The Gazette. FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1897. To-day baa been set for the exe- cation of Durrani Coxgbess will take action on the Cuban question at its coming ses sion. It can be restrained no longer. A monument to Marcus Whit man, the "man who saved Oregon," will be unveiled on Nov. 30, ust 50 years after the Whitman massacre. not do to designate these people as thieves; ob, no! - They are called kleptomaniacs, and thus escape be- 6500 bushels. About 40 China men were engaged as pickers this year, and about 100 white people, A terrible famine in the west- SHAKP.S AND FLVTS. Ben Butterwobth, the Ohio statesman who has been seriously ill, is getting better. Butterworth visited Oregon for McKinley last year. Capt. P. B. Johnson, at one time editor of the "Walla Walla Union, has been appointed senate door keeper for the next session of con gress. It is reported in railroad circles that Dan Lamont will, in about two months, succeed President Hill as head of the Qreat Northern rail way system. Personally young Mr. Bryan did pretty well in Ohio. It is said that he charged $200 a speech and expenses, and he made a dozen speeches inside of four days, so that he is probably feeling the return of prosperity. ing brought before the law. It men, women, boys and girls. At seems they knew enough, however, 50 cents a bushel these pickers just to appropriate articles of great earned $3000." value, and it is our humble opinion had they been from among the a piece of Parchment, lower classes they would now be When unwritten on, ia cot mote color gazing at the passerby through less than the oadaverous oonntenaooes iron bars ' 'h86 "Dfortnnate persons whom we are accustomed to Call oonttrmea in valids What a misnomer! implying, inn. riaanmr a. oivincr nn fnr Innt! An em part of the island of Cuba has loDB ag the vivifyit)g power o( rjoatett killed off about half of the popula- er's Htoraaob. Bittern oan be felt, acd tion and the remainder are said to that ia possible as loDg as thrre ia no be dying at a rapid rate. The en- absolute collapse of tue faculties, fresh tire island is suffering greatly as a ,vi,!ity , 0BD be !nfu9ed, 1.nto. Wtt8,eh3, , . . feeble frames; color and flesh can be result of the long struggle of its brought DBOk to wastedi pRllid oheek8 people to free themselves from the with this ernd sheet anchor of the de yoke of Spanish bondage. It bilitated and the sickly. It is a tonio of would seem that death is ComiDg tbe latest Penoy and the utmost to relieve these people from the P". "d a remedy for and preventive . , . i , ii ' dyspepsia, bilious, malarious, rheu awful condition in which they have maUOi nervong and kidoey cornplaiDt8. been placed through the work of Appetite aud sleep are greatly Bided by Butcher Weyler. Relief is being it; it counteracts tbe effects of undue . fatigue, or exoitement, and rjolliOs the sent in as rapidly as possible un- often periong oonseqaennes of exposure der direction OI the new command- in inolement weather or dump clottiing er, Blanco, aud it is hoped that a by Li'i Vernon. Why don't the clock strike thirteen, Fa? Because, Johnnie, it hasn't the face to do it. The drum is tbe most cruelly treated instrument in the band; they beat aud poun 1 it all tbe time. Most printers are "lean" though they handle a good deal of "fat." They eay Nero fiddled while Rime burned. It might have been worse be might have been learning a slide trom bone. Ain't you my hot potato, asked tbe Oabbage of the potato down io tbe South. I "yam," was tbe reply. Fifth round of priza fight as fhshed across the wire: "Colorado Springs at St. Paul" but does not "Winnipeg." Tbe largest and best Morrow county Newt. better state of affairs will soon be reached. Jobn R. McLean has given it np. lie says there is no possible show to elect a democratic senator from Ohio, so he has left the state , for Washington City, where it is presumed he will coDfine himself to bis extensive gas interests in that city. Toe Oregonian has left the re publican party and Bays that the only platform it will endorse on the money question is the unquali fied gold standard. The republi can convention next year will re affirm its faith in the St. Louis platform no more than that Favors Intervention. Walla Walla Union. Hanois Taylor, ex-minister to Spain, I tt . 