Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 19, 1897, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1897.
marry after the date upon which
each law shall go into effect
"A few more loose leaves," says
the Oregonian yesterday, and
"with The Dalles Chronicle a few
words more." This beiDg the
time of year for the dead leaves to
rustle, we are glad to note that
those of the Oregonian act on nat
ural principle?. The trouble with
oar big contemporary is that it
has gotten upon so lofty a pinacle
that it, like the laws of the Medes
and Persians, cannot be read or
understood of mortals. Haviug
lived and matured Burrounded by
inconsistencies of its own creation,
it fails to realize that they are in
consistent, but they are the single
standard by which it measures all
things. It prates of inconsistency
and virtually says, "An inconsist
ency is a thing inconsistent; but if
I create an inconsistency, it is not
inconsistent to me, but plain as a
pike-staff." Dogberry himself
would be shamed into admiration
of such wonderful premises and
such clear and overwhelming con
elusions, says The Dalles Chroni
Let us see. The Oregonian says,
and quotes from itself to prove it,
that in 1890 the free silver plank
was inserted in the state platform
by A. H. Tanner in order to aid
Mitchell, and that few members of
the convention knew it, and those
few preferred not raise a disturb
ance about it. The Oregonian
called attention to it, said it was a
wrong principle, but supported the
ticket. It did the same thing in
1892, and in 1894 the Oregonian
editor admits having assisted in
making the state platform, which
reaffirmed the national platform of
1892, which platform, it asserts,
was, on any fair interpretation, a
Rold standard platform." Was it?
If bo, why should it need, any in
terpretation, fair or otherwise? If
it was, why was it not written in
that clear and plain style pervad
ing the Oregonian's editorial com
ments, which it quotos? Why was
it not made clear and distinct so
that it needed no interpretation?
Thfl fftftt. in, tlio platform, like tnunt
recent platforms, waa a juggling
one, made so that it mount all
11? A 11 -w ft .
imDgs io an men. h n was so
constructed as to require interpre
tation, why had not Senator Mitch
ell, Congressmen Hermann and
Ellis as much right to interpret
for themselves as the Oregonian
for itself and everybody else?
The editor of the Oregonian as
nistoil in making this inconsistent
platform, honco, as wo have said,
it is not inconsistent to him.
Again, lie supported the ticket
in 1890, 1892, 1891 and 189(5, yet
none of thorn were single staudard
platforms. He assorted the prin
ciples wroug, at times, but ho sub
mitted to the will of the majority
and supported the tickets. We do
not inquire into his motive for do
ing ho, but state tho fact Tutting
him io the most unfavorable light,
did Senator Mitchell do more than
this when he said ho stood square
ly on the national platform made
at St Louis? Does LI I it do more
than this when he asserts that he
will stand by that same platform?
Most BHHuroilly not
The Oregonian arrogates to it
solf the right to do all the thiuking
for everybody and has ovor-taxod
it thinker. This in why the dead
leaves rtiHtle around the Oregonian
office, and this is jmrlispa why it
takes tho Chronicle to task for its
position. Our big contemporary
thinks tho Chronicle editor coutont
ii ..11 a I l a a
ui nuppori mat wincu u false
against that which is truo undo
leadomhip congenial to rrptil
journalism," and this in spite o
the fact that we have never fol
lowed tho leaders cougenial to th
It is stated that the Durrant
case has already cost the state of
California $30,000 and the end is
not yet.
Tbe Elks, of Marion, Iud., have
gotten themselves into a peck of
trouble by taking in Robt. Fitz
simmons, the prizefighter.
The president has designated
the 25th day of November as
"Thanksgiving Day," and Gov.
Lord has likewise issued his proc
lamation in accordance.
