The Gazette. TUESDAY, NOV. 9, 1897. into the courts at once, and it looks as though he might make it interesting for the railroad men. HE HAS A RECORD. It is Dot necessary for President McKinley to obtain the confidence of the conservative people an overwhelming majority of this country. He has had it for years earned it by his record in congresB and as governor of Ohio. No man knows better than he that his ene mies and the enemies of the repub lican party have been hoping ever since the day he was inaugurated that he would commit this govern ment to some radical policy, either domestic or foreign, that would re sult in checking the prosperity now bo generally spread over the coun try by creating a scare. But from the day he was nominated, Maj. McKinley has firmly belieyed that his administration was destined to start the people of the country upon an era of great prosperity, and has been fully determined that it was his duty, a duty in harmony with his inclinations, to help along prosperity in every possible way, instead of doing anything that would be likely to retard it. His enemies thought he had fallen into their trap when it was cabled from Europe that an ulti matum had been submitted to Spain, but they were badly mis taken. The proposition submitted to Spain was a peaceable one, in tended to help along prosperity in the United States, by bringing about peace in Cuba and a restora tion of the commerce of $100,000, 000 a year we had with the island before the present revolution be began. Maj. McKinley has no ambition to add any new laurels to his military record, but he aspires to have his administration linked in the minds of the people with good times for everybody, believ ing with most sensible persons that the triumphs of commerce and industry are much better and greater than the triumphs of war. Some point to the close contest in Ohio as being a "knock" on the administration. When one takes into consideration that Ohio has gone republican only once on "off years" within the past twenty-four years, it can be seen at a glance that no reflection has been cast upon McEioley. Uushnoll, the republican candidate for governor is elected by a good plurality, and the legislature is republican, though close. Ilanna is a candi date to succeed himself and the victory has boen won with not only a bitter, personal fight made Nansen, the Arctic explorer, is in Washington. The defeat of Gorman in Mary land was hardly expected. Neith er political party is grieving over it He is a straddler. Ohio is safely republican, the legislature being fivej majority for that paity. It is said that Hanna will surely succeed himself. Thursday, Nov. 25, will be Thanksgiving Day, President Mc Kinley so designating it by procla mation. Bring on that turkey and thus assist a hungry and long suf fering editor and his family to be truly thankful that they are living in this year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. The free distribution of seeds by the government, it is said, is causing great loss to seed firms and has caused many to close up, This is governmental interference with private industry, jubt the same as the printing of stamped envelopes by the government in terferea with the printer. The government had just as well em bark in any other enterprise. The government ownership and control of transportation, telegraph and telephone lines is as justifiable as its plan of doing publio printing and of sending out seeds free of cost to the farmer. SCHOOL KEPOBT. Inherited Blood Taint. Here is a case of inherited blood taint which resulted in what threatened to be a comolete wreck of an innocent voting life. The most serious feature of beinir afflicted with a blood disease is the fact that innocent posterity must suffer. The man or woman with the slightest taint in the blood forces the undesirable leg acy of impurity upon their children whose veins flow with the impure inher itance which handicaps them in the race of life. No child who has a trace of bad blood can be healthy or strong, and those pre disposed to Scrofula are liable to a great deal of sickness, because their constitu tions are weak and cannot withstand the many dangers which beset the path of childhood. Medical statistics show that a majority of lung troubles result directly from Scrofula, so that a child afflicted with this disease is likely to fall a vic tim to dreaded consumption. - Mr. W. A. Clayton, of Addie, w. c, believes S.S.S. is the only blood remedy which can have any effect whatever upon obstinate cases. He says : " My three-year-old boy had the worst case of Scrofula I ever heard of. He DOGS NOT WELCOME. 