Portland Library TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION Tha Heppner Semi-Weekly Gaaetta from now until Maroh 1st, 1898, for OFFICIAL PAPER SAMPLE SUBSCRIPTION The Heppner Seml-Waekly Gazette from now until Maroh 1,1898, for -25 Cts.- i MiMBBif 4&JM MMfM - - . " ' Vs J Ywy '""scrlptlon Reduced to .qq FIFTEENTH YEAR fli iCLLOtS l TfiTf-rrik-tv-r n,- HOW Ttt FIND orrr I xdwaku .....- .lKa IIJU.Jl.tZ U ) . - """"'" ; II F0'DEn Absolutely Puro rUBLISHKD 'Tuesdays and Fridays BY 1 ' THE, PATTERSON . PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and But. Man. Going East? IF YOU ARE, CO NOT FOBQET At 2.0) per year. $1.00 for rii months, to eta, .or tl rao moouu, strictly in advanoe. Advertising Ratea Made . Known on ' Application. THIS PAPJKR is kept on file at E. C. Uake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo. California, where co... taote tor advertising oan be made for it. LP. F18HEB, NEWHPAPEB ADVEBTXB- ing agent. 21 Merchants' Exnhnni RniM ng, . Ban Jfrancisoo, Is our authorised his papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily except Bunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:08 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar. rives at Heppner 8:00 a.m. Spokane Express Nu. 1 leaves Portland at 20 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Urns'illa 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 8:00 a. m. and Heppner Junotion 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. iast Mail No. 2 leaves Fm-ilnnrl a -j arrives at Heppner Junotion 3:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Jf ast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and i ;r5'. ippne' Junotion 12:25 a. m. and at j. ji tiauui i iOi t, ui, - For further information inquire of J. C. Hart. Agent O. K A N. , Heppner, Ore. OPTTCIAi 1HEEOTOBT. Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the lines to that point will uuru you me very best service. SECOND See that the conponj "eyona . ot. jr aui reads via. the w lsconsm Central because that tine mates close connor-tinna nritk .... - " " . I an tne transcontinental lines en-j tenng the Union Derjot u service is nrst-class in particular. Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) i 1 ' " - -.' : ..... - i HEPPNER, OREGON. ?MRS.X:SMdl Manager.; Now. Open. New Methods. New Manage- meni. otnctly lirst Class. every Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.' SPECIAL BATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH '. firet-cl Fill a bottle or oommon glass with urina and let it stand tweoty-four hours; sediment or settling indicates an nn- ueaimy oonaiuon of the.kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble.1 . Too frequent desire 16 ari. oate or pain in the baok. is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. ' WHAT TO DO. There is oomfort In the, knowledge so onen expressed, thst Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the greet kidney remedy fulfils every wish In relieving pain iu the oaoir, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages.' It oor reota inability to hold urine and scald ing pain In passing it, or bad effect fnl. lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times oanng me uigbt to urinate. The mild THIRD For. information, call Lnd 'S 1 V Tn6Ctin- ' Bn8 hs extraordinary effect 'of Swamp vnnr nainhk. : i .. I Bau," H trains, v .We solicit VOUr nafrnrittv0 KQr in front ', . . r on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ncKet reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond. . Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wig. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. MeClure , United States Officials. Pies!dent William McKinley Vice-President.. Garret A. Hobart Becretarv of State ..John Sherman (secretary of Treasury., Lyman J. Gage vornenusui. Bliss Secretary of War Kossell . Alger Secretary of Navy ; John D. Long Pootinaster-Qeneral James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna oouraarjr 4 agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. ' Governor. ..... W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kinoald Treasnrer.. Phil. Meteohan BopU Publio Instruction. .. G. M. Irwin Attorney General c. M. Idleman Senator i -W- MoBride (J. a. Hitohell ?n"n wmrEu!.r,na Printer W. H. Leeds l It. S. Bean, Supreme Judge i F. A. Moore, . (C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge 8tephen .Lowell I'roseoating Attorney ,.H. J. Bean Morrow County Offlnials. Joint Senator... ... Representative. (Wnnty Judge.... ' OommiMioners... J. W. Bookett. " Clerk , " Sheriff " Treasnrer An Surveyor... School Sup't.. Coroner .... A, W. Gowan .... J. N. Brown . Q. Bartholomew J. B. Howard .....J.W. Morrow ,...E. L. Matlock ... Frank Gilliam A. C. Pettnys .... J. W, Hornor ..Jay W. Shipley ...,B, F. Vauglian BBPFXEB TOWK OmOCRR. Moor .Tho. Morgan V tiincUmen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. bloouin, M. Lichtenthal and J. it, Simons. H worder W. A. Richardson Treasurer L. W. Hriggs Uanhal... A. A. Hubert Precinct Offleere. Justice of the Peso W. K. Kichardson C onstable. N. 8. Whetstone Usited States Land Officer. TBI DALLES. OK. . F. Moor , Register a.o. niggs .... B.F, Wilson.., J.H. Bobbin. H W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault-House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & and the C. St. L. P. Ballroad. RATB8 a.oo PBR rAY Cot. W. Madison and Clinton 8t., cxiia.3-o. tt.t, s Magazine o For 1897 SEYEN GREAT SERIALS ooi-nov.ia a ruu' M-oon realized. It stands the nignest fpr its wonderful cures of the most distressing oases. If , you need s medicine you should have the best 8old oy druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. Ton may have a sample botlli and pamphlet both sent free hv mail Mention the Heppner Gazette and send your aaaress lo Dr. Kilmer & OoH Bing. hampton, N, Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this oner. A-,tVSr&Ai! tnt deauate Life of DudVArrf Klnllnnta ftrvf A w j . . . "ai, -uaptami Courageous." Begun in Novkmwi 3SyV)enS0B'' "8t- t" only novel of Steven', .till pupubUshed :ftrloPfhne;;w fitted .than any other m. Tliilns X Svbm Btho?l?h.V,et, R.nJu " Probablv better , recollections and corresponaence. lve an utl"rtie hUtoty of this period from his "MrMtf f. fiiEub with this Hrt.. MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Swoh. under the general title of , Ko.esime. opecially taken under the editor1 direction. ; taient I I a place PBOBPERITY IN MOBKOW. Two i m u uuuer me eaitora direction. sa beaide Fob aud Gaborteu. Hh8riook Holmes" stories, given him WEEKLY The Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York ...in . nunun rounas or Wool and U.lf . niiiioa Bushels of Wheat From the Oregonlan. : Bepresentative Ellis, Henry Heppner and James Rhea, all of Heppner, Morrow bounty, claim that Morrow county is en titled to more credit for, her products nu wae given ner in a summary pub lahed yesterday. Mr. Heppner is at the Perkins, an fter looking at the produots oredited to Morrow oounty, said : ! "Why, I handled 