The Ohio counties in which Mr,
Bryan spoke in the late campaign
increased their republican majori
ties 99G votes over those of last
The old tale of Maryland has
gotten a long way from the "solid
South." Time was when she was
counted a charter member of that
The comparison between the
railroad earnings and the bank
clearances at the present time and
one year ago indicates an astonish
ing change in the business of the
The republican strength in the
South continues to grow year by
year and congress by congress
The 50th congress will nave the
largest Southern republican repre
sentation in history.
The daughter of Eobt. T. Lin
ooln ran away with a man named
Beckwith and was married to him
before "papa" could interfere, just
like other girls of less celebrated
extraction have done.
Some of the New York politi
cians want to make two states out
the territory comprising that
common weaitli. lue proposed
change must be made with the
consent of the state and that ol
TnE "Blue and the Gray" had
reunion on the battle nelds near
Chattanooga last week. The mon
uuients ereoted to the memory o!
n ' t . t ...
ennsyiyania troops Dy surviving
comrades were turned over to the
state of Tennossoe and by the gov
ernor to the federal government
I nc annual report of lion. II
Clay E vans, coinnuHHiouiT of pen
eions, has been made public. I
shows the not iuereaso in the tola
Dumber of HUieiouers for the year
ending Juno 20th, Iat, to Lav
been SWfi, and tho total rjuraltor
drawing pennons on that dat
t'7C,01 L Theio are still aeveu
widows and cine daughters of th
revolutionary eoIJiere tlrawio
twueioue. Among tho iinportaut
recommendations of tho report art
tho publication of a com pie to lint
of peuiii.neri, auJ tho adoption o
legislation by eougro that wi
Iniin.ii me payment oi h euion
to tho idow of any aoKliVr of tho
war of tho rebellioo who shall
Report of Morrow County Sunday School
Association, in Coaventloa Assembled at
Heppner, Nov. 11, 12 and 13, 1897.
On last Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, tbe semi-annual convention of tbe
Morrow County Sunday School Associa-
tlon waa held at Heppner. There wae
not aa large an attendance as had been
ntioipated, but those who participated
tbe deliberations of tbe gathering
were intensely in earnest in tbe 8. a.
work, end tbe different meetings were
animated by very lively and interesting
discussions of tbe different subjects out
lined in tbe program prepared tor tbe
The Bret session of tbe convention was
held Nov. 11, at 2 p. m., in the M. E.
churoh, when the regular work was be-
uo and carried oot as follows, Presi
dent J. J. Adkine presiding:
Instrumental music
Devotional exercises, led by Rev. C.
R. Howard.
Address of welcome, A. G. Bartholo
mew. Response, lie v. u. t. uraice.
"How Con we Ettend the Work in
this County;" introduced by Pres. J. J,
Adkins, followed by Supts. W. C. Lacy,
A. Q. Bartholomew, Mrs. Brigga and
"Who is a Sunday School For," intro
duced by A. W, Balsiger, followed by
by W. C. Lacy, A. Q. Bartholomew and
Devotional exeroises, led by Rev. J. W.
responding secretary
Motion made and carried that tbe
minutes of the convention be sent to
the 8. 8. Tidings and tbe local papers.
Tbe following delegates were present :
Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Drake, Lexington;
Mr. and Mrs. Leacb, Fairview; Mrs.
Hewitt, Baptist, Heppner; Mrs. Briggs
and Miss Logan, M. E., Heppner; Mrs.
J. J. Adkins and Mrs. A. O. Bartholo
mew, M. E., 8., Heppner; Mrs. Myra
Noble and Mrs. Prater, Christian, Hepp
ner; E.J. Keller and A. W. Balsiger,
lone; H. Q. Gay and Mr. Coffey, Liber
ty. Closing remarks by Pres. J. J . Ad
kins. Convention adjourned.
Anna J. Balsioeb, .
Are gaining favor rapidly. fsftftkSj aj
Business men and travel- ISPpj I I -"
lers carry tbem in vest l-f III
pockets, ladles carry them
in purses, housekeepers keep them In medicine
closets, friends recommend them to friends. 2So
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Hair Cutting,
8hop, Matlock Corner,
15 Cent
25, "
Heppner, Oregon.
and hv virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Circuit Court oi th
State of Oregon for the County of Morrow asd
to me directed and delivered, upon a juaraem
rendered and entered in said conn on me xs
day of October, 1897, in favor of W. P. Lord, H.