1. if- Turn TTnifa Sioina 1 onnramQ I " reOcIllI given IO IU8 pUOHO OIB ax j 11 j , ., views or toe true position wnion nprnu li car, ic n i ' hid I J ui 1 1 1 niuoii vvr rr ui u v m kj m California COUlt in the Durrant and charges that the late Premier Cano case Monday, and that fellow will vss had "trifled with ns as if we were now get his dues. This is the last children' when plans of genuine reform nV,ftnn TWanr'a nftnmov- hA nt were submitted, and which he pretend , j i ed to favor, and promised to not upoii, buying uwudik, auua 10Ug-8Uiii- . . , . . Taylor de ing public will be glad to know nounoes the royal df cree of February, that the farce is drawing to an end 1897, bs a "shadowy pretence" and re and that the murderer of Blanche iterates bis former statement of his con Lamont is to dancle at tbe end of v,otion thnl the "ruliug ola88e8 in Sfmiu 7 , , Bfe resolved to refuse to make any con- a rope. Through legal process, lglon(l to lhe rebeliong colonists however, this fellow 8 neck has Wuj0h would meet with their nccept been spared for two vears and a anoe." All efforts of the minister to half with the hope of savine the briDK ftbout 80me concessions which Mto. nf a r,iniaA r,t sn a t oni & the war were fruitless, as the .. , . , , controlling powers maintained their pur luuiuoia cyci uwuj- pog(j , oontinue tbe gtrugKle ntiI the mitted. But we are glad to know subn otion of the rebellious peotlewBs that justice will be meted out to complete- Mr. Taylor evidently bn him, and in the" way he deserves. now ,itlle ,aith 10 tu8 sincerity of the a.i-rt ? 1 proiessinnB 01 ma rtpaniarus, jis ue nam. "I am now an advocate of intervention there is eelierully plentv of "pie" in deceased, were granted to the undersigned on . the ifllth day of October, 18W7, by the County ovciji uuiur, Mn. Bryan says that "tbe first six months of the McKinley ad ministration were the most disas. trous in the history of the country." That's a pretty stiff one, even for Bryan. But it induces a cpid shudder to think what would have been the first six mouths of the Bryan administration. The appointment of Ed. M. Bartlett, of La Orando, as register of the land oflico at that placo, oc casioned no surprise to bis many friends. Mr. Bartlett is an attor noy of several years' praotico and lias bad much experience in land matters which have eminently fitted Lira for the position to which he has been appointed, nils ap pointment gives general satisfac tion. FttEE trade claimants expressed beoanse I am satisfied thnt it is tbe only the holier durinor the late turifT dis. remaining means by which peace can cussion that the re-enactment of P"fibly be secured." ... i i " ill Mr, Taylors views are wortby UVCUw,D ,1U JOn nUu.u - mDchoonBider8tiOI)Bg they indicate his Btroy our foreign trade, and par- belief in a treacherous disposition on tioularly our foreign trade in tbe part of the Hpanish officials to delay American manufactures. Thev through diplomatic correspondence with are quite surprised, however, to oM?' Bm,,in 'erm8 wllioh wiU find that the report of tbe bureau Tlie 0()urt ut Madrid ig mn,.h dig. of statistics, presided over by a pieMPa with the exposure, made by th free trade democrat, shows that ex-minister, of the true attitude wbio the exportations of American arti- ba 8Pani"h governmeut persists tinlAa in,af 1S07 th firuf maintaining in Its relations with Cuba, month under the Dingley law, was greater that any August in tbe history of the country. The ex portations of Americau manufac tures has grown because of tbe aid Urllltll fllA tXVxlAAfltfA minin m linn .UD ojoiciu iic . nMrnmnn. . in tin r(,.011 .in . ... " " - - given io me manuiactures ot this jbie. country. To Far Catarrh IT IS claimed that oonator Do not depend upon soufTa. inhalents or Chandler, of New Hampshire, is other looal applioAtions. C rrh is t cottinc much worried over the