Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 23, 1897, Image 1

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    Vortland Library
Tha Heppner Saml-Waekly
Gazatta from now until
March 1,1898, for
-25 Cts.i-
Tha Heppner Semi-Weekly
Gazette from now until
March 1st, 1898, for
-25 Cts.-
Yearly Subscription Reduced to $2.00
Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00
NO. 599
; i - T nnw m vxn nriT i ouk new pafeb 1 1
mi i it n r . I II II I I
Tuesdays and Fridays
BT j
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $9.0) per year. 11.00 for six months, BO ots.
tor three morions, striotly in advanoe.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
-"THIS PAPKR is kept on hie at E. C. Dake's
i A-ininrw Annv. At and 65 Merchants
Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where oou
raots for advertising oan be made for it.
Masaue Ba
Thursday Evening, Nov. 25th.
Admittance $1.00; Lady Maskers Free;
Spectators . 50 cents.
Suitable Prizes will be Awarded.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, Ban FranoiBOO, is our authorized agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p
Hnndav arriving st Heppner Ju
daily exoent
unction 12:05 a. m.
8:30 a. m. and ar-
Leaves Heppner Junoiiou
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m
Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma! ilia 8:50 p. m. ,
Portland Express No. 8, from Bpokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
a. m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8:25 p. m.and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at I eppner Junction 12:25 a, ra. and at
Pottland 7 :2C a. m. . .
For further information inquire of J. O. Hart,
Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. S. Batty,
Gen. Pas. A St.,
Milwaukee, Wis,
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or.
Hotel II3;p;pinL3:t?
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager.
ment. Strictly First Glass.
Three Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
iEfflViEa. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage- s-
,j r. i . r . - .1 I. i i I " - '
dollar. Ton may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-
bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
Fill a bottle or oommon glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-tour hours;
a sediment or settling indioetes an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are out of order.
There is oomtort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It oor
reots inability to hold urine and so aid
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get np many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful oures of the
most distressing oases. If you need a
H, W. Fall, Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
United BUtes Officials.
President William McKinley
Vice-President Garret A. Hobart
Beoretaryof Btate -John Sherman
decretory of Treasury ...Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bin
Beoretary of War Unssell AlKer
Secretary ol navy. ""'"
Postmaster-General Jam A. Uary
attorney-General... Joseph McKenna
Beoretary it Agrioulture J amee Wilson
State of Oregon.
TWuumrflr Phil. Metsohan
BuPubVio Instruction ...M. M Irwin
-y General ... M. Mien.
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B.
Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
ana me u. ot. u ar, muaiubub.
BeSTA first-olass feed barn run in connection,
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage
Free 'Bus run to
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Stt.,
1 J. H. Mitohell
I Binger Hermann
Cnnsressmen J W. ft. Ellis
n ...... .....W. H. Leeds
l UUWL , T, U 1
Supreme Judges.
8. Bean.
A. Moore,
E. Wolverton
Sixth Jnalclal District.
Ctrcnit Judge Stephen . Lowell
I'roseouting Attorney "ear
Borrow County omciais.
County Judge
' Commissioners.
J. W. Beckett.
... Clerk..... -
.A. G.
A. W. Gowan
. J. N. Bnrwn
.W. Marrow
L. Matlock
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
weekly The monthly SEVEN GREAT SERIALS
.... Kmnk Gilliam
A. C. Fetteys
. ... J. W. Hornor
...Jay W. Shipley
B. F. Vaugnan
" Treasurer
Bchool Bup't...
" Coroner
rr. ow OFFionBS vm9m
Gilliam, ArUmr Minor, E. J. Biooum, m.
Lichtentlud and J. H. Itonwn. KrhaHHO1
Kordr V ..L. W. Briggs
MaS::"::v.::"::v.v.:r;:.:.A. a. Rob.ru
Precinct OBleer.
i-lo. f th. Pesos W. K, KichardW.n
Unltd StatM Land Officers.
TBI oaixn, on.