R. Kincaid, Phil Metschan, as a board of com
missioners for the sale of school and university
lands and for the Investment of funds arising:
therefrom. ttlaintlfts. and aeainst Henrietta B.
Decker. O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes, de
fendants for the sum of Biz hundred ninety
dollars with interest thereon from the 5th day
of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per ceut per
.... n A A(. .3 IT .. ..it fu. ni.it
the further sum of twentv-tnree ana ou-iuu dol
lars costs which judgment was enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's office of said court in
said county on the 5th day of October, 1897, and
whereas it was further ordered and decreed by
the court that the mortgaged property to-wit:
The norm-east quarter oi section twelve tizj
in townshlo one (1) north ranee twenty-five
() x.aat w. M., in Morrow county, uregon, oe
sold to sa
lng costs,
Stands at tbe Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says : "Dr. King's New
Dieooyery is the only thing that cures
my cough, and it is the best seller I
have." J. F. Campbell, merobant of
Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that ia claimed for it ; it
never fails, and is a sure cure for Con'
sumption, Coughs and Colds. I oannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King s
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds is not an experiment. It has
been tried for a quarter of a century
and today stands at the bead. It never
disappoints. Free trial bottles at Conner
& Brock's drug store.
MatKews & Gentry,
sold to satisfy said iudement. costs and accru
l will, on Wednesday, tne ibi day
1897. at 2 o'clock. D ra.. of said
front door of the court house in
ner. Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the
. title and interest oi the said Henrietta
E. Decker, O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes In
8hop two doors South of Postolflce.
and to the above described property at public
auction to the highest and best Taldder for cask
roceeds to be applied to the satis
faction of said execution and all costs and com
in hand, the
shat may accrue.
An Unfortunate Occurrence
rust Rvnnlns Mss Lillle Henderson was ar
"Tbe Marks of a Good Sohool;" intro- re,ted on complaint of her mother, Mrs. J. W
rlnoed by Anna J. Balsiuer. followed by Vaughan. on charge of Incorrigibility, and
TO T. Holing .T W Plohr and nthflrn. with the view of sending the young laoy, wno
Has lately erected a buildiog
on the Ayers property, near
tbe corner of Main and Wil
low streets, opp site the City
hotel, which be is using as a
Mr. Thompson will overlook
nothing in his line
Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon.
Dated 28th day of Oct,, 1897. 92-601
Laud Officb at Th Dalles, Oaiqon,
October 8, 1897.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Kriday, November 19, 1897, viz:
CHAJLLE8 1. ANDERSON, of Gooseberry, Ore.,
Homestead No. 3734 for the NWJ of Sec. 31 Tp 2
8R24E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz! Frank A. Lundell, John E.
Peterson, Emll Lundell ond Andrew M. Peter
son, all of Gooseberry, Oregon.
jab. r. muutir.,
87-98 Register.
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
In the matter of the eBtate of K. G. Sperry, deceased.
To James B. Sperry, administrator of the
above-named estate greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the state of Ore-
Notice of Intention.
Xand Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October, 8, 1897.
following-named settler has filed notice
of bis intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Friday, November 19, 1897, viz:
JOHN E. PETERSON, of Gooseberry, Oregon,
Homestead No. 4083 for the 8EM of Sec 81 Tp 2 8
R '24 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank A. Lundell, Charles J.
Anderson, John Johnson and August Carlson,
all of Gooseberry, Oregon.
87-98 Register.
gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court
room thereof at Heppner, in the County of
Morrow, on Tuesday the 16th day of November,
Haling, J. W.
Helps, Their Use and Abuse;" intro
duced by W. O. Howard, followed by W.
