Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 16, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
Per Year.
Per Year.
NO. 597
Tuesdays and Fridays
f -IT-
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.01 per rear, 11.00 for six months, CO ots.
tor three moncns, strictly in advance.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, San Francisoo, California, where con
tacts for advertising oan be made for it.
. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, San Iranoisoo, Is onr authorized agent
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Jnnolioa 8:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2.-00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma" ilia 8:60 p. in.
Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla DM) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
a. m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junotion 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:90 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. U A N., Heppner, Ore.
Going East?
Three Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-claBS in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Hotel Heppiner
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MBS. L. SMALL, Manager.
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
BA first-class feed barn run in connection. Free 'Bus run to
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. 587-nov.l2
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St. ,
Portland Or.
United States Official!.
President William McKinley
Vice-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary t Agrioulture James WilBon
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Beoretaryof State H. R. Kinoaid
Treasurer. . . ., Phil. Heteehan
Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
v- i G. W. MoBride
Senators lj. H, Mitchell
J Binger Hermann
Congressmen W. R. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. S. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge.. .. Stephen . Lowell
I'roueouting Attorney U. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Jnint. Rir A. W. Go wan
Representative. J. Brown
County Judge A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners J . R. Howard
J W Raokett.
" Clerk. J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff .- E. L. Matlock
" Treasurer Frank Gilliam
. kuuu,r A. C. PetteyS
Hnrvsvor.- J. W. Hornor
School Bup't Jm W. Bhipley
' Coroner B. F. Vanglian
immi Town ornaiRS.
Myoi Tho- M',,r"5
Ctunnilraen Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. ttiocum, U.
I .inl.tAntl.ul and J It. Himnns.
tiww.n.i.r W.A. Richardson
Treasorer I
M.r.hl A. A. Robert
Precinct Officer.
j:h Paiui W. E. Richardson
Constable N. B.WheUtone
United State Land Offieer.
T-TI r. . t in on.
J. F. Moor.
A H u,.n Beomver
n w nrn Register
J. H. Robbin.' Receiver
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A
q., u. m. a st. p., u. s a., p. Ft. w. s c,
and the C. St. L 4P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ta .,
CXXXO4.0-0, XXjX.
accxtz-r socixtim.
MmUbI Lexington, OrMtha Uet Saturday of
arh month. All veteran am invited to join.
n w un.uk C. G. Fouda.
'adjutant, tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offloa In tbt City Drug Store, near
City Hotel. "
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloa boon, 8 to 10 . m., nod 12 lo
3 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk'e prop
erty, rait of M. E cbnrch, Bootb, nod 10
lo 12. a. m . to 2 to ft p. m.. at offlo lo
Ibe rear of Borg'i Jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield
Attorneys at Law,
Offln In tbe first National Dank
Ilirmin, : : Oasao.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
er'ict at
lis and env real estate, rents house. p
taiaa. diMSoataTanHns and will sarve yon
any way iu hi Hue, at rawmbl. agurea.
First National Bank
C. A. Rhca.
Oto. W. CONftCR,
Vie rVneUeM
Aae't CaeMtr
Trirarij l Gewral Eoalio hmtaa.
Da all parte ol th world-
Bought and Sold
ColUrttnn mxt em all point on
rastiinaM Tar.
PMrplu end nndlvlded rroflt. .1.0)Q 00.
H; W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
ault House,
Published Every Saturday
3 Astor Place
New York
Tbe Ontlook will be Id 1897, as il has
been daring eaoh of its twenty-seven
year, a History of Onr Owo Timee. Io
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a oompaot review of tbe
world's progress; it follows witb care
all tbe important pbilantbropio and id
dastrial movements of tbe day; bas a
complete department of religious news;
devotes mnoh space to tbe interests of
tbe borne; reviews ourrent literature;
furoishee cheerful table-talk about men
sod tbings: and, Id' short, aims to give
freeb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning witb tbe fifty fliftb volume,
tbe paper will assume tbe regular mage
line site, wbiob will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook la published every Saturday
fifty-two Issues a year. Tbe first issue
In eaob month is an Illustrated Msgacine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages as tbe ordinary issue, together
witb large number of pictnrea.
Tbe prioeof The Outlook la three
dollars a year In advance, or lees than a
cent a day.
Send for a specimen oopy and illustrate
e proepeettis to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Plaoa, New York Oltv.
