Portland Librar j OFFICIAL siWKv PAPER Subscription Reduced Subscription Reduced $2.00 Per Year. TO TO $2.00 Per Year. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 12. 1897. NO. 596 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.0) per year, J1.00 for six months, E0 ote. for three montue, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Uake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 85 Merchants ISxohangs, San Francisco, California, where cou raota for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Ezohangn Build ing, San francisoo, Is our anthorized. agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m. Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2KX) p. m . and arrives at Heppner Junction 7 :50 p. m. and Urns' ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.110 a. m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m, and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at H eppner J onotion 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore. United States Officials. President William MoKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Beoretary of State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J, Oage Secretary cf Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell K. Alger Secretary of Navy ....John D. Long . Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agrioulture James Wilson - State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Hetsohan Hnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman h. ( G. W. McBride BenBto Jj. H. Mitchell 5 Binger Hermann Congressmen W. R. Ellis Printer., W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen . Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J, Bean Morrow County Officials. joint Senator... A, W. Gowan Representative. J. Brown (,'ounty Judge A. ft. Bartholomew ' Commissioners. .R, Howard J. W. Beckett. " lerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam Assessor A. C. Petteys " Surveyor , J. W. Horiior School Bup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. F. Vanghan hkppnib towx ornoias. Miror Thos. Morgan Ummnilmen Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. blocum, M. Lichtenthal and J. H. Simons. Itvirrtur W. A. Richardson Treaanrer L. W. Briggs Marshal A. A. Roberta Precinct 0 Ulcer. Justice of ths Feaoa W. E. Richardson Constable. N. B.Whetatone Halted States Land Officers. TBI DlLLd. OB. J. P. Moor Rngistor A. 8. Biggs Beoeiver ba obabdb, OB. B.F, Wileon Register J.H. Bobbin Receiver XCRXT IOCISTIEI. KAWLINS POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Meat at Lexington, Or., the bet Saturday of 'are month. All veteran are Invited to Join. G. W. Smith, . . j C. G. Fugca. Adjutant, tf Commander, Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURQ10N. Office in the City Draft- Store, near City Hotel. tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offlee bonm, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m., at reeideooe, W. A. Kirk's prop erty. rat o( M. E cbnrch. Bootb, and 10 to 12, . m , to 2 to 5 p. tn., at offio io tbt rtar ot Borg't jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloe tn tha First National Back Building. Ilaprnaa, : : Obeook. tf W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. met at COUNCIL CHaMftCNS all nt ants ral asUU. rent horn, part tataa, does ennr.jtaortaf and will serve ton in Buy way la hi Hue, at raaannarile Rfurae. tf First National Bank OF HEZTNER- C. A. Rhea, T.A.Rhea, OCO. W. CONtCN, . W. SPCNCEN, PreeUeM Vie PreeUeM Cashier Aae't Ceehler Tr&LrU I Crsenl Eukisg Braes. Oa ail parte at the world Bought and Sold. CiHUrUam m4 e all snlnie aw rmaoMble Tern. Mrtlu end eadlvldad PfodM, St.HM 00. Tbe OaaMie will take potato, appl, eg it or tol'T enbeeriptkMi aoroama. Aay v U-la afJSewren aaitla tbair .r I. la thi eaaaaar 1 J taa'l 6a it fck anow lo eetl East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST-Go via. St Paul be cause the Hues to that point will anora you tue very best service. SECOND See that. t.h ennnnr, beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connectiona with all the trans-continental lmeB en tering the Union DeDot there, and its service is first-class in every imiLiuuiur. THIRD For information, cull on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket aerent and ask for n. ticket reading via. the Wisconsin central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. S. Batty, (jen.