a LOCAL 8QC1B9. EIGHT MILE NOT 23. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE FOlt YOU! TO THIS $200(F i GIVES THE OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. OREGON SHORT LINE, VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha -nn- AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly trom Portland to Yokohoma and Hone Kong; via, Tbe Northern Paoifio Hteamsbip Oo. In cod nection with O. R. & N. For (nil details oall on 0. R. A N Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. PasB. Agt. Portland Oeboob If any one tells you that a baking powder regularly sold at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound is pure and good, he doesn't know what he is talking about. It cannot be made at that price. You must pay more. Of the right-price baking powder, Schillings Best is the best. There are, however, others nearly as good ; they do two-thirds the work. 22S7 Sc hi I ling's Best baking powder and tea are Jbecause they are money-back. not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking What is the missing word? powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tha ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the teal: send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October nth two words allowed for every ticket: after that only ona word for everv ticket. wnrA that nerson pets 2000.00: if several find it. 1 2000. 00 will be eouallv divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one nvelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the oies offered, in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. sou Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. LEA 01116 PAPER DUE W GOING ERST? If so, be tnre end see that your ticket reads via lie Hoillwestdu Lin ....THE.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULCTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL IOINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Maxiil fluent Trark, Ptwrloss Vestibuled DIMiiK una runr-twig uar Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME' hai RlVAn thti rot a jiRtlonal ronutatlon. All f uassHiiirors farrliitl on the viiatlbiilwl Ir.ln. without extra chariie. Hhin your Irututit I ' and travel ovor Hill iamuiii 11 110. All aguiiU I have tickets. W. II. MEAD. K. 0. rUVAGK, Uuii. AKnit Trav. K. I'. Agt. 'ila Washington Ht., Portland, Ur, OIIIOAGO milwauKee & Si. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous bio ok system; Lights its trains by eleotriolty througb- oat; Usee the olebrated eleolrio berth rend ing lamp; Rom stieedily eauipned passenger train everv dar and Diifhl between Ht. Peul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the United States Land Officb. The Dalles. Oreeon. ScDt. i:h. 1SS OTICE I8HERKBY GIVEN THAT JAMK8 H.Allen hft 11 led notice of intention make final nrool before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at hlii nfllne in HenDner. Oreeon. on Wed nesday, thfHth day of December. 1897. on timber culture application Mo. 1W7, lor tne a km 01 seo- tion tin. -a, in townsnip mo. 4 soum, range no, U east W. M. He names as witnesses: James c. Kcitniey, Oscar Keitliley, Ed Moreland, and Jesse M. Hogne, all of tiardinaii, Oregon. J AO. JJ . WUUHR, 93-604 Kegister. THR CHBOrTICU rank wMk Mm areata aewspapers In the United Htatee. THB (JHKON1CLB baa no equal -on the Paetae Coast. It Uwls all In ability, enterpels d news. THB OHHONICUC'S Talegraplilo H porta arc tba lateit and moat reliable, tta Local News U fullest and spiciest, and It Kdteortais from the ablest pens In tha country. THE GIlltONlOl.K) has always bar, end elwara will be, tba trland and champion of tba people aa Kainat oombl nations, ollquea. corporations, or opprnaslona of any kind. ItwIU be, laleHuulBl ta avaryUUug neutral la nothings It f Ilii Timber Culture Final Proof, Mrs. C. E. Bedfield is reported on tbe