Poor aid Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better in Every Way A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like 'work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and. I. was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and Is able to sleep." Miss Abbih J. Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass. Sarsa parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Hood's Hwl'e Dillc re the best after-dinner 1IOUU S fills puis, aid digestion. 26c. . Take Notice. 1. The sum of live cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cent a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A FEW REMARKS. From the Pea of Bport Who is let Wielding the Faber. The cow nuisance, so earnestly objected to by all who do not own cows, haa broken out afresh in the shape of a couple of cayuses that stand around on the sidewalks all niht and disturb weary denizens who want to sleep. Tnese "var ments" ought to be corralled and sold to the Linnton sausage works before they get $90 worth of front yard inside of their worthless 12.50 carcasses. Sport hears that the town council will take action regarding fire protection and will en deavor to get things In good shape to fight a good blaze. Our good old friend, "Whispering" Farns- worth, like many others of our sheepmen, is busy looking after his bands. It is necessary, for the weather is quite severe. John Cooper, who stops on Ed. Matlock's old corner, lost his hat at our excellent masquerade Thanksgiving. Come to think over the matter he was not the only participant who had to go home bareheaded. Thii petty pilfering must Here and There. See M. Lichtenthal for shoes. a Barney Doherty wag in town yester day. "" Ben Steevers oame up from Arlington Sunday. . :. Jay Ball was in town from Goosebeny yesterday. J. N- Or ad dick was in from Eight Mile Saturday. W. 8. Hnusnker's children are siok with tbe measles . H. C. Coroin was down from the mountains yesterday. Banous is still on the turf doing a lit. tie carpenter business. tf To trade A Bood heating stove, for oordwood. Gall at offioe. tf Tbe Orange Fro tit is dow prepared to serve fresh oysters in SDy style. 92tf Bathe down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 oents. Orville Jones manager, tf Congressman Ellis and family left Portland Friday via the N. P. for Wash ington City. Girl wanted to do housework. Good wages. None but the best need apply. I Call at Gazette offioe. 83-tf Any one deeiring to build either a bouse oi barn will make money by (jail ing on the Gazette offioe. ' 67tf Paul G. Bates, of Portland, special agent of tbe Penn. Mutual Life Ine. Co. , waa in Heppner over Sunday, T.-M. : Hon . J. F. Moore, register of the U. H. land offioe. it confined to his home oy a severe case of tonsihtis. Best aooommodation and oourteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Stt., Portland, Oregon. Rev. J. M. Sbulse, formerly pastor of the M. E. church at Heppner, is sta tioned with the church at Brownsville this winter. Gall on Tom Howard tor gloves. No better line in the rity. He keeps both lined and onlioed goods and bis stock is large. You oan get just what you want. Come to tbe Gazette offioe and set a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot get your business card printed thereon. tf C. P. Marshall and Frank I. Bhurte arrived from the Mitchell section, where they had been looking alter the Interests of Tbe Mutual Life, on last Friday night about o'clock. They broke their rig on top of the hill between Hepp ner and Rhea treek, and had to walk tome four miles. Herbert Blakway, of 8ummerBeld, Marihall county, Kansas, near Kansas City, a nephew of Gov. Ret, Is visiting hers. Herbert "took In" Bait Lake, Ban Francisco, and other Western towns befort coming to Heppner. At present he It the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrow, of this place. E. D. Fltsalmmoni, and wife, of Victoria, B C, are here temporarily, Mr. Fltulmmons com tug bare for the purpose of prospecting the Wll low creek district He was here tome eight years ago and left with a good Impression of It, though at that time he took no claim. Mr. Fltulmmons It an uncle of Robert FtUstmmoitt, the pugilist. Frank MoFarlaod bas beeo appointed apeeial agent of Tbe Equitable Life At toranee Co of New York, tbe etrnngeal to tbe world. Caab surplus to policy holders of over t.'J millioc dollars. 