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) ,
Rudyard Klpllno'a first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln s Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative hlstoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In oounoctlon with this series
of portraits It Is Intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CO NAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
uiieiii ior mystery ana ingenuity wnicn nave, in me "Bneriocx uoimes stories, given mm
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
IAN M ACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write durlnor the coming vear. with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from bira long ago, will
appear in mcclubs s mao azin.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In tbe same field as the "Brer
Kabblt" and tbe "Little Mr. Thlmblennger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Bexldes "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLUKC'S
an oi me snon stories ne win write auring uie coming year.
OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Maoazini a series of short stories in which the same
cnaracters win appear, aitnougn eacn win oe complete in itseii.
Anthony Hop Bret Hart Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell - -
will all have stories In McClork'b for the coming year. " "
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClcre's Maoaziks ior
invi, uie suDscription priee oi wnicn is oniy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
While yon Map soar anbsariptaon paid an ype
san kaat) roar brand In frneof chart.
Bora. P. O.. Happnar, Or. Haras. P B ca laft
siMialiwri entua, bum on lan nip.
Conk. A. JLana.Or-Hnraa, SO on riirhtahaul
m: I at tin. sain on rilu hioi ami mark
amp off laft and split la nhU
Tbe Onaetia will InJke potato, apple,
- or batter eaheertpttoo teroaate,
Anv oes owing lb la offiterao eat tie Ibatr
aKle I. tb.s .eater Vt i tt -fi iV-aW .w"awe
! eggo to ;! i
tVmalaM. W. M . Halhmaf . Or.-Cattle. R Dm
ritiai.l. swaiUiw-fork In eaok ear) autaaa, U V
a left hip.
Elr. Bma Tona1a. Or. Hnraas hrandad KLV
on laft shookler, eatti earn on Uflhip. bole
in nabl ar.
Plnrana. L. A.. 8ttnr. Or, fattl. LP
riht hipi hmsas P with bar nader on riant
Jonas. Harry, Happnar, Or Rnraas hrandad
Si I on tka k-ft shoalilari cattle lirnndad i am
nta kip. aleo andarnit la laft ear. Hafts.
arrow eoanty.
Jnheain. Palis. Lena, Or. Hurass. airrlaT nn
laft stiflai naitla. aamaoo rta-bt kip, Badar naif
snip la and suit A Ian aa
Rannr. Mika Battpnar, Or. Bona brandad
INI na laft kip eaUle same and amp off Ml
an ssiM atop on in riaks
Laahay. J. W. Happnar Or Horaaa branded
Land A lt ah'mlilar; eatil aa on )f
kip, waUl war nht r, Ikra all I ia right
Minor. Oannr, MiiptMW nr. atUa, H O on
ria-bl klpt buna. M Mt kMnMar.
Mnraan, M N Napppar, Or. Hufwas, kt
on laft aboaJd. aaul saMna laft kip.
Oannrn. I. W IVmclaL Or. knnM O un laf
konldan aaltl. auna ua risht (up.
Parkar Olaaaon. BardMa.Or,-Boras IPoa
laft abuaUUr.
Pipar. I. M . tln(tan. ttr.-Hnraas. It
mm4 m, laft atilUri aattia, saaa on UT
aiMtaa ka) ka . aar.
Knc J7w, Hwpnar, Or.-Harsna. JO as
taft ahoakla'. ( a4Ua, () an rlM kip.
fparr. K. O. ttappnar. Or. - CaitU W (! .
lart hip, amp naht and nn4art( ia laft saw,
Arwlaut k.M WCWt aa.mi.tar.
lk.Mapa.Ni, t. A., H-vtia". Or-H rm, an
W atoualaar; aaiiia. I im lar aixml tar.
TsroaH. y.itai.... Sny aanKa)
laft ahanldar, brn aalU. ) kaft kip
sntai apiti la sm.
WataBlairar, W. J., (talUnrar. kr-a
WMar ettva JW on r'r'.t ab.mlnar.( aau
A Campaign
Of Education
SSI,..,, rui a4 - V
To be educated one roust reed
th best literature.
The best literature ia expensive.
Lealle'a llluetrated
Pub'lsned at 110 riftb Avenue,
New York, I full of the best thing.
IU Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
department are edited with con
summate skill.
