Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 23, 1897, Image 3

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    01), How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying the Blood.
"A very severe pain came In my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a aore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered In this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's- Sarsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief I I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
X am In the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Hood's ' parilla
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Puses Away Last Night After an Extended
The death of William J. Leezer, an old real-1
dent of Heppner, occurred at his home here on
last evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Leezer was
attacked by la grippe some three or four years
ago, and never entirely recovered, consumption
making its appearance about eighteen months
ago. He battled dilllgently with the grim
destroyer but medical skill could not stop its
ravages and Mr. Leezer passed to his long
home. He was loved by all as he was a man
who made no enemies. The funeral will occur
tomorrow from the M. E. church, Rev. Potwine
officiating. The funeral will be In charge of
the Masonic order, of which Mr. Leezer was a
William J. Leezer was born in Eushville,
Schuyler Co., Ills., Nov. 21, 1846. He left home
in Dec. 1870, and came direct to Umatilla
county, locating at Umatilla, working at the
tinners' trade, having learned this before leav
iug the East. He afterwards moved to Hepp-
nar and until his last illness was identified
with mercantile interests.
Mr. Leezer had not been stout since early
manhood, having suffered a relapse from bil
ious fever while temporarily residing in Ne
braska, and this followed by an attack of dumb
ague undermined a naturally strong constitution.
Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cents.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ana omtuary notices, (otner tnan tnose tne edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
The Gazette can offer tbe following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 J3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.75
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.00
"' 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Rural Bpirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 'i at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
''The Hpihit and the bri e say. Come."
The pastor may be found at tne parsonage ad
joining the chnrch, where he will be glad to
meet any w"o may desire to consnlt nira on
religions, social, oivio, philosopliio, educational,
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLE8HER, Minister.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bruises, HoreB, Uioers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Files or do
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot Batiefaotioo or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Couser & Brook.
Heppner Receives a Call from the Portland
Business Men Yesterday.
The special train of Portland wholesale mer
chants who have been visiting the towns of the
northwest arrived in Heppner yesterday morn
ing and remained until nearly ten o'clock. The
visitors occupied some time in looking over the
town and cultivating acquaintance with local
business people, and rustling after business.
The party was In charge of Mr. J. G. Wood
worth, general freight agent of the O. R. & N.
Mr. Woodworth informed the Gazette that
there were forty-four representatives of busi
ness houses.
All were surprised to see Heppner such a
large town, and left favorably impressed with
it. Their visit will do much good.
Catarrh is a Disease
Which requires a constitutional remedy.
It oannot be cured by looal applications.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is wonderfally suc
cessful in ouring oatarrh because it
eradicates from the blood the sorofalous
taints wbiob cause it. Sufferers with
catarrh fiod a onre in Hood's Sarsnpa-
rilla, even after other remedies utterly
Here and There.
Hood's Fills are prompt, effioient, al
ways reliable, easy to take, easy to ope
Bee M. Liclitenthal for shoes. a.
Barney Doherty was in Heppner yes
terday, Submit your plana to Banoua before
giving out your oontraot. tt
What ia Hop Qold? Best beer on
arth. bee ad. elsewhere.
To trade A Rood beating stove, for
cordwood. Call at office. tf
Sample tbe Gazette two-bits worth,
from now till March 1, 1808.
Tbe Orange Front ia now prepared to
serve fresh oysters in any style. 92tf
M. Llobteothal for shoes. Exclusive
sboe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
23 oents. Or villa Jones manager, tf
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooount File printed at tbe Gazette of
fice. ' tf.
Sample subscription to tbe Gazette
front now till Marob 1, 1898, 25 oeuts
Try a doss of it .
Fine home-made taffy at tba OroDge
Front. A clean, fresh atook of goods-
leave your orders. tf.
Girl wanted to do housework. Good
wagea. Nona but the best need apply.
Gall at Gazette office. 83-tf
Aoy ooa desiring to build either
bouae or barn will make money by call
ing oo tbe Gazette ofnoe. 67 tf
Beat aooommodatioD and courteous
treatment at tba Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregoo.