1W take Insurance without aoeiotf tbe Dew plans of the Equitable. Insure both sexes at tame tvttea. 77 If Dr. Joho W. Rnsmut, of tbe "Red light," ever en tbe alert for something sew, eao furnish yon the finest cork tails ia the land Slanbatteo, Jersey Yermootb or Gio mad by an artist In the butioeat. Drop ia and take th taste out of yoar mouth. It Quite a lively eooteet ia going oo out at Uardmaa over th postoRlr. Mr. UUakroan. lb present iaeumbeot. hat p til too oat wbkb f reel log oamernus wnatarrs, and Milt Wiwii, alao. bring tlfongly and aomaruaaJr endow fur lb same plscf. Either parly wool ao doubt give aatiafaotloa as Ibey ar both well qualified for lb poaitio. T-M : A deewioo of tb saprtm court la the ess of lb Dtoa Herd war Co. ta a serious eel bark to th stat bnarj of Dqualitatlne, and In feci InvaliJale lb eto( thai body. If lb board M got e lot bed with Mtbonty rale a roanta wbr eoeatry embnf. Itla bar ftegleeWMi to eoenply witb lb law. II I deprived of all power that toald bo baaafleial to lb tal at large Low Tillard, who owned Binr.er until he ate his head off devouring Montana hay, bas changed stores with R. C. Wills' raspberry joint Mr. Tillard will continue selling "Tom St Jerry" aud other merchandise, fully war ranted, the same as usual. Mr. Wills proposes to combine his candy and grocery stock with his goods in the Heppner brick, UBiag the old Tillard stand for that purpose. Wills thinks that he will have the best store in Heppner, to Ub inches. Judge Bartholomew thinks that he has a sure shot rule that will pick an Oregouian out any where. He says that an Oregouian will burn up every stick of wood In sight and never pro vide for the cold mornings, while a Missourian, or any of Mb Eastern cousins, will fetch in a fine pile of nice kindling, some dry wood and the ever necessary back-log, all ready for the next day. TheOregonian will then hustle out early and profit by the thoughtfulness ye jankee by turning the outfit to good account. These Oregonlans are rather improvident but they are great managers. Geo. Conser, in the course of a walk through the north part of town last week, found a small boy unmercifully beating a dog. George, ever sympathetic, tried to get the little fellow to cease thumping the poor canine but to no purpose, till finally the boy had to stop for want of breath. Then George had a chance to make himself heard. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for thump ing your poor dog that way?" "Nope." "Well, you ought to be." "I ain't anyway. That dog needs it." "I'd like to know why?" "That dog's a durn populist." ' Well, that's funny. I never heard of a dog having any politics. Say, how do you know that this dog is a populist?" "Well, that's easy. He don't do nothln' all day but set on his posterior and howl." George saw the point at once, and he can tell the story a great deal better than the little boy. For the latest version of the "yarn," see George. Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves sour etomnoh, com ing up of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con ser & Brock. y S I "0a 'Mlt'l U mJ "V . "t7J 'j r:1i . J and at Iba ttw mf i - im.nif.i'ji M' ' City. Inm. a A i --- 'til it 1 Sn IImim . Hiss Mary Smith is reported as ill. Miss Flossie Farnsworth is on the sick list. Fred Rood is in town to visit his relatives. John Bueslck is In from Butter Creek today. J. M. and W. F. Cowdry are down from Hard- men. Henry Heppner came up this morning from Portland. Andy J. Cook was among Heppner visitors Saturday. Mrs. Warren, sister of E. F. Campbell, is con valescent. C. M. Grimes, the cattle buyer, Is up from The Dalles. Uncle" Chas Long, of the Galloway section, was in town Saturday last Geo. C. Rome has taken charge of the City hotel lodging house for the winter. Marcellus Morgan, known to his friends as Sox," is In taking a little vacation. Ihe Jingle of the sleigh bell was noticed yes terday and the purr of the Chinook Is heard today. John Gelnger and