8. B. Bale Is over from Butter Creek. Thoa, Woolery la up from lone today. R. D. Watkln. J. down from the "Saddle." M. Slchel, the Prinevllle atockman, ii In town. Can Matlock li in from the McDonald canyon ranch. Miss Etta Minor has returned from her visit Jo.t at Present They Are Unpopular avt Leicester. It will be remembered that the poor Indian, upon whose untutored mind the poet condescendingly comments, is ex hibited to ua as being1 under the erro neous impression what, when he shall to Portland, be promoted to on equal sky, his faith- a. Thompion, of the telephone construction ful dog will bear him company, says the gang, is in town. Tall Mall Gazette. The most sophisti- Mrs. B. M. McCormfck, of the "Saddle" is cated mind of the average Briton does registered at the Palace. not, perhaps, carry the conception so far: stilL that Briton's idea undoubted ly is that where he goes his dog, at his charges, may go too. It would be well, therefore, to Doint out at anj rate R. J. Carsner has been appointed postmaster at Wagner, Grant county. Edward M. Bartlett has been appointed reg ister of the land office at La Qrande, Or. W. H. Garrett, R. F. Oakes, 1. M. Fordyce and just at present he and his dog would not . H. Hebert, traveling men, are in town today. go to lieiceter, because, tnougn tne Wm Crank hg( loU hll possession, on the Leicester hotel keepers would be quite Nortn $0It ana wui locate in the Heppner ready and willing to receive him, they country. would in all probability absolutely de- M B M Knelard. a relative of Prof. Bon cline to receive or, in legal phrase, to ham 0f Long Creek, "arrived from below this harbor his canine companion. morning and left immediately for the interior. The reason for their declining to do H M Bryant, the new conductor who sue- Notice of Intention. Land Office at Ike Dallis, Osbgon, October, 8, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnllnwinr-named aettler baa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. w. Morrow, county uiera. at neppuci, Oregon, on Friday, November 19. 1897, via: JOHN E. FETERSON, of Gooseberry, Oregon, Homestead Mo. 4083 for the 8E4 of Sec 31 Tp S R 4 E W M. He names' the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank A. Lundell, Charles J. Anderson, John Johnson and August Carlson, all of Gooberry, Oregon, j p MOORE, 87-98 Register. so lies in the fact that a Leicester ho tel keeper has recently, in the opinion of the lord chief justice and Mr. Justice Wright, harbored a visitor's dog once too often. This particular dog be longed to A.; B., another visitor, at the same hotel, must needs take the dog for a drive in a cab. The dog may have been dissatisfied with the turnout, or ceeds Wm. Dunn, arrived this morning, Mrs. Bryant will Join her husband in the very near future. Last week four generations of the Galloway family met at M. B. Galloway's gallery in this place and were photographed. It was the occa sion of a family reunion. ? John Buseick came in yesterday from Ed Day'B ranch on Butter creek. Notice of Intention. T.iNn Ovrirc at Ths Dalles. Orkgok. Sept. 30, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Fov. 13th, 1897, vis: THOMAS J. MERRILL, Hd. E. No. 6234 for the NX NEK SEX NE Sec. 32 and 8W) N WW Sec. 33, Tp. 5, 8 R 26. E W M. He names tne lonowing wiiuesneB w pruo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Beniamln Parser, Frank Ward, Reuben Allen, Albert H. Allen, all of Haraman, uregon. 84-95 Register. CITATION. THE COUNTY JOCRT OF THE STAT . n . r-rt.tntv nf Morrow. In the matter of the estate of E. G. Sperry. de- in Jumni B. SDemr. administrator of the above-named estate greeting: In the name oi me wave i you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the state of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof at Heppner, In the cTount? ol Morrow, on Tuesday the 16th day of November. 