(EMI TO THE QTVBB IHJE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha iwn AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO Steamers Monthly (rom Portland to Yokohoma and Hons Kong: via, Tbe Northern Paoiflo Steamship Oo. In con oection with O. R. & N. For fall details oall on 0. It. 4 N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HTJKLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Ubboor, 2000 The contest ends December 31st. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are because they are money-back. local sqriBs. "You're fell the worH to me," h M-hd, She smiled on him wttt ir.uU mirth. And when ht Mit "be mine,' ah cried: "Ti wf wrong U want U earth." J. H. Pearson was in from Lena on Saturday. Uncle" Ben Parker tu down from the mill Satur Jay. Tom Howard has a big stock of both lined and nullned glove-in all gredee. Prices 'way down. tf Miss Nellie Base? returned from the What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling' t But baking valley Saturday, after viait of several powder and tea are safe. months with relatives. n- c,i;;.j. Dt,,t,i ,H.r or tea or vnnr erooer; take out thai P- - Borg h t0 00 ,h ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the "J . D. 8. wort. Court convene. tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December jist at Portland Nov. 30th, Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one (ieo. W. Harrington came op from word fnr . tirt romana aonday morning 10 remain ........ . . If only one person finds the word, that person geU f 2000.00; it several nna rew aaye looting aner cosiness anaire. h, f 2000.00 will be equally divided among them. C. W. WaU of Albany, and W. P. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard Matlock, of Pendleton, were passengers creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one 0n the Elder on the trip north on the envelnrw, will re.re.li an 1808 Docket calendar no advertising on it These weeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest, Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. Mil EABIHE PAPER ARE TOO GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via THe floillpstem Lim ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY this is Tna Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfl, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL rOINT8 EAST AND SOUTH. ' Their Mairnlncflnt Trark, Ponrlnaa Vostluulod Dining; and HluniiiiiK Car Train, and MotUi: THB CHHOmciJi rank with MM aTkataat swspapsrs In til United StaUs. TUB (JKHOWICLB baa no equal en th Paeln Coast. It lead! all In abllltr, anUrprlM and news, THE OHHONICUTB TslegTaphte Report an tha latest and moat rellabls, It Looal Nw th fullest and spiels, and Ita Kdttorlala trom to ablest pent In tb country. TH It OH HOWIOLB baa alwari boom, and always will bs. tb friend and obamplon of th people a axainat. oombliiatlons, eltqne. corporations, or oppremlon of any kind. ItwIU b tadepandaal la vryUiln( neutral la nothing. It 'ALWAYS ON TIM 12 has (riven thli road a national reputation. All rlaumts of pauxiiKKra rarrlud on the vuatltnilml trains without extra charge. Hlilp your frolKht ami travttl over till fnmou line. All agent have ticket. W. II. MEAD. F. 0. BWAC1K. Uon. Axut. Trav. K. A 1', Agt, Utn Washington Ht., rorliand, or. OIIIOAQO ilwaiiKcs & Si. Paul n This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the fsmous blook system; Lights its trains by eleotriolty tbrough- ont; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read- lug lamp; Runs speedily eqoipped passenger trains very day and night between Ht. Paul and Chioago, and Omaha and Chicago ; the pi !3H ATARRH Ask your Druggist for agenerou 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain no cocnlne, mercury ni'f any other Injurious drug. It i quickly Absorbed. Gives Relief atones. It opens end cleanses the Nuaal 1'assagos. Alhivs Inn.immntion. