1JML TO THE GIYKS IH CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT ' OREGON NORrHERNRy. SHORT LINE VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha -mn AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Month I v from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Paoiflo Steamship Co. in cod Dection with O. R. & N. For (all details oall on 0. R. A N Agent ai Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obbook 20000J LOCAL BQU1BS. Alva Mikesell was in Heppner Wed nesday. 01 Snyder wag in from Eight Mile Wednesday. Geo. Clem was a visitor to Heppner Wednesday. Wm, Baroett was up from Lexington Wednesday. Jas. Johnson, of Batter oreek, was in Heppner Wednesday. Tom and Lou Davidson were in from Davidson on Tuesday. Jaok Lane and Bill Padberg were np from below on Taesday. TT n it " i j , i t j I curry cariuoiomew was a visitor 10 because they are money-oacR. HePPner on Wednesday. What is the missing word?-not SAFE, although Schilling Best baking M. J. Monteith and W. C. Smith, Irav. powder and tea art safe. elin" men were in Heppoer Wednesday, . ... Charley Ford returned to Heppner u ocnunng s aw uamK powucr ur ica ai yuur g.crs , u,c We(3neB(JftT from . ,rlD th fraiI Tom Gllfillen and Geo. Vincent, sheep- Good things are worth a fair price. . Good baking powder doesn't sell at 25 or 30 cents a pound we don't care what anybody else says to the contrary. Your money back if you don't like Schilling's Best at your grocer's. ' 2256 Schillings Best baking powder and tea are ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder ; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one Derson finds the word, that person cets f 2000.00: if several find it, f tooo.oo will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one nvelope will receive an 1808 pocket calendar no advertising on It. These Dirty Wouii. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the oily. men of Galloway, were in town Wednes day. "Uoole" Hugh Fields was down from bis Hioton oreek ran on a few days this week. Wm. Luelling cams down from Her 3- man Tuesday to spend a day or two in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. 201 1EAE EADII16 PAPER! &PMZ MUST RUE YOU 601)11 EflST? If so, be sore and see that yonr ticket reads via Tie floitlpslem line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THH Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTfl, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTII. Tlititr MuKnlflcont Truck, Feerless Vestlbuled IHlllMK BIKl HICMMIIIIK UM Trains, tni) Motto: "always on time" has given thl roarl a national reputation. All iilaastia of DMHMKrt rarrttnl on the vitstl hilled trains without estre charge. Hhlp your freight lid trawl over tills (hiiioiii lino. All agents liava tlt'int. W. H. MRAD, . C. cUVAOIt. Uun. A vent. Trav. P. A I". Agt. lint Washington hi., romaim, ur. CHICAGO iwaiKee & St. Paul B'y This Hallway Co. Operates its trains on the famons block system; Light its traiua by eleotrioity tbrougb- ool; Usee the OKlebratixi eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Itnns ependily equipped paaeenger trains evarv da ami Bight lielween HI. l'aul and Cbioago, and Omaha and Chicago; the THB CHRONICLM ranks wUk ia greaUet ! pr in tb United Biases. TUB CHltONIOLB has no eqaal on the Peoia Cout. It leads all Id abllltf, enterprise and ntwi TUB OliitONICLS'S Telegraphl Report art th latsat anil moat rallabla. Ita local Nawa tb fullest and spiciest, and Ita Editorials frum tba sblest pena In tha country. THE CH ItONIOLK has always beea. and always will ba, tha friend and champion f tha people aa against oomblnatlona, cllquea, corporations, or epprr-eslons of any kind. ItwIU ba ladspsaaeal la ereryUtlug neutral la noluln fiplj CREAM BAI-M Uapoaltivecnre. Apply Into tha noatrlls. It i quickly ahnorbei!. SI cents at Dniuiiliti or by mnil : aamplea 10c. by mull. KUY BKOTI1KKS. (I Warrun Bt.. Now York Citi'. Timber Culture Final Proof. United Btatkr Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Kept, lath, 1807. NOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT JAME8 H. Allen haa fl led notice of Intention to make dual proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at hiii ollice In Heppner, Oregon, on Wen neilny, thi'Kth day of Decemler. 