The Gazette. Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1897. A few country editors of Ore goo have began to disease the pro posed currency reform measure, even before it is really known what kind of reform is to be at tempted, if any at all. The Ga zette hasn't seen in print any measure that is intended to be pre sented, except the suggestions of Sec. Gage, and no one knows that these will be carried out It is the opinion of knowing people in Washington that no such legisla tion will be attempted because it cannot be gotten through the sen ate." It is doubtful, indeed, if there is any demand for the pro posed currency measure. So far as tne Gazette is concerned, it be lieves that we are doing well enough and that we should go on in the old way reaping what has already been prepared for us. But in any event, before discussing anything let us all be sura that we know what we are talking about. The IconoclaBt, that paper of bitterness at Waco, Texas, has caused the death of three people, and another will probably die. The duel between Col. Gerald and the Harris brothers, resulting in the death of the latter and the probable fatal wounding of Col Gerald, is the result of the Icono. ciHBis aiairiDes, a negro was also struck by a flying bullet and fatally injured. Trial subscriptions to the Ga zette are coming in rapidly. You get this first-class semi-weekly family journal from now until March 1st for 25 cts. Isn't this an inducement for you to sub scribe? We think it is, and want you to try a small dose. You can get the paper, eight pages a week, for one year for $2.00, and this is not a bad investment either. If there isn't an arbitration treaty between Great Britain and the United States bofore the ad journment of this session of con gress, it will not be the fault of President McKinley, as he intends to send a new treaty to the senate early in the session, drawn to meet the expressed objections to the one that was rejected by the senate at the last session. Attorney General McKenna is preparing the papers that will be necessary in forclosnre pro ceedings against tho Central Pa- cifio railroad, which will, in Janu ary next, owe the government nearly .r3,0()0,000, so that no time will be lost in case the company defaults, as it is expected it will da The price of wheat is steadily advancing and may again reach as high a point as it did a few months ago. This will be encouraging to those who have not yet disposed of their wheat and proves that this article of commerce is mighty gooil property for a man to have in his possession. James II. Eckelb, comptroller of the currency, has accepted the position of president of the com mercial National Hank, of Chicago, and will asvume Lit new duties on January 1st on a salary of $20,000 a year. Mr. Kckels lias proven himself to be a great financier. IIcrrNER is now on tho InUm TIgraph aud Telephone's "long ditttancA" and we can talk any. where that the patrons of tho lino can reach on any part of it. Ilepp. tier is a big little town and though it may wear a 4(1 coat on a 32 chest, it gets there just tho same. A voi'Nd lUHimoro woman, di covering a dec) jog tooth in her pretty mouth, had the cavity filled with a "larlliil diamond. A dia mond ia notio too good filling for a lUltitnnre girl's mouth, says tho r.. K. Or a Heppner girl's either What's the mnttr with lleppncr? limit Las to a club o ingte-taxers that La is not for sin glo tax, at least until tho money question is diapoaod of. I'.ryao professes to know nothing about tho sioglo tax queatioa, however Look over the OaxetU'o adrer a!... .a. using common. iou win una had thirds' triors fef loterMt THE FEELING IN BITTE. It if Stronc Against Darraat With the People Mootaaa. Durrani, the San Franoisco murderer, ays Irving McQaary, formerly resi dent of Umatilla ooanty, in a letter to the Atbena Prees, of which be was at one time tbe publisher, would not last loDg in this community. It was at Butte that Blanohe Lamonl grew up from a