siok list. Chas. R. Parcell wag in Heppner Wednesday. Charley Falter was in from Thorn oreek Wednesday. A. P. Bradbury, traveling man, was in Heppner yesterday. Mai Cburob will spend tbe winter on Mr. Finley's ran oh near Galloway. John Oarty and Chas. Van Winkla spent Wednesday and Thursday id Heppner. , E. H. Clarke, ot Pendleton, who bays wool for Christy & Wise, was in Hepp ner yesterday. Tom Howard has a big stook of both lined and unllned gloves in all grades. Prices 'wav down. tf John MoCarty, representing tbe Union Meat Co., ot Portland, came np from below Wednesday. W. 0. Geiger, for a loog time in the employ of Norman Kelly, was down to Heppner Wednesday. If yon need something tor your system call at tbe 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt R. J. Oarsner, of Carsner & Hayden, Wagner merchants, name in Wednesday on business connected with bis firm. Alfred Kasoh, of Portland, and James 0. Murray, of San Franoisco, traveling men, were talking business to Heppner people Wednesday. Dyspepsia enred. Bbiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves soar stomach, 00m iog np of food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Con ser 4 Brock. y "Shorty" Allen was arrested Wednes day for using abusive and obscene lan guage. In bis examination before the GUARDIANSHIP SALE. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER I X 1 .. , I .... ..( n ...i , nun ujr VilUiv in ml ukici ui naic, imiicu out of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Morrow County, the undersized as Ritnr. dian of Winnifred Gilliam, Archer M. Gilliam and U;ster E. Ullliam, minors, will on and .,1 .v.- n( nAtafnb. TUt7 nun ,,m ,? u, , T ..,, n J proceed to sell at private sale lor casnin nanaicnarge 01 rrui. auniua, nuu iuo bwcuu all the rittht, title and Interest of the above- i0,, rni,. ontarnriaa manifnst. named minors in and to the foiiowiiiK de- Rnoe w W. lne enterprise manuesi scribed real estate, situated in Morrow county, 1 e(j kT Lexinaton alonir this line is very reoorder, however, be oleared himself of the charge and was allowed to go. No man or woman oan enjoy life or aooomplish much in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Witch Hezle Salve. It soothes, strength ens and heals. It is tbe great pile cure. For sale by Conser & Brook. O. H. Colvin was in tba city from Lex in ton Wednesday. He reports a good school in that bnrg this winter under Jioomie Kmgnten is aD'e to De anont lung again. Jeok rabbits are fine eating now. They are fat . Leonard Hooker is doing tbe masonry on C. E. Jones' new barn. . 0 E. Jones and family spent last Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Staoy Roberts. Farmers are ploughing. Since the rain and enow fell they find the ground ploughs floe. Mr. E. B. Stanton has jnet returned from the valley where be had been visit ing his son, Harlan, and Mr. Allison's family. Miss Daisy Niokolsen is now at tbe home of her parents on Eight Mile. She has been visiting with her sister at Omaha, Neb. When the railroad oomes from Petteys grove to Rbea creek bridge and tbe new town is laid out, whnt shall its Dame bT It will be a great help to this part of the oountry to have a railroad station there. Warren Asbbaugb thought be did well to raise 1600 pounds of potatoes off ot one-fourth aore of ground, but siDce be read Rev. Galloway's report he has notbirar to say. Warren had a new variety oalled the "minister's." Mr. A. Asbbaugb experimented with the "mortgage lifter" oats. He pur chased a pnokage containing about pint, and although the grasshoppers ate and cut tbe stalks badly, be harvested nearly a half bushel. Tbe stalks were five feet high. He thinks it quite a success. A letter from Ida Downing,' a grand daughter of A. Asbbaugb, who is living with her parents at Blue Jacket, Indian Ter., tells of Chief Blue Jacket's funeral. Although atoll-blooded Indian be spoke TROUBLES AMD CONSUMPTION CAN HE CURED. An Eminent New Tork Chemist and scientist Bakes a Free Offer to Our Headers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo eom, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lnng and oh est troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotions, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will sen a xtmsa nacjCj cui- TLES (all different) ot his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible on re. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, baa produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and oon sumptioti are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of tbe world. The 'dread Consumption, uninter rupted, meanB speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free mediotne will be promptly sent direot trom bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's " job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, tbis shop is -now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioea ot any person under tbe sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort Of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent ' away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity ooncern but if you will give ua a ohance we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when One bongbt goods away from borne tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when the goods were bought at borne we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf Oreiton. to-wlt: The east half of the northeast nuartcr. and the east half of the southeast quarter of section thirteen, in township four, south of ranee east W. M., together with all the tenements, hereditaments ana appurtenan ces thereunto neionuinK. Dated Heppner, Oregon, Novcmher 1st, 93-602 ANNIE GILLIAM, Guardian of the aliove named minora. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I J Notice is hereby given that filed notice ot Oct. an, iwi7. the followlnii-named settler has his intention to make final proof In support of his rlalm. and that said proof will he made ht-fure i. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 2!, 1W, vis: ALBERT T. WOOD, Hd. E. No. UMi, for the NW) HK. Vi NE!, ami N K'4 N W 14 Hec. Iii, Tp. 1 H, H 23, K W M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Cochran, Kdward L. I'adbcrg. Walter B. Casson and Hiram Thorn ton, all of lone, Oregon. JAB. F. MOORK, K-fi02. Register. commendable. If you have ever seen a little obild in a paroxysm of hooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tick ling in tbe throat, yon oan appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Sold by Con ser A Brock. Tbe Drannan & Thompson Dramatic company, consisting ot the following members, Geo. Watson, Jas. Stuart, M. M. Lefton, J. J. McGuire and Miss Vent en, arrived from Arlington yester day morning and began a three nights' engagement at tbe opera bouse last evening. tbe English language perfectly, was a preacher and was 80 years old. He selected bis buyriag ground on tbe farm where he lived. He was a Mnsoo . Masons oame from Kansas and attended bis funeral which was very large. He had 23 children and they were all there when be died. E.M.O. Eight Milk, Nov. 16, 1897. Bow to Tore Bilious Colie. I suffered for weeks with oolic and pains in my stomach oaused by bilious ness and bad to take medicine all tbe while until I used Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which oured me. I have siooe recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairhaven, Coon. Persons who are subjeot to bilious colio on ward off tbe attaok by tskiog tbis remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Conser & Brock. J. N. Elder, who bas been a sufferer for two years past with a severe case ot ohronic bronobitis, reports that be is greatly improved of late and has hope of entirely reoovering. His many friends will be pleased to know tbis ao it was feared that his oase was becoming an inourable ooe. Dr. Swinburne is straightening him out. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascnrets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Caaearets are the moBt delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Arlington Beoord: Fred King baa gone to Heppner, where be is in tbe employ of the Inland Telephone Go. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Co. BTEAMBBS 'DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When you go to Portland, atop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. a ALLAWAT, General Agent 10NK ITEM. PaXoxrlaV vtever Timber Culture, Final Proof. Tha ChrnnlnU HalldlB the: daily Br Mall, Fostaa- Tald, (My $6.70 afar. Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul ?, The Weekly Chronicle Hie GreiLsl WttUj b the Cotntrj, SB1.50 a Ten t'KtTsn States Land Omrs, N Tlie Pallet. Oreaon, October 13, W.rj. K IH HKKKHY tllVKN THAT HENK folio, of Hanlman. Orruon. lias fll notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office In llci.pnor, Oregon, on vtenncsilajr, tne wn ilay of November, lw.17, on tlinlwr culture appli cation No. :UI.'t, for H' N WV.t and lots I ami t of section No. 4, In township No. 4 South range No. lit K W M. lie names as witnesses: Edwin I). Konn. Jacob 8. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, and C'lll- lord K. Jones, all ol t ight Mile, Oregon. j An. r. asiiuKr., KM-ItiO Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LANDOrrtca at Ths Palms. Oriooh, October 21, 1MI7. NOTICK IH IIKRKBY OIVKM THAT THR followlng.iiamed settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to make final pnaif In support of his claim, and that aald proof will lie mada before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at ilcppnvr, Oregon, on I'ei'omticr A, lull", vis: ,i'nr.i n n, niniLir.n, t . .... . . , , , lid. K. No. 4J77 lor tha NKV Hoo 15 Tp 1 B R I oatsrrn) mat cannot oe oarea oy 2IKWM. lie names the following wltnoaaea to prove his continuous realdence upon and cultivation of !(! laud, vis: Francis rl. Wilson, rranr .. I.... V. ... 1 ...... ,t.u...... u.m nilK ICIIIMII, m.l ll l.l li. I, v. ,,i-,!. .irv. auil heymour I. Wilson, both of lHmglaa, Ore gon. JA8. r. MOORE, MsXiarJ Kvflster. Also opnretM atoam-heatad vestibnled trains, carrying the latent private oomoaMmeot oars, library tmfiel smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, (tee redlining chair oars. and lb very beat dlniug oh sir oar service. For lowest rates to any polot in tha United Htatee or Canada, apply to agent or addrrea 0. J. EDDT, J. W. CASEY. General Agmt, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Ur. (taoledlas poataga) to any pan nt She Ualtae tatee. Canada ana Mailoa. THB WMKLY OHKONIOI.K. the brwthlaai anil mnet nni4M Waakly Nsaiiwt In the world, prints raealarly Ne eelumna. or Iwaire pagoe.of Saws, l.lwntura anil ttanaml Inrnrna- Uun ; also a ul Agruallurai ixpennient, SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRtE Will i o . 1 All HO Ii V DO YOU WANT THE chronicle: Reversible Map? siiowiNa The United States, Dominion oi Canada and Northern Mexico (INK IDK, Ae4 the Notice of ' Intention. Lasd Orm a at Ths Pali . Ossooh OrUter9. "". MOTICK IH IIKRrRY OIVKN THAT THK il liillowlng iiamcl settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support ol The new rnoe trsok is c(mplutod. Mrs. Alice Keller is on tbe sick list. Willard Blake will move to lone and build a new bonse. lone oarried off tbe lanrela at the raoe whloh ooourred a tew days ago Rube Sperry returned from Heppner where be attended another raoe. Ed Moore has invested in a lot and will build a neat residenoe Ibereon fhe aaddler shop bas changed bands, Chas. Martin now being the proprietor. Budd Haney opened op a new butoher abop rrceiviux his supply of meat from Heppuer. Rainy and stormy weather, the last two weeks, baa hindered seeding to some extent. E. J. Keller spent several days at Heppner attending the Morrow county 8. 