Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 19, 1897, Image 3

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A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
, Tell all about Her Trouble when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
'At the age of two months, my baby
began to have Bores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
Bide of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's SarsapariUa. I also took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. B. 8. Wboten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
HnftH'o Dif1 re Prompt, efficient and
11UUU S fills easy In effect 26 cents.
Take Notice.
1. the sum of five cents per line will 'be
charged tor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
"nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2- Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cants a line. These rules will be Btrictly adher
el to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
The Gazette can offer the following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.00 and "club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
" " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. . 2.75
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.00
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00. . . 3.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $f 00 " 5.00
Rural Spirit, $2.00... 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00... 8.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Snndny school
10 a. m, Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, Bp. m.
'The Hpibit and the brie say. Come"'
The paator may be fonnd at the parxonage ad
joining the chnroh, where he will be glad to
meet Bny w-o may drain to oonsnlt him on
relisious, social, civic, philoeophio, educational,
or any other subject.
J, W. FLUSHER, Minieter.
Here and There.
See M. Lichtenthal for shoes. a..
Submit your plans to Esnous before
giving out your oontraot. tf
To trade A good heating stove, for
eordwood. Call at office. tf
Buckwheat flour and maple syrup for
salt by P. 0. Thompson Oo. 2t
Tbe Orange Front is now prepared to
serve fresh oysters in any style. 02tf
Fine home-made taffy at the Orange
Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods
leave your orders. - tf.
Qirl wanted to do housework. Oood
wages. Nods but tbe beet need apply.
Call at Gazette office. 83-tf
Any one desiring to bnild either
bouse or barn will make money by oall
ing 00 tbe Gazette office. 67tf
Best accommodation and oonrteona
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Bts., Portland, Oregon.
E. O. : Josef Mueller, representing
tbe Wiley B. Allen Co., has retnroed
from short visit to Athena and Helix.
Momenta are oseless if trilled away;
tod they are dangerously wasted if eon.
lamed by delay in oasea where One
Miuote Cough Cure would bring imme
diate relief. For aale by Ooaser A
George Dofford bae some fine hall
breed Cotswell backs, oat of Merino
ewee which be wishes to eell at reason
able figures. lie will be at E. I Mat
look's corral on about Bept. 20. Call
on bim. 79tf
Frank MoFerlaod bae bteo appointed
special ageol of Tbe Equitable Lire As
surance Co, of New Tork, tbe etrongeat
is tbe world. Cash surplus to policy
holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't
take iosoraoee without seeing the new
. plans of the Equitable, losnres both
eeiee at same rates. 77tf
John Foster and wife returned ou
Friday last from the Walla Walla
Ooootry wbvre the? went to sial harv
est. John state that be was pre.etit.t
from doing moon work oa aeoooot of
sickneea of bitoeelf and wife. Tbsre
aa pleoty of work to do bad be ba
able, aod be would bave made some
Dr. John W. Raamns, of lb "Red-
light," ever en tbe etol fur something
sew, ean furnish yon tbe Buret cock
tail la tbe lead ManhatieB, Jersey,
Termootb or Oio made by ee artist in
tbe bo.in.es. Droo la and take the
taie oat of yoar mouib, tf
E. O : W. II. Deagtitree reled at
Heppuer tea aerloeds of tbe J. W. Make
cattle from tbe Joba Day btrtbl bv
b o fnt the PsHflo Meat company. It
wee the original Intention to sblp (beta
from PeedMoa, bat Uetpoer proved to
be tbe ermt point. The rrmaiomg
eisbt eerlned will be eblrpej eoe ever
tbe O. A W. 0. U. R. from Ibis eity.
T. E. Fell. be bae bean appointed
pntneif at I'foiiUtoo, U a very ef-
able etl.oisa. aod nmpeteot to fill
tbe plsee. Tbe people of Helena retains.
bar bias e e rvprsfnUtite la ibe Mete
latere. T ke eoti prise we largely
ae tbe bat ding of tbe wtJ eearieg
pulls at prallsfcj. eaye tbe Heleea
HtaUaase. Tbie ta ell right, esiwpt
tbat a H. fell le tbe leky seen, bis
m, "Iberr.
L! e, lake thm beet . If tow are
t ma bird lib pMtipale. allow ekia,
aed a tiraj f iief, take Karl' Ckvr
Tf. it ta pi '! $4 take. IM I by
A Few Lesson That Heppner Will Leara
When Too Late. .