Pat Splllane were in from djacent districts on last Saturday, preparing for wintry weather. Fred W. Henley, of Pendleton, bat a record of 83 as a "cocked hat" bowler. This places him the third best bowler In Oregon. A brief write-up of Heppner and Morrow county, from the pen of an "unknown," ap peared recently In the Telegram. It was brief, but to thepolut. R. H. Akert brought in bit paranu, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Akers, this morning from their Udoaeberrj borne, the latter to leave this even ing for their old borne In Iowa. Joe Gibson hat purchase an elegant barber ch.irolthe latest pattern. It It an elegant piece of furniture and the Gazette does not blame Joe for ieellug proud of It. Tom Perclvel is back from the head of th Grande Ronde valley. Me brought In a fins elk tooth, taken from an old fellow, who bad. what tht hunters call, a tlx-pronf horn. Judge Lowell it over holding a brteltermof court, at which session a number of law and equity tun, not requiring Juries, will be dis posed of. Th Judge leaves for Pendleton to night. Sheriff E. L. Matlock left last Saturday Bight tor Portland, having la charge Miss Lllll Hen. dersoo whom he waa directed to plac In charge of th Burt and Otrls Aid Society au thorities. . Dr. 11 unlock picked up V In cash and a de posit check for 75 on tbe street Hatunlay last M. Peck waa th owner of th money and check and they were turned over to bits by th doctor. Don't have a tooth pulled If you ran help It. It usually hurts, and It la better to sav them If you can, but If It become aiwsssry call on Dr. Vaughau, who tut a pain leas plaa of ex tract! n( teih. What a boon to mankind! C. 8. Van Dujrn departed last evening for Rixlyn, Wash., to look out a location. If be does not dud a tullaMa opening at that place h will go to North Yakima. We wish Vaa sue ts hereof he may decide to lorala. U A. Smith, who went to Cheyenne last spring with a band of sheep, returned to Hepp ner Saturday. He bad charge ol the Yaua sheep and reports good trip, with the eierp- Uua of being caught In a blluard la Wyoming hlrn left hlut witb badly frosea fort before be could get out. A. W. fttu-rarin, wb wat so long con nor tod with tbe Oaiette as bualnaaa manager, but who Is now attending law traoo! la wublngtoe. D. C, write that he Is prog rawing aloaly with bis stodlee and aspects to return to tltppuer Best summer to spend bit vacation. Afur finishing bis law course he will return to Ore gon to take up th practtr of hit prolcaaloa. am Palmer Is located at Hennett, Colo., this winter. Me di not know r whether be will come to Heppner In th spring or not to buy sheep. It will depend somewhat o prtre tad the Inducement altered. Palmer be ssa4e regular visit lo Hppnr for th part Hot l years and with the eirptkn of one anaoa hat elwert bought bis sharp for th drive la IhU) lorellty. t W. Nor nor bee Just rwatitly repaired word of thedeata of hit Bwther wbtrb occurred t aurtlniritia. loe,ea lb let lni, and tea tloaof which was mad In Umm eel u bus leal wk. The Mrttr tearing ihe and as In toe I errled and be tailed to im1v the word a ebontd. Mr. Uttmt U tnul Um W hT dalk we HelMag Itrtgce, ( Hu'litirt" The takvn to hf born at iMretur tK lntrtt Imt !. tel4 Uefr-iM a fax e Elmer Beamen was in town Saturday. Mart Smith visited our oity Saturday. Tom Davidson, of Davidson, ia in town today. J. T. MoAlister, waa up from Lexing ton Monday. W. O.Laoy and family visited Hepp ner Saturday. Peter Bora visited bis ranou below town on Sunday. James Rrowu was in from tbe Cald well grade Saturday. Ed Aebbaugh and Wm. Allison, two of Eight Mile's suooesstol farmers, were in town Friday. Jag. Raney, a cousin of A. E. Binna. hag returned to town after an absenoe ot several months. Tilt Warren was in from Gooseberry a few days this week enjoying a socio I time among tbe boys. J. 0. Eeitbly, one ot tbe substantial ranchers ot tbe Hardman seotion, was a visitor to Heppner on Friday. Mrs. Norman Eelley returned Satur day morning from an extended visit with relatives in Vermont and Iowa. Baker City ia now connected witb Portland and all outside points on looe distance telephone via Heppner. People who enbsoribe for and read