' Tba spirit of T6 was "tor liberty or for
death." Tbat oIJ brand of Cyme Noble
at Chris Borcbers' la tba spirit tbat
touches tba spot these times. tf
Gall oil Tom Howard tor gloves. No
better line Id tba city. II keepa both
lined and onlloed goods sod bis stock is
large. You can get Just what yoo want
Corns to tba Osteite office sod get
decent lot of envelops printed
Government envelope look cheap, and
beside vou cannot get your bosioeas
eard printed tbereon. tf
Momenta are useless if trifled awav
aoJ they are dangerously wasted if oo
earned by delay in ease where One
If inula Cagh Cur wnald bring imme
diate relief. For sale by Gueeer
George H afford bat soma Boa half
breed Cotawell bocks, oat of Merloo
esree wbli b be wish to sell at reaa
able fiaoraa. Ha will be at E. I Mat
lock's corral oo a boat Sept. 20. Cs
oa bin- T9tf
Frank McFarlaod baa breo appoint"!
special agal of The Equitable Life As-
oraoe Co, of New York, lb strongest
to tba world. Caab anrplua to policf
btlJers of over 43 tntllioc dollar. IVm
lake losoraee wiihool saalog the D
blaoa of lb Equitable. Insnrea btb
aeiea at same rate. 77tf
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tb "Red
light," ever oo tb alert for something
aew, etn farnlab a lb finest cock
tails la the laod-Wanbsti.a, Jersey,
Vermoalh or Oio-ede b aa ertiet ia
I ha hnaiaaa. IlfoD lo and lake lb
tat nut of jonr mouth.
School Entertainment.
At the opera house on tomorrow, Wednesday'
evening, the pupils of Heppner school will give
an entertainment for the be neflt of the library
fund. They have been preparing for this
occasion for some time and promise the people a
rare treat in the way of a novel entertainment.
The cause is certainly a very commendable one
and our citizens should be liberal In their
patronage. The prices of admission are very
reasonable, being 8i cents for reserved seat', 25
cents for general admission, and 15 cents for tbe
school children.
Educate Tour Bowels With Casearets.
Candv Cathartic, cure constiDatlon forever.
10c. If C C. C. full, druggists refund money.
Mrs. J as. Jones raised a fine lot of geese this
summer and felt justly proud of her success.
But she now mourns the loss of 13 of the biggest
and best la the lot by the coyotes, having made
raid on the flock the past week. Henry Can
non, ho Uvea with Mr. Jones' folks, got even
somewhat with the sneak thieves. He found
two of them busily engaged In devouring a
goose between them, and got them both with
one shot from his rifle. Coyotes are quite nu
meroiison the outskirts of town and poultry
yards suffer pretty much In consequence.
Heppner flouring mills started up Monday
morning for a winter's run, and we hope they
will not be compelled to shut down again ex
cept for necessary repairs which naturally come
to machinery which Is In constant use. Hepp
ner mills make good flour and should be liber
ally patronized.
To Core Constipation forever.
Take Caacareta CanOv ('atharlia loo or So.
It C C. C. fall to cure, druttgihta refund money.
Ranous I still oo the turf doing a lit
tle carpenter business. tf
Grandpa Florence, who lives np oo
Willow creek, died tbia afternoon of
John SpeDoer was io town Saturday
from O. A. Kbea's. Jobo will work for
Asa Thompson tbia winter.
R. W. Beardeo relumed Sunday from
Colorado where bs went laat spring
with a band of sheep, via tbe trail
Bert Htillwell arrived io Heppner ye
tetday oo bis way to Maker City Io ap
pear a wltoees io Iba Lino Malteaoo
ISVetlvs at Oeee.
On way rat to Chir-earo will be
first claaa, and 1 16 20. eeoond
claea. eboto three Iran continental
root eaat. Applv to J. O. U art, ageol
O.K t N., Urppner, Or., for further
particular. W-lt
Walt. Thompson runs stage betwera
Ili'ppner and Monument, arriving every
day esocpt Monday and leaviog every
day eteept Hnoday. 8 bo r lee t and ebeap
at root lo tbe Interior. E. J. Bloona,
Now la tb lime to get tb Weekly
Oregooiao, lb greatest newspaper of
tb West. W ith tb()rt la, both strict,
ly lo advene., no year, I'l.OU No better
ooobtaetion uf iepapera eao be mad
lo lb state.
Any proo mho I interested lo
Prili.h Ootombf eboqld writ to W. H.
Harlbart. general paaaeoger aifeot of tba
O. It A N,for a epy of I'at looen's lit
tle "book 1st." "Tbe New Hoaaaraland."
II ia well worth tb trouble. DO-tf.
