TO THIS gives THB OHOICH Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha iwn -18D- Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hons Kong; via, Tbe Northern Paoiflo Steamship Oo. In con section with O. 11. & N. For full details oall on O. R. 4 N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obeoon Last Chance! The $2000.00 missing-word contest closes December 31st. Result will be announced about January 15th. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are LOCAL BQU1B9. Mike Marshall visited Heppner Saturday- 0. N. Peck was a visitor to Heppner Saturday. Jag". Knigbten was in from Eight Mile Saturday. James Mclntire was a visitor to Hepp ner Saturday. E. H. Clarke returned to bis Pendle ton home Saturday evening. W. L. Baling was in from Sand Hol low, where he be is teaobing, Saturday. DeCaUSe they are MOUey-uaCH. Friday evening on business and reorea- E.O. :' A slight improvement is re ported today in Mrs. Zoeth Hooser's condition. Leet Greenwood and family departed tor their home in Grant oounty, on Sun day morning. Tom Howard has a big stook of both all grades. tt What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Shilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one w.wj 1 c.j --- - If only one person finds the word, that person gets laooo.oo; 11 sevenu ,ined snd unlIned R)oTeB in it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. fYrices 'way down. Every one sending a brown or ye ow t .s caruo fc creeping at tne ena 01 me coniou . - - - . immeDM Bmonnt of good to grass -,.i -,.! an rSnR rw-Vftt calendar no advertising on it lnese ". .. ...... .... .. , " . .,:,-- f.. th. nfferd i and tall sown grain, creeping Da Dies ana pocKei caienuars wiu vnm-n.... the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. aosi LEADING PAPER! ARE YOU GOING ERST If bo, be snre and see that your ticket reads via Tie MwesteR Liu ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY this is Tnn Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTII, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND AIX POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Maniilflcont Trark, PnrlM Voitlhulod Dining and Hli'ctiltm Car Tralm, and Motto; THB CHBONICUB raoks wMfc taw ersataal Bewspapsrs In Uia DMUd tttatsa. THB CHHON1CLB baa nosqaal an tlx Pacta Coaat. It Icada all In ability, ntarprtsa and nan. TUB OHKONIOUfS Talegraphlo Report ar tb latoat and moat rellabla, IUj Looal Naws Uia fullest and aplolest, and 1U XMllorUls from UM ablost pens la Uia eoantry. THKCHHOMIOLK bas always baa, and iw-i will he, tba friend and ehamplon of tha peopla aa against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppositions of any kind. ItwlU ba l4epdal lu avarUUiif n.uU-1 la aolhlaaj "ALWAYS ON TIME hM slvan this road a national riMiuUtlnn. All iilanaua of iaMtticra carrlud on Ilia vnstlhulnil tralm without extra rliarxe. Hhlp your freight and lravl ovur una inmuui line, ah ago 11 u have tli'kiita. W. II. MR AD. T, C. fHVAOK. Unit. Aiji-iit. Trav. f. A I'. Agt. H WaaliltiKtnn Ht., rorllaml, Or, CHICAGO CATARRH Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Bairn contain! no cocaine, merenry nor any otlier lnjurlouadrag. It la quickly AbaorDed. Givei Kellef at once. Tt opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Alluvfl Inflammation. Honls and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and hmell. Full Size euc ; Trial Size 10c. ; at liriiBBista or by mall. ELY BROTHKHS, M Warren Btreet, New Tort JUDICIAL PLEASANTRIES. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE COLD N HEAD Timber Culture Final Proof. TJnitrd Btatbs Land Offics, The Dalles, Oreeon, Hept, 13th, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES H.Allen has Hied notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oreeon, on Wed nesday, tnpKtn nay 01 uecember. on timber culture application No. 2978, for theNEH of sec tion No. 2a, in township No. 4 south, range No, 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Keithley, Oscar Keithley, Ed Moreland, and Jesse M. Hogno, all of Hardmau, Orcecm. J AS. F. MOORE, 93-804 Kexister. GUARDIANSHIP SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and ny virtue of an order of sale, Issued out of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Morrow County, the tindersixned as guar, dian of Winnlfred Gilliam, Archer M. Gilliam and lister E. Gilliam, minors, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1897. proceed to sell at private sale for cash in hand all the right, title and interest of the above named minors in and to the following de scrllwd real estate, situated in Morrow county, Oreiron. to-wlt: The east half of tha northeast quarter, and the east half of the southeast I quarter of section thirteen, in township four, I south of rango 2ft east W. M., together with all I the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan ces thereunto helontiiis. Jiated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 1897. V.ltm ANNIE GILLIAM, Guardian of the above named minora. Oct. 20, 1K97. Notice ia hereby given Hlilwaukee & SI. Paul R'y The Cbrotilota Bolldlaa This Hallway Co. Operates H" trains on tha famous bio ok system; Lights lis trains bj eleotrloltj through out; Uses the celebrated elootrio berth resil ing lump; Hons spesxlily equipped passenger Iraina I evert day ml night between Ht. Tsui and Ubiosgo, sud Omuhs snd Chicago; tlis Chicago, Milwaukee & . St. Paul Also operates stearn-heated veatiboled Iraios. carrying the latent private compartment cars, library buffet smok ing cam, aud palace drawing room sleepers. 1'erlor cars, free reclining chair oars, sad tbe very beat dintug chair oar service. For loweel rates to any point United Htales or Canada, agent or ad drew C. J. EPDY, J. W. OAHET, (leneral Agent, TraT. 1'aaa. Agent. 1'ottlaod, Or, the: daily Br Mall, Foetase raid. Only $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Tbe Greatest WceVlj b the Couitry. S1.50 a to (Uola4lnf aaaUc) ta any part id S Calls atat, laeada ni Mai loo. TRK WRKKI.T OIIHONICI.R. Wie krtghtMl and sunt eomplrt Wxkly Mawspapat la Uia arid, prints rssularly H4 column, at tw.Hs Pa.o( ftaws, I.IWrmuir and (ianml Infarn Uuniaisoa aiagalAcanl Afxlculloral IMpartwaak SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to mske tlnai prool in supnori nt his claim, and that said proof will le made lieforej. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 2(1, !!!, via: AI.HKKT T. WtMlll, lid. K. No. .71, for the NWU WM. WU NEV. and NH1, NWIH-c. 12. Tp. 1 H, K 2:1, K W M. Henaiiica tne loiiowina; wttmsses to prove his continuous resilience npnn and cultivation of said land, vis: John Cochran, Kdward U I'adlH-rs. Walter B. Casaon and HI rain Thorn- toll, all of lone, Oregon. jab. r. amiBr,, m-Wi. KeglsUsr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE PAIXKH, OREGON, 1 J Timber Culture, 'Final Proof. I'mitrd Htatrs Land Ornrs, The Dslles. Oregon, tVlnlier 1:1, W1. NOTICE H It K K K II Y UIVF.N THAT 11KNHY Tolle, ol llardinan, Orcxon, has Hied notice n( Intention to urn lie final proof ticfore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his ofllce In llei imer, (Iregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day of Novemlier, IW)7, on tlinlier euiliire appli cation No :m:l, for H'jNWsnd lots I ami of section No. 4, In tow nihlii No, i South range No 34 K W M. He names as witnesses: Kdwln D. Rood, Jacoh H. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, aud Clll ford I. Jones, all ol Klsht Mile, (ireKn. J Art. F. McMIRE, fWlOO Register. Hon. Henry Blaokmso, oolleotor n internal revenoe. spent Saturday with bis family at Heppner. It yon need something tor your system oall at tbe 'Pbooe Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf An Italian nobleman died a tew days ago at Wasbington irom eating tne wrong variety ot mushrooms. T. L. Dorman wss in town Saturday from bis Rhea creek ranch whioh be re cently purchased from Mrs. T. A Khea. Mrs. Ford, wife ot an engineer on tbe Sumpter valley branoh.was barned to death recently by tbe overturning of a lamp. Mrs. T. W. Ayers is reported to be very ill at her borne on Obase street, not being able at tbe present time to leave her bed. Gilliam & Bisbee are making prepara tions to open up a floe display ot Christ mas goods in the Garrigues building on May street. "Unole" Ben Parker, who baa been in tbe oity the past week, well remain this week. He is getting along nicely since undergoing a sargiosl operation Cy Fnqua came in Friday with a load of wheat and reports roads very bad He says there is a large amount of wheat yet to be brought to market. Karl's Clover Boot Tea, tor Constipa tion It's tbe beet and it after using it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Brock. x Tbeoarpenter work is now entirely finished on Vawter Crawford's new rest deuce on Gale street snd it is now in tbe bands of tbe paper banger and painter who will shortly bave it ready for oo-oupanoy. Tom Woolery and John Cochran, of lone, spent a tew days tbe past week bunting up on Ditoh creek and killed a couple of deer. Tbe boys spent Tues day in Heppner recounting their ex periences, going on home on Wednesday. It yon bave ever seen a little obild in a paroxysm ot hooping oongb, or it you bave been annoyed by a constant tiok ling in tbe throat, yon oan appreciate tbe value ot One Minute Cough Cure, which givee quick relief. Sold by Con ser k Brock. Vf. A. Maxwell, editor of tbe Arlington Record, visited Heppner Saturday for tbe first time. Mr, Maxwell Is a very pleasant gentleman, thoroughly up-to date in the newspaper business. Tbe editor was sorry that a rush of business What the Connty Jndge of Morrow wrote to LUNG the Connty Jndge ot Umatilla. From the E. 0. Fannie Foppin, alias Mrs. Dickens' was shipped to Morrow oounty, where she formerly lived, by Umatilla oounty authorities, who wanted to get rid of her. Shortly after she arrived at Hepp ner she expressed a desire to return to Pendleton. Hon. A. G. Bartholomew! oounty judge of Morrow, has written a humorous letter to Hon. Wm. Martin, county judge of Umatilla, requesting that funds be sent to tbe woman for the return journey. Among other things, Judge Bartholomew ears: "Mrs. Diokens, until about a year ago, was a resident of our county; and al though we are sorry to lose any ot our population to the upbuilding of our big sister, Umatilla, still, when she departed' she kindly left three children, five, seven and nine years of age, to tbe tender mercies of tbe world wnioh I took to tbe Orphan's Home at Portland and thus our great sorrow was in a measure appeased. "Kindly inform me bv return mail in what manner I oan assist you in restor ing the wandering sheep to tbe fold where she may receive that kind oare which is essential to ber welfare, as it is proper to promote the happiness of all those who are wanderers from home and away from the tender shepherd's care." Judge Martin has replied in kind. Referring to Fannie Poppin's confine ment at the Umatilla oounty hospital, he said : "I oertainly believed that she was not a resident of this oounty but that she was from Morrow county, and had stray ed away or had been driven by some maveriok hunter beyond tbe lines of ber herding ground. I believe, also, that 'Cock-eyed Joe' is the man who rounded ber up; and instead ot imposing upon you, I bad honestly intended to return to Caesar that which is Caesar's." TROUBLES AMD CONSUMPTION CAN HE CUBED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and ohest troubles, stubborn oonghs," oatarrbal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible onre. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from j those oured in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly Bent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. , Pleaee tell the Dootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOIiYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioee ot any person under tbe sun in the line of droggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork tbat you bave heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop ia not a charity concern but it you will give us a ohanoe we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember tbat Abe Linooln said tbat when one bought goods away from home the foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe goods were bought at home we had bofft money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tt "The Resulator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. . BTEAMEB3 . How to Cure Bilious Colic I suffered for weeks with oolic and pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness and bad to take medioine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whlob oured me. I bave since reoommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colio oan ward off the attaok by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Conser & Brock. Kelsay Porter Bang. Keleay Porter, oonvioted in Union county tor tbe murder of tbe Maube family, father, mother and son, in Pine valley, Union oounty, two years ago, paid the penalty of bis orime on the scaffold in Union, Friday morning, Gov ernor Juora reiusing io interiors bb petitioned by tbe condemned man's attor neys. Porter shot the Maohes from ambusb, tbe troubles leading up to the shooting arising from the Maohes hav ing to cross bis land to reach the publio highway from their own. Porter was of unbalanced mind and imagined tbat he bad a real grievance against the Maohes "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Leave Tbe Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 7 30 a. m. Lieave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbe Columbia; yon will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent Pralil Acquitted. From Tinic-MountaIneer. The case of the state vs. Jaoob Prabl, indicted for killing Dan Maloney, has attracted considerable attention, owing to tbe faot of Maloney having been so well known in this community, be hav ing spent tbe greater part of his life in Tbe Dalles, and having served tbe city two terms as marshal. oase againBt Prabl required just one day from tbe time the jury was empanneled, the jury returning a verdiot at noon to day ot not guilty. A large number of witnesses both tor tbe proseoution and defense were examined, and when the oase was closed tbe jury was only four minutes in arriving at a verdict. The testimony for tbe prosecution showed tbat Maloney wss the aggressor in tbe trouble that led to tbe shooting and tbat Prabl aoted in self defense. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it itirana they're aatiBHed. The Deople of the United States are now buying Cascareta Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxen a year ana it win De tnree minion oe fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Caarareta are the mostdeliehtful bowel regulator for everybody the vear round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Sumpter News: Judge Rea, of Hepp ner, oalled oo us Friday and we enjoyed a pleasant obat over old times in that Th trial nf the lively town in the esrly Ws. The judge went to Baker on the noon train to be in attendance on oirouit oourt there this coming week. Stop that cough! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbilob'a Cure may save your lite. Sold by Conser & Brook. x QUICK TI3VI33 I San Pranolsoo And all point la California, via the Ht. Bhaata route or. we Southern Pacific Co The (Treat hiehwnv through California to all polnta Kast ana south, ursnd ooenlo Houte of the Paolfio Ooset. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-claw Sleepers Attached to express trains, atfordin superior accommodations for seoond-olaas panensers. cor rates, ticket, sleeping oar reservations, etc.. call upon or address er, 0". H. HAKK.HAM, and, Oregon etc,, call upon or address R. KOEHLER, Manage Qen. F. t P. Agt, Portia Those who desire to build should not forget that 0. E. Rboous, tbe' con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. 60tf Every new subsoriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive aa a premium a book worth alone tha price of tbe subscription. tt Come in and subscribe for tbe "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. You don't want to miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that is now being published in oar "Only." "Tbe worst oold I ever bad in my life was oured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes W. fl. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cel. "This oold left me with a oough aod I wss expectorating all tbe time. Tbe remedy oured me, and I want all of my friends wben troubled withal consh or cold to use it. for it will do Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN ORIBOH prevented blm from showing Mr. Maxwell th ( ,, Hoij b. 4 Brock. . . . , It, ' 1.1 . A auOUl town BDU inirouuciDK utua iu uur people. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE It V s IffflC in T11U0UGH OAKS- Reversible Map? miowiNo Tba United States, Dominion ol Canada and Northern Mexico ON ON H BIDH, J Am tka Map of tho World ON Tit OTHIlt SIDH. Wmd $a ant Oa the Map a4 Weekly bronlcla f.r One Tear, MMift palj Map and rapes. ASkDRBM M. It. Am YOITNO, NOTICE OF INTENTION. l.ANoOrric i at Tub Pai.isk, Ormoh, vtolier '.'I. Ixw7. OTH'K 1H HKRfBY fltVK.N I'll T THE liillowliif.tiiimml Mttlr has tiled nolle nl tils liilriitiim to milks Anal iinm! In support ol his rlnlin. ami thsl sulil proof will lx mails lit'lnr J. W. Morrow, ( nnnlv 1'lrrk, al llr I'liiii-r, On-uon. mi iwrmhrr , l7, 1: JohKI'H W. HI KIMIKH. Ilil. F. No. 4.'77 lor the NKV tkv 15 Tp 1 8 K 1 K W M. Iln nsinps the following w Itni'S to provs his rotitliiuoiis rrstilfiii'v upim snt rulllvstlon ol sulil land, vie rrani It H. Wilson. Frank Knslrmaii, both ol lone, Ori'smi, Holwrt hayi-r ami frjriiiour I'. W 1 1 tow, both ol lHuiglaa, Ors- IJTEHAHY NOTE Drararaa Caaaot be Carvd by looal applications, aa tbey cannot BnllivaB S "Lort Chord. reach tha diseased portion of tbe ear. The first correct copy ot Sir Arthur There is only one way to oure deafness, 8ullivsn's great song, "The Lost Chord,'' aod that Is by constitutional remedies, ever printed in America, direct from the Deafness is caused by an inflamed con' dition ot tbe mucous lining ot the eusta chian tube. When tbis tube gets io (lamed yoa bave a rambling sound or imperfeot bearing, and wben it is entire ly olcand deafness is tbe result, aad nn less tbe inflammation can be taken out and tbis tube restored to Us normal eoo SOU, MUM JAA r. MOORE, Hi Ister, TO Mr. PAUL MISSKAl-OLlH Mil.UTU PAIUiO I-ITIK. , I1KLKNA Tickets lasii! ti all points In theUalt! Htatm ana Canada. (JU ICK Tl M E TO i asir All other a r. ba saaBuiaui raw Timber Culture-Final Proof. I.trtrt Orrin at Tut li.i.. Oaaonx. Noirmlirr nh. IbWT. OTIt'E IS HERF.HY OIVKM THAT AN ilrrw l arlaon haa fllvl nollrrol liiu-ntlon to maks flu I prtail hvlot J. W. Morrow, (oiiu his ortlr In lli'ppnur. Orrcon, on 1 hnrailajr. Ilia IMh ilay nt linmlvr. I!", nil IlinU-r riillura ai'plli'allon So. lor tha north-real quartor l sn tion Nn I, lu township no a aonin rails io, t nii m. m. Ha liamr wiinnava Frank A. I.nnnll