oo- constitutional disease, nd can be suo ulfinf tl.a cessfally trested only by means of oon Ulll'IJ VS. KMU 'UUIIV'IM M J VI U il. . i : rti. lU uuiufy qufHuou. ius senator ..... hl,h tborontily Duriflc. the is smart enough to know that the blood and removes the scrofnlous tints republican party hasn't an) thing which oanse catarrh. The great num- to dd with the world's position on ,H,r of tesiim mtals from those who Lavs . I 1 . f . ..... U .M II 1. hj iiiinuLn, ii g iiiudi 3uui'' viliue aud may protest to our Government against the publication of his views. Hut ss Mr. Taylor is now a private American citizen, be is privileged to write and speak upon the existing as well as post relations between Spain an her rebellions colony, freely, for wbic Stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure bilious ness, headache, dizziness, sour ttnmach, constipation. etc. 1'rice 25 cents. Hold by all (lruKtftg. The only Mils to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE. SEALED PROP03AL8 FOR BUILDING A bridge across Butter creek, near Felix Johnson's place, according to plans and specifi cations In my oltice, will be received until Hat urdav, Nov. 13th, 1W)7, at i; o'clock, p. m., county to furnish all material. Eight is re served to reject any and all bids. A. (1. BARTHOLOMEW, 94 County Judge. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Nc "Whetstone" in Land Office at The, Oregon. November Hth, 1S'.I7. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN drew Carlson has filed notice oi intention to make finul proof before J. VV. Morrow, Coun tv clerk, at his ollice in Hcppner, Oregon, on Thursday, tlm 10th dav of December. 1W, on timber culture application No. '2H00. for the north-east quarter of section No. 7, in township No. 3 south range No. 2t east W. M. Ha names as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell, Andrew Anderson, Olof Bergstrom and John Johnson, all of Uooseberry, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE. 590-GOO Register. Notice of Intention. Ljnd Office at The, Obeoon, October, 8, WOT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follnwimr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforeJ. W. Morrow, countyuierK. ai ueppuer, Oregon, on Friday, November 19. 18K7, viz: JOHN E. FETERSON, ol Gooseberry, Oregon, Homestead No. 4083 for the 8E4 of Sec 31 Tp 2 8 R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank A. Lundell, Charles J. Anderson, John Johnson and August Carlson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 87-98 Register. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY JOURT OK" THE BTATK of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. In tbe matter of the estate of E. (i. Bperry, at- lo James B. Bperry, administrator of the above-named estate greeting: the name ot tne oiaie oi wraou, r hereby citeo ana requireu k In Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Obeoon. Sept. 30, 1897. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heponer, Oregon, on Fov. 13th, 1897, viz: THOMAS J. MERRILL, Hd. E. No. 6234 for the NE4 SE NEM Sec. 32 and SW& NWJ4 Sec. 33, Tp. 5, 8 R 26, E W M. He names the fnllowine witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin Parker, Frank warn, Keuoen Alien, Aiuen a. Alien, an ui Hardman, Oregon. . JAB. r. lixvvrvr., 81-95 Register. ,.,nor in tha Cnimtv Court of the state ol Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof at Heppner, In the County of Morrow, on Tuesday the 16th day of November, 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why you should not be removed as such admin istrator and your letter revoked. Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tie County of Morrow, with the seal of said court affixed, this 14th day of October, A. D. 1897Attest: J.W.MORROW 588-98 Clerk. Postage stamps never icsing. take but one ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Printers should never go hungry as INSTATE OF WM. Vj Notice is hereby given, that letters of C. AKERS, DECEASED. administration on the estate of Wm, C. Akers, Yen have brought new suobhine into my life, be said rapturously. Do you mean that? she asked timidly. Of course mean it. Can you doubt me? Oh, of oourse I know you wouldu't intention. ally misrepresent; but yon know a yonng man so often thinks a girl has brought suoBhice into his life when in reality it's only moonshine. Court of Morrow Countv, All persons having claims agat'ist said estate are required to exhibit them to me fur allow ance, at mv home near Gooseberry, Morrow Countv. Oregon, within six mouths after the date (if this notice or they shall be forever barred This 29th day of October, 1807. BliNJAMIN L. AKERS, 92-001 Administrator. The largest room in the world- room for improvement. the Yes, said the man driving an emigrant wagon, I am from "Puck et Soun," will travel through the "Will-a-uaetta" valley and stop a few weeks with my brother- in-law, who lives in tbe "Ump-Quack" valley near Roseburg, then I will work all winter tu "Tack-a-maw," where I have a jb. Interpret this yourself. The dramatic critic on the "P.-I." of Seattle may be a "Gallery God" but that is no sure sign thht be oan rule ' Nigger Heaven." We must stop the "golden rule" and practice the oast iron rule. What is it? Do others, or they'll do you. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is it be place to go to get your fiue pork aud lamb chops, steaks and roasts. FSIH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sugar-cured hams and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old Btyle. Highest cubIi price paid for lut stock. KHEA.& MATHEWS. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bv virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment. rendered and entered in sain court on me orn dav of October, 1897, in favor of W. P. Lord, H. R. Kincaid, Phil Metschan, as a board ot com missioners for the sale of school and university lands and for the investment of funds arising therefrom, plaintifls, and against Henrietta E. Decker, O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes, de fendants for the sum of Six hundred ninety dollars with interest thereon from the 5th day of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and fifty dollars attorney s fees, and the further Bum of twenty-three and 50-100 dol lars costB which judgment was enrolled and doeneted in the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 5th day of October, 1897, and whereas It was further ordered and decreed by the court that the mortgaged property to-wit: The north-east quarter of Bection twelve (12) in township one (1 north range twenty-five (25) East W. M., in Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs. 1 will, on Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1897, at 2 o'clock, p m., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said Henrietta E. UecKer, o. w. Decker ana K. F. rlugnes in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in nana, tne proceeds to be applied to tne satis faction of said execution and all costs and costs shat may accrue. Hi. Li. MAILOUK, Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon. Dated 28th day of Oct,, 1897. 92-601 SUMMONS. TN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE SIXTH 1 District of Morrow County, State of Oregon. D. E. Oilmen, Plaintiff, vs. R. W. Bearden. Defendant. To R W. Bearden, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the under signed, a justice of the peace for the District, aforesaid, on the 17th day of November, 1897, at 10 o'clock , a. m., at the office of said Justice, In said district, to answer the above named plain tiff in a civil action. The defendant will take notice thst If he fail to answer the complaint herein the plaintiff will take judgment against him for $248.95 and the costs and disbursements oi 8bld action. This summons Is served upon you In pursu ance of an order made and entered In said court on the 5th day ot uctoDer, lavi. W. A. RICHARDSON, justice oi Hie reaue, tf th Dis. Morrow Co.. State of Oregon. 85-98. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE II. HERD & I ProDriators A. G. OGILVIE lroPr,erors- Two oxen were one day traveliim a- long a oonntry road when one saw a swarm of bees in tbe road ahead. Stick. ino Lis tail out bohiod him as straight Fossil (( miles)... 5 00. Round trip i,,n .!, t,.in .InrlWIin. Miiyvll te (5 J mllos) . 4(10 Round trip to the buBhes. "Tbe wicked flee where no man pursueth," said the other ani mal, "bnt tbe righteous are bold as a lion." And he oamly went on his way. Stae leaves AMiuRton every morning He soon encountered the swarm of bees (Sunday neepteil) at 0 o'clock; is due and they lighted on him end perforated ot Condon at 3 p. m. and ar.ives at Fos FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO $9 00 700 Condon C19 miles).. 300 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles).... 200 Round trip 3 50 Olex (19 miles) 150 Round trip 350 his hide with tljeir stings. As be snorted and plunged baokward and forward, threshing the air with his tail, the other ox oalled out Irora a safe position: "The wise man seeth tbe danger aud turneth aside, but the fool passeth oo end is punished." Moral Texts will prove anything. ml at 7 p. to. Comfortable covered' caaohes mid oare' ful, t'Xrericr.ced drivers. Land Office at Thb Dalles, Oskoon, October 8. 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on t'riday, November 19, 1897, viz: CHARLES J. ANDERSON, of Gooseberry, Ore., Homestead No. 3734 for the NWK of Sec. 31 Tp 2 8 R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hiB continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank A. Lundell, John E. Peterson, Emil Lundell ond Andrew m. reier- son, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 87-98 Register. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR 1 1 the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candi dates for teachers of the schoolB of this county and for state and life diplomas, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a pub lic examination at the court house at Heppner, opening Wednesday, Nov. 10th at 1:30 p. m. J A I W. BHll'llSY, 93-95 School Supt., Morrow Co. Any person who is interested in British Columbia should write to W. H. Hurlbnrt, general passenger agent of tbe O. It. & N., for a copy of Pat Donan's lit tie "booklet," "The New BooaczalaDd." It is well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf. NEW DEAL ! " WASH THOMPSON Has lately ereoted a building on the Ayers property, near tbe corner of Main and Wil low streets, opposite the City hotel, which be is using as a MC&T MiniCT - Mr. Thompson will overlook nothiDg in his line FULL LINE OF MEATS AND SAUSAGES. FISH EVERY FRIDAY.' Come to the Gazette office and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look cheap, and besides you cannot get your business card printed tbereon. tt In it for Business- "Keep out of debt and people will thiuk better of you for it" is an old say ing. Yet I've noticed that the more I owe people the gladder they always seem to see me. THE WOOL RECORD Tells You How to Do It. What fools these mortals be," suys fuck, nnd I think be is shout right. psrilla prnvs the unequalled power nt Some time ago Mr. Bryan was very facetious with a remark that he hail not mot tha general yet, and being asked what general he referred to, replied, "General Pros perity." The other day, at the conclusion of ouo of Lin addreHsna, an old farmer went np to him, shook him ly the hand, and asked, "Have you noun the General?" And the boy orator'a bland amile waa conspicuous by ita absence for the rest of the evening, aaya a Ne braska exchange. ti if ii.