J. F. Moor
A. B. Bigs "I
B.F. Wilson E
J.H. Kobbins n'T"
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Indies under the general title of
The Gazette sends out this issue 1,000
copies in addition to its regular, paidup
oiroulation. These go to persons resid
ing in Morrow and Grant oounties, and
to other looahties tributary to Heppner,
Lexington, Hardman and lone. This is a
rare obanoe for the business men of this
looality to reaob a very large number of
readers who ought to become oustomers
of our merobants. Our advertising rates
remain the same, however. Now is the
time to get in and do some business.
You never had a better opportunity to
get double tbe ordinary value fur ah
We have another object in getting out
so many extra oopies. Over one year
ago we went to tbe "oash-in-advanoe
plan" of carrying subscribers, it was
pretty bard at first, but most ot our
patrons tell in with the plan, and though
we lost some who were hopelessly in
volved, yet we bsve gained a great
many in their plaoes. Times are better
this fall. We bave reduced the prioe ot
The Times Makes Its Initial Bow to the Public-It
Looks Well.
Heppner's new paper, the Times, put
out its initial number on last Thursday
with the announcement that it was here
to stay, and would endeavor to become
one of the solid business fixtures of
Heppner and Morrow county. Mr. .
M. Shott is the editor and sole proprie
tor of tbe paper, and the Gazette con
gratulates him on the neat and prosper,
ous appearanoe of this, the first edition
of the Times. Typographically the paper
is well gotten up and this number is
well filled with spicy news of both city
and oounty. Mr. Shutt experienced
considerable inoonvenience and de
lay in working off tbe first edition owing
to "breaking in" a new press, whiob is
always bard to get in good oondition for
printing, but as these matters are now
all put in "ship shape," it is expeoted that
tbe Times will appear bright and olear
In looking over the new paper tbe Ga
zette discovers quite a number of ads.
from Heppner's business men who have
not appeared before tbe publio in print
for a long time. As this paper has been
unable to do any business with these
people along this line in a cause that
would have certainly been benefioial to
them as well as to us, we now congratu
late them that they have at last
awakened out of their slumbers and are
again rustling for business in a business
way. We like to see business men ad
vertise whether this paper gets it all or
not. It demonstrates the right kind of
business judgment and is commendable.
Absolutely Pure
caused by Irvine having been told tha
Sweek bad oirculated slanderous reports
concerning Mrs. Irvine's intimacy with
a certain neighbor of Irvine's, which
8 week denies having done.
Tbe shooting is to be deeply deplored.
Mr. Irvine has always borne a good repu
tation in tbe oommunity in which be
lives. Sweek was brought to Long
Greek where his wounds were dressed by
Dr. Miraole. At present writing he is
able to be around with the use of
orutobes, and unless he receives some
"baok-sel," will soon be able to return
, Xo man or woman oan enjoy life or
accomplish much in this world while
suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt'a
Witch Hszle Salve. It soothes, strength
ens and heals. It is tbe great pile oure.
For sale by Oonser & Brook.
.N. 8. Wbetatons
n S R.
. tha last Baturday of
W Htntth. v. ... - .
AdiOtADI. "
Dr. P. B. McSwords
Drag Btort,
Offlne in tbe City
City Hotel.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloebourt.8tol0 a. and W to
3 p. m.. at rwirtMee. W. A. Kirk's prop
rty. east of M. E chorcb. Booth, and 10
to 12. a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m., at offioe lo
tbe rear ot Borg's Jswelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offls la tbe nrst Nwol Bank
Harm in.
s Obkoom.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
, rrici
a. n. tnA bar rl nUU. rwiis h"""". PT'
nyay tnblslU..Mrilguf. U
First National Bank
or ii Errs eb
C.A. Rhca.
. rVeeldent
Vise President
Aee't CeeMer
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has
been during eaob ot its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. In
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a oompaot review of the
world's progress; it follows with care
all tbe important philanthropio and in
dustrial movements of the day; has t
complete department ot religious news;
devotes moon space to tbe interests of
tbe home; reviews current literature;
famishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular mage
tine sice, wbicb will add greatly to its
oonvenienoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook la published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue
In each month is an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice aa many
pages aa tbe ordinary issues, together
with large number of pictures.