1,000,000 pounds of wool myself this year, and the Morro k ivmn 7TD1TUA i . . . . - WrtttYstortVUL tribute to XoOwu's OCTAVE THANBT li DreDarlnir for M.nf.!l. . ...f.. . character, will appea'r, altEough each Twiil bi TwmpT.telu itaelt Whloh the Robert Barr Clark Russall Ths Outlook will be In 1897. ss it has oeen during each of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. In its vsrious editorial de Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress; it follows with care II -1 . . . . it me important philanthropic and in- ansinai movements of the dav: ha. a unjiwr ... ' Iteoeiver complete department of relioinn. nn... LAoaaaoB.oa. . rl-,nto. ,nk . .t.- .. . ..Kegieter 'i1"-' uierests ol ueoMvariine Dome: . reviews nni....! lit.,.. - - - iitci.imo, i turnisnes cbeertul table-talk aboot men and things: and, in short, aims to give rresn iniormalloo, original observation, ana reasonable entertainment. Beginning TEN FAMOUS uDiTPnc MONTHLY MAN"AC.??. fiction that he will writeduringtn.?; ..uniiiuHuoui io another publication whl. h iV.,iV 'C. " wwepnon appear in McClub Maoazins, wmca weraangaged Irom him long ago; will V..""." Aseneioi new antm&l itnHo i. k. - . , . .. .. I o v . . . ' naoDii anatne"UtUeMr. Thimhifln.-..; "7 nuia a tne "Brer Vu- ajouu ot xruetoomnanv fn I o.mi. - .vH.aWk SHrUliOB, ... , . . I - S rf wUIUUU more, ana the statement that we had only 600,000 pounds, iooluding pelts, Is an injustioe. We also raised fully 500 - w uu. 01 wneai, instead of 285,000. Mr. Rbea has handled 3000 head ot cattle himaelf tbit year, and be is only one of several io that business. "The people of Morrow county this vearbavs made fully 1200,000 clear on their products, and are now In exoellent eu.ye. wim me promise of apother good yuar 10 ioiiow. we have had an abun danoe of fall rains, and do th.nn..ni. is covered with snow to a depth of three nones mat will do a world of good morrow County it, and does not want to lose its place io the prosperity a x . . Mfitnony Hop Brt HarU Frank R, Stockton t SUnly Weyman Will Btll hAVA Shirloa n . . . . . vaniM iU OlbljLUIEl inr maIArtllnHM.. i.t of McCluss's M aoaxisb to, One Dollar a Year The new volume begin, with November. Subrlptlon. .hould .tart with thi. numb-, The S. S. MeClure Co., New York. aioaBT aociBTiza. KAWLLNS POST, NO. It. G. A. B. peeta at Lxintsm. Or., tha Isat Rtnrt r acn monto. an veterans ar invited to loin. a. W Hmllh. I' ri If.,...,. aainuuil, K Commander, ma paper Will assume the reirnlar m.. itb the fifty fiifth volume, ACampaign Of Education :H0iU0 Get It For. -av", I . . sine sue, wniob will add o-raetl. i n.l Dr. P. B. McSWOrdS. w,'vDie'" -ol WtracUveoesa. The I Al l I. IK . . I vunooa is puoiianed every Satorday I $4.50 PHYSIC! AH and SURGEON. City Offina in the City Hotel. Drug Store, near tt nrty-iwo Issues a year. Tbs first Usue In eaob month is an Illustrated Magasins Number, containing about twioe a many pages as tbs ordinary ssaes, together with a large Bomber of pictures. ta ... - ins ones of Tha nnii,,w u it. I vi . t n . .... I... I vuioa Donrs. n in ! a. m.. and vi h dn ... 3 p. m., at rej deooa. W, A. Kirk's V or ,M D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. 