Buch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leelle'a l P nnum.
We msks th unparalleled otter of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $4.50.
No such offer was ever mad before. No such offer will aver be mad
again. Thee two papers msks e most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminder s of th giver's kindness.
Kernlt by postal erder or check to th
Heppner, Oregon.
Fill a bottle or oommoo glas? witb
rine and let it stand twenty -four hoars;
seaimeni or seining indicates ao un
healthy oondition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to ari-
ate or pain in tbe back, is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are ont of order.
There is oomfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. , Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tbe
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the nrinary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold nrine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing nee of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
aring tbe night to urinate. Tbe mild
and tbe extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is sooo realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful cures of tbe
most distressing oases. It you need a
medicine you should have the beet. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oeots and oua
dollar. You may have a SAmple bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette aud send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biog
hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
The Oregonian devoted a onlnmn yes
terday to asking Congressman Ellis
what be would do it Mexioo or Bolivia
or the South American states would j in
the United States in adopting bimetal
lism. Tbe Oregonian does not waut to
be answered by Mr. Ellis, because no
answer be could make would satisfy it,
and tbe senile drivel it Is indulging in
is simply unanswerable, beoause sense
less. Tbe only answer Mr. Ellis eould
make would be that "Upon tbe happen
ing of any of tbese pending and threat
ened events, I would do whatever tbe
Oregonian dictated." Tbe Dulles Chron
The many friends of E. W. Bartlett,
Esq., tbe well known La Qrunde attor
ney, were pleased this week when tbe
word was reoeived from Washington
that be bad been appointed register of
tbe U. S. laod oflloe at La Groude. Mr.
Bartlett Is a faithful worker in the rauks
of bis party and is deserving of this
substantial recognition for bis services.
Elgin Recorder.
Th a Horn fsao Yabd William Oor
don bas moved bis feed yard from its
former location) to Jours' eld stand
where be will b plaed lo bate all bis
friends kod patrons lo Sail on bim. Mr.
Gordon Is acoommodarlng, be a good
yard and abundant facilities) to take
ears of stock Id Brat elans shape). II is
piioee are very reasonable. lie baa bay
aod grain for sale. Has lately adJad a
ear load of baM Hmoth). It.
The Oexelte does not qnentioo lb
honesty of any persoa, bat it ia com
pelled to iosmt apo tbe eeb-ief advance
plaa of aabaoriptioo, whettxr the snb
scriber be Cornelias Veodrrbilt or tbe
ma who sera bis bread by hottest toll
We cannot ran the pP' on any other
plan. tf
Loo iWk aiage leaves Ueppner at
7 o'clock, a. m., Tanedaye, Tburadayi,
and Hatardaye; arrives at c'loek, p.
m., Mondays, Wedpeaalais aadFrtdaya.
Will make conoavtloo with brerteh train
Lao desired-' fare tZ eb war.
Freight oral per poaoJ. J. U.
Bellenbrock, I'rop. Offlcf, it Ilarry
Warree'l drof store if,
Kagle: W. M. lludio retoroed from
bis trip to Heppner Friday evening last
He wss accompanied by W. II. Deogb-
crly, representing tbe 1'aoifio Meat Co.
of Taooma, who was berc looking after
bend of cattle be bad jot purrhaaed.
i i
Clyde Baling nas io from tbe Hand
Hollow farm Balarday. Abe Jooee
writes Clrde from Hkaynay tbal busl
nee ia galling better ap there, sod tbe
Osteite prMnniea tbal Abe is taking la
bis share of lbs Improvements.
Certainly Jn don't want to eoffr witb
d;sprpia, ioiiition, aick beaderhea,
aallnarakia mtiA l.a i,f atiiMtltla Vam
have never UmkI L Will's Little Early
ilr fur ibea) enm plain Is or yon would
bars ro tared. Tby are email pille
bat ereat res-ulatura. fur aal bv
ar aol iimrk.
TL regular solmonplKio prano of tbe
rtaii-Weakly (JasatU ks 12 .00 and tbo
regular prtno of tbo Weekly Oregonl
is 11.60. Any one eotacrtbiof fur tbe
Oasatlc aod paying for ooo year it
advaaoa cat gel both tbe Oaselto tad
Weakly Orvgittlen for t-l.oa All old sot
eenbert paying their eobeoriplions fcr
hi er la adyaoot will b tplitled at
tbe saoie.