Yesterday forenoon the cry of fire was
sounded whioh brought onr people forth
from their plaoes of business in large
numbers and all excited to know wbere
the canoe for alarm whb looated. It
was found to be a flue burning out at
the Palace hotel, and it being somewhat
defeotive. a large quantity of smoke
issued forth from one of the windows
of a room on the third story. It proved
to be of no oonseqnenoe, however, and
tbe excitement soon subsided.
This reminds the Gazette of a fact
wnb which our people are perhaps al
ready acquainted, but this paper desires
to speak of it again. It is tbis: The
town of Heppner is quite well equipped
with fire fighting apparatus, and has a
number of Baboook fire extinguishers,
whioh are intende d to be used on short
notice, and wbioh will do effeotive serv
ice while time is beiog spent in getting
tbe. hose carts out and the hose attaobed
to tbe hydrants. And in just 6U0h oases
as yesterday, where the throwing on of
water would be the means of doing
hundreds of dollars worth of damage,
these fire extinguishers oould be brought
into play and would put out a good big
fire, so long as confined to interior,
with no damage to prcperty whatever.
These Baboocks, in their present con
dition, are absolutely worthless, as they
are not kept in working order. Further
more, the town, while equipped with a
flrst-olaes water system and the neces
sary adjuncts for fire fighting purposes,
hss no organized and drilled fire com
panies, and is really at the mercy of a
ooDflagration should one ever get under
These matters have been allowed to
go op this way long enough and the city
authorities should see to it at once that
all fire apparatus is put in good work
ing order, and should ercouroge the
organization end thorough drilling of
fire companies sufficient to handle all
the material the city has for fighting fire
in an efficient and expedient manner.
To do lees that tbis is very great neg
ligence. It has been suggested that tbe town
hire some competent man to act as ohief
whose duties shall be to attend to tbe
organization of fire companies, and to
other matters inoident to that office.
The idea is good one if the town oan
afford it.
Rucklrn's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cats.
Bruises, Bores, TJIoers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all 8kin Erup
tions, and positively cares Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaotioa or money refunded.
Price 25 oeots per box. For sale by
Conger A Brook.
Death of a Pioneer.
Wm. W. Johnson, a pioneer of Cali
fornia and Oregon, and 'father of E. A.
Johnson, of this city, died at bis borne
in Albina Tuesday, aged 68 years. Mr.
Johnson was born in Ireland aod oame
to the United States in early manhood .
Getting the gold fever, be oame to Cali
fornia in 1819, ooming to Oregoo is
1852, where be engaged in mining, prin
cipally in Baker ooooty. Mr. Johnson
bae lived in Portland for tbe past 17
years and was koowa aa a quiet, unas
suming man and bigbly respected. He
left a widow aod fire children Edwin,
Desmond, Gbarlee, Martha and Mary,
tbe olJest being 27 and tbe youngest 13.
Mr. Johnson's boo, E. A., or as bis
friends oommouly call him, "Spider"
Johnson, of this oity, departed on Fri
day night for Portland to attend tbe
bedside of bis father. The funeral
occurred on Wednesday afternooo, tbe
remains being buried at Lone Fir cem
etery, and Mr. Johnson returned to
Heppner yesterday.
$200022 (
Any baking powder will
lighten your cake, if that', all
you want. Some are stronger
than others, some more whole
some. Schilling's Dtit is both and
more too.
A tchllUef a Cnmptwf
eee r reectere jT"?l
Conrtmt OlnMt: Jiffs BraWhaw has J tut
rendered his iter i Ion Is Ih rw of Emmet Arm.
strong re. W. Metlork, for the pneirsilon of a
fU-er, whti h buth cUlm4. Tbe raaa was first
trlfi In thtjiullr MMirt al Arllntn and was
nWM1 111 larnr of Armatmnc. Matin, k car-
rtH ths eaa np la lha rlrrult court on S Writ
nf rvirlrw, and Iht Juris now dm -Mas II la Utor
of Mal'ark, ht' h no doubt ends lb caa.
Inter, Halt-llhrum aiMt ltrma
Tbe InU-nse tu bing and smarting, Inrl
dcnl to thr dtwaawt, la instMitly allayed
by applying CbamberUiu'a tye and
hkla Ointtiwnt. Many very bad caws
bave own ptrtnam-ntly etmnl by It. It
Is finally efflc it-tit fur lu hlng ptl.-e and
a ravoriu imwiy rr ore ciipi-,
chsntird bands, chilbUina, fnt blua
and chronic mm rym. 2-1 eta. per bus.
