Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 26, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 1897.
There are a few people id Mor
row county who were accommodat
ed by this paper until they got far
behind. When it became neces
sary that we should "hedge" to
save going "busted" these people
became much incensed, but failed
to get mad enough to pay up.
Since tnat time, pressure from
creditors who helped us through
11 i i w
tne nara times, ana wno baa a
right to insist upon payment of
what was owing them, caused
great number of our accounts to
go into the hands of collectors,
We deplored that this became
necessary at that time, but busi
ness men expect security for what
is due them, and ultimate pay
merit. However, while as a matter
of justice we had a right to make
collections, these few have seen fit
to make some "talk," but not about
paying up. We do not care so
much about being abused by those
we have accommodated, but where
this is coupled by no effort to pay
their old accounts, we draw the
line. The Gazette wants it under
stood that if payment is not made
immediately, suit will be brought
iii every instance. Those who can
not pay, but who would pay if
they could, and who appreciate a
favor will be treated leniently.
As the Journal predicted when
it saw a copy of the examination
papers last week, many teachers
failed throughout the state, not
over half the applicants for certifi
cates having been successful. Of
Gilliam county's four applicants
two failed completely, and two
rrot. w. li. fleal and V. T,
Sweeney took 2d grade cortifi
cates. Mr. Neal had no trouble in
securing a first-grade certificate in
the state of Washington, and Mr,
Sweeney had a first-grade in Cali
fornia. As these states have here
tofore given their teachers much
harder examinations than Oregon
has its teachers, one readily forms
tne opinion tnat last week s exami
nation must have been a "corker."
The fault justly found with the
papers by the teachers was that
they contained a lot of outlandish
questions that no ordinary morta!
could be expected to answer, i
knowledge of which would not add
one whit to their worth as teachers,
L'osHil Journal.
I be Journal is correct What
object the state superintendent
could have had in sending out such
a list is a mystery to us, as th
questions were very impractioal
It may be that he thinks Oregon
is getting too many teachers and
has adopted this method of keop-
ing the list down.
Pixtsrtjbo dispatches announce
that every blast furnace in Alle
gheny county is at work for the
first time in three years, and that
more furnaces are now in operation
in. that section than ever before.
A democbat in Umatilla county,
Oregon, wants a republican court
appoint him sheriff. . He be-
ieves in asking for what he wants,
whether there is any chance of get
ting it or not, says the Oregonian.
The controlling interest in The
nter Ocean has been purchased
by a party of Chicago gentlemen,
prominent among whom is Mr.
Charles T. Yerkes, and its immedi
ate management has been intrusted
to Mr. Wm. Penn Nixon and Mr.
George Wheeler Hinman.
The members of the crew of the
fillibustering ship, Competitor, cap
tured by the Spaniards, have been
released, with two exceptions, and
it is said that the liberty of these
have been promised. Spain is try
ing a new tack.
John Adams said when 90 years
of ago, "As boy and man I have
known New York for seventy
years, and her politics has always
been to me among the devil's in
comprehensibilities." Still the
mugwump was as yet unidentified
in the time of the elder Adams.
Salem Statesman.
The Portland Evening Tribun
now appoars as a nioruing paper.
having made this change the first
of the woek. It now Las full tele
graph io sorvice from all ovor the
world, is greatly enlarged and iro
proved, and is worthy of libera!
patronage. Portland has been
hard city for a newspaper to flour
ish in oppositiou to the Oregonian,
but as the morning Tribune is no
dor good managoment we sincerely
hope that it may bo able to live
and grow. Opposition is a good
thing even iu the Dewspaper busi
ness and Portland has needed an.
other morning paper thmo many
years. Succohs to the Morning
KironTtt from the iron mauu.
factoring sections indicate that
thousands of workingmea on Dtv
cembor 1st will fwl the practical
effects of the adoption of a protect
ive tariff, when wages are to be
ad? ancsl ton per cout. among the
operatives of a large numbor of
furnaces throughout Pennsylvania
and tha Ohio Valley. This is th
sooond stop iu the dovclopmont of
the adoption of th protective tariff,
the first one Uiig io tho iucroass
in the number of Mopla employed
and that is now to l followed by
the for rraae id wsgea,
PBrslltST McKlXLKV dorso'l
be) ie re io the brass baud method
of announcing io advance what h
intend doing; he prefers to allow
Lis arts and nooomtlixliinrnte to
lak fur tliprtisrlTca. He laa
done mors to maintain our national
preatig abroad sinew th 4th of
iaat March than his nsleooinr
did daring his full trtn of four
years, and Hot lbs leaat of his aO-
cniupiinuuieiiu to iiim una vie
curing th rt'tiMutA of '.'7 American
citiwns from Hpaninli ptUous io
llui s hats taken a hop upward.
