FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Wotnan Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. "For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago it broke out in a sore and spread from my toot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would barn and itch all the time and discharge c great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Some one sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking It until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit It has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna E. EAKEN, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. OBITUARY. Died At bis borne in Heppner, Ore gon, at 7 p. m., Nov. 22, 1897, William J. Letzer, aged 51 years, 8 months and 1 day. Hwi'c Dillc are the tavorite fanlIy 1IUUU f ills cathartic. Price 26c. Take Notice. 1. The mm of nve cents per'line will be cnsrgea ior "carus oi wanna," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and uuiiceB ui special ineeiingB ior wnatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shaU be charged for at the rate of five cants a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. - The Gazette can offer the following olobbing rates: The GAZETTE f 2.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, J1.50 13.00 " 8. V. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 " N. Y. Tribune, (1.00. . 2.75 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.00 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50..' 8.25 " S. F. Chronicle and map $2 CO. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 2.75 Webtoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, M.00 5.00 Rural Spirit, 12.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, ,2.00... 8.00 METH. EPISC. CHURCH. SEnVlOKS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Glasses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Spirii aud the bn ' say. Come." The pastor may he found at the parsonage ad joining the chnrch, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult Tiiin on religion, social, oivic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. FLEBiiKB. Minister. Here and There. See M. Lichtentbal (or shoes. a. 8bields Company to-night. W. C. Ohnrcb.ot Portland, is registered at tbe Falaoe today. To trade A Rood heating stove, for cord wood. Gall at office. tf rorth, Sample the Gazette two -bits from now till March 1, 1898. M. Dustin, a Canyon City attorney, was in Heppner Wednesday. Bound trip to Dawson City, 25 cents. Opera bonne to-night and Saturday J. I. Carson, a sbeepbaver, arrived from Rawlins, Wyo., this morning Tbe Orange Front is now prepared to serve fresh oysters in any style. 02t( R. J. Bargees, of Portlsod, Maine, is among tbe guests at tbe Palace today. Batbi down at tbe Jones' barber shop, 23 cents. Orvilia Joors manager, tf Statements for tbe Famous Simple Account File printed at tbe Osteite of fice, tf. Morris Maok, a sbeepraiser of Orant county, came over from tbe John Day Wednesday. Sample sobioriptioo to the Uscette from now till Maroh 1. 1898, 23 oeuts. Try a dose of it. Qirl wanted to do housework. Good wages. None but the best need apply Call at Oazetle office. 83-tf Any one desiring to build either house or barn will make money by call ing oo tbe Gazette offioe. 