1X97, on timber culture application No. 297H, for the NK!4 of lec tion No. in township No. 4 south, range No, east w. m. He nsmea as witnesses: James C, Kelthley, Oscar Kelthley, Ktl Moreland, and Jesse M. llogne, all ol llardman, urefton. jab. a. MIIIIBK, 93-604 KcKister. GUARDIANSHIP SALE. . XTOTICK 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER 111 . .1 .H.t.w. nf An nnl.. "t ..la l..nu1 out of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Morrow County, the underalKned as Kiiar. dian of Wtnnlfrcd Ollllarn, Archer M. Gilliam and (.enter E. Ullllam, minors, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 18!7, proceed to sell at private sale for cash In hand all the rlKht, title and interest of the above- namen minors in ana to the following de scribed real ertate, situated in Morrow county, Oregon, to-wlt: The cast half of the northeast quarter, anil the east hall of the southeast quarter of sec Inn thirteen, in township four. souin oi range a earn w. m mgeiner wnn ail the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan ces thereunto belonging. Dated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 18ft7. iKl-602 ANNIE GILLIAM, Guardian of the above named minora. Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operatM stoaro-haataJ veatitmleil trains, parrying Ilia latest ('rival eornpartmoDt oart, library bullet imok Ing rara, aoj tialars drawing room slsrpors. 1 trior cars, rrs ris'linlng rliair ears, soil tha vry bst diumg chair oar terries. For IowmI rates to any point ia tb United Hlates or Cauala, ai'i'ly to agtml or aJJrMS O. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHP.T, Unral Agent, Trav. Taa. A gout. I'ortlaml, Or. o Tha ChronleU Italldlaa THE DAILY Br Malt, roatac raid. Only $6.70 a Year. The" Weekly Chronicle Hit Greatest WeeUj In the Comfy S1.SO a k (laoludlnf rwaUa) to any pan sf Mia Oaltad mututt, Canada and Matloo. TRKWCKKI.T CIIKUHIOI.R, tha kflfhtaat anil ntnat aomplota Waakly Naaipaf la Uia worla. prints rsciitrtjr FH eolumiia, or twala aaa.af Nawa l.liantiura and iMnml lafurma Uomalaoa maa-alBcanl Asrtcultural Daparlmaai. 8AMPLE COPIES 8ENT FRcE. Notice of Intention. Land Omit- at Tin Dai.i.ih, Ohxiion. tK'tober4, 1H!C. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THI following named settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that laid proof will be made lefore J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 17th, 1RH7, vis: FKANK ENiiEI.M AN, Hit. E No. WV7, for the HWI of Bee. 15, Tp. 1 8., K 21 E. W. M. He nainea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: Chilton C. Wilson. M. J. Williams, A. B Perry and a P. Wilson, allot lime, Morrow county, Oregon. J AH, F. MOORE. KSW. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OEEICK AT THE DAU.EH, OREGON, J Oct a, IM. Notice is hereby given that I the following named settler has Sled llollce of a Intention to make final proof In support ol s claim, and that aald proof will lie made iH'foreJ. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nnvcmlwr 'I. Iw.i7, vis: A I. H1K1 T. WIKUI, I. E No. V7I, for the NW'4 UK 4, Wit NEU, I NE'i NWV IVfC. li,Tn. I H, H 1, K W M. Henamea the following wttneasea to prnva Is continuous residence upon and cultivation f aald land, vis: John Cochran, Edward L. I'adlierg, Walter H. Caaaon and II I ram Thorn tun, all of lone, Oregon. JAM, F. MIHIKK, .VniYTJ. Keglater. ltd. 11 u s AW PACIFIC III DO YOU WANT THE chronicle: Reversible Map? SiIIOMTINO Tha United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ON K SIDK, The )alle Oregon, October 11, 1M7. NOTICE In HKKKHY (IIVEN THAT HKNRY V Tolle, of lUrdion l, Oregon, has filed nolli-a ol liilvulloa in risks filial proof twfore J. W. Morrow, Countv Clerk, at bis onVe n Heppner, Oregon, on Wediieaday, tha V4th if ol Nmembei. I''7. on timber rultiira nil ration No XI (.1, lor ' NW1, and lota I and I of riion no. , in towniniu Mt, ooutn range a VI K W M. Ita minM aa wttneaaea Kdwln ft. Rood. Jacob H. Young, Mealey W. Rranuan, and Clll- lont . Joura, all ol algbt Mlla, Oregon. JArl. r. MiNiRE, ll Keglater. A a tka TUROl'tllt CARS. Map of tho World UN T1IM OTIICn SIDaV Mn4 a n4 Oa tk Map 4 Wsrklf ( ttronlcl flir On Ta toatai rpatj Man a ad Pap, TO Hr. PAt'I. MINNKAfOLlS KAIUtt) IUTIK UK LENA Th kvU lana4 to all potuta la th voill Hlatr anil Caua.1. M. II. Am Yonitrt, W tiniiia aaa VaAKtaux OAK (jt'lCK TIME TO. All othar MlltttS I III K.aat ami Honlteaal ClIII'AlKI W ASHIUTg lULTtttoas hum IWrrAto OMAHA Kansas Cm i MT, Jnasrsi utrta UTua MIHTII I'AL'IIMU Rural Spirit (f'TABI isiir r lit mm I Published Weekly .