It tbera g v
No, president for years has paid
more deference to the opinions of
members of his party than Maj.
McKinley does, and no president
has ever taken more pains to ascer
tain the opinions of his callers
upon publio matters. While there
is no question of publio import
ance upon which President Mc
Kinley has not a well defined
opinion of his own, he invites the
freest expression of the opinions
of others and is not so self-opinion
ated as not to be sometimes con
vinced that his own are erroneous.
Just now he takes every oppor
tunity of drawing out the opinions
of his callers on matters of which
nis annual message to congress
will treat. While his message,
which will be a lone one. has been
all blocked out, what he hears be
1 1 IS s
iween now ana wnen tne nnai re
vising is done, may make material
difference in portions of it
A Piece ot Parchment,
When unwritten on, ii nul more color
less than (he ondaverons countenances
of those unfortunate persons' whom we
re accustomed Io cull "oouflrmed In
valiitt." What a misnomer! implying,
loo, despair, a giving np (or lout I As
long the vivifying power ot Hoelott
art Ntomnnh Hitlers ean be felt, and
mm ia poMioie at long at there Is no
absolute collepae of the faculties, fresh
vitality can be infused Into wasted,
feeble trainee ; Color and fleeh can be
brought back Io wanted, pallid oheeks
with tint grand aheel anchor of the de
bilitated and the sickly. It la tonio ot
the greatest potency and the almost
parity, aod remedy (or and preventive
nr dyspepsia, bilious, roalarioua, rben
matin, nervous and kidney complaints
Appetite and sleep are greatly aided by
it; it oounteraota the eueola of undue
fatigaa, or eieitemenl, and onllifle the
often perilous oonseqaenree of ripoanre
in moirmeut weather or damp clothing
Car bat
Kenay Popple Ketarae a Boa
U raapelle I lae.
Pendleton Tribune.
The epeotaete of Joe La Chepeila and
Fanny Hioksna, aliaa Fanny Twitt, alias
rauoy rppin, following each other
about In a vais elT rt to locate each
other la highly emoting to county offl
dale. The woman wae recently chinned
from Pendleton to Ueppaer, but early
yeaterday morning she returned oa
boi car. Uer declination wae the oonn
tyjeil, where her lover, La Cbapelle,
a confined.
Hit to ber great grief La Chepelle had
beea liberated, and to make met tort
worne bad started soroae the country
afoot to Join bla Inamorata at Heppner,
The man bal Just finished serving bla
U day sentence at the ooaity J .II.
Now Fanny went to be adttiiltej to
the goatity poor farm.
i $200022
SthiUtuf's lUtt tea it the
lpt you can get (or anything
like the money it cottt.
Stkillinft baking pow
l a a
cr it the best yuu can gti at
any price.
A a- .. a rNW
Baa r ru
lK)a al !. yeelerdev, Out tHiltos
the palate, climbed tbe flag staff whwh
le&afeet lilfb. taking np with blot
backet ef paint and at be taint down be
painted the pole. Tbe fal reetel ma
eideretde eiciUmjenl aaj ptnved flue to
be a dertag fellow end a g""l cllmbe
IVrtainlr 4wl want t. eof?t witb
d;wpia, O'acti !'!., etk beailafbee
aallnw tkia aal nl afpvb'e- 1"
nave nvttrle4 IVWilia IJMIe Karl
K ef f.w lbM e-tuelalnle nt yaw miI,
Save ! er1
bat tat aaiakMa.
a aal Itrmk.
and by virtue of an execution and order
of tale lnued out of the Circuit Court of tne
State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and
to me directed and delivered, upon a juaemeui
rendered and entered in taid court on the 5th
I day of October, 18'.7, in favor of W. P. Lord, H.
K. Kincald, rail Metscnan, aa a ooara 01 com
missioner for tbe tale of school and university
lands and for the inveatment of fundi arising
therefrom, plaintiffs, and against Henrietta Jt.