67 tf Beet aooomraodation and courteous treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh aod Waab. Bts., Portland, Oregon. Tbe spirit of 76 was "for liberty or tor death." That old brand of Cyrne Noble at Chris Borcbers' is the spirit tbat toucbee tbe spot these times. tf Call oi Tom Howard for glovrs. No better line in tbe city. He keeps both lined and nnlloed goods and bis slock is large. Yoo eso get jast what you want. tf Come to tbe Osteite office aod gel decent lot of envelops pnotd. Ooverntneol envelope look cheap, and besides vou ceunut get your Loioee Card piloted tbrreoo. tf ' Momenta are aeelees if trifled awsT aod they are dangerously wasted if eoo earned by delay to ors hare One Minute Coogh Cure would bring imme diate relief. For sate br Coiisir k Brock. Frank McFarlaod bas beta eppolotad special age I of Tba Equitable Ufa Aa eoreooe Co, of New York, tba strongest ia tba world. Cash surplus to policy boldsra of over 4-1 mllltoC dollars. Dntil lake Insurance withool seeing the Dew dUus of the Equitable. Insures twrfb eise at same rate. T7if Dr. Joha W. Kwmas. of tba -Red light." wvar ea tba aWt for something Dew, eaa famish yoo the flnoet ewk tails ia Iba laod-Manbsllea, Jersey Yermootb or Ota-made by aa artist la the bnaiaM. DroD la and take the teste oat of yoar saoalb. tf Aedy Itood eae to from tba raoeb Tsstardar. Oo the way to be tori a aol from aaa of tba i4Im hta bark aod la ordof to get to tow a bad to rely oo poll to keep ap oaa aid of tbe bark. William J. Lerzer was born in Rash ville, Schuyler oounty, III., March 21, 1846. His youth was spent at borne, and while yet a boy he was apprenticed to tbe tinner's trade, whioh he learned io a comparatively short time. After working at his trade a time ia his borne town, be went to the state of Nebraska where be spent a year, and while there was taken down with bilious fever, laying very siok for a number of days. Being by nature a very strong and ro bust youog man, foil ot ambition, he soon reoovered sufficiently, as he thought, to get up, but be bad over estimated hs strength and iu oonse qnenoe suffered a' very severe relapse. After a continued illness of several neeka, daring wbiob time he was very near death's door, Mr. Lerzer finally reoovered suffioiently to return to bis borne in Illinois, which be did, remain ing there until his decision to oome West in 1870. This hard spell of fever was followed by en attaok of dumb ague aud his constitution was left badly undermined. Shortly after CbriatmBB, 1870, Mr. Lieezer left bis boyhood home for tbe far West, coniiuar directly to what was then known as Umatilla City, TJmatill . . t . . uuuuiy, uregon, wnere ne aooepted a position as tinner in a hardware store, working there for several years. The move to this country proved beneficial to him and in a short time bis health was greatly improved. However, be never gBined his former strength. uu jJcuemDer zo, iota, jar. JUeezer was united in marriage to Miss Lauretta A. Wilson, at Umatilla. lhey continued tbeir residenoe there until the winter ot 1881, when tbey moved to Heppner where Mr. Leczer entered into business for himself, and where tbe family have oootiuued to re- Bide. His reoeut illness dutes from Jan 4 f W rtn . . . . io, iouo, wnen be was taken with a severe attack ot la grippe wbiob com pelled him to remain at borne and bso nnce bis busiuess interests, Fo' tbe two years past be bus been a oonstaut sufferer, his ailment taking on tbe form of consumption, and tboush be battled bravely against tbe ravages of the dread disease, be was not able to overcome it aud at last bad to succumb to tbe grim destroyer. He leave, besides a loving and affectionate wife, three ohildreo: Emery J., aged 22; Mabel A., aged 20 and Willetta, aged 14. Since moving to Morrow oounty . Mr. Leczer bad helJ the important offiae of oouuty treasurer for three terras. On tbe formation of tbis oounty he reoeived tbe appointment to ibis office and at tbe eleotlon following be was chosen fur an oiner lerm, ana again in l&Ji he was honored by the people ot the oounty with tbe same position. He also served the oity of Heppner a number of times as oity treasurer, and the people learned to trust tbeir business to him; be alwsys proved, by bis faithful and honest per lormanoe or duty, tbat be waa a man worthy tbe public trnst and confidence, wuiiam J. Litezer