- Portland. Or. MVOTKD TU l'oiia Itvtxit rnasaotiiMis at HU rant, Hiaoeapolia, Kansas Ciljr, Omaha, Hi. I.OQVS anil olhar ritBt kal Huat tlatfgat attn-aMi tbnmgh In ilntlnstioo ol U. IrU. Tbrimgh tli kata to Japas an 4 ("blu. via TaAofna M1 Northern IV I Ho Ktsao. ship Com paay's Una. Agriculture, Dair)in, Live-Stock and Turf. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Vkitko Htatss Land Orrira, Tom Howard has a big stook of both, lined and nnllned cloves in all grades. Prices 'way down. tf J. P. Lnoas, formerly ooanty clerk of Gilliam ooanty, has scoepted a position with Lord & Co., at Arliigton. Tom Bamett, of LexiDgtou, has been in Heppner several days this week in the interest of the Chicago Portrait Oo. Willis Stewart this week ordered the Gazette sent to his brother, T. M. Stew art, Coeur d' Alene City, Eootenay Co., Idaho. J. P. Bloot, representing E. J. Sb at tack & Co., printing ink manufacturers of San Franoisoo, was in Heppoer yes terday. John Bellenbrock is again in charge of the Lcue Rock stage after a summer's lay off looking after bis farming Inter ests on Eight Mile. Attorney Q. W. Phelps departed for The Dalles last evening where he has soma legal matters to look after before the Wasoo county oiroo.il oourt. It is reported on the streets that Hepp ner is soon to hitve another biwling alley, to be mads ot hard wood and thoroughly first class in every respeot. It will probably be looated in the City hotel property. No man or woman oan enjoy life or aooomplish much in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. De Witt's Witch Huzle Salve. It soothes, strength' ens and heals. It is the great pile cure. For tale bv Connor A Brock. Billy Straight is now carrying a badly injured left hand as the result of getting jammed by a horse in the corral a few days ago. He expeots, however, te be O. K. in a abort time and will in the future be a little more cautious. Pendleton Tribune: Bill Evans, of Pilot Rook, last week made the greatest trade of his life, bartering a sheep dog for a span ot horses. Tom Boylen, an other Pilot Rook rancher, got the dog and is minus the horses. The latter weigh 1100 each. If yon have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm ot hooping oough, or it you have been annoyed by a constant tick ling in the throat, you osn appreciate the value of One Minute Congh Cure, wbiob gives quick relief. Sold by Con er ft Brock. rossil Journal : the Methodists are building a parnonags at Lone Rok. (275 has been subscribed, and it is ex pected this sum will pay for all the ma terial. The carpenter work will almost all he donated. R. Q. Robinson, who is not a cbnroh member, donated the lot on which the parsonage ia being bnilt. Hmall precautions often prevent great misohiefa. DeWilt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in sixs, but are roost effeutive in preventing tba most serious forms of liver trouble and stomach troubles. They our constipation and headache and regulate tb bowels. For sal by Conser St Brock. From The Dalles Chronicle. Portland ladies are agitating the sub ject of short sVirts; bnt white all seem to endorse the wearing of skirta reach ing only to the shoe tots, none ot tbem wear them. The most aeoseless thing of all the hundreds of millions of senseless things woman baa been guilty of, from marrying Adam to riding a bike, the wearing of ekifts that drag the dirt is the most utterly imbecile and defenseless. Yet regardless of weather, the dainty dim Hied darliugs will don snowy linen or immaoul ate silk and then start down town on a street-sweeping expedition. In halt an hour's walk their skirts have dragged together and dropped at the crossings or gratings innumerable little piles ot cigar stubs, tobaoco quids, half burned matohes, old papers, and the BItb and garbage pertaining to the street. These, heaven knows (if heaven takes ongnizanoe of such things) are bad enonuh. but besides this collection the skirt has gathered other riches. For in stance, a small section ot Inng disoarded by some poor devil who had no use for i; specimens of a dpzn different varie ties of oat arrb; expeotorations in nine teen different languages, and a hundred other evidences of oiviliz itioo. The worst of these she takes home with her to dry around the house ere they go out to make the heart and stomach