In the selection of Mr. Bartlett for
register of the land flloe tbe younger
element of tbe party bas been justly
recognized-. Uoiou Itpoblionn.
Wbat the populists might bave ex
peotsd if Bryan bad been eleoied was iD
evidence when thai gentleman appeared
on tbe rear platform of the train el
Baker City last summer. His right
wing waa oommanded by the lion. S. W
and the left by Col. B., while tbe Hon
Mr. Pop was so far io tbe rrsr that bs
was as entirely invisible as bs would
bave been at tbe great man's pis oounter
io case of his election. Will tbey in
doise Bryan again in 1000? Wc dou'
think. Bumpter News.
Mr. Bartlett is one of tbe leading lew.
yers of Union oounty and bas bad an ex
tensive practice and experience In land
and mining law before Ibe local laud of
fice at La Grande and ia tbe department
of the interior at Washington. Having
been a personal at quaiotaooe of the ap
pointee for a onmbr of years aod ema
ciate couoeel with blm al limes in some
law oases wa are glad of this opportun
ity to testify to bis ability aa a lawyer
and to predict Ibat bis si poiatment will
give great saliefaciioa to all the attor
neys and others having business before
tbe laod offl. e at La Grande. Husspter
Fifteen of the Thirty Members to be Chosen
Ne it June.
As tbe time draws near there is an ap
parent increase of interest as to whether
Mr. Corbett will be seated as senator
from Oregon when ooogress oonvenes
next month. Upon tbal point also
binges the question of a special session
of the legislature being called bv Gov.
Lord. Interest in the political com
plexion of the legislature to be eleoted
next June and to meet in January, 1899,
aod wbiob will also have a voice in tbe
eleotion of Senator MoBride's snooessor
in 1901, is already coming to the front.
For tbe upper house, there are 23 sena
torial districts, as follows:
First Marion county, two senators.
Heoond Linn county, two senators.
Third Lane county, two senators.
Fourth Douglas county, one senator.
Fifth Coos, Curry and Josephine, one
Sixth Jackson oounty, one senator.
Seventh Crook, Lake and Klamath,
one senator.
Eighth Benton and Lincoln, . one
Ninth Polk oounty, one senator.
Tenth Yamhill oounty, one senator.
Eleventh Claokamae oonnty, one
Twelfth Washington oounty, one
Thirteenth Claokamas and Marion,
one senator.
Fourteenth Multnomah county, five
Fifteenth Clatsop county, one sena
Sixteenth Washington, Tilamook and
Columbia, one senator.
Seventeenth Wasoo and Sherman,
one senator.
Eighteenth Gilliam, Sherman and
Wasoo, one senator.
nineieenin umatuia oounty, one
Twentieth Umatilla and Uoion, one
Twenty-first Union and Wallowa,
one aenator.
Twenty-seoond Baker and Malheur,
one senator.
Twenty-third Grant, Harney and
Morrow, one senator.
At eaoh biennial aleotion, 15 senators
are Chosen and those wbosa terms will
expire iu 1898 are: Brownell.of the 11 tb;
Oalbrealh.of the 10; Carter, of tbe 8th;
Dawson and Jobosoo, of tbe 2d; Gesoer,
of tbe 13 ; Gowan, of tbe 23; Hobson and
Patterson, of Ibe 1st; Holt, of lbs 6th;
King, of tbe 22 J j MoOlnng, of IbeBd;
Prioe, of tbe lOtb; Simon, of tbe 14tb,
and Smith, of the ISth senatorial die
tricls. Politically it means tbe retire
ment of one democrat (Smith), two popo
lists (Holt and King), and nine republi
cans. Tbo holdover senators, eleoted in
1896, whose terms do not expire nntil
1900, are Bates, Haeeltine, Maokay and
Selling, of Multnomah, Daly of Lake
Driver, of Lane, Dufur and Micbell of
Waaoo, Malky of Polk, Pettereon, of
Washington, Reed of Douglas, Taylor of
Umatilla, Wads of Uoion and Hogbea of
Of tbt holdovers, Daly aod Dafur are
olassed aa demoorati, but bavs leanioga
towrrd Milobell. Wade ia a populist
aod tbe remaining 12 are republicans.
Absolutely Pure -
Klrrtrle Hitters.