small child into budding Womanhood. and here ber remains are bnried. A sister of tbe murdered girl is tbe post mistress of Dillon. Tbe sister who was with Blsoohe and aocompamed ber to sobool .in Ciao Fran cisco, where tbey were stoppiujt with an anut, is now a student of the Willamette University at Salem. I am told that tbe family never talk over tbe matter and do not relish the notoriety given tbem on acoount of tbe tragedy. I am also told that there is no doubt In tbe mind of any member of tbe family of Theodore Darrant being tbe murderer of Miss Blanohe. The murdered girl was person of most exemplary habits and bad before ber a promising future. A plain and unostentatious marble slab in the oemetery at Butte marks ber resting plaoe. Household Gods. Tbe anoieot Greeks believed tbnt the Penates we'e the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worshipped as household gods in every home. Tbe household god of today is Dr. King's Sew Disoovory. For consumption, oougbs, oolds and for all Bffeotioos of throat, obest and Inngs it is invaluable. It has been tried tor a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No house hold should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and youDg. Free trial bottles at Oonser & Brook's drug store. Regular eiza 50o and $1. . Noble-Filklns. Sunday, November 28, at 3 p, m., at the residenoj of George Noble, on Mo Kinney creek, ooourred tbe marriage of is son, George B., to Miss Nellie Filkios, of Douglas, Rev. E. P. Greene performing the oeremony in the presenoe of a small oomDao of relation inH menus, owiug to siokness in the bride's family the soene of tbe event was obanged at a late hour to the groom's home, but Mrs. Noble was equal to snob emergencies and a wedding dinner un surpassed in all points closed a happy oooasion. Tbe following is a partial list of pres ents, some cot having arrived cn acoount of tbe change of program: An elegant ouilt. by the Bronm'H Dr.n,lmnt.,, , pieces Dy norseir; lamp and fruit set, by Mr. aud Mrs. E. G. Noble; ohina ouds and aauoers, Frank and Clarenoe Noble; glass set and table linen, Mr. and Mrs. Noble; bureau soarf, Miss Jennie Noble; - ... ... i ptokle dish, Alice (ilnssoock. Tbe Gazette extends congratulations to tbe young couple and wishes them on a and prosperous liuroey through life together. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O , was for thirty years needlessly tortured by phy sicians for the cure of eozema. lie was qniokly cured by using DeWitt'e Witob Hszel siilve, the famous healing salve for pilus aud skin diseases. Couser & llrook. Moth Eym Destroyed. Word was received at this oflloe by telephone lste yesterday evening of a terrible aooident which ooourred in tbe Bonanza mine, near Baker City, 8un day. Tom Uoy, a son of J. M. Hoy, of Monument, waa drilling into tbe miue preparatory to putting in t blast when be struck an old blast wbioh eiploded putting out both bis eyes and otherwise seriously Injuring him. Farther partio- nlars of tbe aooident aura not given. Mrs. Mark, Pleasant Ridge, (). says: "After t wo dnotors gave up my boy to die, I saved bira from croup by using One Minute Onugh Cure.' It is the quickest and moat oerlain remrdy for coughs, coble and all throat ao I lung troubles. Oonser k Brook. A Kara Chase. The first ten yraWy subscribers aob sending in tbe oonpoo. to be tumid else where in these columns, properly fllUJ out and according lu the terms siateJ id adjacent aJvertinul, will esob re ceive a oopy of the Rural Hpiril for one year. This ia a rare dittoes to get tl worth of reading for nothing. The (ia itlta ia giviug Seaway. Mrs. M. tl. For.l, Hu.lJell's. III., suf fered for tight years from d)iiii and ohrooio eooitipalitin and waa finally suradby using lWnls Little Karl? Risers, tbe famous little pills for all stoma, h and liver trouble. ConserA Brock. "Jaok" Olasgnu got In Htioday morn ing iron) o. River, Neb, where Frank and L Lacy are foiling ti2i0 bead of sheep for the market. Tbes sherp wrr takes ovarlaaj a far as llallay, Idaho, and sbiiiwt from there A lot of th muimoa ewe r iJ o I J aim at i and I J 15 ,r hed that coal ll.i II apl tier. J. K. berr. bo treated a, .me ebiwp from Lak Co.. old them al Mod IVrings, Idaho, for I3..KI, The prle of aWp appears to l steadily advancing. T ') ('axial lMMa Varatrf, TWt .!