The Gazette. TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1897. RANK ROT. People who have lived in Ore gon for years remember a few things as well as the Oregonian. They do not believe that our great paper is the embodiment of con Bistency to the exclusion of all other persons and papers. They know that no paper in the state has turned so maiiy colors on prin ciples and men. No one should object to a change of opinions, but when this is repeatedly denied in its attempt to support its course, a few facts should be stated for the information of those who might permit themselves to be de luded by the Oregonian. The Gazette refers to the Ore gonian s position on trie money question, and its continual rant re garding the position of others who are republicans on that subject It is well known that the Oregonian is not in harmony with the republi can platform or io'Jb, ana ic one had no memory at all it would be easy to believe that this was al ways the position of the Oregonian as it claims. The writer was a member of the state convention of 1894 By some means Harvey Scott was admitted as one of the delegates from Mult nomah county, though how this came about is not known, as Har vey is not a republican, though he sometimes supports republican candidates wben it suits him to d so. Securing the seat in this con vention he was appointed as one o the committee on platform and the writer was informed by J, W. Daw son, now deceased, also a member of that committee, that Harvey wrote the platform and in his bul Leaded manner forced tne com mittee to accept it He is the author of the financial plank that platform which reads as fo lows: "We reaffirm the doctrine of the republican party in relation to money, as stated in its natioua platform of 1892, particularly as follows, to-wit: 'llio American people, from tradition and interest, favor bimetahsm, and the renubl can party demands the una of both gold and silver as standard money with such restrictions and under such provisions to bo determined by legislation as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values . of the two metals so that the pur chasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold or paper, shall be at all times equal. The intercuts of the pro ducers of the couotry, its farmers and its workingmen demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by the government, shall be as good as any other.' We cotnmoud the efforts made by our govern ment hitherto to secure an interna tional conference to adopt such measurns as will insure parity of value between gold aud silver throughout the world, and call noon it to renew and continue such efforts." In the light of this action the Oregonian will continue to rail at all who insist that the republican platform must be lived up to, and it is now busy with the enemies of tho party and the opponents of our effective organisation in tho effort to commit the next republican con veution to a platform in advance of the one adopted at St Ionia in 18. It ooutiuuon from day to day to ruhh into print with puerile IwvisbueM to say that all men are liars and iucouaintout when it atauda couvicted of the same itself. It it tho old cry of "stop thief." The Oregonian at out time en- tertaiued views friendly to silver, or its editor wtoto one thing l'oiittcian neon ana another as Editor Scott. lie now says no iu ternatioual agreement tho repub licans of this atato shall say go! standard and nothing elue, two years befoio tho next national con vention. Tho old platform is safe and plain. It is good enough. hard times are nothing to the man business who wants returns for his investment The Gazette is not begging for business on the plea that it is broke and cannot exist unless it is patronized. It has a genuine paid-up circulation that counts. Men who do not care enough for a paper to pay for it, are not desirable customers. The Gazette reaches none bat those who pay their way and who appre ciate the fact that paper and hire are cash. These are good people to have as readers; they are good customers. They are the sort that you wish to reach and this can be done by advertising in the Ga zette. The Roseburg Review looks prosperous in its new heading and new dress. The Gazette will soon enter upon its sixteenth year. It promises to come out in a new dress some time next season a short time after its birthday. Just a Little Pain. The first touch of Rheumatism is i fair warning: of much torture to follow, The little pains which dart through the body are not so severe at nrst, possibly a mere pang, and cause little inconven ience, but if the warning