- i i i--: i ""V nr 11 luu wor,u ueo,u thwrnailieina t conquer this disease. tuatgoldeLall bo the standard, tf troubled with cstsrrh give Hood's and that silver shall bo used as aHrtprill a fair trial at ones. subsidiary coin, why this country cannot do anvlhinff bnlanbmil. HAD TO ADMIT IT, unless she wants to join Bolivia and Mexico. And there is nothing at 'present to jnstify such expert ment Conditions are changing all tho time, Henator Chandler knows this very well. The practical workings of woman sufTrage in Ohio docs not cotno np to tho standard which its advocates claimed would follow its adoption. Woman's suffrage in local elections has Wen tried in that state for two years, in the first year, IS'.Ij, &H31 woman voters registered in Cleveland; in 18M but 272S reg- istcred, aud io the spring of 1N'.7 but JOS and for tho late Novem Iter election only Hi 1 ho women of Cleveland, at least, care little for the privilego of casting their votes. A mono the "common herd" of mankind, if a porsou appropriates articles belonging to another, he or she, as the case may he, is called a thief, ami punished as such. It i different, however, among those tf "high caste," as witness coui.l or. cases wliich t0 curred iu l'ottland recently ol young ladies from wealthy faiui Tbs followlnc Krrnt U from th Hninr of ths Vsllry I'upcr. KM.lpumiTV. I CALAMITY. On (. ihu nl th lt-l It Ii M'hiK mlmlltiM vli'W'i ni'W nn l on nil il'ln llml Oie In in itilnvtl In Hi Mini mlnrili'.l Oi hmiiU ! III rli-rtro t-riiiupiit lijr Hi lUint- lyiwni mt re iiiinlOr U li'T "i ih-vim uri'wnt tho iwiwr In mm tin to lhe ptiM'ii.l nw ilnn liMlair. Th inir l lil-h the ninlcrl.1 hm now ill mr trwuury ol tlm iivitii rll. him put. tnil mm! hm Ikh-ii mm I'hura.U'l laail Will lllttlit bV I rrCklpM When completed, the sale of the .m-r.yUM. Union racino railroad will have iiw wr.-iu ihimr iwvu lilMral liatroniiH It h paid back to the government prin- ,,)",,h,h',,t",iu'1 cipal and interest at 0 per cent w.iu ' -;''-' Ibis "investment was made, about ,H,lh ;'" "'"' '"'V i tHIrm. our tt.IUr thirty years ago, and how many in- ''fpTJu vestments of that length of time irl could have panned out bettor? h-hwrtnifr m..i. n I itimtipitfiw mrm mims-i-i When the national advantages re- KuTiV!" .rV'"-.?, nltinrf frnm tlirt nutnit ,tn nt " ' " ' ,...m - imrm.-lt.niliiif this road are considered, the in. vestment on the part of the United 1 I ..... I - l. I ovan-1 nuuiu uui unto iirt'u ihui h i Trjlt ! t.. n:.r l.l l-i l.ll Cl"it liH't.t f. one if no part of the principal or! ri ii'mii iim. th n.--ii c intereht had Wen repaid. It is probable, however, that the demo cratic waiters will continue to talk of the "steal" that has Wen perpe trated. By a spt oiiil arrangement we offer to cur readers The Wool Record and Kemi-Weekly Gazette, one year for 83 00. The Wool RcO'ird is tlm only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of tlie nimmliu'tiired article. It m pnbliMheil weekly nt Ni w York hlul the rewuli.r price m t'HM a yexr. lis markrt rMtiiirtn urn full Hlul Ouinolets unit ita Schilling's llcst baking powder Hhwp HiccdirH Talks slone sre worth i 1 10 time the price of the pi-.per. H.unple copios uti itppiioitiiiHi. We heartily recouimeiid this combi nalion to our subscribers. S200022 If you use too much of "if o J. M. EAGER. GENERAL MERCHANDISE it don't spoil ,the cake. But why j not make your money go as far .is it will by using just enough of Schilling s Inst baki v jo der -one-third less than of the brand you arc used to? A S' I l' lii .,., I IP'S vi i m A MEN! be". MANE FALLS 1 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHKl'PARD I1KD MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All luil l'.oute Wiihont Chsng" of Cars IV'twivti Spokane, K'lMlnnd stiil Nrlnon. Alst U'tweeo Nrln snl HustlsnJ, ttsily except Hiimlsy : nil A Arrlrfc . V. M. Hi . M .I ts !'. M. M Hiikni . . li n A. M l;.inn.l .. V HI A.W Ni-Iwib .... ( liaw r-w '" mt lm with atmnim fur Ktti.1.. all. I ll kiWittlBl ijlkt tHHIltM. I'wannr f i'hi-iO lilr n.l Pu injury I I m t niimm't nt Huriii mtl ! r..lnli imI I i'l I I i lli'il. lnf )' pir J if -u t i In J t f ' (hi it of )itl n ,-t i r wuJ I n..U l. r:,v it ; vs., ; i ''.-r. 4 v. ca. I mWW on ! iffh 'f 0 "f t V'tiJ tf'f !-- a t. i.. . hil I tmr 1. t- t'' eur, I. il t'r' l',,!" ' pn tu a. M my H 'l'imiii iin li J it wii'i '! . it roHiilu.