( I faikartm ,. ,,r (He. II C C C. Ii toeun, Uritf it r luiitl amory Tb Nye family, who bar bn living rtvolly ia th Hand Hollow country, ar sow la JmIiIuU clrcnuxiaqo sod ar on lb manly. Tbi tut a Ny I s ! slick of humanity, croly worthy aliautlo of detent ppl, bat bit family shoolj properly reoelv at ttttlua al In tiaa te of lh county, HnKlwr With ('MMr!, Cold Weather Brings Catarrh. Though the disagreeable effects of Ca tarrh are felt all the year round, cold and disagreeable weather aggravates the disease and it is during the winter sea son that its severest form is felt. Each succeeding year seems to intensify the disease, so that it gradually fastens its hold upon the sufferer with a grasp that becomes firmer each season. Catarrh often appears as only a cold at first, and is hardly noticed. But gradu ally the cold returns, and it is more difficult to cure.and stays longer than for merly. These symptoms cannot be mis taken; they mark the first appearance of a disease that will develop in severity and stubbornness, and which it ia impossible to cure with the local treatment of sprays, washes, and similar applications. Being a disease of the blood, only a blood remedy can have the slightest effect upon it. S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) is the only cure for Catarrh, because it is the only blood remedy which goes to the seat of all obstinate and deep-seated cases, and forces out the disease. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading mer chant of Spartanburg, S. C, writes: "For four years I had nasal catarrh. and though the case was a mild one at was not long until I noticed thatit was gradually growing worse. Of course I was under treatment of first-class phy sicians, but their remedies were applied locally, and the disease seemed to be get ting a firmer hold on tne all the while, "After spending so much money for treatment which proved to be all in vain, 1 was urged to try S.S.S. This rem edy proved to be the right one, for it got at the disease, and a few bottles cured me perfectly. The cure waa a permanent one, and I have not had a touch of the disease for many years. Swift's Specific is the only remedy that will have the BligneBt ettect upon Catarrh." Sufferers from Catarrh should get a start on the disease before the cold weather aggravates it. Those who have ?ee.n re uPon local treatment wi i winter weather is all that is needed to show that the disease is still with them. A course of S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) will prove all assertions made that it is the only cure for Catarrh; it goes to tbe cause of the trouble the blood and forces out all tracesof the disease, Swift's Specific is the only remedy which reaches real obstinate blood dis eases; it cures Catarrh, Rheumatism, Cancer, Contagious Blood Poison, Ec zema, Scrofula, and in fact every other disease of the blood. It is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and is the only blood remedy containing no poiasn, mercury or otner mineral. Books mailed free to any address by the owiit opcciuc company, Atlanta, Ua. The Wheat Market. From Saturday' Oregonian we glean the following in regard to wheat: The local wheat market has moved np again, In response to better edvioes from EuroM, and exporter opened tbe market yesterdsy with quotation of 77c for Walla Walla, and at the close of business were going a shade better tban tins. A usual, when tbe prioe began to advsnc tbe selling movement is re stricted, and holder who would gladly bar aooepted 75c last week are now re fusing to sell. Reoeipts, though, coutiout nfflniiMitly larga to keep exporters bustling