodge, No. 40, K. of P., by Grand Uhanoellor Otis Patterson, ot Heppner. Y. O. Kelly and Ves Hinlon returned Thursday evening last from Heppner with large loads ot freight tor our mer chants. It took them muob longer to make the trip than usual, owing to the inclemency of tbe weather and heavy conditions ot the roads. VV. M. Hudio, tbe Liong Ureek mer chant and stock buyer, returned trom tbe John Day last Friday, where he had gone on s oattls buying trip, tie in forms tbe Eagle reporter that he pur chased ot D. MoGili and Henry Trow bridge, ot Izee, fifty eight bead of three and four-year-old steer for wbloh'hs paid $32.00 per bead. These oaltle will be fed in Foi valley this winter on wild hay, and shipped to market in the spring. Henry Dust in, and Mrs. 0. B. Duitio. of this valley, bought last week of Jas. Bible and George Htege, of Cottonwood, six hundred bead ot ewe lambs, sod two hundred bead ot old ewes, paying 12.00 per beat! all round. Tbey also bought from Einmett Bsrr, of Peat creek, seven hundred bead of old ewes. tame prioe per bead for them. These sheep will be winter ad in the large past ores of Hon. O. 8. Dos- tln, near this city. Mr. Anthony Hope Hawkins, tbe au thor of "Tbe Prisoner of Zends," proves, on tbe oloeer aoqusintanoe wbiob bis visit to this oountry Is now yielding, no less attractive as a man than as a writer. His public readings from bis own works seem to give bis large audienoes tbe highest satisfaction; and in the busy oourse ot friendly dining through whiob be has been put sinoe be landed be has shown himself tbe kindliest and most unassuming of guests of honor. Mr. Hawkins is now tbirty-four years old. He begao life as lawyer, sod in 1892 be made a vigorous but tuocess- I "'dm Dedication. Bishop H. L. Barkley, D. D., of Wood burn, Oregon, will dedicate the U. B. obnrob bouse, at Pine City, on Butter Creek, Deo. 19, 1897. Dedicatory ser mon will be delivered by tbe bishop at 11 oolook, Sunday. All are invited to attend. Rev. J. T. Hoskins. P.E. . A fatal acoident ocourred Thursday evening at the Elkborn Bonanza mine, near Baker City. In some unaccount able msnDer James Cagel ignited some giant powder and the whole magazine exploded with a force whiob almost jarred the mountain. The unfortunate miner was killed aa if struok by a light ning bolt, bit body being msngied iu a frightful manner. Thomas Hopkins was painfully, though not. fatally in jured. Beantr la Blood Deep. Hrnn blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood ana Keep it. clean, u stirring un the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to baniah nimnles. boila. blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty tor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. CJbas. Mewell bas disposed of bis pa per, tbe Harney Valley Items, to Messrs. Leonard ft Lewis, wbo will continue the publication at Bnrna. Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept 8nnday) at7ua.m. Leave Portland at 700 a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAT, General Agent. Pacific Co QUXOK TI3Vt3EI t TO So.n Franolsoo And all points In California, via the Mt Bhaata rout or tbe . Southern The arrest high' IntaK of the Paoi&o Coast. Pnllman Buffet eleepera. Beoond-olaas Sleepers Attached to aZDreaa trains, affording annariar accommodations for seeond-olaaa paasensrara. For rataa, ticket, sleeping oar raservationa, to,, onll npon or address -R. koEHLER, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Sen. F. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon ar thronffh California t all points Uaat and sonth. Urand Hosnio Route Those who desire to build should not forget that 0. E. Ranous, tbe con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. 6Utf Every new subscriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive as a premium a book worth alone the price of the subscription. ' tf Come in and subscribe for tbe "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. Ton don't want to miss a whole lot of good, bard reading I mat is now Deing published in our '"Only." mm 11 Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY 8TATC SCHOOL IN KAftTCRN OHIGOW Jim ft! irnnm m A III: H i)u uiiiiim n u s Keep sUBBpanfl Bel BicH. tiik woou iu:com Tells Yen Hewte De It. Land Orrus at Tms luixas. Oaauow. Nnvrmher ih. luirf. foTii E is ntRrnr mvrx that am- iv drew Carlann has fllad notice ol Intention to mas tlnul pnnif U hre i. W, Mormw.Coun tvelnik, al hla nrtiea In llrppuer, Oregmi, oa I hurtdaT, the Idlh ilar ol livreniUr, w7, on tlinlwr ciiltur application No. for Ilia luirtli-eul i)iiartrrn m lion No. ?, u tow p till u No a south range Nil. Jl Mil W, M. Ha name aa wIIiimm- rrank A. Lumlrll. Ainlrew An l.-raon. Olirf kminii anil Jnhn Jiluison, all of UooMlwrry, (tf..ii. J Ait, a. MiOKa. i1 krt later. ME 111 THUOUOH CARS. TO Hr. PAl'I. MlNNKArOLIS m'l.mu fAHOO nrxrK VUKLKNA TWketa laanad tn all points In th United Hlalee and Cna.ls. tjt'lCK TIME TO. (Ihicaimi WAaHiauTiiS lUunwoaa Ntw Vims hvrrtui All cither points is the Kaat ami hout least Omaha KaaaAS Oitv Ht, Jew ar Mt. Lmns L lksnM ty a special srrargetnetit we nflr to our reeilsra The Wool lUcord and Herat-Weeily Osietie, one year for 3.00. The Wool lUoord is the only nation si wool organ and covers the wool Industry Irom tbe raising of lbs sheep to the sail Ins! of tlia tnaeilfeiiirt arllnl. Ilia pablishasl weekly at New York sad Ibe regular price Is 1 U) a year. Its niaital rHirU are lull ami complete ami Its Hlieep lliee.lera' Talks aloes are woilb III limea Ibe price ul Ilia peiwr, Harot'le eoptee nn spplieatiite. Ueliarlily reonuittMBtl Ibis cmild Baling to oar sabsontiere. IVput ra al ML I'siil, Miattespuliai, Kansas Cltr, Oroaba, HI. lxnts and ether protnl neat pianU............. lWiaie checked Ibroegh to deatlnatloa ol It. kale. Thrmiak tlrkats to Japes ami Cblua, vis Taeoraa and Northern rartSs iteam ship (Jompaoi's line. fat tall Information, lime earila.Mspe, llrketa, etc sail ud i-r write W.C. AWAWAI, A. 1.CLTUS. AkI N I. Hr. AsetOen.raae. Al TbslaUre,(,irI l ottland, Or 5WK.INE FlLU i NORTUF.RX MiSOS 4 milT SllffPARD UJ MOUNTAIN MlLWiTS Tbe Only All lUil Ibttte Wtiboet Chanse of Care lUlweee hH.kaoe IlMalaed so4 Ntoo. Alse Ulw Kelaon sal K.iMlaad, dally eirwpt Sunday i Artlv a. ii A. II .... ft.4m , . Su r M tun A M k,a .... ... sa r. i A , N-i.-a . . r M. l.aa .kr ml !-.- lit, mmmtn fi aaM, and an a. t i-i.' l XI IS l.a'all mt fti.H .ft.. I tMri al k)rs witii tilt. Timtr CultureFinal Proof. l'iTsa wttTsa I. tan Orrn s. The liallra, tirM.ni. hor. Ii. aa7. NOIICK IIKHKHY ,l aM THAT fKKD erli k I'. 