TO THB GrVKS THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For, SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong; Kong; via, The Northern Pacific Htpamsbip Co. in con nection with O. R. & N. For fnll details oall on 0. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. HE YOO GOIHG Ml It so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via tug Horinvesiern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTII, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Munificent Track, Peerless Vestlbtlled Dining Mul Hleoiilng (Jar Trains, end Motto: "always on time" has given thli road a national reputation. All classes of pasaougHra carried on the vestllmled trains without extra cliarge. Hlilp your freight and trnvul over tlili famuiii line. All agents have lli kiita. W. H. MEAD, K. C. BAVAGrt, Uen. Agent Trav. P. di P. Agt. MX Washington Ht., Portland, Or. OIIIOAQO RlilwauRBB & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system ; Light its trains by eleotrlolty tbrough oat; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains everv day and night between Ht. Pan! and Chicago, ami Omaha and Chicago: the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestiblitad trains, carrying the latt private compartment ears, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawiug rot mi sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars. and the very beet dining chair oar service. For loweet rates to any point in the United Htalee or Canada,, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY. J. W. CASEY, General Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. ffllTllffl n m it. u x s THROUGH CARS. Hr. PAUL MINNKAP0LI8 pui.irru PA ROD lU'TTB HELENA TO Tickets leaned to all points la the United HUl'i ami Canada. gCICK TIME TO. CilH'a.M WAemmiTo New Ynaa llvrrAto All other points to the KmI sod Hoot beast OMAHA Kansas ClTT Ht. Ji-a Ht. Louis I'bIoo IViHit ronaeelions at Ht Paul, Mianespolia, Kaeeet City, Omaha, Ml. Imla and other promi Beat pot el Vega-ate eberked through to deellnetioa ol tkbsta. Through ticket to Jenea and Cblue, via Teooroa and Nun her a l'eriBo fleam, eblp Company's Una. For fall Information, tuna oaiJa.Kap, tickets, ti., fall on or write W. C. Au 4f, A. 1 Case..", Aft N V. Ilf. ALti). I'. Al. Tbs Dell, in for Hand, Of 2000s-0 The recent" hard times" have made people cut off expenses. This has encouraged the invasion of 4 ' cheap " bak ing powder baking powder which sells for a small price, but which either does not do the work, or is bad for the insides, or both. Honest baking powder cannot be made to sell for 25 or 30c. a pound. There are a few honest baking powders at higher prices. Of these Schillings Best is the right one, partly because it goes farthest Schillings Best baking powder and tea are because What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking pow der and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the , ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets 3000.00; if several find it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one nvelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. its EADIIIG PAPER THE CHBOmciJS ranks srMfe tk esrspapers la u united State. THJC CHRONIOLK baa nosqoel on the P actio Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and new TUB OHBONICUTB Telegraphta Kaporta art the I Meat and moat reliable, Ita Local Nawa tha nillest and iptolest, and Ita Kdtlortaia from tha ablest pena In tha oountry. THB OIIJION IOLK has always be, and always will tha frland and obamplon at tha people aa against eomblnatlona, clique, corporation., or oppressions of any kind. ItwlU be ladspaadaal la avarUUiif neutral la ooUUasV Tha Cfaronleta Italldlaav the"Eaily Br Kali, roataa raid. Only S 670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Hie Greatest Weekly h the Cowtrj, $1.50 a Its (loeladint pnMafat to any Bart of aha Oalt tatva. Canada and Matloi, TBI WIKKI.T OH Ik kH(fcMa and mnat anaiiilda Wmkiy Hi4Mf la the add, prints rxuiartf 4 aalumna, af Iwalr aaa.a( .Nswa, t.itantiira an4 Itanaral InNrina. Uunj atau a atxsnt Airtcalturai iMpartaama SAMPLE COPIES SENT FHcE. DO YOU WANT TIIK CHRONICLE Reyersle Map? aliowiNci The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico OH ONI SIOK, Aai tka Map of tho World on run oTitsm ems. In4 92 ant Oct H Mast aa4 Weekly ( tirtmlrl tiw Oat Tms, fwetafr propel.! Map aaj I'asMaa, aOl'RBMa M. M. rta YOnurt, HfffOtt A C faasWsWBPfsafaJafaj AJI vaAPKaaaajt CAa, SPOKANE falls i mum mm 4 FORT SHFJTARO nriMotmiNRtiLwirs Tba Only All.llail JUuU Wtlhool Ubama nf Cara JUIwaea HiHka, llnaelaa.l atil Nelana. Alan lwsa NatatW aal K-teelaoJ, dallv ttcp laa.iat : Art. a. F l aa r. u a I' M. M If - M..I W A.H .V.