1897, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why you should not be removed as such admin istrator and your letter revoked. . Witness, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge of the County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, with the seal of said court affixed, this 14th day of October, A. D. Attest: J.W.MORROW, 688-98 Clerk" SHERIFFS SALE. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT undbk l onri hv victim nf an execution and order This morning he 0f 8aie BSiiel out of the Circuit Court of the ueen aissatisnea wimi me turnout, or way b rancn on uunui u. ........... " "1lt;Tc" "V" "! "J? VV" 5 he might have had private ends of his tookouta.ix-horse load of grain using Ua 11 "re own to gain; but, anyhow, be bit the Marv Vanwlnkln Upon Ilim ID that BtatP, but tne Harry Weill Tbe following school reports bsve been handed tbe Gazette scribe by one of the High sohool pnplis. Tbev speak for themselves and make an excellent showing (or oar sohool: Boom one those neither absent nor tardy for the month of Ootober: Lulu Campbell Albart Adklni Annie Fried rich Rollo Casey Sybil Hager Earnest Clark Zllpha Hagor Harold Dunn Ceolla Hornor Joyce Flesher Alma Marlatt Bmnle Hughes Hazol Morrow Alva Jones Juanlta Matlock Clarence Hughes Blanch Redfleld Glenn Jones Bessie Osmln Victor McFarland Homer Marls Wilfred Meadows (luy Mathews Caului Mallory Allen Htrlvkfaden Louie Vanwlukle Roy Yeager Charlie Osmln Paul Bucknam. Iloom two those neither Bbsent nor tardy for tbe month of Oot: Ralph Adklns Nolson Bartholomew Opal Rrlggs Lei a Campbell Grace Casy Kay Emerson Vina EsUi. Robert Gllmore Zotta Hager Argus Hughes Rinma Her Leah Minor Kdlth Marlatte Harry Mallory Uraale Prater Clinton Gilliam Ora Roberta Grace Parkins Ktta Rogers Mamie Hunsakcr Myrtle Tolbert Ella Ayers Pick Weill MR. W. A. CLAYTON. was given many blood remedies without relief, and treated by the best doctors. He seemed to tret worse all the while, however, and the disease finally resulted in curvature of the spine, making him utterly helpless. " The bad sores on bis neck increased in size, and were a source of constant pain. He was in this pitiful condition for two veara. when some one recom mended S.S.S., etating that it had cured some of the worst cases of blood diseases, As soon as his system was under the ef feet of the medicine, the sores began to eet better, and in eieht days were com- pletely healed. Before long be could walk on crutches, and was improving every day. In three months he threw aside his crutches, for he had no further use for them : the dreadful disease had been eliminated entirely from his sys tem, and he was restored to perfect health. The cure was a permanent one, as no sign of the disease has returned for ten yean." S.S.S. is a real blood remedy, and promptly reaches all deep-seated and obstinate blood diseases, it matters not what other treatment has failed. It is the only remedy which acta on the cor rect principle of forcing tne disease irom the system and getting rid of it perma nently, S. S. S. is a sure cure for Scrofuls, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism, Tetter, and all other blood diseases. It is Purely Vegetable and is the only remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury or other harmful mineral. Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. cub horse. The driver proceeded for compensation not against B., through whose instrumentality the dog had been put in the way of biting the horse. nor against A., who, as owner, might have been considered responsible for the dog's actions. The driver knew his dog owner's act (1865), section 2, better than that. He proceeded against the occupier of the house or premises where the dog- was permitted to live the lu- tel keeper, to wit, and he triumphed. That is why Leicester hotel keepers de cline to harbor dogs just now. T H E LILY'S LESSO N. Influence of Beautiful Objects Upon the Characters of Young Pupils. At a teachers' convention in Detroit lately a lady, speaking about the in fluence of beautiful objects upon th'J ehnracter and conduct of young pupils, told a pretty story received by her from an eye witness, and thus reported by the News-Tribune. The occurrence tooic place in New York. "Into a school made up chiefly of chil dren from the slums the