-has. Agt General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark 8t ! Portland Or, H W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old tellable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Dqpot of C. B. & Vfci l. M. s ox. r., V. i A., r. Kt. W. dt C.. and the C. 8t. L. & P. Railroads. HATKH C3S2.00 PEH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHtO-ftjOrO. XXjXu The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be io 1897. as it has been during eaoh of ita twenty-eeven yean, a History of Oar Own Times. Io its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a oompaot review of tbe world'a progress; it follows with care all tbe important philanthropic aod in dustrial movements of the day; baa a complete department of religious news; devotes moob apace to the interests of tbe home; reviews current literature; tarnishes cheerful table-talk about meo and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume, tbe paper will assume tba regular maga zine aice, wbiob will add greatly to ita oonvenienoe aod attractiveness. Tbe Outlook Is published every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue In eaoh month ia an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many pages as tba ordinary issuer, together with a large Dumber of pictures, Tba prloe of Tba Outlook ia three dollars a year in advanoe, or leaa tbao a cent a day. Send for a specimen oopy aod illustrat ed prosceotue to Tba Outlook, 13 Aalor riaoa, New Toik Qtv. STOCK BJtANUH. While fua mm roar sabsoriDtUn oaid an n-a aakaap roarbrud ia frMof chart. R P n . Nanrau. Im If B B . I . sbooliiart aalUa, aama un Uft blp. Conk, A. i..lna.r.-Hntwa, SOoa rictitahoal dart ( mon ruththtpi ar aura euaara trap pfl loft sod split a nhC Ooaa-lasa, W, M . ,Ilow. Ot.-Cattla, R Don riaht man, ivkilow-fiKk ia aaeh m kurw, B U oa loft kip. Floratifi, L. A., Jlmppnm, Or,-TatUf LF oa Ptafht bin' k W a eaewl--. rinfillitaW Jimm, nun, Rspptxr. Or Ho m braodari rfat kip. alw aaderbti ia Ml amr. H-oa la J nili, rfaa. Or. Roma. olrrUT aa laft autUi aaiila. Mm am right kip, aaaa kail amp ia naM 4 autit la Wft mi Ranar, Mika. HafMir, Hora aa kntniUd a I oa Ian kip .Kia awaaaiut arp ott Ml ari aavtar alv oa Urn rkrkt lhr. I. W. Haptmar Or -Ho aa brutd4 and k oa lafl mwnum, aanla wu am I oft kip. ula ar ribt $. Um aliia ia nabt a. Mlsor, Oaiw, Happea- rr.- attta, M O oa Ha-kt kipi kura a. Mob Ml sttaaldar. Mrwraa, M. B., f I .par, Or II , M ) oa Mt aWf-lilai oaliia mm oa Mt hip. I w-. Dnlaa.lr.i IikmU mi M knaktari aattla aaow oa rtatil kip. Ma ntaaaoa, Batdawa.O'.-Ro-aa IP aa lft almalriar. P (par, J. iMlnaliai. (k.-Mi aa, M ana. . Uft ah.-i.i-n muM. mum aa M kip, arU k,l aaa aw, -w t. W . Hf-pa '. Or.-ll.Maa, tO M Ml ahMakM. CajUa, urn rtM kn. tra T. kt O. Ramma. - ( aula W ( na Ml kip. np ff r.M and a4arMt ia Ml taar. diat koraw W trm Ml atonUtar. Tko ( at, I, A lliar I tt No aa. I aa yl anm)4art aaMia. I aa Mt afcaabtaa. Tmntm It, ll i-a, .-, aai.ttaj T Mt h.mt.i. Ihh -i aatUa aaaM aa Ml kia nth aptit ta kni mum. Vat-abaravr W. (UlU.vaf , f , pa- aaarn nrrla If ua rii, afcaltaw. aatita wWnivJ rWr. kip atod rtaM ai'a. w ad huk. ta Mt aa. Kaaa aa M-r aad I aa.na ia!w Going (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. ' New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL RATES BY first-class feed barn run Buu iroin an irams. vv e solicit your patronage. 587-nov.l2 j .in. m .... McClure's For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A NerK,ki,e 01 S?if,it)y BkMhiv Qt.KhAm. The first authoritative and adequate Lite of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) ue OI Rudyard Klpllng'a first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November) BberBeiliSSlin mISY"180"'8 "St' Ive' " The 0nly novel ' 8tevenson'i still unpublished Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." years of the Civil War nrantli-allv a mnmhor fitted than any other man living to give a recollections and cnrrminnnriDiina. Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpubliihed. In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to nahllrh annnial hlnr.hin.i .f,,.u. .,... " .,.,"e? MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lfiicoln. " g0"0r"" ""e' Pictures of Daleatlne. SniWlaltv taken nnHor tlio At.n Storlea of Adventure. A serial by CONAN TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he wiU write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear In McCluke a Maqazink. " 1 JOE L C HANDLER H ARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. m RUDft?PIlLI0; ?M,.de ,'9aptfln!i CoHKeous." Kipling will contribute to McCmjbe's all of the short stories he will writ liurtnir tha mmlni m, " OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories la which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hop Brat Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stookton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaell will all have stories in McClurk's for the coming year. These "? ""'y " ""a'1 fraction of the great and important features of McClobi's Magazine lor 1897, the subscription prlee of which is only a a auuuii tor One Dollar a Year The new volumo begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education HOW tO 06t it frA CQ mti,,,,,,,,.. lUl k I fL V DHPBBflLLELED OFFER summate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular borne. The subscription price of Laalla'a " We make the a n paralleled oiler of a eopy ol M Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $4.50. Ho such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever ba made Main. These two papers make a most eoreptable Christinas or birthday gilt, and will b constant reminders of the giver's klndnaea. Remit by postal enter or check to the at"" X Aar -wt. Aarar w-v "i Vjar.fxv i IV. fj Iloppiicr. Oreiroii. Tna Horn Fun Tahd Wllllaro Gor don baa moved Lis lam yard from Its former location to Jooea old stand bere ba will ba pleeaed Io have all bis friends and palrooa lo eall oa blm, Mr. Gordon Is aooommodatlog, baa a Rood yard and abaedaat facilitica lo lake care of stock la first elaae a ha pa. Ilia prices ara very reaaoaahla, lie baa bay and grata f aala. Oaa iaUl added a Mir limit of Ixilsd timothy. ' tf. Tba Gacatta doae not anaallon tbe bo oeal of any Mrtoa, bal It ia torn- pelted lo losiat orKin tbe easb ta alvsnee plaa of aabaaHptloa, vbelwr Iba anb- eerlber ba Cornaliaa Vaaderbilt or tba wo who earn bis bread bf bool toiL We eeenot ran tba paper ea aay ather pUa. tf tune tWk siaga Uva llaptter at Ta'eliiek, a. ta Taeedaye, Tborwlarl, and Halardeya; arrivee at f a'loek, p. aa., Moadaya, Wadanadaya aad FrlJaya, Will aaaka ofiaealU ailti Lrartab traia ban dMirwI. Fare i, tacb way. Fraigbt aal par pound. J. If. IbllMbrock, Prop. OfSca at Harry Wema'i drag atera. tf. Day and Upwards. THE WEEK, OR MONTH. in connection. Fa Rna mn t . Magazin Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical r.1 f.inin. n.Ki . ..j i. rauttova totoy o th . S from hU ' ""u ,u" DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary To be educated one must read the beat literature. The best literature Is expensive. Lealle'a llluatrated Weekly. PublUned at 110 rifth Avenue, Mew York, is full of the beat things. Ita Illustrations are superb; Ita Stories charming; and Its literary dertartmanti ara atlttjwl with educator. It should be In every Is It na nnum I I 1? f Oreeo Mslbews tbla week disposed of hie rneer, buaineaa ia Iba Ci botel boildln toH.C. Wills, wbo baa taken abarga of Iba same. Tbe poJ.s on tbla and of tbe Inland Telephone Company's line ara being rapidlr placed ia poeitioo and eonnae I'oeia will sooa ba made. Km mail Oucbreo waa lo frua Mono fsant on Toal.y. Ha r ports snow g laabea deep on Mabogaoy RUga and tba roe. la geltiag bad far teamlag. Cartalntjr ton don't want to euffar wtb dyspapeie, eoealipatl'rD. aiok beatlachea, allow skin aad lam f appaiiu. ton bava never triad De Will's Little Early ItiaMa for tneaa oomtlaUits or you won Id bava been eorei. Tbey ara email puis bat graal regqlalora. ror aala by (o atr aad Brock. e Tba regular eobeariptma prxie of tba Bemi-Weekly (laaalu ia tS.fiO aod tba rswnlar prirw of tba Weakly Oregnnlaa at 11,50. Anyone aabarriMaf for the Oeaetle aad laying for on fear if aivanna can fat ttib tba OasetU aad Weakly Oregon laa for tl.OQ, All old tab. ""bare payleg their aabanrietloiia fti cae year la advanea will ba eotitled ti the same. e HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill a bottle or oommon glass with nriue aod let it stand twenty-four houre; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to nri nate or pain in tbe baok. is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO 1)0. There is comfort in tbe