L. D. Baker is up from lone today.
Henry Green got In yesterday from the John
W. J. Brown came In from Butter creek yes
terday. 1
' Bruce McAlister was up from Lexington yes
terday. Amos Slack and wife were in yesterday from
Lone Rock. "
J. W. Brown, of Clarks Canyon, visited Hepp
ner Monday.
Quite a fall of snow occurred last night and
this morning.
L. 8. Nicholson and wife were In from Goose
berry yesterday.
Joe Woolery and Bud Holland were up from
lone yesterday.
John Depuy was down from the timber Sat
urday and Sunday.
Jake Keyes was up from lone Monday and re
ports prosperous times.
Clyde Thompson will leave today to visit rel
atives at Sbedds, Oregon.
Born To the wife of John Her, in this city,
Nov. 22, an 8 pound boy.
Mel Peterson, of Vinson, is back from Mon
tana after a season's shearing.
Judge A. G. Bartholomew left last evening
for Salem on official business.
Johnny Crisman is over after a load of freight
for the Long Creek merchants.
Judge Jones, of Eight Mile, accompanied by
his two sons, were in town yesterday.
N. O. Bmead, father of W. W. Smead, of this
city, is very ill at his home near Ella.
I. N. Hughes departed for Portland last even
ing to be absent a few days on business.
There are 80 Backs of wool from Grant county,
stored in Heppner's warehouse awaiting sale.
The Thanksgiving ball masque occurs on
the eve of Nov. 23th. Come out and bring the
Mrs. W. P. Dutton is entertaining a number
of friends today, the occasion of Mr. Dutton's
Remember the union Thanksgiving services
at the Christian chuach Thursday morning at
10 o'clock.
A. 8. Shattuck and family, of Gooseberry,
were in Heppner Saturday, trading with our
Ben Mitchell, brother of the Marion county
representative, McKinley Mitchell, was in Hepp
ner over Sunday.
Ben Swaggart brought a drove of hoggin
from his ranch Sunday which he disposed of
to Heppner parties.
Wiley B. Allen, head of the big music firm of
Wiley B. Allen Si Co., of Portland, came in with
the visitors yesterday.
"Jerry" Caldwell, for 15 years a reporter on
the Oregonian, was with the crowd of Portland
visitors at Heppner yesterday morning.
Milt Maxwell is spoken of in connection with
the Hardman postoffice. Milt is one of our best
citizens and would make an efficient officer.
J. H. Bellenbrock, proprietor of the Lone
Rock stage line, is ha been confined to his
home on Eight Mile by sickness, but is better
Dr. John W. Rasmus returned this morning
from a visit to the home folks at Walla Walla.
He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Lena
Mr. J. F. Mathews, representing the Edward
Shields Co., is here today preparing for Mr.
Shields' entertalnnent on next Friday and Bat
urday evenings.
Don't fail to see Edward Shields' "Trip to the
Klondike," illustrated with 2&0 views, taken
direct from nature. He will be at the opera
house, Friday Nov. 26.
'Gene Slocnm got back Friday morning from
the East, where he enjoyed a visit with rela
tives and friends, and Is once more installed In
his old position at the power house.
Anybody Intending a trip to Klondike would
do well to attend the illustrated lecture given
by Edward Shields at the opera house, Friday,
Nov. 26. Admission, 15, 25 and 35 cents.
R. K. Duran has Just returned from a trip of
several weeks to La Grande, Baker City and
other outside points. He comes back satisfied
that Heppner is the best place of them all.
A special meeting of the council was held on
Saturday night last for the purpose of deciding
upon the manner In which the visiting buslneis
men of Portland should be received and enter
A meeting of Elks at the K. of P. hall Is re
quested for next Sunday at o'clock, p. m., at
which time arrangements will be made for
memorial services, to be held Sunday, Deo. 5th'
All members should come out.
H. R. Lewis, of Lewis it Dryden, printers and
blank book manufacturers, Portland, was
among Heppner's visitors yesterday. This
office acknowledges a very pleasant call from
the gentleman.
Miss Daisy Beagle, of St. Helens, a relative ot
Editor Beagle, and Miss Maude Flagg, of Salem,
daughter of Editor Flagg, both of whom have
been visiting relatives In Gilliam and Morrow
counties, departed lastnlgbt for their respective
Mr. Kllham, of the firm of Hows, Davis A
ICilhara, book binders of Portland, was her
with the crowd yesterday. For years Mr. Kit
bam was the traveling representative ot J, K.
