Portland liorary Portland Library gatfi-yruBB PAPER ( TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION The Heppner Semi-Weekly Gazette from now until March 1st, 1898, for OFFICIAL SAMPLE SUBSCRIPTION Tha Happnar Sami-Waaklv I Gazette from now until Maroh1,1898,for 25 Cts- -M25 Cts. a Yearly subscription Reduced to $2.00 Yearly Subscription Reduced to $2.00 HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1897. FIFTEENTH YEAR NO. 598 or SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $2.0) per year, 11.00 for six montha, 50ote. tor three moncns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAPEK ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising A (tenor, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Franoisoo, California, where cou roots tor advertising oan be made tor it. T P. F18HEK, NEWSPAPER ADVEBTI8- -U. ing agent, 21 ueronanu uxonangn cuuu ing, Ban Franoisoo, is our authorized agent. Thia papar ie kept on file at hie office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner J unction vax a. m Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar. pivAA at Hnnnner 6:0(1 a. m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 20 p. m. and arrives at Heppner junction cou p. m, nnri Tlmntilln R:5u n. m. Pnrtluntl F.Tnrniw No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 .00 B. m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Juuotion 8:26 a. m. and at TJmatillaliJO a. in. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. . . For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. R & N., Heppner, Ore. . Goim IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET East? Thanksgivi Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St. Paal be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very beet service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-clasB in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. Now Open. mcnt. omOIAL DIBECTOET. H, W. Fall, Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable DOW TO FIND 00! Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an on healthy oondition of the kidneys. When uriDe stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the baok, is also conviuo ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are oat of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomtort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the bBok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It oor reots inability to bold urine and so eld ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, cod overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realizsd. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful cures of tue mnat dlat.raaaincr abbai. If vnn need a NeW Methods. NeW Manage' nwdicme you should have the best. Sold dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Gazette aud send your address to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Biug hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this offer. HEPPNER OPERA HOUSE, Thursday Evening, Nov. 25th. Admittance $1.00; Lady Maskers Free; Spectators 50 cents. Suitable Prizes will be Awarded. (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. A PIONEER PRINTER DEAD. Strictly First Class. United States Officials. President William McKinley Viea-Presldent Garret A. Hobart Beoretaryof State John Sherman uAM.aw Triiuan rv Lvman J. Gase Seo rotary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell A. Alger Secretary of Navy -John D. Long Postman ter-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary.. Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor --.W. Beoretaryof Btate nR',,K1lTi Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Bnpt. Publio Instruction ....G. M. Irwin Attorney General ..C. M. IdWn Senators j. H. Mitchell I Ringer Hermann Congressmen 1 W. R. Ellis ivz&r Supreme Judge. j F. Moore Sixth Judicial District. Oironit Judge Btephen Lowe" Prosecuting Attorney H. BeaD Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator representative. Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. 