- Kasi.ft. ami ail S..i.i laiis ...his ilk tie rusts fi '' 'i a sis f.' sii.a as4 rVnsraWf t taasi asswaaa at Bafma w.ta ataaa Wi they are money-back. Mil mm&:) ELY'S CREAIW BALM la a positive care. Apply Into the nostrils. It la quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Drneglsts or by mail : samples 10c. by mall. KI.Y BKOTII KKS. Warren St. New York City. Timber Culture -Final Proof. United Btatks Land Opfics. NT The Dalles, Oremnn, Bent, 13th, 1897. OTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES H. Allen has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 8th day of December. 181)7. on timber culture application No. 2978, for the NK!4 of sec tion No. 2:1, in township No. 4 south, range No. ii east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Kelthley, Oscar Kelthley, Ed Moreland, and Jesse M. Hogne, all of Hnrdman, Oregon. J AH. F. MOORE, WBOI Keglster. GUARDIANSHIP SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and ty virtue of an order of sale, Issued out of the Oonnty Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, the undersigned as guar, dlan of Wlnntlred Gilliam, Archer M. Ollllam and lister K. tillllam, minora, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1897, proceed to sell at private sale for cash In hand all the right, title and Interest of the above named minora In and to the following de scribed real estate, situated In Morrow county, Oregon, to-wlt: The east half of tha northeaat quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter of seciion thirteen, In township four, south of range 2ft east W. M together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan ces thereunto belonging, Mated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 1897. W-80J ANNIK (111.1 I AU Guardian of the alwve named minora. NOTICE OF INTENTION. f AND OFFICE AT THK DALI.F.H, OREGON, I J Oct. 20, law. Nolle is hereby given that the following. named settler baa tiled notice ol his Intention to make filial proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner. Ores-oil, on November 29, lMW, vis; ALBERT T. WOOD, Hd. E No. !WI, for the NWV HKM, Wu NEU and NE'j N WV Hec. 12. Tp. I H, R Z. K V? M. lie names the following witnesses to prove hi. continuous residence u)Hn and cultivation of said land, yls: John C bran. Edward L I sdlH-rg, Walter S. Caaaon ami Hiram Thorn ton, all of lone, Oregon. M fifrj. JAM. F. MOORE, Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. I nitio HraTaa Land Orrira, The Ialles Oregon, October IS, 1WI7. "l"!" HKK"BV ftlVEN THAT HENRY F. Tollo. of llardman, Oregon, has Sled nittlf. .kf lllu,.tl..n . k.. -L - s.. . . ft . ... "' ... iiinse iiiisi unNii before J. w. Morrow, foiinly t'lerk. at his omo . 71 '"Mi"n. on nenneMav, the 24th day o( November, lw7, on timber culture appll- csllnn sin 314.4 ... ul. ku-i ... . ... I L :v ' . ' ' " 4 " i ami i oi sT ','a v w'u '" 4"w,,,hlP uth rne Me liamea as wltneasea: Rdwln P. Rood. Jacob a oung, Weslev W. Brannsn. and CHI ford B. June, all ol Klght Mil. Oregnn. JAH, f, MiKiRR, iun Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LsNDOrru s at Tas Pauaa, OainON. Orlolier 21. li"T NOTICE IS HRRERY OIVF.M THAT TMt following. name.1 settler baa Sled notice of hla liilention to nisk Anal prnol la suptmrt of bis claim, and that said proof will tw made la-lore J. W. Morniw, loamy Clerk Sl Heppner, Oregon, on Iwcemher a, lr. vis .. . . v J"K,'H M1KINOKH, r w m '77 ,h o It Trim lie nsmea I lis f,,ll., t.,- u 1. :. ,mipii wi prow blse.,1,1 huous realdene upon an.t riiltl'atlon id asi.t is.t.t u. i- u ftft . : Sn.lrinaii.tM.thotlu,,., Oregon. R..lwr and nvvmuur F. Wian. both of iKiiiflaa, or gn. JAS. f. MOORE. lM-"q Register. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Lb orrics at Tas lutxaa, Obsuom, ,,. Maemhr sth, lair?, KTOTIcK la NIRFRY IHVK 1 1I AT A!. to a,... S...I h , V. Morr,;; ThMr.,, ,h. lath day ol I.UsTl-r m! tlinlvr rultiir aenll.sll.,B !... '.Jl north ass! uoarlcr ,.i s.ii.... k.. ho "." P ArjT'T rra-A. tadll. i 1Z iTn- V'"1 "'" Ja "". all ul uutssflwrry, tegin ,l JAa, F. MooRK latr. Timber Vulture Jinat Proof. 