'AkT' DKPflSflLLELED tummate skill. - Snch a paper l home, " arty, east of M. E chnrch, Hoatb, and 10 to ii, a. m , to 'i to o p. m., at office in ins rear ol Borg's Jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloa in tba Fir.l Nat,oql Bank Building. H Praia, s j Obsoon. tf W. A. RICHARDSON, Justtce of the Peace and City Recorder. ornet at COUNCIL CMAMBtMS To be educated one must read tha best literature. The best literature 1 expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weakly. PubiUned at 110 Fifth Avenue few York. U full of the best things.' Its Illustrations era superb; It stories charming; and It literary department ar edited with ooo- a treat popular educator. It should bslssvary nniitn. Something to Know. worm sometbioir to knn mat its very best medioine for restoring tho tired ont nervous system to a bealtby figor is Eleotrio Bilters. This madinin. is purely vegetsble. sots by giving tons lu" B8" centres in tba stomal, gently stimulates the liver sod kldnsys auu aius mess orgsus io throwing off iiuporiiies in ins blood. Electric Bitters improves tba sppetite. aids dirMii,.n aou is pronounced by those who have i. mm i us very best blood Btirifl.r ana nerve lonla Try it. Hold i,,- iwv. . - -- WW orct. per bottle at Oimaer it l drug store. Send for a specimen enny and lllnstrat. 0 prospeetos to The Outlook, 13 Astor nana, New York Oltv. STOCK BRAND. wmis yoa aaap yonr aabaeriDtiue iiA mm -- I r..p off t,Ci .0d atlUt f. U-HWlaa. W nrif nie. . mm left lap. Kir. Bnt.Dnula rw n ' mum, eetu mmtmu u nabl ear. nmtiU s, W. If , Galluwat . Or-flaule. hn I Th .ubMripilon prio of Leslie's Is $4 p m " me unparalleled otter of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- weekly one year for only $4.50. No sm-h off.r m ever mad before. No .ucb offer will ever be mad ' Jri"' ,P,, wl' - l'Ubl. ChrtMma. e, blrtlX gift, and IU b constant reminder, of II.. glv.r', kladna. ' Remit by xiUU fmler or Cher, to the y Heppner, Orotcon. W A fsot omitted In the obitnsrv notu. I.I .a ' ' w, given 10 last issue of Orsodpa Florenos, was that of bis servioe to the state. Iq tbaasrty history of Oregon be served one term as sen lor, and later be was eboaeo as couuty commissioner lor two terms la one of the ooauties lo tba valley here ba resided a number of rears. If. win long be remembered as one of ih. piuoaers or lite .lata. . , , . . . . "" nq ears mi eaut'a. rrnla kouM, pav. you In sataa, o.we nmvavanrlii and will any way la hi Una. at rraauoahla Bgurea. "h kp. 1 mmUtM a K ear. Hmnr, bWvruw ouantr Una la ireleTaa aa4ae half First National Bank SS31SSaK SSI mm avrt kii, ,iu.i. aS ama eg tafl mmn aaoae mUmm Urn rl.t.1 " OF NEITHER C. A. Rmca, T. A. Rmia, . GEO. W. CONStN, 8. W. SPESICCR, Tratarti i Cenenl Eslitt Mim. EXCHANGE i all part, of the world. rVaaldeitt I . , J. w, Hi.tnr - " - - i j.j Viae rralda-j J',"! T '" -"le -.mm mm t-n Cahlar I - . u r.M Aaa i Caahlar l!!,,,,. rw. n. ..... rtcMaipilMxa. Moa tmtl mmtmiAmt. aa left mh.m4m mmtUm mmo. k-n itarnra, I. W.. Draabw. Ilr.i bm o M ij m nan. atp. i I ue Ibrea-yesr-old son of J. A. JbB ou. ol Lyno C-oter, III., is sobjeet to oa i oroop. nr. Jobusoo says be is aaiiaumi that lbs timely use of Cbsm- barlafa'a '..,. I. u. i . nenHHjy, aarmg a savers attack, eaved bis little boy's life. He as io lbs drag basin see, a mtruber of the urm oi job&soa Bros, of Ibst plane; and they bsodls a great many paUnt medi. does for throat and Inn Hi... ... lint w . . . . I . . -.-.-. ui v Aiijir M TKWAI1T. oi H Ibeaa ki cbiaa fmm .