4 Bt. P., C. St A., r. ft. W. Si U., and the C. Bt. L. 4 P. Railroads. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. 81? A first-class feed barn run in i connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Bus run to 587-nov.l2 EDITORIAL COMMENT. Again tbe direful "Mitchell push'1 gets in its work, up in Union county. Where, O where, is our great senator-at Inrge, Corbett?-Portland Tribune. HATCH li.OO PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8U., CHICAOO, XXiZi. ConntvJnda'e.. '' . Commissioners., J. W. Beckett. " Clerk " Sheriff Treasurer Assessor Bnrveyor... School Bup't... ' Coroner .a. a. A. W. Gowan J. N. Brown Bartholomew J. U. Howard I ...J. W. Morrow ..E. L. Matlock .. Frank Gilliam ....A. C. Pettoyi ... J. W. Hornor ...Jay W. Shipley t. vaugnan ..n w v u irnwe nwrrtKRH. .Thus. Morgan . .Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocum, 11 wen-mum. auu .. ... "51 nuhardson nworuer , w Urivu. """'.'.'.''.'.'.'.''.y.'.L A. 'Roberts McClure's Magazine For 1897 weekly The onthly SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of erant by Hamlin Oakland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana waa lor wree oi ine mnsi cnncai years oi lue U1V1I vvar praoucany a meraoer oi uncoiii vauiutsv, mu in,inui, nwu fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative bistoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpubllihed. In connection with this series OI portrait It IS lllieiioeu lo puourn Bimetal uiUKrnuiiuni uum uuuw ui. .uwm w.re v. MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN doylk, in wtiicn ne win use ms exiraoroinary nuiiy wnicu nave, iu mo -oueriuvK nuiuiw wji ivm, kivvu uim Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Treasurer.. Marshal.... PreemetOffl.oer'. .v.. k. W. K. Kichardson f .i.M :...N. 8. WheUton. United Btatet Lead Officer. TBI DALLES, OB. 1. F. Moore "u ' Rnrister Beoeiver B.F. Wilson.. J. H. Bobbins.. sjkojwc ocianis. BAWUN8 POST, NO. IL O.A.B. MMta at Uiinitno, Or., the ut RnrfB ' .h month. All veterane are Invited ""'" -WAHrik.. tf c-ciuf3tr. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlo) in tbt City Drug Btore, near City Hotel. " D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON, Offlos boors, 8 to 10 . m., aod 12 io o n m at rMidenee. W. K. Kirk's prop erty, test of M. E cbnrch. Booth, sod 10 lb resr of Berg's jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, nmm in the First Nstiooal Bank Building. Oheooh. The Outlook will be io 1897, as it has been during eaob of its twenty seveD years, a History of Our Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives oompaot review of the world's progress; it follows with care 11 the important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of the day; bas Resistor f ..iiinr.a .. devotes moon space to tbe Interests oi tbe borne; reviews current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, to short, aims to Rive fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Utrrma, s It W.A.RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. arriet COUNCIL CMAKSte Mis and burs rl u. ranis honfc-e. pare . . MKHnmnrlllf id wUSvntMtln any way la bis Hue. el reasonable fiiuwe. First National Bank HEri'NEU President Vie President CeaMer Ase't Cashier Trvo'ti t Gtwnl EuVi&g Imm. KXCriA-NOI Ob all pane el the wofM Bought and Sold. ColUrll'me on all antnie on rasnell T.rrns. SurplM a4 BitdlvMeJ rMia, lli.ooo OO. C. A. RHCA, T. A. PMCA. oco. w. coNtcn, S. W. SPtMXtft. Beginning witb tbe fifty fiifth volume, tbe paper will aeeume tbe regular maga- sine siee, wbioh will add greatly to its eonveoienoe and attractiveoess. Tbe Outlook ia published every Saturday- fifty -two issues a year. Tbe first issue In eaob month is an Illustrated Magasioe Number, containing about twlos at many pages as tbe ordinary issue, together witb a large number of pictures. Tbe prloe of The Outlook ia three dollars a year in advanoe, or lees than a cent a day. Send for a specimen copy and illustrat ed proapeotus to Tha Outlook, 13 Astor Plaoe, New Toik Ottv. BTOC1 BRANDS. While roe a4p roar Mbseri-Uoa paid as yce u kaee ronr brand la freeof ebars. rWa. P. O., Happoar. Or. Hnraaa, P B b left shoolitari ealUa, sane oa loft hip. Conk. k. J..Ina.Or. Hotm, SOon HiTitshnnl Am. ( aitla Mm a rlsht hips ear soark etioan 1 enio ofl Uft aod split in righL IV..I.M. W. M .Gallowat. Or.