was a man among men. He made friends aud kent tbem. Always honorable and oprighl ia all his dealings, be would not stoop to mean things. To know bim and be bia friend was a pleasure never to bs forgotteo They Bee the Point. The Gazette sends out the same num ber of sample oopies this issue as it did on last Tuesday. Advertisers see tbe point. Look at our advertising ool umns for tbe proof. masquerade last night report in Tuesday's is crowd' d tor time and Blankets! Blankets! Shields Company two nights. Ranous is still on the tart doing a lit tle carpenter business. tf O. S. Vauduyn contemplates visiting Walla Walla with a view to putting in a bowling alley. J. N Fordyce, who travels for Wad- hams & Kerr Bros., of Portland, was in H 'ppner Wednesday. Tbe elegant will have a full sue. We are space. Rev. W. E. Potwine was io tbe oity from Pendleton on Wednesday to offici ate at tbe funeral ot the late W. J. Leezer. Dan Naville returned this morning from Colorado, where went last summer in obarge ot one of Sam Palmer's bands ot sheep. The people of Iot.e participated in and enjoyed a big danoe last night. lone ia quite a oity for social events of this kind and always bag a floe time. E. O : William Dnun, extra conductor, brought in train No. 2 from Portland this morning. Condaotor J. A. Allison is attending ooart at Pendleton, R. O. Wills la still at the old stand, selling out at actual cost. Mr. Wills in tends to go out of business and must olose out, so bargains are to be bad and oo mistake. It Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure. Tbe best oougb cure. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25cta Sold by Con ger & Brock. y Walter Gentry is over from Fox Val ley visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gentry, of this city. He reports some pretty oold winter weather over tbat way at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Dutton enter tained a few of their most intimate friends at tbeir borne 3 miles below Heppner, on last Tuesday ia honor of Mr. Duttou'e birthday. Baker Oity now bas a telephone line through to John Day. Tbis puts Hepp ner in oonneotion with Baker Oity and further extends our facilities tor tele- phonio communication. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, purines the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take, 'io cts. Sold by Cornier Brock. 7 The new daily paper at Portland, tbe morning Tribune, ia represented m Heppner by Geo. Thornton. This pa- pet is worthy yoar support, so step up and give George a trial order. Married at tbe borne ot tbe bride'a father, T. L. Dor man, oo Rhea oreek, at 6 o'clook, p. m Thursday, Not. 25, 1897, Miss Iva Dormao to Mr. W. E. Nolan, of Iune. The Gazette extends oongrata lations to the young couple. J. W.Morrow bas rented the Natter bailding now oocapied by M. B. Gal low sy as a photograph gallery. The front of tba building is to be Died aa aa office by Gov. Res, aod the rear will ba fitted op for sample rooms. Heodrioka Co. (Iod.) Gaiette: Orin 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. Reserved For E.W. RHEA & CO. Big Holiday Ad. Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. We also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. Bat the Only Blanket On Earth is the We are sole agents for those, having bought our entire Hoe in June, it enabtes us to Bell those celebrated goods at the same prioes asked tor inferior brands. Call and examine. MINOR & CO. PENDLETON BLANKET "iff In it for Business- STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! V. You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRIOES atfc' J. M. HAGER. grooeries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I GENERAL MERCHANDISE T R. Howard , Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. . a WILL CARRY'A FULL STOCK