teacher one day carried a beautiful calla lily. Of course the children gathered about the pure, wnxy blossom in great delight. "One of them was a little girl, a waif of the streets, who had no care bestowed upon her, as was evinced by the dirty, rafged condition she was always in N'ot only was her clothing dreadfully soiled, but her face and hands seemed totally unacquainted with soap and water. "As this little one drew near the love ly (lower, she suddenly turned and ran :iwny down the stairs and out of th-; building1. In a few minutes she re turned with her hands washed perfectly -lean, and pushed her way up to the flower, where she stood and admired it with intense satisfaction. "It would seem," continued Miss Coffin, "that when the child saw the lily !n its white purity, she suddenly re alized that she was not fit to come into wairon. Jotin IS IB quue a leaui.iei moo . j., .nrt .nternrl in said court on the 5th Weston Leader: Mr. and Mr. Ransom Lleual- nclaf.S: len Intend to leave Monday of next wee lor mlj.,ionBr. or the sale of school and university Mnrrnw t'ountv on an extended visit. Mr. lands and for the investment of funds arising Lieualleu ha. a number of cattlein Morrow county. fendants for the .urn of Six hundred ninety . dollars with interest thereon from the 5th day u-v- of October, 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per Hon. Henry Blsckman was exhibiting annum, and fifty dollars attorney's fees, and f irinn.tB onld while tnefurtner sum oi iweniy-tnree ana ou-iuu aoi some Bycuiiucuo ui in tirwn yesterday. He bad 3 pieces, valued at 865, 48 and 813, all from Eldorado oreek, Klondike. Geo. Roes, lata rlnnntv oollector of oustomg Bt Circle City, brought down tbe gold. summons: N THE JU8TICE COURT OF THE SIXTH District of Morrow County, State of Oregon. D. E. Oilmen, PlalnUB, vs. R. W. Bearden. Defendant. To R W. Bearden, Deienaant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the under signed, a justice of the peace for the District, aloresaia, on tne ixn aay oi pwbuiwi, xovi, 10 o'clock , a. m., at the office of said justice, in said district, to answer the above named plain tin' in a civil action. The defendant will take notice that if he lau to answer tne complaint herein the plaintiff will take judgment against him for $248.95 and the cost, and disbursements oi stid action. This summons la served upon you in pursu ance of an order made and entered in said court on the 5th day of October, 1897. W. A. kichardson, justice oi tne reace, th Dls. Morrow Co.. State of Oregon. 85-98. . NOTICE OF INTENTION. Cure all liver ills, bilious- aaav ness, headache, sour atom- 1(3 I I M ach, indigestion, constipa- 111 3 tinn. Thev act easily, with- out oain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. SS eenM, The only rills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. lars costs which judgment wa. enrolled and docketed in the clerk', office of said court in Bald county on the 5th day of October, 1897, and whereas it was further ordered and decreed by the court that the mortgaged property to-wit The north-east quarter of section twelve (12) in townsmp one (ii norm range twenty-nve (25) East W. M., in Morrow county, Oregon, be sola to satiety Mia juagmenc, coat, ana accru ing cost.. I will, on Wednesday, tbe 1st day of December, 1897, at 2 o'clock, p m of wild day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner. Morrow county, Oregon, sen all tne right, title and interest of the Bald Henrietta E. Decker. O. W. Decker and K. F. Hughes in and to the above described property at public auction to tne nignest ana Dest maaer ior cssa in nana, tne proceeds to oe applied to tne satis faction of said execution and all costs and cost, ghat may accrue. Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon. Dated 28th day of Oct,, 1897. 92-601 Land Ornci at Ths Dalies, Obxoon, October 8, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of hi. claim, and that .aid proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 19, 1897, viz: CHARLES J. ANDER80N, of Gooseberry, Ore., Homestead No. 3734 for the NWJ4 of Sec. 31 Tp 2 SR24EW.M. He name, the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: rranx a. Lunoeu, jonn a. Peterson, Emll Lundell ond Andrew M. Peter son, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. jao. r. jnuutir., 87-98 Register. Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain, no cocnlne, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Relief at once. CATARRH J? It open, and cleanses the Nasal manage TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. OT1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR the purpose of making an examination of person, who may offer themselves as candi dates for teacher, of the schools of ths county and for state and life diplomas, the county scnooi superintendent tnereoi win noia a puo lie examination at the court house at Heppner, opening Wednesday, jov. lutn an: sup. m. J A I VY. otiiriE, I , 93-95 School Snpt., Morrow Co. rn.nibHF'An Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the nf Ta.ta and Bmell. Full Size 6ws. ; Tr:ul ui... in. mt UriMittimtm nr ItV m-lll. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New York. Timber Culture-Final Proof. Any person wbo is interested In British Columbia should write to W. H. Hurlburt, general passenger agent of tbe O. R. & N.,for a oopy of Pat Donan'i lit tle "booklet," "The New Bonanzaland." II is well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf. NEW DEAL ! WASH THOMPSON Has lately ere o ted a building on the Ayers property, near tbe corner of Main and Wil low streets, opposite the City hotel, which be is using as a MC&T M iniCT Mr. Thompson will overlook nothing in his line FULL LINE OF MEATS AND SAUSA6ES. FISH EVERY FRIDAY.' Come to tbe Gazette office and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Qovernment envelope look obeap, and besides you cannot get your business oard printed tbereon. tf sis f.iNn rtrrira AT THS DALLXS. OrKQON. November 8th. 1897. m.TrvrTf'F TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN- IN drew Carlson has filed notice of Intention to make final oroof before J. W. Morrow, Coun- tv clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on is atmosphere, and the little thinff fled ,tmter culture application No. 2ti06. for the north-eBt quarter oi section no. f, hi tuwusmp Kn a annlh ran 170 Nn. 24 eaat W. M. Ha name as witnesses: Frank A. Lundell, Andrew Anderson, Olof Bergntrom and John Johnson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. J AH. F. MOORE. 595-608 Register. Emma McBrl.le batteries of the whole opposition, liooai nree those neither absent Dor frm .11 nnrta rf flin ITnif,,,! KUfna ,Hr"' lvt m"M ! v ' IU.11U.11 Will. trained upon the camp. The ad- uu.r Meadows ministration did well under the !" w'!" Glenn Wells Circumstances. Johnnie Holieru McKinloyis a patriotic citizeu "!","',i , Nellie Vtllkln. and this has been a potent luflu- NoraUatiock ence during his administration so IJ'1,1 yjjj.,m,ll'k far. There have been no scandal- rr.i.ii cider ons bond deals, nor will there be. Jm-'i'Kaand lie will direct affaira for the ureal. '!'"' n-dr.n . . . I Kootn four tboee neither neeot nor est goou lor me largest number Uld, for the month of (. and that is what the people want. Ar,ViMHilVamew Gertrude Walbrlilgo Eva Hughe. Wllla Minor Hlam-he Kites Hlam he Mi'Nay Glenn Burroiinlis Nellie Howard Stella Ulande Florence Hughes tailor Ullllain GumU Ayers Marlon Hornor Jlmmlo lleuile A bos was born to the wife of (ItMirire Hiiuhea Mary M. Hwur.ll P.. ra Crater May Hperry Kalph Hlthon Kallv Minrrt Kater Kord laura Hughes Nellie 1 Ah lie Clara Morgan Fella Johnaon Mabel At era Bertha Matlurk Ralph Thouipaon Groyer Cleveland at Princeton, "', i"r t 1 .m.i mm 4 iu It-Kim n-IIih Hohool-thoseneith- October iiStu. What the matter er absent nor lardy for the month of with Clrover? He's all right, eayi tho Hood Kiver Glacier. (lot.: Annie Mettrtde I.1fI Howard lena GlaaaeiM'k l.llllan Mi'Nay v millennium JpiiiiI Kirk Kaala l.r Kia Hartliolomf W t ore Hart Bechetaut Wii.hon'8 plan of Laving all the seed distributed by J",',!!..''"!'!" Iha ilAmtrtmntif it Brtrimilf nra innl aiar Mor . I fcarl Mifarland in bulk to aHhington and tested! before Wing sent out cannot be car ried out, owing to the construction of the act appropriating the money to purchase the seed. A decision Gertrude Bishop Kmma Farmworth Klale Ayi-ra Charlotte Hhlpley Ttireaa flealirr Mary l4Mx.f Ih.ra MuMrn Plots Parnaworth Ida Howard Frank K.xol I) Matlock Charlra llornnr Uiiaaie Mallory nwny to nuike herself suitable for such companionship. Did not this have at' .