of the washerwoman glad. Man, individually and collectively, is a dirty brute, or-these things would not be on the street; but, being there, we see no reason why any woman should desire to gather them in her skirts. LUNG THO0BLKS AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Deafness Cannot be Cored by looal applications, as tbey oannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the eusta chian tube. vThen this tube gets In flamed you have a rmubling sound or imperfeot hearing, and when it is entire ly olesed deafness is the result, and un less the inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out (if ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing bnt an in flamed oondition of the muooussurfaoes. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafuess (caused by catarrh) that oannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars tree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. t3old by druggists, 75c. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo cum, ot New York City, demonstrating his disoovbry ot a reliable cure tor Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, long and obeet troubles, stubborn oougbs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) ot his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional dnty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro-j pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. O., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOHYOU! Now Prepared to do Any- Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's. Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop iv now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet 'prices ot any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that yon have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a obarity ooncern bnt it yon will give us a ohanoe we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bonght good's away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when the goods were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When tbe printing drummer comes to town, re member it and oall up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf "Tie Regulator Line" LITERARY NOTES. Batch Wins. The horse race annonuoed to come off at tbe Heppoer track oo Tuesday after noon was postponed until yesterday forenoon on aooount of rain. Tbi was a raoe for 84!) a side between Sperry's Dutch and Pat Murphy, an Eight Mile horse. Tbe horses got an even start and ran neck nnd neck until within a few feet of tbe outonme when Dutch made a spurt, ooming in two feet ahead. Little money ohanged bands on the result as tbe beokera of Dutch were a little afraid of bitn, being siok when taken from the stable and did not appear to bs at him self when the race was called. Another raoe tor $100 a side is talked ot between theeo two horses. A Great Magazine Featnre. Tbe Ladies Home Journal has seoured what promises to be the great magazine feature of 1898. It is entitled "The in ner Experiences of a Cabinet Member's Wife." In a series ot letters written by the wife of a cabinet member to a sister at home, are detailed her aotual experi ences in Washington, frankly and freely given. Tbe letters were written without any intentioo of publication. Tbey give intimate peeps behind the ourtaio of high official and social life. They are absolutely fearless, they study Washing ton life under tbe searoblight as it baa never been before presented. Tbe presi dent and the highest officials of the land. with the most brilliant men and women ot the oapital, are seen in the most fami liar way. As these are all actual ex perienoes tbe name of the writer is with' held. Tbe letters will doubtless exoite much shrewd guessing by readers and study of internal evidenoe to discover tbe seoret. The "Experiences," wbiob will be beautifully illustrated, begio in tbe December number and will con tinue for several months. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STEAMEBS "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR"" Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at u b. m. ljeave rortianu at 71)0 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. 