1'siTsr. at.ias tup o,,,, , Tha Italleav, Oregon. Nov, It, I art V'OIICF, a iikky utvsi that Fair. k ' erica I'. ( . Inesa aaa Sle.1 hHi (,,( K.a to anal t.f... J. uatn,m Cmmiy eie.. .1 his ..flic. In Het ptter or,,,, o Ih lit day ! fHs-rwWr. IswJ on ii.iiiwreuili.r er-pltratlnn ,.,, iim , ,h i-marri of ae. lion , in lowHsbia a. ...t e .t a w m tta Ntniee at '", T Di.;amlB F. king , .uneim and "). Hughes ail ts jt.lws, I tfegwti. ae, F. Maa : ss K-gist- A 1VI1S THA IWa NOT1CK. I'arTt OF It 1 C. AIIKA. P(rtriV " ",U IS hSfetiV BIVSM. thai tstisrs ,J -lHiiMsirii,.a oa the sstata aV sa. C atsra. ",r",te " aanlsrsigtwd a ,..,,..,., w, !,, ly lii letiulr lo'irt ol Mi.rr.w t mj,i All tra.Ha ha.leg rlaiase agaJisM Mtst evtata it, stMbll them In ss aiu. sy sx.m. nmu .wft,rr ...... it. -... alll.ia alt ,to alb Ik lata .. Vbi folk , tasf Mil ts Forevwt v -' t Ikst Bh 4a Orh.f. issr" IjAsli L AKf . " J ' AailftiistsWt Mr In rin an LOCAL SQUIBS. There are some folks eooentric in The way they tell their wires. It's "specnlatior." if yon win, And "gambling" if yon lose. John 0. Brown and wife were visitors to Heppner Wednesday. Geo. Miller, of Arlington, lost 850 worth of goods recently by bnrglars. Pendleton has a case of scarlet (ever, bat no fears are entertained of the dis ease spreading;. Tom Howard has a big stook of both lined and nnlined gloves in all grades. Prices 'way down. tf Mrs. 'Gene Noble is able to be np again after quite a severe Illness of some two weeks' duration. If yon need something for yonr system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf Elmer Gentry has returned from the upper oountry where' he spent the sum mer and fall in the harvest fields. H. Chapin was down from Hardmaa Tuesday and on Wednesday took out a load of freight for Hardman merchants. J.J.Roberts has been laid "on the abelf" this week with a lame baok, the result of lifting too bard on a heavy tool ohest. Miss Letha Matlock arrived from Portland Wednesday morning and is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Matlock. Oh as. Oney has returned from a sum mer's on ting with a band of sheep and looks rugged over his few months' ex perieDoe in the mountains. . John Sorivner a'nd family returned Tuesday morning from their visit with relatives near Eugene. They report having had a very pleasant time while gone.' D. A. Shepherd, the erstwhile photog rapher, of Heppner, has returned to town again after an absence of some two years traveling from one point to an other. A marriage license was issued early this week by the county olerk to Mr. W. E. Nolan, of, lone, and Miss Iva Dor man, daughter of T. L. Dor man, of Rhea creek. Ferrey Hall, one of the largest and finest buildings of the state university of Washington, at Pullman, was de stroyed by fire Tuesday night. Loss $40, 000; no insurance. The oity of Pendleton is preparing tor the annual eleotion and candidates galore are popping up for the different offices. The eleotion oocurt the first Monday in December. Mrs. A. Matboit, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. Alioe Ladd, of La Grande, both daughters of the late Grandpa Florenoe, arrived Wednesday morning to attend the fnueral of their aged parent. Balem Statesman : It seems that the Fell who has been -appointed postmaster at Pendleton is Chag. E., father of the man who was mentioned In that oonneo lion in these columns a few days ago. But we shall not take back our compli mentary words. It's all io the family. J. Swank, of Lebanon, while hantiog in the mountains Sunday, 85 miles from that place, waa mistaken for a deer by bis fstber-ln-law, Hngb Perry, and was shot, the bullet entering on of bis legs, infiioting an ugly wound. A messenger came in Sunday night for dootors. One physician from Lebanon and one from Albany have left for Lower Lode Spriogs, where Mr. Swsnk was taken. Deafneaa Caaaot b Cared by local applications, aa tbey cannot reach tba diseased portion of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deafness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by so inflamed con dition ot tha mucous lining of the eusta chian tube. When this tube gets in flamed yon bave rmubling soond or Imperfect bearing, and when it is entire, ly olcsml deafness ia tba resnlt, sad un less the inflammation can be taken out aod this tab restored to its normal eon