-levntinpr. refining effect on the child'' It us gather all the beauty we can Into the schoolroom," Muscles In Bike Work, It is strange that so many people should seem to think that bicycling de velops only the muscles of the leg. Criticisms of this kind, however, are usually heard from those who have not tried this mot fascinating means of recreation and exercise, hxpenenee ha proved that bicycling brings into piny and develops all the important muscles which help to build up the physical structure. Of course the leg receive the greutest amount of exer- clue, but the use of the arms, back and chest ia very important. When a stoep Incline ia encountered the legs alone would be unable to supply sumcient propulsivcpower. The handle bars must be firmly grasped, and the strain on them is very great; in fact they might le broken if at all defective, which give a faint Idea of the great strength that must be put forth by the arms und back. Wearing Away of Coins. former money wear away rapidly. In HH years $5K worth of pence would H. r.Hmitb Bona, shoe roanufsotorere be worth only $250, while tbe same ot Chicago, is In town today. nomt 01 w ,,., . . , ,. .I". IT l-rill. I mm . T . 1.' I 1. I. . . 1.... .n.Kin. I 1 ... .... . t . 1 j aa. ninurr, w nu um mm MH) worth of shillings, on me om- a few days in Ueppner, will go out lo hmi would be worn to the extent work for lhoa. Onaid this winter. tins. The less the value of coin i - A race between Dotch and P.t MoT- -ur- the J- . a hi . II .i A IrTUI T I'll II aw - - " Dh. i mile, iiu a sine, wmoe oanea ....' In it for Business AWVta. LETTER LIST. The G lte is only $2 00 a year now. Fete Brenner is ovr from Eiibt Mile today. Jnhnny Ooohrao ia np from lone to day on business. Vawter Crawford, our old foreman, is back io bis old place again. John Ilickey, the sheepman, was a yisitor t Heppner yestsiday. Johnny MoFerrio is oyer from tbe Morrow rsnnh on llhea oreek rtul Trenton, the former postmaster ot Lena, was In town yesterday. ltenb Hperry came np from lone yes terday with Dutob.the race burse. Uon. W. U. Ellis returned borne Ban day morning at tar a few days' visit to Eastern Oregon towna. Thomas W. Jenkins, wbo represents 1 ETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER IJ Or., Nov. 1, 187. Croft., John O Kady, Mark T Downer, C A I-oveJoy, A mo. L Dugxan, Wm Mason, Ella Henry, Mrs Alice Martin, James L Johnson, Mr OK Smith, Mr. Clara When calling for those letter, please aay advertised. J. P. W 1LMAMS, v. M. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MfM&T . J. M. HAGER. GENERAL MERCHANDISE 41- Iajthe place to go to get your fine pork and Iambi chopa, steaks and roasts. I FISH EVERY FRIDAY Pine augar-ciired ham. and bacon. Pure leaf lard, settle-reimereo. oici style. Highest ceati price paid for fat stock. RHEA & MATHEWS. NOHTII PAClflO WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Groceries. Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. 'n Rural Spirit ! tear. I II v. D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. tbe Heppoer track today at 2 p. m Hen Pwsggart returned from Weston rapidly aa a sovereign. Tkoroagkbr4 Maria Harks. V. 0. Drown, ths well known breeder, ia over from Tendteton with a On lot of I Merino bucks which he offer for sal. of Comptroller Tracewell, of the Tb backs ar high grad and need no treasury rendered at the re.iuoat h01'1 rwwrom0,Ul'"oi- Th rMhal b'om ofhecrctary llson, aayt tbe aeetla ' ' K. I,by. printen,Unt of cm- canony m purcuanoa a.reaay put ber , h, lofolBulloo 00, lip in packftgoa ami lalwltvl for ilia- ,,, dir ran U bad. Mr. Drown tnbution. la Li annual report bo I stopping at tb rlo boM Becretarjr Wilaon will probably ' V- to hsv pereonal Inter ,,v,mmo.t . -I..,,,,-, l II, r.t. mienamg parooaaers. a vv' au hii v sivwaiaw u iuu n vi i Now I tb tiro to set th Weekly May. II baa nieely luratad ?? ..... . . , . fll ,n 1 1 IV on. niiu .uv "1 ' M w.w- ln Iliai nine ciiy wurre uie cunurvu wm attend tb Normal. Unit a number of freighters got in from tb interior yesterday and report Ih roads pretty heavy owing to tb rain in tb mountain. Tb Osrett i glad to not that Mrs. Obaa. Ooohran. tb wif of "Uncle' (ESTABLISHED IN IK.