Dr. Cij' C'MKilUoa rewoVrt, are
tiiat what a bora iifli whrn In bad
nrimlltion. Totil. blood IwrtfirT and
vrmlfnire. Tlwy arw D"t ffind but
mwlk Ine anl the Ut In oe in rnt r
boriM ta prim omilttlun. Prica 2i
Cf nis pr package.
?. II. Kirov, tbe wall koowa vtolloial
aad vaairiloqiMt of Arlloios, bow
temporarily rt.ief la onr Mile city,
enftUtnplaio giving a ebow ta Ibe r
faier. Kl'br le ell rtfbt. He will eta
foreieh lb mesie I t tl vmiof Bis
Br I HIm4 Urp.
ttnwt wtMiia e eUmn . St,
!! r itil it I rl. t !? I Mbal
Im ri(i mr l.ltl M kp rt lii, !
l.mni up ti Urr h '! dnitii ail im
imrii li"m U "lr. t t! I
arid tint mt k'f lum-f i.i)ims hy Uk it,
( (.,t.t.-lilr f.t 111 i All drug
xt, HtwMlMa fiianwuaj. VM,
Ed Cox is in from Hardman today.
Johnny Waddell is over from Little
Butter oreek today.
Sample tbe Gazette two-bits worth,
from now till March 1, 1898.
Albert Ballaooe and Jons. Bronlee
are in from Long Creek for freight.
Batbs down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 oente. OrvilleJonfs manager, tf
Statements for tbe Famous Simple
Account File printed at tbe Gazette of
fice, tf.
Buy yourjined gloves of P. O. Thomp
son Co. Big assortment to choose from.
Sample subscription to the Gazette
from now till Maroh 1, 1898, 25 oeuts.
Try a dose of it.
At a meeting of tbe counoil last Mon
day evening it was deoided to stop
gambling entirely.
Cy Fnqua brought bis little boy in
tbis week to Dr. MoSworde for treat
ment for psoriasis, a skin disease.
Bob and Ed. Oarsner eaoo took oat a
life polioy in tbe Equitable yesterday.
It is a good company. Frank Mo Far
land, agent.
Fruit biscuit, ' honey wafers, assorted
oookies, sweet crackers, etc. A large as
sortment just received fresh at P. G.
Thompson Oo. 2t
The business men of Portland who are
oat on an excursion at present will be
here on next Monday morniog to con
fer with her oit'zens.
Mrs. J. H. Barrstt, who visited rela
tives at end near Heppner for two
weeks, departed last Fnd.iy night for
her home at Oregon City.
The spirit of '76 was "for liberty or for
death." Tbat old brand of Cyrus Noble
at Chris Borcbers' is tbe spirit tbat
touches the spot these times. tf
Call on Tom Howard for gloves. No
better line in the city. He keeps both
lined and nnlined goods and bis stock is
large. You oan get just what you want.
Come to tbe Gazette offioe and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look oheap, and
besides you cannot get your business
oard printed thereon. tf
If yon are Dot taking the Gazette try
a sample subscription from now till
Maroh 1, '98, for 25 oents. If yon like
it, invest some more. It not, yon are
out only 25 cents. Yearly subscription,
only 82.
A Bar Thing for Yon.
A transaction In which you cannot lose Is a
sureUnug. Biliousness, sick headache, fur
red lougue; fever, piles and a thousand other
Ills are caused by constipation and sluggish
liver. Caacavots Candy Cathartic, the won
derful new liver stimulant and intestinal
tonio are by all UruggiBts guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. C. U. C are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day, 10c., &c., 60c.
Bumple mid booklet free, bee our big ad.
Robt. Bayer was up from Douglai on yester
day. Alex Cornott was in from Felix Johnson's ys-
Billy Cowtui U "extra" on Hoppner's police
Al Florence was down from the Willow creek
ranch yesterday.
Albert Carsner, a leading stockman of Wag
ner, is in Beppner.
Austin Yocum reports hia wife quite 111 down
at Marion Evans', below town.
Al Larkln, son of Mrs. T. t. Matlock, Is her
from Baker City to visit th folks.
Chas. J. Anderson and John E. Peterson mails
proof today before Clerk Morrow.
Dr. H unlock and J. C. Barber made a trip to
lone, on laat Monday, returning Tucaday,
John Keener, "long John," as bis friends
know him, Is back from Kansas City, where he
went with ahep.
On of th Venton sisters did not arrlva with
th show yesterday owing to Illiiaai. Bhelsat
Portland at present
Win. Robinson cam In from Haystack yeatcr-
terday to get a load of freight for Carsner A
Hayden, of Wagner,
John Carson cams In from Waener ycatcrday
and Is getting his supplies for th winter from
our Heppner merchants.