0. LBoy, Althe Leaob and others. -
Devotional exeroises, led by Rev. U.
S. Drake.
is under 15 years of age, to the reform school.
It appears that the girl has been playing
hookey" lately in order to be In the company
of a young man here. The absence from school
was finally noticed by the mother and after re
peated attempts to break up the intimacy, gave
the girl a chastising. The latter left the pa
rental roof and went to stay at .he home of her
The Old Shop!
la the place to go to get
1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
.1. .. n .. .1 . 1. . . . .... If n .. Kava h.
1.11,311 auu .uciQ lu Dunn uiun.u mijr midio us,
why you should not be removed as such admin
istrator and your letter revoked.
Witness, the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew, judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, with the seal of said
court affixed, this 14th day of October, A. D.
Attest: J. W. MORROW,
588-98 Clerk.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Office at La Gbande, Oregon,
Nov. 17. 1897.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
hi s claim, and that said proof will be made
be fore County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Dec. 30th, 1897, vis:
Hil. E. No. 6297 for the lots 1 and 2 and 8EU
Nliii BeclTp38R28 E W M and Lot 4 See 6 Tp
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Jacob H. Pearson, Andrew J.
Cook, Joseph Luckman and James A. Pearson
all of Heppner, Oregon.
596-07 Register.
"Ttnunrna In Rnnnrn Attendiinne:" in- cousin. Mrs. E. W. Rli'ea. of Heppner. The
lmrl,1n.,l h .T .T TTollar. fnllowBd hv warrant was secured ana last nigni was serveu
. . , -
ti . n ri j j imiuiuti
Lvening. She Is being detained at the home o1
others. iipnnt.v Sheriff J. W. Matlock until her case is
"After tbe Lesson and Between Sun- settled. It is an unfortunate affair for all con-
.ioo.wi,ot nnansrl hv Mrn. ft N. cerned.
........ -- LATER.
Peok, followed by W. C. Laoy, Ket. J As we go to press Judge Bartholomew Informs
W. Flesher , and others. us that the law regarding incorrlgibles does not
2 p. M.. baptist OHUROH. to girls and he therefore ordered tne
disr.haree of Miss Henderson.
i i , A r u
uevouonai exercises, tea uy a., vi.
"Normal Work" oiianed bv Mrs. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation loreve
normal won, openea uy .urs. if q n.C fall. drueElsts refund money.
ttrigge, followed Dy itev. dagoes, itev,
U. a. Drake and itev. J. w. if leaner. Th. show.
"How Can we Get Our Fapils to Ao- Quite a large audience greeted Drannan 4
cept Christ;" Introduced by ltev. (J. R. Thompson's show last evening. Owing to tne
District of Morrow County, State of Oregon.
D. E. Oilmen, Haintifi,
R. W. Bearden. Defendant.
To R. W. Bearden, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
VOOr IlDe pork and lamb hereby required to appear before the under-
I signed, a justice of the peace for the District,
chops, steaks and roasts.
Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon.
Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old
style. Highest cash price paid for
fat stock.
aforesaid, on the 17th day of November, 1897, at
10 o'clock , a. m., at the office of said justice, lu
said district, to answer the above named plain
tiff in a civil action. The defendant will take
notice that if he fail to answer the complaint
herein the plaintiff will take judgment against
him for $248.95 and the costs and disbursements
oi sld action.
This summons Is served UDon von in niirsu-
anoe of an order made and entered in said court
I on tne atn day oi uctober, 1897.
w. A. KicHARDBOM, Justice of the Peace,
6th Dls. Morrow Co.. State of Oregon,
Notice of Intention.