0. ALLAWAT, General Agent. quick rxxutzj t TO San Fronolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt Bhaataa route or the Southern Pacific Co fhe great hurhwar through California to air. points tlat and Sonth. UrandjMenio Rout of the Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Buffet BleeDera. Seoond-olaas Hleepera Attaohed to axons trains. affnrdm annarinr accommodations for aeoond-olaas paasensera. For rates, tioketa, sleeping oar reset-rations, eto,, call npon or address K. K.UKHLKK, Manager, C. H. MARKHAH, Sen. F. 4 P. Agt, Portland, Oregon Those who desire to build should not forget that C. E. Ranous, tbe con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. 60tf Every new subsoriber of tbe Gseette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive ss a premium a book worth alone ths price ot tbe subscription. 1 tf Walt. Tbompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to tbe interior. E. J. Slooum, agent. Come In and subscribe for tbe "Gazoo." Now is the time. Ton don't want tft miss a whole lot of good, bard reading; that is now being published in oar "Only." The tbree-yenr old son of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to I attacks of oroup. Mr. Jobuson says be is sati ned that the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, dnring a severe! attack, saved his little boy's lite. He is in the drug business, a member of the I firm of Johnson Bros, of that plaoe; and they handle a great many patent medi-l cines for throat and lnng diseases. He had all these to choose from, and skilled pbjsioians ready to res pood to bis call, I but selected this remedy for use 10 bis own family at time when bis child's I life was in rtanjer, be cause be knew it to be superior to any other, aod famous the oountry over for its cure ot oroup. Mr. Johnson says tbia is the best selling ouugb medioine tby handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Conser A Brock . NOTICE Of INTENTION. l.KDOrrira at Tms I)lis. Orihou, iiiintwr i, W7. NOTU'K I HKRKRY f.lVKN THAT 1 Ha lnlliiln.namiH eeltlrr has BikI notlra ol his Intention to nis Anal lnl In support ol his i'UIiii. and that asld proof will it meiie iN'lore J. w. Morrow, lounlv I irra. at llrpunrr, Orrron, on twtrmher a, w7, s: jirrn w . ei tu ur k, II I F No. un tor tha Kl It Tp I S R 1 K W M II name Ills follow Ins altn.nrs n prove his roiilliiuoiis rrelilrnr upon M rnlUvstloa of said land, til FraiM ls II. Vtllsoii. Prank iiplrman, both of lone, otiiin, Hnbvrt Haver an! Mtmour I. W ilaon, both ol iHiuglaa, t're- J An. r. "IK'HK, MLft4 Hra-tater. Word roeiv4 yesterday from Mrs Norman Kelly, who ia visiting at ber old borne In Clarendon, Vt., annoaooe the snddsa death of ber sistsr, Mr. Alma F. Sherman Kelly, wit of Edgar Kelly, at Ler bom in Ira, VI. From the siok neat of this eistr and another residing In Iowa, Mr. Kelly ba been delayed 10 rsturnlDg bom as soon aa ah bail x peeted. It may b som time yet befor sb rvaeh bar bom at Hsppner. "Married lit isn't what it is oraoked up to be, remarked Airs. Urtmsieign. "When I married Daniel I thought it would b so bandy to have a ma about tb bouse, bnt lor I that's all it amounted to. Us' never at bom when be's waoted for anything, and if be Is he's I tired or busy, or something or other; and so I bsv to go to work and do tb thing myself. 'S far a I can see, men er only in tb way when tbey are io tbe hooss, and nut ot lb way wbee tbey'r wu ted. "Boston Traoacript. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon. ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on tbe O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Wall. Students admitted at all time of the year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Inatrnmental Mosio taught by oompetent instructors. A gradu ate of tbe Boston Conservatory baa charge ot tbe inatrnmental department. Tlio IritllotH Boardlnc Efall Is thoroughly equipped and offers ex. oelleot acoommudation at reason abls rates. Send for catalogue. Addsasa M. G. ROYAL, Prldnt of Faculty er P. A. WORTHING- TON, Secretary Board f Regents, Weeton, Ore. II ow la l ire Bllloia ('vile. I suffered for weeks with eolic aod pains la my sloraacb caused by bilious- Bess and bad to tak nedioin all th while oolil I need Chamberlain's Colie.l Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilmedy wbiob eared me. I bav alee reeommeoded A Hare Tela rr Yea A transnctiuo 10 wbiob yon oan not loae is a sor thing. Bilionsne, ick beadaobe, furred toogo, fevtr, pile and a thousand other ills are ceased bv oonstiuallon aod sluggish liver. Caa- AttornevH tit Law, All bnslneee attended to ia prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN MATTER BCILDINO. QEFPNER, i i i ; i OREGON It to a good maey people. Mrs. F. But- c01 Caihartia, Ibe wonderful Notice of Intention. l.ta Orrii s at Tms Pui s, Oss..o l.ilr . 