for tonnage with wbiob to ban die the grain, and obsrtnr are very firm, Tbe lleet in port is finishing quit rapid ly, and clearance for th remaining days of the month will be very heavy. Late report indicate that wheat worth 03 at lteppner, with market nn teady. It is Dow known that Argentina and India have aoine wheal to fell, to inougb our wheal may not go trior lower, it ran hardly go a great de higher tbia season. tUrklea't Antra Halve. The Beat Halve lu the world for Cuts, Ilrnieet, Mores, Uloers. Halt Rbenm, Fever More. Tetter, Chapped Uands Chilblains, Corns, and all Halo F.rup- tions, and positively cure Tile or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect latiefaotioo or money refunded Price M cent per boi. For sale by Conner A Brook. Mr. kill. Cortland Morning Tribune. Congressman Ellis left for Washington City yralonlay. Th Tnhun eipeci good work from him, U live in F.aat eru Oregon. II is eervlDg bis third term. The farmers, and woolgrnwera, and woodoattor. sod mlaera, aod mer chant, and meebaiiic-ll hi coostito roU don't ear about who ar appoint ed lo th federal offlo; il mooh lont lb tariff, blgb or low; neither are I bey lying await Bight to sluJy the "flnae rial qae-tion;" but tbey waet Mr. Kills, a their hired man, ta work for A Oixn Uiver, Th Moaragu Causl, Th fre,I.Kn of Cuba, A Ktufs fur feople-rnbliing Trasis, Last and least, oflloe-bolder lu suit Mr. Kill. Cure that cough lib Hhilob' Cure. Tbe beat eoogb eor. KIivm roop promptly. One millio bottle told last year. 4 ) disw for 2VI. Hold by CHf r A llrix-k. y Tb (Us-tu arna full stovk of Boiinili.g tolls oorresixnJene si; lis Willi uVlop to matt'b. Tb-ase desiridg sitob stationery es b their Waal l'pliJ al tbi vfttti. IL THE MlSQCErUDE. Big Crowd and a Good Time Enjoyed by All who Participated. Owing to the greatly orowned condi tion of its columns on Friday, the Ga zette was unable to give an account of tbe masquerade at tbe opera house on Thursday evening. Tbe ball was large- attended and numerous cbaraoters were represented, nearly all of which were well sustained. Tbe judges oboseu for tbe evening were Mr. Ed. R. Bishop. Mrs. Root. Beard and rtfiss Lena Rbea, who award ed the different prizes offered on the oc casion, to the following parties. For finest costumed gentleman, E. W. Rbea, a photograph album; finest oos- turned lady, Mrs. E. W. Rhea, jewel case; most oomic lady obaracters, "Before and After," Mrs. Lanes Penland and Mrs. Buriougbs, ladies toilet set; beet sus tained gentlemen cbaraoters, "Tbe Two Convicts," Dook Matlook and Obas. Manning, smoking set; most oomic gen tleman character, ''Obioaman," Wm. Ross, photograph album. Profs. Kirby and Ryan furnished tbe music for the dance and it was highly appreciated.: In addition to tbe prize characters, tbe tbe following were noted : Mike Galloway, Si Hubbard; Ben Matbewa and Fred Brock, butchers; an angel, Bertha Jones; blaok devil Arobie Mathews; , oommeroial man, Frank Natter; down, J. W. Willingbam; Night, Dot Warmotb; down, Bud Shipley; farmer, Jeff NeaT; monk, J. Carroll; horseshoe, Mrs. Eli Keeney; ookey, Willie Ball; Grecian laly, Lena Denrne; block domino, Lizzie Padberg; Turkish lady, Mrs. Armstrong; queen of hearts, Mrs. Mummers; queen of dia monds, Mrs. W. A. Richardson ; Scottish lad, JNiok Wlllingham; servant girl, Win nie Her; Chinaman, Geo. Vinson; red domino, J. Livingston ; photo gallery, Mrs. Ben Mathews; toothpicks, Mrs. Fannie Brown; spring, Beisie Estes; flower girl, Miss Hanby. Be not deoeived! A cough, boarsness or oroup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Mbilob's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by Coneer & Brock. V, y ' Birthday Party. On last 8a turd ay a oompany of young folk met at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs N. O. Maris, the occasion being tbe thirteenth birthday of their son, Owen A fine dinner was served by the hostess after which taffy pulling and corn pop ping was indulged in till a late hour, A very enjoyable day was spent. Those present were: Pearl Wells, Edna Mai lory, Thressa Flesher, Lena Qlaasoook, Abe Wells, Ounsie Mallory, Frank Ql asoock, Owen, Paul and Homer Maris. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itchinz and smartinsr. incl dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally etnclent lor itching plies ana a ravorite- remedy for sore nlppli chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronio tore eyes. 25 cts. per box ' i I ' a r - Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders, are just what ot horse needs when in bad condition. Tontc, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 23 cents per piu.kage. Mrs. Rosa Bnrgeman and obildren ar rived from Atbena Bnnday morning on visit to relative tn this oonnty. One Minute Cough Cur cure qniokly That's what jpu want! Conaer & Brock SHERIFFS SALE. 1Y VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT II oi the Countv Court of the statu of Dra gon for the County of Morrow, to me directed. commanding me to levy on the foods and chat- 14-isoi me oeiinquent taxpayers named on the dt-ltimtipnt tax roll for said countv for th years I MM, IWl, lwu, lw.14, l',t., and IWM, thereto aiuu'iiro, ana none n loiinn then upon the real proiK-rty as at forth aud deavrllwd in the said delinquent tax rolls, or so much thereof as hall satlafy the amount of taxes charged there in, together with coats and expenses. I have amy levuxi, navmg ooen unable to find any KKia ir 1-iiaiK-ia Dcmngiug m tne reapectlvi delinquents hereinafter named, nuin tha fnl lowing dcscrlhed pieces or parcels of land as art forth In said ui lists, lying and Iwlui In said Morrow county, Mate of Oregon, described aim aaaeaseu as follows: . AXT. TAI Armstrong. Thadens BWU of section tl to I north, range east W M ; tax IWaS IS at Shipley, fieo W HKW nf section 10 tn 1 south, range M east W U , tax lw SiiOO l7 Id n. Uital 11 r Moore, Wm M HKVa of section tp 1 north, ranee 24 Mil W M ; tax lwtt 90 I 10 II 00 Kraingmii, i w M NKU and K't NWIi I sonih. range jjn, and nf astitlnn iai f reaHfttaSrc.Wand NsNnWolHrr tl, til 3 SOIIIIl. ranra ft aal W W laa Imit Keeae, I T and Kodman. I T K' NHW and HKIa and HW V of section tpl north range .Meant WM; 111 ie.S Kulherdird, C V Nt HEI4 and loU I and 1 section a, tp 4 north, range 24 east w M, and lots s to la block 1, loll to IS tiliH-k 2, lots U 14 bliM k , lots S to U t.Uak 4, lots S lo IS block lot 2 toll block S, lots I to block ?. lots t to l MiM k . lots I to l block II, all ot blocks., 10. 12, l 14. I la, IT, is, all III ( aatle Him ; tax lA . , Mea.a. J Is hw V avrtlon tp north, range 27 fast W M : tax IW , 4 40 t m nulla, Heury V Ka'U serUon 2 tp i norm, ramie n east W M; tax T i"" fi w. ia. al total Eldrhlse, ktifaheth W Ht aectlon JO. I I north rallied east Vi M. tax ! Mi Klmle, Khialcrkh ks NWIaaiHl lot 1 and J sn ilon Ip J south, range 1 eaat W M . tas ! Markam. AM SK1, and Wi r l. tp 1 stHilh, rang a east W M; tax l4 (ioudr, John SWI and W't' Mk,and n 1, acv aectlon 5f7, tpl uorth, rang 231 eaat W M ; tax lw Kirk. M N NKV section 14. 1st south, rang east W M; tax IM Brock, NO lottbhak I the town of lalngtiin. u iw Mtmeii. I Inula M S block I In the town i4 I hii.. 11. tat laus Pro. D.J S loUl and block I. kins man addition Ut Henpner; la aS ... fraii. la. r L lot 14 l.l.a k IS, Ml ertmn a.l lillon to Heppner: tas tsrt Rlpln. t.- , Truaiev, KK'.secllon 12, tp 2 north, rant V eaat W M . las l' . Mallory, ( aaamt M kH Nk and ef V ae. 14 p south, rang IS aa M Ui lr. tl. re. Maury M V r, and an tlon 7and t W Inn JO ail In tp sunlh, rang aieaat f M. tat 11 4 4 4 h 106 t I K2 I t 4 11,11 M I blur k a, town o Hers. Her, tat And on Wednesday, lh JiHh day ol Decern her. IWT, at the hour nf I rli-k p m. nl sal. lav. al Ilia court hooas In said eoimtf and aiale win sell tl.e ali nea, rlle.l real ealata ai pnl.llr aiH tion lo the bisheai lo.l.u r lo eaaa m.jei 1 ui reaempiutu. Ui satisfy said nrau vmw ami acri uuig etvia, I. Mri K. I HI - Sharif! o Morma l o,, Uregon. Katlra f flsai kVttlaMl. OTir- ta iyar oit that thi 11 umlaraif nmi a.mltlrMr of th ' J-'0 0 W. wn), tra4, will mat anal iiimanl nt hi arrcMtnl with al4 law a surk .ImiaiairaaiHr, i Tuaolar. lh tih .tar .