Tbe pries of The Outlook ia lb res
dollars a year In advanoe, or lees than a
cent a day.
Bead for specimen copy and illustrat
ed prospectus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plaoa.New Toik Oltv.
" -
While foe yonr sttrjseriptk paid ae ire
uImi tsar brand la fraeof Chan.
BTf, P. ().. Hsppnar. Or.Hnras, F B bl Uft I
sltoakiart aMua, munm m n sip.
Conk, A. J.,L.Or. Hnra,on right ahonl
toi ( atUo, aamooo right hipl M Buvk sqaars
run oil laft aad split la riahU
W M . Oallowa. Or. (Vila. R Dan
right .(.la.swaib'W-fufk la mah SWi bars as, M U I
a laft MP.
VI. Rna Hnnalaa. Or. Boreas bran4d ELT
m Uft abnaJdar, aaitU Sam aa WfUup. auls I
In right sar.
n L. a tUtHNiar. Or. falL. LP an
right hipi boraaa. F vita Jiar enda on right
J.KM, Harrr. Htt-. Or -Hnraas ,braBta4
at 1 tii Uft .fc.ml.lari aattla brandad J oa
r .M ..a. al. aod-rtMl la Mt Car. tUnf la
Murro soaatf.
i.Anmfm. rU. Iaa, Or.-Horaaa. lrlaT na
laft stittai oaUla.aan.aaa right Up, aaoar kail
arup la nM aad abltt .a laft aa I
taaaf.H'ks, Happaar. H.-rlorBaa nraa44
IM aa laft kip aaiUa aaiaa and arnp afl laft
aari aa It alopaoa taa rlaht
1 W. Matnar Or Horaas ttrandad
t.aa4 unmUtt K.ikUri aaula aa. Ml
aiu. aauia avar right aya. Uiraa aula la ngM
A New Life of erant by Hami.ih Garland. The flnt authoritative and adequate Life ol
Grant aver published. . (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.) , -
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections ol War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of tha most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
Btted than any other man llviug to give aa authoritative hlstoty of this pe1d from his
recollection, and correspondence.
nr.rit Af oraat Americana. Many of them unpublished. In coniioctlon with this serles
of riortraits It la Intended to publlrh special biographical sti
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
nir,..r ot Daiaa.lna. Srjeclallv taken under the editor's direction.
stories of Adventure. A serial by COS AN DOYLE, in which he will use hts extraordinary subscription for our semi-weekly, eight
S,r Ulent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him q
n., nsnnitr uiniTcnc the increase in onr list renders it possl
IEN rftlHIUUa VWMIILMJ ku The more subscribers on our list, all
IAN M ACLAREN, All the Action that he wl.l writo during the coming year, wun me exception
ot two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in McCluke's Maoazin.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLOas's
all of tha short stories he will write during the coining year.
OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Maoaxihs a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete In ltaoll.
Anthony Hope Bret Herte Robert Barr
' Frank R.Stookton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaell
will all have stories In McCluse s for tbe coming year.
The Coming Woman
Who goes to the olub while her husband
tends the baby, as well aa tbe good old-
fashioned woman who looks after her
borne, will both at times get run down
in health. They will be troubled with
loss of appetite, headaches, sleepless
ness, fainting or dizzy spells. Tbe most
wonderful remedy for these women is
Eleotrio Bitters. Thousands of sufferers
from lame baok and weak kidneys rise
np and call it blessed. It is tbe. medi
oine for women. Female oom plaints and
nervous troubles ot all kinds are soon
relieved by the use ot Eleotrio Bitters.
Delioate women should keep this remedy
on band to build up the ayatem. Only
60c. per bottle. For sale by Conser A
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McCWM S Maoa.ins lor
lte7, tne subscription pnea oi wiucn is umy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscription! should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
The banner was presented to Miss
Barker's room this week aa she has had
the least per cent ot absences and tardi
nesses. , Tbe exeroises tor saluting the
flag, tor Thanksgiving Day, will be given
on Wedoesday afternoon at the sobool
Bbiloh'a Consumption Oure cures
where others fail. It ia the leading
Cough Cure, and no borne should be
withont it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Oonser &
Brook. x
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
; For
To be educated one must rrad
the bast literature.