-4.Lin-J Tbe.oU reliaLU livery aUbla man of Heppner, baa movad itU hmthl'',!m, r pood to bis call. .1 OOl Selected I hi raraa.li r. . , ,IOIV STAIllVR kr ' - "beo hi eblid" WM osoor, beoause be knew It U be superior to any otbsr, sad famous tb Ooubtr Aa. ifmm si. ... . . UK UAH BALtStt UAV ts.n .i,r . s. U. i.'J".".. KTALVt TO LKT A T HKASOSA BLK KA TKH. I teogVrnUlss tl!!y bsiidU al T H alvea splendid sslisf actios in all Bold by CuiMNir A Brock. a starts IN NEW QUARTERS vww-noa I.. A., Mptti. Dt.CmHXm. LF oa KW k.p4 br. r w.tk bar aod-r m ri.u Just North ol tbs Oevsite ofBea, where be woold be hlaiAaaJ I .11 I .. .Bat . . W WW ois wa rraj and make saw ones. A 1- I . r . IUnimlf Willi wbs Billy Oordoa, Tram awt Kullle llortct. faa coma to towa. Old siaad formerly oneupiad Ust pner, Ortao. Bought and Sold. CltcMana m4 mm all polat aa reaauSaMe Trrata. vrplas aM aadlrMed ProiM, Ul.OoQ no. Tbs Oaaatts will take ooUtoea, stple. g is ot bsttar aa sobaariptina aaraants. Asy oa owing this efflnarari settle tbair acsoaaU ia this raasssr and saa'l do it toe soooj to suit aa eknaidari am) tie laft Pif-. J. H., tiMlnw. fle.-Hnrwa, FRANK Boat as rWbar A Glaa. m. ilarrfaua (W " m sa.wi.har. " li-ft Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Iiuildera. vf , If, 8. Mni. Or, fa til w M rll . u , . TsSjS&zz rians and Est mates Given on Short Notice. All Kinds cf Ketxiir Work Done el- fcM la ak W . Hmm. f1t..R. in te.Ua. oaa rtM at a Mi aTar tan atei4ar Weila)l,.ae, eaU lalmbta. "all aa4.llal 1 1 aaw aa laft km Jerry Cobs mass lo from Baker City flpedey mrrraiog and ba been k.i k-.. J. i. Boa toys j shaking fasods with Li m.oy ld frtoads oara st h bad aot eo for Bora that, two year,. Hlaa Issv.ag H.ppna,, Jerry bas se s good daaj of the Nth aeat, as be baa traveled abost pretty ssurb. for lbs past few saoetbs ba has Uw la lbs oalfbtxbaod of Bake Oily and tJeapler, lo,klsg erst lbs BiUiaa dfaitrtots. OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave four orders -Anr Oil t imlm- 3 Hare- anj Kog. or Jim will Cd ra o o o o o o o KaH flT-f Ikavt Tea la a '.t,l,,.f. ,U P'fl wears lbs ewmuletloa r.a. aaaka sod plesaaal In i.l. ... wlJ t Ctoset A Brock. f EDWARU SHIELDS AT HEPPNER. Two Interesting and Instructive Entertain menu at the Opera House. On 1iVM. p. . . - auu oainruay evenings uawara tsuieide. asBiated hv a. " " . UV1UU Iiamar and Ohas. Whiting, entertained large audienoes at the opera house. Be io.- one or toe beet known and widely aavenised illustrators and publio speak ,D west, it is no trouble for Hp onieids to draw large audienoes where yor ue goes, and besides, this is not nisuret appearanoe in Heppner, it be ing oniy a few months sinoe he was bcre and delighted our people with one of bis pleasing and highly instructive entertainments. v mo iniroauotion of a series of splendid animated pictures and views wostrating the trip to the now famous Klondike, Mr. Shields at . once reached tne oearls of his audieuoe, and this to- ireiner wim bis leoture on the subjeot presented vividly to, their minds tbe oeautirul and picturesque of that ooun try in contrast with some of the hard- snips, dangers and privations inoident to the trip into that froseo region of the nortn. - Everything that ia of Interest is piotured out to you from tbe start at Portland to tbe end of the innm i Dawson City, the route iakim i. - " " WM - uuoeau,jjyeaand Skaguay passes, and wso via Ht. Michaels and the Vv The views oresentnrl Um M. QKi.u. nave been selected with treat cara and are shown in regular order, sivina one a correct idea of tha trin 'mm ...t . , --- 'vu sfwfaaw mv Snieh. Mr. Shields presents msnv olhar views also of soeoery and points of in terest near at home such as "Ths Colum bia River and its Environments," "A Wsek in Yellowstone Park." anrl illustrated history of the rise andsrowth of the city ot Portland, and throwing in w ana men, by way ol diversion, a scene from tbe bunobgrasa hills of Mor. row