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. PEVOTKD TO at i- i i ... .... a'l no HI. h.tL.. uombinaiion of ue paper eanb mad A rrnCUltUrC la the alata. I S . . . Uairymg, Live-Stock aptdylnsr CbamWrlaiu a Ey and 1 'Turi at t it a . a , Tetter, Halt-Kheura and Fxsrmaw Tbe intense lU hlnir and smart Idr, Inci dent to thoee dim. 1 instantly allayed iy apply Inir Cbamtjpriaiu a fcy ana Hkln Ointment. Many Tery ta Ce have been pennaofntly enred by it. It Charley, I. ranch b-.W, and n ta en.lly efflclent for itching chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites) and chronic sore eyr. w eta. per ooa. and breeder in Oregon. mt Ing of the boch! clauao of tlia noit appropriation tilt. trnetion tor tb Intend Telephone Co., aooompanied by Frank rio'tgin, of Walla Walla, wer ia towa last Friday. 8. W. Hivenerr is now thort a span of I ..." a, . . C a a. . . a, black. Tbey wer allowed to ma on medkln anfl tne ! in ne JJT" lb Ueppner oommon., and h. f.iled prime OondiUoo. Prfcw 8S Ilr radv's r-ndlUoa l'ewdrr. are jiint what a horsw Dwla when in bad oonilitlon. Tonic, Diooa pnnner sinu vnnntfuire. TheT are not food but 8UB8CIUPTION: M.on PER YEAP. Sam pi 00 pie fr.) Kiiral Hpiril and Oasett both for t'l.tH). cash, at this offloa. to show np for Mveialdaj. A liltl aJ ' 1 ,t..i. Kf Mm... t-.i. l .. .i. In th (taatt. "Hlne ' might oaoa Mr. t. Pan Hmllh, K1 00 la lb tisn.U of Tom DI.Iob, ' animal to relnrn. BO VIARt IXPIRIBMOK. bridg work, costing 171. Dr. Vanghaa is abl to, and doe eoospeU with tb doctor from tb metro poll or any other plso, la hi tin. ... . . ,, oaoa Mr. U. ran nmlin, wire oi lorn weti know a mas agar of M. Hiehel A Co, ol I . ,, . . i t. vi' i.... ... -r.i. if i. . . i i rioeviii. eswi ovr mi a". . . uui iifiiuniliiig wi an, nsrira, wn mi A tifival letter tO till Olu trom tj. V, I t .... t a... "... ..... ,..1 I vangaan ao om aenwi wm. in vww artPliu luturroa ns iui o aun ui. i . n . n t -a - . . I iq ooeior maiia aa riwimi Can, UM iM'gUD ailOtllPr Ol UI IH'!- " " " 7. ' . , V : " aimniwrg-r, ii.t. .,,,. 11. .,,ll..l U8j ,,UI ,n ,h Tb. th Waahitigton hotel on 4 tret In -,..,v...i.. . (.i,m-t ai.l thMtnah Jnatuxl I-...II.. I .hlnh lh.i aiill onna,l ftgainal tuo ciacliouB I railroad Hicbrdoa. I np for bealoe shortly. corporattona. I UK lima bo ia at-1 At th etwra bona oa Ta.t evea liar IKa W .itttrftn KaiiilltJkrn at tarl t Ik lali. Imt. No, lit. th La Iim (luiM of lb '. ...... .. . . . I Ki.iaoonal rhnrch will tlv a fair. Sap- Mlb. an,lotbilt ay.toro. to n- - '"""Tr tr -.11 b -rvd fwft to ..l-fc. rJ.u ,d.;.r.. requirinfi tie railroad c..r n... uaw ,-r w bieb 'be , ..u. L--V pMiorei ia th. t.i.rioe. toaell LOW-mila l.k. f.i, t.H). H.f'" " U Hk" ' " .M'!' L' "i.,D.aT 1.11 appe.r.n th.y did not fl.4 .. . -- .. I ' " "'"r i"". "'"" ''- lb baalsea point iwy i Kioa ior two y eara, neo uaea ly u, ardmar y tourtat aleepersi, being boilt " " " " l'"-"" - " pci,i. amy piruiiier vi iuo isiuuy, ius oi in earue piaa aa regular ieprs, LakaHLoro oa.J rcfusod lo Bell P0' afholslered la Iratl.P Instead of auch a took to Ih gomnor, Lo',u,u- Tbi.a..l.. nf car ., ., al Hitoksn wtlb similar rr rnnnlng to th root Man' their slock of i J la ..,., .. f 1 "s. K TBADf MAKS, eopvatoHTa a. a una) aaalm a - t4 lmi'Ha aat aL-air a ' rr, aa In -w" la miwMr 4iaMav i i..bmii atrvif ,a.tM.iimi. 1"'1 mmm 1 f iwann. .i m'4 aa A awicav W a. H aainii om. fMaaia lakaa lanM BtaM Lav rn.ira s, ..i.l aoauai ia tia 8SIENTIFI0 AMERICA, miif.Hf iRaatime. twvaat mii-ai nf tllilrfcl i,l.r..i ..!. It la ttfctbtk avawtiiut. few wa I'atairra M Iim Atnm MUNN A CO., Mt Braa, fark. tat Wanted-In Idea JSr" Blankets! Blankets! ZJ I 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. Cotton Blankets 00c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. Wc also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at S3.00. Dot the Only Blanket On Earth U the, W ar aol agenU for Ibo, having boagbl ear etir lie io Jaea, il enable n to sail I boa eelabrated good at th earn pnot aaked for laferior braad. Call aad irala. MINOE & CO. mm wm f. 11 T frr af ttif i a. nu (Am wal'll hi k a xi, r.Ml ft- an Saimia. t . .. l , a an-.M-u i t .i iu H.rWn. oo iu. , Ml ,((bo0, u g yero'r it e nng to take tb caa VH- ant m wi u-awthM awiai,