ditioa, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases oul of ten are oansed by catarrh, which ia nothing bat aa io flamed condition ot tba muoous surfer. Wa will give One Hondrsd Dollars for any est ot deefo (oansed by ealarrh) that oanoot be eared by flail's caiarrn uure. Bend for cirenlars free. V. J. Cbeoey k Co. Toledo. (J. t IT Sold by druggists, 75o. It ia ratuored that Oscar Minor bas recently been manafactoring soma vary eirellent tweet eider. However, tbla offloa Is noabla to stale Ibat tba romor la eorreet at onr "eMsr taster baa not yet been rtqQired to be brought Into m, ana rrom lbs I act or ibis evidsnoe Ibis matter simply rests on beamy. We knew that Mr. Minor bas the reputation of making a vary etcellsat brand ot wrt cidr. Tbe Ihraavytar-olJ soa et S. k. Joba- enn, of Lynn Ooter, III., Is sabjeel to attacks ol eroap. Mr. Joboeoo says be Is saltan.! tbat tbe timely a a ot Cham ba'lala's Congo KnJ, daring eavere allack, tavasi has little boi'e life. Ue it la the drug bast a, a member ot tbe firm el Joboeoa Bros, of tbat plane; aod by heedie a great uasy petsxit roa.U- ctossj ( throat aod Inng d . He bad all tbtate la rbnoM Iron, end skilled pbiitrlaot reedy to rvepoel to bte call. bnt slet4 I hla rmly for oast ia bia owe fasaily at tiae whew bte ebild'e life was ia daor, because be knew it to be superior to any otber, sad fenxm tbe eontitry eve to tie eere et eroap Mr. Ju nm eaya tbla ie tbe beet es4luig nags) eiedleiee thy baaJI. aod tbat M tt tea eplMJtsl eetief actio la all ceaee Hold by Cvnaet A Brook. e Deery F.TolU.W Eight Mite, eaade Deal proof o bis tlnbr eallsre before Clerl Morrow et) Wedeaedaf. Mr.Tolle flats tbat be Is wot eee el tbe frieaU oete tblt leer ee bk ev we a eery ligbt eae, bet eipc tbet Mother year I will ted bias esere favorably titoated. GRANT COUNTY MATTERS. From the Eagle. J. Keeney, who is stone blind, recently walked alone from near May ville, in Gilliam county, to Condon, a distance of twenty miles. Mrs. Ida Gilchrist, wife of Reuben L. Gilchrist, died at the residence of Mr. Abe Gannon, on Pass ortek, six miles north of this oity, and waa buried Mon day at the cemetery at this place. She leaves a husband and an infant obild. Sheridan Smith, of Peoria, Linn coun ty, one day last week prooured some nitro powder, which he bad beard was better than common black 'powder, loaded his Winchester and went out for a hunt . The powder was too strong for an ordinary rifle, and at the first dis charge the rifle exploded, the pieces fly ing in all directions, and hitting Smith squarely on the topx of the head Bnd al most sonlping him. He remained un oonsoious for about three hours, but with careful treatment he is now fast recovering and will soon be able to go hunting again, bnt says ordinary powder is good enough for him. Bow to Core Bilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with oolic and pains in my stomach osused by bilious ness and had to take medioine all the while nntil I used Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whiob oured me. I bave siooe reoommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairhaven, Conn.. Persons who are subjeot to bilious colio oan ward off the attaok by takiDg this remedy as soou as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Conser & Brock. To Kiss or Not to Kiss. To kiss or not to kiss is a subjeot which is just now attracting much atten tion in many ot the eastern oities. It was started in Boston, where the women members of a health club association bave begun a campaign against the osculatory prsctioe. The campaigners argue that kissing often results in the transmitting of diseases from one person to another. Women, tbey say, are given to kissing indiscriminately whenever tbey meet on the streeta or elsewhere, and thus liable to soatter disease germs broadcast. The kissing of babies by strangers is also condemned for the same reason. So far as is known nothing bas been said either in this city or in Boston against the kissing ot a pretty girl by a good-looking young man after they bave plighted their troth. 8uob games as Copenhagen and postoffice, however, whiob are played at oburoh sociables In the oountry solely for the opportunities for indiscriminate osoulation presented thereby, are strongly condemned. In Pennsylvania a kiss caused a strike tbe otber day. A young man kissed a girl in tbe same shop and he waa discharged for tbe act. Ilia 200 fellow-workmen protested tbat bis offense was not suffi ciently serious to wsrrant bis dismissal and when tbe employers refused to re instate bim tbey struck. This it not the first time tbat a kiss hss caused trouble, nor will it be the last. 