county. He is now on a trio Et whnra ill I i ... u win leoiara oo Itie reannrnea ot uresron and tbe great Northwest, sod eaye mat be will not overlook uregon either inleoturesor illastrstions mr. ouieias is ably ass isted bv tha other members of bis company and their "Peuiamea are very taking indeed. He also presents many pictures on tne canvas with that wonderful io vention.the projeotosoope, whiob sivee apparently aotual life to ever, baino . - . reprereniea in tbe picture before you iuispsper predicts that Mr. HhlM will .be very successful on hi. Rut.m ip ana no doubt he will sucoeed in in terestlng many in tbe resources wonderful advantages offered by greet state ot ours. BBIEtf MENTION. Geo, Vincent wss in Saturday. ' from Galloway in ths city from beer, on s an this Hit Hands Were Tied. "Our littls boy broke Ollt with aiam a Ws were obliged to tie bis band, to keep uiiu irom sorstcblng and hs suffered everything. We begso giving him Hood's Bareaparilla and in a abort tlms bis lace healed. He took five or sii hot ties ana has not bad a sick dsy since." uiney Houoie, Piooeervllle, tdabo. Hood's Pille are tbs only pills to taks wim Hood's Barssparilia. Ea.y and yei rtiioieot. Some mieoreant, in tba atsencs of ths sdilor, carried off a littls osokaira lables from this offloa rsoeotlv. that oseo printed for a psrty here In town Tbey ooold do no one elss any gool and me unspeakable meanoeas of saoh trick is beyond our Oomprebension. It imply eoet ths office tbe tlms trouble of printing another batch. and A Sara Thlaar f V A tranaactlou In which Sure Uilug. liliiou.ueaa, alik btdili, fur red tongiM, fever, pile aud a thousand other l is are canned by vonaUiwUoa and alUKtiah liver. Carai -U (Janil f .i h.ni n.. u """' "w vnr eumuiant ana inUtsilnal mmo are by all unmiisU a uaranteed tocura or money rafuinlwl. c. tl i: . IIIK. i FT B DOZ lA-OltV! lib. W. JUk. batuiile and book Hit (roe. Horn our bis ad. C. A. Jobosoa was op from Uiloaton. u.a aa. oaioruay, looking muob Improved, lis ill lesva shortly for Balsm to repreeeot me disirlet oa tba board of saaslisation and wo aiooerely bops that ba will Dot meet with soeb so siperienoo as hs bad last winter ia the bog protracted tick- oea thst nearly cast bin bis Ills and bas mads him oofll for business slmost tbs entire time ever since. tlreadfslly k.rvoea. , (isats: I was drssdfolly nervous, and for relief took yoor Karl's Closr lUot Tsa, It quieted my aerves and strsostb. eosd my wbole nervous system. I ass roubled b Sonstlpstioo. kidney and oowai iroot.ie. loaf Tea aoos elesoaed my system so tboroogbly tbst I rspidlt ragained b-allti sad stranstb. Mrs. H. Mwsat, Uartfirtd, Ouao. 8IJ by CifbserA Brock. Conp!sia is mads by those who bars base attending dseees at tbs ball rsosat l, that articles of wearing apparel bad baa "swipad" by soma mlsersaot or otbsr, sod it is bacotaiag quits a aais. aaaa. It Is seggaalad that a boy ba Btstiosed la tba dreaalag room to look after ths bats, cloaks, etc, ot tbnea aba sltssd sock gst barings at lbs kU aad a it this aattar canoot ba eorrectad. Mrs. Msry Bird, Harrisbarf.I'a.sajt. My tbild ia worth millluos to ma, yt I would v kt bar by croup bad I 0 latssUd laanty flvs aebU la a buttle of Due Mioola Cusb Cera." Il svagbs. el Is snd all throat and long troubles. Chaser A Brosk. . J. M. Hamblet was lone Friday. B. L. Akers, of Gooseberry, we. a tor to Heppner Saturday. Submit your plans to Ranon giving oat your oontraot. if TTI. . . . J C wnai is Hop Gold? Beat earth. See ad. elnnwh Harry Jones was in from hi ranK East of Heppner