4 alneaa haa Slnl nolli-a of liilen. tlun l make flnal prl belum J. W. Mrmw, t iiniitr elerk, al his nrhr. In llenr umnn, oa Wr.liiK.Ur. Ilia iUv Im-emher, W, on ilmlr eiiltnrw ai llruoii ha, lw. lurlhe "1 cinarteri hi sn u.iR no t. in mwnihip Ma j N.uih Harww M n . w. M Ma iiarnp aa wlluraM John T. King. Ho ma iii In V. kin. IhoniaaJ. Mtlllialu) and Jusvph Huakra. all wl lima. Oregnn, . t. M.M.aa, WJ ail. kewtiter. Deafaeaa Caaawt te Cared by looal applioalioos, as tbey sannol reaoh tbs diatased portion of tbe ear There is only one way to euro desfness. and thai Is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by so inflamed oon ditton ot lbs mucous lining ot the eusta chian tube. VTbeo tbis lobe gets In flamed yoo. have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire- ly elrsod deafness Is tbs reealt, end un Im Ibe iofJsinmetioa oaa be takes ont and tbie tube restored to its normal eon dtttoo, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine caeee ont ot ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing bol sa in flamed condition of the aiooooesorfansai, We will give One Mondred Doilare for any reae ot deafness (cans! bv eat arrb) that eannot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Core, Hand far circulars free. F. J. Cbeeey do, Tuleda, U, (ITHold by druggists, 75c AlhUlMSTKATVirS NOTICE. I.liTATK OF WH C. I I MiMlna is hrrrl.r AKKRA Mt( Ar . . -- , v. . i . . -1 i e4ktiiillrattin on II. aaut ui m C Akara, lf-rl, mm granud to the eaileraigu4 I Ilia MH daf of tk btlwr, wl, l,f Uia iutllil, t iiurt id Morrow I omiiIt All mikihi h.li. rlalma eaaliirt aald eaUU an rr-nlrl tolnbll ll,ia I., m lor allow aiH, al tav ksoiiM near ummmm. MiKrirw 1 ouiilf , tHi., wiikia alt M-Mlii iM Ik nafta ol Ihia Kotlre ot llitr akaii ha lottra. li '-l tlil Srth daf o4ti tlr. 1T HkjAll I. At. ISA, AdinlnkMraliw. Hotice of Intention. Laaa Orrn a at Uuatte. Oasao Bov , ar. NtrTii t is iiisrur tuvw tHst ins following MmU Mti kaa Sla fcvtlr. ol hu Inlriilioa I-. Mt, Snal ff4 la ,u..nl httriaiiw. 4 lhl taM tfn4 will to wovla to Sura ttMiiity ft lffk, klorr.iw logniv, HfT, al H uf. (f' sa al, u Jiir Li t KM, H I t a mi M - WH aa4S pw .iifiwnr-n M n m I Ha I4mw inf tlliwart to rwe hla rrthiinwHia fta4'lafcrw efa aa1! eiitlitoa ft Hid land, ! A,dw i ton. An Km amitn J..b A Waddell a ad ua-ura Halt, ail t4 He'ftwf, lirrfoo. S f Wta. v" et tk ttM Htsiiate fur the FattHme Hlmpte Aeenanl (Me ptintsd at Ihe Oaselte ot- II. attoi'T AO vmnaixu. My eoeetwe la owing te liberality aJvertlaieg.tiobert I too oar. Keeping everlastingly at it bring eric- oawa. S. W. Ayer A Ron. Tbe road to lortane ka tbreng h pnn- ter's Uk.P. T. Pare sot. Soroses depaads npos s liberal pat roe - ag ot printing offleee. J. 3. Aator. fretjaaet ae.l aooaUst aderliais broaght me sit I owe, A. T. Htewart, Ouaslant nad peratsUal ad?riuMag U a sure prelade te weeitb. Blepba Olrard. AJverlising ts like lrls "a little Is a dan (at out tblag." P. T. tUranat. AdmMainf la to baelnass what aJfar- Iteiag is to enaortiaery lb graaw pre- pwJUaf powevrMaeaalaf. I axwll a anna laibk of oVdng bwai aeaat wilaeel stavks a wit hoot advert log Joke Weeuamaker. tl an la vita ane dollar la baai- aaaestxtald lavtt eae d.4Ur ta adi lining that butisva A. T. tMcwaH, ful eaovsas for a Liberal neat io Parlin- ranot, Whil wailing for olients b be gan to write atnriee. II mad bis wsy but slowly st first; b bad been writing roar or Ovs years before be sobieved a pronouooed suooes in "Tbs Prisoner ol Zeuda." 