knowledge so often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish io relieving pain in the baok, kidueys, liver, bladder" and every part of tbe urinary passages. It oor reots inability to bold uriue and soald ing pain in passing ii, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes tbat unpleasant neoessity of being compelled to get op many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful onres of the most distressing oases. If yon need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Qezette aud send your address lo Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bioc hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. STUPIDITY. From N. Y. World. Combine tbe Low and Traoy vols and Choker is ia a minority of 21,146, Com bine Low and Traoy witb the other anti. Tammany eleraeol, (Jeoree. and the m i. jority against Oroker is 40,0001 "The gods themselves fljht in vjiu against stupidity 1" Through stupidity in dividing Ihnir torcea on two candidates tbe mnj irity has thrown away tha greatest viakorv. the greatest opportunity, the greatest moral cause or a generation. This defeated majarity is anDnosed to represent the independence, the intelli gence, the eduoation and tha moral sense ot the ooraajaoity. If this m ii ir ity represents iotellieuoe aud tba vic torious minority rcoresenta iirnnrnnnp. how much more intelligent ibnti intelli gence has igooranoe beenl Dreadfully Nervoas. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Ksrl'e Clover Boot Tea. It quieted my nerves aud strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with oonstipation, kidney aud bowel trouble. Your Tea aooo cleansed my system ao thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health aod strength. Mrs. g. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conger k Brook. Bberp Prospects. From The Wool ItocorJ. We are at tbe threshold of ao unex pected ara of prosperity in the sheen in- duatry. Never ia tbe country's history bava tba prospeots been ao briubt for tbe abeepmao aa at present. General liucaot trade ara booming; tba cereal orops throughout tbe country were heavy and bava brought good prices. Tba farmera will eonaeqaently buv mora dry gooda, and Ibis will ereate ao looreaaed demand for wool. Those en. gaged in industrial pursuits will bocome larger consumers be eause of their greater ability to purchase Iba necessaries and corn forts ot life. Coder Ibesa conditions Iba sheen lu. dustry cannot languish. Tba farmer wbo baa no sheep will find it to bia ad vantage to ioveal in a few breeiiinn awes before tbe slock sheep ara eibansted br tha present bri.k demand, and before prieea bava heeo forced beyond Iba point of profitable Investment. Sheep pay, aod pay wall. Tnef add to tha fertility ot tba farm. They clean op rotigb land. Tbay yield large Droflis Tbey give three orops every year-lambs, wool, mutton. Tbey ears tbair owe living, aod if given the opportunity, will feed tbemsalvM. Lt evry farmer keep a flock of sheep aud ba will ba rewardad for bia prudxnoa and enterprise. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea la a btaaaanl Isiative. Ilagalatea tba bowela, parities Ibe blood. Clears Iba completion. Easy lo make and bleasanl lo laka. 'ifl rl Sold by Cooaer k Brock. y Oa last Tuesday flea Bwagjert waa caoaad to appear before lUeorder Rlob- erdeoo wbo aweeaeed blm 1750 fir die. orderly e ioduet charged up to bra on a previ'ios ooaaaioo. 13 so dag op aod went on his way rjiloiog. Lad ea, laka tba beat. If yon ara troubled ttb constipation, sallow akin, aad a tirad faaling, lake Karl'e Clover Tea, it ia pleaaaot lo take. Bold by Uoar k flrock. What's Iba matter with Iba lad lea' bead? Tbla organisation thiol! tut Bow ba allowed to gn down. Ita ferae baa gone oat all ovar tba naelry. (t login her, girls, and give anas ove "awlirdtoee" dieeotds. Tha HHlnllal'a II.. I .i....t i. . familiar aarua for ItaVt ttt'a u u.k ii ...i Halve, always ready f. amerganeiM. " a aiw:iuo n puaa, also llistabl ly rellavea and cureaeata. btniaaa aali 'henm. eeweme aad all affaatKioa of Ibe fctn. it never falls. For Hale by Coeee PENDLETON'S POSTMASTER. Chas. E. Fell, Formerly of Heppner, Named to (Succeed J. S. Johnson. Washington, Nov. 10. Tha president today appointed Cbarlea E. Fell rjost- m aster at Pendleton, Oregon. Mr. Charles E. Fell waa born io Penn sylvania 64 years ago, and removed to Bloomington, Illinois, when