Decker, O. W. Decker and K. V. Hughes, de
fendanta for the sum of Six hundred ninety
dollars with Interest thereon from the 5th day
of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per
l annum, and fifty dollars attorney a fees, and
the further sum of twenty-three and 50-100 dol
lars costs which iuilement waa enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's office of said court in
said countv on the 5th dav of October. 1897. and
whereas it was further ordered and decreed by
the court that the mortgaged property tc-wit:
The north-east quarter of section twelve (12)
in township one (1) north range twenty-five
(25) East W. M., in Morrow county, Oregon, be
sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru-
Iingcoaia. i win, on neanesaay, tne ibi uay
of December, 1897, at 2 o'clock, p m., of said
day, at the front door of the court house in
rieppner. Morrow county, Oregon, sen ail tne
right, title and interest of the said Henrietta
E. Decker, O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes in
and to the above described property at public
auction to the highest and best bidder for cssh
in nana, tne proceeds to De applied to tne satis
faction of said execution and all costs and costs
that may accrue.
H. li. MA TlAJliB.,
Sheriff of Morrow county. Oregon,
Dated 28th day of Oct., 1897. 92-601
Notice Of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
Nov. 17. 1897.
following-named settler has Sled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
Ioeiore uounty uiera, Morrow uounty, uregon
at Heppner, Oregon, on Dec. 30tb 1897. viz:
Hd. E. No. 6297 for the lotB 1 and 2 and SEW
NE'4 8ecl Tp3SR28 E W M and Lot 4 Sec 6 Tp
I 3 8 R 29 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
A MEN! be cured
1 1 I If von tufL: from any of the I
A t m ills of men, come to tha oldest
B fkja 1 Specialist on the Pacific Coast,
leitffV OR. JORDAN Ii 00.,
t A. 1051 Market St Et d 1852. I
VI I Town men and Middle i
M li agea men who are suffering
from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex-
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
' lability ,Imposeoy.I-oMBhM4 i
in all its comolications: MDevmatorrhoea.
i Priiitstrtrrhffa, Oonorrhwa, Oleot, i
rrruriir.T of ITrlnmtlnsx, ele. By a '
I combination of remedies,of great curativepow ,
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment '
I that it will not only afford immediate relief but ,
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to '
I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent '
I in his speaahy DIaeMes or Men.
Nrphllla thoroughly erndlcated from tha
I aystem withoutusingjWrrury
KVKKV MAN applying to OS Will re-
t ceiveournonAsfoMionof his complaint.
1 WewiUUuarantteaPOSITIVECUREt
. every case tue underiote, or forfeit One
XhoiiHand Dollars,
i Consultation FREE and strictly private.
ment personally or by letter. Send for book,
" The Philosophy of Marriage,
fret. (A valuable book for men.)
Great Museum of Anatomy
the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully you
are made; how to avoid sickness and disease.
We are continually adding new specimens.
VATALOUUE jritKB. uaiiorwnie.
1051 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.
continuous residence upon and cultivation of i IT TiFFD Sr ' ) . .
said land, viz: Jacob H. Pearson, Andrew J. 7i 711 -uiv t Proprietors.
Cook, Joseph Luckman and James A.Pearson UUUjVirj )
all of Heppner, Oregon.
B. F. WIL80N,
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGrande, Okbgon,
NOV. 17. 1897.
following-named settler haa filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore County Clerk. Morrow county. Oregon.
at Heppner, Oregon, on Dec. 30th, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 5315 for the WU NE!a and WU SEia
Sec 35 Tp 2 8 R 28 E W M.
He names tne lonowiug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
I of said land, viz: Andrew J. Cook, Arthur
Smith, John A Waddell and George Hays, all of
rieppner, uregon.
ts. r. wiLauN,
598-07 Register
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
Shaving. - - 15 Ots.
Hair Cutting. - 25 "
Joe is kceDing un the refutation of this shon
for first-class work and would be pleased to
nave you can.
General Collector
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and get your money out of
them. Makes a specialty of hard
Office in J, N. Brown's Building.