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Hprtorcn the Splines of Taxte and Kmell. Knll Hlze 6uc. ; Tr.nl Bi.fl 10c. ; at !ni!rt!ist or by mnil. tLY BROT11EUS, 04 Warren Street, New York. c EIGHT BULK NEWH. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Timber Culture Final Proof. Tb Chronlela tlalldta the: daily Br Mall, Foci- I' aid, S6.70aYear. The Weekly Chronicle Tba Great st Wet.ly b tbe Coaitry, S1.50 a k Chicago, Milwaukee t. Paul & (laeladln mil a-) t any prnrt of Mi Caltaa lai. Canada and Mtloo. TRRWRKKLV CHIIIIMICI.K. ib brlhtal and mnal eomplMa Wxkly K ariapr la th world, print men I arty H4 eolutniia. of twalr PM.af News, LliarMura and iMnaral Inform. Uuaiaisoa maaalSooul AaTtcaltural Itapanawat. 8AMPLE COPIES SENT FRcE. 11th inet Al Evans was in town over Saturday and Snnday. Al says grass is growing down on the sand and fall range prom ises to be good. Eelsay Porter will be haofred at Union, Or., next Friday it Gov. Lord does not 00m mute the sentence of death to that of life imprisonment. Stop tbatoongh! Take warning. It may lead to oonsnmntion. A 25c bot tle of Sbiloh's Onre may ssve jour life Sold by Oonser A Brock. x Pell Simieon got in last week from John Day, bringing out tbe Marlatt and Minor eattle which will be wintered on this side of tbe mountains. Asa Thompson was np to Heppner COLO N HEAD Saturday from bis sheep ranch and re ports getting his sheep ont of tbe moun tains without any trouble this fall. Tbe finest buck deer in tbe city park at Portland attaoked its keeper and was severely beaten by the keeper's assist ants before be wonld give np tbe battle. Eagle: John Carter, who bad bis leg mashed by his wagon roning over it on Wall creek hill, some time ego, is getting along nioely under tbe care of Dr. Mir acle, of this city . F. M. Courter, one of tbe successful farmers of the igbt Mile section, was in town Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Courter. Be "squared" himself with tbe Gazette while here. Ben Parker underwent an operation Saturday for tbe removal of a wen grow ing on tbe top of bis bead. Dr. Swin bnrne took it off for him, and "Uocle" Ben stood tbe operation well. T-M.: Bert Phelps is- down from Heppner to attend court. Mr. Pbelps says Heppner is booming. Every boose in tba city is ooonpied and a number of new ones are being constructed. T. J . Merrill made final proof on bis homestead before Clerk Morrow Satur. day. Mr. Merrill resides in the neigh borhood of Parker's mill and reports plenty of winter weatber up that way. W. H. Maple, of Pendleton, was in Heppner last week putting in Dickie iu the slot machine. Mr. Maple is the inveotor sud owner of one of these mi- Unitbd Btatks Lakd Orriri, The Dalles. Oregon. Bent. lUth. 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY MIVEN THAT JAMES H. Allen ha filed notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 8th day of December. 1H'J7, on timber culture application No. 2y8, for the NEI of seo tlon No. XI, In township No. 4 south, range No, 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C, Kelthley, Oscar Kelthley, Kd Moreiana, ana Jesse M. Hogne, all of Hardman, Oregon. J AD. F. MOORE, 93-604 Register. Sheepmen are bridging their bands out of the mountains. Tbe snow is gone, the sky is oloudy and the air feels like rain. Wm. Ingram ezpeots to move to tbe mouutaius, be and bis family. Mr. T. Morgan and family have moved to their new home on tbe farm formerly owned by Mr. Brian, deoeased. Beach Uaiues brought a large load of cabbage from bis mountain borne to Eight Mile. He sold it all