Laud Omci at LaGbamde, Oregon,
Nov. 17.1897.
following-named settler has filed notice of
hie Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Deo. 30th, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 6315 for the W NEX and WU SEJa
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andrew J. Cook, Arthur
Smith, John A Waddell and George Hays, all of
Heppner, Oregon,
598-07 Register
Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
For sale residence property. Barn
and good outhouses. Will sell obeap on
easy terms. Call at offloe. 83-tf.
illness of a lady member of the company they
were unable to present their border drama, and
the entertainment consisted of specialties. The
dancing was very fair and the Marco Bros., the
limber men. are all right anywhere. The com-
H. REED & ) Pf0-
a. o. ooilvie r p
Howard, followed by Rev. U. 8. Drake,
Rev. J. W. Flesher and others.
Devutionul exercises . led by T. W,
Hong, mule quartette.
Reading of a letter from State Secre
tary of Humlay Soboola.
"Missionary Work of 8. 8.
mi r. Mini mi i rrauiiiK w uw y o . i ....
(..i.,,i k rtoo J VJ PlaaW fnl. i ..n.;ininn kl.lnnv. liver and bowels, Rtaire leaves Arlinston every morning
,u..u..uu.... u ...... ... , . ... ,,u...v.j - j,..., i,i.
fowed by W.L. Baling and A. Q. Bit- " .T
tbolomew. and blltonanoas. riease ouy anu iry u a vuuuuu bv o y. ui. ouu uurn i u-
. .. ... nf 11 n. n. tod a V. 1U. nucenw. ouiunuu
Antuem, oy onoir. ...riuntand to cure bv ail druiiglsts.
pany will give a show tonight and tomorrow Fossil (60 miles)... ' 00 Round trip 9 00
night. Mayville (5.1 miles). 4 00 Round trip 700
Condon (39 miles).. 800 Round trip 600
Everybody Bays Bo. clem ,.a ,niies) .... 2 00 Round trip 3 50
n..n.a rnv Pathartic. the most WOO I niT MS mllal 19). .....Round trio 350 1
leacners, . ,AfrhinB- to the taste, act gently
They Are The "Mustard"
: TDg Pioneer Blacksmiths
Have made some elegant Improvements In their establishment and added a large stock of
Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need auick reDnlrs
to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty Is horseshoeing. f.i
Meadows & Batten are the Boys Io do Your Work Right, and do it Quick, too.
"Jake" baa given up the pen
down at Iono And "A Citizen" Las
taken Liu place. The new con
respondent in all right, and though
we regret to lose "Jake" aa one of
the Gazette etafT, yet we are glad
to have succeeded in aocuring bo
Hood an ltomizor aa our new ao-qtiiHition.
Dr. T, J. Lee, who waa one of
the four democrats in the lower
house of the last Oregon legists
ture, died at his homo in lode
peudence on Tuesday Di'ght at 9
o'clock. This makes two vacancies
in the legislature caused by death,
the other being that of J. IF.
Kruso, populist, of Clackamas
county, who died shortly after the
session of the legislature last win
From the vigorous manner in
which some of the Oregon new
papers are constantly defending
Mr. hliis one would think he had
committed some very grave offense.
Hunts the trout)! anyhow?
hat a the matter with Ellis He
isn't runuing for ollice, ia he?
l eudloton lribano.
IWt fall iu linn with the Oie-
gnnian in talking nonsense.
"Cow Shall we Hold tbe 8. S. Mem
bers tot Obnroh 8arvloes;" introduced THg Boss Fkiid Yard William dor
by Rev. O. K. Howard, followed by Kev. doQ nM moved bit feed yard from its
D. 8. Drake and Vawter Crawford. former location to Jones' old stand
hatuhdat, 0:30 a. M., m. M. CHUBCH, s. where be will b pleased Io have all bis
rWoial business meetinir oalled Io or- friends and patrons to call on him. Mr
der bv I'res. J. J. Adkins. to disease tbe Gordon la acoommodatinff, has Rood
best methods for tbe fortbei extension M'd nI abundant facilities to take
1 it. care of stock to nrst class snape. uis
stimulatioc io all parts of tbe oonnty. Piioes are yrj reasonable. He baa baj
W. T. and eraio for sale, lias lately eauea a
Oui,n ear load or oaua nmoinu. u.