Fossil (60 miles)... 5 00 Round trip (9 00
Mayville (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 7 00
Condon (39 miles) . . 3 00 Round trip 6 00
Clem (28 tnlleB).... 2 00 Round trip 3 50
Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50
Stage leaves Arlington every morning
(Sunday eioepted) at 6 o'clock; is due
at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos
ail at 7 p.m.
Comfortable covered coaohea and care
fnl, experienced drivers.
General William W. Henry, whom tbe
president baa appointed as consul to
Quebeo, bus been grand master of a
grand lodire of Masons, !' member of
tha 1. O.O. F. and Q. A. K, haviog been
the teoond Io be elected department
oommander in hi state of Vermont.
Ilia war record was brilliant. Enlist
ing as private, be was engaged in the
first battle of Bnll Run. He was pro
moted tor bravery to first lieutenant,
soon rose to be major, waa promoted to
lieutenant colonelcy; then became
e lonel, aod in 1HC5 was breveted brig
adier general for meritorious service
daring tbe war. De was wounded at
the battles of Cold Harbor, Mnnaoaojr,
and foor times at tbe battle of Cedar
Creek. Be baa been state senator from
two different districts, wae D. K. marshal
for seven years, and mayor of Burling
ton for two term.
Coming from suoh man, aunb an in
dorsement as follows must be appreciate
td Jty any one:
Qnebeo, Hept. 7, 17.
To tbe proprietors ot Faioe's Celery
Compound :
II gives me great pleasure Io indorse
raine's calery cotnpoaud, both on to-
eoaot of the resnlls obtained from per
soral use of the remedy and knowledge
of the - remarkable oores it bas per
formed. I believe it bas no equal in
onring diseases: of Ibe- nervous system
and building np those who are weak
and oat of health. It has oared several
friends ot mine of rheumatism in its
wont form, and I have no hesitancy in
reoommending it to all efllioted with
that disease. J Very truly yours.
t William W. Henry.
Desperate diseases, suoh as rheumatism,
blood imparity, neuralgia or nervona de
bility, thai bring down tbe strength of
the whole body can not 6e got rid ot as
One does a scratch or a sprain, by let
ting them cure themselves. Heart weak
ness, kidney disease, obronio bea Juohes
and enlarged liver and spleen are not
self-terminating disorders. Lite all tbe
desperate diseases, they demand a
thoughtful, soietitiflo remedy.
There never baa been a remedy so
thoroughly grounded in knowledge of
what tbe aiok body needs in these dis
eases as Paine's oelery oom pound.
' Paine's oelery compound is tbe re
markable rssoll of profound investiga
tion and close medical study by that
eminent professor of the Dartmouth and
Vermont medical schools, Prof. Edward
E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D.
It is tbe greatest nerve invigorator,
blood purifier and regulator for the im
portaot organs of the body that baa ever
oome to light.
Tbe languor, the nervousness and the
The Boss Feed Yard. William Qor
don has moved his feed yard from its
former looation to Jones' old stand
where be will be pleased to have all his
friends and patrons to call on him. Mr,
Gordon Is accommodating, has a good
yard and abundant facilities to take
oare of stock in first class shape. His
prices are very reasonable. He bas hay
ant nsam m on l s-f o a Inlam H H .
. , , - I ouu Riaiu sirs rjaigt uas S CB W'J BUUrJU
iu mo reuiou i me neari or me car load of baled timothy. it.
Kioneva are nnmrt h, Pim'iu .. i
J - - - a huv B WIDI J VUUI'
pound because the origin of these dis
orders is easily traoed to an impover
ished oondition ot the nerves and a poor
state ot tbe blood.
This great invigorator does nothing
at haphazard. Ita aim is to feed the ex
hausted oervous tissues as soundly and
rspidly as is consistent with healthy
digestion and assimilation, and step by
step with tbis buildiog-np process all
. . i i , . ., ...
uiw too uuuy goes mat oiner, fully as
vital work of driving out every trace of
vioious humor and poisonous matter
from ths blood.
In every osse and there are thous
ands of snob cases throughout tbe
country where Paine's oelery oom-
pound baa onred rheumatism, oervoos
prostration, neuralgia or that very com
mon run-aown condition in everv
recovery oa Deeo Or Ibis same
building-up prooesa, that omits no step
In making tbe cure lasting and for
The Old Shop!
Is tbe place to' go to get
your fine pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon.
Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old
style. Highest cash price paid for
fat stock.