-CatUa. IDm Hahl ila,switw-firk la snob ear; bunas, U D on laft Dip. n. Una. Dnnalas. Or. Hnrsaa brand d ELY oa Uft should, oatlis same oa brflbip. bote ia nht mi. rtiMaaa. L. A Rapcmar. Or. CalUn. LP rlsht hipi beraaa. P witb bar nndar a risM stuMilttar. Jonaa. Hairv. Happo-r. Or-Hoae .farwUd H J o tha Uft tialUr; nanl brm iiUd J on naht hiD. ala aadartnt la Ml ear. Kanae la Mrrw aimatf . r.ll. faa. Or. RnnH. atrlaTo Uft auSai aatlla. aamaan Hirbt hip, eadar half an la n mM autil a urt aar Ranay, Mba, Hapfwar, Wr. Horsaa branUt KNIT aw Urt biB eMUaaataaend erus) ofl Uft mi aariaa alnpa oa the rlsht l-kn J. W. Nantmar Or -Hnraaa brandad I . uirf t mt Urt atwmUUrt itm aama aa af bio. watllawvar nh aye, thraa aliU ia nbl uinutfor nivsterv and lnirei a place beside Poe and Gaborlau, TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he wl'.l wrlto during the coming year, with the exception ol two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him lowg ago, will appear in McClurr's Mauaximb. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the Same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLINO. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCldbi's all of the ahort stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the Maoaxihs a series of short stories In which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete In itself. Anthony Hope Bret Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stookton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories In McCldbi's lor the coming year. These are only a small fraction ol the great and Important features of McCldbi's Maoaximi lor iml, the subscription priee ol which Is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It (Tyl cn .For JW. JU DKPBBI1LLELED When Mr. Ellis says (if be bss really said it that he would "no longer favor free coinage of silver by the United States alone," bis words seem to imply tbat be still expeots oo operation on silver from other countries. Bat whi.t countries? Tbe great nations of Europe have given us notice thai" they cannot act with us. India will not, Japan bas just adopted tbe gold standard. China baanoooinage of her own exoept her so-called "ooppttr oasb," of which it lakes about twenty pieces to make one cent. Peru bas declared for the gold standard. So bave the Central Aneri eaa states. With what nations would Mr, Ellis bave nsco operate T There re mains Mexico and Bolivia. Since be would no longer insist that the United States should adopt free coinage "alone," be must be looking, witb the compre hensive eye of statesmanship, to Mex ico aod tiolivia as allies. (A. man is writing this, not a boy, as some miuhl imagine. Editor Oazittb ) Why can't men to whom even a aiokly part of one poor sense remains, abandon this bum bug of international agreement alto gather TOregouian. Feter Cooper was a very sensible clui as well as a good one. tie made n..tQey io a legitimate way and the following advice ooming from bim should be heeded by those to whom it Is ad dressed: ''In all towns where a news. paper is published every man should advertise in it, it nothing more than a card alating bis name and the business bs is engaged in. It nearly always pays tbe advertiser, and besidea lets the peo ple at a distance know tbat the town in wbicb you reside is a prosperous com munity of business men, aod tbat peo pie may settle in it witb a chance to make living. Never pull in your sign in a home newspaper while yon expect to do business." Danville (lud ) Re publican. Tbat the Oregonlan advnrated the election of Q lion for coigreea; tbat it aided and abetted tbe holdup of tbe legislature last winter; that it is and bas been a d'baunber io alale polities; that it des not want men io office who a ill "Kocky Mountain" Smith Passes to the Beyond A Versatile Man. Robert Bruoe Smith, more generally known as "Rocky