GUI A Co., th wholesale stationers, and la well
known to many Bcppuer people.
Congressman El II, wife and family leav on
this evening's train for Washington, D. C.vla
Portland. They bav not decided which routs
they will take from the metropolis. Their so
journ In the capltol city will likely extend over
a period ot til n months or a year.
Walt Bartholomew cams In with lbs "big
hugs" on Monday morning from Athena, and
will return to that city tonight wber h Is en
gaged wltb Joaef Mueller selling piano and or
gans lor Wiley B. Allen Co. Walt says th
piano buslneas I good up In Umatilla csnnty.
B. I. Stratum, principal of th Lon Rock
erhool, rams over to Heppner Saturday, return
Ing Sunday. Mr. stratum ha bid cbarg ot tin
Lon Rnrk erhool for several years and ha bean
very snrreaaftil. This Is proven by th fact that
the peopl ovr there keep blra tram year to
Devotes Much of Her Time to the Benefits of
Children How She Helps Them.
From the Evening News, Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. John Tansey, ot 130 Baker street,
Detroit, Miobigap, is one ot those wo
men who always know just what to do
in all trouble and sickness. One tbat is
a mother to those in distress. To a re
porter she said :
"I am the mother ot ten children and
have raised eight ot tbem. Several years
ago we bad a serious time with my
daughter, wbiob began when she was
abont Bixteen years old. She did not
have any serious illness but seemed to
gradually waste away. Hav'iDg never
bad any consumption in our famaliee,
as we oome of good old Irish and Scotch
desoent, we did not think it was that
disease. Neither did she have a taaok-
ing congh, yet she grew thinner and
Daler each day. Oar dootor called the
disease by an old name whioh, as I after
ward learned, meant lack of blood.
"It is impossible to describe tbe feel
ings John and I bad as we noticed oar
daughter slowly passing away from ns.
As a last resort I was induced to try Dr
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
made by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Sobeneotsdv, N. ., wbiob I understood
contained in a condensed form all tbe
elements neoessnry to give new life and
riobness to the blood and restore shat-
Blankets ! Blankets !
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Minor & Co.
tered nerves. Before she had taken bait
a box, there was a deoided obange and
after three months treatment you would
not have reoognized her, as her health
was so greatly improved. She gained in
flesh rspidly and soon was in perfeot
health. I have always kept tbe puis in
the house siooe and have recommended
them to every one I could. I have told
many mothers about them and they
have made some wonderful cares. One
ot tbe girls bad a young lady friend that
came to tbe bouse almost every day, and
he was a sight. Hopestly, she seemed
almost transparent, l aid not oare to
have my daughters assooiate with her,
as I was afraid she would drop dead
some day wben tbey were oat on tbe
street. I recommended and begged her
to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale
People, and told her ot their sterling
qualities and how the cost was slight,
being only 50 oents a box or six boxes
tor $2 60, at aov druggist's. Finally I
induced ber to try them.
"Tbey helped ber wonderfully, and un
doubtedly saved her life. She now reoom
mends them lo other young women.
"Every mother in this land should
keep these pills in the house, as they are
good for many other ailments. I don't
believe in doctoring and never spent
much money ia medioines, but I oan
recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
every mother tbat has a daughter just
looming into womanhood."
Cotton Blankets 90c a pair.
Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25.
We also have a line of Eastern blankets
called wool, at $3.00.
Bat tbe Only Blanket
On Earth is the.
We are sole agents for those, having bought our
entire line in June, it enables us to sell those
oelebrated goods at tbe same prices asked tor
interior brands. Call and examine.
In it for
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies' Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
..' Notions, Etc.,
At prices as low as they can be sold in
this market.
D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
grooeries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's ....
IT. Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Jlnd now the entire world
r . 11 j. A - 7 . . A
nnows mis rierecc pruuucb
As tlie Star Brewery beer
HEPPNER, OR., Nov. 12, 1H97.
Meuri. Comrr A Brock, Httmtr, Or.
Gkmtlsmbn : I was recently taken with a severe cold
which made me very hoarse and romlersd ma unlit to
attend lo business. A friend ot mlus called my attention
to your Pr. Barthlow'i cough syrup and I bought a bottle,
costing me SO cents, which relieved me at once and com
pletely cured me. 1 am subject to throat difficulty and I
have found nothing that gave me so much relief as this
cough cure,
I am informed that It Is excellent for colds, bronchitis,
whooping oougb and all throat and lung troubles.