Ihe home papers are never behind the times. Many an item is worth twioe the price of a paper. Linn Matteson came olear on tbe oharge of selling sheep not bis own at Baker City the past week and returned to Heppner this morning. Ten new subscribers were added to our list on Saturday. Tbe Gazette is not claiming any boom, but its list baa grown substantially this year. H. P. Mikesell, ot Heppner, an old soldier who was in the thickest of the fray in out late "unpleasantness," bas been granted a pension by Uncle Sam. Weston Leader: Mr. and' Mrs. Ran som Lieuallen, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Morrow county for several weeks returned homeSunday. Frank Borg visited friends at Walla Walla on Thanksgiving. Frank might have had turkey at borne, but doubtless enjoyed a better feast on bis visit. How about this, Frank? Theo. Anderson was in from Eight Mile Friday and states that the snow oame a little too soou for most of tbe farmers who were very busy getting their fall plowing done. Rev. C. R Howard and wife left for Pendleton on last Thursday evening for a abort visit to relatives and from there they go to Portland where Mrs. Howard will enter tbe hospital for treatment. Oliver 8nyder hue taken ohargeot tbe Hotel Heppner feed barn and wijl fur nish stall room, grain or bay at reason' able figures. Will also do dray work and hauling. 'Bos to end from trains. tf. The Elks ot Heppner bold publio me morial servioe at K. of P. ball on next Sunday at 2 p. m. These services are said to be very beautiful and impressive and tbe public are cordially invited to attend. Elder R. L. Shelley, ot Hillsboro, who has been preacbiog tor tbe Christian church bere the past two weeks, left for bis borne laat night. The ohurob at this place ia contemplating hiring Mr. Shelley as pastor for a year. Billy Morrow received from Judge Bennett, of Tba Dalles, a floe dog on Thanksgiving day wbiob be prizea highly. Billy does not know to what particular family of dogs be belongs but ba ia all dog just the same. Tba long distaooe telephone I now in, tba connection having been completed at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. Tom Iu' gram, of I bit oity, who baa been worklog on Iba Heppner extension, cam In yes terday, having floiaheJ bis labors. R. 0. Wills and Low Tillard this werk exobanged rooms in lb city hotel build ing, f hi obaogs waa mad to aoCom modata Mr. Wills who wat in need ot a larger room for bis stock of good wbich ba will soon have In remov from tba Heppner brick. E'der Barclay, wbo will b In Qepp oer about Deo. 10tb, and wbo will de liver tba dadioalory aermoo at Oallowa oo that data, ia a very well knows minis ter and politician, holding at preseut tba position of blthop of the U. B. ohurob and ia alto a representative from Manoo eoonly, serving his second term. Mrs. Kali Hleevea, staler I f tb Til lard brother, arrivrd Wedtesdty laat from Umatilla and will speod the winter with ber relative ber. Her hoeband, Verol fiteeVe, who i master mechaulo al Umalilla, b beeo quit tick of 1st witb liver trouble, and ha gon to Sao Fraocinoo for trealmeot, and bat bup of apewdy recovery. Albert E It.l-lgh, dark at lb r ffio of tb collector of eototnt, at Portland, and on of Iba bt known politicians ia tba Slte, died at Port I sod Wedoeeday night, after ao tllo lasting 0 week. U wm 42 year old, and we boro at Portland. H was ooo deputy snperlo tenlent ot rrt of Portland. Tri bune. T-M.: About bin o'elork laat kigbl RberifT Driver went to lb jell to tbl varytblog was all right and discovered thai th loraalM 114 boen tampering witb tb lock on tb front door, wbiob they enulil Maeb by roaeblag through I hag '. Hi I'M-I I 0 hV OS, and th kef hoi bad ba Blind witb wood no doubt ia an aitMBpl to afUa it. Mr. Driver mold wot onloek II at lb lima, and did l eaooeed to getting lb JiMir op aeiil lu ii,m aftr A a result h wa n aUe to atari tbraw 80 la lb peoileullary m b ba-l el- parted lo do. MM CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE ! You have had your Thanksgiving turkey and the next thing to do is to prepare for -the Christmas Time. E.W.Rhea&Co. Will lead out in this line as they do in all others, with a fine assortment of useful and ornamental Holiday Goods. Blankets! Blankets! 