- 'nr itru.t, 4 i V ni Ao , I'UtcKjs I'U M' (Vsn lUliit it Im arfcnowWgwl Or tho Dew lodustrins that are Wiog devcloptvl on this coast none aro protina mora successful than r. 1 ih liw c..ti.e. , ,, . .. . tm-rourf mr siiv liiiirt drug 1 ?i. e, cranWrry culture) and ths time is WcllU. AtinKifr ty b..L Dot far distant when our market nil) I w nnt.liA.t itti tli hf W Iks I'sWl home-crnwn Wrrtes. The largest splfiiJiJ rmy t.nni siiis craoWrry Dtarsh.s are located M,i' '' ,"'- r-'l Dear llwsco, and of their yield the Slid Spokane oil the Hpokau "ilyer,1 .1.11 It A M. TLhi air J fi,r Imn IlwaooTrthuDe has the following (b,tJ,0(ir. ,wor, .Nrr, Wtti built to sat : "The gatherinu of the oath sm pla m rrsnUr slfir., cranWrry crop at the Chalxit tol spboliief Is WtiU int4 nl m.r.h nr ... Mnrlu.UI P,0,b This he. ot eossMs iwni sa tMM i v's iu j I - - - . - ------- . , , , A 4 - . . I l Miu.kkiiA villi fcittitlftf r ftfsi tiltitilotf la lie, who stole diamonds to the last week, aud tho .ro,luct will Ui, f -t , wh , ifcMlf .a A I An I. 111 . 1.1 I l l. I 4 1 n... amuuni oi OTpr HUM ii wuuij nin iiuw umnni imi hi n ui m D. A. CURRAY, r".irmrljr nl reinlli Tonsorial Artist. can cured If you mfTcr frm ny of lh ills cif irrn, cimi lo tli olileal Speculmt on ih fuil'ic Cou, DR. JORDAN S CO.. .1081 Market SL Eat s' 1 882. Vounc mm am! middle asril mm ho are lutlcrinf bom th etTfcit ul iuhf il iiuiirdi(inaor i J in Pfciuirrr va.irv riivtiiii ami I hvic:il Ix-hllll t Iiuiiiiinfi l.ol ,nnliMal M iiialliKi nnnli iniiit; n""""'",,''"l',,', rraaiainrrhira. Ioitnrrliapia. m I rrqiirao ( I rlMMilMK, . Ily a CiiiiiiH'iJIiiin 4 mnaxiiw,4 grrt curaltr pow M t, th llnctiir hua aii nrr-Mitred hi trcntmrat T Ih-it it Hill nt only nil ii imm!iatrvh'l but M rtvrmawnt rura. 1 ha limi'-f d" not cUint ti T arrl.a-m mtr l, tul la wrli-knimn to tat lair m and future I hvtii'in and Niirnr.m, frrrtuinnt in S i i ir-IHarnrai ef ,TI rn. aiihlll ihrii:iirrrilii-lni(ruinth T g-l. m w nhiml if.111 lrraairia A IIISV H ai pi; ! to IM Wilt to. f M'ari( i7I A t'l h Pi f Thawaiiaid lollnr). I m.iiltniiiin IKIK and alrfiilf prlvata. ClUKuyjS IF.KY KKASOSAHIK Treat- Sir it af-v n ttlV lat r I!!--. STwl tiaT brk . A " Tb I'hllsaaphy mf lltvrrlAJI''. f (n. (A valualil U4 fia' men.) A VIIT l H. Joa4" f flreat Musriim f Anatomy- i th Statat traj Urirrat Muarwraiif tl kind IRtli nwlU, l-n fttHl Uatn b" wos.iifilly yua V rm made; r" tn bvuh! atikn Md dtrfaa. ar rtf-atii'iv aa-ti-t tww iiaxii I A TA .() ( k A K I .l ol wrlta. 1081 Utrkti tlri Im rranHar. Cat i2 WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF $ Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and jn. Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots jej and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., :J At prices as low as they can be sold in : this market. D. A. Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. Shaving, Naif Cuttlnf, Slin. Malliak I'olinT, IS Cants 25 M lli'l imcr. Orrcnn. so vtasa KXPSMIIHCI. Mathews 8i Gentry BAHBERS Shaving ? hup lii 45 Cents. y 1 1 itiwrt Hniith ol I'mlnltlr. Blankets! Blankets! TF5T AI?J3ESZ3EaTrS I 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. J L GIBSON, AI t hai )." l I Htaiiil. sliiwinu;. 1 " Hair Ctittinv:. J. ( krritn( f lh futn of IhU thop I fur Itnt i Ism work n d ouit! I U- is I bv fttt tail. TRADf MARKS, DISICHS, COSVSlCNTa e. A amnf a atMrll and aniIN mar a)a .ait . .im. t.m, ah,iif an Ihiii.h ta t..i-,l lii .l. lht. I ..iHniMnt(Mli..fM alrt.IlT r4ia.iiiii. it I, a-tH , 1 ... an utiini ttf,. In A"i-a U t.m a H aimigi n .ih.. '.i-ma lakvaj IhrvMua aaiaua S tu. Nwn) ,M-vial n.A in I la SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, aranlifiiliv lllnHralaH. Unraa, larr-ilalN nf ji.iHiiar kiaal aw t irtt it a taart lali, BcMitha. ..ittora n'i a4 liaiJili wuwK va I'iiht atit fr. Ad4aa MUNN A CO., 3St Srwlair, Haw lark. aa aay I jSKSa1 Wanted-ftn i Idea 2253 ! rT,.! I-HT,rl A i faT'r "a ,'" a ! i m.l i.i fSbat il iV ifc, AAI SnlaalSi Itli , ,4 i . a-a...4-. .. Hi If 1 . ! . a a( al tV4 md la ' t ! fearaal aavaaMpa aa4. Cotton Blankets 00c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. Wc also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at 83 00. Hut the Ouy I'.Uukct Oo Karth is tli Ws sea snout for ttmss, bsvlos ioiihl oar stirs tins ia Joos, il tssblas as to t tbrw salal.fstaj o.J l tba iiai pneaa s.karl for isfarinr brss'l. Call sect rismlna.