Of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. THE fWT OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HLOP GOIDD lie rosy nave bad some enemies; any nan of principal and oharaoter ha, but tbey were tew. He was prepared to pass over to tbe other side sod while be suffered muoh Io tbis lite all uppeered to be bright before bim. He leaves loved ones behind who are now deeply wrapped io a eloud of grief, bat we ask them to take obeer and look op to Him who bealetb tba wonoda ot tba broken hearted, and remember there ia a day onrniog when loved ones who 'bava parted bera may meet again. On Dec, 18, WM, Mr. Le. i-r was oon firmed in tbe Episcopal oburcb, aod the fuoeral services ware conducted by tbe Rev. W. . Putwme, reetor of the Cburcb ot the Itsdeemer at Ptndletoo, assisted by the membere ot Heppner lodge No. 09, A. F. AA-M.,of wbiob order ba waa a member. Tba remains were followed to their last reeling plsos by a large ooncoorae of sorrowing f riaoda aud relativea. Dlrd-At hi bom. on Willow erwk, t mile south ol Hoppn.r, at II IS o'rlwk, TurftUr Kov. ZS. IM;. Albert . riorvu, hp4 jrMra, I month snd 25 dart, L. Pattersoo, editor of the Long Creek (Ore.,) Eagle, who, aooumpaoied by bis wife, has been tba guest of Hendricks county relatives tot several weeks, paid this office a fraternal visit Monday. Tba uoiuo Tbsukigiviug services at tba Christian cburcb were quite well at tended yesterday and Rev. C. R. How ard delivered an ioterestiog and instruc tive sermon. Tba muaio was also a pleasant and prominent feature of tbe services. Tba Edward Shields Co., oousistiog of Edward Shields, Miss Helen Lamar and Mr. Chaa. H. Whiting, arrived from Portlaod tbis morning aod will entertain oar people tonight at tba opera bonsa with scenes of Kloodike, aongs, read logs, etc. Tba Morrow eoouty poor boose Is now io readi'oess for the reception ot InmaUe aod is ond.r tbe charge ot Mr. aod Mra. Wm. Hsrtoo, ot Black Horse, who will doobtteae ee tbat all who are entrusted to their ears will receive tba best of treatmeut. Tba eiplodiog of a lamp out at lUo Bwaiigart'e plsea the other tvsaiog D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. wiiVv rtoorGer nernec 1IKITNF.R, OR., Nov. 12, lfWI. Mritrt. Consrr t Hrort, llriipntr, Or. I r.EKTLimic-i wi ractuly taken with a aever. eold which man m very noarw ana rendered m unnt to attend to biulne. A friend ol mine railed my attention to your Dr. Barthlow's couth ayrup and I bought a bottle, cottlng m 60 eanu, which relieved tn at one. and com pletely cured m. I am uli)ert to throat difficulty and I h.T found nothing that gave m to much relief a this cough enr. I am Inlormed that It la excellent for eold, bronchltt, whooping eongh and all throat and lung trouble. 1 beg to remain, moat truly yours, OTIH rATTEHitON, Ed. Uantto. jJnd now tlie entire world Knows this verfect urotluct As tbs Star Brewery beer..... s! On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY C0A1PANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are thoe of great! valu In pmportlon In eoat. If you want to get your Uiwiivjr worth ol honeit gooili In Confectionery A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Qucensware At nv ware, loware. OR MACHINERY, CALL0N-" It. Oa fH?iiOAiriso oo., W ar liirreaalng our stork for fall snd winter. Call and a u. a oaoee.l eonsiderabl (imn.1i riorene. wm a aU of th itat. of BO ,c,ikl dautatf. lamp bd been nil Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at U - A4 ti t irons a Virginia, havlig been bnra In frtnr William count;, that ti. on B(itemlief Mb, lull. In the year 1KB, th Itth of J'lljr, he waa anlted la marriage to Oiharln. U Skinner, and moved to Oregon In lfc0. settling near Portland on th Columbia river, end alter living there a abort time h moved to Ine enunty. where be re. Iled antll w-t, afterwanla