Am1rw A int.rsim. IMoC RcraMmm au.1 John Joliuaoit, all ul ooowiwrrjr, orngnn. V'v Rslsisr, dition, bearing will be destroyed forever; be ever received a penny ot payment. ine cases out ot ten are caused by The complete music and words ot Sir cstarrh. which is nothing but an In- Arthur's oopy of tbe song, expressly (tamed oonditino ot tbe mucous aarfsoM. prepared for tbe Ladies Home Journal, We will give One Hundred Dollars will be given. for any caa of deafoeae (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh Car. Send for circulars tree. F. J. Chaos; A Co, Toledo, O. . IT Sold by druggists, 75o. Cnii'Aixi WaatttNiiTiill HaLriNima hum Yos Hrrrswo points is the Kaat and hoatbsaat Omaha Kabsas CiTv Ht. Jori Ht. Iria t'eloa Ifcpot cnaaactlona at HI. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas lily, Omaha, Ml. lnnU and o I liar pntni fteat xiols Itetfgat e eberked through to daelloatloo tl tn kata. Through ll kals to spaa and China, via Teenme and Nonbara PariDo Htearn. ship Gotnpeay's Una. , SlDiUSE FiliS 4 NOKHirlS NELSON 4 FORT SHffPARD !1KD MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All Kail llonte Without Change of Care iMwwo Hpokane, tlooalaad and Nelson. Alao between Nstaoo sol Uoaslsnd, daily tirwpt iiaday : l.. .... Il'-iaml .. .... h.lmm ... Arrl. a an IV M mr.i m r. M. ' A V .... II A M l AM t'l.wa smtuwii.Mia al NIhi with Maiwaa fur EaaUs ai.t all BiM4r. a Mrtnia. hiiimi i.ifnaiiM iu,r an.1 oarf Ct fax1 at Mnaa with aMwa iUl. For full Information, lime cards, mspa, tlrkata, le, eatl wn ur write W. O. AMAWAT, A. D CM tBLTB, A( N P Itr. Aai.Uti. I'aas. Act. Tbe Dalise.Ur. PurtlaoJ, Or The M r nana llraad, on Morrieoa street la the Meritam builJmg, Is onJsr eiMUont raanaganiaat and lbs nblie will I Mtally enlrrlainad Ibis ltUr. New eonpaniae and aaw faoe nil) ap pear fn'M time t) time al this fiopnlar, fltal elaaa llienlra if P.irlUmt, and mhmm la PordsnJ our ilnisti stiimi l at fail to take in aoras nf H.s One dramas that 111 be praaeetwl. tl TlmUr Vulture Final Proof. Vxinn PTttaa Lift Ovm a. 1hs ImlltNt. liirinn, Bov. II, lT. VOIIPE l IIFBFBY OIVEJI THAT FKRD- arli k 1 . 1 aitiiraa haa Slnl m,ll, l tnivn tlon to inaka Snal prM, twfora J. IS . Mwrrow t omilir rink, at lilt ntttro. In lli'tpnr, imr nil M nlnoaiUr, Ilia IT o l'iTiiilr. nn tlailwr nillnni ai'i II. No. il'il, I. f ih aF V (.iiiarlrr) nl a H..n Not. In Inwnaliln ho. 1 Monin nana no . run lis nain.'a aa mini mm J.'hn T hint nn)amln F. hlna, Ihoniaa J llllialm a. Jna. l h Huihaa. all ul ,.i. tirrfon, i . f. M'ias. ;a7 , Hraialrr. AlWISISTJlATVirS NOTICE. Ill l uul INSTATE Of WM, C, AKFM, I'ECFAKFO I t Null.' Is hrrrhy lln, I a.lniliiUiralloa on lha aaiat i4 am. IV Afeara. it ipi. r arnul to tha nn th Mi .Ul if lii tot-t, iml, l.l oiirt nl M.wmw t'omiln All prra'i'S hatlnf rlalma atalnal aal.t aatal ar rvsnira.! hi atnibii iniw ii it. a i. au.. anr. at ? hoina tttmt ttmaatwrfv, l'orrv rnmity. trvn, within al m.H.iha rir tha talc ol this aoth' of tlif (hall b wrrtt bairt 1 lila mh oaf ol tVi..f . ! MBMJAMIN I. AKtRA. BJ Ailmlulatrab. RKW ABU. Ut ia l wari iian Balshhatlon4 Wt ml "I ah niaii.i! . an on t ah.iulitw ami aiim on hip. InlorfitsiUMi l.w.1 lug Io twur? ail of am raaiili aniulwr lhr aulmaua. will lim tha ala ivwant. im-MS. t Be, utra oompositor's own band, will appear io tbe Christmas number ot tbe Ladies' Home Journal. Over bis signature Sir Arthur Sullivan states that of tbe mil. lions ot oopies of "The Lost Chord"! sold in America, all are inoorrrot, and that tbis is the first aoourate copy of the song ever prepared by him, or for wbiob Kliler O. U. Oibbe arrived oo Satur day evening and held quarterly confer. eooe tor the M. E. ebarcb, Sou lb, blo. ing Saturday evening aad continuing over Sunday, lie baa beta away from his borne at Spokane tor two months vlaittag the different cborcbee