'Tbe worst cold I ever bad in my life was oured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes W. Q.Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cel. "This oold left me with a oougb and I wtt expeotoratiog all tbe time. Tbe remedy cured me, aod I want all ot my friends when troubled with a cough or oold ro nee it, for it will do tbem good." Sold by Conser A Brook. Tka Company Htraadtd. Wm. Marco and J as. Stewart, tbe lead tog men in tbe Thompson A Drannan Dramatic Co. tbat went stranded at Hrppner the past week, departed lor the main line on Wednesday moroing. Tbe boys gave two very ereditable per formances on Monday and Tuesday evenioge, at Armstrong k Cooper's and tbe Belvedere, respectively. These per formances helped tbem to gel meant to get away from town and tbey expected to etop at Lexington and lone on tbe way down where they would receive a little more aeslstanoe, showing one Bight in eaob place. Tbe balaoue ot tbe troupe got out of town the beet way tbey oould, tbe bead ot tbe oompaoy, Cspt. Drannan, leaving oo Tuesday evening. Tbe thow wsa not worth palronlxiog, although tbey ware met by Urge erowd oo the first etsoing, aod it it little wonder tbat tbey failed ia a fioaoolal way. Hepp ner It faat gtttiog to tbe front at a plaoe for thow Companies to break op and tbia adds another to tbe liet of one-boree affair! tbat bave managed to get op this far ead failed to make eooogh to leeve town, k good show ie generally well patronised 6ers, and toon do not bave to go awey "broke." It yea base ever eeea a little ebitd in a peroi j em ot hooping ooogh, or tt yoa bave been aeaoyed by a rues) ant tick ling In tbt throat, yon ean appreciate tbe f aloe of One Mutate Congb Care, bicb givee qakk relf. Sold by Con eer k Brock. rnotville Review: Mr. a & Vaa Day a, ot lleppetr, wee in I'rioevilie tut eeverel da)t look I of for e location for a bowling alley. Ne smtaUe I li. eoald be toned, and ae Messrs. M Haley Stewart were boay putting ia their alley, Mr. Vaa Itaye gave a the 644 ead took the stage f"l The IJlea leet WedaeeJay nxireiog. Tbe "Dleyeltst't Ilet I'rirod" ta a fsaiiliar aawe tot DeWiit'e Wtita llstel Halve el wet ready tut eaiergtMMtsj, Wbtle a peris f piles, it also tost ant ly relievee aod core eat, bratsee. sell rbtaa, octetua ee4 all efiVetioba of the kit. It asver fails. Pot tajf by Co iWk. riteevtlle Review i 11a Ear, CiU ell e tees who bee beee Bafrbed Ssjajosl tHaatbuet Bill tr toe it fit4ey t a e,aeits a mile, la lsnpruig frees bte laneetM tmi baa beskeeeeueC dtly tblat be ai e able to eedet tbe wire fret e that day. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN HB CURED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Bakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo- oum, or Mew Xork Oily, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable on re for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, Inng and ohest tronblee, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions ot wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its -timely nee, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible cure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, snd this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern eenius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands .from t boss oured in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy aod certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you' saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, wregoo. JnlyS-7-lyr, Mrs. Warren, a sister of Mrs. 'Gene Campbell, is quite sick at the borne ot 8. 