( Jani.arr al Ik uf IA rli k la th Nirvnnnn of aaldday, at that min If i unri riMm ol Murn.w ritutiiy, t irrm, , .1 i iwini ih-..ii. ar i-t tt, ! riiisr Ir'ni ,. ha l ..unit I o.iri t.4 V.jbi rmititT lall al Hwr, U""" imraili w. IsvT. ... 1MUMA a L1ia. 'I i Aaiaiiupf. CITATION. " IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, (or the County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of Hellen M. Allyn, dficcnivd To Veeta Allyn, Cora Allyn. Miaraa Kirk and all unknown heir and deviaeea, and any aud all persona interested. In the name of the state of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear In the county Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof, in HeDDner in the Cnuntv nf Mnrrnw nn Tnparinv the 4th day of January, 1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that dav. then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order be not made tor me sale ot the following described real prop erty to-wit: North-east quarter of section thirty one, in township one, south of range twenty-five east, and north-east quarter of section thirty flve, township one. south of range twenty-six, east w. M. all in Morrow county, Oregon. Also nie nuuiu-tMi quarter ot section thirty in town iu one, souin oi range iwenty-nve, east w. M, Morrow countv. Oregon. Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge the Countv CotirtV Of the Rtjito nf Orpsnn fnr me vuiiui,y ui morrow wiin tne seal ot sala court affixed, this 27th day ol November, A. D. Attest: J. W. MORKOW, 110 Clerk. CITATION. N THE COUNTY JOURT OF THE STATE OI ureeon. for the Countv nf Mnrmw. In the matter of the estate of Ellsha Bperry, He- To Hulda Edwards, and All nnVnnwn hoira uenaeu. ana aevisees, ana any and all persons interest ed, greeting : in tne name of the State ol Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the state of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof at Hecnncr. in the Countv nf .'luuvw.uu iiieauny tne tin aay oi January 1SU8, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day! then and there to Bhow cause, if any exist, whs an order for the sale of the following describe urupeny io-wu: Beginning at a stake 4x6x10 inches at a point 6.68 chains west of the south east coiner of the donation land claim of ;naries Kice, Notification No. 2109 and claim no. 4, in Township 13, South of Range 31 three. West of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence North and parallel with the East line of said claim 47 forty-seven chains to a stake 9xt0vl4 inches, thence East 2.84 chains to the place of beginning, containing 13.34 acres, more or less, situated in the county of Linn and State of Oregon, be not made. Witness, the Hon. A. (i. Ttnrtlmlnmow IiiiW of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for me tuuiny oi morrow, with the seal ot said coun amxea, this 27th day oi November, A, D Attest: T w unsDnw 601-610. Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution and nrrtnr ot saie issued out of the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon for the Countv of Morrow unrl to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment reuuereu aim euierea in saia court on the 5th nay or uctober, 1897, in favor of W. P. Lord, H a. Aiiiuam. rnii metscnan. as a of com. missioners for the sale of school and university lands and for the Investment of funds arising uieieiruiu, miniums, ana against Henrietta K. Decker, O. W. Decker and K. F. Hurtles, de fendants for the sum of Six hundrnd ninntv dollars with interest thereon from the 5th day of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and fifty dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of twenty-three and 50-100 dol lars costs which judgment was enrolled aud docketed In the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 5th dav of Octnher. 