'l'l. m 1 1 n a. i n r. mmmitlu nn rAlnltl.
.11. mini" . ... " " . . .
tionewaa appointed by Pres. J. J. Ad. " "
nt: E. J. Keller, Kev. U. 8. Drake and " "' """" " ' "HU
Ilev. J. W. Flesher. rBKU,,,r 'r,u,, ul lu" "
iu..l!.,, . .n, h. II.. r.t. W OM suDeonoint tor sut
- '-,"" - r-r- i : . I.
..,l,l. u...,.l. i .nn -i. uaietio sou V'llt '
.Uo ., . - i . .w i.. n n. . J
i.,.l....it.,iil..l,.M M ft A.h- auvanoti ro Kes mnu .u uc.v. .u
.ruuauvo, - w. I m . 1 I S4 AA lit .11 U
, . i rr eeaiy vrrgoDian iur o.uu, an uiu aui;
I i . i i - i :,t t .
,r.i i i,..! i u u-v. i.n soriDers payiug iiimr uuvuriuiiun iui
lowed by lUv. J. W. Flesher, W. U.
s a rt at i t .
nowara, .uwiiDsnB01Drr.. . wk 1.VM U.Dr.n.F.t
I i 1 ll 1 .M f A - 1 "
riuaooesm me a. ocnooii imro- , . . . a TnM(,. Thnrla...
a aa ei a it a f I " w " "
oiioea oy n. v. uay, loiiowea oj iwt. i H.,nM..., ...... fi.,ok. n
J. W. Flesher. Kev. U 8. Drake end L Mood8yi Wed0elaye and Fridays.
IteV.U. IV UOWara. W.ll .III. t,rnr, Ir.U
BCiNitne mibtino, I, Ueo deeired. rare 13, each way
Freight K Bent per ponnd. J. H.
ente.1 by W. 0. Howard.
"I move that this convention elect a
.a.saai-1 a ....1 m mm tltsk AnniW Kna
P 4 I TliA riaaallak AnjM Hnl Itnall Alt IK
1 i. a I A ill f BiaDSlV UUW Hw vaaawM w
amy 11 sueu r. . t , . - .. . .
... ..... ww...- I . i . IK. ...t, 1.
ounoty at least oaoe daring the year. r
3 1. He shall also, io co.me-1 with tbe ul T"",'': ':"
sil at 7 p. m.
Comfortable covered coaohea and ob re
fill, experlecoed drivers.
The supreme vmrt of Oregon
haa recently decided that a mar
riago in Washington, by a party
who had been divorced io thia state
less than sis months, ia positively
told. "Now, we shall kwd see a
division from the auprcme court
of Washington that these mar
risgea are legal, and what ia our
court going to dj alxiut it?" asya
the linker Kepublicao.
A I'lwe I'arriairal,
Wlia unnliro 011. Is but more color.
! than Ihe cadaverous euunlenaoeee
i .1 . m . .
111 iimh iiiiioriiiuaM prins wnom we
are aicuilmed to call "irt firmed In
valid." What a wisnoruac I, unplyiet
iieepair, a itvini an fur lit Ae
lona aa Ihe vlvlf Tina tKtr of lluetvtt
r e Mloiuaoh lliilrre oan he frit, sad
I imwiiii iiiog as iiivre la no
aleoliilenilleiof the faenlttoe, Ireah
Vilalllv can tta li,f,i.,l inin
feeble framee; Color end f)Mb can tie
brotitfht back to wealed, pallid eherk
ith tins iraml sbswl author of the d-
t.llilaU.t sad tli at. kly. It la a r,l of
Ihe irealMt rKitener sad Ibe nimi
polity, and e rrmr.ty fur aed .rvtiln
of iipMi4, liiltmia, roalarton. rho
malks rttrvnn and kldoey cmi laiMa
Arpetite and alsp are ralij a.U,1 hi
Hill coiiMefaet Ibe lT-i-1 .f nailne
faiinae, nr eieliertieni, end nnllilUe the
1 eftea t rll..u b4nrh- of tipoeitre
Io isoltt)c wtatktr m daatp clofbiDa.