0. Smith in this oily. A few nights ago she suffered quite a sever hemorrhage, but Dr. MoSwords, who is attending her, thinks she will soon reoover and enter tains no fear ot serious results. Two Millions at Year. Wl,.. k nA t,.... Si , Lrcv..c ..., w v, unit uuj again, ii means they're satisfied. The neonle of the United States are now buying Cascareta Candy Cathartic' at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved. that Cascarets are the most deliehtful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 60c a box, cure guaranteed. Died From the Operation. From Arlington Record. Mr. snd Mrs. W. H. Col well left Sat urday morning for Portland. Mrs. Col- well will become an inmate of the Port land hospital, where she will undergo a delioate operation. Her many friends here sincerely hope for her recovery. Word was received later tbat the ope ration was performed Monday morning and a tumor removed weighing 16 pounds. Tbe heroic lady seemingly revived for several hours but at 11 at night began sinking rapidly and toon passed away. Her remains will be brongbt to this city tor interment, tbe funeral taking place Thursday at the M. E. ohurch. astern Oregon State. Normal ONLY STATE SCHOOL EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all timet of tbe year. First-Class Training Vocal and Inatrnmental Mosio taught by competent Instructors. A grsdu ate of tbe Boston Conservatory baa charge ot tbe instrumental department. Tli Iadles' It thoroughly equipped end offers ex. osllsnt accommodations at reasonable ratea. Seod for catalogue. Addaeae M. G. ROYAL, Prealdent i wrv, oeoreiary Board Attorneys ot Lnw, AU business! attended to ib a prompt and astisfaotory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OITJCE IN NATTER BCILDINO. BEITNER, t i t t WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Co Ikmm TETIFDOXE, BAHJT G1TZKT 1ND OCEAK WlVt L.atlt.1 f Aider Street tek. Portlaed, for Astoria, Ilweeo. Long B-aeo, Oeeee Park aad N enrol la. Ihrecl efmnetioe Hb llwaoo etanere and rail roed; also at Tooag't Bey with IWbore Railroad. TX3X-sTjriroir3a Lea rorllaud T A. M. tmli,. teaday. Leases Art.M 1 p. U. Dallv. XtA.XZaJU'V OATKBIIT Laaea fortland t P. tt Pallv. eter4 Smtoaf. Rerttrdsr II p r n. OOBAIa WAVa Leasee Pwtiaisd aM dle-M k TWay a4 TararUy as a 4 tt p-edav sits a Lease Laaro edisaedaf aa4 iWs, at J et A. U. Om aWs asaM Tt IV at. , - M tm fW b EiiW Nlalk M Imbt fm if h?m far aafety, Sr-l. Corn toft, pteawttirs. Trart ea tka TtiSon-, tUlle U,tn 4 or THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, T. O. I30ROTI3.:hs, Prop Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. F01tYOU! Now Prepared to do. Any . Kind of Printing -Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job- depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop it" now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prioea of anv nerann under the sun ia the line ot drnggista supplies, blank books, , baok work . county work, or any sort of book bind-: ing work tbat yoa have heretofore tent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a Charity ooncern but if yoa will give us a chance' we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. , Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when, one bought goods - away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got the. goods. But when tbe goods - were ' bought at home we had both money . and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town,, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 660-tt "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co. STEAMEES "DALLES CITY" AND ''REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 730 a. m. Leave Portland at 70 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; yon will enjoy it, and save money. W. 0. ALLAWAT, General Agent. QUICK TllVtU t xo San Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaata route ot the Southern Pacific' Co The great histhway through California tn all polnta East and South. Grand Hoenio Boat Of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Uleepera. Beoond-okvse Bleepere Attached to express trains, affording- superior accommodations for aecond-clase passenger. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reeerrations, eto,, call npon or addreae R. kOEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. tk P. Agt,. Portland, Oregon Those who desire to build should not forget that 0. E. Ranous, tbe con tractor, ig ready to make estimates at any time. 60tr Every new subscriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive aa a premium a book worth alone the price of tbe subscription. tt Come in and aubeoribe for the "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. You don't want to miss a whole lot ot good, hard reading that is now being published in our "Only," School, Weston, Oregon chool for Teachers. Boarding Hall of feeulty ee P. A. WORTHING. or Regent, Weeten, Ore OREOOlf