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaving, - 15 Centa
Hair Cutting, 25 "
Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon.
Mathews & Gentry,
Shop two doors South of Fostofflce.
They Are The "Mustard"
HsitiG Pioneer Blacksmiths
Have made some elceant imnrnTnmAiini In their patjihlUhrmmt nA aaa a.Mw
Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repairs
to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty Is horseshoeing.
Meadows h Hatlen are the Boys to do Your Work Right, aod do it Quick, too.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
Flans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
Phol a I'aather.
While out In (ha timber al the forks nl Khra
rrerk, Wednesday, with thrtr lioumla from tha
I'anland ranch, Utnea Penland and Men, wrry
treed a panther, lanea titok a shut al the brute
and broiifht him In the (round, where a lunale
inue.1 brtween II ami tha da and another
hot waa atrmary to end tha panther's elt
enre. Ha waa a big frllnw, niMUiirliis V fret
tram lip nf una Io en4 of tall. Tha boya
brum hi In tha pall yralrrday and II la nnw on
tihlbltlon down al I'ansrr Rm-k's.
Dysprpaia earI. Hbilob'i Vital isr
ImmoJialrly ralia sotir stomach, ooro
log up ( IimhI dialrras, anj ia lb great
ki.lnay am) livsr rruly. HM by dii
sr k i x-k. 7
WorJ rMVlvaJ al Ibis nfllca from Oihj.
O. l Mm, Informs as that his siati-r,
kliaa Li(ia IH Maa, is Iaat liiiprovinti
from Injur! rroaivaj last aammar
htis lb It Moas tV on Ib-ir
ay Io Ibis city Io (111 an ngagmaut.
Tbsy tet, bowavrr, Io u alls U lass
lb na. atsla sooo an. I will ildliglil tha
llrppaal Mola wlih nn tf Ibalr rboU-a
Bttslcal mtarlalnmaiita.
Edwarsl Kbit Ida fonpaay Toalaht
Tba EJwarJ PhlelJs Company arrived
tbis morrjioir, and will bold forth at ths
opera housa tonight aod tomorrow pight.
Mr. Hhiflds will illuatralshis great tour
of Alaaka and Ilia Klondiks, suiog over
both paaaea into Dswaon City. Mr.
Chas. Wbitiog is still with Mr. Shields
and will sing a number of new aoogs.
Miss Lamar will render several dsw
poems, illuatratrd with animated pio
torrw and views. Tba Shields Company
needs do ititrodiiclion and It goes with
out saying tbal tbeir eotertainmenta will
t first elaas. Aa entire rbange of pr -gram
will be giva nightly. They can;
one of F.dieoti'a latest moving piolors
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
Markka a Artra al.
Tbe Iteel Halve la the iM for fnla.
HraiaM, Hre, Ulerre, halt Kbeam,
Kara Hrra, Tiller, l'hapte.l llao.la,
Cl.llbleiDe, tWna. and all Hkla Krop
tioue, ami piiialy rnree Filee or bo
pay rjir.L It ia goafaole! Ut give
A lat( auinbrr of his arhnnlmalva, urlallii
his Ua. hrt, fr..f. Ilnwanl and Mlie Kalslger,
nhet In on Ora A. Ulna laal aanla ami h
waa Ihoruuihly surprlsvil. Tha a.lou hail
bea arrant 4 by Mi mother, the occasion
t-lng Ora s Ivih blrlh.lay, and a vry pleaaanl
vrnlns wasapvtil by tha young people Not
the Iraal fralure tl lha evening waa an elegant
luorh which waa really appreciated by lha In
ltl im-ts.
Tbe Oral edition ot theObriitmaa nam
ber ot MoUlore's Msgsilns will b a
third ot a million copies, It will bave a
special Christinas oover, designed by
Cbarlea L. Hinton, and will contain plo
torea by F. 8. Ubnrob, Obarlei Daoa
Gibson, Ernest (1. Peiiotto, Oorwln
Koapp Kinsoo, and otbera ot Iba beat
known artists, aa well as reproductions
of soma famous paintings appropriate to
the season. ltadyaM Eippling, Anthony
Uope, Cbarlea A. Dana, Robert Berr,
E la Higgineon, Bliss Ferry, W. T
Bleed , and tba distinguished Asian si
plorer, Dr. 8ven IleJin, will be among
the o mtributors Io tbe nomber.