The bast literature Is ei pensive.
Leslle'e lllustreted
Pubtlsned at 110 filth Arsnus,
New York. Is full of tha bast things.
Its Illustrations are superb; It
stories charming; and lis literary
drpartmenla are edited with con-
paid up, tbe oheaper it renders tbe pub'
lioation ot tbe issue, so far as each In
dividual aubscriber Is concerned. We
are also taking "trial subscriptions,"
from date till March 1st, 18U8, for 25
cents. If you don't like tbe psper then
you need not reoew.
In order to make tne Uszette more
acceptable we bave sec a red the valuable
servioes ot Mr. Yawter Crawford aa re
porter, and foreman ot the mecbanioal
department. In addition to this exponas
we bave increased our facilities for do
ing business, and this paper today pays
oat monthly in ell more then S250 Licit
is spent among tbe buaineea mso of
Morrow county. We have substantial
reasons that there will be something left
for the printer even with this great out
lay. Tbe circulation of temple oopies will
be continued till spring. We will find
net names eaob issue. It you bave not
ordered tbe paper it will not Oost any
thing for the few oopies rtceived. It
will be tbe endeavor of tins office to
aeod these sample copies to (S many per
sons as possible, and tberelure bo one
will receive at moat more than two ot
three oopies.
We beg to remaiu
Most truly yours,
Thi Patteimon Pcb.Ou.
It should be In every
summat skill.
Burn S paper I e (net popular educator.
The tubscripUon price of Leslle'e Isllpa nnnm.
We awke the un paralleled oftar of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
Ho a ik a otar was avar made bafore. No surh oflaf w Ul evrr be Bade
again. These two papars auks a ssost anmptable Christmas or birthday
lift, and UI be constant reminders ef the fiver's klnduaas.
Remit by staj order or that k to the
Hoppncr, Oroiroiie
Trisarti I Gt&tnl Bdic? Barest
right aipih-i
ntmar nr.-i atus. I Dm ,t. .y t-- . 'rv-v,,-
Has an nww, I
. tf r " Jl ana. I ..... . . ... . i .
. . i Ql 1 L-7-i-Ki.wr-itX -a W hp. Tie old reliable htery tble man ol lleri'O". llht mo'w
1) OUC II I aiiiA . - . , rv JO
(v,llartPns laade aa all M"1 "
liaannsMe Taraia.
e.riae aad eadlrtlad rrBts. M.00.
What Dr. A. K. HalUr Hays.
uarxalo, . X. tieoU: rrom my
pereooal knowledge, gaioed in obeerviog
tbe effect of yoor Hhilob'a Cure lo oeeoe
of advanced ConsomptioD, I am prepared
to say it is tbe most remarkable remedy
that baa ever been brought to my alteo
tion. It has oerteloly saved many from
Consumption. Sold by Gouser k Brock.
A bareaved buebaod in Ukleh has
posted tbie Dotioe on pine tree: "My
wife Bereb bee left my raoobe When I
didot duo A tbiog to bor aa I want It
Dtsiloekl understood that any mail As
takes bar in eod eeree far bar on my ea-
koonl will git Himself pom pad so foil of
Lad tbet sum Teoderfuot will locate Mm
far a miaeral eleme. A word to tbe
wtee is safflsbeiit end crier to work oa
f.Kile. p. Hmllli.-
A HonnUla Keslilence with all Contents Goes
np In Smoke,
Last Wedoesday night, fire destroved
the house with all its contents belonging
to B . F, Hevland in tbe mountains, and
oooapied at tbe time by Geo. Bbiok and
family. Mr, and Mrs. Bbiok were absent
from home, leaving their daughter Stella
and some of the younger children at tbe
bonne. It was noticed that the room in
wbioh the children were was beooming
pretty warm, and thinking that tbe beat
oame from tbe stove, it was closed op,
but about tbls time a coal ot fire fell
down through tbe oeihng and on look
ing op, it waa discovered that tbe boose
was on fire. The ohildreo did what tbey
oould to get things out of tbe bouse and
to put out tbe flames, but oould do bnt
little. Tbey took out a tew pieoee ot
bedding and ololbing and placing tbem
at a safe distance, aa tbey thought, from
tbe fire, prooeeded to tbe neerest neigh
bor to give the alarm. On returning
with help it waa tound to be too late to
save tha bouse and It was also diaoovered
that some of the articles oarried out were
on fire. These things were looked after,
the Ore pot out and tba artioles taken a
safs distance away and oovered op tor
the oigbt. Fire mast bave been
left smouldering la some ot
tbe things ssvsd, tor on returning tbe
next moroiog tbey were fouod entirely
baroed op.