Keen Sfieep and Get Ricn.
Tells You How to Do It.
In it for
tbe earn.
rill be entitled U
By a speoial arrangement we offer to I
our readers
The Wool Record
and Bemi- Weekly Gazette, one year for
Tbe Wool Record is tbe only national
wool organ and oovers tbe wool industry
from tbe rataing of tbe sheep to the sell
ing nt the manufactured, article. It l
pnbllahed weekly at New York and lb
regular prioe ia 200 a year.' lie market
report are lull and oompiete and Its
Hheep bleeders' Talk alone are worth
10 Hmee tbe price ol the paper.
nample oopiee on application.
We heartily recommend tbit combi
nation to oor subscribers.
Bellenbrock, Prop. Offloe
Warreo's drng store.
executive board appoint a suitable per
eon io each school to aot ae s local mi.
slonary, to visit all poraon in the die
Iriol not attending S. Hchool and try Io
secure their attendance.
31 He shall fnrnUh blank to each
mau who earn bit bread by honeet toil
We cannot ruu Ibe paper 00 any other
plan. tf
T'wviaaatl are Trlag tl.
Tn nrdr lo urove the Bi4 nioril (if
local missionary, bearing directly on Ihe l Cmnu llalm. the mmmI effivtive cure
nainhrr f visits, sad Us reeulte io ee- for ( atarih aod fold In Head, have pre-
,.,.in- aia...t.ne.! anch renorta ! Ul T"-' . ?. trial au for 111 wnta.
, ... ..-a .. ' I .l.at II nf v.Mir .lrai-Miil n ft nil 1U rt.U Id
v w 1 -
me.ie quarterly. . r.LY 1I.IOH.. 59 Warren 84., N. V. City.
JLW tl.-...aavl at.sfajBaaa skhaill t ft At I
IU. Hrrnr,..r.n.., . . . . ,
a groerel rewrt t.i tbe rVml aenual Co. (t( B U(Y , Mrf b1)r4 fot
The motioa wae eecooded end carried
Mr. If. C. day Dominated eod
elected to ect ae general eeerelary fi
Ibe association.
Tbe commute oa reeolotioa pre-
onlfsl tbe following report
IUeoIve.1, That bweby preaaat oof
inc. re thank In the people of IlepP-
ear for thnr kindneae la eoterlalnleg m
during tlits convention
cure, lull Uy I ream l'im mi io no
evan tUaL Xl.iny aojuainlnnrra iiav aad
It wilS eteol.cul vmuIU. Kacar liairuui,
4) Wirrta Ave , CUloago, 111.
1.1 t' Cram Tlalin U the aokmUlk-,t
ear ! ealarrs an l ennuun no comma,
tiirrcnry nor a'tv lnnrioa drug rnce
hO pool. At driiiruiale or bv mail.
At fhaa Jmwa' Oi l KUn.t.
lUaolvl, That we appreciate the kind Hhltvinir. - Ifi
Hutr Cutting. - 5
letter from the nxrvtary of tbe etate
eocialloa aed it pfhVere our eyrtipathy
and active tv cDeratioo la Ibe 8.8
Uoaolvmt, That we Itnak the ffllal
boar.U of Ibe diffrut ebarehee ho
beve glvea ut Ibe as of tKeir boee of
ttexilved, That we eiteud oor eloeert
Ibanka to Tree. J. J. Adktee an J Ibe t
. entiv board lof the progiem arrang
and tbe rff irte pal forth la giving ee
eeh aa loterreiiag eeeato aed for tbe
Joe ta lnlns Ida Mnialloe ol thlashnf
Inr Sras dm walk and aould fliaaul
K? rm rail.
ut vnor nl4 lnks aa4 nm ta kM
ttn.la t I ymtt snot.y awtt of
Ih.m Msisa spar Ul tr s4 kar4
rvl Krtta.