Eleotrlo Bitters is a medicine saitej
for aoj season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when tbe languid, eihauated
ferllug prevails, ben the liver I torpid
end sluggish and the need of a tonic and
alterative is Mt. A prompt nae of this
medicine bae often averted long and
perbaf s fatul billons fevers, Nomedloine
ill act mora sorely In oonnteraotine
and freeing me synlere from tbe malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Oust I
pel ton, Pitziors yield lo Kleottln Bit-
tare. Wo. and II per bottle al Conser
at Uroek s drng store.
F.agle: There I an effort bring made
at Tbe Dalle build a railroad from
that towa lo tbe fine bridga oa the lies
ehntae river. Hunb a road woa'd cost
HW,mt. Ia Ibis wsy l'be Dalles bopee
lo recover Ibe tnin she baa lost, and
mora too, from tba bmldiog of tbe mad
from Blgge to Weero wbiob will prob
ably be eoulionH to Prlnevilte, ia Crook
nriiioo e i;ooatnplloo Utire cure
wbere others fall. It ia tbe lasting
Ooegb Care, sad to bom ebould be
witbntit tt. I'Uftaeii! to take and gone
ngni to lit epot. Hold liy (Jon ear A
Broek. x
Now la the time to get tbe Weakly
(re-onin, the greataat aewrpaiwr of
the Weal. Witb theUasMKbotb strict
ly lo edvaook, not year, l-l.iw. No batter
porpbiaafpio of bws pspers Q h made
at n- '
li tut naif,
rrom th rirat
"I euffered witb beadaobea and intense
sttaoks of oeuralgia, and became very
feeble. I began taking Hood's Hsrsa
parllla, though so weak I oould only
lake small doses. I feall better from
tbe first aod I bave not bad an attack
of any severity since I began nslng It
O. A. Suttoo, Hillburet, Washington. '
Hood's Pills are Ibe best family oatbar
lio aod liver Ionic. Geolle. reliable, sure
Prom Long Creak to Pendletos-To Ue late
ECest ,aly 1. 1HVH.
prom tli Long Creak tsgle.
Pur srvaral months past a project has been on
loot lo asUbllth dalljr mall connection betwe
Long Creek and I'audietoti, and acllv liilara.l
bs bean taken In th matter not only br lb
clUuns of this plao and rldtits along the
llu wbr tb proposed route Is liabl to ro
but th Commercial Association ol fsudlston
coiupoaxd of tb bast business man of that city
has worked bard In lb matter, and Itssduru
bar been successful, a news has Jmt bean r
celrad to th sITest that th government will
eslabllah th rout desired, tli Sam to go
laioslfscton July I, WA.
This through dally eonnartl.in nissns eoni
aienlal eonnet-tlon as well and will b the
"wan of niaklng I'snditto a Isri trailing
point for this cltiin of the country, Lou
Crark will alto be greatly biintud as well,
harabrfor kr only ontlat baa bean Uriipnar,
but tbls fldlil'Mitl tin will glv ber two, a
th service between Ih ppucr and this plat
will at the tarns llm b snad a dally or
twenty four hour system bat ween llsppuar and
Canyon City. The, bother with other In
creeeed mall aervlrat she I to hv With other
Inlrrlor Hdut, will glv Lung Crn-k inm h
brtlar connarllon with lh outald world tbn
.lis bs vr ba.1 btrrtotor.
A tar Thing raw Tea.
A transaction In wbk li youcaunnt loaalsa
BUiwUilug, itllionsnaaa, ati'k bnwlai liu, f up.
ra! tongiM, far, pile auU a Uiousauil oilier
II are l euewl by pnnaUiMiNMi and alugglab
lier, CavM pi'nU Candy t athartlr, la won
il.irdil itanv liver sumiilant end lute lual
tonlu are by all druggist guarauuwd Wu ur
or iiioii'-y refiiuilinl. t:. C. (.'. are a re
thing Try a bni V day( Inc., Vr . kou,
biiii.lo .iii.l booklet free. bu our big ad.
Henry IllliiV little girl found a
place of topper ore io tbe mono tain ra
ertilly tbbl aaeaysd 74 per cent topper.
Morrow oonoty it dretloed, II erems, to
bavs topper nilora, well at gold
Emery Leezer is back from The Dalles.