is unheeded, they will multiply rapidly and increase in severity until they become almost unbearable. Rheumatism as a rule is much severer OCE NEW TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Kbod' Pills What Hcppaer aid the Interior Will Gala by Being Connected With the inland Tele phone Co. Now that Heppner and the interior to be connected with the outside world by the construction of the inland Tele phone and Telegraph Oo.'s line to this oily, it may be ot some interest to the Gazette's readers to know something of this oompany, and the extent of territory their linen intr. About theyear 1887, 0. B. Hopkins, Tft mo ft rial Artist- Should be in every family medicine cheat and every traveller's grip. They are Invaluable wben the atomach li out of order; cure headache, bllloniness and all liver troubles. Mild and efficient. 25 cent. D. A. CURRAY, Formerly of Pendleton . then editor of the Falouse Gazette, at Colfax, Wash., beoame interested in telephone matters -and conceived the idea of putting in a telephone exchange SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution and order of aale issued out of the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for the County of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in eaid court on the 5th day of October, MOT, in favor of W. P. Lord, H. R. Kincaid, Phil Metechan. as a board of com miaaionen for the tale of school and university lands and for the investment of funds arising therefrom, plaintiffs, and against Henrietta a. Decker, O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes, de fendants for the sum of Six hundred ninety dollars with Interest thereon from the 5th day of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and fifty dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of twenty-three and 50-100 dol lars costs which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk office of said court in said county on the 5th day of October, 1897, and wnereas it was turtner oruerea uu uwnwi ,j Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Comer, 15 Cents 25 " Heppner, Oregon. in winter, though many are so afflicted venture. To thin end he snfinred a frarv S xSJSl ThUVhitififiS ? rA crme7,d touch last year, may be sure that with wrk onoe. hviDT thoroughly the first season of cold or disagreeable equipped exohange in a very short time, weather, the mild pain of last year will Mr Hopkins' experiment proved so eat- return as a severe one, and become more .,.. , . fl . . ..,. and more intense until the disease has '" from unsocial standpoint them completely in its grasp. 'hat he conoluded to branoh out, and set Being a disease of the blood of the about to organize a company to con- most obstinate type, Rheumatism can gtruct ,ine connecting Walla Walla be cured only by a real blood remedy. ....... . . No liniments or ointments can possibly w,th Spokane and taking in the inter reach the disease. Swift's Specific mediate towns.- Being a rustler be soon (S. S. S.) is the only enre for Rheuma- D81 bis company organized and capital &tto&5& i'worE of construction was nhtrinar Wrwl trniihle. nd riirea cases begun by the new new oompany, now ia the oity of Walla Walla, as a business MatheWS & Gentry, Shaving V V V BARBERS 15 Cents. V V V Shop two doors South of Postoflice. which other remedies cannot reach. Cbab. Page Bryan, who was ap- pointed by the president last Thursday to be minister to China, is a cousin of Hon. Wm. J. Bryan, of Nebraska. Smalley's Northwest Magazine; in the November issue, contains a splendid reference to Heppner and its enterprises. You will find it in this issue. A dispatch to the Republican states that Durrant was hung to day, says the Baker paper of Fri day last. It must have been a grapevine telegram. The country press over the state are warming the jacket of the big daily down at Portland pretty lively these days. The Oregonian is being condemned by its own words, which show it to be the big gest bug of all the straddlers. Toe annexation of Hawaii is as sured. A poll of the senate shows that more than two-thirds of that body will support the annexation treaty. It is also supposed that favorable action in reference to Cuba will be taken at the next bob b ion of congress. NEW DEAL 1 " WASH THOMPSON Has lately ereoted a building on the Ayers property, near the corner of Main and Wil low streets, opp"Bite the Oity hotel, which be is using as a MEAT MARKET Mr. Thompson will overlook the court that the mortgaged property to-wit The north-east quarter ol section twelve iuj in township one (1) north range twenty-five (25) East W. M., In Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs. I will, on Wednesday, the 1st day of December. 