la the diatrlrt, whlota now covers a territory MM tnile to width. Itev. Uibba returns to bts borne from llrppner. The three-year-old bob of J. A. John son, of Lyna (Voter. III., Is aehjacl to attaeks ot croup. Mr. Jobuaon ears be Is eatlsfla.1 that tbe timely Bsc of Cham berlain's Cough Kaojedy, during a severe attack, aaved bis little boy'e life, lie ta ia the drag bneiaeee, a roam ber ot the firm of JohneoB Hroa. of tbat place; aad they handle a geel aaaay peuntt medr- cioee for throat aad long dlaea. lie bad all Iheec to cbmee from, and akillad pbyalolaae ready to reepoad to bis call. hot aleet4 this r toady tor nee ia bis ob family al a titae wbea bis child's lite was la dan jar, beeaaae be knew il Io be superior to any other, aad fsosoaa the country ever fur its rare ot croup Mr. Jobnaoti eaye Ibis la tbe bat sailing eouffb oiedieine Ibey handle, aad that It givea splendid saliaf actioa la all caaaw Bold by Cnneer A lirork . Considering tbe importance ot bis work and tbe hardships be eodored io pursuit of it, there baa been little writ ten about tbe young Swedish explorer, Dr. Bvea Iledio. A few months ago be eoropleted a Journey of three years aad aevsB months ia tbe most Inacoeeeible and least known parts of Asia. lie traversed mountain pasees nearly fllteea thousand feet high. In a temperature of near) fort degrees below lero; be ex plored aad meaaareJ a lake nine hun dred feet deep; be eliabed nearly to the top of aa unexplored moontaia twenty- five thousand fast high ; be traversed tbe noeiplored Takla-Makaa Drt,aod in doing so went nine days without walor, losing atl bat two of bis com panions and coming off blmsalf with tbe niaiMt (psrk of lite. Certainly bora le a heroic story scarcely eiaaled la the aa- cals of trsrel aad cxploratloa; and it baa gone thus far practically uatold. Hot Mr. R. II. Hberard baa prepared a full aooonot of Dr. Usdta aad bis die coverlra and advsntnree. baaed largely oa coafersatiooB with btm. aad il will be published la MoClore'a magssme fur iVeeubof, along with aoraarooa Uliis- Locsted on tbe O. R. A N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times ot tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Musio taught by competent instructors. A gradu ate ot tbe Boston Conservatory baa charge ol the instrumental department. 1li lentil os' Boarding Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent acoommodationB at reasonable rates. Send for catalogue. Addeeaa M. C. ROYAL, President of faculty er P. A. WORTHING' TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Or. AttornqvH fit Low, All busloeaa attended to ia a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. HEPPNER, OFFICE IN t t NATTER BCILDINQ. t : OREOOH n i i n in io uniDia uivcr ana i MVS WIS J V WHITE COLLAR LINE. in l t 'iiffMniinn ia uMvv rvvuuva ti'tiiK u u Slttatn THETflONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN' WAVE. Leaving Alder Street Deck, Portlaed, for Astoria. llato. Long Beaeh, Ooaa Park aad Nahcotta. Dirl conneettoa with Ilwaoo aWamars aad rail road; aleo at Touog'c Hay with Seashore Railroad. TSXiBrilONXl Uaras fwrtlaml ILN. ti I y, ipt BuaiUy. Ifttm Artm ? f, M. tMIr, SKvp Ba4a LsavaS rVtrtland I F. M Illy. aarvf Bnmtay. Hattir-tay Bltht. It f U. Uama ittorta Da alt A. M., y ausaay aad Motflay. Bnwar aiht, 1 f. M OOBAN WAVTJ Uavca fnlan4 aa4 run illwrt to llwarA. Tartar ami Tlmfwlay aA S a. M. May al I f, M !maa liaaro W4natar e4 FrMay si 7 A. M. ln BsaiUf bmiM at S F. M. Port ClfHfi ti Eiilnai Pti&itioa Bulk kt&n tm tf hjtvt Tot Baivty. epd, Comlofi, rhmnie, Traral aa taa Talapaow. IUlly Oatsart an4 War ... ... .i rra;'r:7rz;T. the palace hotel bab. Joaraey. J. O. I30ROI-I3SRS. Prop. T Catarrh earo-t. A eUsr head aad txl bfMth e-rnre.1 with Hhlloh's Sbto!rUT',rlu VS2rlKccps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Itroek. 1