yesterday. M. tiohtenthal for shoes. Einlnai shoe store. Handles the fowl. . N. R. McVey was in HennnerHaino- last and mads this office a very pi easant visit. Jack Murray, who is interested in ha sheep bosioess with John Hlokey.was in own naturday. Fins home-mads taffy at the nrann. Front. A olean, fresh stock leave your orders, W. P. Scrivener is havinn an .nn.. built to bis blaoktmith shop which is to os nsea as a wsgon repair shop. Gov. Rea returned on Sunday morning from Baker City, where be bad been for ome time on tbe Lion Matteson osse. Morris Bsll oams down Wednesday last from Mallory's mill, whsrs hs has bssn working for several months past. 0. N. Peok was In town Saturday. He will bsrsafter be Informed on all lo oal matters by peruelng tbe columns ot tbe Gscette, E. A. Ohepel was io Heppner Saturday. He bas moved bis family to Hardmao for tbs wiotsr to taks adrantags of the school at thai place, Tbe spirit of wss "for liberty or for death." Tbat old brand of Oyrns Noble at Chris Borobers'is tbe spirit that touches the spot these times. tf N. O. Smead, of Ella, is reported to bs no better. His son, W. W. Smssd, who risited him recently, says ba is anrTerin. from something like a severe aitanb rheumatism. W. O. MoOsrty and Olvda Ralin. In from Saod Hollow, and Clyde re mained over Sunday. They report less snow out tbst wsy than wo have her. and the weather One. Ladies, taks tbs bsst. If von are troublsd with couslipstioo, sallow skio. and a tired feeling, taks Ksrl'a nin... Tss, It Is plesssot to taks. Sold h Ooosei A Brook. , Ed Bartholomew Is back from tbs UD- per oouolry after an absence from Hsdd. osrof about sig months shearing sheep sod working io lbs harvest fields. Ed found plenty of work Ibis seseon sod took advantage ot il. Ml.sAllie Hughes, Norfolk. Vs.. was frightfully borosd oo tbs fees and Deck. I sin was Instantly relieved by DeWitt'i Wilob Ussel Sblvs, which healed tbs in- ury without Issvlng a scar. II Is tha famous pile remedy. Cons A Brook. J. L. laager, Heppner 's lesdloa- for. oitura dealer. Is right io It these time. us wiu sooo have oo displsy a fins line of Christmas goods, aad is eow offetlng o ins public so sioelteot lloe of farnl. turs is all tbs very latest styles. Has bis ad elsewhere. J. B. Kssosv, tbs mail eootrsdor. waa (o Heppoer Halurday, en route to Port. land. Mr. Keener is one of tba oldest stags uieo lo the stats. In so sarly day s ss divialoo super InUodeat oo tba Old Kel loo-Boise 'rouU and la wall koowo la stsgs circles throughout tbs Nortbwssi 'Tbs worst cold I svsr bsd 10 my llfs was cured by Chambarlale'a Con ah Itemedy," writes W. n. Norton, of Hott-t Creek, C.I. Tint ookl left me with a ooogh tod I wss eipecUirttiog all tbs Urns. Tbe remedy eurad me, sod I weal all of mt frieeds abes troubled with a eoogb or Otrl.l to aaa it, f(Hr u will do Ibam goo,!." Mold by Cuoeer A Bronk, Win. Leirar was la Fatordsy from Clarks's Csnyoa, Us reports ths er nvsl at bis boos, shunt 5 weeks ago, of a bosssiag baby boy, wbleb fsllad to bs soiled by tbs priutar. It Is oevst too 1st, boa.ver, lo do s aa a favor, aa Iba (IsiMia boles tba yoaag man's tr rual at lbs lima. It shall bs tbls ps p's sadfsvor to da UlUr aest lima, William, grvfcly Say urn. Carta f aadr lathartk-, the at net woa, d fat mlHl d.eioterv ol U , r- Bl Bod rf(ehie to the) taei, ar sUy an.) p,iilv.ly oa kl lnej.. Hver and bowel, t-Snin Ilia ni.re et.trm. dlil etiWa, rura ha.la,, fe'r. baMlul rinil(tioa awt Milwns. t".mm buy aad try a brs f U V,. I ; w.v ; to, v .' Mold aad raataa4 W aura by all dritta.