'Tbe Dolly Dialogue" fol lowed and eonflrmsd bis popularity. It is so intereatiog fact tbat wbtls bs is visiting in tbis oountry an American mtgaiic will begin publication of a se quel to tbs story wbiob was bis great success. MoCl ore's Magaiine for De cember will oon lain Ibe opening chap ters ol "Ilaperl ol Ueolsaa," a new Zeoda novel wbiob contione lb histo ry of the love aod adventure of Itudolf RaMeodyll and Prinoee Flsvi. Tbey were eitremely oggiog paople a tbey presented tbemselvM la MTb TriMaar ol Zends"; bol tbo wbo hv bad V privilege of reading the new story say tbat tby ere still mors engaging In It, and tbat lbs serieaof aJveotora through bicb it earrt them la oa to keep reader silting np nil night- Tbs story baa bare illustrated lor MoClur' by Iba aatbor's prnasl friend, Cbsrle Dan Uibaoa. Located on the O. B. A N. Railway midway between ' Pendleton and Walla Walla. BtodenU admitted at all times ol tbs year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal snd Instrumental Music laoght by competent instructors. A gradu ate of lb Boston Oontervalory baa obarg ot lh loslrnmental depart ment. , Xlio XrficllcK' Boardlnc Hall Is thoronghly equipped nad offers ei oelleot SMoinraodsiiona at ressoosbl rate. Bead for eatalogoa. Addsees M. G. ROYAL, President af Faculty er P. A. WORTHING TON, Seoretary Beerd af Regent, Weston, Or. JVttoriiovM cit Lci'w, All bnaloeaa attended lo la a prompt and setiafactory manner. Notaries i'sblic and Oollctors. BETRIER, orrici is ! I SATTEB t BCILDIKO. .OEEOON tie ee ta svk. Aa abnt-a)Uidd yonog la.)y nf la a en I to lb autre for Hir. Bb gave lb slerk, billy Coma, what b aua-1 pud lo b a pilloa slip, Tt lk be- I a t pat mm nmr Into II sad all a art arpttaad to se II empty aa tn floor. Tbe slerk tbae tbat tbe dalsly b bad two oallet, rb beisg lrmd wilb natbratdary. Billy faialed aad tbe taadaal yeang !.! weal butt oa a doable quiet trot. PnlnmhiA Dtrnnnnrl 1 lUlUIIIUld 1UU1 (111U1 iiima4iak I 'a i hIIIImI Kf ill Kill 111 ftUVII JV Ta Mllllaia tear. Vtoa wtka Kv, ley, 4 hut assin. H neawa the re aalwfUd, 1 H .'iU i-f tha I a l'-d Male are nW bttviM I mrwm taadr ('aiksrtie at Ihe rata t4 IwwannlMit, tea a vr and it iU hw threw wiiilnwi rv lara N w Var a. Il Ineana inn ttrnrad, that ( aw a ret a are Iha land tiMful rl rlatnt f. vertUml, I to hi rMM4 AH diwa'U lot . Z., StK U-a, rata fwmiitmL WHITE COLLAR LINE. BBataaaajaBBjBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBaajJg Attn wkav w rSfttv w aj a a vba . . I a aW u u Sbuen TUD'CONE, BAILET GATZEBT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Aider Rtreel LVek. Portland, fnr Astoria, Ilaaeo, Loag IWmb, Octtaa Park sad Nahcott. Ihreel soaneetioa wltb llwsea aUaaar and rail Itiad; ale at Toeng's Hay with fAeashors Hailroad. Leaves Poftlaivd I IN, baliy, sad Swaday. Uae Atta 1 1. M. Iktllf . tew4 Saada XlAZXiBT OATyjnriT Leave (orUand S I, kt lallr. ee.pft enndaf. ".hrtif Slaht. II P H Um AMnrta t It t A, M., aaewtd SatHlai and ktwadaf. tn.tmmt siaht, I f. M ooban1 xxrk.-rm Laara fwruaad aad rant Slew-ft ta llwarw. Twwdaf end Tharadav ( I A. M Paiaedav al I kt Laavaa Uwmm a td aadaf a4 rrWU, Ml a) A. tt. Vm ikut aM al t. U. Pd,T-t CMtt! g lihd Nkilki Ui ltuh$ fm if Etpn. rw Safety, Sewed, Cwaloet, riaaanr. Travel ea ta Taleetowa, U11 Uataa1 aad mat Wav Far al real.UtK rrMly llara I aad gond allwa U Ul a. I tb-ap o I eaay Urma. Call al ottlt. Utf. THE PALACE IIOTEL BAK, J. O. BOROHlS, Pro), Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.