Mr. Hhlrk's family being left entirely
destitute by this misfortune, a paper wee
oiroulataxl io their behalf io lleppner
Halurday and a sufficient sum of mootj
raised to give tbem a good atari again.
Joseph Baird, a well-known oitizen ot
Gilliam oounty, was found dead near tbe
doorstep ot bis borne Thursday morning.
Mr. Baird was a baohelor, and lived
alone. He was last seen alive Wednes
day evening by some wheathaulers, who
observed blm passing from his stable to
bis bouse, and carrying a halter. lie
never reaobed his door, but was found
where be bad fallen near the steps with
the halter still olutched in bis left band.
Death bad evidently been as painless bo
it was sudden.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, ourea
beadaohea. Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbe faoe, and makes the bead as clear aa
a bell. Sold by Conser k Brook. z
C. B. Van Doyn returned on Saturday
from Prineville whrre he went with a
view lo putting In a bowling alley. Yan
did not like the outlook, however, and
has deolded that tbe place ia not large
enough for this kind of a business to be
profitable and will therefore not locate
io that oily. lie saw Fred Wilmartb
whom be reports getting along about
tbe same as usual.
A Sara Thing lav Taa.
A transaction la which youcannnt loaelsa
sum Uilug. Illliousnaaa, sl k hmulat'lia, lur
rod longua, faver, pile, arxl a Uiouaauu ouirt
Ills are l auawl by consultation end slutrglah
liver. Ua arU Candy Calliartlr, tlio won
d.irful new liver stimulant and InU-eiinal
toiito are by all druggiaU gusrnuuwl torure
or monay refund.!. V. C. t!. era a sure
thing. Try a boa Uvdayj loc.. . ooa
bWile and booklet trvo. boa our big ad.
The "Bioy diet's Best Friend" is a
f emitter oame for DeWitt'a Witob Hstel
Halve, always ready for emergenciee.
While B speciflo for piles, it also Instant
ly relieves and cures outs, bruises, selt
rheum, eczema and all affections of tba
skin. It never fails. For Hale by Conser
k Brook. .
Card of Thanks.
To tboee citizens and klod friends of
lleppner, wbo so generously assisted
os lo our time ot need, we take this
means ot extending oor sinoere thanks.
May it Bever fall to your lot to sufftr
lose aa we bsve.
i nil pane of the weild
Tbe Oaaatle will UkeBoUtoaa. apples,
egga of batter ea soWniHu aaroaeia.
Aey oee ewieg tble effi-erea fttW Ibw
ereeaeta ia tbie seeeeei 4 eaa'l Jo
low eooa to soil aa.
( at Ua, t) oa rtjrHt kip.
If. O. rlaroaar. lr. - fattla W ( as
left kip. ms ' ar4 andaHnt la Ian
a t., In. Lt aboatiiar.
IVmiao. J. A- M-Pf, OrHnaaas,ae
1. wiU S mm laft .hlWillW.
u V. u irr -mag aaeHal T
Wn aMMa, aattia aaata aa laft hip I
a, Ik aulit ia bnik aara.
WrftaaKaraar. W, I . fUltnaw, r.t I
mm iW M r.. afcwilawi aaiiia
awiaM.JS ri! ! aM.ngMava,
i mm4 Wrfa ta Ml sar. Itanga ia tturrow aae
I L aiatitla anaauaa.