Mountain" Smith, died at his sister's, Mrs. Dr. Rafietty, in East Portland, Sunday, Oct. 80, 1807, and bis remains were taken to the Oak ville oemetery, Linn county, for inter ment, accompanied bv bis sisters, Mrs. Raffetty and Mrs. Z. B. Lee, Bays tbe Prineville Review. Mr. Smith waa a son of Captain John Smith, who was Indian agent at tbe WarmBprings for 17 years, and a brother of Dr. John E. Smith, of Vancouver, Wash., and Dr. T. V. Smith, of Taooma, Wash. These brothers still survive bim. He was an uncle of J, J. Smith, of tbe Sisters, and R. Q. Smith, of thia plaoe. Mr. Smith crossed tbe plains in 1862 and in the same train was our towns man, 0. W. Elkine. He learned the printing trade in Corvallia, in the first printing offloe established in that town. From there he went to Engeue, and then to San Franoisoo. He was well known all over the Pacific coast and known to all old printers. He was in strumental in starting a great many pa pers io tbe Paoifio coast states. His last venture was the establishment of the Mitchell Monitor over two yeara ago He worked in tbe Review office in 1891 for Mr. Williamson. On aooount of bad health be was compelled to give np bis trade and for nearly two years lived with bis nephew, J. J. Smith, at tbe Sisters, tins oounty Two weeks before bis death, feeling great deal better, be oocoluded that be would visit bis Bisters at East Portland. After arriving there tbe trip proved too muob for bis feeble frame and be passed away in a week after his arrival. He was about 59 years of age "Rocky," as be was familiarly oalled, waa a man of more than ordinary ability and was, during his prime, one of onr best writers. His witioisms will be re membered by many of bis old aoquaint-auoea. He baa gone tbe way of all mortals and laying aside all bis faults there sre traits about bis character that will be remembered by bis many friends. "Re- quiesoat in pace." "Rooky" worked on the Gacette at various times aod waa also employed on the Eagle, at Long Creek. In early days be started the Walla Walla Statesman or was connected witb its first proprie torship in some manner. He waa tbe pionesr editor of Helens, Mont., packing bis old 'Washington band press io on moles. The frame waa too heavy fo one mule, so a gunsmith's saw was brought into nse and tbe frame waa cut in two. At another time "Rooky" worked on tbe Oregonian and oime very nearly being its owner. ; H. L. Piltook who was tben a young printer, . and ft. POWDER Absolutely Pure BRIEF MENTION. was a the "Rooky" were tbe whole mechanical force. Oregon was tben wildernesi and Portland a little village in a mud bole. Dollars were aoatoe and io a lit tle wbile tbe Oregonlan owed so muob tbat tha printers were oompelled to take it for pay. "Rooky" sold bis sbsra to Mr. Pittook, who has ever sines retsined so interest io tbe paper. It the Osiette oould tell half of Mr. Smith's experiences in bis inimitable style.lt would bave some volumes tbat would rival Mark Twain's best works. Hs was a good-hearted man and finely oonneoled, but bia love for that wbiob exhilarates and sometimes makes drank rained bim for any kind of business, aod bia beet days were spent aa a tramp printer. However bis good qualities were many and bia failure in life when be ooold bave beeo one of tbe moat use- fol of men is an ubjeot lesson f'ir tbil generation. Obas. Frey was down from Hardman Wednesday. Pat MoDaid waa up from Lexington Wendesday. F. M. Oonrter was in from Eight Mile Wednesday. M. C. Fuqua came in from Eight Mile Wednesday. S. P. Haney was up from the city of lone Wednesday. Jas. Johnson, of Butter oreek, visited Heppner Wednesday. Ranous is still on the turf doing a lit tle oarpenter business, tf What is Hop Gold? Beat beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. Jake Toncg, of Eight Mile, visitor to Heppner Tuesday, D. A. Hamilton was down from mountain ranch' Wednesday. M. Liobtenthal tor shoes. Exolusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Hon. W. R. Ellis returned Wednes day from a visit to outside points in tbe interest of bis constituents. Arlington Record: Dr. Qeisendorfer will not move his family to Tbe Dalles, but will retain his residenoe in Arling ton. Jas. MoHaley got in Monday from bis Jobn Day ranch and reports slight storms as yet in tbat locality. Jim says stock over there are in good condition. Geo. M. Lovelette and Chaa. Tilden and family flame in from Wall creek Wodacaday, Oh., and aall aiU eaak Heppner their borne for tbe winter. Mra. J, T. 8tarr, of Ltbanon, Or., ar rived Thursday morning on ber way to Lone ltock, where abe will visit tbe family of ber son-in-law, Morgan Ward, Be not deoeived! A cough, boarsoess or oronp are not to be trilled witb. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Isold by Uonser a. Brock. y Leet Greenwood and family oame over from Cottonwood Wedoeaday. Tbey will get their wiuter's supplies aod spend a few days visiting Heppner rela tives before returning borne. Karl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purities the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Conser k Brock. y Dalles Chronicle: Mr. Bert Pbelps oame dowo from Heppner yesterday to attend tbs circuit court. Us is bigbly pleased witb bis new home, and thinks Heppner the best town in ths eountry. ' Green Matthews and family moved out to J. W. Morrow's ranch oo Rbea From the first. "1 suffered witb headaches and intense attaoks of neuralgia, aod became very feeble. I began taking Hood's Harts- oretk Wedoesdsy wbere Oreen bas gone parilla, though so weak I oould only takesmsll doses. I fealt better from tbe Drat and I bave not bad ao attack ot any severity siuoe I begsn osiog it. G. A. Button, Hillburst, Washington. Hood's Pills are tbe best family eathar. lio and liver tonic Geolle, reliable, sure. To be educated one must read the best 1 1 lor slur. Tbe beat literature Is expensive. Leslie's llluetrated Weekly. Pub'lsned at 110 fifth Arenua, New York, Is full of the best Ihln IU Illustrations are superb! eturUs charming; and Its llurary drpartmenla are edited with con- John Zullloger was down from tbs mountains Wednesday, bringing In a "peifortn their ofllolal duties well;" nous few beads of cabbage aod some potatoes to take obargs ol band of sbsep, and will hereafter be dubbed a ranober in tbe fullest sense of tbe term. Fossil Jooroal: Blind Johnny Keeoey left yesterday for Ueppoer, and will nave there In a few weeks tor bis boms in Laos oounty, Before going be rented bis Ollllsm oonnty ranch for tbrse years to Mike Dokek and Bert Ramsey. I DmI iardiaaa.Or.-H.irMS I P oa A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY mrdielne bas nfian Minor. Oanar. ttappaar Or. attta, riabt lusi buna, m oa an aboaMar Mniwaa. . M- H appear. Or R oa UA ebrmliUt aauU OrfM.. J. W.. DnaaUa. aboaMUri aallle eaiaa oa rt' Parkar Glaawaj. Hard UrtahaeMar. PHwr.J. 1, lt.m. I)r.-H.a it. aaa. sart m. Uft ahnafaUri Ball U. aaaas ae Uf bip aata bit la aar. kmtnt.i. W., H-vvar. Or.-Nnnaa, JO as Uft aboakUr. I'aitie, O rWbt blv tHmrrt. K. O. Htaar. Or. - fattU Uft am.m a n.t arm dawiavt Unas W t oa Ufl aaaaaUr I as Ml anoablar. tf, Q sumnste skill. ; , W Burh a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every '4 V homm- V Q The iuherrlptlon prire of Leslie's) Ie! nn'im. Q f' Vt e mske the unparalleled oiler uf a copy of . X Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- w Weekly one year (or only $4.50. w Me mra oftVr was ever anade before. Mo turb offer will ever b nade I J again. Three two paprrs stake a most anrrptabla Chrlettnes or birthday yj O gilt, and wilt be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. y JeX Remit by postal etder er ehacl to the .f. 