OFFICE HOURS-Day-and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
rlace and Kog;. or Jim will get em. o o o o o o o
Free ef CKerge te Sufferer.
Cut tl.la oat and lake it to yonr drng
giet aad got a sample bottle free of l'r.
Kleg'e New lheoovery, for eonsamptioa,
coagbe and eolds. Tbey de not ask yoa
to bay before trying. Tble will show
per loot salta'aMl. or money refunded. , yon tbe great merits of tble Iraly won-
trloe 33 rente per bi. for sale bj aerial remedy, and show yoa wbel can
Conaer A Brook. ; b aormpliabeJ by the regular else bol-
,ll. Tble la no tiperlmenl aad would
MedforJ Mail: lloeeallrowa.lbelaal.be di.aatroos U the pruprutore, did
eervivot of the war of IMi living oo the "' " snow II would Iwvarlably our.
I'eei Ad , die.1 Mtay it tbie week ! Many ot tbe beet pbreloiaDe are Bow
el tbe reeideeee t lrr Kfowa er j alng II In ilieir prartirw with great re
WiUetville, Jneepbiee nmnly. Mr. eulle. and are reiving on II ia moat severe
Itrnwa wae ttnrw la lha stale of M
llasapebire, July l IT'.'l aad waa Mo
year eld.
Te beat tbe broken and dieeeee.1 tie
enea, to wtta the Irritated en rf area. In
laalaetl fmlleee an. I tn ttermaueatlf
Ibevare esaail .lle ewre le tbe miet.a ( lie 'A, Ha W lleh
let sale l-y -; lis,. Mtve, fer Male by Cae A
eeeee. II t gnsraatee.1. Trial bottle
fw at Cteaer A Brock's drug store.
lUgutar sue ) eeala and 11.00.
Walt. Tbnmpeon nine atage betweti
Heppner aal Monnment, arriving evwiy
day eift Miwulay aad leaving every
day etvepl Haadav. Mbiirleel and eheap-
eel root en tbe leWnor. H i. hioenm.
Iteaatr le illeed Deep.
Clean IiUkkI mrana a clean akin. No
beauty without it. i'aarareta. Candy C'atbar
tie clean your blond and keep It clean, b)
stirring up tbe lacy liver and driving all im
Puntica from the body. Begin today t
bautah pimiilee, bnila, bliitt hca, bl Llic.nl.
and that an kly bilious compleinm by takim
(.'aaiareta.leauly lor ten centa. All drug
giata, aati. faction guaranteed, lUc,&',SHc.
Tha (iaielte kaa some aoeounta asalnat people
who abuse the ahof bet don't pay a cent Jeal
lay your acrauBU end yo are teee Io go en
ba-khiuiia "II Ira worthleaa cur thai will Mte
Ihe hand that !eele IL" Tboae who would pay
but cannot, but who reaper! thnae wbe balp
than, bate tha Oaielle's sincere sympathy.
Frank Ralston, nf Ihe Brm el Ralston A Sua,
leading merrbanla of Lone Rock, rame la Iaat
tanltig and la Inlay pnerhaalng gnmta from
llrppner's wholesale merchants lor ths slots al
Ume Rock.
ratarrk Is a ll
Whi. h rrqilre a eoaalllutioaal remedy.
It cannot be tared by local applinatioae.
Hood's Hareeparilia le wonderfully sue
Oeeetnl la en nog catarrh beeauae i
eradioatea from ihe blood the scrofalona
taleta wbieh cane It Hufferers with
Salarrh Bod a ear In IIiwhI iiaraap.
rilla, even after other remedie utterly
Hml'e Pill are pmrnpl, efSeieet, al
ways rellabK sy to take, easy to ep-
I a BI4 U I dn tww rt n T rt-drt 11 m(HHrWt t-ttiiJ
TfaaaaM U VN Mfflflfn
i ivn jaw w. aiiKvM
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your.Tcam ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All thoee cn t procured at Thompnou A 13 inn a, Ixiwcr Main Htrepl
Heppotr, Oregon. '
Thaw eentlewien are well aeqnalntad with Oranl. Harney, Tmok KI'ii....l
n eaa .-. money aad Ut V auktim thM skUom with imieliB. sb.b l"re",",U
rrtre IB leeplBg with the times.
" i iVsa