quite a young man, residing there until 1883. He was engaged at Bloomington in the nursery business for a number of years. Ha belonged to a family of considerable influenoe in Illinois politioe, where hie uncle, Jesse W. Fell, waa one of the leading men who organized the republi can party, the birthplaoe ot wbioh great party was Bloomington A history of this event was published in MoOlnre'a magazine a few months ago. Mr. Fell resided in Heppner, Oregon, to which plaoe be removed from Illinois in 1883. for about ten years, and afterwards re moved to Pendleton when his son. T. E Fell, beoame oouneoted with the woolen aod soouring mills. This Tells Where Health Hay be Found, And that ia more important than making money. If your blood ia imonro. TTnH' Sarsnparilla is tha only medioine for you. it onres sorofula. salt rhanm rheumatism, catarrh and all other dis eases originating in or promoted by im pure blood and low atate ot the system. Hood's Pills are sbbv to tb . t operate. Cure indigestion, headache. HIS POSITION. Kills Tells Where la Plain Terms. Congressman He Stands While in Baker City a tew days ago Hon. W. B, Ellia waa requested to atate his position on tbe floauoial question to an Oregonian reporter. Hie answer tbat he waa guided io this, aa well aa other questions of national importance, aolel? by the last republican platform, not seeming to ba auffloient, Mr. Ellia aaid : "In order tbat there may be no doubt aa to my construction of it, you can aay for me tbat, if an attempt abonld be made to pass a bill in oongress, advocat ing tha free aod unlimited coinage of silver by the Doited Slates alone, I aball moat decidedly vote againat it. This is the purpose and ialent of our platform, aod I shall live up to it in every partic ular. I am frank enough to admit tbat tbere waa a tima when I entertained diflerentviews, but tbat limehaa passed." Mr. Ellis also expressed Iba oonvio tion tbat, owing to tha daily inoreasing prosperity among tbe people ot tbe United Statea, and tbe superior taot and buainess ability displayed by President McKinley, tba voters of tbia country were rapidly becoming more disposed to leave tbe solution of floauoial Droblems to tha present administration, and tha eilver question, aa a political faotor, does not occupy tba Important position wbioh it did during tba laat campaign. Everybody Hays So. Genoa rets Candy Oatbarlio, tha most wonderful medioal discovery of .the age, pleasant and refreshing to ibe taale, aot gntly aod positively on tbe kidneys liver and bowela, oleansing tba entire ayatem, diapel oolda, oura beadaobea, fever, babituaf constipation and bil iousness. Plessa buy and try a box of C. C. O. todav; in R'l nn .i. u.. and guaranteed to ours by all droggiats. , , tf Whe Will Be Haerif Proia the R. O. : Z etb Iiouser'a realgnalioo as sheriff of Umatilla oouoly waa filed Monday at tha olark'a office. II will laka effect December 4 neit, when tba oeuuty eouil will meat again aud make ao anDoiat- ment to fill tba vacancy. Wbo will ba Iba oeit sheriff la a matter involved In considerable doubt. Mr. Uouaerhaa recommended II. A. Faion. oaa of bia office depntiaa, aa bia neoeaaor. It is said tbat Judge Martin favors Mr. Faion, aod Commieatonar Adams wants to in stall O. A. Barrett, of Athena, aa aberlff. Tbla would leave tha decision to Com missioner II. L. Frasiar, of Milton, whose sympathies are unknown, and ara now a mailer for speculation. It ia reported tbat aoma frienda of H. L. Moras ara quietly orgiog bia oao li dacy for aberlff. Tba strength which aomea to aa from eating aouriabiog food ia better tbao limnlalioo, beoaoae it is new alrengtb. Tba health wbkb belongs to a strong body, wall nourished by proper food (properly digaeted, ia tba only health that la lasting. Tba difference) betweea Hbaker Iiee- live Cordial and other mediaioaai la simply that it bclps caiore to make alraogtb, II doe not profeee to care aickaaes, eieept aa tbat lioknaaa ia a re sult of weekoeea eausad by lood e! properly digaetad. Hbaker Dlgaativa Cardial will rallava tba pangs ot Indignation, an I make Ihin. sick, wrak pMpla aa wall as if tbalr atoinaclis bad never been oat of mt lar. II is a gantle aid to Iba digaation of ain re's strength anker, ftj. Al dragisU. Trial bottla, I ) eauta. Noa la IKa lima l .i U' k I . - ' ' WW , , . ll)f f)rgoon, I ha graalaat aewepapar of ... .. .. . . . . in naai. n no ins tiaaia, la.iu airirl la ia ailana ni I I mi Ma k.