I beg to remain, most truly yours,
e e e oi Til 10 see
iinum run, regular artma mssv sj
of the bowels, do not IrrV IJ lis
late or Inflame, but leave Ilia
all IK. Sellmu SlfMttni
talm la aerfert 041110. Try Uta. emu.
-Tmra4 ealy br U L Ho4 t., Loll, Km
Keen sneeMnfl Get Gicfi
Telia Yey Hewte De II.
Heppner Semi-Weekly Gazette
Each ieDtliDg io Ibe following coupon by mail, properly fiillod out
to tbe missiDK words, will each reemte tbe Rural Bpirit for one year.
Tbe Kara) Spirit ia tbe beat agricultural and etockman'e paper of tbe
North wat, MFirat corn, firat aered. Ibe obacription price of tbe
Rural Spirit it t2 per year, thus we are gmrig away fjf) worth of (food
readiDff. Remember tbat tbe coopoo must be acDt oa by mall.
a - ...
will accept tbem in do otbr manner. Add name and adilrMa.
peaaly Is Hl4 lf).
(Vsa r.lon.1 means a rtan km. No
beauty witboyt It. warela. I andy t athr
I.. mne Mini and kern rt clean. I)
tirving n tb lay liver and driving ail 1 111
Cntwa fiom the Mr. IWgm tUy
nih Bil.'ea, I .mi a, LloU Ha, tlUwaU.
and tbat eHkly Ulwisa p.np rK !ifl"l
t rl.-llr w'a. AH Hmj
gxte, aatiasawa julnled, U , Zr, ;
Trtur, Hall-llhrnm and Kccmsw
The intrna Itching sod smarting, tact
dent to the) diwaae, U trurtantlT allayed
tr epj.lylng CbsmbrrUiu Lye and
hkloOlnttiM'tit. Many very Wl cm
bare Wo jw-niutrwtiUy rtirwl by It. It
U equally t-ffkWit for felting "J
a favortu rm1t: fr a-r" tlpilee,
chaj.pe4 han-U, chlUUIn". ff liU
ami thrtmte mrm eyes. 21 c 1. Jr boi.
Dr. Cadj's (aaxllllaa PewJm, are
jtsat what a home eU wdmi In t1
condition. Timtp. tilcnnl fori fief arnl
term If Hire. TW are tt f'J t"t
iwlU Ini an-1 tb U in t jmt
boro In j. rim run-Utios. Pnui
euta r i keg.
Byaspeolal arrangement we offer to
our realer
The Wool Record
soJ Hetnr Weakly Osteite, on year for
Tba Wool lUeord is tbe only aaiional
wool orgea and covers Ibe ! industry
from Ibe raising of Ibe steep lo the sell'
ing of IN aaanfeear article. II ie
pat)lll.al weekly at New Tok aed the
regular pries ie fiOO a yeer. lie market
reports are fell end eornpleta and II
Hbeep Hieedef' Talis el are worth
U lime Ike firtre of II Paper.
Hemple etpte on eplima.
WeleaMi.y reoibiueaii this eooild
aalioa to oar beerioere.
The subscription price of
the Gazette has been r d
to per year.
II kaeaattliiiig la this) lie thai roe tKt dealr and yoa raa atfwnd as II yej 4 a
g4 artlri a ban Mat gtiaranlaa It.
Old tt)e. Main ftlreel ReMlrMf Stveelalty
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Ihe Best Bargains-
But art thoaa of greatest vain In proportion to cost. If you want to get your
muney's worth of honest goods In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
W ar Increasing our stork for fall and winter. Call and tea us.
Dat Co'n Juice"
Is Found at
Telephone Saloon,
Oa Ifaia Htreel. io City Hotel Building.
The Best of Everything
Always on Top
Courteous Ireatmeol to all. Nioo club rooms.
1 paper full oouot plus 2 cant. 1 paper (fool aeeJlM '4 eeol.
1 spool lines threat..,. 3 sent. 1 eard books ami 07a) 1 eeat.
1 ball knitting cot too... 3 eeots. 1 aents tape border bkl 5 oents.
1 Vliseee colored bor Jsr bamlkeroblef 2 cents.
The GAZETTE, $q.oo A Year for CASH.
. . . . J. W. VAUOHAN.