1897, at 2 o'clock, p m.. of said day, at the front door of the court house in HpnnnAr Vnrrnw rmintv. Oreffon. sell all the right, title and Interest of the said Henrietta R. n,.rVpr f) W Danker and K. F. Hughes in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satis faction of said execution and all costs and costs hat may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon. Dated 28th day of Oct, , 1897. 92-601 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Orrici at Thi, Omook, October 8. 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 19, 1897, via: CHARLES J. ANDERSON, of Gooseberry, Ore., Homestead No. 3734 for the N WJ of Sec 31 Tp I 8 R 24 E W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuons residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Frank A. Lundell, John E. Peterson, Emil Lundell ond Andrew M. Peter son. 11 of Gooseberry, Oregon 87-98 Register. Timber CultureFinal Proof. known as the Inlaud Telephone and Telegraph Co. ' This was, as we now see, the begin ning of a large enterprise, as the work of extending their lines and reaohing out nothing in bis line has been Continued each year, Since the full LINE OF MEATS AND SAUSAGES, of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for company's organization, until now they are said to own and operate the seoond longest line in the United States. By Heppner's new oonneotion ouroiti- zens will be enabled to talk with Port land, Salem, Eugene and other Willam ette valley points on the south, Pendle ton, Walla Walla and Spokane on the north, and Seattle, Taooma and all Sound points, even to Vancouver, B. 0. So it will at once be seen what a large territory is oovered, ana what great ad vantages in the way of oommunioating with the outside world Heppner has gained. The interior country to the south of Heppner come in also for their rw. ft. P. TWh.. th nonnlar rail- hare f ne Denenw, aa tne line or. tne road man of Columbia, S. C, says: Blue Mountain Telephone Co,, of this "At first I paid very little attention to 0jtT extendi aa far as Canyon City, and the little pains, but they became so jb, on . Bq hnt Uo. much sharper and more frequent that ' . ... . .. before long I was almost disabled. The "g Heppner in direct oommunioition disease attacked my muscles, which with a lorge portion of the great North would swell to tnanv times their natural wel tism could be cured, when I was advised lban we bad any idea of when Hepp to try S. S. S. This remedy seemed to tier's little line was oonstrnoted get right at the cause of the disease, and aoon cured ma cotnoletel. I believe that S. S. S. is the only cure for Rheu- Everybody Says So. metism, for I have bad no return of the Cascnrets Candv Cathartic, the most won disease for eight years." doif ul medical discovery of the age, pleas- The mercurial ana potasu remedies, am. mumC.,, .. which the dnrtnra alwav nreaerihe for and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, wnicn tlie doctors always present lor , th entira .ystrm, dispel colds, Rheumatism, only aggravate the trouble. CU1. i.eaoi.e, fever, habitual constipation and cause a stiffness in the joints and on,i biliousness. Please buy and try a box achimrof the bones which add so much to of (J.C.C. to-dav: 10, lift, M) cents. Boldand thedistressof thediseaae, besides serious- guaranteed to cure by all druggists, ly affecting the digestive organs. S.S.8. hu .ii-, i-... I, i..K.,.iti.l He Pats It a LUtle Strong. from potash, mercury or other minerals. Mr. V FISH EVEBY FRIDAY. The Old Shop! L15ERTY MARKET CITATION. IN THE COUNTY JOURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of E. Q. Sperry, de- 'lo James B. Bperry, administrator of the above-named estate greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the state of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof at Heppner, in the County of Morrow, on Tuesday the 16th day of November, 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why you should not be removed as such admin istrator and your letter revoked. witness, tne Hon. a. u. riartnoiomew, judge the County of Morrow, with the seal of said court affixed, this Uth day of October, A. D. 1897. Attest: J. W. MORROW, 588-98 Clerk. Cnitsb Statis Lau Orrica, The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 12, 1897. N01ICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FRED erlck P. Caviness has filed notice of Inten tion to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County clerk, at his office, in Heppner. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22d day of December, 1897, on timber culture application No. 8193, for the 8E)4 (quarter) ot section no , in towniiup no. 2 South Range No. 24 E. W. M. He names aa witnesses: John T. King, Benjamin F. King, Thomas J. Wlllhelm and Joseph Hughes, all ol lone, Oregon. Jas. F. Moobs, 597-608. Register. "r(gj Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks and roasts. FISH EVER FRIDAY Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest cash price paid for fcit stock RHEA & MATHEWS. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE H. REED fe ) ProDrietor. A. O. OQILVIE f rrPrietorB- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..5 00 Round trip 1900 Mayvllle(53mlle). 400 Round trip 700 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip S 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50 SUMMONS. IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE SIXTH District of Morrow County, State of Oregon. D. E. GUmen, Flalntift, vs. R. W. Bearden. Defendant. To R W. Bearden. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the under signed, a justice of the peace for the District, aforesaid, on the 17th day of November, 1897, at 10 o'clock , a. m., at tne omce oi saia justice, in said district, to answer the above named plain- tilt' In a civil action. The defendant will take notice that If he fall to answer the complaint herein the plalutlff will take judgment against him for 248.95 and the costs and disbursements ot sua action. This summons is served upon you in vursu ance of an order made and entered in said court on the 5th day of October, 1897. w. A. kichardson, justice oi tne reace, Hth Dis. Morrow Co,. State of Oregon. 85-98. Notice of Intention. Lamu Office atT.he Dalles, Oregon, October, 8, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnllnwlnar-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support . of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 19. 1897, vis: JOHN E. PETERSON, of Gooseberry, Oregon, Homestead No. 4083 for the 8EJ4 of Sec 31 Tp 2 S R24EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : Frank A. Lundell, Charles J . Anderson, John Johnson and August Carlson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. DW tl AO. X, Mwnui, 87-98 Register. LETTER LIST. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER Or., Nov. 1, 1897. Anderson, W A Brown, Orvllle Dounan, T L Doherty, Barney Downer, u v Finney, J De Johnson, James T Kirk, WW Palmer, E D Penderson, Hagbart When calling for these letters please say advertised. J. P. Williams. P. M. . D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them. Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office in J N. Brown's Building. For sale residence property. Barn and good outhouses. Will sell obeap on easy terms. Call at offioe. 83-tf . Blanco, the new commADilcr of the Spanish forces in Cuba, has made such ovortures to the rebels that it is plain to be seen that he dooms the Weyler plan of butch ery no way to sottle the difficulty. ie has pardoned all rebels prose cutod for the "crime" of rebellion. he war is e earing the end. IlEi rNEH is a good town. It is the best town of "its inches" in Oregon. Hat it is overrated Its people are euterprisiog and rarely talk idle bosh. It's business every time. Whon Heppner starts an outerprise for the benefit of Hepp ner, it goes through, liut it ia a mall place, capable of doing just certain amount of business. HVS1SK8S Kt'ASO.SS. Tho Oazt'tU likes to do buaiooaa becaaae it talcs bualnms to su port tho p'r lut t diNHi not urge this m toy rerVMon why it nhoult receive palrou. though it pay out more thau emy work o its fiUtcucn that in ajM'ut in llrpi bt among our buaioeas men. The Garotte upiNirts thre fiuilii and cue aitild man who lira i llei'ttier aud buy what they ue here. Aud jrt this U bo good Ipaaou why th hhi1o aliould su poll th Ouettm If th CatlU cannot cite full valu for re. CiviBt iuIlom i thoull ge conn. IU j"vrrty U not th pub- lie's cnucero; its liarJbip, it troggU for fiutBe dutln'g lb Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday ejoepted) at 6 o'clock; la dnel from potash, mercury or other tnlnerala. Mr. V. 11. Bmaiiey representing me ai uonoou at a p. m. ami arrives i u It is the only blood remedy guaranteed Northwest Madeline. Dabliahed at St. " at 7 p. m. ... In H.nnn.r a few month, aeo UomfortaOie covered eoaonee ana oare- i. .ul i... . i t... ii!,..i .A ... "perienoed drivers. nnrait nnila a nnmhnr of subsoriberi. I ana never lain to cure Kneumaiism, . . . ,. u.a, --rit nn r..,,h cwni-ni.. rni..inn. mwi