-- owibtaatlrrti of kawspapera an X ma.la la tba state. POWDER Absolutely Pure WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. Notwithstanding tbe frequent intima. lions of the Oregonian to the effect that fix Ben. Corbett would perhaps be able to prevent the appointment of some nr those reoommended by tbe Oregon dele gation in oongress, it transpires that the president has aeen proDer to reooaniM only those aeleoted by tbe delegation. After bis plain and emphatio aunounoe tnenf to the various delegations concern ing appointments, there would appear to be but one honorable course left for the president to pursue in all cases where lha members of a delegation are agreed upon the reoommendation of an bddH- cant, and that is to promptly appoint mm. tjurns items. Tbe Oregonian aaya tbat "the next re. publioan platform oan oontain no stupidity, bosh, gammon or humbug about International agreement. That ia played out." Mr. Scott evidently de epairs ot baing again invited lo writj the monetary plank for the state plat- torm, and bence gives this note ot warn ing. Having so oleaned his mind, lha Oregonian editor becomes anxious aa to what Mitchell and Ellia and the republi can party are going to do next year. If Mr. Sootl really desires to be kept post ed aa to tbe proposed action ot the re publican party in this atate, be ahould join it, or at least affiliate with it. When be doea tbia, or when his paper advocalea republican principles aod doe tunes, be may ba given aoma infnrma. Hon aa to wbat tbe party intends; but until tbat time be may real assured tbat bia olamorous demands for information will go unheeded. The Dallea Chion lole. Did Senator (?) Corbett "join io ommending Houser, Summers and Hall?" Ask Harvey about it. Mr. Corbett doesn't appear to be a very big man baok at Waabiaglon. and Ibal "wondarfnl in. fluenca" of bis ia not being felt to any considerable degree. Ilia nurse, how. aver, holds out well, and it tba old gen tleman a life Shall be snared nnlil ahniil Ibe first of January, he will still be fi nancially able to return to tba stats ha seeks to disgrace. It is quite proper tbat bia perflly should end where it be-gan.-St. Helen'a Misl. Tha Portland Chronicle baa bad Sena tor Corbett aeated every issna ainoe bia appointment, and now Ibat tbe time for tba convention of congress drawa nlgb, ia eoonting tbe day a and momenta tilt "tbia foregone conclusion'' ia realized it might bava been. Goquille City Bul letin. Tbe people of Oregon ara not irolmr tn felicitate themselves over the saving that waa made in probable extravagant ap- propriations by the hold-nn of tha l.aie. latnra, sufficiently to return soy of lha bold-np crowd to another harem, aa aoma of them seem to imagine. One bold-np in generation ia more than plenty. Before all tba Interest bills ara paid, and tbe salaries of tba commie. atone tbat would bava been abolished, ate., etc., ate., tbe "saving" will appear and beoome large sited item on tbe other aide ot the ledger. Salem Stain- man. Dr. Klng'a New Dlaeevery for Conaumptien. Tbla ia tha beat medioine In tha vrtrtj for all forma of Gongba and Colda and for Consumption. Every bottle is guar anteed, it will oura and not disappoint. II baa no tqua! for Whooping Coogb, Astbma, Hay Fever, I'oenmoola, liron cbitia, La (Jrippe, Chi in the Head and lor Uonanmptioo. It ta safe for all ages, pieaaant to lake, and. above all, a sura ?ra1, ll to ' lake lit. '" w tra s ine lo conception With Dr. Klna'a Na. I),.n.... regulate aad tone tbe atomerb and mwaw- na guarantee parrert satisfac tion or latum nmnii. i.ti k...,.. at taer A lirtwk'a drag store. lUgalar aua 00 ceato aad flUU. Taey Are Ike 'Ma.tar4." If-adowa k Ilatten, tbe pioneer black' emilba, bava made aoma elegant im provemsnls In tbair aalablkahmenl and abided large stock of iron, boreabs aad other malariala aaaentlal lu the bappineee of tboa wbo bead qoick re pairton Ibair wagooa, bagglae or any kind of maebloary. Tbay bava ai tenilad their mora ao aa to epeommodate every body in tha oonntry wba la in need of repaire. Whan yen weal tM ehml, maeblae repaired, )ra m thiog alae m Iheir line, yen will Bad l!eadws k HatUn lo ba tba bnya that aan do ll-eed do it fight In short order. 1tr m Mhaaal IWt ovarlouk ttxaMBaaCaaaingbam Jieeke at Tbmpaon k liiaoe' alabte. la Ptir. of W. C. l$rea, al I'alaoa bf , o Ed. Bishop. 6 Mf.