1897. and nuereas n was iurtner oraereo. ana decreed by The north-east auarter of section twnlvn nit ."v kwui l i.iiab me iiionitaicea nrnnarrv m-wiT! in uiwnsnip one u north range twenty-five (25) East W. M., in Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and aceru- costs. i will, on Wednesday, the 1st day IflflflmhftT. 1M!I7. n. 9 n'nlrwlr r, m ..U day. at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said Henrietta n. Decker. O. W. Decker and K. ft. Huirhea In and to the above described property at public suciiou io me nignest ana best binder for cash in nana, me proceeds to be applied to the satis faction of said execution and all nnati and r-oara mat may accrue. E. h. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon. Dated 28th day of Oct,, 1897. 92-601 Notice Of Mention. Land Office at La Grande, Orkoon, Him. 17 1UOT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THA THE tollowlnir-nanied settler has tiled notice nl his intention to make final prnol In support ot ma uiniiii, aim mat saiu prooi win ne made neinre uouniy vieri. Morrow countv. Oreifon ab uvjipner, ureKon, on uer,. wnn. lVJlt Via: UliUKUK E. HAYEr). Hd. E. No. 2((7 for the lots 1 and 2 and BEV NK'.i Heo 1 Tn88R2 E W M and Lot 4 Hoe S Tn 8SK29EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation oi salrt land, viz: Jacob II. Pearson, Andrew J Cook, Joseph Luc It inn n and James A. Pearson II ol liuppner, Oregon. B. F. WILSON, 596-07 Ki'ifister, ADVERTISED LETTEUS. LETTERS ADVEHTIBED Or., Nov. 29, 1897. AT HEPPNER Blake, John Bnsch, Mr Charley Deweese, Mrs Wm Esley, S W Morris, F H McKee, J H Meeks, Iwl O'Connor. John F Long, i Y Whit more, Miss Doris ten ealllni lor these letters Dleasa sav auveruaeu. t. r. n illiams, r. M. If you suffsr from any of tha W Spscialiat on ths Pacific Coast, f DR. JORDAN 00., I MarM $1 Est I8BZ. a'oansT mem sad Middle i I Brora lh t rTectso7 youlblul indiacraioni or a- M I ooniliiiiailoa of r mailt, of graai curauavpow M r, ths Ikiotof has sn arrangsd his malm I tnai ii sin not onlr afl-d imnwdiat) relief but Mrmsmnl cur. Tha Dwtnr dnn not claim to I parform nirarlas, but ia w)l-knowri to ba s fair and tquar Phyaiciaa and Surgeon, pranufpant i ui nia .nai-iaiiy iiiaesuam r Ilea. nrrklll ltiormisiiirriutiriit4troiatba ayrtn wMhontiitria Marrairra l:IHl KAN aimlv; , tn mm wffl ra. I Oslvoiir K'Mfti tifitnum of hiarfimplalnt. A Wt srti Uunramff a HtSI Tl VK t't UK ta V a nwainaiaiai irauarv. t on.nliaiuMi t'KV K and strlctlv prima. CII4HUKS VKKY kKAWHAKLX. Jnmf isrta siswillw rtm tw laxsa. L:. I ft L. -Tk -hi(ophr sr Marrlatre,'1 1 fr. (A nluabt book k m.l TiiT ton. job daw Grat Muartini of Anatomy in mmt arm urfru Miuauasol tu kia4 laiha world. Corns and tons bow wondatfullr VM I mrm uih an to aauul auklans and di ! ars caiiiatiaUv a4lm( larw anc i.A Ta LOU I'M J. X'JL ail ot wrll 1 08 1 Mart at ttr. Im 'rveif. Cat B Bfa a M m m -aalla Patterns inn stylish pattern. a-, f'Athlonat'lc. OlrtruL PrrirrV riitln. HtWaa IOa.nU 15cniU. Nor hlvht. N.m krttt l ny ptk. Sum rtiubUf mmhAnl arlis thm in BsAity titty clt of town. Aak for Dxtn. of lh cin bt Ki4 by mail from In tltrtar Nw Yock Chks0 Sumra Uktrw LtUat Fathkxi it ir nl upon tttlf ol ooa cnl lo pay ME CALLS MAGAZINE rVWhlni UrW iruritln tuUlshrd. fevAhubk r th bom, rMor) oi 1 lh oav. Horn LltMAturt. tlowboli I I lino, fancy Task, damn! Toftca, I f kttoA all lot only SQ csnti a ytar. lo I ckadinf a I rr Nticm, yrur ova m Wc f Uo any Mm, itni rwo 2tnl sUmps !k Mmpa copy, av&uroa T1IE Mv-CAIL CX5MPANY. I IO.IU Vat Hth Strwt. New York. I 15' fUta Avtimss UVlt I Yfarly aabwriiH.r to tbi (J. tftt can gft clabbitig raUa ilb 0 rapr fth. fW ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE REED k I r. . . FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles)... f5 00 Round trip 9 00 Mayville (53 miles). 4 00 Bound trip 700 Condon (39 miles) . . 