promising to giv Heppner a write up Pniann. Cancer. K-rrma. or anr rthef I Consequently many ui uur blood dlaeaae, no matter how obstinate. Hooks mailed free. Address the Swift They Are The "Mustard" . MEADOWS & HATTEN, TH6 Pioneer BlaGKsmMs Have made some elegant Improvements In their establishment and added a large stock of Iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick repairs to their wagons, buggies or machinery. Their specialty is horseshoeing. Meadows & Batten are the Boys to do Your Work Right, and do it Quick, too. Purely Vegetable Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. eontain the aforesaid article. At last It bus appeared in the November num ber, and oontaini a few startling an nouncements, even to tbe average Ore gonian, who is nsed to big "figures." Take tbe following for example: "Morrow county will slip this year A tbird ot Ibis will be tent from Heppner, wbile li. h.l.n. mi YtM .hinruwl frrtm Dial. chauued for the belter since it was . . . . . h, 0 4 N. q. ant in power, that victory will, in braoob line, tbe principal points being the end. be harmful lo the demo- lone and Douglaa." enemy, have been at their old game of shouting victory when there was no victory. About the only place the democrats won any thing substantial was in New York bosbeis oi wneai. I .a ! a - a f t-. City, aud, unless Tammany has JriMiE Oaynou, of New York, eclarea that four inches of space d a newspaper is more etlocuve than a public- meeting in promot ing any good cause, says an ex change, la the opinion of the 'hitadelphirt Record the judge never gave a toubder opiulon. While the meeting comprehends thousands of liatonera, the news, Ier has many times more readers. The inches of space that can serve a public cauae can as surely sorve private cause that makes the right appeal to the public The Goliath of modern buaine) newspaper apace properly utilized. A uvhINSh muni aland upon its own bottom to succeed. It must have something to sell, whether ol merchandiae, advertiaing spac or labor that some one iiimsIs; thers mujtt I ft radical reason that the purchaser w ill make soma money for the iuveatmenL No other kin of buaineas succeed. 'lis true that the mendicant who grinds out few diacirdaut tune on the atriM-t crtior to attract th atten lieu of the paaaetby may make living nod tome money through bis tagging operations. Hut legitimate luioM must have something thind it t succexsl It cannot autwiet upon charily no long as its projector can ear a aa honest living by labor or through aouie other well-directed efItL emtio party at large. Tbe rcpub- icana have gained another senator and learned some useful lessons ou the necessity of party harmony that will be certain to bear results in the future. Uuccess of the tarty, not of an individual, is the motto that can never be departed from without danger. . ; Keep Sleep and Get Ricn. In it for Business-. denixeni have been anxiously awaiting tbe ap pearance of th nnmber whioh was to Upr-jp WOOIL. RECORD Tells You How to Do It. J. M. HAGER. Steads ai tfca H4. Aug. J. IVol, tbe UeJing druggist of Hbrevepott, La., aays: "!. King's New IhMMitery ie tbe only Ibing that ear my ei-ngh, ami li w ma Deal nailer I have." J. P. Campbell, merohant of H.lTof.l, An., wrttra: "Dr. King's New Uiiusivery ie all thai la elairae.1 fur it; It never fail, ao.l Ie a trim enre for Con sumption, (Amu lis and (V.I. la. I eannot say entiunb for He mmta." Ir. King's New lharoverv foiConaomption, Coughs anJ ( ia not an eiiwtimeut. It baa been Itiml for a quarter of a century atj lojax siar.ts at Ibe beej. t avf ilMapHiinla. Pr trial tmltlee at Conaer A Unx-aa drag atom. W a Ula4 to Tin Kara llob Irge was In town from 'tr Tb.4uioo's. lie baj rbarge of Thorn pott's banj of ibep that were sbot Inte eorn lime eg M Ibef wm on Ibeir way not of the mnnataine, ao.J rw twtshl nmtiethlog of Its l pfiee In lb Osirll.'a rr"H. H a I rearbe.1 Id tttontb of II g (Vwa, 5 nil wmi ol HuMntilla, ba be was nl tV 13 mail mm, all etmej witb nftM, bo al one fir. I IdIi bM Ua.l, killing aaj elliig aUnl 'i3 b4 of stiwp. Allr Ibsbh4iag lttt wa nrlre. ki tare ba on Ibe Irstl hih tby m l be kwi no tun in otxylag or J This f.tre! bin l i eras oat wl lb inUin bf nolbe tixtl, hU-h M dtl, r n log b wilbnql say InHMf binJraaew. It I also stated in tbe samn artlol tbat "three million sbeep are wintered In Ibe vioinity of Heppner eveiy year, Ibe wool industry having given tbe town a great deal ot prominenoe." Aside from Ibess slight discrepancies, tbe artiel is well written np and states tbe faots joat eboat aa they are. Hot a eipber left of of ibe two ilem men IkmtJ above wonld bave appeared bet ter, at leaal to those aeqoslnted wilb ton IndnstriM aa carried on in this county. By a speoial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gesette, one year for $3.00. Tbe Wool Reoord is tbe only actional wool organ and covers tbe wool industry from tbe raising of tbe sheep to tbe sell ing of the maonfaotnred artiole. II is published weekly at New York and Ibe regular prioe in $200 a year. lis market renorta are full and complete and its Hbeep breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 lime tbe prioe ol the paper. Hample copies on application. W heartily reoommend this combi nation to oar subscribers. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ThU I Voar 0MirtMlly. On imiil of U a rent. fnh or alaue a, a caerou mpl mill b miled of iUt m,.. uUr CaunU and lUy lvr Cur (KIy' frrton Halm) nf!l,irit lo diiuon- SUal th K",,t "' ('f tb rmrdy. rx HHoriin.a, 60 Warn-u 1 1 , Sw Totk City Tu. John lirld. Jr.. of Oft rH.M..nU, tmriimrnln i.tjr' t rttui Halm I" m. I ut In 'U nl. It Ua joa. Ue eur f.w rUrrtl if nd lirHt." I(v. I ranH VY. I'm-I. 1'aMor Uutral . CbuKb, lli'lrna, Mont.'rrw r'm I tbe ncknowWard enr f. urrb n.l roniin nn nn-reury not any lnjurt.His lng. ItMw, W onU. mmi falls i northers M150S i FORT SnOTARD RED M0UNT11X EAILWATS Tbn Onlf All lUit IWnU Wilbonl Cbanae of Car Iltwn Hpokane, lUMlaaJ an J Nloa. Also Ulwa NU at HMlaJ, dally tirwpl ftnadev i Ion Arvi i 4 M n f . w lint VI ... . ... h. ..J s mr. m is n-- r. M. .a n r4-mt tt H'tmm m iw f I tml. all k , I IM M,M4 ai Harm Oil 0l. 1 ft iiriiiYou r;-t hlLHibe i VI I vf. i v. m A d Sent can cured - J V If yoa suffer rroas any of lh ills of sica, ooim lo th oldest If 1 bpscialut o th racinc LAASt, I OH JORDAN CO., 10SI Market St. EsI S I8B2. I ana; sir and Middle ( a era men ho rniHnne ihcffrlBf vnuthful imlucrctiont or i i in mAturer vAr. HrrvtMit ami Phytic! NsiiMM w u n. !-...,!!.. ii.Miii rroitorrlirsv. r''' mt i rlaallns.vis. r' ONttliiialHNi uf remUwS,of gral rurltiv pow- . ar, ihOnct has sn arranuad his treatmtat ' lh.1 m mil ant only alf d immclial rrltaf but . munant cura, 1 n iKxtof d't not claim to tmrfixm mir.,W InU ia well-known to ba fair t and aquar Hhyuriaa and Som..n, prMuunant 1 la )iariy-ll,aH nf Ilea. i kawattlia lhnriliivri.i1iratcdlroiDtli ' Sr.!. nt w'h"t ii.tus Strrrairaa IIINt aiiIMia: to IMWin r 1 SwivacHir a..! ..fnAift of hiecimvtalnt, M trill ummmirt IHhsi Tl I A' CCKK tn I frrry fat r n'f'rlols, or larltH !) Thssaasl Itallar. ( nmiiltm ai FKkK and atrlrtlv rjrlvala. ClIAktitJI i HtASON.ibLE. Trial- I rr n ' 1 Y or hv laflar. Sand Irv book. Ira. (A valuahl an. 4 fat aaaa.) VIIT Da. JOBDtXt Or rat Muarum of Anatomy i tka Sntat and lartm Muamatof itt kind ia iKa vraaU. Coa and laara brw woadatfully vo I ara ataulaj sow to avwal tickaaas and ditaaaa. a a Miia.i."v aAlmg apauataai CATAUhil M fanornrtk. 1061 Hark4 ltrat taa Pranciar. Cat d viaaa Ixpiniincg. n WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. Blankets! Blankets! 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. ri a L. GIBSON, At I'M !' IN.I tad , Now TlttT llif pnlirn rru!le laai wtN'k'a elm-liou am ilio rua Ll, It U aero tlal our fr.ft.J, (La kat l A. a naltoa a., iff,l.t, N. Tf.-0nli-tsi ni lrt.ta kn.i!.!-", ai4 In nbawrving lb tflfi 4 f rbll.h's t'ur In nf at-r4 .msetlwa, I am pfpr4 1 1.. f l I lbavt .malU f 1 1, a I b b" ' I r alWn- Ii.t It I s etlir J s rnun .iitli.'n. U l-r IW A lr. k. a Hlmviiiir. - 1ft llnlr Ctittintx. -3 Ctf, 'Ay . wmmm was w aw k 'fttf ' eOtVftlCHT A. A nrrtw m4i4 p stUrti and inntito Mf 9Wf t 'f tSMWlakaaV frtnJ, tttH tunr M I M MlIM) i m!ir I' I eM(MWtWSs4Mas trvt If f-s.tMw4tu. MaH rMry f tanrtirini piH4 Ml AnMtwft ! bukitta4 Air. rjiia mmm (rvsk Hum A 14. tratrf 1 m i Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. We also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at 3.00. Bat the Ooij Blanket On Earth ia tbe IWLIM BLUET ! ). la tfln( Ua aafHttaltn (n, m.m aaik mm4 h4 b a. f a"4. IhU.h.i, I lo SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, kiaalHatly maatratad. taint rttmlattoa ,lialll ,ww aMii.waiatlia fiWais avatiha, ar mm awMa an tl, ttuw um l-atsar aaart rroav atliial MUNN 4 CO., , Sat atrwadw. Haw lata. fel&f Wanted-An Idea y ,v,T'T"?MTT 1 knu Ma 'i'H.nt an , ri-t ai-- av , a l i lAajaaa,.a y aa. taiklarWa. U ! taMW 1 aai pnm aar i taat wad Ikaa r4 twa kat Uaaaiiuaa waaua. our Wa are aola agenta for those, bavlo boo hi alira Una io Jaaa, it anablea na to sell tboaa elebrated food tbn same prioea asked for Inferior brand. Call and niamiaa. jIIKTOI & CO.