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. THE PLAIN TRUTH IB0UT this firm and its business methods is " all that need be told in any advertisement. We buy and sell the best goods obtainable, and the large increase in our business proves we have grasped the right method. Please Remember That we carry the largest stock in town of every thing needed in the home and on the ranch. E. W. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, OREGON. Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. We also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. But the Only Blanket On Earth is the We are sole agents for those, having bought our entire line in June, it enables us to sell those oelebrated goods at the same prioes asked for inferior brands. Call and examine. MINOR & CO. PENDLETON BLANKET STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! In it for Business B You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. H. Howard s. J -m r T T K TT I ( wua you wuit at x. n. uowarua . M. nAGbK.l : MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I GENERAL MERCHANDISE T. E. Howard Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. e WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOBD And now tlve entire world h nows this verUct product As the Star Brewery beer..... D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, HEPI'NKR, OR., Nor. 12, 111. Mrurt. Valuer it Brock, llqipner, Or. otli: I wm racatitljr Uken with a seraracold which rntda ma very hnanw and rarulnrad ma unlit to attend to builnaaa. A friend of rnlna rallad mj attention U your Dr. Barthlow'i cough tynip and I bought a bottla, coating bis M canu, whli h nllavad ma at onra and oom pletrlf eurad ma. I aia lulijact to throat difficulty and I hava found nothing that gavs ma so much rallaf as this cough eura. I am lulormwl that It la sicallant tor soldi, bronchitis, whooping cough and all throat and lung troublvs. I bcf to ratnaln, mnat truly yours, OTIS rTTEKHU!(, Id. GaictU. 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But ara thoaa of (raaUat valua la proportion to eoat. If you want to gut your nunejr's worth ol hoiiaal gixxli In A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queenswarc At Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON-" TJ?IIOAII?H02V OO., Ws ara Incmulng our stork for fall and winter. Call and ana us. Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at Gilliam k Bisbee's Telephone Saloon, And bt th ar l"T hats anrthlna ron raa rail tor la tha Una of n alHt.ul. U (?.t. Ilul ftml.linu And hf th ay l'T hats anything ron raa rail for la tha II BlfqwRT., Hum an', iiiiwww. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Leading Furniture HEPPNER RACKET STORE .Dealer J. L. YEAGER, Heppncr's a Has Just Received a Gar Load ol Furniture. tm rixrar Mrt y rf ti o Boost tuiTis LVIH anovarij TO fowa. Will Sood Opto a Grand Display ot Chiislmas Goods. Tea ara UtIImI t mil a4 InapMi f awk Oa Mala Htraal, ia City IJoUl DutMinir. Tho Best of Everything Always on Top Ouortaoni traatmaat to all. Nioa rlob rootaa. row Tir,rvAii. prop. B OOTS AND SHOES'.., TMC fLCC TO OCT TMCM l AT MCiixisrs'xniviVH f4 aa It fsa at a Ha kaa anftalui a Ula lla that .a m aM t"" tM aH4rM Ma4 f araIMj IC Ara aiwh la l.ntri ataata fmtj. ffs'kt. aalt'la. tury . fit a "M at !. Vmn all U"f MM, ! taa mut rilM a aaaa wa Um aanaaaw, Pills SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old imm4. Mala traa mIH waalalt Tho GAZETTE, $a.oo A Year for CASH. THE CHF.AI'ICST 11. AC K IN MORROW COUNTY TO UUY NOTIONS AND HOUSK I URN1SIUNG GOODS. a ri:w iHioi;HCiUOTj;i) ijhi.ovv. 1 papar fall eoaat tlea 2 eattW. I papar goal aaM 2 eaeta. 1 apool linaa tbrw.....3 eanta. I aarl bvik aal araa rat. 1 tail knltiiof cotoa...1 aot. faola tatabnrilar bkf B oaola. 1 Him aUrt4 bor lar ban.HatohUf 3 eaoU. OTHER GOODS SUCH .IS HOSIERY. TOWELS. lMXlKERCltlEFSt,c., AT LOWEST PRICES. OUR r, AX1) 10 CEXT COUNTER IS ALWAYS FULL OF HA RCA IAS. CROCKER Y AX1) CUSSWARE IX AIIUXDAXCE. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. no TftiM. fu toiia - wg WAr vot i taunt. a a a a J a V. VAUGHAK,