'ijr Iloppner, Oroiroii. I of these Ibiogt doee Ibat paper deny, fr f it did it would ouly be brandiog ilsrlf la wilful prevarioatur, aiooe its utter ances are too fresh in Ibe minds of i's readers, Tbe only thing It ran do win a its unjust aod dishonest assaults on Io- oocent parties are lutarceptej Is to whine, like tbe tor that it ia, end say I Ids country press is always misrepre senting It, I' iior old tbing, it is too bad tbe editor ot tbe Oregooiao is not rtar I of Russia or sultan of Turkey where be eoold behead all tboee who did not wor ship at bia shrine, Ibat be might pro ceed oa bis hellish career nomoleated. I -HI Uelrtis Mist The only thing the morning daily baa ever beeo eoneieteol io U inconnstfocy . rcrtlend rritiaoe. whiob bs disposed of. John bss spent most of Ibe summer herding one of fen I end's bands, and expects to spend moat of bis lime this winter working oa quarts claim oo bie ranob where be thinks be bas atrook sometbiog tbat Ia Eorope, Asia, Africa, Australia and America, tbt five great continent, Hhaker medicines are being need by suf fering humanity for tbs cure of sickness and disease. Never waa there such a universal de mand, aever snob wondarfnt results. Hhaker Digestive Cordial, a oore for Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Queensware At KlretrM Blltera. Electric Bitters is a medicine soiled for eb) season, but perhaps more gener ally Seeded wbea Ilia languid, eihaq.t. d feeling prevails, when tha liver la torpid tieej t,t a t'-ulfl and rompt uaa of Ibis averted ng and perkaie fatal blllona fevers. No BneJUtina ill eel more safely to ennoteranting aad freeing tbe eyelets from Ibe malarial pMBtD. Headache, Indlgeetion, (msl. pal ba, Diuinrae yield to F.lretrie Itll- lers. fiOn. and It r boltls al Conser lilt r,ae J.tl.n la an nl,t miner an,l 1. li-... ha Wan., a mrA thin, wh.a '.' be sees it. 1 ,0OM natural remeuy, wnicu ooree oy aiding naiore aoo not ry ngniiog err. Hhaker Digestive Cordial makes those fat, who bave beoome Ibln by not di gesting tbelr food. It restores lbs spirits snd lbs appetite ot those wbo are dejected aad fagged out from Ibe wearing effects of Indiges tion. It relieves tbe symptoms of dyspepsia, snd, after using for a reasonable time, finally euree lbs complaint. Hold by droggieie. Trial botlle lOe. Drradfally Neryeas. Urals: I was dreadfully oervoos, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves aod elrenglb- tnsd my whole nervous system. I aas troubled with constlpalioo, kidney snd bowel trouble. Your Tea sooo lesoerd niy system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regalnsd health aod strengtb. Mrs. 8. A. Hweel, Hartford, Ooan. Mold by Goliarf k Brook. f - fatUe W f ae aaa at at si A area, a. ga tere. WW. aad l r Doltle at lmsef aWljn ta Uft rear, 11 ' j 1. irck'e drug store. 31 I l12klT IV l3lSD6v S - MlbeWkly aaae ae Uft bis Vav 1 I I m lift sw-a-- sUa- iV W Baw 0r(,K,Dat ,h- fttm4 ae-epapw of Fsabis f'oppea arrived at Ueppser Tuee lay from Pendleton. Hbs had been aoder arrrsl at Ibat plana ebarga witb Ibe mnrder of ber infant, but waa dta charged by tbe coart, aed tha anlbort Ilea al Ibat place parshaaetl ber a lUket Io Ibis town aod sent ber away. Oa arriving here she applied l Judge lUrtbulooiew for Cuaaeial abl, end en being Maeed she repelled fof lilbef past area Tbie woniea bae atae an ouloaet of Ibe lowest type. ,., . . , . I Tan- K. W.H-w I Tbe Oaaetle will lake oolatoee, srfl-e. ' un .a..uur. Ur ; eu . - . -. .J l. .Miami, i ib aptit ia Wrtaaara. 0 7 . . .. a i. 1 j m m k,a ae.1 r).i ei e. I I aornbiBetv uf ba teiera saa be nia-le y ear. l a atee..iilslli-MMr.-.J.... -M,,w-:wiwVn w,Fnp Vntir.ANr.FT WHAT YOU WANT, ia tit tlaW. serBfock. Aad by the asy t'e have sr'hlo eae rail fa? la the Has ol Hardware, ato'es ai4 llnwara. the Wees. Witb tbe(aIKlb strict ly la advance, one year, fl u No better Care tbat eongb aitb Hbilob's Curs Tbe beet aingb en re. Relieves eroup prosBplif. Due millloa pi.lllee Sold laal for 'itei. HilJ by t 1 Fossil Journal: A very enjoyable da ore waa bell at ths residence ot Alleyt Hroilb ia !at Vslley Thursday algbt, witb tbe usual country daece ac eorupebiiaeata. All ot jn Valley Four Hondred and part of lbs Loos Rock fD were there. Blind Joboay Keeoey played the fiddle aad several of Ibe boys played lbs deerw. Tbs feature of the evening was a etabbing sflrsy In which Uursoe Bennett received a two Inch cot oa Ibe arm io parrying a knife Ibrost made al bis body by Albert Nuillb. No arrests. To fare C'eaelleatUa terete. Take l''.ie t !. l ethartta toe ar He, tl V. C C U'l Wwi, Uiua .is rvfitad awtMf. too SOiQ to lt B4. tBiatwtaevaauaa. .vw a. ..a-..- ' "