8. convention Tba building of Walker's hardware store is being repainted and wbeo finished will be quite ao improvement The Christian Endeavor meetiegi oo Sunday evenings ara largely attended both by tba country and town people. S... tl I - I. .nf...l.l.1. ..J ik- y-i- I rfuv " uuicr iihuv uwiu'wi wi iu I -1 . I l 1 I. t.1 mam mnA Tl.. 1 i n..ll t tha Vnlllnm fl"' " iuo iiuioi vi" r I . . . , ll. I k I kIa f.l nn Inula! Man I wl" SIWWI IU UIB cnwumi Hyiuuimi Id u at tha ooera boose. It was very w laraelv attende.1 and was a great SUO- Htinday eveoing witneaeed oat of the eeaa flnanciallv and otherwise. Tba ni disgraoefnl doioga that ever oo- Deafneas Cannot be Cared by looal applications, aa tbey oannot reach tbe diseased portion ot tbe ear. There is only ooe way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining ot the eusta chian tube. When tbis tube gets in flamed you bave rmubliog sound or imperfeot hearing, and when it is entire, ly olcied deafness is tbe result, aad un lees tbe inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten ara oaused by catarrh, which ia nothing but ao in flamed ootid it ion of themuoouasarfaoes. We will give One Uandred Dollars for any oaee ot deafness (caused by Hall's In n m n l" UJJUUL vmm i stA inimrtm I S i sat .l.n. ia ELY'S CREAM BALM UaposltWeeore, Apply Into the nostrils, ltlsqnicklyabeorbed. 61 cents at Drntrglats or by msll : samples inc. by fnall. ELY BUOTUKH8, 64 Warrao Su. Hew lork Clur. QDZOIC TI3VI33 1 TO San Francisco And all points In California, via the Ht Bhastt 0 route or the Southern Pacific Co The great hishway through California to all points Kaat and South, urand ttoenie Route of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Bleepera. Seoond-olasa Bleepera Attaohed to excraaa trains, afford in a enDeriaf Booomaiodations for saound-olaaa pasaansera. ror ratea, ucaeta, aimpiug oar reservations, sto call upon or address a. S.UB.ULB.K, Manager, i;. H. sakksas, Sen. F. 4 P. Agt, Portland, Oregon Those wbo desire to build should not forget that O. E. Ranous, tba con tractor, is ready to make estimates at aoy time. ' 60tf Every new subscriber ot tbe Gazette from this date, May 26, 1897, will receive as a premium a book worth alone tba price of the subscription. tf Come in aod subscribe for the"OsBoo." Now ia tbe time. Yon don't waot in miss a whole lot of good, bard reading that is oow being published in our "Only." Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATC SCHOOL IN (ASTERN OW COON Catarrh Core. Bend for oiroulara free. F. J. Cheoey A Co., Toledo, O. tlTSold by druggists, 75o. his rlalm. and that said nnaif will be maile lie- la.liaa ha1 nranareil man tieefo.1 and I CnftSil at lone. V Oils OO Small DtllBDor tXaMi:" Hm'ntt' orn.n.eol.1 artlclea which they offered w.tt walking through th. street, oo for sale, and there were DOmeroos other ".ell wsy lo enoton, several persons attracliona. not tba least ot whloh was "ear tha saloou were c tirslrg one ao- , i . . . ao elrgaat supper whiob added much to oXbet and using moat suaoserui ana the attreotlvanMt of the oooaaioa. The olgr language, io a votoe wbieh eoold roaa reoxlDUi amounted to $140. which be beard several blocke aay. aod made will leave tbe lediee, after expenses are tt oofll for aoy ia.iy to paaa tnrotigo me l,.i.un l1 in,! iOTI In rterxiait In Streets ltpicUbl people Will Ool ON TI1UOUUH CAttS TO Hr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS IH'IUIU KAIUIO IHTIK HELENA Tickets lesne.1 to all points lo the Coiled Hlates aod Uanada. Map of the World ON TItM OTHtH HI Dei tn4 93 and OaX Map a4 Weraly t hrrU le ttr On Tear, poeiaga prpaj Maw aad I'aowa, rKANK A. I NOKU It .1 T. No. '.T.V for the HKta aro. 35 Tp I I R il K W M. lie iiann Ilia tutlnwttif wilnraare In prove Ms continuous rrelib'nr upon and rultlvatlnn ol said land, vis: John K. I'elvrxMi, t'harlra J. Ainlrraoii, Andrrw erlann, and Alulrtw M. I'rlrrson, alt ol (loner Iwrry, tlrrttn. j a, r. noon. urn lusistrr. Timber Culture-Final Proof. I.sko Orrit a atTms luii.ta. natnnit. raevrmber Ms. I' OTfflt 1 IIIRKUY UlVKS THAT A- ilrvw t'arlaon has SMI tiotlre nt Inlplilt.in to make Bus! iinatf U lorv i. W. Mnrrnw.l'oun- friers, at nia nmit in neppner, iwimi, ns hursilay. tba IMh nay of livivinlr, vi,, no niU-r iiiltiira at-tiluallon No. 4. fur the north rail quartrrul sertlon No f. In hiwusble ii ssoutn rama io. real w. is. Ha liaim-a aa wllnraana: frank A. I undrll. aiulrrw AiKlt-rann. 'Uil ripraatnina ami Joha Johnson, all of tiooertwrry, Orp(im. MkM Kratater. LocaUd on the O. R. t N. Railway midway between Pendletno aod Walla Walla. Stodenta admitted at all timet ol tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mnsio taught by oo oi pe lent iostrnctora. A gradu ate of tba Boston Conservatory baa charge of tba instrumental depart ment. 11 io rntllof' Botirtlliiir IIcill Is thoroughly rqolpped and offers ei oelleol fsreomroodatkirta at reaaooabla ratea. Heod for catalogue. Asldsess M. G. ROYAL, President ef Faeulty er P. A WORTHING TON, SeereUry Bears) ef Regents, Wester), Or. a an a ant M. II. Aa Yon KO. a a. i aao raAWum av gt'ICKTlSIKTO. ClIICAIft WabNIMiITUR ItALTttsoaa Nsw Yoai llvrriui All other points to ths Kaat and HoutbraSl OklatU Kassas CiTT ht. JoairK Ht. Ixina IkieToH l'akS) lVpot CullBaOllonS at Hi. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Hu Ixtata and other promi beat pmots ltttfsage cbirked tbrwogh to destination ol tkkeU. Thmagh tb kets to Jspai and China, via Taaoma aod N oft hero 1 artOo Plesui sblp Company's Hue. spokwe fills nortiikrs kelsos 4 fort shutard 11V.D MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Oi.lv AH Hail lU.uta Without Change of Cars lMa-tvo HHiksne Ibieslaod and Nrleoo. Also WlweeO Nelaon aal UoeelaoJ, dally eirept looday i I a Art i f. mi r. ,IU IV Tot fall lofofraslloe.tlme earJs,mspa, tickete, etc., call on write W. C. Au-a.sl, A. V ClaLfi, AitlN.I'. Hy. AsekUm-l a. Agt. U lailw,Ur. l'oftlaud, Of till A. M Hia . tt III A M Il.auuul .. III A M N'l . . I I.m a.nra-iiia at Nl-n with aan tut ul.. M,..t mil ll... ..! laks tM.tuUL I'wa.r-ra f.'Kril hl. aa4 Horn darf Pnk euaewi at Hrr with atae iUil their treasury. TimUr Vulture Final Proof. VaiTsn STttaa Lane Orm s. Ihe liallra. Urroii, h... II, W7. voiiric it r ur by tnvit? that rairv rt a I', t'atlnraa haa Alfot noll. aol Intro Hon l inaka Sual proif Iwlor J. W. Morrow, l oiitily rlrra. al hlBuRIi'. In Hrppiiar tirin, on Msatiiaailay, the fcM ilay of IViniliar, Iwn, on tlinlwr rtillura applbatlou No. Slat, tot the t (iiuartrr) ol tn-tloa hu , In lownahlp ho. 1 KiiitVi Kaiia No K M . M. Ila naim-a aa allium John T. klna. Hcniamm t. s.m. ThoitiasJ. Vtlllhelta and J.. 'h Hushaa. all of lour, Oregon. Jaa, M xiaa, The three-year-old ton ot J. A. John son, ol Lynn I Voter, III., ie sobjrel to attaoka of rmnp. Mr. Joboeon says be is satisflotl Ibal tha timely nee of Cham berlalo's Coogb Remady, during a aevera attack, eaved bis little boy 'a life. He ie io tha drng boetoeae, a member ot tha firm of Joboeon 11 roe, 0f that place; aad they baedle great many patent medt- cluee Itir throat aod lung dweaaee. lie bad all Ibeee to rbotiae from, and akilled physicians ready to reepood to bis rail, but eeleetej this remedy for oae is bie own family at time when bie child's life was lo danrr, because he knew II to be superior to any other, aod fatnooe tbe eouulry over lor ita cotee of etoap stand this long. Hiace lbs tmom lone baa locreaaed Its population five fold aad with It earn all kinds of society, A few dajs ago while R. C. Kperry