OlVtct) io J N. Urowo'a Ruilding
fj In I' fcM 1
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods. Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
9 hum f You a Pnccs as I0W as tney can bc sold m 4
fT- hlLlliDecurear this m.irkpr.
mlf fa auffsr from any of th
ills of am, cmn Io K ekUf
Spacialut oa lh Pacifcc Csasl,
I Oil Market IL Est I SSL
Yeeasr mem aad aalSdle
At snesi ho araxinwinf
ttom ih (flacta m yownlnl inuicrion, or si-
enm in mturv vr. Nt""l bmI Phvtical
vktllltv.linsMlvsirv.L Mmm4
ki all ii.ft.inntir.it4M M ntr m at mrr Hm Bk.
rrtMirtlttrmtrA, ummmrw smb, uimi, m
r mt I HisUsi, . Mr a
ciwtl.tuiHts itf rvmviliattirf ctifBiivvpow A
m, ih I inou haa an ansnttad kts tnaima T
f sfl .il nnnw.liM rriMt but m
tjMrmttnvnl ran. hm llml" a Bat cutim M
I frl-im m. Ix. Kit M vrli.loinva to m a utar
and tqvutr I ht-M .n and str.i. r--s
1 u,l..T..iiT-ItlaMar mt Men.
rhino lhnmt(hi n.wtim irusa IM
a) .irtn iinot n.tiif HrmT
lUKt Dtt inMWUIra.
evlf ottr tVwttj nfinum nf hir.m.lnL
Stwi'lou.iraitrma luxim K (XA'kSs
e" hu Mx.lntats, r Jorfttl tBO
s Ban)raiii S'niiisrtB
tv..lisit rKlK and trl'itf Brltn
spky f Hmnimse,
Cll A tin M Vfkr ktWNAM,K Iomi.
fwitwoallv v kr HHIOT. Snd tW knna
- rs rkii
Iraa, (A vaiuanM) ko.k tot awaa.l
Ore nt M tiaeurn ofAnatemy
, Ik at and lanrt Mianao m klad as In
WI4. l'M aod kar k-t miaakBrfaltv fat
at audaj k ts am-id kaM ad nn.
V, at ct.tn.tallv adltt a rticamMi
i.ATAt.oi U tkti tailOTwrtta. t
1011 atarkat Stf aa ttrnKtit. Cat
so vcaea
"A mm A
'Iff' eOvVIOMT .
A "MM tMvfat at tafifllrdl ftaeif
' airtawav ftMB aef eket la.ewa..vek aft
I "; f fe.tHA I iaanBnreMkiha ftfparllr
-ftVleki 14. 4N-tna) ftveik f . mmmrm0 mm,
! A aterM ! ektnt' ttMr
rMt ikas likiftsk MM A 9mm9
kirli WwitMi VnM MnWkl af
fL""'' ' t l.mit an aii a wi
I; Mat to. l(wM t, W4 i,,
w va raiarra atM Ir. A4i-a
Mt atrawdwar, Iwa,
D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
Blankets! Blankets!
1200 Pairs Now
On Sale at....
Minor & Co.
Cotton Blankets 00c a pair.
Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25.
Wc also have a line of Eastern
called wool, at $3.00.
Hat the Ool; IUacket
Oa Earth ia the..
iwni mm
Wanted-fin Idea
r-' ft '
t, 9mw tW4u . - .mi.
t ai.V.ltiii It . I 1 1 I!! a. 9
A U "4 kaavsjsvd Ulm i aid oaatM.
We are ale agswia f.-t !!. Uvlag bongbt ear
eaUre Ilea ia Jo. eaahU sjs to eell tb.e
awlebraled food tbe ea prtnm ..IV fi)f
tafertor bfsaJ. Oall aad t attic.