Come in and get a Bample oopy of the
Fred Johnson was up from Rhea's
Siding Sunday.
G. D. Coats osme in yesterday with a
load of wheat.
Tom Woolery and J. Ooohran were up
from lone Sunday.
Attorney Phelps returned from The
Dalles this morning.
Banous is still on the turf doing a lit
tle oarpenter business. tf
John Kern was in from bis reoob, up
Kern Canyon, yesterday.
Pickled tripe, a fine artiole, for sals
by P. C. Thompson Co. 2t
Nets Jooea was in from the Butter
oreek lancbea yesterday.
What is Hop Gold? Best beer on
arth. See ad. elsewhere.
S. P. Deyin was down from the Wil
low oreek oountry yesterday.
Miss Effle Matlook depurted for Port
land on last Friday evening.
Add Matteson and Oscar Jayne were
visitors lo Heppner yesterday.
M. Liobtentbal for shoes. Exolusive
shot store. Handles tbe best. 83tf
Luther Hamilton was down from
tbe Willow oreek saw mill yesterday.
Olaus Johnson brought in a load of
wheat from bis Gooseberry ranch yester
Edwin L. Brnnton has been appointed
postmaster at Walla Walla, by tbe presi
Oscar Sobaffer is out again atter an
illness of about two weeks and is look
Ing greatly improved.
Mr. J. A, Bowen, formerly business
manager of the Hillsboro Argus, arrived
at Heppner Ibis morning.
Mrs. Emma Weloh bas returned home
from ber Grant oonnty ranches, where
she bad been on busineea.
D. Cox, ont of tbe tuooessfol Hinton
oreek ranchers, visited the Morrow
oonnty metropolis yesterday.
Mrs. Emma Cole, of Portland, an aunt
of the Rhea brothers, Is bera on a visit
and will remain fur a month or more.
Mrs. E. W. libea returned home Hun-
day morning from a month' visit witb
relatives al Sampter and Biker City.
Jobooy Beeler, tbe fighting heavy.
weight, of Oolwell grade, waa down
Saturday last. Johnny baa jnsf recov
ered from a protracted illness.
Ksrl's Clover Hoot Tea, for Constipa
tion It's Ibt best and It after name il
yon don't say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser A
Brock. x
W. U. Waldrou, formerly of tba Ions
seolioo, and who fell under tbt oait at
tome point between Pendleton and Wal
la Walla last spring, losing a leg, is bare
tolioitiog for tome periodical.
W. a Brown aod wife depart in a few
days lor Pilot Book. Mr. Brown bas
bad obarga of tbt Cunningham bucks at
this fleot tor some time past and suo
ceeJed in disposing of a larga number.
For Constipation take Karl'a Clover
Tea, Iht great Blood Purifier, cures
headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbt fact, aod makes tbe bead at clear tt
a bell, Sold by Conser A Brook. I
Miss Era Bartholomew waa Ibt re.
ciplentota very pleasant torprissoo
last Wedoesday evening, tbt occasion
being a dinner given by ber parents In
honor of Mies Kva's 10th birthday. But
a few of Iht young lady's lutimstt
friends were present, and tbey enjoyed
themselves very tnaob, wishing ber many
bappy returns of lbs dale that marks a
milestone In this esrtbly pilgrimage.
A. A. Koberls received, a abort time
tgo.tom poxallng letters, tent ont by
ont James K. Clerk, of Yamhill
street, Portland, Or. Tbeet letters art
lypt written tod algoed Mary E. Hmilb,
and with them ie a promUaory note for
100, signed by J. B. Hoy and endorsed
to Geo. Smith by J, E. Clerk. Jnst
wbat object Is lo he gained, Al is at a
lots to know, but it Is evidently aomt
new tort of flim-flam game.
Nelson Comptot, ta old gentlemen
living ia tbo neighborhood of Parker's
mill. dwd ont day last week and was
boried at Hardman. At tba time of bit
death Mr. Comptna wet tilting at tbt
topper table, tnd was telling bow wall
be fell, wben taddsnly be expired wltb
oot Iht least warning whatever. Mr,
Comptoa wet a sufferer (mm heart die
eeet aad bad ba for a long tint ia
very poor bralth.
T Car tnjtlpaltas) rrer.
Ts Wrl CmmIi luttistti tuerle,
II U C. C 14 tt ir, wrt'it fftu4 umtf