3 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles).... 200 Round trip 3 50 Olez (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. aud arnves at Fos sil at Comfortable covered coaches and care ful, experienced drivers. J. L GIBSON, At Chas Jones' Old Stand. Shaving. - - 15 Ota Hair Cutting, - 25 Joe is keeDlnsr nn the ran 11 tat inn nf t.hli ihon for first-class work and would be pleased to unYtj yuu cull. d. e; gilman, General Collector Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them. Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office in J, N. Brown's Building. Thb Boss Febd Yabd William Gor don has moved bis feed yard from its former location to Jones' old stand where be will be pleased to have all his friends aod patrons to oall on him. Mr. Gordon Is accommodating, baa a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. His ptices are very reasonable. He has bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. They Are The "Mustard" MEADOWS & HATTEN, , -THe Pioneer BlactemMs HaVe Ihade SOme nlPCAltt ImnrOVAmonta It! thall an A a A A nA a 1 .a iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their Meadows Hatten are the Boys lo do S2 .THE. 1SI IE!! MRU 11B OP Heppner Each Bending in tbe following coupon by mail, properly fulled out as to the missing words, will each receive the Rural Spirit for one year. The Rural Spirit is the best agricultural and stockman's paper of the iNortnwest, "t irst come, brat served " The nubBcription price of the Rural Spirit is 12 per year, thus we are giving away $20 worth of good reading. Remember that the coupon must be sent us by mail. We will accept them in no other manner. Add name and address. The subscription price of the Gazette has been r d to, per year. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HA lalthhilly lalrnl for thrlr PMaw-rlty an harplnrsa. for th lmpmsmnl of trur.TrTi'.h'.'Lr """" n"UMi. iorih..l..iinol Am,,V.n .nhol.Dr IT Bhlt1 InferrAtlni and IT HAH .Uta aiUlMNllhclarnmrsslA tha mnst approval mvlhnrls of raitlvatinf and hsrraatlnf hit, and th pnjr tin., to ronrart tham Into III lariMt raall,l. amnoiit of niiiiiar 1.1 In all mall... wruinlng lo th farmers and illUMort, and or OYMaLill a renlurj ha held thou conOdeuc and lin. 1 IT HAM it ia thh. New York Weekly Tribune, An. tar furnlah It with th GAZCTTC.ana yaar for $2.7S, aaah In advanea. Addr- al. Ord.r. U, THE GAZETTE. Writ your nam and addrawt aa a pna'al Vrk illy, and . aam,... copy ol uUT. Do w Don't $ Put -iL0 iri j Arc II UkA All theae cao b procured at Thompson k Bioon, Ix)wcr Main Strfpt HeppDer, Orogon. ' Ta-m fwatlnua ar wall .nalr.ll with Ham., rmnt 0ll and -.v., . and pa tax n. u la Maklnf thai saruon Ilk traltng u,,n7 oU rrr la kfla ilk Um Um TOaM L'SON AmNNS, NEW DEAL ! WASH THOMPSON Has lately erected a building on tbe Ayers property, near tbe corner of Main and Wil low streets, opposite tbe City hotel, which be is using aa a ' Mr. Thompson will overlook nothing in his line FULL LINE OF MEATS AND SAUSA6ES. FISH EVERY FRIDAY-' The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is tbe place to go to get your fiDe pork and lamb chops, steaks and roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old . style. Highest cash price paid for fat stock. RHEA & MATHEWS. D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Pendleton Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 15 Cants 25 " Heppner, Oregon. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving 15 Cents. Tl? Shop two doors South of Postoffice. '' to the happiness of those who need quick repairs specialty is horseshoeing. Your Work Eight, and do it Quick, too. thi iiMimmni GIVEN AWAY TUB Semi-Weekly Gazette s aaWMawd BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. Instrucllva itorlctof th doings ol tht world, tha rard. aand II tn Gn. w n.i T.ik... Vork sZkly 1 n'Cn, wlllr?"mrtto Krw Ynil Wnnf n P " " "in u & You Want a Place to up Your Team ? You in Nccd of a Saddle orse