going to Marina county. Ia !" be moted to Kaetera Or-o and ertlled on th (lr on W illow ererk where be died. There were born to Urendna and Grandma Horettr 2 rhlldrea, four of whom aredewl. Ofthoe living, l ftuoe, frVe arxl Albert live in Morrow munlf. two, Joha and Kraeiu. lit la lb Uta of Wwhlngtnn; one daughter. Mm. k. Matbolt, reatle. at Wall Walla: auotber dangblef. Mm. allr. U'ld. Ilvr. si ! Umnde, aud t. deugblem, Mr lir.iren-l Mra. Iele, reelde la the W lilem tle vallef. Orntp florene., from fcta long rdee la IbMeommanlty, ea .ell kno.a to everybody aod nnlverwlly rrrUt. lie .at a pto aerot the eutc and on among th earlleet ottten) of Mormw eounty and be will be mlewd I mm soxttig war Senfil. W bile b eery aged, yet he wee ant Infirm for im. M bl rn. bl form eu erort, hi wee bed much of the elaetlrliy of yoqtb and bn Inuilwio! ynetert tin e rUlBd. Rut being .Id. be a kat ante to lUnd the ras) efteevete evil e b knee o4 taking ay wa 4 4a abea atterk4 hj nmaol. lie wees member of the Meeonte telef elee. IM. and a brtd by tbem w Tburwley at I. m . fmm the M tbnnh. tkxtih. Kev. C, R. Hu.ard p'elili-g U iHoeral illeiurw be lare idtenr. .ba ftrcl foilaeed CI tbat IM BHMteJ of Albert riorerivw U the eemcteeraa U bill wbee. tbe remain were laid al not. tbe Meme yrf.ltig tb btet 4 riue Is Irnpreaetve MBWf, the other tTsaioff IC f OlinCl at le aicltem.o. but did 0 0L 9 . iSHuilham fi Disbees Telephone Saloon . ' And br the wy t'-'T baarthlng oil ran rell for la th lie of 9 stead of keroteoe, of Iba tipluwioo. J. W. lleAliater, who waa f..remo oo the beep rlnve tbe pastsommer lor Hsm Palmer, returned ti B(poer tlii mora ioa aod will spend tbe winter ber.. II "J? Says lb steep got through Iq elrellrst shspa, meeting with ao er lee or aerlleolsooths wsy. Johboy reports times eery qqlel lo Colorado al preset I And by the wy V,ry bavanrthlng ou ran rell for la th lln of uaraoare, eiove eno nitvtri. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU Iw W.te With lunnie t'tm-;f f etbrtle, e-ire t".er, t4e. U C laJ, . rviverfatsecy. J. L YEAGER, Heppner s Lnloodls be e'u-r dinner; Mgav I letree. aid dig- IC3 I I f e.aitibati.a. L lllQ r-' will Soon Open a Grand Display of llirista doods. Oo Uaio Htrsel. Io City UoUl Cuil.llng. WANT. The Best of Everything Alwoys on Top , OoorUons traatmest Io all. Nioe cloh rooms. row mrvTvii, prop. wt vi Uke .itrf dinof; prveent dietr Um. eiir ereif le i eel re m mm tmtm. ) M all rmr. rrieeud eaf rf tl IM A I Leading Furniture .Dealer Has Just Received a Gar Load ol Furniture. tmp rirT rtPiAv cd ftooai suit evtn auovarii 10 Town. HEPPNER RACKET STORE M DEAL I Yr am Invlle4 I. eall and l-t mf stork ROOTS AND SHOES' TMf fbACI TO CIT THIM) l AT VJ Al. I.ICIIT:NTIIAL8! Re b anything la Ibl lln bt l"" ed ymi ea d.-t.d en II yo get a gmmi nu .be Hat guemnleM It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. OU SUM, Male) trt fteIHe aaalaN WASH THOMPSON Has lately et.eUd a boildtea: na I he Ayere feape4ty, nr It rnraef of klaia and W. low tre,hppn.tia IbsCtty wUU b be ta aiog as a MEAT MAttKET .. Mr. Tl'tnp iU ktHl . a 1 . a a.. . rvtt iia Ft b Mtiaat. iTho GAZETTE, Sq.oo A Yoar for CASH. riw atvv raioAr -vi I ' THE CIIKArKST VUiCE IN MORROW COUNTY TO UUY NOTIONS AND 1I0USK I URNISIIING GOODS. A FKW PIUOKH QUOTKIJ Hi: LOW. 1 paper fall ooaal ploa 3 osols. 1 paper grxl aeedlea 3 cents. 1 spool lioa thrsl...,3 eanta. I earl books aad ayaa 1 rwet. I ball kolttini cottoa. . .3 aeol. cau Ispa border tkl 3 00 1. 1 Miawe ovlored border bsa lketohlef 3 euU. OTllKJl (MODS SUCH AS HOSIERY. TOWELS, It A XI) KERCH I KFS, jr., AT LOWEST PRICES. OUR f AXJ) 10 CEXT C0UXTER IS ALWAYS FULL OF llARCAIKS. CROCKER Y AXI) GMSSWARi: IX AIIUXDAM'E. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. 0 TOl L TO IIOW KX,!- - ' Wk WAXT TOl a TAft. .... .J. W. VAUGHAK