readily. Mr. Kannie aud bia son, Bert, have moved to the mountains. Bert has a mschiue tor sswiog wood into stove lengths. Several persona intend to move to Uardmau to go to school this winter. The school is taught by Miss Rash, of Heppner. Mr. Compton's family have my sym pathy, as in the death of their father they are left orphans, their mother hav ing died last inter. Mother Earth is wearing a white mantle today. Snow two inohes deep fell last night. As the ground was not trt Etso it will all soak ioto it. Farmers that bave wheat sown are glad to see the snow. Warren Aahbaugh, of Eight Mile' found the window sashes he purchased at tbe Heppner lumber yard and which were oarrled away by tbe Heppner boys on Halloween. Tbey were all right when he found them. Mrs. M. A. Fuqna is teaching tbe Eight Mile Centre school and Mies Glassoook the MoBee sobool. Both schools are small as it is tbe time of year that boys who are large enough to work oanuot go to sobool. Tbe treasurer's sending a great deal more money to distriota than tbey were entitled to and then reoolling it made several disappointments to the people who thought tbey were going to have a longer term of sobool than usual. E. M. 0. Eight Mile Or., Nov. 10, 1897. LUNG TKOCBLES AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New York Cheniat and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberoulosis), bronohial, lung and ohest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, (nd be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, baa produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direot from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. J uly 9-7-1 jr. FORyOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person ' under the sun in the line of druggists ' supplies, blank books, bank work county work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity concern but it you will give us a ohanoe- -we will see that yon are satisfied: ir every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from borne tbs foreigner got the money and we got tba goods. But when tbe goods were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf GUARDIANSHIP SALE. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and tiy virtue of an order of sale, Issued out of the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for Morrow County, the undersigned as guar dian of Winnlfrcd Gilliam, Archer M. Gilliam anil lister E. Gilliam, minors, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1H(I7, proceed to sell at private sale for cash In hand ail tne right, line aim interest 01 mo aoove named minors In and to the following de scribed real estate, situated In Morrow county, Oregon, to-wlt: The east half of the northeast quarter, and tbe east half of the southeast iunrter of section thirteen, In township four, mm Hi of range 2ft esst W M.. together with all the tenements, hereditament and appurtenan ces tnereunio oeionging. Hated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 1H97. V.ltm ANNIE UII.UAM, Guardian of the above named minor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 AND OFFICE AT THE DAM. E8, OREGON, I J Oct. W,W.n. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following-named settler ha filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will lie made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, urcgou, on pnvrmuierzv. i'', vis: Al.Itr.Kl I. 1VIKIII, Hd E No. S'.71, for llw NW HKV, W'4 NE. .,,.1 NVI NU'L. U 1) Tn I U U l It w M He name the loiiowiug witnesses to prov cnines, Desiues oeiog agem lor ail inner nis coiiiiiiuoiiB resilience uiMin auu cultivation of said laud, vis: John Cochran, Edward U I'adlHTg, Walter H. Casson and lllraiu Thorn ton, all of