L. Bwlrk, an extenalrt sheep ownar of Grant
county, cams In from Monument yesterday to
get supplies for ths winter.
Ed Morris, a cattleman of Ih North Fork, ar
rived front Mlatuurt yesterday, where b had
been on a llt to nil parents.
B. K Krithly drparud last night fur Bola
City and will Snd th winter there, providing
h finds suitable employment
Blind Johnnie Kesnav is ever from Mayvlll,
(Jllliain county, and aftr a short vlall with rel
ative la Urppser, he will go to th valley
where he sipecU to sptud U winter.
Condon Glut: John Lyons left Condon
Tueaday, and after visiting his folks at Walla
Walla several days and sum friends al Corvel
lis, he will sail lor Juneau, Ala.Ha, to Join his
brolhcr, Ton, In the practice of law.
C. K. Fell, Pendleton's new buetinaater, has
prrr4 ami forwarded his bond to Waahlng
Ion, D. C, and aa soon aa II Is approved by the
authorities there, Mr. Fell will eeaume bis new
diillea. Ueo. D. Fell is to be th new faabtp
fire! aaslaianl.
Wm. Marro, th "human snake." and Jamea
Stuart, "tunny (nan," with Ih !rannan Lrs
HatleCo , who are playing la Heppner this
ek. will be remembered by many In Meppner,
having played In Uiisrlly with souther troupe
few yean ecu.
Id C. AatiUugh, who la enjoying a eeaaoa of
prosperity Ibis fall, having reaped a bountiful
karveel, and Sold II al a good pHr, Wat In
Heppner ynterday from fclght Mil. He I
an eaua fur complaint, a things fcav gone
well with him Ihla neis.
I. Mr fanl and W, I. Brark are doe a oa the
rtvef near Arlington, where Ibey are al praaenl
encaged la Ih bleaaenl pull me erf shooting a
rer l.ied of geeee, preparatory t a Mf Thenke.
giving dinner. Tbe Heppner market will be
well supplied wkea le ky return.
Marl Smith and wll were do) from U
Hash Fields reara yeeterday. Mart says the
newttl rain hav made Hsi rang nd and
he Is happy ever tbe brlshl pnaperi. ka
eerentlf goei Into the h woeiiteea Inf klm
self sad Uils paewr ! him almn-Unt eoe-
Th Reptiner awirtng mills sr preparing to
Mart up eon and will re Ine In winter and
It le la be Mped th4 Ible (nlarptlM will ha m
well tlrniie4 ae la be able to ran all Ih tlma.
The tmmpany are new beylng all Ui f'lod
mllllM w beel Ihey ee eel imI rix to lur
eel Srel rleee (rede al S'r.
(Vrlelnlr 'it t t ! to suffer alia
if spepeia, eufaelipelHia, SifS betxle bee,
elk kS a I'M) af pellle. tn
beet seertlH Ie Wilt's lMIs Ksrlf
llteers fie? Ibeeei Silif-le4il4 of oH unl.
bete tewa SSre.l. It'fare eaell (tills
bat r.l reg ilelifS. fut Skis be t
eef a4 Brwb.
Dan Btalter bas found gold quart! and located
a claim on John Zollinger's place In the moun
tains and will work tbe same this winter, and
to this end will build a house and blacksmith
hop there to aid him in successfully carrying
on development work. . Dan believes that he
has struck a good thing, as hi ledge is well de
fined and contains real gold bearing quartz.
The Willow creek district may yet prove to be
very rich.
The 4'Bioyollst's Best Friend" is a
familiar name for De Witt's Witoh Hazel
Salve, always ready for emergencies.
While a specific for piles, it also instant
ly relieves and cures oats, bruises, salt
rheum, eczema and sll affections of the
skin. It never fails. For Sale by Conser
& Brook.
L. Farmer, of Eight Mile, was In town yester
day. Mr. Farmer was quite seriously crippled
up, ai the result of falling off a horse some three
month ago, The fall Injured his hip, and as he
hag not recovered from the injury, he Is becom
ing somewhat alarmed and fears hip disease haB
set in which, owing to his being quite aged will
be difficult to cure and may leave him a cripple
for life. This paper hopes, however, that Mr.
Farmer's fears are groundless and that he may
yet recover his former health.