7. OTICK is iirnrsY tllVIM IHAT 1111 folloalii namr.1 wMller has Sled nntlre of his Intention mas Snal prf In support ol his claim, suit that Mi l proof will he nia.1 be fore J w . Morrow . t oiintt l ifts, at ileppnef, Un-auo, on h.,mter l, lsr, t ftUNK A. 1.1 IKLI, I t It " rn lor the rtk rwv. ia Tp 1 S i It W at. II tiamre Ihe following witr-easee an Brote his mtiiiniMHis rfsMrnr upon ami fiiltl ailon ol mi, I Lii.t. tu John K Vrmon, t'herlaa I. A iKtvreiHt, A in! rw arlw.tt. anil Andrew M. Crtvreon. all ol Uuuarhwrrt. Irv..n. JA. r MiMtMK, TS Urals!. Notice of Intention. ler, Falrbaven, Cone. Persona wbo are snbjeet to bilious eollo can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as sooa a Ibe Oral symptom appear. Hold by rVinaa A rtmrk. ... .a . . new liver stimulant and Inteatloal tonic are sold by ell druggist aod guaranteed to cure or moo y rtfuoded. 0. C. C. er a sor thing. Try a boi today ; 10c, 25 oOe. Sample and booklet free, tt Columbia R lion Lo For full latin rati toe, tits ear la, map, In set, eto., sail io ot write W. 0. An swaf, A. I I'miiMn, Agt N. P. Hr. Asst. On. I'm Aal. lLl)a!lf,Of. I'oitlsoJ, Or Wat lb lie waigbt In gold te vy farmer Sua breejef la OwgiMs. snmcniiTioN: n.t rru yf.ar. , Hani pi eote free.) lUrel hpirll aa.I (laretle twila f f At.uo, seta, at Ibis cit rAMinrru u at tni PAt l v, ituo, 4 tw-l 4, tff. Nirtkw la hrl. iuii that Ihe f..low log aamiMt sriiior hM Sle4 lw lie ul hi Intoittloa la make SJ faf In support el his il.iw an4 thai ait en4alll hm wate rwlore J, w wortnw.l ouiilr I tra at H'tfo. iTtii., wa pmewtiwr i -w, is; riiii.To" c. enuHirt. M t I C7 lot th Mt u4 See Tp I a, B, B . at He names Ihe lollnwtng w tlnreav In pror 1.1s e.tiiiiniHMis rwi-ler itiMa aat enltlfaUoa ,. wi l li. Hi Srank Siis'laian. J, II. lien... i' l t riu a4 A. ferry, ail uue, Mrtiw vHif. iHveon, iA. t Kiwi I Stt a!iet. J. II. Oil, who has been berdln tbi inmmer for Norman Kelly, was lo Iowa Wedaeeday. lie atade os a pleae- snt rail aod left ns a photograph of himself wbiob we have placed among oar collection. Oik is one ot God's ooblemeo, and eipeetc to make hie boms In tbe Bslgbborbood ol Loae Ruck tbto wiater. Judge Helluigef, silling at Portland, bee made a Baal order la favor of th dtfro.lants to tbe ease ot tb United Hist agaiael Tha lUllee UilHarv Wagoa Riad C"uy and W others, iavolviag 1M,J aorte tf land. Te oil was decided for lbs Jeleodant apoa demorrer Hcptember 7, aa J at that time tbe I'siU-l Hlalae diatriot atloraey tu allowed fiO da)' tlot tu furbr mov or plead. WHITE COLLAR LINE. iver and Pusct Sound Navisra u o SleiBcn TEB'BONE, BAILET G1TZERT AND OCUS WAYL Leeviag Aldr Rtreet Dock. Portlaad, for Astoria. Uwaoo, Loag Beeeb, Ocee Park aod Nabeotta. liret eonneoltoa with Ilwaoo lUiatn aad rail road; also at Tooog's Day with Heaebore Railroad. TUXjBPnONTj Uea rortlaad T A. It. lali. sacrpt Suodsy. Usm Astnria I P. St. Pallr. etrwt s.a4a I3A.I1jXJY OATZBnT teaire lortlaod I f. M tiallf. earept awndav. aiuror niaht. II P . Mm Aatorta I)a all A. M., SIo.pt Ihindai n4 Mooo.. kwaa, a," hi, I T 1 OOBA.IU' WAVB Lea' PnrtlaM M ran dlrerl t tlwam. Toewlar aMI TkarwtaT at S A. M PxaM.r al I M Uate ilwae dae.taf ao4 FrMay alia A M. Ua Lao ahl al ? i . ' F-L-'t Cklf to Eiibti tVitkiiiai M rVacixi Frrt tf hpw. tot ealety, Oaatort, Pleaaur. Tra.el ea tlis T.I. phone, kallrf Oataerl aa4 Orwaa v "Tbe worst cold I vr ba in my lit ea eured by Cbamberlala's Coegb Rsmsdy," write W. R. Nortoo, of Hotlev Oreek, CaJ. Tbit oolJ left me witb a I ouagh sod I wee si per tor at tag all the time. Tb remedy enrej tee, sad want all of tay frlds wbee IroabUd wliba ix.ofb or eold to it. toe It will do tbe good. Hold r-T IVoeer A Brock. fore tbat congb with KIhUiI.'s Cere Tl beet eni,b enie. klive aron rrompi'v. Out ojiIU'i tx.tt lee ld I year. 4) cfiraw far 25o'a. Hold by Cav er At llrori. C S Vat. iHi) depart d lor Prloevllle. Ta.-eday, to lik tet a kwattoa lor pul ling In a boa lirg allay. Hoootd be be pUaawd ltb tbe COilm.k. M will lorate la tbie basmee al tbat poiet. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR. J. O. BOIIOI-IJCRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. I! si a I