Just North ef tbe Osaatte offiea, wbere be wonlJ be
pleased lo tee all bks old friends aad make aew oeea.
Also rmit Iiuggirt, llnrkn, Tmm$ and tttil'llt llortrt.
IUib- Willis wbea yew eowe lo Iowa. Uld ftaad formerly neopin4 hr
Hilly Uordua, Heppner, Ortaoa.
Hmall prartaatlone oftea prevent greet
mieobiefe. DeWilt'e Little Kerly Itissre
ere very smell pills ta eiaa, but are nn
effactive lo preveattog tbe Oioel eerioue
forme of liver Irooble eod etooiaob
troetilae, Tbey core ennslipettaa and
beaxJerbe and fagnlaU tbe buwele. Kor
eale lit Oinaar A Hrnck.
FnropUr News: H. H. tioroer receivetl
a Nearer yesterdey More Ing aoaoa Be
ing the daelb of but nwduar la Darling
loa, Iowa. Hbe wee 65 years of age and
laeve Are eons eod foar deugbUre liv
ing lo moora bar loea. Mr, lioraar b
Ibe syaapelhv of bie aoeny frteede bare
ia bie sad bereaveoteat.
.lease Bwaek Hhot la the Hip by Uao. Irvlee,
family T roe He the Cans.
from The Eagle.
Tbe little village of Mooameot, Ibis
oounty, wee tbrwa Into a elete of i
eiteroeat Friday last, caosed by Ibe
aboting ot Jsmes Hweek by Oeorge Ir-
vise, Ibe two man being naigbbore, re
siding a few miles below Moonment.
Tbe affair bappswed in front ot the
Wlleoo botal, Just aflar the cloee ot a
trial before Ibe joelioe of the paeoe, io
wbirb bulb partiee were loteraated.
Irvine fired foar ebole al Bweak from
tbe steps id front of Ibe bote), Bweeb
being in tbe street, and soooeeded ia
hilling Lira once la the Heby pert ot tbe
right lb I b before be wee dissrmad by
Deputy ebariff Henry Morpby.
lie waearreeted and Immediately lekea
before Justice of tba I'eeoo Bowmen,
teiveJ fiensloalloa and gave bofld In
tbe seas of Ii,0u0 tot bie eppearanaa at
tbe oeil terat of Ibe eirroil Court.
vit OBoertteoa Ibel lb suoolieg wee
Lone flock siege leaves Heppner al
7o'olook, a. in., Toeedeys, Tboredays,
and Haturdays; arrives al 6 c lock, p.
m,, Mondays, Wedoeedays and Fridays.
Will make conoectloo with branch train
when dreiretL rare Vi, each way.
Freight oeat per pouud. J. II.
Bellenbrock, Prop. Office al Harry
Warren's drug store. If.
Tbe Oeselte does not question tbe
honesty of any pereoa, but II la com
pellad to loswt opoo the eaeb ia advance
plea of eobeorlpUoa, wlislhrr Ibe sul).
eorilier be Cornelius Venderbllt or the
mso wbo eerns his bread by honest ML
We sannol ruu the paper oa any oilier
plea. It
lu a row bataarn an Irishman and a China
man ever In (Irani Co., last Weak, the Irishman
tarwlval a biillvl In eua of his Irgs and Mr
Chinaman gut bis kids psrfiirela.1 and his head
prsltv ba.llr pnundail up allh a rork. lie was
aid klllnl. hoatvar, and at last rvporte was tlo.
Ing pmily wall. This r did ent !! the
oattiM of the partlaa.
g.ervbadr Baya Ba.
Taarerate Candv fetlierllr, Uie Bioat wea
darfiil awlM-al diai ovsrv ef tlia aga, piaae
ant and rafraalunc in tba taala, a. I gantiy
and positively on kldu'T. Ht and bowels,
rb-SMiainsT Uia enlira siahrn, dl.t-rl enlda,
enra haailaalia, fever, ae'iitual rallatioe
kn l bl'lntiaeae. I'Unuw buy end try a b'S
ofO. v. t: UvdaV; IO, St Vi ranta. rkild and
guar eulaaU te cure by ell druggiaU.