To heal the broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe tbe irritated surfaces, to
instantly relieve and to permanently
cure is the mission of DeWitt'a Witoh
Hazel Salve. For Sale by Conser &
Caveats, and Trade-Maries obtained and all Fat-1
ent business conducted lor Moderate Fees.
Our Office is Opposite. U.S. Patent Office
and we can secure patent w leas time tout thoae
remote front Washington.
1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured,
1 a siymirT. " How to Obtain Patents." with
cost of same in the U- S. and foreign countries
sent tree. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington, d. C
The old reliable livery stable man
Just North of ths Oszette offloe, wbore be would be
pleased to sea all his old friends and make new ones.
Also rents Buggies, Hacks, Teams
Remember Willis when yoo come
Billy Oordon,
1 paper full conn! pins 2 oents.
1 spool linen thread. ...3 oents.
1 ball knitting cottoo.,.3 oents.
1 Misses oolored border
Shorthand' i-HiiifnXfi , fAUWTi,
-v. ;
AH tliran tun ! irrrurt at Tlir.m,n A I'innn, Amet Maio HtrfM,
ilei'tifjiT, Urrgon.
TWe fiiee e ell ar-i Irt ellh Orenl, It.m-e, r rt!H.ej ipd Mhef eoqnll
S4 een ee e4 Um Im eteSInf lew ex (tune e ith li,,.in.f mtn.
frtreste keevteg eMS IM Uee.
LirawTeiaer, airs'iyf ssae,
Canton Flows
Canton Harrows
Canton Gangs
Canton Disks
Mil VV
or Drills
or Seeders
Studebaker Wagons
and Hacks
Any person who is interested in
British Uolnmbia should write to W. H.
Hnrlbnrt, general passenger atrent of the
O. R & N.,f..r a oopy of Pat Donen's lit
tie "booklet," "The New Bonanzaland."
It is well worth the trouble. 60-tf.
Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner
Eobo Htaee Line. Persons desirous of
visiting Pendleton oan save time and
money by taking this route. By ac
quainting tbe agents the previous even
ing the ftage will make conneonon with
2 o'clock train at Echo for Pendleton
Offioe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lokd,
HEPPNER, OR., Nov. 12, 1897.
Mestrt. Corner St Brock, Hepptier, Or.
Okntlemen: 1 was recently taken with a'severe cold
which made me very hoarse and rendered me unfit to
attend to business. A friend of mine called my attention
to your Dr. Barthlow's cough syrup and I bought a bottle,
costing me 60 cents, which relieved me at once and com
pletely cured me. I am subject to throat difficulty and I
have found nothing that gave me so much relief as this
cough cure.
I am informed that It is excellent for colds, bronchitis,
whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles.
I beg to remain, most truly yours,
OT18 PATTERSON, Ed. Gazette.
of Heppner, has moved ioto the
and Saddle Horses.
Old stand formerly 000 n pied by
Heppner, Oregon.
1 paper gool needles 2 oents.
1 card hooks and eyes 1 otrnt.
1 gents tape border bk( 5 otto t.
bandkerohiet 2 cents.
.... J . W. YAUGHAN.
' h
r viti.UmaK,.!
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
. Put ) Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
or so
to suit tbe times. Yon want fresh
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard'. .
IT. IS.. Howard
Alain Street, Heppner, Oregon.
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As tlie Star Brewery beer
203 Washington St., Portland, Or."
The Best Bargains
But are times of f reeUit value In proportion In coat If you went to set four
Metier s Worth of honest hIs In
If 1
, Hardware, liowarc, Uoniectioncry
Ws era Inrreulnf our stork for
"Dat Co'n Juice"
Is Found at
Telephone Saloon,
Oa Mala Htreet, io City Hotel DuiIJIng.
The Best of Everything
Always on Top
Courteous treatises! to all. Nioa club rooms.
TOW 0DirrVIJ. Prop.
Rogers & Roberts,
Plans and Estimates
All Kinds of Repair Work
OFFICE H0URSIay and Night Leave Tour orders "Any Old.
a e aa a . ...
nacc and Kog. or Jim will
He kee hjlkli.i la I til. line IMI wi 4elre en1 fnn r.a d.wn.t en II f oa sel a
f.l silt, te t.re klel siereriteee II.
014 &a4, Main Straat RaMlrl-f Sassialtf
Tho GAZETTE, $q,oo A Year for CASH.
0 p
tessVs 1 t
Main Street ,
Next door to Palaoe hotel,
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
rnt sv ,
fell and winter. Call and see us.
tod DuiMcra,-
Given on snort Notice.
cet cm. o o o o o o o