lone, Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE. mWL Register. Deafness Cannot be Cored by looal applications, as tbey oannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbe mucous lining of the eusta chian tube. When Ibis tube gets in flamed yoa have a rmubling sound or imperfeot hearing, and when it is entire ly olesed deafness is the result, and un less tbe inflnnimation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, whioh is nothing but an in flamed ooudition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for Buy case of deafnees (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend forciroulars free. F. J. Cbeney & Co., Toledo, O. EiSold by druggists, 75o. More Cattle Sold. From the Eagle. On Saturday last W. H. Daugberty, representing the Paoiflo Dressed Meat oompany, of Taooma, purchased 175 head of fine beef oattle from Rudio & Black well for shipment to tbe oompany. These cattle are to be delivered at Pen dleton by the 18th inst. Mr. Daugberty in conversation with the Eagle reporter remarked that with this shipment be had purchased something like 1200 head of oattle from this seotioo, and tbe ma jority of them from tbe firm of Radio & Blaokwell. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. eTEAJtssa 'DALLES CITY" AND REGULATOR" Leave Tbe Dalles daily (except Sunday) at i uh) a. m. ijeave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; yoa will enjoy it, and save money. W. 0. ALLAWAY, General Agent Two Million a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascareta Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million - j ;t :il I a1 :li: 1. Duxes a year ana n win ve mree nuiiiuii ur fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that CaararetH are the moat delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Nearly every resident of Morrow oounty reads the Gazette. All do not subscribe tor it, but it passes from neighbor to neighbor and it Is read This is enoouraging to tbe advertiser, even though il does not help tbe pro prietor. Catarrh oured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Sbiloh'a Mediator Line" quio: TI3VI33 I San Fronolsoo And all point In California, via tha Mt. Hhaita route of th Southern Pacific Co rh great highway through California to all point East and South. Grand Bosnia Rout of th Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Bnffet Keeper. Seoond-ola Sleeper Attaohed to exorees train, affnrdina- snnarior accommodations for eoond-elas passenger. For rate, ticket, sleeping oar reservation, eto,. oall npon or address B. EOEHLER, Manager, 0. H. MAKKHAM, Gen. F. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon Those -who desire to build should not forget that 0. E. Banous, the con tractor, is ready to make estimates al any time. 60tf Every new subsoriber of the Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive as premium book worth alone tbe price of the subscription. tf Come in and subscribe for tbe "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. I miss a whole lot of sood. hard read i no Saturday and Sundny, Nov. 20th and Nasal injector free. 8old by Oonser & that is now being published in our t. a .v.. m v Brook. x "Only." Timber Culture, Final Proof. I'HITKD HTATSS I. NO OrM S, Ti.. li.iia. n rv.,..,.. ii turn NOTICE Ift HhHKHY (UVKN TH AT H KS RY K.1olle.tif Hardman, Oregon, ha filed notice of Intention to make final proof before 1. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at hi oltlce III lie) puer, Oregon, on wxlnetilay, tne ?th dav of November. I7. on timber culture bmII ml Inn No Hll.l, for H' S'( and lots I ami t of cHloti No. 4, in township No. 4 South range No 'ii V. W M. He name a witnesses: Edwin I). Rood. Jacob H. Young, Vtmlry W. Rrannsn, and Clll- lord June, all of Klglil Mile, on-soti. JAM. r. MIKIRE. SH 100 Register. makes. No man or woman oan enjoy life or I accomplish much in this world while suffering trom a torpid liver. De Witt's 21st. will be observed at the M. E oburob, South, as a quarterly meeting ocoasion. Rev G H. Gibbs, presiding etder, will oondnot services bommenoing on Saturday evening and continuing Also operates ateam-heetad vestibnled trains, carrying the lateat private eotnpartmeot oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Tartar ears, tree reclining chair oars. and the very best dining chair oar service. Fnr lowest rates to any point in the United Wales or Can a J a, apply to ageul or a ldree 0. J. KIU)T, J. W. CAHRT. Ueneral Agent. Trav. l'aa. Agent. l'ortlaod, Or. I t IK) YOU WANT TIIK CHRONICLE Reversible lap? SHOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ON K 11)10, J ta Map of tho World ON TIIH OTIIKH atlUSfi. "end 92 and Oat tha Map aa4 Weekly ( tirotilrla (I One Tear, poet age prepaid en Map aad I'apasw NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.snd Orru a AT Ths DaLl ta. Onions). m tolicr l. 117. XOTH KIa HIKFBY filVKN THAT THIS 1 following. named settler ha filed nolle nf his intention to mak Anal proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will lie mail In tore i. w. Morrow, t oiiniy Hera al Heppner, Oregon, on Itrcemtier A, 1W7, VII: jiwr rii w. ri Kiitir.K. Hd. r. No. 4.'77 lor the NKU hVc IS TpltB ft It W M. II name the following wltnssse to prove his eontliinous residence uiNin nd cultivation nf Mid land, vis- Francis H. Wilson, Frank Kugleinan, hntb of lone, Orecmi, Holier! haver ml erymonr f. VYIIenn, both of iNingla. Ore gon, JAP, r. MrtORR, MX3 Register. Witch Ilszle Salve. It soothes, strength- oyer Sunday ens and heals. It is tbe great pile cure, For sale by Oonser ft Brook. Rev. E. P. Greene eame down trom bla mountaiu ranch Saturday evening and remained over Hunday. Mr. Greene baa harvested a large crop of eoid wood this fall aud is moving tbe same into town at a rapid rate. Pendleton Tribune: Tbe oondition of Mrs. Z elh Houser remained noobangfd yesterday. Mr. Uoussr returned from Portland In tbe morning. Aa il is tbe first severe paralytic stroke she bas Lad, it ia rzproled that she will recover It ou have ever eeen little child in peroiram of hooping oongb, or if you have been annoyed by constant tiok ling in tbe throat, yoa can appreciate tbe value of One Miunte Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Sold by Con ser h lirtx k. T.-M : Or. and Mrs. Ueiseodorfer, of Arlington, are in the city. Tbey eame C. R. Howabd Commencing at tbe Christian oburob tonight, Elder R. L. Shelley, of Bills- boro. Or., will oonduct a series of meetinss to last two weeks. You are invited to attend these meetings. Notlct of Intention. U s Tiiuouaii CARS. il A Ml RE M. II. Am YOCTWrt, A Paul la ftaj rewkaXJlata CAK TO Ht. PAVI. MINNEAPOLIS Mill 1U KAIUKI HPT IT. I11LKNA Tickets leaned to all points In II. Ue lied males and Canada. Nl ril I'Al'll'IO Rural Spirit (KrUM IKflFn IN Imv Published Weekly Portland, Or. .it IHtVoTMl TO QUICKTIME TO. ClIICAlKI Wash i Norn HiLTiutiHa Niw Yuan Hrrrtbo All other point le the Past and Koatbeaat Omaha Kamas Ciri Ht. Joetrsi t. i4eia It. MTV)) nr Peine iVpot ronaectinne at Ht. Paul, Miaeeapnlia, Kaosas City, Omaha, Hi. lints and other promi nent points,,. j Agriculture, Dairy in Live-Stock and Turf. Worth Its weight la gol.l In every f aimer and breeder In Oregon. Daais ehrckad through to destination Ml'UHCUIITlON: II til I'EH VP. ill. ol ikKU. ,nau pie ettplea free.) liiroogBlUleie to Jeeee Ml ( Mae, vie lUral Hpirl aad Otctte (Mb f. f i eoome ami northern rarina Hm. tVui. sh al l Ma ,,rr, snip uumpeaye lln vVfctt, Tbuiipn rwoe la lwtea The three-year-old son of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, III., is subjeet to attaoks of eronp. Mr. Johuson says be Is satisfied that tbe timely use of Cham- berlala'a Congb Remedy, dnring a severe attack, saved bia little boy's lite. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, ot tbst plaoe; and tbey haodle a great many patent medi- cinee for throat and long disease, us bad all Iheee to chooae from, and skilled pbysiulaos ready to respond to bis call, but selected this remedy for nee in bis own fetnily at a time when bie child's life was in dsoncr, because be knew il Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon. ONLY STATC SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON I.ab Orrn a at Tms Pl.m. Oasnnw HW.I , n"T. NOTH K I HKHKttY (UVIN 1 H AT TH. tiilliiwtii iiame.1 srlller has Sled notice of his Intention to make Snal proof In suppoil "I his claim, and Hist Mdl rn.l will be ma.1 he lot J. Vt. Morrow l ounty t iers, al Hepuiter, teoll, on Nmemlwr l. l, vll: KkiSt A. I.I Mil. LI. Hd F No TSt lor the K ere. il Tp I t I a K W M. He Mini Ihe lollowln witneeae sn hi nintlniMiiis reeldenre iirnn and cultivation ol said land, vli John K. I'ternn, harlt J. Anderson, Andrew tailam, and Andrew at. I'rtrreon, all ui (iowrbeiry. t. oii. 7 M HrI.U-r. Timber CultureFlnQl Proof. Lab Orm s at Tms tnu. son. he.emtirr sin. IWT. VTI"" MIKFar t,lFl THAT AW. ! d n-a I arlsun hM Sle.1 l.otli-e o Inlclilloa InrnaseSnel .nil Iwtnee I . Morrow, .t it trrletk.at Ms nrrire la lleiTee'. 'rew.n. oa Ihiliklar the iMh rtaf ol lie.ce.l-r. m!, ..II tlil-r rullur ai-elw-ailoo Ho. I"f the north Ml ,or1r ..I e. n n T, la tow e.tilp ho a eoiih ran . it eal W W Ha Sinus aa sIUmm rrati a. I un ieii. Anltaw Anderson. Uo e"t.H"m and J oh a Johnson, ail ot t,.wlrry, '," W.eisl Kister. A jwfslsTHA Tvkn NOTICK. ivririor sn v. akf, t'FrFAam I i a, ,li.- I her-hy il.en, thai Irtlrra nf .lmttttlrttiM ss Ihs estate el Wet V Asr. cln.i were granlm) la th K.lerl(ne. Hi rtsr r IHi.1.1, Iwl, bf In I ! ( ...M ..I M, I .Mini All tr i hail. , rlalm alns said estate e r.iltd to eshihll Ihem a. ae lor aim- im. al kume near twiri, Smms tesul, ilns.Ki, within sl SDonlh allr the ri.le uf tin autUw er Ibef ehail a ! rrl 1hlaikdjt nUVi'r. a,jAM I. AKl. f! un AdralnWIrakir to be noeritr to anf other, end famous ...... . ... i - i np on last Dtgnis irsin rrom Aioaoy, h oono,ry 0fer ir , CQrM 0f oroup. Mr. Johnson ssys this Is the best Bailing eonirb msdioioe they handle, end that where Ibey bad been attending tbe wedding ot the doctor's sister, II Daisy tieiseedorfar. Dr. Ueisendoifet ri peels to retnrn to Tbe Dalles oeil week anJ open an office, occupying rooms In the Vogt block. it gives spleudid satisfaction in all esses. Sold by Conser k Brock. Located on tbe O. B. A K. Railway midway between Pendleton end Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Inetrnmental Mnsio tangbt by eompelent instructors. A gradu ate ot tbe Boston Conservatory bee charge ot the instrumental depart ment. IMio Iciclles' Boarding IIcill Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex eellsnt aceomraodations at reasonable rates. Bend for eatalogne. Addsss M. G. ROYAL, PrasUant of Faowlty or P. A. WORTHING. v A u r - . n . ... i vn, orsi.rj Drs ai negenia, weston, urt. t Horws Fell Wltk Mis Hmsll precantions often prevent great rmra th Kl. misohiefa. lleWill's Little Early lbaers Oo Monday afternoon last Blarl Hsr a,a , amall ttilla ia aiie. but are moat Mr. a farmer living about three miles effective In prevenliog Ibe most eerlntie eaal ot this city, wae badly injured by forms of lir Ironble end etoniaeh bis litres Ulliog npon blm. Tbe ground Ironhlea. They enre cnnsitpatioa end was wet and slippery