aod family wera away their bona was broken into and ran- sackrd for valuables. Tba locks ol two trunks were broken aod oooteota el- emlord, bot oootaiaetl noiblng of ranch valoe and tba burglars left empty baaded. Hack dolega will coaiinoe notil tbe golliy oaee will a. wis dsy lake Ms logs lo tbe "pen." Iooe Is la need of good offieer of tbe law. A Cmis S i? 13. H7 AttornovH nt Lfivv, AU bosloees) alteoded to lb n prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Poblac and Coltertura. UKrrNiit, OrriCK IN N ATT EH BCILDISa I t t onroo Mr. Johoeoo ears this Is the beet sailing . ... eongo meaicioe iney oanu.e, mat , .... , M ,ln,.,. ... "The worst cold I ever bad in my life aa eurrd by Cbamtwrlala'i Coogb Kemedy," wtitre W. II. Norton, of Hotter "This 0oll left me with a ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. i.'statk (if r. ariM, iitr-n I 4 Nottt-e Is harrhy Sn. that lattrrs of I it gives spleodUt satisfaction In all casee. Aoldby Cuoeer A Urock. ivtrnty aitiatiilairatlon on th ratal tl ta m. (',. Asrre, rtxrsrl. ware araiur.1 Su tha timlrralanxl nn Ilia .""Hi nay ol m ml-r, lay;, lt e t toiirt ol snttiii uuii it All arraol'S hattita rl era rrs'itnl to atlublt Ihrm tai at liir allow. m. at my horn itaar Utrlariy, Morrow l inlr. "', Ithla sis tnotilhs alirr th lata of this ttotk-e or lhy eball be torerei barret Ibis wh day ol tai."-ar. laar. HRJAM U AKHKa. l A.litili.l.irai.. Walt. Tbouipeon ttioe slag letween lleppaer aod Moniimut. arriving every day esipt Miiinlay and leaving every dav eicn t Muo lar. Hliotteat and clirap- eel mote to the loteritir. J. Ho"B, aeoU Taay fee few Dee. ike F.oale aod Art Minor, two ol aims eaainet a. i.l aetata H'ppaer'a prufeeetnoal OlearOila, kl4 tbemeelvra away fatal Jay afteroonn to tbe bead waters ot Initio nreek In ,ueet of big game. Tba boy were quite sue eeeafnl on Ihte trip, aod IM ooured tbe bigueet aeraaar of potote, pultieg lo bis credit tbreo deer, bile' Art secured ona, making In all foar tr Ibelr sprt. Tbry re turtle. I Toa..y nsorotag freitng pretty g,l ever their trip, whh w i.ll a fortnoatt eon Irora huDWr'e ta'lotal. Ul lathe Warm at.Haas ttrtshhorh. Jt m bral ol altrrp braii.ta-l , di,ia iiq Ap nt slimil.lrf and aiima oa hip t"brietlt trad tia U rrt-otrry aU or any rraa.mahle an-ffitr as th.r aulmal, will t"t"S a- rrUd. M iV. ki, Aa, Mrr. time. The rro.ly onrwtl we, and I want all of aay tt tea de when troubled with a niagb or cnlil l i oae tt, for 11 will do tbera giant" H-Jd by 0neer A Pw, Freak Engelman and Cbillo C. Wil son, both of I oae, made final prrx.f le- fort Clerk II orrow V dDre ly last, VI. J. Williams spprteg as I heir wile-we. Hroall preoeolloae often paat great saieehiefa. leWiHa LltlV Parly Ida re are very staall ptlls in eis, bnt are smwt effective to prrvvnlteg the moel rt ue tortus of lir Iroabte act etontartt troablea, 1by eoi.stipatt.ia aad bra.) at be and rrgoUaU bm bawtie. tot eaie by Cvtsrf A brock. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Rive r and Paget Sound Navigation Co Sttaaen TWIHON!, BAILET GATZET AND OCEAS WAVL Leartog Aldef Hlree! Urk, ToHlaad, foe Atnrla. Ilweeo, Umg fUaen, (Wee Park and Nebeotta. lirl svtiorton with llwaoo eUamers aad rail road; eleo at Tonog'a Day with Pearbora KatlroaL Uaras fort lead t A. at. Daily, esorpl rmvtay. tss ArtMte I r. M. tiellv. etrwyd ra4e nA.ZZiSV OATZKIIT Leans Mrlla4 f. ll!y. esr.pt e..n,iy siHii tM, l f AaSnm t atS ak A. M , escr Sa-lay aad Mowtay, ewawey OtaM. I f. H OOBAN WAVI1 lee rnian4 aM rana dtrart tivam. Tader aM tkarada, as s A. H r,H,t al I f at Uwne liweos dMlay end rnlar at I A. M. Om mm 4M as s f. M. Poi Clfclf, It EthU IVtiltaiioi IA loAn Fm if ttyt far Salny, ap4, foealurt, Flraa ra. Travel e tke Trlryaaor. bailey Oeterrt aad ( War THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOllOTlKHS.Pi'opn Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. I