fn,m lbs enow that aEFFNEB, headarbe and regulale tbe bo we la. Kor wae tailing, and as be was riding rapidly Attornovs fit Law. aAM. Ki.efull iuftirmatliw. lime ear l. mata. I llet.t net aa.l VIon,i..,i ,.i.tn ..... tiekete eld, e. of write a.f 9t(m MlKu, mJ W.U.AUAWAr, A. J'. Cs) atrviH, day aterpt ttnsj.tay. Mbnrleel and cheap. Airl N. P. Ity. As,Un. I'e. Agt. eel rr.m4 u jh lBirriur. t. J. fclP. Itf rsilee,. roftlead, 0 ltnU l.a In th Wsrt Sfrlnr aelhtwlHM kwl 4 Mwl hrandeil V. ..n e ne "4 shoulder aad am. mi hip i.w !, in rwmei, ad or f aeitwaht eieh al u.. . aiiioaia, will h.tnf th. !.., red. kw Jim til, h. (... en te i si,m Uad All bnsineae atUnded to in prompt end satisfactory manner. Notaries Pablw end Collectors. OfFICE IN NATTER BCILDINO. I l t i t ORF.OON sale br Cotiaer A IWock. r.u ..a Olobe: The people of Oilliam priialy aill be glad to Warn that Jay P. Lneae will soon relorn to tMe oounty Ba-ain to reside, having erepld posi tion with Lord A Co. ee bm.k keapar Jay's many friends bsve hoped ever einre be left here three years ego thai be wnnld felora to Ihe eoanty, and their wiabea In that rreiwol will Boon be gralltlrd. "The wort! old I ever bad IB (of life a eurrd by Cbsejbaflaia'i Ooagb livniedy," writes W. 0. Norton, ot Hatter Cteek. t el. "ThlS fluid left BBS With B eutign ead t wae etpectoratief ell the time. The remedy eared Be, end I want ell nf my friends when tronblej with a mesa or Pol 1 to os il, fnr II will da I beta gtrnd." Hold by Conaef A Itroei. hie bora losl lie fuollcg and fell, eetob- tng Mr. Oarpar's leg nnderneatb It bad ly bruising bis foot and ankle to the knee. Dr. Miracle was Beat lor and after aa rietniaetioB ot Ihe li jsred metnlier f.iooj thai no bonee were broken bnt thai the !imb had been wrenehad aad bruleed ie a manner that it wonld reiiuire e-ime time for it to come aronnd all right again. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia fin i) j. ir and M Sound Navicraf ion llo HUM WANTED-AN IDEA J'.'SS llillaMml priMert ' "s "! wsf ...., f. wKa, Wrtta J'UIN H'l'MU t KM tl , -aiea Aimr, WaitvBi U m UeMl iAlpM St. . Ureal Co. NeS! W. U. Ra.lar, or Hank Radar, a be a sad to be known le tble eonaiy when a teeniest Here, was H. I aad killed Beer Vale lt week bf Jeff Debar. Tbe difnly wbkch led te Ihe slmotlci vU'fJ VTTf I t pf tMtnff lea J. Hew la I are Slliea t elle. I suffered for weeks with Colic aud peine la mi sttmiaoh cauaed by biliooe- eee aad bad lo lake medieioe all the while nulil I need Chamltetlsio'e Colic, o nl Slftaerj THETD0NK, B.IILET 61TZERT AND OCLLX WiYL Leeting Aider Street IXek. TortlaBd, for Astoria. Ilwaeo, Long JJaeen, Oca Perk end Nahcotta. ihreoi eonDeolMB with Ilwaoo steamers end rail-' rtwd; aleo el Young's Day with Keaahor Hsilroe.1. Leaves Portland 7 A. M. teily. vsreet Sunday. Leave Anuria I P. M. Dalle, eirept Kaada nAIliBY OATBSBrtT Leaves farUand S t. at liaily. earev Sundaf. aainrdaT aleht, l p M Um A ..!. n. all a A. M., eiwpt sunda, aad Ma4ar. " aiaj " . UM fK..l.. ..1 fli.,lum 1 Lm ..t wKleli ... , , Uav rVrlland snd runs 1 lr.-t Ui llwr-o Tl.r sod TharU. x S i M en red me. 1 have emee reeonmended Leave lieere elilii and FrVlar at I av A. M. (. i . " !! . I" 1 r eahl to bllKms rolle ean war J flT Ihe r -'"I- f Ce-torl. nare. Travel ea tbe T.l.,hoa. iwj.y Oalrt and Om. aliaek by taking Ifite remedy ee enon ee I ha fire , upturn spt-'. Hold ny (.'teser k llrnk. : ' THE PALACE HOTEL BAK, , editor of tbe K. O , as -. . . NalioBal Hank of Pen- fJ a U iiLllVt J ItL JijXtS, XrOOe aa.1 Ihe affair af th - C. R. Jarkena rereivtr ot tbe dletoB. bee rl -eesl Ihe affairs ef I be bank, paving i1pHe le fall eed a Hj par Cat intereal dividend, 1 'Jm"M real WtiitS'k. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.